Stacy Zenly Podcast

The Power of Rest: Why Taking Breaks is Key to Maximizing Productivity

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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[Music] Hey there, beautiful souls. Welcome back to the Stacey's Enley podcast, where we talk about open mindfulness, personal growth, self-care, and finding balance in our daily lives. I'm your host Stacey, and today we're diving into something I think we all need to hear more often, the power of rest. Now I know how tempting it can be to push through your to-do list without taking a break. Trust me, I've been there too, but here's the thing. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is actually rest. I know that might sound counterintuitive, but today we're going to explore how taking breaks can help you not only get more done, but also feel so much better while doing it. So let's get into it. First, let's talk about why our brains need a break. Our brains aren't wired to go go go all day. After about 90 minutes of focused work, we start to hit a wall. Have you ever had that moment where even simple tasks feel like they take forever? That's your brain's way of telling you, "Hey, I need a break!" Taking just a few minutes to step away can recharge your mental energy. It's like hitting the refresh button on your computer, clearing out the mental clutter, and giving yourself permission to come back stronger. There's a quote I really love, and it's stuck with me. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is rest. Now let's talk about why breaks keep us sharp. When you give yourself a break, your brain gets a chance to reset, and that makes all the difference when you sit back down to work. Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro method? It's this time management technique where you work in short, focused bursts, and take breaks in between. I've found it so helpful, and it's been shown to actually increase productivity. If you haven't tried it yet, one of my favorite Pomodoro timers is on a website called So what kind of breaks should we be taking? Let's start small. Micro breaks. These are just 5 to 10 minute pauses. They might seem tiny, but they can do wonders. Stretch a bit, get up, and move around, or even just take a few moments to look out the window. This tiny reset can refresh your mind without taking too much time out of your day. And then there are the longer breaks, like lunch or an afternoon breather. Taking a proper lunch break, even if it's just 30 minutes to an hour by stepping away from your screen and giving yourself a real moment to decompress, can make such a difference. It's been shown that when people actually take the time for themselves, they come back feeling more focused and refreshed, avoiding that dreaded 3 p.m. slump. So don't feel guilty about it. Use that time to recharge and come back feeling ready to take on the rest of your day. Now you might be wondering, how do I make time for breaks in my busy day? Here's a simple tip, schedule them, set reminders on your phone, or use an app to give yourself a little much. I find that having those reminders helps me stay accountable and actually take the break. And when you do take that break, make it mindful. We all sometimes find ourselves mindlessly scrolling on social media during breaks. But here's the thing, being more intentional with your breaks can make a huge difference. Take a few deep breaths, be present, and let your mind truly relax. If you need a little help with that, I highly recommend checking out the Mindfulness app. It's got these amazing guided meditations and calming music that are perfect for a weak mental refresh. I've personally found it to be a lifesaver, especially when I need to take a break, but still want to feel centered. And the research backs it up. Mindfulness during breaks can actually lower your stress and boost focus for the rest of the day. Win-win, right? And just so you know, I've included a link in the description where you can try the app for free for seven days. It's a great way to explore all the features and see how it can fit into your daily routine. So what are the big benefits of taking breaks? When you give yourself permission to rest, your creativity, focus, and overall productivity can skyrocket. Have you ever been stuck on something then walked away for a bit and suddenly the solution just comes to you? That's the magic of rest. It gives your brain a chance to come back with a fresh perspective. But breaks don't just help you work better. They also help you maintain a healthier work-life balance. I know it's easy to get caught up in the hustle, but the most productive people aren't the ones working 24/7. They're the ones who know when to step back, recharge, and take care of themselves. As the same goes, rest isn't the opposite of work. It's part of it. And I think that something we all need to remind ourselves of from time to time. Taking care of yourself now means long-term productivity, creativity, and happiness. So to wrap things up, breaks aren't just nice to have. They're essential. The next time you feel overwhelmed or stuck instead of pushing through, try stepping away for a bit. You'll come back feeling refreshed with more energy and focus to tackle whatever's next on your list. If you found today's episode helpful or inspiring, I'd love for you to share it with a friend or someone who might need a little extra motivation in their days. And hey, if you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to the Stasis Early Podcast so you never miss an episode. So until next time, remember to take those well-deserved breaks, refuel your energy, and show up for yourself with care and intention every single day. You've got this, and I'm cheering you on. Thank you for being here, and I can't wait to chat with you again next time on the Stasis Early Podcast, wishing you a peaceful, productive day filled with moments of rest and joy. (gentle music) (gentle music)