Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Your Testimony Is Part of Your Healing

Your Testimony Is Part of Your Healing - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
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Your Testimony Is Part of Your Healing - Morning Prayer

I give myself away, come on and worship the king with me on this morning. I give myself, come on church, I give myself away, so you can use me, sing your church, I give myself away. Thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Ghost. I give myself away, so you can use me, tell him here I am, so here I am. Here I stand, Lord my life is in your hands. And Lord I am longing to see your desires reveal in me, come on I give myself away. Thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Ghost, I give myself away, so you can use me, come on church, I give myself away. Thank you Holy Ghost, glory to God, I give myself away, so you can use me, tell him take my life, take my heart, take my life as a living sacrifice, all my dreams, all my plans. And Lord I place them in your hands, tell him church, I give myself away, glory to God, thank you Holy Ghost, I give myself away, so you can use me, tell him we say yes, come on church, and we say yes, someone tell the Lord yes on this morning, yes, tell the Lord, yes, yes, and Lord, yes, come on and tell him yes, and we say yes, glory to God, yes, yes, Lord, yes, good morning. And welcome to another morning prayer broadcast. This is Jeffrey Zimmerman with you again, filling in of course for Pastor Sean Pinder. Today it is an honor and privilege to be able to fill in for him and sit before all of you on this platform and minister the Word of God and share God's Word with God's wonderful people. My wife Melanie and I are so thankful and excited to be serving alongside Pastor Sean, Pastor Amy in the ministry, and we're just excited about the things that God is doing in his people today. And we're still continuing on in the series, The Necessity of Faith. Faith is a necessity, you know. Once the Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God. And what we're focusing on is faith for healing, you know. We know that there are many, many people out there who are in need of healing. And we want to talk about that some more today. We talked yesterday about healing is for everybody. And if you missed that one, please do listen to that because I think it was very encouraging. And we're about to continue with this one today. But before we do that, we want to begin in a word of prayer. Father God, in the name of Jesus, Melanie and I join our faith with all of your wonderful people on the broadcast today. Lord, for every person that has tuned in and is listening, God, I pray that you would encourage their faith, strengthen their faith today. Give them the faith to believe for their miracle. Why don't you just lift your hands to heaven today, saints, and begin to praise God. Lord, we love you. We give you praise, we give you honor, we give you glory. Oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, we just love you Lord. We're so thankful for where you have brought us from. We're so thankful for you bringing us here today. Lord, for every person under the sound of my voice today, I pray that you would encourage them, strengthen them, build them up, Lord. Those who may be at the end of their rope, ready to throw in the towel, give them hope today, God. Let them know that you've not forgotten about them. Let them know that your mind is on them right now and that you have a word for your people that will encourage them and lift them up. Lift people, Lord, out of their despair. Lift them out of their depression. Lift them out of the place where the enemy has tried his best to destroy them. Oh Lord, Jesus touched them right now and heal them, heal their bodies, heal their minds, heal their hearts. Let the word of God come forth today, Lord God, in strength and power. And Lord, let the word be so simple that even a child will be able to understand what you are saying to the church. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen and Amen, Amen. Now today we're going to talk about your testimony is part of your healing. The Bible says in the book of Revelation, they overcame him, meaning the devil, through the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. Now you hear us talk all the time on the broadcast about, when we're talking about healing, you hear us always say, you need to share your testimony, you need to, you know, email us your testimony,, you need to get on there and email us your testimony. But I don't, I don't know if a lot of times we understand that many times our testimony is a part of our healing, Amen. We're about to see that today and we're going to look at a very familiar passage of scripture concerning the woman with the issue of blood. And we are going to talk about the woman with the issue of blood, but really our focus is going to be on Jairus. Remember the man whom Jesus was going with him to heal his daughter who was dying, Amen. We're going to look at that right now. So in Mark chapter five, verse 22 says, "And behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet and besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter, lieth at the point of death, I pray thee, come and lay your hands on her, that she may be healed, and she shall live." Now this was one of the rulers of the synagogue. He might have been a Pharisee, the Bible doesn't say, but he was definitely up there with the Pharisees as far as his position was concerned, right? So