Philly Philly with Jon Marks

Benches clear after Nick Castellanos hit, Phillies bat around in 8th, Phillies beat Rays 9-4

En route to batting around in the 8th inning, the Phillies bench cleared after Nick Castellanos was hit by a pitch from Edwin Uceta, who struggled in relief for the Rays. The Phillies end up winning the game 9-4, and taking the series over Tampa Bay with the finale still to be played today.

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11 Sep 2024
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En route to batting around in the 8th inning, the Phillies bench cleared after Nick Castellanos was hit by a pitch from Edwin Uceta, who struggled in relief for the Rays. The Phillies end up winning the game 9-4, and taking the series over Tampa Bay with the finale still to be played today. Plus, we'll be joined by DLLS' Jeff Cavanaugh at 8:25 to discuss the NFC East, after the Eagles and Cowboys both win their Week 1 matchups.


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So Anthony coming up at nine o'clock, all of our programming, and then when we're not live, it's playing the programming again. So a lot of people reach out to me, saying like, hey, I watch on Roku every day. Very cool. Shout out to you guys, also podcast forum. And we're rolling on this right now. Search Philly Philly with John Marks. Tyler puts it up every morning, a little bit after nine o'clock. So you can listen to the audio portion of the show, just like you would any other podcast. And wherever you get your podcast, go check it out. It's also linked. Everything is linked on my social media accounts. So if you go to @JohnJON, Marks, M-A-R-K-S media, @John Marks Media, it'll give you everything. That's Twitter, Instagram, but you click on the link. It gives you everything. And you can click right through and watch or listen to whatever you want to. Also, my DMs are open. And my email address at John Marks Media or Say hello. I put this out there the other day. Had a bunch of people reach out to me. Thank you, good to talk to you. And I still owe a couple emails back to some people out there. But thank you very much. We have a lot to get to today. Philly's with a big comeback, or a big back and forth win last night with a bench clearing brawl, kind of, maybe not the brawl. So we'll get to that. We're going to check in down in Dallas on the Cowboys, Jeff Cavanaugh, from our sister network down there, our all city sister network that just launched a couple of weeks ago. He's going to jump on about A-25. Are the Cowboys better than we've thought? Hmm, I think they could be. We'll talk about that coming up about A-25. Also the presenting sponsor of Philly Philly with John Marks is Bet Parks. Check out all the latest lines on the Bet Parks app. Eagles are six and a half point favorites. Monday night against the Falcons. The Cowboys are also six and a half point favorites on the Falcons on Sunday. Today is September 11th and 2024. So it's 23 years since September 11th, 2001. And I think it's natural for anybody that, I mean, I hate to say old enough to remember it, but there are a lot of people out there watching right now that we're in a live or we're aren't old enough to remember it. I was working that morning, not far from our studios here. I worked at Seventh and Chestnut and I was listening to the Howard Stern Show. And that's where I heard a plane just flew in the World Trade Center, what is going on? And then as I kind of got up and went to watch CNN or whatever, then you realize that this wasn't an accident and everything unfolded. And I'll just never forget, they told us to go home. And I went out on the streets and it was just like chaos. And I went back to my apartment, I lived in a high rise and I sat out on the balcony and I was watching fighter jets kind of patrolling the Eastern Seaboard, you could see them. And it was quite a surreal day, but you always look back for me. It's the moment that my mom and dad talked about when they were young, when JFK was assassinated. So for many people out there, it was like that. Tyler Zoule, who is many years my junior, you were probably an elementary school? I was, I was in second grade. So what do you remember? Just a bunch of commotion as on the TV? I mean, as like a seven year old at the time, I hadn't turned eight yet, it was, yeah, it was a commotion, you know, you don't remember a ton as, you know, kind of, you're in like a weird stage of your childhood where like you remember things, but not details. - Right. So it was kind of one of those moments, but you know, 23 years later, still a somber day for a lot of people, a day of remembrance, like I think in a country that is divided for many times, this is one thing that I think we all can come together, you know, when people say like, you know, never forget, always remember. To me, I think that's a wholehearted statement we can all get behind is, you know, a somber day for our country. And, you know, no matter how old you are, like I said, I was seven, I didn't totally grip what was happening until I got a little bit older. But I didn't-- - Yeah, you knew something was up, so you knew something major was up. - Yeah, I think for us, it's, you know, it doesn't matter how many years pass. You're going to always have a remembrance of this day and, you know, a somber reverence for, you know, those the past, somber reverence for the brave men and women that were, you know, running into buildings and helping as many people as they can. You know, a day none of us will ever forget for obvious reasons. - I don't know why I like watching the, I don't know if they do it every year, I think they do, but MSNBC will put NBC's coverage of the day up, like live as it happened. And it is, man, it is, it is surreal watching that. And then like you had said, all the firefighters that died, all the second responders that got cancer from all the dust and everything else and the health affects it ahead for many years afterwards. So yeah, it's, man, it really is, it's like kind of, like for a lot of us, it's our moment from our life. So 23 years ago today, and I just remember showing the first Eagles game after 9/11 and it came back. And I remember like, I don't know if planes flew over the stadium or something. And I just remember at the time, you're like, oh my God, we could get, like there, someone's gonna put a bomb in the stadium, you're gonna get blown up. And obviously none of that happened. I remember the first time flying after I was after 9/11 and you're like scared because you're afraid. But anyway, at the time you didn't know any better. But yep, so everybody will remember where they were that day, September 11th, 2001. On a lighter note, before we get to the news here, Tyler, I was driving in this morning. And so rewind to yesterday in the car. So I'm driving the car yesterday and I see some kind of a bug on the windshield. And I think it's on the outside, I'm not sure, but I think it's on the outside and then I don't see it. I'm like, I'm gonna be on the outside or whatever. So then like 30 seconds later, the thing's like buzzing all over the place right in front of me. Oh, you know, I'm like, so I almost drive off the road. Right? 