KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Exploring the Themes and Pesukim of Rosh Hashana

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26 Sep 2024
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Exploring the Themes and Pesukim of Rosh Hashana, by Rav Moshe Taragin

Bringing Hashem to a G-dless World; The Anthem of Jewish History

ask me what the hardest mitzvah of my life is and it would be the ones that have to perform every minute 'cause those are really difficult like Tal-Mitar every minute and keep it away in every minute but mitzvah's man-grama matzah-suka-lulah you're looking at rapids, look at rap in the sheet matzah-lulah-suka get ready for something very surprising the hardest mitzvah for me to perform is kia chauffeur now that sounds pretty strange 'cause all you do is show up and listen if you want to fulfill the mitzvah maybe at the minimal level because the chauffeur is an auditory sound, it's a signal and it evokes manifold layers, please sit down quickly, just sit down on the floor manifold layers of symbolism and memory and authority of akarjibarku and every sound I have to try to focus nothing about home, children, friends, sports, food 'cause my mind isn't fulfilling kia chauffeur maybe my ears are but to hold that sound without letting my mind wander you know how easy that is and to take that sound and to patch it to an image I literally come home from chauffeur sweaty that's how hard I work to listen to the sound now let my mind wander anywhere else and associate it with images of the day please don't show gum in the share guys, okay? so the next two shear I'm going to give you those images and because the myths were so challenging and strenuous we recite sakim to elicit these themes and motifs and according to summary show I'm not going to get into the weeds now holocically reciting sakim is even their isa, rashi paskins both in his pericela tara and in misechos rasasana the sakim and marco sakun is in chauffeur sakir rasana which means it's the only text of twieler which is their isa 'cause even though I like the ramban, it feels their isa, you can say whatever you want according to rashi on your rasasana you have to recite these sakim okay maybe it's only drabana if you disagree with rashi that's not important for today's share with your isa, drabana, there's a lot of sense from that what should you be thinking for this hour and a half when you're dead silent and hopefully you're not thinking about everything else because then you're not the oats in this, I don't know, 'cause the misechos rasana is only going to literally just pick up you have to know what the sound is so on screen you're not absorbing it and processing it so you're not listening to it it's a really serious mitzvah and it's something you should work for every year people listen to this share every single year people say when is this year coming out take your pen out, you can open a maksar we're going to the next two weeks process these 30 sakim, not all of them but I want you to see what's happening behind the sakim some of the sakim you're familiar with but not the backstory some of them you're less familiar with what does the sakim mean? so that you have a baseline when you listen to the shofar now I know what to think about this isn't the only journey, the only trail but it's a good starter as you know the date divides thematically, roughly, generally into three malchialt and I'm not going to use the K word 'cause you've never in your life met a king so to use that word is simply a meaning blocker a king used to be celerated, to capitate you, burn your house and take your family and money on when kings and royalty today, excuse all the British boys are laughing stocks they're cartoons so I use it but try not to use outdated words they're meaning blockers a boy once came over to me and said "I really haven't had a hard time in kurishima" I said "let's sit down and we'll interpret kurishima word by word" so he said "shamayisrael, hero, israel" I said "I didn't know you were Irish" if you just use the lazy definitions you won't get to the meaning so king, king, king, you don't use the word 'authority' Hashem's authority is a mean king but it's just 'king to your chess pieces' 'king to yours the bronze, I don't want you to get stuck, it's 'try to break it' or else you're gonna be barrier for meaning 'cause you use words that don't mean anything to you they're cliches Hashem's authority in this world the second theme is 'memories' 'memories of Jewish history' is different or not the third general theme is 'shofaros' we'll see what that means it seems almost reflexive, a chauffeur is a chauffeur what are you adding in my calling it a chauffeur? you're adding to a chauffeur you're overlaying things of authority Hashem's authority, you're overlaying Jewish memory what are you overlaying on the chauffeur by calling it a chauffeur? so we'll talk about that also please pick up the papers but we're not gonna get through this in one week we're gonna have to do this in which is why I'm proprisedly I did writing lesson I said please thank you please please please just let me switch to view this week Tuesday night we're gonna continue the first section is a 'shamayis' authority every section is an introduction and a conclusion which concludes with the posit contrary to its theme the introduction 'shamayis' mouthwood is familiar it's 'alenu' a quick survey of 'alenu' 'alenu' has two components to it the first component is 'us now' the second component is 'everyone then' and this is what we know this is what we acknowledge but we're not a parochial people we don't just luxuriate