Political No-Brainer Podcast

Debating the Future: Trump vs. Harris - Political No-Brainer- Episode #31

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
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In this episode of "Political No-Brainer," hosts Jeff Rabinowitz and Zak Zakaluk break down the latest presidential debate, focusing on the political platforms of former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. They analyze the key moments from the debate, the differences in their policies, and the impact their visions could have on the 2024 election and the country’s future. From economic strategies to social issues, Jeff and Zak offer a balanced discussion on the contrasting approaches of Trump and Harris, helping listeners understand where each candidate stands as the race heats up.

(upbeat music) - Hello America, and welcome to our podcast. We're two pals with different viewpoints and thoughts. We really don't know much. Discuss news, politics, conspiracy theories, and much, much more. One's a genius, and the other's an idiot. Or are they both idiots? Or are they both geniuses? You be the judge. Now live from beautiful central Florida, welcome to political no-brainer. Your hosts today are on your right. Hey Zach, and to your left. - Me, Coach Trippy, aka Jeff Rebenowitz. - What's going on Zach? - Nothing buddy, what are you doing? - What was your day? - It was wonderful, today was wonderful, today is my day off. And it took my car in for service. - So what happened, we're gonna get, obviously we got lots to talk about tonight, but hey, tell me about your transmission. - It just needs a- - Did you have a heart date? - They're gonna change the fluids and (laughing) - I get a transmission over there, she, I don't know if it's a he-she. - I got it. - That comedian, I gotta find that comedian, he's hilarious, anyway. - He-she? - No, the guy who tells his dad, his dad's from Italy, and he talks with an accent, he doesn't say, "Transvest that he calls him a transmission." You know what I'm transmission, it's a he-she. - Transmission, that's all called now. - Transmission. - Politically correct. - So nothing really's going on in the world of politics, is there? - Nothing, oh, oh, we have the big one. - Or is there? - There certainly is, we have the big shoe, the big debate. Rumor hasn't Kamala with the old man's ass. - Yeah, that's from your gay liberal side, I'm sorry to say, it was, so, all right, I'm gonna be honest with you, I watched the debate, I watched it twice, 'cause I wanted to make sure I knew what I was talking about. This is my take on it. Did you watch it? - I did, I watched it, I did not watch it twice, I didn't watch it twice. - I think, I think the first. - But what I was gonna preface was I watched certain things I particularly cared for a second time. - I watched the whole thing twice. I think the first half, before the commercial break, it was close, but if I had to give it to anybody, if you're going for personality and polished, you know, like putting a pearl on a pig, maybe she took it a little bit by a little smidge there. I don't think there was wipe in the floor with anybody on either side, to be honest with you. - Well, is it emerald wiping the floor with the debates? - I think the second half, that was all Trump. He handled it well, she doesn't, she does not know foreign policy, and she, you've even said he knows it pretty well, and I don't think, you know, and here was my problem with the whole debate from both of them. They never would answer the question asked, they would dance around, I did get a little upset, he finally, he gave an answer, and I was pleased with the answer, but he took his while to get it when they were on the abortion thing, and they kept saying, well, will you put a federal ban on it? And he says, finally he was like, it's not going to come to me, it's for the state to decide that. So he wouldn't have to put a federal ban on it. So there, there's your answer. I hear a lot of liberals are screaming. - No, he didn't answer, he was dancing on that. I'm like-- - The answer, my issue is two things with that is, one, him and J.D. Vance are simply not on the same page when, and that's-- - And I like how he answered that when they said, J.D. Vance said, and he's like, well, J.D. Vance doesn't talk for me, so. - Well, that's an issue, because let me tell you why I think that's an issue. That's a leadership issue. When we work in a restaurant, this is, you know, as well as I do, the J.E.M. puts forth the sentence submission, and we're all on the same page. - Yeah, but you know, everybody points back against the point. - And it's okay to take cigarette breaks, whatever you want, another manager say, listen, the cigarette breaks are at 10 o'clock for 15 minutes. So that's a management issue. And here's my issue with