'Cause then it's gone, I put it down all the windows. I'm like, all right, hopefully it flew out. So this morning, same thing driving in except I didn't get any warning. This friggin moth is just like attacking my face. Like meh, meh, meh, meh. And I'm like, so now I'm really all over the road. Honest to God, I almost got no one accident. So then from there, I'm trying to, 'cause now it's over on the windshield over here. And I have like some piece of junk mail from my, from my center console. And I'm trying to reach over and like whack it. But I'm not, I'm not, I can't get it. It's too far away. I'm too short. My reach is a try to boom, boom. I can't get it. Then the damn thing's flying all over the place. So I didn't get it. I don't know, I don't know if it's in the car outside the car, put all the windows down in the car. So I still think it's in there somewhere. - Well, I'm just gonna let you know now. That's the moth's car now. You no longer own the vehicle. - I will say this, I don't know, I don't know what's a normal morning for you. But the last 48 hours have not been normal mornings for you between the rides into work. And then the issues with the Stanley yesterday. - Stanley made it all in my bag. - So I got a question. What roads do you take in the morning? So I can avoid them? - 422 and 76. - All right, so good news is you and I are not on the same roads because if I drive down the road, I see maniac squatting it flies in his passenger seat. I set my cruise control for 73 miles an hour. So I don't drive any faster. So that's how fast I was going. But it also slowed down if you have traffic approaching or whatever, it's a smart. Are you a cruise control person? - I am not, and the reason I'm not is because I think I would get complacent a little bit, especially on long rides. If I'm driving down the shore or like my family goes to Williamsburg a lot, big theme park guy, go to Bush Gardens, Colonial, all that kind of stuff. That's like a five hour ride, but you're on 95, basically the whole way. If I get complacent on a highway for that long, I'm going to get distracted. I'm going to get, I think just having the foot on the pedal and operating the gas pedal is just one more thing to keep me kind of locked in. Now, I don't know if I need to go see a doctor for that. - No, a bit bad. - But that to me helps me lock in on the road. - Put it in the comments on YouTube. I know we have comments coming in right now. Are you, are you cruise control guy? I use it on highways every freaking day. I like 76 going home. I'm not using cruise control, there's too much volume. You know what I mean? But 422 at five, 10 in the morning, boom. Actually, I've hit a deer on 422 in the morning as well back when I worked with Anthony, total my car. And I was driving cruise control then too. - Yeah, I didn't, I didn't work mornings a lot. You know, back in the radio days, I was mostly a night sky. But the morning drive in was almost where I was at the most alert because of that exact reason. The deer, you know, maybe, especially on like maybe a Friday morning, you know, people go out Thursday night, you know, you just, I think that's when I was like the most into my drive. Even though I'm tired, it's four o'clock in the morning. I'm like, you know, two hands on the wheel. - There's so many drunks out on the road at that time too. - That's what I'm saying. - There's so many drunks on the road. I worked nights too as well and that's the case. - All right, well, listen, Jeff Cavanaugh from down to Dallas gonna join us in about 15 minutes. But man, we had a baseball game last night, Tyler. What we got? - Sure did. Well, there was a baseball game, I guess, limitedly interrupting the fight that nearly broke out. We'll get to all of it. Philly's win this one, nine four. And if you just looked at the box score, you would say nine four, easy win. Let's get to tomorrow. But there was a lot of intrigue and interest with this one. It started off early in the game when it was Kyle Schorber because this has just become a trend. The man is on a mission. I didn't think he would get to 40 home runs this year. He's now at 35. There's an outside chance that maybe he does. But it started off with Kyle Schorber. Doing that Kyle Schorber thing, this is how it sounded on NBC Sports Philadelphia. - Involving pitcher in a high fly ball on a deep right center field. The Phillies have the lead and Kyle Schorber has the major league season record for lead off home runs. He now has 14. It is one and a nothing Phillies. - One nothing Phillies after just two pitches. Kyle Schorber breaks the record for single season lead off home runs with 14. It was held by Alfonso Soriano for almost 20 years. Not your traditional lead off hitter, John, but. - Yeah, that's over with. - It continues to work, right? - The conversation, it should have been over with last year. The conversation about him being a lead off man, it is over. - That's great. - He is, he's an incredible talent. I mean, he, when they signed him, it's like, all right, Kyle Schorber's a good player, whatever. You don't appreciate how good of a player he is until you have him here for so many different reasons. You know, last year he was hitting under 200 for a lot of the years. He gets walks, he drove me crazy 'cause he never great, especially starts at the season last year. This guy is a pro, he's the leader in the clubhouse, and he produces, and right now he's on fire and it's been a pleasure to watch. Now, I know he went down later with an injury. We'll talk about that, hopefully he's okay, but. - Yeah, I mean, you start off the game with a lead off home run. That's a pretty good start to a game. - Yeah, obviously we'll talk more about the injury as we go on, you know, that kind of becoming the walking wounded a little bit. This team is over the last couple of weeks. Ranger Suarez didn't have it yesterday. I mean, I don't think there's any other way to put it. He gives up 12 hits, gets into the six, goes five and a third, the 12 hits are a career high. He just seemed a little bit flat yesterday, but he gives up four over the five and a thirds inning pitch and Ryan Kirkrink comes in to get him out of a jam. I know we'll talk more about Ranger Suarez throughout the day. Just looked a little bit flat last night, not a lot of movement on his pitches, not a whole lot to be excited about in Ranger Star last night. - Now a lot of singles, but they were hitting the ball hard off of them. He battled, didn't have command, didn't have the zip. It's concerning because you really need now, he's not, he's not, he's not the race. Like thank God they have other really good starting pitching, but still, if you can pencil Ranger in for being like, he'll give you in a playoff game. He'll give you five or six innings where he's giving up a run or two maybe. You got a pretty good chance of winning a World Series. He didn't look like that, that pitcher right now. And coming off the injury, coming off being on the IEL for a little bit, you're worried about it. - Yeah, I know we'll get into it in a little bit more detail after we talk to Jeff, because the main story of last night's game, despite the historic home run, despite Ranger not pitching all that well, despite Kyle Schorber getting hurt, the main story of yesterday's game was something that happened in the bottom of the eighth. It was 4-4, and the Phillies exploded off of a guy who was pitching really well this year. And after the most recent runs being driven in, you could tell that Edwin Uceda was just really struggling with this command, struggling with the fact that he was kind of getting rocked for the first time. And it turned into a little bit of a chippy event. Again, courtesy of our friends over at NBC Sports Philly. - From the year, Cassidy Alice is in by the bench and he is not happy. The benches are going to clear. Now Harper's already at the bounce. Cassidy Alice has been hit a handful of times this week. Dusty Waughton comes over with Brandon Mars to move to Harper away. - There come the bullpen's. - The bullpen's clear as well. - So that ends up, Uceda after a long, I don't know, get together, you could call it, 'cause there wasn't any, you know, no punches throw, not really any pushing and shelving, a bench clearing brawl in the sense that the bench is cleared and so did the bullpen. I always thought find it really fine with it. - Bench clearing minus a brawl. - Yeah, the bench clearing event, I guess you could call it. Uceda ends up getting ejected from the game. The Phillies end up winning this thing nine to four. Now, Bryce Harper clearly took exception to the pitch that hit Castellanos. You could see him walking towards the mound as the, it was kind of unfolding, really just unhappy with