Break It Down Podcast

Upsala AD-Dylan Zimmerman

Mat talks to one of his old classmates about what is like being a activies/athletic director of Upsala High School. After that, we talk about Minnesota sports as all Minnesota fans do!

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23 Sep 2024
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Listen up close, there's so much to explore. Frag it if down, let your games are all the fun. Disguise, act, the passions you will make. Send them on to break it down, podcast, try me. Alight on those who get a little life a little differently. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. On those who get a little life a little differently. [MUSIC PLAYING] Each episode, a new discovery. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. On Earthing life's full of mystery. The breaking down podcast, coming at you strong. To each read, let's break it down all episode long. Break it down, podcast, starts in three, two, one. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Welcome to another episode of the Break it Down podcast. My name is Matthew Hanson, and today I have a special guest. He is the athletic director in Upsala High School. This is Dylan Zermin. How are you doing? That is correct. How's it going? I'm great. I'm great. Happy to be here. Yeah, thank you for coming on. First off, congratulations on getting married recently. Thank you. Thank you. So I know you, because you went into school together. But tell everybody, where did you go to high school and college and stuff like that? Oh, life story? Life story, sorry about that. Life story. Yeah, well, I graduated with your host, Matt, from Upsala High School. Ten years ago, we were just talking about planning a reunion for 10 years, and we missed it. So we'll have to do-- Swing in a minute. We'll have to do maybe a year 11. But after Upsala, I went to college in Duluth, at St. Scholastica. I played basketball there for four years. I had a great time there. I mean, Duluth is awesome. It's a great college town. Wouldn't recommend living there. A lot of hills. But after that, got a job in the cities at a firm for two years. Saved all my money. Went back to school at the U of M, got my masters, and have been working in athletics ever since. Mastering on-- Sports management. Uh-huh. Yeah, yup. So what made you come back to Upsala to be the AD? Yeah, when I was in the cities, I was like, man, I'm never going back. Like, no way. This is awesome. I could go to a Twins game, be Wednesday at a 1. Somebody would be like, hey, I want to go at 7. Yeah, sure, I live right there. But honestly, after I got my degree, I had a few interviews, and most of them were in the cities. And then this one, I was like, man, Upsala opened up. I might as well go try. See what happens. And the whole way there, I was like, yeah, whatever happens happens. And then after the interview, I walked out of there, and I was like, damn, I hope I get this one. Like, I just-- you know, it was-- I think it was just memories and a lot of the same faculty. I mean, a few different ones. But just familiar faces, familiar place. My mom lives back here, you know. Yeah, I don't know. I just-- after that, I was like, I hope this is my number one option, you know, and yeah, worked out, got it. And I've been here three years now, and I'm loving it. What did you interview? There was like five-- five or six, huh? Yeah, five or six on the panel. Vern. Yeah. Mark Herbus, who was the AD before me, and also our sixth grade teacher. Sherry was on it. Denise. Oh, yup. And I think that-- honestly, it might have been it. Oh, and the principal. Glug. Oh. I don't know if you know him. Yeah, I think you came in after we left. Yeah, yup, like the year after. But yeah, it was intimidating, honestly. So what do you do as an athletic director at Upsilon? Mm. That's a loaded question. There's-- oh, man. There's not like a day-to-day, like, you know, daily thing I go through. A lot of people think it's just making a schedule and hiring a coach. But there's-- I mean, there's a lot more to it. For instance, let's say, you know, just one sport, but you know, you got baseball. So you got to get all the rosters together for seventh, eighth, you know, C squad, JV, varsity, all the coaches. And then they all have to do online classes for every sport. Concussion, you know, rules for each sport. They all have to get certified through that. And then baseball is a fun one because, I mean, you're out there every day. Sometimes we have four games going on in Upsilon. You got to work out who's going away, scheduling buses for whoever's going away, what time to get out of class, what time the bus is leaving, whose teachers are they, let them know. And then home games, you got to drag the field, chalk the field, you know, sweep everything out, make sure you have a scoreboard operator for a little level games. You need a, you know, an umpire, a bass umpire. For basketball and softball, or volleyball, I mean, you need a bookkeeper, a shot clock guy now, a shot clock being a thing in Minnesota. A regular clock guy, a scoreboard guy, and volleyball, you got a libero tracker, right? You got some, I didn't even know that was a thing. But it's a tough job. I tried it once and you have to pay attention, man. And then officials are crazy, too. You have to have officials lined up for everybody. They have to be accredited. Lower level, you can, you know, you could probably get Steve Hanson out there and umpa junior high, junior high game. But just the higher level stuff, you got to be communicating because, I mean, sometimes you'll have four games in upslough for basketball that week. And you need to make sure those two officials are here for JV. These two are here for Varsity. Make sure all the games are going on time. And I mean, there's just, it's always communicating with everybody. That's a big one. Making sure all the kids have their physicals, their forms, their fees, end of year reviews, all that fun stuff. Baseball and softball suck because weather, I mean, it's up to you if you're going to play or not if it's random. And you're 50/50. I mean, there's some days I remember. Be porn in the morning and the weather. The forecast just looks like it's going to shit on you all day. And you call the game, hey, sorry, you're not going to happen. Sunny at 4.30 in beautiful. And there's games where there's nothing and you think you're going to play. And someone drives an hour and a half to play you. And you send them home. You know, that doesn't happen very often. But once in a while, it does. So a lot of communicating, constantly talking, constantly on the phone, scheduling, that kind of stuff. Is there ever like an off-season for you guys? Because I know like you said there's baseball, there's softball. That goes into mid-summer sometimes if you go further in playoffs. And then you've got football starting right around in August for games. Do you ever have an off-season? Yeah, yeah. I would say off-season is definitely, I would say, July. June is pretty loaded still with playoffs. And then you have track and field stuff, too. Conference meet, state meets, that kind of stuff. But I would say June is where I kind of get my-- or July is where I get my time off. Kind of that fourth that whole week. And then the two weeks after that, you're kind of in limbo because you should have all your volleyball stuff set up, football stuff. That should be done already. If it's not, you're going to have a hard time finding officials, finding