that is, you've got two guys that never even drive their own car. They sit in the car and get driven. They can sit and email each other, no matter what part of the day it is. They never take it at risk in their life, texting while I'm driving. They should have some communication and be on the same page on an important issue in this nation about abortion. But look, to my argument for him, they're not the president and vice president yet. So maybe they haven't worked out those kinks totally. - They need to work out how do you know that camel toe and tampon Timmer on the same page? - They're on the same page. - No, I think he babysits her. Like at the last interview he was there. Coach, go ahead, team, yay. - I think sometimes I think Trump's got supporters that even if last night he jumped up on the podium and took a crap on the floor, they would say it's brilliant. They've ever seen such a thing in my life. - It was art. - It was beautiful. Look at the corn. What is wrong with you? - No, I mean, I'm just saying. - I just look, look, look, I know you, I know, here's, look, we're going to discuss a couple of things on this show tonight. I know you have a love for camel toe. It's okay. Admit it. - And I want to cover those reasons. - You're liberal, here's my problem with the debate last night. She had zero, zero policy. And she was never, ever fact check and she spoke at least 21 times falsely. And they, and I thought the moderators were crap, complete utter crap. They were rude, they were snarky. And they, it was basically to me, it was Trump versus Kamala and ABC. 100%. - And he said that too. He said it was three against one is how he phrased. - They all, everybody said it. Everybody that I've watched has said it. Even some moderates who are, or maybe not being Trump fans, they said that that was, the CNN debate was much better. Him and Joe, even though Sleepy was, you know, it was a shame with Sleepy. But the moderators were legitimately asking questions. They weren't jumping in with their opinions. If that guy gave his opinion one more time, I swear I wanted to punch him in the face. - But where did he give his opinion? 'Cause one of the reasons he gave his opinion, hang on, let me finish. One of the reasons he gave his opinion, and it was, it was beautiful. Kamala poked the bear. And she started with crowd size. And she, and she left off with immigration. Was Trump responded exactly how we wanted him to respond, to be the big baby he is. So he argued the point of crowd size. She said they're leaving the rallies early. They argued the point of crowd size. And then he brought up their eating dogs. - And then you keep everybody. - But the guy that he shared his opinion, but he said ABC reached out to the city. - Do you know who he reached out to? - I don't know. - The city manager who's a strong liberal Democrat. Do you think he's gonna admit his city is a total shival of full of immigrants who are eating animals? Never in a million years. But we have cops video arresting a woman eating the neighbors cat in her driveway. One, number two, they have cameras from the traffic lights where guys are going out to the parks, snatching up the geese in the ducks and taking them home. - Okay. - So the city manager- - Did you drop me into one of those points? - Did he manage his liar? - Okay. - Which makes ABC a lot. - Did Trump even make one of those points? - Well, he said don't. - He said we'll see, we'll have to see. - I don't know that- - I was just your thoughts. - I don't know the thing about- - Oh, I can tell you the radio. - They had cats, they actually, now this was New York City, they showed, but they had a street vendor, and I don't even know if she was a vendor, it was a lady just out barbecue and cats out on a spigot. I was like- - Is she an immigrant? - No, it was a white girl. What do you think? - I don't know. - Come on. - I mean, we're talking about a grown man, and he didn't even have the knowledge you have now. He's the president, he made the point. - Listen. - He made it during a debate time. I thought a couple times, in the beginning of the debate, he went off in a little couple tangents, and I was like, "Real it in, brother." But the second half, I think he handled his business, and did it well. So, let me tell you what though, the thing that I took, he got her like three times really good. Number one, told her to be quiet, 'cause that was great, which was what she does. She did it in the last, that debate, I don't remember who she debated. Was it Tulsi, whoever she debated, told him to be quiet. And he's like, "How do you think that?" "How do you like that?" That feels, anyway, put her in her place. Number two, when he called out her Marxism, and specifically called out her father, she did not deny it, she did not argue it, she didn't even try and debate it. - Because