in one people accepting 'sham' especially in 'shamayis' we want 'nekhaveloha' 'lereus merivitivaresis echha le sakin olam be mauchus 'shadai' 'The chaubinevossa yikubishmaha' 'Lafness and lekha karishayarits' 'shamayah karishayarits' so that's the introduction and to tweak and elaborate 'mauchus merisai tempsokim' and I'm going to divide the tempsokim into five categories however not every category will have more than one parochic but there are five different sub-themes of 'mauchut' that you're going to be exploring and let's start with the first category which is a category of one and it's the most unadorned unqualified paroch 'adonai' 'yimloch le olam vaid' no qualifiers, no modifiers, no application, no context 'adonai' 'yimloch', source number one 'lere olam vaid' is the first category but what's the backstory? this parochic was said at the 'yamsof' the 'yamsof' was the first time in 2448 years of human history that human beings were able to grasp at one God you read 'bracious' in 'noch' in two weeks it is two thousand years of history folded up into two parchels two thousand years of theological confusion there must be many gods because look how many creatures and beings there are and there must be contentious gods because there's good and evil block of white day and night human beings couldn't wrap their heads around the notion that from one God came all this diversity and all this dichotomy and because it wasn't one God there was no moral accountability because gods were grotesque angry demons in heaven with fangs and teeth who played with human beings as their toy things so if gods were angry why should I be moral? and even if I found the moral god, if I betrayed him, I'm not accountable to him because I can bribe a different god to my side so this 'nehem' of voodooism and paganism leads to savagery and cannibalism and blood sucking and white beat because if there's no one God with moral spirit why should there be moral conscience and accountability? and finally after twenty four hundred forty, Avram enters the field more or less two thousand years into history a third of history, a third of lived history finally not a person or a family or a clan but a nation embraces Hashem's makhos this is a moment in history now let me contextualize it, it's a crucial contextualization there's a matter said says that Hashem, Moshe turns to Hashem and says in our jargon, Hashem, why are you so obsessed with the Jewish people? all you do is talk about them all day you love them so much, you give them mitzvos, you're preoccupied with them what is it about these people? So Hashem says they were the first they were the first and Hashem quotes this past like they were the first to say Adrianai im loch leolam ved imagine Jewish identity as being composed of three parts and those three parts are sequenced on a timeline here's the timeline, you guys are probably still thinking left to right so i'll make it for you left to right that's the timeline, so which full Jewish identity was forged on tesvov nissim we became a people, nationhood not slaves seven days later we accepted Hashem's authority Adrianai im loch leolam ved we were too browbeaten and mitzreim to even say it a few weeks later we accepted tara mitzvos the full range of religious and Jewish consciousness incorporates all three listen this is crucial, this is one of the most important messages i'll give you all year Jewish peoplehood accepting Hashem's authority and translating acceptance of Hashem's authority into the study of his word in the fulfillment of his will i hope you'll all excel in all those three bullet points in your life and when you get to alimhaba your identity card will say i'm in i am a part of the Jewish people, i accept Hashem's authority and i've lived the life of tara mitzvos but Judaism is not an all or nothing proposition Judaism is like an onion, it has layers how many millions of Jews have slid back from Vav siva and they're no longer at Harsini they're no longer able willing to observe halakhan's study tara in the classic way but they're still proverbially standing yikaf alif nissen at the alms of saying Hashem yim loch leolam ved for people that don't live in Israel you'll meet them this year you know they are the taxi cab driver who doesn't work keep our at least one you can see because he has a transparent keep our own and doesn't keep shot but can quote the hillings you better than you can and the pizza store owner was a picture of the bahab is suddenly the bahab turevi and you feel like his sense of kabbalah's mahoshamayim am mister al hai oh davinu hai i want to wear tittas i want to say shmah i want to come to shul shabat and have a meal and i don't go to the soccer game to the movie it's not all or nothing i hope for you it's everything but learn to validate not as a complete package layers and that's what happened at the alms of so when you say Hashem yim loch leolam ved may be davin for all the jews who are still stuck at the alms of because they've re flipped back we sitibas from harci and i many of those who are fighting so that you can learn and have died that you can learn and are now in airless oxygenless hot tunnels and by the way santan jews have slid all the way back from kapalah's niece and they're still a test of niece and niece son they don't excel at tower mrs in the classic way and their sense of kabbalah's mahoshamayim is deficient but they're proud strong jews who are committed to jewish heritage and jewish destiny and we hope for everything but we validate whatever exists within a jew this is a vision for greater amisil to be able to understand what the complete formula is and