games. I mean, they fill up quick. So in every sport, you've got only a limited number of games you can have, you know? Like there's a max that each team can have. So if you're one of the last ones asking around, you might not get there because everybody's full. Well, you're talking about the schedule, right? Yeah, so how do you decide the schedule? Is it like, hey, I don't play you this week, and I want to play you this week? Yeah, that's a good question because my first year, I walked in and I was like, how do I do this? Do I just call someone and say you want to play? So we have a conference. Obviously, our Prairie Conference. And those games are easy because we just play them twice. You play the same school twice, once home, once away. Kind of like the NFC North, you play home and away. So that takes care of about 10 to 12 of the 26 games for like basketball. And then you're calling email and other athletic directors, seeing what they got, what dates they can play, if they can host, if they can come to you. You know, and you have to balance it because if Kimball can only come here on a Thursday, but I got girls basketball at home against Long Prairie, you know, we can't play 'em 'cause they're in the gym, we're not gonna play in that tiny small gym, you know? Why not? It's a small gym. Well, there might be junior high kids in there too sometimes, but it just kind of rolls itself. You got people calling you all the time, you're calling people, trying to figure out, you know, when you can play and wear, close proximity. I mean, we play little falls in basketball now and we haven't done that for a while. - Really? - Yeah, so. - When did that start? - Last year, last year, so I'm trying to get proximity, trying to get closer games. A lot of schools don't like to do it. Bigger schools because it hurts them 'cause they basically rank it for playoffs eating off of QRF and if you're in a bigger class, if you lose to a small school, it hurts you. Whereas if we lose to a big school, it doesn't really matter. - Yeah, you guys being little falls, yeah? - We lost last year by seven or nine. - Big class, two, I'd say. - Three, they're three, yeah, we're one A, they're three A. Which is backwards from Wisconsin, Wisconsin's the other way, so. - Well, Wisconsin is always backwards, so I'm not surprised there. - We've seen their stoplights. - I have not, I don't go through Wisconsin much. So when you do like your homecoming games, like you always want to make a, sounds bad, the easy game, do you ever pick like a big rival? Like, I know when we were younger, like Swanville for like, I don't say football, like basketball, Swanville was ours. Or like football, Browerville. How do you decide like your homecoming game? - So homecoming, it's a great question too, because for football, we're combining the Swanville. - Yep. - So you got to figure out, you know, which works for both schools, that week kind of thing. So for football, we always do it against, if Browerville's home, Browerville's homecoming. So you know, and that's, every year we flip for football. - Yeah. - So Browerville's home this year, that's their homecoming. And then other years, I mean, we'll do like long prairie, or trying to think, you know, other close schools. I mean, it's been Kimball in the past, West Central one year. I mean, it kind of depends on when it lands too, 'cause you don't want it in the first game of the year in August, right? - Yeah. - So you got to pick kind of one of those mid-September days, and we always, if we have Browerville at home, we do it in middle of September and it works out. But basketball, it's always Swanville still. It's just kind of the rivalry thing, you know? You got to have it. And then volleyball, it's just whoever happens to be home that week, that week, so. - So have you had to decide a coach yet? 'Cause there's an AD you have to pick a coach. Have you had to go through a coaching change yet? - Oh yeah, oh yeah. Like in basketball, volleyball, and then how does that process go? - Yeah, so when I got here, we actually had a really good volleyball coach and she ended up, she was a teacher and she ended up leaving and doing a daycare business and she couldn't coach anymore. So that opened up a head coach in the volleyball position. And I mean, we had a few applicants and the interview process is sometimes grueling because there's so many, we had like four or five. There's so many people experience qualifications. You know, and they're all, they all bring their A-game in the interview. And then after that, it's, you know, if you don't get the head coach a job, would you still wanna help out on C-Squad or JV or junior high? And some of them will say no, some of them will say yes. But that whole process, the interview process, reference tracks, a lot of time, we get applicants from teachers like in the school. So that makes it easier because we know they're gonna be at practice every day. 'Cause right, they finished school. - You know, so they're right there. - Yeah, they finished school, right? They're not gonna go home or go onto the bar and have one. They're gonna go right to the gym. You know, at least that's what we hope. No, I prefer hiring in staff. If they have, if they're the right fit, right? If I have a different applicant, so this past year, we hired someone outside for volleyball and he's been doing great. But it was just a big difference from someone who's in the building all the time, versus someone who has to come in every day at 3.30. And yeah, I mean, you're asking all of them pretty much the same questions. You throw a few, you know, difficult practice, life kind of questions in there. And for the most part, after the interview, you check with a few people, if you reference checks, you kind of ask around the building, get the feel for the people. And then I always ask the team, those players, you know, what do you want in a coach? I won't tell them, you know, which one do you want? But I'll ask what do you want in one? You know, what are the, do you want more of a team player person or someone who's going to develop your skill? That kind of stuff, so. - So could anybody basically apply it to be a coach? Like if I was like, you know what, I'm going to, I want to try to be the basketball coach or do you have to have some type of like coaching experience? - Yeah, I mean, if we don't have anybody and you want to come do it and you're the only applicant, you're the basketball coach. - Hey, do you have any openings? - Hey, we might have a C squad coming up. Well, we'll see. I do RJV and then we have a guy who does our head. But we might have a C squad. So I could let you know. - Oof, that is a half hour, a hour and a half drive one way. - Yeah, but you do it for the kids. - Correct. So what does sportsmanship look like for you as the 80 to like pass down to the coach, to the kids as well? - So I grew up and I was really competitive. I, you know, sportsmanship was probably until senior high, you know, 10th, 11th, 12th, but in junior high and stuff, man, I hate the losing, you know, it was the worst. And it probably wasn't the greatest, you know, per player or I didn't show much sportsmanship back then. But once you get into this role, that's all you preach, you know, it's all you teach because at the end of the day, we're competitive. That's what you want to be, right? You want to go to the state tournament. You want to do all those fun things. But at the end of the day, it's about student safety, student health and their sportsmanship. And