he was kind of taking a chance on coming to Jesus because Pharisees didn't like Jesus. Remember the Pharisees were jealous of Jesus. They didn't like the fact that he could heal people and they couldn't, Amen. So he had favor with the people. The people liked him, the people didn't like the Pharisees, Amen. So they didn't like him, they wanted to kill him, they wanted to silence him, you see. So this man, Jairus, was kind of taking a chance at coming to Jesus about this. But, see, Jairus was a desperate father, and how many of you know that desperation will make you do things that you may not normally do, Amen? And it will make you ignore all the naysayers, ignore all the excuses of why you shouldn't do thus. And so, you know what? Jairus said, "My daughter's dying, I need a miracle now." And then, so he came to Jesus. And so Jesus went within the Bible, says in verse 24, "And much people followed him and thronged him." So Jesus is in a crowd, and he's trying to go with Jairus to his house to lay his hands on Jairus' daughter. And all this crowd is pushing Jesus around, they're pushing, they're shoving, they're thronging him, you see. They're probably all trying to get to him and touch him and see him, you know, kind of like people do celebrities, you know, nowadays. Jesus was somewhat of a celebrity, I guess you might say, in this day and time. And it says, "A certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and it suffered many things of many physicians had spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse." Now here we learn some things about this woman, number one, she had an issue of blood. Now the Bible talks about the issue of blood in the book of, I think it's Exodus, where Moses is, or God is giving Moses the law and then Moses gives it to the people. And one of the things that people were told to do, if you have an issue of blood, it's kind of like leprosy, you got to keep apart from other people. You got to wear certain things that let people know you're unclean and you have to stay apart and call out unclean and you can't be around the general public, you see. So this woman was kind of isolated, you see, for twelve years she had this problem, right? And it said she suffered many things of many physicians, so she went to many doctors. And she spent all she had. Now here's a woman that's trying to do something about her condition, amen? She's not just laying around, waiting to die, she's going to the doctor, she's trying to get help. And you've heard Pastor Sean say many times on the broadcast that he believes in doctors, I believe in doctors. You know, I have a doctor, my wife goes to the doctor, amen, when we got problems, we go to the doctor, amen, you know, to get fixed up and to feel better, you see. And so she spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse. So for all her efforts, she was in a worse condition now than she was at the first, you see. And it said when she heard of Jesus, see this is one of the things that builds your faith. When you hear about what Jesus is doing, that's why your testimony is so important. What did she hear? She heard other people's testimonies. She heard how Jesus had put his hands on the sick and they recovered. She heard how he caused the death to hear, caused the lame to walk, caused the personal telepathy to be cured. You see, she heard of him. She heard of his miracles, you see. And she came in the press behind and touched his garment. So the testimonies from all of these other people gave her the faith to believe God for her own healing, you see. And so when Jesus was passing through the place where she was, she came in the press behind. Now she was also taking her life in her hands because remember she had an issue of blood. She wasn't supposed to be out in public like this, but she came in the press behind and she touched his garment. For she said, if I may, but touch his clothes, I shall be whole. See she had faith. Where did she get that faith from? From others. Testimonies. Amen. Are you starting to understand that the testimony is vitally important because your testimony may be the key to someone else getting their miracle, amen. So it's vitally important and we're going to see that even more here in just a moment. So she said, if I may, but touch his clothes, I shall be whole. And straight way, the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. You know, nobody knows a person's body better than that person. Amen. You know, when you go to the doctor and you tell the doctor what's wrong, the doctor can only go by what you tell them. And sometimes the doctor doesn't realize that something's really wrong. You know, they may look at you, look you over and say, no, no, you're fine, but you know you're not fine because you feel it inside you, you see. But this woman could feel inside her that the plague was healed. She was healed. She was made whole. Now watch what Jesus did immediately, knowing in Himself that virtue had gone out of Him. Virtue means power. Jesus felt in Himself that healing power had gone out of Him. Now this part is very important because Jesus could have just been like this. He could have just said, I felt healing power go out of me. Somebody in this crowd just got healed. Well praise God. I'll just not make a big deal about it. I'm trying to accompany Jayre's here. His daughter is dying at the point of death. You know, this is an urgent situation. I'll just not worry about this, this other person that got healed. I'll just leave that between them and God. And they can just have their private little