how this kind of all transpired. And he spoke post-game and he really didn't mix words with the media scrum post-game. This is what he had to say after the game from the Castellanos hit by pitch. - Yeah, and I'm on purpose. I mean, it's just, it's not, it's not a game that we play, man, it shouldn't be. I mean, guys who are too hard nowadays, you're getting mad 'cause a guy, you know, it's a homeroff here, you believe the lead. Walk the guy and come out of the game. I mean, I mean, what are you gonna do? - This is the situation, the only thing, just really fired me up, really upset me. Just not something that you should accept is majorly baseball. - So Harper clearly not happy, not mixing his words, believes, I think he believes the team seems to believe that he threw out of, he was pissed because he had given up the lead and he had got hit around a little bit. And I believe first base was open there. It was first base open at the time 'cause it was, I gotta go back through it. But like, and he threw at him, he just flat out did. Castellano said after the game, he said that he got a sense that he was gonna get thrown at. So he was almost expecting it and he said it was like his two year old thrown a fit. - And yes, it was, it was runner on second, first base was open. - Right, so first base is open, I'm mad, I'm gonna throw at Castellanos. Man, listen, I think there's times where you pitch inside or maybe, hey, maybe you do throw it about her. That's not the time. There's no reason Castellanos wasn't, wasn't pimping a home run or anything like that. There's no reason to do that. Other than he's a baby and he's getting hit around. So you know, I'm glad Bryce came out and said it. Now, would I've liked the scene? Maybe someone, you know, grabbed the jersey or the throat or like roll around a little bit on the ground? No one's gonna get suspended. So I would, I don't need to see punches thrown in this situation and it needs to be over. Nothing needs to happen today. The Phillies need to go for a sweep. They can't be worried about what happened last night. I don't think they're gonna be worried about what happened last night, but. No, and after that clip, Harper seemed to follow up now. This is maybe me taking a little bit of liberties and what he had to say. But it seemed to me with the wording that he used, Harper was ready to fight for Nick Castellanos. He said that Hussein had never turned around, so he wasn't gonna be that dude. He used the word loser in place of something else. I think we can probably all figure out what he was wanting and trying to say without saying it. But it seemed to me that if Hussein had turned around and maybe challenged a little bit, Harper was ready to throw hands. I agree. I agree. Otherwise he cheap shots him from behind. 'Cause he really didn't see him coming. Right. So that's why he, he said he held himself up because he didn't want to be that guy to, you know, hit a guy from behind or. Did you see the reverse angle? What he said when he was coming? Oh, it was clear. And he called him an MF. There was a MF in there for sure. Oh, man, oh, the good old, the good old bench clearing non-brawls. It was good. It's good to see them have a little bit of fight, man. Let's go. It's playoff time. Well, I will say this. I know a lot of people have pointed it out already. How about Matt Strum who looked like he had hit the showers, was already out of his uniform and in his slides and his, his Phillies gear coming on out to help his team as well. If there's a guy on this team that I think might low key be insane, it's Matt Strum. I wouldn't want to mess with Matt Strum. Yeah, I was, I was just actually thinking who would be the guy, if there was a guy that throws a punch in one of these brawls, who we, I think it's Matt Strum, I do. So it's one of the relievers. Jeff Hoffman's a big dude. Yeah. Six, five. Alvarado's a big dude, but they're also bullpen guys. So they'd have to be coming, coming in. To make a run. To make a run and then throw something. Now, if there's punches being thrown, when they run in there, look the hell out. And what you write, Sean could put somebody in a chokehold. But I will say this, I think, and I know we'll talk more about it later in the show, like the retaliatory thing, I think it's, it's kind of a dead experience in, in Major League Baseball. Now, there's just too much that goes on. Bryce Harper said it guys throw too hard. I know a lot of people were like, well, who's getting hit tonight? Who's getting hit tomorrow? How about just just go and win the game? Right? You won yesterday. Go and win the game today and take a sweep. Listen, the Rays are not a very good team this year. I get it. They're under 500. But at this point, the best way to retaliate is going to do what they did. They won the game yesterday. Go and win the game again tomorrow. The throw at guys thing is very eighties. It's very nineties. I just don't buy it anymore. It's just not a thing that I subscribe to. Here's the other thing. If this was, if this was a divisional rival, like the Mets, and there's been past history this year where things happening, you could see something happen today. I guarantee the Rays, those guys on their team, they don't want anything to do with with this. Well, I don't think the Phillies do either. No, they don't. There's no breeze. The repercussions are just suspension. It's just fine. It's an idiot reliever. Right. Through Cassianus, because he gave up a couple of runs. So I can't imagine that there's this bad blood between these two teams and they want to kill each other. There's going to be baseball gameplay today, and I don't think anything's going to come of it. All right. Yeah. So we'll and we'll get you the latest on on Kyle Swarver and his injury, because he left with an elbow injury after he tried to dive back in the first space. Can he just stand on the base? We don't need him getting injured. He can't don't put him in left field and don't have him running the bases. So every time I see him chugging around third, I worry that he's going to pull a hammy or something. All right. We're going to go to down the Dallas in a second with Jeff Cavin. I'll talk a little NFC East because a lot of people and far being from me, I was saying this all off season. The Cowboys are going to win 10, 11, 12 games, 11, 12 games. They're really, really talented. But see, Lam wasn't signed. Dak wasn't signed. Mike Parsons was unhappy. So it was easy to be like, oh, yeah, well, these guys are unhappy. They crushed the Browns in their opener. So we'll talk to Jeff about what he sees going on with the Cowboys. But before that, hey, let's talk about. Talk about Rite Aid for a second. All right. I actually was just at Rite Aid last night. I'm telling you, I am at the pharmacy so much. All right. I'm diabetic. So I have insulin and Dexcoms and pumps and everything else. I needed a new Dexcom. I was done. So put in the refill, boom, needed a new prescription. Rite Aid helped me out with all of that, called the doctor, got to prescription. I was there last night shortly before closing, getting it. And that's Rite Aid. That's what they do for you. All right. So the my pharmacy account that they have is amazing. Refill your prescriptions, get personalized care recommendations, sign up prescription notifications, all you need from Rite Aid. So you want to transfer over your prescriptions. Maybe you're at one of the other places right now. Go to your local Rite Aid. They will get the transfer done for you. Check it out. Don't stress about them. Free and easy. And most of your prescriptions will qualify for automated refills. All right. Set up your medication reminders. You can do all this Rite Rite Get your whole family on there. And restrictions do apply and talk to your Rite Aid pharmacists. I know it's allergy season, colds, and everything else. They have everything you need. I got a family of kids who are sick all the time. I'm always in there buying motoring, children's