if they can go out there and have fun and compete and whether it's at a high level or not, if they're having fun, we just say at the end of the game, if you win or lose, that's behind you and you have to be, you have to be a good sport. You have to be a good player because you don't only represent yourself and, you know, the name on the back of your jersey, but you represent, you know, what is that miracle? The name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the name on the back. I can't remember what movie that's from. Yeah, but it's kind of like that. Like you represent, like when we go out to Browerville or Long Prairie and you walk in and you're wearing, you know, our school name on the front, that's what matters, right? So you have to be a good sport. You have to be a good player, a good teammate because you're showing everybody how we are at the sport, but also how we are as people, you know, how we are as individuals. So I tell every coach, you know, sportsmanship is key. If I see a player losing it or freaking out or, you know, swearing at an official, they're probably going to get suspended. You know, that's a big one for me. So. - Have you had to suspend a player yet? - Yeah, not for sportsmanship-related things. But yeah, I have. - Okay. You said three years. Where do you see yourself in the next five years still at Epsilon or are you going to go back to the cities? - You know, I don't think I'm ever going to go back to the cities unless there's millions of dollars that are waiting for me. (laughs) - We all would move for a millions of dollars. - Right. So, you know, I can still make the games I want to down there and I don't have to deal with traffic. Well, sometimes you get stuck being a tractor here, but other than that, you know, I see myself honestly here. In the area, I bought a place in Little Falls, you know, hoping to eventually start a family. Like you said, I just recently married. You know, if not, I'm still hopefully somewhere in the area, but I love my job, love the school, love the people I work with. So, I'm five years, I'm hoping I'm still there, you know? - So what motivates you to be the best AD in the Prairie Conference? - Oh, oh, that's good. I just came from a Prairie Conference AD meeting. So that's, you know- - I know. - You know, a lot of those guys have been there way longer. The only person that's newer than me is Long Perry's. They, and a lot of them have been there 15, 20 years. So they know a lot. But just to be the best, I try to do everything I can. I'm busting my butt, trying to make sure everything's perfect for every event. You know, a lot of those other guys have been doing it for a while. So they just kind of sit back and, you know, the event still happens, but you know, how can I make it perfect? How can everything go exactly the way I want it to? And it never does, right? But just, you know, making sure you have, even if it's as little as making sure you don't run out of popcorn, right? People love popcorn at games. - Surprising. - Yeah, volleyball, basketball, popcorn goes, man. I don't know what it is. Those in pretzels are crazy. But, you know, just honestly, just making sure you always have everything. You know, everybody's there on time. You know, your dad actually, and Don, I try to work with to have someone there who's medically certified. You know, in case there's, you know, an injury or something, or someone to come on, come onto the floor. So just always trying to check every little list, and then looking back and making sure I have everything again. And then I try to be active with the students. You know, I try to interact with them and go to lunch every day and say hi. And, you know, and how are they doing? How's their sport? Do they have fun at their last game? And I try to know who everybody played. You know, you know, I should know that, 'cause I made all the schedules. But that next day, you're always, you know, let's say they play Tuesday, Wednesday comes around. You're thinking about all the stuff there's a, right? You're not, you know, but you always try to go back and talk to all of 'em about, you know, I try to ask every volleyball player. What was the coolest thing that happened last night? You know, a lot of 'em will say, you know, leaving, you know, or something like that. But, you know, that's just how I try to separate myself into being the best I can, is just making sure all the students know I care. - The one downside about people being there for 10, 15 years is they just get comfortable. The big guy, you know, I do this. But then you have, like, yourself, the guy from Long Prairie that's newer and, like, more hungry or, like, I wanna be the best I can be and not get comfortable with that guy. How do you keep yourself from not getting that comfortable? Like, all right, this is gonna go autopilot for a while. - Yeah, I mean, I haven't gotten to that point. I've never felt as of now that, you know, I've done my job the best I can and now everybody likes me and I can just kinda do whatever I want as long as I get everything scheduled. You know, I'm good. I haven't hit that yet, but I'm sure has come with any job once you get doing it for five to 10 years, you know, you kinda get into a groove and you kinda know everything and I'm not there yet. I definitely don't know everything. But I guess I would just say I think a really big part is just keep interacting with students because your job might stay the same or, you know, this won't ever be the same thing day in a day out. But in the grand scheme of things, it's the same job every year. But what's different is the students every year, right? New students come in, new students are graduating and leaving. So just making sure you keep that connection with the students and reminding yourself that's why you do everything, that's why you go that extra mile, you know, that's why you're out reffing JV football at 4.30, then you gotta come in and announce the varsity starters and then you're cleaning up, you know, the gym afterwards by yourself sometimes, you know, but you don't have to do that, but you do it because you want the kids to see that you care, you know, and they deserve nice things, you know, they deserve the best. So I guess that's how to not get comfortable in my eyes. - So if you have a question regarding anything AD related, do you reach out to another AD in the prairie, or do you reach out to somebody internally at the school? - Yeah, well, usually the school, I mean, most of them won't know. You know, if it's a call on whether we can bus a team a day early to like play in Fargo, right at the Fargo Dome or something, then I'll talk to the superintendent. But any AD questions, Aaron Gopinski and Swanville has been amazing. He helps me with everything. I haven't called him as much the last few years, the first year I felt like it was his number two or three times a day. But no, he was a huge help that first year. He got me through a lot of stuff, and every day when it seemed like it got worse, somehow everything got worse, everything was going the way you didn't want it to. He would just call me and say, "Having fun yet? "It's fun, isn't it?" (laughing) So, but he's been really good. And now he's actually asked me for a few things, and I'm, you know, I'll return the favor when I can, but no, I would credit him a lot. He's my first person every time. - So as an AD, I know when we were younger, the AD was I was like a gym teacher. Do you think AD should be involved with school classes? Like, I