time of giving thanks, but that's not what Jesus did. Jesus was on His way to healing Jayre's daughter. Jayre's daughter was in trouble. She had an emergency situation. She could die at any moment. And yet when Jesus felt healing virtue go out of Him, He turned about in the press and said, who touched my clothes? Now you need to get this. This is very important. His disciples said unto Him, you see the multitude thronging you and you say who touched me? And in another gospel that gives this same account, Jesus said, no, no, no, no. This touch is different because I felt virtue. I felt power. I felt healing power go out of me. This isn't just somebody coming and bumping up against me like the rest of this crowd is doing. Somebody in this crowd touched me and got a healing. And the Bible says in verse 32, He looked round about to see her that had done this thing. It was so important to Jesus to find whoever was healed and get that testimony that He paused going to help Jayre's daughter who was at the point of death to stop until he found out who touched me. Now if the Lord of Lords thought it was that important to get this person's testimony, I think we should understand how important it is when we get a healing, when we get delivered, when we get a miracle, you got to share that testimony. Amen. It's important. God thinks it's important. Remember what we said yesterday? We said that Jesus always did the will of His Father. If He's stopping to find out who touched Him, that means the Father wants to know. That means the Holy Ghost wants to know. That means He wants it publicized. He wants you to broadcast it. He wants you to get on and send us, email us that testimony of what God did for you. Verse 33 it says, "The woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her," and see she's fearing and trembling because she knows she's in trouble. She's not supposed to be out in public like this, remember what we said. She came and fell before Him and told Him all the truth. And Jesus said unto her, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole. Go in peace and be whole of your plague." Now notice Jesus did not tell her, "Your faith has made you whole until she came forth with her testimony." Her testimony was part of her healing. Yeah, she was healed. She could feel the healing inside her body. She could tell the issue of blood had stopped. But suppose she had been disobedient. As Jesus looked around saying, "Who touched me?" And instead of coming forward, she just backed into the crowd and kind of disappeared. Not only would you and I not have the benefit of her testimony to read in the Bible, which by the way, this testimony has encouraged countless numbers of people throughout the ages to believe for their own miracle, amen? But she herself might not have been made completely whole. The disease might have come back. You see? And she might have even been worse than before. You see, your testimony is important. Now watch this in verse 35, "While Jesus yet spoke," now He's just finishing up with a woman with the issue of blood. He's about ready to turn now and continue going with Jairus. While He yet spoke, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house from Jairus' house certain which said, "Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the master any further?" The words that Jairus did not want to hear. That He feared the most had come true. He was in the process of trying to get Jesus to His house. Jesus stopped to get one woman's testimony and while He was speaking, the daughter died. But listen to this, as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said unto the ruler of the synagogue, "Be not afraid, only believe." Now this is what I want to draw attention to right here. As I was reading through this, it occurred to me, I thought, "Wait a minute. The Holy Ghost never does anything by accident, right? The Holy Ghost always does everything for a reason. I believe the Holy Ghost caused this woman to come to Jesus for her healing at this exact moment for a reason. I believe that Jairus seeing her healed, it's possible he might have known her. Apparently she was a pretty well-to-do woman if she was able to go to the doctor for twelve years, because some people, they can't go to the doctor, so it's possible he might have known, we don't know for sure, but it's possible he might have known her. But at any rate, whether he knew her or not, when he heard and saw, he heard her testimony and saw that she was healed and heard Jesus tell her, "Your faith has made you whole." I believe that testimony gave Jairus the extra boost he needed. Now just suppose that woman had not testified. Just suppose, like we said before, she didn't come forward. Even though Jesus said, "Be not afraid, only believe," Jairus might have been crushed. Jairus might have said, "You know what, Lord Jesus, just don't worry about it. My daughter's dead, it's too late." That might have been impossible for him to recover from that. But because he saw a miracle happen on the way and the woman came forward to share her testimony, I feel like God is talking to somebody today. Some of you listening to me right now have been healed on this broadcast, listening to the testimonies, "Arrah Patayakadadadabababayasi," listening to the testimonies of people who have been touched on this broadcast. Maybe you saw the woman during three nights of miracles who was healed of having to wear a leg brace when Pastor Shah was holding her leg brace high for the congregation to see. Maybe you saw the woman running back and forth who was