motoring, Tylenol, Decongestant, everything. Get to your local Rite Aid to day. Well, Cowboys, it's crazy because I spent all offseason asking myself, asking Cowboys reporters. I remember when I was in for Anthony, I talked to Baldi and I'm like, Baldi, what are they doing? Why are they not signing CD Land? Why are they not signing Dak Prescott? Like it just, it's just going to be more expensive, right? Well, they got them signed and the opener against the Browns, they really gave it to them. Do we have Jeff, is Jeff here? Jeff Kavanaugh talking Cowboys with our sister down there in DLLS. Man, you just got a couple of weeks going on down there with the All City Network. What's up, Jeff? Hey, hey, hey, how you doing? Good morning, good morning, good morning. You do this early, huh? OK, I live in the past. So in the past, it's only like seven something. So it's very early. Let's kick it. Hi, good to see you. I'm surprised because here's what I normally get when I ask people to do the show. Wow, well, it's earlier. I got kids, the I have kids. I'm taking the kids to school or whatever. So when I said, Tyler, let's try to get Jeff on. He's like, yeah, he'll do it. I'm like, damn, thank you. Yeah, no, yeah, yeah, you're fortunate that my childhood trauma has led to me never having children. So I'm always free. I can do whatever, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, so listen, you've been on the Dallas Sports scene for a really long time. We both used to work for the Odyssey stations down there or I was up here. But as somebody that's covered the Cowboys in the media, as a cowboy fan down there, what is it like with Jerry Jones being the owner of the team? And he's not any-- like any other owner that's out there. He's doing weekly hits on 1053 the fan. He's visible. He's commenting after games. Not something that even GMs do. But what is it like covering Jerry Jones on a daily basis? It's fun. I think that's the top thing is if your job is to talk about that football team, it's fun. He just gives you content all the time. And it's a challenge sometimes because there's a lot of times where what Jerry has to say, I remind people like, guys, what Jerry Jones says doesn't matter and it doesn't mean anything. Don't worry about it. But then it's like, everybody's going to talk about these things. So let's go ahead. It's a real weird situation where obviously he has a gigantic ego that insists that he has a title in front of his name that he doesn't do that job, right? He's the GM. No, he's not. He's not the general manager of the Cowboys. But he insists on the name because he does have last say on everything. So it's a ton of fun. The best part is, I feel like in a lot of cities and owner of a team that is super into listening to everything that people say, like Jerry is, would also want to control things. He couldn't care less. Talk good about me, talk bad about me. Just talk about me. That's evering the Cowboys. Yeah. And it's actually my follow up, which is how does CD lamb remain without a contract extension for that long? How does Dak Prescott go into the final year of a contract again? He kills you against the cap because you got to pay that, that exorbitant cap hit. Is it just because that this is the way that Jerry does business, that this is, these are storylines. This is almost like a TV show. It's a drama to where he plays these things out. I think he said about CD lamb that he wanted to see it. Wanted to see another year of CD play to where every other owner or GM in the league, Devonta Smith, Justin Jefferson, any other wide receiver that's an elite talent gets paid before their contract either going in the final year. Why does Jerry handle things like this? I, I, the why is, yes, part of it is that he loves the negotiations. Like he loves being involved in that sort of thing. He thinks that's fun. That's his favorite thing. And part of it is probably that they have signed deals that haven't worked out for them. But it is really weird that the ones that they wait on the most and then have to pay absolute top of the market and basically say, what do you want? Here it is. Are all of their best players. It's like they've made mistakes on okay players that they can get to come to the table because those players will sign the contract. They offer them guys like Jalen Smith, Lyle Collins, have a no doubt number one wide receiver, a no doubt top of the league pass rush like, we shouldn't have been talking about CD lamb or Dak Prescott this offseason. We should have been talking about Michael Parsons. He's three years in. You can sign him and he might not hit you up for 40 something million like he will in a year or two. I don't have a great answer. I know that Jerry loves it. He loves being in the headlines. He loves that he signed Dak right in the nick of time and that the Cowboys were the storyline, not only at 325 or central time anyway, but also for the new games, the story was Dak because he just signed. He loves that he's the story at all times. That's awesome. Well, as far as the game, Cowboys smoked the Browns. I, I, I, when, when people look at the Cowboys and even going into this season, I think you almost look at them like, all right, they're going to have regular season success. Then when you get to the postseason, where are they going to be? What did you think going into the year? And I mean, honestly, a week before the start of the regular season, CD was in sign long term and Dak was in sign long term. So you didn't know if that was going to have any type of an effect on chemistry and things like that. Now they're signed. How do you see this season? Is this a lot like the other seasons? A lot of regular season wins. And then let's see what happens when it gets to the postseason. Yeah, I think it is. This is the most upset, apathetic. Those are two very different things, but some combination of those things. Last year's Green Bay game crushed a bunch of people and it'll be interesting to see because there's a bigger part of the fan base that I've ever seen saying things like regular season doesn't even matter. I don't care. None of it matters. You can show me what you're going to do in the playoffs. And I do think that they will play in the postseason, but yeah, there's a lot of people who now are just like, it doesn't matter. All that matters is can you actually do something when you get there, wake me up when you get there? But I think they're good enough to go back there again and just see what happens. Their offseason was weird because they didn't sign anybody, but now it looks like they had a really good draft class and there were some pleasant surprises in the week 1 game. So they went 12 every year. This year it might be 10 or 11. And yeah, I expect they'll be back in the playoffs. And for a lot of people, they'll say, I don't care because I expect to get run by the first team we see. - And you know what, it sucks to have to live like that. I remember with the Eagles, 2002, they lost the NFC Championship game, 2003. It was more or less like, all right, let's just get back to the NFC Championship scope. We can go to the Super Bowl, then they lose that year. And the entire 2004 season, even though we enjoyed Terrell Owens, we didn't care about the regular season. It was, you got to get to the Super Bowl. And you're right, if you're a cowboy fan right now, how do you care about, right? Dak throws huge numbers in the regular season, lots of touchdowns, then when they get to the playoffs, it's a different story. I wanted to ask you about Dak because this isn't a young player anymore, right? Like he's in, I believe going into his 10th season, he's 31, he just got another huge contract. What does the fan base think of Dak? Is there a lot of fatigue with Dak Prescott? And is it more or less just like, hey, we're going to blame you until you win. So go ahead and go out there and win. - I think it's no different than Tony Romo was. There are people who appreciate the