would say like sex ed, there's the health class, there's gym, are you a part of that O, or do you think they should be part of that? - So, I think a lot of people don't understand how much an AD does. And again, some days you could be there from 7.30 to 3.30, some days, I'm there from 7.30 to 3.30, some days. Some days I'm there from 6.30 to 11.30 PM, right? I mean, it's a grind some days and you just never know what you're gonna get. But for that question, I know in a lot of smaller schools, there's not as much students, not as many activities, right? So sometimes people are gym teachers or health. I'm the finance manager for the school. So that's kind of my second job. And that's how a lot of smaller schools work. Aaron is a teacher in Swanville. So I think at smaller schools, you kind of have to have a second role 'cause there are days where you won't work of true full day. You might be busy from 7.30 to 11, and then it's like, well, I got everything done. I could get way ahead and do schedules for the next two years, but there's days where you are done early, and smaller schools, it probably happens more because there's less sports, less things to worry about, right? Less parents, less students. So at smaller schools, you should probably have, be doing something else. - So you've been doing this for three years, and then when March Madness comes around. Every time in science class, we had to take the month of March off to watch basketball. Do you do the same thing? Do you take the month of March off and watch some basketball? - Oh man, I know I love March Madness just as much as you, man. That's my favorite. I live for that stuff. I can't say I take work off, but we're still in our basketball season too, and I help coach the boys' team. So there's still that, but I mean, it's basketball fever, and those Thursdays and Fridays, when there's March Madness on at 11, 20, and CBS pops up, and it's the one seed versus 16. You bet I got that on the monitor in my office. I'll be, it's always on. I mean, I'll try to be doing something while it's on, but I'll have it on. - I still have the photo. It was me, you, I believe it was Christian. We're in the back room of the library. All three of us had a laptop. All three of us had a different game on. (laughing) - Oh man, yeah, those were the days, and we did bracket, so we did the whole nine yards. - We did like nine brackets. - Too many. - And we still didn't fit in the outfit. (laughing) - Sweet. - You're enjoying that? I'm guessing you're enjoying the job then. - Yeah, love it. Like I said, I thought it was just gonna be scheduling and hiring coaches, and there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes that you don't realize, but yeah, I love it. I mean, when I was in junior high, one day I was like, man, I kinda wanna, I don't know what junior high kid ever says I wanna be an athletic director, but that was one of my jobs. I think it was in Miss Hoblins maybe, and we had to write, you know, what do we wanna do when we're older? You know, and I think Mitch had NFL running back, and you know, Christian had to be the next Kobe Bryant or something, and I was sitting there with athletic director on my paper, and I was like, man, do I have shitty dreams? Or like, but no, I mean, I've always kind of been interested. I've always wanted to do it, and you know, I've liked every part of it. There's tough parts, but I mean, it's rewarding. - I kinda wanna go back and see what we all wrote and see where we're at now. - I guarantee, I don't think any of us would be. - Oh no. - I mean, maybe Lamper put professional lawn care business, but. - What's the one for 20? We couldn't figure out how many people were in a class, one for 26, 24, we were not good with math. - We don't, I can't tell you how many kids are graduated with. You know how many people hear that, and you're like 26? - Oh yeah. - What? - When they say, "Hey, where are you from?" And you're like, "Oh, small town, four people." They're like, "Oh, like, south-ups a lot." Like, no, no, total. We have five churches and two bars, we're just a bunch of drunk and home people. (laughing) Isn't that crazy? - It's legit. - Yeah. - And that's, they're like, "What?" - Sweet and no, not oops-la, oops-la. - Oops-la, yep. When I grew up in Elmdale, a population of 100, two churches in a bar, it's all we had. (laughing) - What's one key memory that you remember the most from high school? - Oh, man, that's 10 and a half years ago at minimum. It's not, yeah, it's almost been 10 and a half. - I know, I know. You have almost five-year-old? - I know. - Yeah, crazy. Man, I'm trying to just think of like one moment that was, oh, oh, this is a great memory, 'cause I don't really remember it, but my salutatorian speech at graduation, I just had knee surgery, so I was on crutches. I don't know if you remember that, but I was on crutches, and super bad knee pain, and I popped a lot of pills before graduation. And I remember my mom was like, "What are you doing?" I was like, "It really hurts, I need this." And so I popped a lot of them, and my mom's like, "What are you doing?" And my dad just goes, "He's fine." - Oh, yeah, I'm fine. - He's fine. - And then I remember my name got called to go up there and do the speech or whatever, and I was like, "Yeah, you know what I'm gonna do? "I'm gonna rip my speech in half right when I get up there, "and it's gonna look badass." (laughing) And so I did, and I proceeded to probably be really high at winging the speech for the next five minutes, and that was pretty fun. I'm pretty sure I brought you running up and running into the brick wall. Remember that? - Yeah, I was-- - I brought you up in the speech. - Yeah, that was-- - Elementary? - Yeah. - That was the same day we were going to the twins' game. - Yeah. - The end of the year. And you went full-blown into the brick wall, trying to tackle someone. - Russell. - Yeah. - I missed. - And you missed Russell. (laughing) The one guy you probably can't miss, and you missed him. - And it wasn't by, I missed him by a lot. - Yeah, but you went all out for it. I remember that. - I went all out for it. - You were on my team and I was like, "Wow, that guy just laid his head on the line "to try and stop him in elementary-- - Hey, but I do believe the school moved a little." - Yeah, yeah, one of the bricks kicked out a little bit. - I should probably go over there and sign it. (laughing) - Like, you know how they do, like, the walk-of-fame, they have, like, a handprint? I should probably put, like, my base print there. - And you know what's one of this, 'cause it's got blood-staying on it. So, yeah, that's a good memory. I should have picked that one. That was good. - That was elementary, yeah. - Yeah, that was definitely something. - That was almost, what, 20? - Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, that was a good memory. March Madness always was fun. I don't know, man, there was a lot. Going to stay in basketball was fun. - 'Cause you guys, you went twice. - Twice, yep. - One sophomore, one senior. - Fresh in junior. So, freshman year, we lost right away, and then junior, we went, took fourth, played in the semi-finals and lost. - So, I know you were part of the team that played Mr. Baskwell, Mr. Baskwell, Anders Bronman. - Ah, yeah. - Yes, Mr. Baskwell. - Oh, yeah. - How was that? I know, I wasn't able to make the game, but I remember that you guys were telling stories that the one thing Coach Kappell did was just write the word Bronman on the board. - Yeah, that's