healed of rheumatoid arthritis. Maybe you heard of Lydia who had not been able to even get out of bed or walk for ten months who got a healing, a miracle of healing. Or maybe you've heard of one of the countless others who've been healed on these broadcasts, that gave you the faith to believe for your own miracle. Friends, that's how important it is for you to testify. You've got to share your testimony. You can't keep it to yourself. Remember when Jesus healed the ten lepers and only one turned around to say thank you and give glory to God? Jesus said, "Well, where are the nine, weren't there ten?" Jesus got upset because the other nine did not come back to glorify God, to share their testimony, to tell about what God did for them. We're not trying to promote ourselves. We're not trying to promote the ministry. We're trying to give honor and glory to God for the things He has done. Pastor Shah and Pastor Amy say all the time that they are not the healer. I'm not the healer. We are not healer, Jesus is the healer. And look what happened in Mark 5, Chapter 37. He, Jesus, suffered no man to follow Him except Peter, James and John, the brother of James. He took the daughter, Jairus' daughter by the hand, and sent it to her Talafakuma, which is being interpreted damsel, I say unto thee, I rise. And straight away, the damsel arose, and what? For she was of the age of twelve years, and they were astonished with a great astonishment. Now isn't it interesting? This little girl is twelve years old. The woman with the issue of blood had the problem for twelve years. Folks, these two healings were related. Are you listening to me today? I believe that that woman had to share her testimony at that moment to help Jairus realize, hey, wait a minute, if God can do it for this woman and Jairus probably realized, wait, she's had this problem the same number of years as my daughter has been alive. My daughter's going to be healed. Amen? Hallelujah. Glory to God. I believe somebody just got a revelation right now. You're about to be healed. Glory to God. Let's just give a clap offering to God and praise Him. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for the healing. Thank you for your miraculous power. Thank you for your word that gives us faith and gives us assurance and gives us comfort in our time of need. Thank you, Lord God, for ministering to your people today. Lord, I pray that if there's anyone listening to me today that needs a healing, God, touch their bodies right now. And Lord, make them able to go to three nights of miracles, the next three nights of miracles, Lord God. Let make a way where there seems to be no way. Let everything work out for them, Lord God. Lord Jesus, draw them. Draw your people, Lord God. Work among your people right now. In the name of Jesus, Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God. And just in case there are any of you listening today who have not yet come to know Jesus, the Bible says if today you hear God's voice, harden not your heart, if you feel the pull of the Holy Ghost on your heart, now is the time to get saved, amen. And that we love miracles of healings. We testify, we love them. We've seen so many healings and we love them, but there is no miracle so great as the miracle of salvation, of someone's soul being delivered from the flaming pits of hell. And if you are listening to this broadcast today and you want to get saved, just repeat after me say, Father God, I thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. I believe he died on the cross for me. They placed him in a borrowed tomb and three days later he rose from the dead and he is coming again one day. Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. Lord, I make you Lord and master of my life. I turn my back on the world, the flesh and the devil. And I will serve you from this day and for the rest of my life, in Jesus name I pray, amen and amen. And if you have prayed that prayer today and meant it with all your heart, we want to welcome you into the family of God. You now are saved, glory to God, we're just thankful, we're just happy. Heaven is celebrating over you being saved today, type below the video. Do it right now, say I have just surrendered my heart to Jesus because it's very important because Jesus said if you're ashamed of me here on earth, I will be ashamed of you before my Father in heaven. See, your testimony is part of your healing, amen, amen. And for those of you who have been healed, either today or at some other point in one of these broadcasts, if you have not yet testified, please, please send us an email Let us know about your healing so that I can give you a call and get the details of your healing so that we can share your testimony and others can receive God's miracle working power in their lives as well, amen. Amen. God bless you. We love you. Take care. To support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses ministries. You can also give through the ministry app, many of you have downloaded the shanpinder ministries app, amen. You can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry's account, the ministry's email address is You can also give through the ministry cash up account that addresses the dollar sign shanpinder ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account that addresses app shanpinder ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shanpinder ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. Never forget me and my beautiful white pastor, Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [music] (upbeat music)