fact that he's really good at playing quarterback in the NFL and want that to translate more postseason success and know that it hasn't and that that sucks. And there are people who, if he doesn't win a Super Bowl, Dak sucks. And that's the challenge. That's the challenge of a big portion of your fan base, got to win three Super Bowls in four years. Although I would imagine that the vast majority of that fan base, well, there's a lot of people who definitely weren't alive when that happened. The cheer for the Cowboys. So I don't know why they have that expectation, but yeah, Dak has incredibly split the Metroplex. I fall in the camp of, I will bet on the good quarterback. Pay the good quarterback, keep him around. Lamar Jackson has two playoff wins, I'll take him. Dak has two playoff wins, I'll take him. Justin Herbert has no playoff wins, I'll take him. I'll take the good quarterback. Get back there again, try again. Play better when you actually get to the postseason. But yeah, there are absolutely people who think, and it's not a small subset of Cowboy fans that he's a choke artist or he just isn't the answer or he just can't do it, which is a weird, it's all very strange to me. It's a weird label to put on someone who went toe to toe with Aaron Rodgers in a playoff game as a rookie, who retired Tom Brady in a playoff game, who he's not a choke artist. He has not consistently played well enough in a small sample size in the postseason, but he's a very, very good quarterback. Get back, try again, and then we'll freak out when they lose again and we'll try to run him out of town. - Rinse and repeat, just do it all right. We're gonna tune five in the playoffs and like last year, the defense gave it up last year against the Lions. I think you threw for, and a lot of these were playing from behind yards, but you didn't have a terrible game last year. Cowboy's schedule, all right. So they beat the Browns and wanted to go over this with you. They play the Eagles the ninth game of the season, Jeff. November 10th, what will the Cowboys record be when they enter 425 or 325 central time, hosting the Eagles? Let's go through the games. Tell me what you think. Home this week against the Saints, that's a win. - Cowboys beat the Saints, yeah. - Home against the Ravens, tougher game. Ravens are coming off playing the Raiders, so they play the Raiders this week and then they're at the Cowboys. - Give the Ravens that one. - The tough game. Thursday Night Football Giants, at the Giants? - Cowboys by 100. Sunday Night Football, so they get that little mini by at the Steelers. - Cowboys by 50? - Home against the Lions. - If I gave the Ravens a win against the Cowboys, should I give the Cowboys a win against the Lions? - Into a five week two. - Yeah, Cowboys over Lions. - All right, at the Niners, Sunday Night Football. - Loss. - Lose by 50. - At Atlanta. - Win by 50. - Right, so they, I have them with two losses, six and two entering week nine, Jeff Cavanaugh. Sound good? - Yeah, I think six and two, five and three at worst. Yeah, I think they'll be six and two and I think that there's even a chance that they are better than that when they get there. Who knows, Football's wild. I thought they had such a terrible off season and then we got to training camp and I'm like, "Oh, crap, they had an incredible draft though." And this is what they do. They don't try in free agency. They don't try in trading because they're kind of cheap. And then eventually their personnel department will Mclay and them identify good players on the cheap or draft and develop and you just, they get you right back in. I want to be mad at y'all for not trying your best and they get you right back in. - They do draft well and that's part of the problem is they use the money on their own players. That's why they're not big players in free agency but you figure this year if they would have just design contracts that worked against the cap, they could have improved the team more. But good old Jair and Jair's world. - Yeah, you could have, I mean, you could have done the, they knew it. That was gonna be a year ago, six months ago, whatever. We knew what the CD deal was gonna be a year ago, six months ago, whatever. You do either one of those deals and you can sign whoever you want. They had 20 million in cap space coming into the season. Anyway, they could have signed whoever they wanted. It's wild that they just decide, I don't know. I don't know what the plan was with not doing free agency. And I guess it's just preparing for all the big deals coming where it's like, we gotta carry over some cap space because their cap numbers are gonna start going up, whatever. Other teams don't care. - Still, he's got like eight 20 million dollar players on average with their average. Oh, if them count 20 million dollars against the cap this year, you can play with the cap. Do a counting, move it back, get good players, try to win the Super Bowl. Jerry, you jerk. - Yeah, the cap's the biggest fraud in all the sports. You just kick everything into the future and you pay money now. The Eagles pay everybody. Everybody on the team's making top money. It's unbelievable. So, Jeff, how's it going so far? - So, DLLS is the equivalent of PHLY down in Dallas. You guys are like three weeks since you launched, three or four weeks now since you lost. Launch, you've been on the sports scene in Dallas forward for a long, long time. It was a big hire getting you over here with All City. How's it going so far? And you do the, so, our show is with Zach Berman and Bo Wolf and Jamie Lance. That's our Eagle Show, PHAY Eagles. You do the same thing with the Cowboys. How's everything gone? - Yeah, it's great. It's really fun. Starting it and seeing like where we hang out with our coworkers is in Slack if people know what Slack is. And so when it was getting started and I was like, "Yeah, I'm going to join." Seeing some of the names that popped in, I was like, "Ooh, oh, yay." 'Cause like our Maverick people, our Starks people, our Rangers people, our Cowboy people, all of them, are people who have been doing this a long time that are friends of mine that are incredibly good at what they do. And it's super fun. I think the idea is awesome. Where you just, you have content for every sports team, one place, you don't pretend that anybody needs to fill five hours of time. Well, here's your Cowboy Show, here's your Ranger Show, here's your Star Show, here's your math show. Oh, whatever's going on with the team, guess what? Clarence Hill's been covering this team for 29 years. Him and Joe Hoid are writing about it on the website. It's everything, all in one place, and it is digital. It's where we're going and I'm having a blast. - And it's not four hours of radio five days a week like we did for many years, Jeff. How great is that? - I did 15 years of, well, I did about eight of those were five hour show. - Oh, cause G-Bagnation was 10, it was 10 to three, or you guys were, you were 10 to three, and then we were two to seven. When we were mid days, we were 10 to three, then we moved after and we were two to seven. So it was just like. - All right, last, last thing. What do you think of the Eagles this year? Cause we, we, we talk about it. We talk ourselves in the Super Bowls and they're not making the playoffs and then whatever. At least from my perspective, this is a very good football team. I expect it's the Eagles and Cowboys at the end of the season fighting out for the division. Comes down to how good Jalen Hurts can develop again this year, but your view from Dallas, what do you think of the Eagles in this race this year? - I shockingly agree with the guy who sees everything that the Eagles do. I see them the same way where I think that weapons, great. Running backs, really good. Defense confusing. Like last year, what happened to them last year, I was just like, wait, the names on paper isn't matching up to what they're doing. And so I don't know if maybe Jalen Carter and, oh, who's