BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 893. Answering אמן (Amen) to Your Own Bracha. Answering אמן to the Bracha You Hear from the Chazan When You Finish Your Own Bracha. Is Answering אמן to Someone Else's Bracha After You Make Your Own Bracha Before You Take a Bite or Sip?

Answering אמן (Amen) to Your Own Bracha. Answering אמן to the Bracha You Hear from the Chazan When You Finish Your Own Bracha. Is Answering אמן to Someone Else's Bracha After You Make Your Own Bracha Before You Take a Bite or Sip?

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
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Answering אמן (Amen) to Your Own Bracha. Answering אמן to the Bracha You Hear from the Chazan When You Finish Your Own Bracha. Is Answering אמן to Someone Else's Bracha After You Make Your Own Bracha Before You Take a Bite or Sip?
Welcome everybody, Shih number 893, getting back to our hokas brochos. Okay, we started talking about last year from simon rage learning last year from simon rage test 5 in reference to answering our main and the various different halojas of answering our main. So we said that the makhapat told us one is not allowed to enter our main to the wrong brocha, fine. Mishapur explained to us it's a dava maguna, something that's you know not supposed it's not a nice thing to do, let's put it like that and we just mentioned just real quickly hazoring over. We said that in shul which comes up all the time, if somebody is finishing a verbracha of two, let's say for example gaitre amarese and the hazen is finishing the same brocha, if you finish at the same time you're not supposed to enter a main to the hazen's brocha because it looks like you're answering a main to your own brocha but if you finish, if you finish and he said, he said the dish we're in ous number one, a la emkane siam brocha karris, mechazen shaz is moto la la anisamin if it's a different brocha and you both ends and finish at the same time then you could answer a main. Okay, so okay it's just I want to continue in the Mishabura, sifkatan alaf. Now he says like this, he says the mai sabinim in lush nagama in sifkatan alaf like we said, we were in the middle, but he was in hagama or mash but the loi ous number is to that to answer a main and one's own brocha, it's hard to say it's an answer, rakum agunna, it's not a nice thing to do. Hani mila the loi ous number there, hefsek, okay but but but then he says he says like this, which is what we want to try and pull out. Avel in verrahal isad of amitzvah, if somebody made a brocha anamitzvah, anamitzvah she writes a la sifkatan enu, I made a brocha anamitzvah, it's an enu, meaning right, I made a brochaan cake, I made a brochaan on my soda, whatever the case is, I made a brochaan of food, for example, or smell, whatever but the bottom line is the hefsek bizah, I made a brocha, lai sait dumfer, but and then I said the word main to my own brocha, besides being something that's a dafim agunna also isr, then he says it is a isr, it's not allowed to be done, isr, the isr bizah, verrah isr muevarach, and you would have to talk, go back and re-say it again, that's how far he goes, you'd have to go back and re-say it again, he brings down in the sharatee, and oh let's say, let's say I finish good, I finish my brocha, and I can't answer a man, but now I'm answering a man, good to my brocha, I can't answer a man, if I do, and according to the Mishabirah, at least you'd have to re-say the brocha, but now let's say I answer a man to somebody else's brocha, right, I make my brocha on my soda, and I'm about to drink, but so I answer, I mean not to my brocha, I hear somebody else making a muzonos on their cake, somebody else making a muzonos on the cookies, I answer a man to his brocha, to the other guy's brocha, so now do I have to say over my brocha, I didn't say I mean to my brocha, so he brings in the bira locha, very interesting, he says in his bays, right, sif cotton bays in the sharatee, and actually, at the bira locha, the sharatee, oh no, oh, I mean acha brocha, right, so oh, he's bays is going on just that, and he says like this, oh no, oh, I mean acha brocha, oh you say ish acha, I'll answer a man to somebody else, so do I have to make over my brocha, again also, totally but plucked, he says it's a maklai kiss, and sir, locha locha locha, the taz, according to the taz, but the yevid, and sir, locha locha locha, according to the taz, you don't have to make it, well maklai brocha, I'm going to the maklai brocha, I'm sorry, you would have to remake it again, so it's not so simple, it's a problem. Okay, just to read from the sifra, it's a locha, it's a nice, he says the same thing, which is the misha brocha, I'd see, and I just go through it, he says like this, and he says it's a kimla, with some enration taz vav, he's kimla, and bira locha, he's a mitzvah, it's a mitzvah, like we saw in the misha brocha, right, so locha is a bira locha, man, you make a brocha, on a mitzvah, you make a brocha, on a drink, food, whatever, the ta'va ona, ona in al bechassas, where you make, and then you make a brocha, ah, you say your main, and your own brocha, I raise a hefsek, it's a mamasha hefsek, it's a mamasha hefsek, it's a lach cellivaric cellivaric cellivaric cellivaric cellivaric cellivaric cellivaric cellivaric cellivaric, you have to make over another brocha, like we saw in the misha brocha. Okay, he brings this, by the way, from the prima godum, Elio Raba, others, okay, but then he says, like we ended off, and he doesn't say which way to go, but the bottom line this should not be done, So if you make it to yourself, say it again, it's a Mamcha Hefsek, but if you said, 'Amen to Yom Rocha', herese, 'Hefsek, verse, verse, verse, shaykh, 'Amen, 'Amen, Afa, Birkhaz, Khavera', but you made it, as said, 'Amen, to somebody else's brotha', before you took a bite, or before you did the mitzvah, and you said, 'The brotha, yesh, yesh, yesh, yesh, yesh, that's why he says that, it's makloch, it's makloch, it's like so on the shower scene, between the tas and the tas says, 'You don't have to', and the manganah from him says, 'You have to', bottom line is, one has to be extremely careful when making a brotha, before they do the mitzvah, in other words before they do the mitzvah, between the brotha and the mitzvah, between the brotha and the food and the drink or whatever, in case of my beat, not to answer, 'Amen, if they did', you're running into makloch, as do I say over, do I not? I mean, in general, Suffolk, brotha, is lahakal, so lahah you would not say over, but be it as it may, it doesn't matter, you don't want to get into such makloch, because you don't want to start up with this whole thing, and be careful when you make a brotha, be it as a mitzvah, or be it as a man, in whether it's on food, whether it's on the mitzvah, make sure you do what you have to do right away, without answering or main somebody else's brotha. Okay, one more quick thing, which we've spoken about many times, we'll keep on reviewing, these are column of the reg, of mamish brotha, we have to care, no one, we constantly review our whole life, person, whatever you do, whether it's the mitzvah, whether it's the eating, you have to do tarka day debar, which is the amount of time, in general, shot malaikam rebi, how long that takes, we've spoken about in the past, say for us, lahakas, brings down time, but be it as it may, the amount of time it takes, the person say shot malaikam rebi, tarka day debar, that's how long you have to fulfill the mitzvah, or to take the first bite, or take the first sip, after you make the brotha, we're not talking about just time of time to live, somebody who are more than that, let's say I went more than those three words, right, the time delay, as so long as they did not tarka out there, it was only a time, passage, silence, and there was no actual interruption, so the avid person could continue on, so you have to be extremely careful, even just answering on main, for somebody else's brotha is also problematic, thank you for listening, that's welcome brotha cultive.