you should aspire towards but to understand and to appreciate that it is divisible into components and in its best it cross pollinates all three cross pollinate the more identity people who have the more religion you have the more religion the more people the more people the more people will not survive it creates up ferment but sometimes there are features that exist in the absence of others and that's the first category you go back to the alms of the second category of sakim you go back to the last time in history of the shims authority was uncontested when was the last time in history of their shims authority was uncontested because that's what today is every human being alive is being judged today everything happened october 7th is predetermined masha shana last year miyyacham miyyamos miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha miyyasha irrational and everyone is involuntarily and in a way that they're unaware of submitting to sakim's authority because everyone's being judged and when you're being judged you're being judged by an authority figure so rasha shana is a taste of a world we come from and a world we're headed to when's the last time as shims authority was suffused this world without disobedience the first minute he created it until other maricheal disobey and you say this every day and it's a poem it's not a poem it's a theological poem adon olam asher malach the terem kol yitzir nivra before human beings have free will the asna asaba habtsokol at that point everything was his will because there was no free conscience until humans were built asai malach shimonikra and rasha shana was the day that the world wasn't created but the day the world was completed so we're traveling back in time in your imagination this is a hard mitzvah if you get stuck in soccer sports friends and girls you're lost in the mud mrs. go right past you you have to dig deep into your imaginative self and conjure images and memories and i'm trying to give you the food and the material for these memories and these imageries these are the two sakim that evoked my sebracious passek number five and six i'm reorganizing them for you don't say them in my order but when you come to them associate them hashem malach gate with slavish the beauty of a pristine world that was we splendid and glorified marvelous and majestic the world before was tainted by human hand lavish hashem oasis has our power glory beauty afte kong tevel ball timo he fashioned the world that will never collapse we are not dystopian we have to protect this world we have to be responsible about the world but the world is inherited for catastrophe or collapse shim created a stable tekong tevel ball timo especially after he doubled down after the brits of nah and he said i will not destroy the world again that doesn't mean we're acquitted of environmental responsibility because as human beings empowered with the tools to reshape nature we also have to be custodians for nature the of the lozhamra but one of these doom they worries that all of a sudden asteroids going to destroy all of humanity hushhem gave us a promise afte kong tevel ball timo and the second possek which is one of the oldest harp second of russia shana because when we said it at night the gates of heaven first opened and hushhem arrived on the scene of the world he created and that history began and with history human decision-making with human decision-making human disobedience and the third category is we don't return in our time machine to the last moment hushhem's authority was widespread and uncontested but we leap forward in history to the next time in history that we are driving towards we're the engine that drives history you want a quick summary of my book it gives you a one sentence history as a beginning and an end the beginning is creation the end is redemption the middle is called history and the jewish people the engine that drives history from its inception to its terminus you have to buy the book now pretty simple that's called redemption we're the engine that drives humanity from its inception to its conclusion to its terminus when's the next time ashem's malchus of course you know samashiyyah russia shana carries with it a hint of messianic imagination and that's why please close the door that's why the third category our psekim that you're probably familiar with one of these psekim that you're familiar with passek number four qi la sham hablucha machele bagojim okay i know the difference in malocha but essentially these are forward-looking psekim Judaism is not a parochial religion our end game does not mean that everyone is annihilated sulfuric ashes and only the jews enjoy you with shalim evil doors are eliminated there are plenty of evil doors who have surrendered their rights to walk this planet to share our oxygen and we'll remove them and ashem we'll remove them but most of humanity even the stooges who have been duped by post-structural confusion and are protesting us they'll be enlightened not eradicated we don't want to exhume humanity we want to inspire and redeem humanity and the whole gathering you shalayim vayashemim malach al-kolarets baiyammahu yashem al-kadu shamaha these are the three psekim passek number four passek number eight and passek number nine category three category one straight unadorned malchos first time category number two my sebracious malchos last time malchios leis si shaam machechim category number three gosh amam mocha vayashem al-kolarets because that's how i'm shamah al-kad okay now get ready category four is a shift and russia shan has three or four shifts like shifting a gear and if you don't