by the Jordan Davis. I don't know if my, Nikobi Dean, like all of the guys who I really liked doing draft stuff. I'm like, are they not performing? And the secondary was bad. And so like Philly confuses me cause I thought what they had on paper couldn't have fallen apart like that team did last year. And then going into this year, I guess that's just who I view as who they are. Is I think that the offense is awesome if the quarterback's any good. And the defense front should be good. And the rest I go will see. But yeah, I think the Eagles and Cowboys are going to win 10 to 12 games. The Giants and Washington are going to win four to six games. And we're going to do the NFC East like we do the NFC East every year. Well, I'll see which one wins it and which one gets second. And then we'll all go home in the playoffs. - Haven't been a back to back NONFC East winner since 2004? - No time like the present, baby. (laughing) - Sounds like the Eagles are going to win the division. - We'll see. Congrats. We'll check out. I've already watched some of your shows here in preparation for this. It's very good. So we'll talk again coming up shortly, but thanks for joining us, Jeff. - All right, have a great day. - All right, man. Jeff cabin all down. Let's how about them Cowboys? There you go. That was awesome. He's really, really good. Very popular down there in Dallas, Fort Worth. So you can see very entertaining, dude. - I think that we talked about it plenty before the season started. This is a two team race in this division. It's the Eagles and the Cowboys. Both are good teams. So that's why when you ask like, are we underrating the Cowboys? I don't think we are. At least I'm not. I expected them to, you know, definitively be a double digit win team. And he said 10 to 12, 10 to 12 sounds about right. I think both of these. - That's right for the Eagles, too. - So my thing is I think if one of these two teams were to take an upper echelon, like a 13-ish step, I would pick the Eagles. But I think 10 is a floor for both of these teams. That 10 to 12 range is good. I think both teams make the playoffs. I don't know who wins the division and who's a wild card. But I think that it would be something crazy would have to happen for these two teams to one of them to not make the playoffs. So I don't think I'm under-valuing the Cowboys. I think the Eagles are slightly better. - No, and it's always, this isn't, like this isn't, Dallas is winning the Super Bowl. The Cowboys are going to be in the NFC Championship game. This is, they're going to win regular season games like they always do. - Sure. Yeah, I think that's, you know, come playoff time is a different animal for both teams. But as Jeff talked about, no one in Dallas is expecting this big playoff run. How could you, and how could you at this point? - See, that's, and I think that that's an unfortunate mindset. That's how we feel about the Sixers. - Yes. - Where you expect regular season wins. Like, we've talked about it plenty. Me and Devan have talked about this plenty. Like 50 wins as a benchmark. Doesn't mean anything to me anymore. Like, you cut your three seeds, your two seeds, your five seed, whatever. playoff success is where it's at. And they haven't had any of it. You know, they haven't gotten out of the second round. - They haven't been to the Eastern Conference funnel. I would, you can Eastern Conference funnel loss. I think a lot of people would. And I think I think that Cowboys fans probably feel the same way about the Cowboys where times 10 get to the NFC Championship game. They are, they haven't made an NFC title game. What in, is it since '95? - 30 years. - So you're talking about since '95, almost 30 years. If that's the case, I think Sixers fans and Cowboys fans are on in lockstep with regular season success and playoff misery. - All right, well listen, ace, hardware home services, leaky pipe, air conditioning problems. Whatever it is, right? I can't do any of this stuff. So what do you do? Who do you trust? Go online, Google it. 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All this true Mark financial, federally insured by the NCUA is an equal opportunity lender for more info. Visit, P-H-L-Y-I-T-Y. So it's Let me just Google them. There you go. You can find them right there. All right, Tyler, good little cowboy eagle segment right there. We didn't get to the injury from Kyle Swarverx. We were talking so much about the non-brawl last night. So Swarver goes back on a pick-off play. Hyper extends his elbow or something like that. He leaves the game, but I know Topper said afterwards that he hasn't penciled into the starting lineup. I'm glad he was so confident. He took, he came out of the game, and all of a sudden he's playing tonight, but at least that's what Topper thinks, is that he's going to be back up in the lineup tonight. I don't think he has a choice. They don't really have a whole lot of options right now. I guess you could, theoretically, you could move some stuff around, and Bryce Harper could DH, and you could move Cody Clemens to first, or you could play, you know, there's options, Nick Castellanos could DH, and you could, you could start Cal Stevenson. They have some options, but it's not a lot. Buddy Kennedy and-- Kennedy could start, Stevenson could start, you know, they've used four guys for one position over the course of this week. Brandon Marsh has played a bulk of the left field duties, but like they have sent Weston Wilson to the plate at times for him. They've sent Cal Stevenson to the plate. They've sent for Johann Rojas. They said Buddy Kennedy to the plate as the DH after Schorber exited. They're kind of thin right now, you know, in terms of depth. So if this is something where he needs more than a day or two, I'm not even talking about a deal necessarily. Is Scott Kingery the next guy to come up? - Well, I know a lot of people have talked about Kingery a lot. Over the last couple of months, he's playing really well down in Lehigh Valley, but the problem is he's not on the 40, so you have to make a corresponding roster move to put him on the 40, and I'm just not sure they have any available moves to be made right now without, you would have to DFA somebody, or put them through waivers to get them off the 40. - You would have to make a move and you would risk losing a guy, or you would have to get rid of a player. - Yeah, and for a short term move, I don't think they're going to do that. Like they, I mean, there are names that like, you know, certain, you know, like I've never heard of some of these guys even, like Freddie Tarnock, for example, is on the 40. You know, you could go with, you know, one of your relievers who were on the 40-man roster, but for a short-term move, I don't think they're going to do that. So, I think they'll, hopefully this isn't a big deal and not to worry about it. - I think you're hoping that this is a one time, you know, maybe miss a day, if anything, but it seems to me that the Thompson's going to try to get him back into the lineup tonight, if you can. - Boom has the hand strain. Austin Hayes is a kidney infection, so it's just got the back. - Yep. - JT isn't I yelled, and he's going to be out. I think they said yesterday, until at least the weekend, you got hit by that patch and he had fluid built up in the back of the, that's not good. So, that could be potentially something that if they decide by Friday, like, hey, this isn't getting better, he may go on the line, I don't know. - Garrett Stubbs has been getting beat up behind the plate too. He got the errant throw in the head when he was, you know, running the bases, caught a backswing, and now Stubbs wears the hockey goalie catcher mask, so it absorbs some of the blow, but like, a backswing still hurts, you know, to the back of the head. - Yeah. - They're banged up right now. - And here's the thing, everybody's banged up, right? The Braves have been a mess all year. The Dodgers are starting to get some guys back. Galma