actually a fun story. So, if I'm sure, I mean, a lot of people got to know what Anders is, right? But he was insane in high school. He's the all-time, I think he's the all-time points score, right, in Minnesota history. But we actually played them, that was my junior year. When we were really good, they were really good. I mean, they had him. He played us in Uppsala, and it was just packed. I mean, there was teams from all over there. It was just crazy atmosphere. And before the game, you know, the day before the game, our coach is like, yeah, all right, there's Anders' kid. He's really good. Really, really, really good. We're like, okay, okay. And then he's like, and he's got a little brother. His name's Bjorn. - Bjorn, yeah. - Yeah, and he was two years younger, but he's like, he's really good too. Not Anders' good, but he ended up being really good at Winthrop, actually, Bjorn. But anyway, he was a sophomore at the time, and he's like, he's really good too. And I'm like, okay, yep. And then he's like, don't worry about the other three. (both laughing) And we're like, what? You know, we're scouting. And he's like, all right, so if you're over there, right, you're playing help side, and you're not guarding a bromin, right, you're guarding someone else, leave him, double. And we're like, wait, just leave the guy under the basket? Like, you know, he's not talking help from like wing to wing. You're talking a guy in the block right next to the hoop. And you want to leave him wide open under the bat, and he's like, trust me. We're like, this is weird, man. This is varsity basketball. And then they get here, and they're warming up and stuff, and then first play of the game, that Avery's name is, leaves his guy, just completely leaves his guy under the hoop, and goes and doubles Anders. And Anders kind of like hesitates to pass it to the guys. Wide open under the basket, I'm like, what the, you know? And he's like, looking at him, looking at him, looks at the hoop, and he's like, 30 feet out with double team. He's looking at the hoop, like he's gonna shoot, and I was like, what is he doing? And just throw it to the guy. So he throws it down there, you know, the guy's got his hands ready, hits him right in the face, goes out at that, and we're like, you know, and all this, you know, coach kind of looks at us and goes, see, you know, we're like, whoa, that's crazy. If we just guard these two, whoa, it went easy. So I ended up, I was part of, me and Garrett guarded Anders Roman throughout the game. We ended up winning, I think it was like 112 to 102, or something like that, crazy high scoring game. - Okay, now, you and Garrett on that team were top three defenders on the team? - Yeah, we were both pretty good defenders, yeah. - How much did Anders have? - 71. (laughing) Yeah, he was, he was, he was. - How much did his brother have? - 32, I think they had, I think they had every point, but one, I'm not even kidding. No, 29, I don't wait math though, to one kid hit a free throw, and one kid hit a three. So four, so minus four, and 71. Do that math in your head, I'm not gonna be right now. - My name's still not good at it. - Right, but yeah, man, there was one, right before the end of the half, Anders was bringing the ball up, and me and Garrett were both in the game, and we were both on them, and we, it's at half court, and we were both guarding him. And there's like three seconds left, two seconds left, and Eric, free throw comes over, and he pulls one foot past half court, it was crazy. Pulls one foot past half court, there's a picture of it, there's three of us contesting, and he could just elevate so high to get a shot off, but he got it off, and we all just look and turn, and he just drains it, and it was like, and then he just looked at us like nothing happened. You know, he just looked at us and goes, good half. You know, and runs into the locker room, and we're like, whoa. This guy, you know, he was, I mean, he was, it was, yeah, we got torched. - But you won? - Yeah, well, the other three guys couldn't play defense either, so, I mean, we could, all five of us could score, so. Yeah, but he was, he was a real deal. - So would you rather have, as the AD, would you rather have a game like that one where the arena's packed, and like, you feel it, or would you rather have like, the, like, a state feel? - Um, they're both, honestly. The, that kind of environment, it's awesome. It's so cool to be there and be involved. We've had a few basketball games this last year where it's just packed. You know, everything's on eggshells, right? Is that what they said, eggshells? Yeah, yeah, you know, we're like, you know, everybody's watching if one thing goes wrong. You know, half the crowd's booing, half the crowd's, it's just countless bantering back and forth and student sections, and those are fun, but they're stressful as an AD because, you know, you might have to toss someone, you might have to go yell at people multiple times. You know, and if people start harping on the officials, that's tough for me because we don't have a lot of officials in Minnesota anymore. Like in this area, right? Like the cities, yeah, you know what I mean? But in this area, it's hard to find people 'cause they're all either getting old and retiring and not many young people are doing it. But, yeah, I mean, that environment's awesome but there's also some days where you walk in and you're like, all right, we're either gonna, like, you know, we're either gonna blow 'em out of the water and this should just be an easy, relaxed game or we're gonna get our butts kicked. But either way, there should be no whining, no complaining, you know, everybody, and you hate to say, you know, the result before it happens. But sometimes you do, you know, and you still play the game and whether you're gonna win by a lot or lose by a lot, you don't act like it, but once the game's going on and especially if I'm not coaching and I kinda know what's gonna happen, I'm like, perfect. You know, no stress. - So I'm guessing you've played the new NCAA game. - Yes. - And you know, the whole home field advantage, the whole, do you like that as an AD? Like, okay, you do-- - Not like, not like the-- - Not in the game. - But like, say like the USA Patriot game, like, don't you like that atmosphere of like-- - Oh, absolutely. - Everybody, and you're like, this is big. - Absolutely, yeah, our high school football does get that way, too. Not usually 'til like the third fourth quarter, but it starts getting rowdy. Like, basketball, last year, we were really good. We got into some big games towards the end of the year where it's like, this is awesome, you know, it's, the crowd noise is awesome, home field, when that happens and you have home field advantage or home court, that's pretty cool. So you know, the people, if it works and they rattle 'em, right, you know, if the team can't hear and they don't know the snap count or they have to call timeout, you know, that's pretty cool. - You're rattling 'em. - Yeah, yeah, I mean, Cameron, it was one college team, right, didn't they come out, first play of the game? I think it was against Penn State. I don't know, I saw a clip, right? I don't know what team it was, but they came out and it was at Penn State and it was the white out. - Oh, yeah. - It was the first play of the game and they had to call timeout, right? No time off clock 15, 'cause they couldn't hear the snap, you know, the quarterback and it's like, well, you know, those moments are cool, so, yeah. - Got