pick up the shift you miss the answer in its multi-stryation and you have to realize you're operating on multi levels in ways that your keeper isn't you have to catch these shifts everything i've said now is universal and it's not just universal it's cosmic russia shana is a day that is felt up subconsciously of course by every human being juan nanju and not just by every you may see those trees outside come in here next thursday they'll look the same but they've been renewed because the shan renews the world every year that tree will have a new vitality tour from heaven and if you could take a spaceship and go to mars or go to some other galactic galaxy you feel the ripples of russia shana reverberating because Hashem refreshes hayom haras olamashem refreshes the world it's not a parochial day don't perform chuvon russia shana don't conflate russia shana and yamkipar yamkip a little bit of chuvos coldy hooray chuvah it's malchus it's broad it's panoramic it's universal it's cosmic it's timeless russia shana is altitude yamkipar scuba diving you dive into yourself into the dark recesses of your ugliness and you try to cleanse it a little bit russia shana is altitude you stretch you leap you stretch beyond yourself beyond your personality your individuality beyond amisrael beyond human beings beyond it's the day of Hashem's malchus but it's also our day because without us this day would be hallow one of the mid-russian rif salavatik loved to quote was the madras that depicts the scene in shana and all of them are hanging around why is russia shana gonna begin we got the hallows ready we have the apples of course not and as shana turns to the malochum say it will begin when my people in your shalayim tell us to begin because they look at the numerator russia shana is very hectic in the base of myktus you have to get the aedos come to the there's a lot happening because there's a shortage in russia shana all wrapped up into one the whole mechanism of calling it russia shana happen in a flash people just dove right into russia shana or say we're prepared so despite its enormity and its galactic sweep and its universal panorama it's our day because we're the only people who are mama kashep teku bachauda shofar which doesn't appear in the circuit but it's the pasek of russia shana bakassah leom kageinu kihokli swell hoo michbath lelokayaka without us this day would be meaningless it would happen but it happened on the backstage where the only people stayed on the front stage one day we'll bring others to the front stage with us that's our job to bring realities in the backstage of history to the front stage of history and that's why shana loves us so much on this day and that's why it's such a day of power and glory and we'll get to this in russia and next dude they should be fast on russia shana should you be happy should you be somber should you eat clothing what a lot of depth is so much complexity to russia shana i want to bring you to a more complex place i'm literally want to build the foundation of russia shana for the rest of your life plenty of the slime to read plenty but just the foundational ideas of how to build the building how to build the mental emotional building every you're building something you're building yourself to an emotional pitch and that's why the fourth category of suckin is about us not about chasing me british and the rivers asham malachi aslevasia not about im also mashiach but about the one people who have struggled in history at the cost of their life to defend asham's presence this is our day because we're the only people who know that this is the day of asham's mouthless this is a taste of mashiach russia shana this category has tube suckin pussock number two actually two and a half both three pussock number two lohy bit of en bhiyakov loram al be so al sham can't see anything negative about it he loves us too much asham melokavimo utruas malachbo this is the anti-universal topic this was stated by billim about us lohy bit of en bhiyakov we are asham's people because we embraced his presence in his authority and we're trying to spread it to all of humanity and the next pussock by he be sure melok which is pussock number three bisease brashayam yaha shifte asra when we exhibit unity then asham's authority is reinforced and when we fall into social strife and political discord then asham's oneness suffers because of asham's one we have to be one and united by that oneness and humbled by his presence that we're less audacious and confident in our own position social strife is ultimately not just morally repugnant but theologically blind you know better well if you say if we're not going to struggle there's no you you have your truth up or is in his truth and we'll talk about this throughout the year how intellectual humility is hot wired to sing asham to stand in front of the Kurdish bar who's presence so it's not intellectually humbled it's just not in front of a Kurdish bar he can't be it's impossible moshir writes it out himself moshir aun of me al makala dam is not saying they're not sanctimonious it's not full spite he knows who he is but he knows how little he is clap in a Kurdish bar who those are the first four categories of moshis category one unqualified bare-bone moshis category number two my separation moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir moshir category number four posse number one la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la bi sua lui bi hafen bi hakova shambu lakavi moshu es mallech balm faparsha sbalak pasik number two or on our list it's posse number i apologize on our list it's posse number three