Motos was back last night, looked like he pitched pretty well, but their pitching staff's been banged up. They, you know, Moogie Bets missed time, Freddie Freeman missed time. Everybody is hurt at this time of year. - Big losses for the Braves and the Dodgers. - Yeah, that's the thing. The Phillies have sustained very few, like almost catastrophic type losses, like shorter term injuries, JT was-- - Traitor was the big one. - Yeah. - You know, missed time. And then JT missed some time too, right? But Harper's been hurt a couple of times, hasn't missed a ton of time. You know, Castellanos has played every game so far. Schorber's played basically every game so far. Prior to this Alec Bowman injury, he hadn't sat since like, he had a run of like almost 70 straight games of playing. They've been relatively lucky with the long term injury stuff. - That hasn't killed him. - Right. - The shorter term hasn't hurt him and they had, they were stacking him, one on top of another, on top of another. But you're right, no one's out for the season. They look at the Braves, they lost MVP inside young-- - Yeah, you lose a Kounya and Strider within like three months of each other. - That's tough. - That's tough, it's hard to overcome. - Yeah, it is. Estavez also had a, he got hit with a line-- - He got liner off the knee the other day. - So he didn't pitch, he wasn't in there last night, right? He didn't get-- - No, so they were gonna use Hoffman in the close game and then they ended up going to Tanner Banks because it was a five run game. - Yeah, that was a good win last night and-- - I think so. - The team is starting to find ways to win again. They went through that stretch where they were just finding ways to lose those same games they were winning. But they have the best work in baseball now. I think they're up eight games now. I forgot that I know who-- - So the Mets lost last night, they lose. They lost to Toronto. - Right. - The Dodgers also lost last night, so it helps them in the, you talk about the best record in baseball, helps them in that regard. The Brewers won last night. They beat the Giants three to two, but the Dodgers lose, the Mets lose. The Braves, as you mentioned, beat up on the Nationals. I think it was like 11 or 12, nothing. - Right. - But two of the teams that you needed to lose, well, actually three of the two of the teams you needed to lose, the Dodgers lose, and the Mets lose, did lose last night. So you gained a little bit of ground. - Yeah, I just, I'm still a miserable bastard. I just, I'm like looking into this division with the Mets coming up with two series. I'm like, no, like, all right, got another game, they're up eight games. - It's funny you say that. So my dad is, I think my dad's a very calculated baseball fan. He sent me a gift the other day. And it was, it was right after they won, but they still stink and sent me the old man yells at clouds. - Right, right, right. - And I'm like, dad, steam doesn't stink. They were there within a, it was at the time they were in a game of the best record of baseball. They had just clipped off multiple series wins in a row. The split in Miami, I think agitated a lot of people and rightfully so, especially after you win the first two games, but you come back and you win the game on Monday the way that you did in comeback fashion. Yesterday, you absolutely tattoo a young reliever who had pitched really well all year. Like you said, they're finding ways to win games now that they did in the beginning of the year and then they got away from, you know, in the bulk of July to try to win those games. - They're, listen, I understand the plague of people get frustrated with the double plays and frustrated with the perception of runners in scoring position. This is still a good team. - Oh yeah, for sure, yeah. No, this is the, you know, best team of baseball. I mean, from start to finish, from the beginning of the season, this team has played at a high level. No one's gonna, no one this year was winning 116 games. I don't need the Phillies to win 110 games. - Can they go 13 and four in the last 17 though? - Probably not, just because if they have a big enough lead. - They'll start setting up. - Yeah, I mean, the one thing you do worry about, and there's nothing you do about it, is that your clench of the vision or it's there and maybe you're fighting for the number one seed or whatever, but it's easy to take your foot off the accelerator because these games don't mean as much. - So I've been a big proponent of like, just win the, like the thing about playing the wildcard round, you know, and I get it. A lot of teams have struggled in the DS that did not play in the wildcard round with the exception of seemingly the Houston Astros. - Right. - But I've always been a big believer in like, the productivity that you're allowed by having a home series, by having your ace versus another teams three or four in their rotation, they've played these games. I get that they're kind of rolling, but I've always been a big believer and if you can get the buy, get the buy because having to play an extra three game series in baseball, anything could happen. But I do think there is something to be said, they've now put some separation between themselves and the brewers, they're three and a half games up on the brewers, they're a game up on the Dodgers. I think there could be something to be said for the Dodgers and the Phillies keeping pace with each other to have kind of a pseudo, you know, like roll into the playoffs instead of like coasting into the playoffs. - Right. - You know, you're continuing to have to put the foot on the gas because you want the one seed or you want the buy, you know, as long as you can put some distance between yourself and the brewers at this point, but the, and you and the Dodgers continue to fight for that one seed, I don't think they're going to take anything, you know, they're not going to take any time off. - Yeah, not extended, not extended time. So yeah, I mean, yeah, they could. If they roll here, like I look from the beginning of the Mets series to the next Mets series, if they can play the baseball they've been playing the last couple of weeks, this team's got a, got a real shot. Are we going a couple of minutes left here? - Remember last week the FSU fan, the Florida State fan that I sat on social media, he was going to eat dog poop if they lost to Boston College. - Did he resurface? - No. - Are we still missing in action now? - I googled it. And I'm like, and I said, I'm sure I would have seen something about this because there was a lot of investigations that were going on from everybody on the internet. No new news since I believe it's the, this is, this isn't even last week. This is the week before now. I've not even a story since the third, September 3rd. I thought that he was going to resurface after a couple days and be like, all right, this is me. And then he goes on Barstool and he goes on all these other shows, Dan Levittard, PHLY Philly Philly with John Marks maybe. But this guy really, like he's one of these, he's one of these fans and listen, I'm a fan. I love my teams. You also get these super fans that are like insanely weird. It feels like this Florida State fan is like this guy. Why like, you're like, I would come out and say, yeah, I'm not eating dog poop, but you know, like what can we do here to, you know, what's disgusting? - Yeah, listen, it was a hyperbolic tweet. That's all you gotta say, it was a hyperbolic tweet. I'll do something, I'm not doing that. - Right, I'm obviously not eating dog poop. - But here's the thing too. You and I, like you said, you and I are both fans. That's how we, you know, I think a lot of people forget when you're in the, you know, in the media or in content creation. We all started as fans in some capacity. - Yeah. - There's a level to it where, especially in our position where we are, you know, I always like to say, we're not, I'm not a journalist, but we are media. In