any major predictions for the Viking season this year? - Ah. - The torn meniscus year. - Ah, man, it just, I know you go through it too, but it just, it breaks your heart, man. It really does. I mean, you get so excited 'cause you finally do it. You finally take the quarterback, that's not ponder, right? You finally take a quarterback in the first round and it's like, holy shit, and you watch 'em ball out a little and it's like, damn, okay, you know, this. - We have a chance. - Yeah, this could be a franchise guy. We never have those. We had Kirk for a little bit, but I mean, like we, we've literally missed on every franchise quarterback ever. - Oh yeah. - All right, Green Bay's three for three in the last 30 years, 40 years old. - Wow. - Oh, we'll see, we'll see. - Wow. - Overpaid, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Jordan Love is the highest paid. - Yeah, I agree. You know, but hey, all I could say is he's better than a lot of our options we've had. I don't know, man, I think, you know, I thought when Jordan Addison was carted off the other day, yeah, right after JJ's news, I was like, all right, well, this is, I'm still gonna watch every game. Yup, I'm still gonna bitch at the TV. Yup, am I expecting to win? No. I don't know. What do you think of Darnell? - If JJ can do it, right, he'll learn a lot from Darnell. - The thing is, we give him kind of a bad rep because he was with the Jets. And the Jets kind of had the three blind mice that had the offensive line. So he had two and a half seconds, maybe three to throw it, where here we may have a little bit better offensive line, and we have a better running back than what the Jets had at that time. - That's fair. - And he played for the Panthers, right? The Panthers were terrible. - Oh, a year. - Yeah, it wasn't like Robbie Anderson is number one. - Yeah. - Or something like that. Or number two receiving the league, where you can just literally throw it up and he'll make something happen. - Right. I just think of the Bills game, right? That was crazy. But I don't know, man. I think they could be, I think their offensive line's good. I think their offensive line's underrated. - So the line is currently set six and a half. - Wins? - Mm-hmm. - I was talking about their offensive line. - Yeah, what is that? - Six and a half for the season? - For the season. - Damn. - We are-- - Wait, that's gonna be like one of the worst. - We are projected to take fourth in the North. - Mm-hmm. - It goes Detroit and then some sites say Green Bay, some say Chicago, and then-- - People go in Chicago over Green Bay? - 'Cause of the whole-- - Caleb Williams? - Yeah. - Whole John McQueen. They ain't gonna make the playoffs. - No, I don't-- - I've already called it twice. - Hi. - He won't win a play I've given three years. - Man, I don't think they're doing better than green. Detroit's division for sure. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, I, man, I don't think it's that far off for the likes to finish second, but that's because I'm biased. Like, you know? - Just a little bit. - Yeah, I mean, you know? They have, I mean, Harrison Smith's fricking 50 and he's out there still hitting you guys. I love Cam Bynum, that's my favorite player on the team. - Oh really? - I love Cam Bynum. His attitude, his effort, he's awesome. I don't know, best full-back in the league? I know that 49ers guy's pretty good, isn't he? I don't even know his name, it's weird. Sure sick. - Have you had a fanist draft yet? - Yep. - Who's your first pick? - Mm-hmm, Breece Hall. I got him at, so it's a 12-man PPR, right? - Yeah, 12-man PPR, I got him at nine. I mean, that's not terrible. He's projected like four or five, I don't know. I wanted, I wanted Chase or CD or Jefferson, but they were all gone, so. - Well, I'm gonna get any games this year? - Yeah, I'm going to the Kirk Cousins return. - Oh, really? Is that October? - I'm gonna say I'd have to, I'd have to look, but I know, I know I have tickets, yeah. - We're going to the Houston game in September. - Dude, that would be so fun. Yeah. - I'm a big CJ's draft fan. - Yeah, so I'm in two leagues. So I'm in a Dynasty League, too. That's my Dynasty quarterback. - CJ? - Yeah. Well, the whole last year. I mean, he's good. - Oh, yeah. - He's so good. He got a lot of crap, too, didn't he? 'Cause he was like, Pat didn't do well on the test or something? - He didn't do well on like the written test, and they're like, "Oh, he's not gonna be good." He was like, "We don't get the fuck." - Yeah. - "Have you seen the last few quarterbacks?" And Brock Osweiler for awhile. And now CJ is like, "I'll bring you to a championship." - Brock Osweiler. - Well, we could've had him. - Yeah, hey, I mean, I would take CJ Strouder right now. Dude, I think JJ's gonna be good. I do. - I do too. I just think he needs to learn a lot with Sam there. And it's not bad. I didn't say I called him. But I'm like, "Well, KOC, you gotta make a choice. "Do you want to start the rookie, "or do you want to start Sam?" And well, a day later, someone tore his minuscule. - Well, well, there's your choice. - No, you think he's sweating the last no? Kind of an easy decision. - Well, a little bit. He's like, "Ooh, dodge that bullet." - Tommy, unless Nick Mullins. - Oh. - E3 for 400, man. - When? - Well, he played Detroit. Remember when we went E3 for picks? (laughs) - Kind of like Nathan Peterman, like, "He's great!" - Yeah. - Deinterception, deinterception, deinterception. - Dude, what happened to that guy? He's still in the, he's still around. - How do you see that fell? - Maybe, maybe. Nathan Peterman. - I don't know, man. - He's up before the Dolphins. He's on a backup for somebody. - Who did you want the Vikings to draft? - Honestly, I wanted JJ or, I mean, okay, we're not getting Caleb Williams, right? We're not getting James Williams. We're not getting James Daniels. Anybody thought he was gonna fall in the way? - No. - Drake, man. - Yeah, that was the other one. I was like, man, he looks good. He plays for North Carolina. I mean, I don't know. I wanted James Daniels the most, but I knew-- - He wasn't gonna fall in? - Yeah, no chance. So, I wanted Drake, Mayor, or McCarthy, but-- - I was pushing for McCartney pretty hard. - Yeah. I didn't want Bonix and that guy balled out last week. Did you see? I just saw clips. Holy crap. - He just got named the starter for Denver for the first time since L-A. - Did he? - Yeah, for week one. - Whoa. Dang. - First-- - He must be looking good. - First Denver quarterback as a rookie since L-A. - Big footsteps. - Who knows? He was gonna own the team in about 20-something years. - Yeah. Dude, I don't know. I really didn't want him. And then I watched him play, and I was like, hmm, he's got two good knees, you know? He's got two good knees. - You know, it wouldn't be him. - Damn. - Those knees. - Right. Ah, but I don't know. We'll see. I just, I'm so excited for the NFL. It's just, it's so fun. Fancy or not, and I don't know. Do you get that, like, hope, week one? Like, you know, when you sit down for the first game? - Yeah, you get the hope, and then-- - Yeah. - And then you're like, this is great, and then pick six. You're like, this year sucks. - Why is it always a pick six, too? - It's always a pick six. - And why is it always a week one? (laughs) - We're like, oh, we got a green bay? All right, we can beat him 24-0, like. - Yeah. - You know, next year, it looks pretty promising. You got JJ back. - Yeah, or what's up with that Daniel Carlson? Remember that kicker we