vamparsha s bhasas a brah habibhishir mah bhasasir aashayami aha chiftei sur al and posse number three which is really part of that category but it's not really because it's a kaleidoscope of the previous universalism and the current parochialism it's a mesh of the two listen to this possek it meshes the panoramic universal nature of the day with the specific national nature of the day kohamar asham possek seven mallech yisrael vigo alo so it's not just mallech yisrael mallech ola mallech yisrael vigo alo and he redeems us in boy do we need redemption so you see the qualifier that's a uniquely jewish modifier mallech yisrael vigo alo pal ani bishon van yacharon mal dayna wikim that's universal i'm first and last and exclusive and the energy of rasasana is toggling between universalism and parochialism without universalism we're not the almani car we're not chosen for ourselves we're chosen for others but without ritual jewish experience tara mitzvos we don't have anything to deliver to the world we're not here to deliver the world's social justice that's one item on the bakavas we're to deliver spirituality transcendence monotheism higher moral calling larger transcendent values and if we don't hammer in those values then we have no message our message has been hollowed out well now we get to the fifth category and you may say this fifth category and it's obvious by way of deduction that if the category of one possek because there's only one possek left and what i have to explain a possek that you say every single day era vavokir vatara and you know what give me a second let me tell you a story every era of rasasana yum kippur i make my way to hara manukult and i visit the caver of the rasasheva or vahranir of amital i visit kippur i have also my grandparents and i visit the caver of a boy who died on kiddish ashamma thalman of mine i guess this year we have to stop and i heard so as well and then i go to five graves of people i didn't meet in the sabara bombing in 2001 there was a family of Dutch immigrants who were killed i'm not going to say their name because it's very hard to reproduce it because i don't want to fudge it or flub it why in the world would i go to five graves of people i never met they didn't know me i didn't know them it it's a sucker punch you it's like a punchy solar plex you see father mother and three little children buried next to each other either day it's three years old four years old because when i get to this possek my knees start buckling this is a possek because it's that raffy quickly this is a possek that millions of jews have recited with their last breath defending ashram's presence on this world this was not the possek of kiddish asham there are other circumstances kiddish asham vinik dashdi the ashram will carry bikiva said it and since bikiva when he said it in his execution become the anthem of jewish history when i go to these five graves because i had a friend whose daughter teenage daughter was caught in that bombing thank god she survived she was in the hospital bed with her father after the bombing 13 14 15 years old whatever she was she kept asking her father out but what happened to that family what happened to that family he didn't want to expose it to excess suffering kept avoiding the question and then at certain points that i need to know why do you need to know she said because they lay in the pizza store and you shall i am confused in days and i saw a little boy next to me dying bleeding to death and i heard him reach out to his father and said oh i need your help i need your help and i heard the father tell the child i can't them in flames but put your hand out as far as you can hold my hand let's say schma and go to schma together how dare i say schma in my comfortable air condition based matters with a beautiful meal waiting for me what right do my lips have to recite that possek that it's a possek of such courage and heroism the only image i want in my mind in russia chana of those five graves and i visited those graves and i say to him and i end up my visit there which is normally at night because i don't really have the time during the day it's really spooky to be on this huge mountain in middle of nowhere and i scream schma you say i'll share my locator schma hard because that's how the makata shim schma so the least i can do is the same front of their graves you know the gomara has a makhlokus in russia chana about which something should be included in mahos and ribi also had a makhlokus to be there would be you that said that this possek isn't a candidate it's not compatible with mahos why come on why would this possek not be compatible with mahos let's say there were no right raffle keep the door open just for a second okay so we can close it so ribi this says that schma is strong that's fine it's fine schma is strong is not a possek of mahos and yet another posse i want to be able to dominate it other than possek look at the door it was just open and closed i want to ask you hypothetical if you as you have had a makhlokus two thousand years ago with the schma ish so it's a possek of mahos because of the syntax okay does anyone in this room have a doubt a shadow of a doubt that if would be hoota came walking through that door right now not only would he admit that it's a possek of mahos it's the possek of mahos what posseb of possek better demonstrates ashem's mahos than the possek that has been uttered by millions of people defending his presence to the death so come our living organisms they were written in white fire and black fire but they take one new meaning as history evolves so it's one thing to have a makhlokus