our position, it would be stupid of us to tweet something like that to begin with. But there is a, I think there's a ceiling of like, okay, that was a funny tweet. You can go and do it versus, yeah, that's over. That's just a magic. - I'm like, I'm like, I'm going to delete it as accounts and it hasn't resurfacedly. How weak is that? - It's bad. I mean, it's bad, it's bad, it's bad work. You got to, you got to do something. We've talked about it before where you have to come out and say, I'm not doing it. It's not happening, but even if you activate your accounts and you put out a tweet and say, like, hey, so what's been going on question marker? And then people go crazy. - Sure. - 'Cause now you're this quasi celebrity. I guess he doesn't want to 10 minutes of fame. I don't know why you tweet that. I don't know if he had a lot of file, anyway. - Well, he was in the FA stage of the tweet and now he's in the find out stage of the tweet and he doesn't like the find out portion of that saying. - Speaking of that, on social media, of course, it's @JohnMarkzMedia, J-O-N-M-A-R-K-S media. You can literally go to any of them and in the heading you'll see the links. You can click on a link to watch the show on P-H-L-Y YouTube. The podcast version of it, the audio version of it, also right there, boom, you click. Decide which service that you like to use. Tyler, we're gonna have it posted here coming up in a couple of minutes. And I also wanted to shout out, Tyler, our day one people, our day oneers, because I still have a network of people from when I started on 9.50 AM in 2006, from people that used to call on the shows that I'd be doing back then. I still have a network of those people that they're my day oneers, that have been listening to me for almost 20 years. So if you're new to listening to me, maybe you were a P-H-L-Y fan, and you're like, oh, what's this new show Philly Philly with John Markz? Oh, I like this. Or you came over with me from previous stops. The day oneers on this show, we're on our second week right now, and the day oneers of the show, you guys are like, you guys are the core. You're the core audience. So when you're talking about the show or talking to your fan, just like, say, hey, you know, Johnny Markz, is back on the air is Philly Philly. Here's how you check them out. He's with Tyler Zunas, they're really good together. So word of mouth, this is very much Tyler, a grass roots operation, and we're building it one viewer, one listener. That's right. One day at a time, and it's been even over the last, you know, like how many shows have we done? Like seven shows or whatever. Like it's been a learning process for me. We're still trying to figure out what the show ultimately is. So well, I think too, a lot of people, you know, question, anytime you start a new venture like this, you and I have known each other in the professional space for a long time. We've never actually worked together. No. So there's always a process of like, what makes you go? What's my thing? Like, how do we bounce back and forth? I think, I mean, I'm biased, of course, but I think it's been pretty seamless. Yeah, I think the chemistry's good. All right, by the way, shout out to all the diehards out there. I talked about the day oneers, but dieharders, shout out, appreciate it. All right, so it's going to be a weird rest of the week because there's not a game on Friday. So there's no preview on Friday. We'll come back Monday and they're playing the Falcons. And it's now when you go, when you do the week to week, part of the NFL season, you'll have like kind of the lull. So you have that extra weekend. So there won't be the same rev up for a Sunday game, but Phillies have a huge series coming up against the Mets. Am I the only person worried about the Mets in the Delaware Valley? I still can't like, no, the Mets, they got three against the Mets. I wouldn't be worried about them, but I would not. I would take caution. They're playing some incredible baseball right now. Like they're pitching staff doesn't scare me, but they're pitching well. They're playing some good ball. They were nine and one in their last 10. And they're hot right now, right? I think well, they lose last night to the rate and two in the last 10. Yeah, but like to your point, they've been playing great. Yeah, I mean, and they're winning a lot of close games three, two against the blue J is the other night, three, one, six, four, four, one, two, nothing, five, three, just going back over the last couple of week games, they're finding ways to pull the pull games out. And when you've got a team that is playing, maybe punching above their weight class in terms of what we expected, that's one thing. But this is a team with a lot of talent that just had not put it together. Francisco Endor is playing at a an MVP caliber level. Peter Lanzo is a home run machine, he's going to make a lot of money in free agency this year. And some of the guys they brought in to bolster a starting rotation that looked like it might be a little bit dead after Kodai Senga went down. Shama and I has been really good. Jose Cantana has been good. They've done a really nice job over the last like month and a half now of battling back and finding themselves in contention. They're a dangerous team. I think the Phillies are a better team, but the Mets are dangerous. No, the Phillies are definitely a better team. But as we've learned the last two years, it's not about who the better team is over 162 in the playoffs, the two's playing well in the playoffs. And we can't listen. You don't know what it's going to be like in a couple of weeks. So you can worry about it like me, or you can just enjoy the rest of the season. I can't stop thinking about it. Well, here's the thing. You've got seven left with them, right, or six left with them. I forget exactly. They're still going to win the division. I just got just if they can win two or three this weekend, yes, so seven left with them. If you go four and three over those seven games, you've gained a game and you chopped off seven of the remaining 17 games. It's over. You're pretty much really all you have to do is hold serve against the basically hold serve the rest of the year to win the division. Now that we talked about the next step, you want to, you know, you got to push it a little bit further, but to win the division, you're holding serve at this point. Maybe we can get some. Who was that? Who was that captain guy they left throughout the first pitch at Citizens Bank Park last year of the year before? Do you remember that? No, I don't. The rule was if you sold it, if you bought a certain amount of tickets, like he, I guess he like is involved in some travel group. Okay. So a bunch of Mets fans came down. Oh, yes. So we sold it up to where they let the person, they let somebody from the organization throw out a ceremonial first pitch. Actually, I do remember that. Yeah. This Mets jersey on. And remember, I talked to somebody from the Phillies and they're like, yeah, but we have to let them throw out the first pitch. It's in the contract. Not the Mets jersey, you know, I literally, they would have had, I would have been dead or in handcuffs before I would have had a Met fan to walk out at Citizens Bank Park in a Jersey to throw out first pitch. Think about it. Remember they kicked the Phillies ass that year. Think about it too. Seriously. Flip it to the Eagles for a second. If they had a deal where it was like, if you sold enough tickets, you got to do the ceremonial coin toss or something like that and a bunch of Cowboys fans tried it out never would be mercilessly booed. Never. I said it at the time, could you imagine? Unbelievable. All right. Listen, drop us a line. Drop me a line. DMs are open. Email is wide open at John Marks media, J O N M A R K S media at Gmail. We will talk to everybody tomorrow live at eight o'clock. Remember follow P H O Y sports on YouTube comment, like, subscribe, follow us on social media.