had? And he missed, like, five field goals in green bay? - That's Blair Walsh. - No, no, no, no, no, not Blair, no, not wide left. - I'm the, I'm the blind Walsh, I'm sorry. - Yeah, blind Walsh. Ah, not that, don't bring up that Seahawks game, oh my God. - Oh, yeah, I never heard the end of that game. - Yeah, that was Blair Walsh. No, there's that, he's kicks for the Raiders now. - His name's Daniel Carlson. Look it up, he was a rookie for the Vikes. - Okay. - And then week two, we played in green bay. And we, I think we tied, legit tied. At the end of overtime, he missed five field goals, over five. - Is it there? - They cut him? - Wasn't that weak? I thought they gave him a good chance. - Maybe they did give him one more. - Not chance, and then he was like, ehhh. - Yeah, and now he's great for the Raiders. It's like, I don't know. I don't know if it's 'cause they were purple or, okay, talker was purple, man. I don't know what it is. Talker went early in our draft. - Did you do a draft? - Nice. - Ah, yeah. Justin Tucker went in the ground six. - Really? - Yeah, I'm like, who do you go for? Receiver running back first? - Ready back. Unless it's a good, it's gotta be a good receiver, man. Like, when, like, when it got to me, I was like, I have to take Bresall because all the receivers that I think are amazing are gone. Even Amunra went before Bresall. - Really? - Yeah. Well, it was ninth pick, Amunra went eighth. That's what I was gonna take. And then, yeah, I don't, I don't know. It's just, I feel like it's so much easier to get receivers. 'Cause there's, I mean, there's usually two to three in every play, right? Maybe one running back, you know? - Yeah, you can say three times a hundred and hit your receivers if you have a good three. - Right, but PPR too, you want receivers, so. Yeah, I don't know. - Well, Jefferson, Addison, who's their third? - Brandon Powell. Jalen Naylor? - Not bad. - Yeah, it's not bad. Tijahawkensen, tight end, but. - Tight end, but still, it's points. - Yeah, McCarthy had a good setup, man, sucks. But it's what it is. - Anything but twins? - Garden. I mean, okay, their record looks good, but I mean, the owners can fly, you know what, man. They didn't make any moves, they refused to make moves, their bullpen sucks. I mean, they got two guys in the bullpen that you can rely on. I don't know if you watched them much. - I just watched, just course it. - Yeah, they got Jackson Duran in the bullpen. These guys are awesome, everybody else gives up four runs every time they go up there. It's just, and they're always hurt. Buckston's hurt again. I mean, he's been hurt 10 times this year. I don't know, my wife actually loves watching them. She'll have them on when I get home from work sometimes. I'm like, damn. And she never. - Still playing? - And she never watched sports before me. And now she's like roped into like the twins and the Vikings. And then last year, there was one Vikings game where we just, I can't remember what game it was, but we just absolute in Minnesota fashion, right? Like the most dumbest way you can lose a game and they do. And she's just so upset. She's like, why did that happen? And I was a little mad, but I just looked at her and I'm like, I am so sorry I got you into this, 'cause it is a life of hell. And nothing will ever change. And you will continue to believe that it will. - But it won't. - But it's not gonna, yeah. But I don't know. Maybe the twins will make the playoffs, loses to the Yankees and... - Wow. - Yeah, that's the trend. - Yep, that's gonna be the prediction this year too. Make the playoffs lose to the Yankees. Buck it. - Write it down so much. - Yeah. - Bug it. - Well, boy, the timber pups. - Yeah. - They got the best chance at anybody. - They do. I mean... - Well, what the links? The links have... - Yeah, they're looking good. - They look really good. - They're looking good. - They should have been chatting straight up for Angelouries, but they look good. - Yeah, they should have. I mean, they just beat, they just beat... Andrew Wilson last night, right? Yeah. That's a big win. Yeah, they look good. - That game when Clark comes to town, that's gonna be big. - Yeah, she's fun. She's fun to watch. I mean, I can't believe she didn't make the Olympic team. That's crazy to me. - It had a bit of something going on. - Oh man, that's crazy. But I don't know. I mean, yeah, links got a good chance. I think the timber wolves, they have all the potential. They got all the talent, man. I mean, ants the dude. Ants the dude. He fumbled a little bit in the Olympics, but... - We still got gold, doesn't matter. - Yeah, yeah. He's the real deal. And, you know, Nas Reed's, Nas Reed, you know. - Get six, man. - Dude, baby. And I like McDaniels too. I do. I don't know. Mike Conley's like 50 now. I'll just... - Hold his mic Conley. That guy's old, man. - I don't remember when he came into Lee, 'cause we drafted Conley. We drafted Conley. No, we drafted O.J. Mayo for Kevin Love. In that thing, Conley... - Wait, that was that draft? - That was that draft. - That's old he is? - Yeah, he was a... - O.J. Mayo? - O.J. Mayo. - 'Cause we drafted O.J. Somebody drafted Love, we switched. - Yeah. - And we had... Conley went before those, before both of them did. - Damn. You remember K Love when he was like number 42 for the Wolves? Bald, big, white guy? - Who? - Kevin Love. - Oh, yeah. - Remember that when he was just a board machine? - Three. - Yeah. Just smooth three and then just eight down low. I was like... - It's him and Ricky Rubio. You could go wrong with that set. - Oh my God. - Love Ricky Rubio. - Did you? - I loved Ricky Rubio. - And he could draft with Johnny Flynn. Wasn't Flynn like a huge buzz? - Flynn and then two draft letters. - Oh, yeah. That's the board. I see that all the time. - Oh, the Wolves fumbled. - Yeah, no shit. - Yeah. At least Ricky was fun. Ricky was fun. - Ricky reminds me of Love, Garrett, when he didn't know he was no love passes. I think that's where he got it from. - Yeah. Garrett liked Rondo. - Oh, Garrett loved Rondo. - Love the Celtics. - Oh, which I asked him how he was doing with the Celtics one this last? - Oh, man. He was, yeah. I was talking to him throughout most of it. He was so happy. I was like, okay. - Book a ticket boss and go celebrate. - Honestly, if you're that big of a fan, like you said, you have been for years, you should be out there. - How drunk are you gonna be when a Minnesota team wins the championship? - Dude, that's such a funny question. (laughing) I came home the other day. When JJ tore his meniscus and he was out for the year, I came home and my sister was over here and with my wife, whatever, they were hanging out and I went, you know, got home and I was like, I just pissed. Just sad. It ruined my whole day. And my wife just looks for me and goes, well, what's wrong? And I was like, you didn't hear? She's like, no. And she's, I was like, yeah. JJ McCarthy's fucking out for the year. And she's like, that's why you're upset about that. And I was like, how are you not? You know, this is, you know? And then she's just kind of like, you know, how's pissed and, you know, bitchin' and all that. And then all of a sudden she's like, okay, if the Vikings actually, let's say, ever do win the Super Bowl, she's like, how many days will you be drunk? I was like, I don't know, but it's gonna be days. It's gonna be, I don't do it. - I'm probably taking the whole next week. - Yeah, got you. - Oh, we won. I'm taking Monday through Friday. I don't bother me, I'm gone. - Yeah, don't hit my number. Don't knock on my door. I'm gonna be, the skull song's gonna be on the entire day. But I'm just gonna be marching, man. - Just fucking everything. I ain't gonna do it, skull! - Dude, skull! - Oh my God. That would be it. I mean, that, well, 'cause neither of us have really seen it. - Minnesota. - You know, we weren't alive for the twins. - Nope, that's 91. - Yeah, so, I don't know, it's crazy. We're, what, 28? - No. - And we haven't seen, I mean, we could've been one, and we could've won one instead of, yeah, we were here, but we have not been here. - We, the links, the only one, but that's, but we, WMB wasn't that big back then. - No, no, that's like my amor. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - No, Lindsey Whalen, that kind of stuff? - Yeah, but that's the thing, it's like nobody really, this sounds bad, cared about WMB back then. - No, they didn't. - No, they didn't really, it's picked up a whole lot. - It has, it's actually pretty cool to see. I mean, now it kind of means, I mean, like you said, it sounds bad, but then it didn't really like mean anything. - Yeah. - The only people that knew that you won were the people in that state, you know, and they found out through the newspaper. Oh, the links won, oh, you know, it was like, I don't know. - WMB, WMB, you should go, okay. - Yeah, but, I don't, you know, I think it'd be cool. If the links do it again, it would definitely mean more. I think so. - I'll take a day after that, I'll drink for that. - Yeah, I would too, I wouldn't take it the whole week. - I mean, Vikes Pups are, or twins do it. I'm taking that whole damn week. - Just be like, fast on top. - Yeah, I mean, man, I mean goosebumps. Dude, that would be crazy. Did you imagine? - Hold that feeling 'til two more weeks and then week one and then go away. - Yeah, and then I'll be popping open. - Hey, when does the Super Wolf start again? - It's not how it always works. - But it always works that way. - Wolves are done, someone goes, that's all right. Twins are playing, dude. - Is this just a cycle of endless suffering? - Yeah, wild! We forgot the-- - Yeah, we don't care what the world-- - Yeah, well, okay. I don't know about that, man. - Ooh! - You follow them? - Yeah, my boss is pretty big fan of wild. - Brock Faber's fricking good. - Oh yeah, I'm pretty good, yeah. - Ten years, right? They booked 'em for a long time. - Eight? - Eight, maybe eight, I don't know. - I don't know, in the morning I put on ESPN on the TV that we're gonna look at it and I'm like, oh, oh. - Yeah. - We lost again. - Yep. - That's all the time, but yeah, I don't know, we'll see. I'm always optimistic about Minnesota sports, so I'm sure everybody is, that's in the state, or your bandwagon, Wisconsin fan, so. - Fuck the Packers. - Fuck the Packers. I love Wheezy, but fuck the Packers. - Well, Dylan, I appreciate you coming on. I know we haven't talked in, man. Like I said, eight, 10 years, really. - Yeah, yeah. - So it's good to actually spend some time about almost an hour of just us talking about sports and talking about being an AD, 'cause I, like I said, I thought it was just all about scheduling and doing just like, I play you today, but the more in depth, like the rest, the score keeping, it's a lot more than what people really think about it. - Yeah, yep, yep, I mean, like I said, no one knows that you're, you know, chocking the fields every day too, it's, you know, it's. It's a lot that you don't think about, and I didn't think about until I started, but I love it. It's cool to explain it, it's cool to, man, you just kind of hit it off. Like, 10 years didn't even happen, right? - 10 years didn't even happen, brought memories from back when we were in fifth grade. - Get us talk about sports and, I don't know, we go. - Oh yeah, like I said, hey, do you ever wanna join the sports show, let me know, I can give you a call in. - Yeah. - To come down here, I can always just do it at home. - Yeah, yeah, I mean, I was awesome. We came up here to do this too. Thanks for having me. - Oh yeah, for sure, it's. - Like I said, I've been listening lately. I talked to you, gave you grief beforehand about the UFC 305 bets. - 306 is coming up. - Yeah, we ain't listening to you. (laughing) - So I will tell you something. So when John Jones returned at 282, we were in Vegas, 'cause we got married in Vegas, so John Jones returned in Vegas and we went to that fight. - Oh. - And so me and the wife were like, all right, and we kind of got this room where like, you could back out and like place your bets. And she's like, what are you doing? I'm like, well, I'm gonna go gamble, of course. Well, there was the rematch that Alexa Grazo versus Vellana Check is coming up next UFC. And she's like, oh, I'll pick the little Mexican to win. She was plus 500, it's like, I'll put 20 bucks on it. I was like, okay, so she made a Valencia Tap Out. She's like, oh, how much did I win? I'm like, you owe me like 150 dollars. She's like, that's it? She's like, it's easy. I'm like, calm down, calm down. I'm like, so what did you win? I'm like, I lost 'cause I bet on the other girl. So we're gonna probably watch 306 live at like our sports bar down Wilma. Oh, it'll be awesome. That's a good time. I just, I don't know what I'm gonna pay. Yeah, you need some revenge here. Oh yeah. Oh, you'll get it. You'll get it. On a sign of your fucking tap. Dude. He started off 23 now and then went four and four. Yeah, the style blender's done, man. Rain's over. Last question, Mick Gregor. Yes, no, washed up. Coming back? Yeah. Do I think he's coming back? Is that like, is that the question? Do you think he's gonna come back? Do you think he's gonna win? Oh, didn't Dana White say he's done this year? This year. This year. But Connor's like, I can fight. This time, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna lay up the fight. I think he fights one more time at least. This year? Or... Well, it's against Chandler, it'll be Chandler because that's the alpha fighter. Right, right. I think Chandler's gonna win. Oh yeah. (laughs) But I don't, I think he fights, I don't know if it's this year or next year, but I think he's gonna do it. I mean, they had Connor in a month, they'd be favored. Maybe that's crazy. I was like... I think they'd be stupid not to fight, right? How much money that's gonna make? Oh, oh yeah. I guess, and Dana White, like, all about that? When, uh, when Connor broke his leg. Oh yeah. That was the best thing ever. Yeah. I was, I watched that fight and I'm like, "Oh man, poor he's getting over." I'm like, "Oh God, you're like, "and I'm supposed to go that way." Yeah. And then the guy's like, "It's over." I'm like... Yeah. Did y'all see that? Yeah. 'Cause we were in Denver when that happened and I was like, "Holy shit." Yeah, that was wild. I remember, I was like, damn. I want him to win two, to be honest, but... I mean, I snapped his leg, I was like, "Whoa." But, oh, I think he comes back. Like, how Connor was talking shit while you was sitting there with a broken leg. Yeah, I know. Your wife's in my deal, bro. He can't walk right now. Yeah, I was like, "What are you doing?" Dude, it's chill. Yeah, he's crazy. Well, I appreciate it, man. And then I'll, for sure, Lee. I'll give you a call so that you can do pics against me for 306. Yeah, let's do it. So then see who, see if he can beat me. Okay, I'm in. Let's do it. Let's do it. Oh yeah, Jake's for having me, man. Appreciate it. Thank you. 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