in the base meta is two thousand years ago about shamaisrael being a possek of mahos my knee shake i think of holocaust survivors scratching the walls and schma feel being burnt in order to face flung off of ships taken into slavery schmaisrael schmaisrael it's a ransom that's why i take the chip to the five graves because i don't feel right to say schma unless i feel like i'm saying it through the experiences of them and everyone else then that's why that possek is his own category and that's why i take the time to think about these certain because we've covered one third there is so much depth and you're at a crossroad and the only way you're going to succeed russian i plead with you the only way you're going to see to forget regular year see if you can do it i promise you will be redeemed you'll thank me you'll get on your knee hands and knees and thank me come in at seven whenever davinie starts and don't say a word till davinings over unless you have to fish you water whatever things that are practically necessary because even in the downtime if you break your imagination into small little bites it has no heft to it think about something for five seconds it's gone it's a ghost when you think about things it marinates and you ruminate over with and you delve into what you think about and they're to shape those to be honest at your age i probably recommend having a safer that you can read your kazar sashats that's what i do when i was here age now i have enough of my own internal world and i don't often want to read a sentence i feel like i'm drawing size sometimes i feel like i'm not getting anywhere in my own world all open to safer but there's enough in me to explore that i don't want to say i want to listen to the sashibor and let my imagination follow the words and follow the ideas but if you're not at that say you're probably not at that stage all it's true is a great book anything they've ever owned or russia shan is about revami tal's book but please before you start if you come in pitter patter pitter patter first of all disturb other people have longish run essays and really are trying to focus but aside from a little however for yourself you'll come at a different person nothing you could say during this time it can be worth what you're surrounding what you're for it there's plenty of time for the chit chat there's plenty of time for it for being together it's russia shanner there's time to eat do yourself a favor okay so now we have ten minutes we're just going to break ground into the next piece and then america shan next tuesday we'll finish the second major major theme is memory and it's absolutely crucial to read the introduction because without the backdrop of the introduction to these opponents you don't know what's going on so let's read the intro the intro sets the tone for the second major switch the second major shift if you don't piece of paper look inside there's someone else's paper uh tazo her ma se olam you remember all of creation all of reality le fernach and nigalu kolta lumos everything that's hidden to you is revealed you know my thoughts you know my motivations you know my actions you see us transparent everything that i withhold as shan mu c and shi shanle thank you se kumodaka gamko hai yatsura lona chadmi maka hakal line number three galui vitsa fui le fernach and melochenu kita vich oksi karon he's a herma sera vimba moneisteros okay that's the intro to the intro Hashem knows everything cesar we call omniscient and omnipotent knows and sees now why is that important today well today is a pretty solemn day there's gravitas today there are stakes you're an adult now you could die next year hope you don't everything is hasha this is not it's not kindergarten it's not playing around anymore there are stakes or people your age that aren't with us anymore they're people who are age that are laying their lives in the lines and now it's real nashhem is making decisions believe you could be standing in altef aza kvarazo or nakkar bersev nashhem doesn't want you to be taken captive you own you can be sitting in i don't know wherever you come from nashhem wants everything is pre-it now how hashem devises algorithms and make it appears if that's uh that's sashhem's mathematical faculty but everything you could be in australian be just as dangerous as your karazo we have to operate based on logic and based on expectation but they're heavy and weighty decisions and they're not just decisions about people and decisions about as we know about countries alhamdulillos boeomare we face an existential threat this year there are doomsday scenarios that could have turned otherwise that would have led to a very very different reality i don't believe that the jewish people will ever be exiled again from israel but between that and scenarios that could lead to a lot of god forbid suffering blood a lot of space in between being exiled and not being exiled that was all the terminal s rashana by your tzilos milon is god kayomazah line number two second paragraph and then this is the line of amithal and you'll hear of the old people in yeshiva that we still remember let me tell what always grown it's a ashri it's a law yes kahaka yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo because this is serious and this is weighty and you're fortunate if you didn't forget us then but let's face it we never missed an opportunity to forget us then so this is what i call being cornered it's a dave gravitas it's a day of solemnity the pressure is on fate decision and consequence and i shame remembers everything is how can i lie to him what i tell him now turn with me 180 here's the turn takarash barhu it's a dave zikaram and you know everything and you see everything remember everything remember this remember that we're your people look at our history look at our heroism look at our bris look how much you love us we reach deep into our historical pocket and we produce all deck of cards if it is a day of memory we're going to transform the day of memory into defeat from defeat to victory we're coming packing on this day we're amisra we're your people we're your wife we're your son we're it's a complete transfiguration because the angel sounds like we're cooked jaiyung kes matzera in chakon ikizekamodaka it's a la ferve it's a la seva pow pow pow pow pow pow pow ten seconds of memory i'm not going to go through all the ten seconds we're just going to hit one today and then we'll read the other ten seconds next week in then chakarash but it's a powerful puzzle and it's a powerful puzzle every year and it's a powerful puzzle this year because the first person you expect is ava brisavos brisavos brisavos iris isra al av miska nakov what's the first person in tahranos well we did but it's both they're no categories a few categories if i used to call the kimbus noir iskala kaya iskala bemashir et albatim ava yavar lekimro chala isra alkwa maim risbrisavos this isn't a Jew why are we starting this puzzle two reasons each important one we've spoken about what i want to do is number one as i said before this is a day to pray for humanity our interest is over the ashm looking to enhance mouthless ashm is for widespread spiritual inspiration and material prosperity for everyone and boy does humanity need our prayers this year oh boy have they let us down this year and they're muddled morality and they're confused stupor the support of violence improving the modern world can still produce hatred and evil and atrocity boy do people need our prayers and you can pray for both you can save a chalarishah kula kishank tikla kisabir mim shellizadom minar it is not unhumanistic to hope that terrorists are liquidated and removed from this planet they do not deserve the right to share our oxygen then you have the other people who are not actively involved in terror may be confused and maybe our enemies because of propaganda and because of brainwashing that their eyelids are lifted and their hearts are transformed but there's another part to this pasta and it's crucial to russia shana a and it's crucial to this year so i'll take two extra minutes from my driver this kala kaya this kala bema isher ito battava ashm saved animals not because they're any merit because they dove in because they were stuck in a stinking smelly rancid tava for a year and they have no merits but ashm is compassionate and poserra sio deco maspia lejo chayratsan who doesn't want creatures to suffer whether they're human beings Jews or animals and why is it such a crucial passek because one of the central functions of the shofar is to divest your human voice because god forbid you should appear in front of god today as a forgery with your human language and your artifice and your articulation your fancy talk and your Shakespearean vocabulary which is full of counterfeit and forgery and duplicity because we're all just half shadows and on russia shana we're trying to find a more visceral primordial voice that's pure and more pristine so you know what we do in russia shana we stop talking and we say i could just borrow i don't know what i deserve as a human being but i know one thing i'm your creature and i want you to have compassion upon me so instead of talking we shriek yeah can you find your inner shriek or you're too polite to shriek and you're trapped in words and there's a terrible dam that prevents your tears of emerging from your heart can you break the terrible dam and descend to a level that's raw pure and raw and visceral and existential that isn't based on your mind and your thought and your self-esteem your sophistication but it's based on just reaching out to karish baru in a moment of darkness and asking him to can you be vulnerable i know it's hard to be vulnerable when you're so successful can you be vulnerable how's outside that what made hanis feel of that you're so successful she changed her tone you know how to adopt in that year she said okay i get it for some reason all my merits and all my justifications are not getting anywhere says karish baru i have one question for you do rats have children do rats have baby rats evidently they do speak to exterminators treat me like a rat there's no presumption here there's no expectation nothing highfalutin and grandiose i just want a child i'm a mother i have a womb like other animals just treat me like no less than an animal i have compassion upon me that's why this pussock is so important and of course of course who can say this pussock this year without thinking of people who have actually lived through this nightmare and probably a lot worse and are still living through this nightmare because where they're going through makes the table look like a five star hotel and when you're in your air condition based marriage with your beautiful maxar and your nice white keeper think about the hundred and one who are still who dream to be in a table with stinking festering dung heat animals that would be an upgrade for them and the people who lost their lives and that was their exit from this world in those titles so that's just the first pussock of memory take it serious it is so mentally exhausting but like everything else that's exhausting it's so redemptive it's so meaning driven next week and we're at the show we'll continue from here