you're going down a rabbit hole that doesn't-- - It's not a rabbit hole, it's factual information. - It's not. - Her father is a staunch Marxist. He searches it. - Even, I disagree, and I don't know enough to actually follow you. - Well, don't disagree then, because you don't know anything. - He's not running for president. - But she is, and she's taught that. - Okay, so what is his father? His father owned the whorehouse. - That's great. - So he likes the whores, that's fine, no problem with that. - But I have no problem with that, I have no problem with who's going against American culture. Marxism is anti-American. - Owning a whorehouse is anti-American. - No, it's not, it's the oldest money-making industry in the world. - Not running to black people is anti-American. - That's the biggest, that's been totally debunked. - It's not a debunk. - It has been debunked. - But at the point he said, he had a file on his desk, he threw it in the drawer. - Let me tell you what, go back to the 90's and the early 2000's, every frickin' rap video was talking about Donald Trump, and had him in the videos, they loved him. The black people loved him, he's been on, Oprah, he's been on every show, they loved him. The minute he turned Republican, he became a racist Nazi. So stop it. - I'm talking about his dad. - I don't know his father, his father- - Okay, you just said you knew Kamala's father- - But she is influenced by him. - And Trump's dad, everything about Trump is Trump's dad. - Does Trump own a whorehouse? - He owned Trump modeling. It was a human trafficking network, as far as people were concerned. - Allegedly. - Allegedly. - I'd like to see Prue. - Prue. - Bring me proof. Now, concern is nothing. I don't believe in concern, stop it. I need documentation. I need documentation. - Use documentation on this show, have we ever done that yet? - Well, I need it this time. Bring me documentation. - Okay, let's stop it. - He owned very, very successful- - Let's cover topics now. - Hold on, he owned very successful real estate. He owned very successful casinos, which some people think is horrible. I got the problem with it. - They all found bankruptcy, his chapter led- - He's the smart business man. He knows the tax loopholes. He knows how to do it. Just like he's, he's shamed Hillary when she called out about his tax evasion. He goes, all your friends do it, and they won't go against me, because I know all the secrets on how to do it. And why wouldn't I? He's a business man. That to me- - They're not secrets. - I got no problem. If I knew how to do it, trust him, believe. Uncle Sam can kiss my tuckus. They never get a dime for me again. - You're not in the position to do so. And they're not secrets. You call KPMG, call Deloitte and douche. They'll set you up. - Deloitte douche. - They'll set you up. - Passkins and Deloitte. - They'll set you up with those. They have tax attorneys. - Listen, when I get $100 million, then I'll worry about that. - So let's start on a topic. Let's start with whatever, name a topic, and tell me she didn't cover it. Let's start where? - Afghanistan. - Afghanistan. - Afghanistan. - Chable. - Okay, Afghanistan. And I said, I'll take the challenge. - Chable. - You call bullshit, I'll call bullshit. Okay, he just took on RFK. He's a staff member. RFK, one of his biggest contingencies, never ending wars. - No, RFK's biggest thing is make America healthy again. - Make America a second biggest thing, never ending wars. Okay, Joe Biden called bullshit on a bullshit war. 20 years, 20 years, trillions of dollars. But that war was not going on when Trump was in the White House. - Okay, it was, our troops were there. Our troops were there. - They were there, but was there war going on? - They were there, okay, let me finish. - Was there war going on? Was there war going on? - Never ending. Our troops were in Afghanistan. 40-something thousand. - Shots of money. - Okay. He, okay, start with Biden being Obama's vice president. Obama said, campaign promise, I'm pulling out of Afghanistan. Obama went to the generals the best way to pull out of Afghanistan is add 30,000 troops. We're in a secure situation and we're out. 30,000 never came home in the 40,000 state. Biden said, you didn't know what? I'm not taking any military advice anymore. We're out. Trump's contention, he left $80 billion worth of military hardware. Pentagon said it's $70 billion. Let's call it Trump's 80. Let's call it Trump's 80. - Let's call it the middle. - 20 years, 25. - 20 years. We spent a trillion dollars over the course of 20 years. Money we don't have. But we gladly send that money to Ukraine. - $60 billion for research and development. - And there's people, there's people starting on our streets. There's people starting on our streets. - And our citizens are not there. - They're not wiping, they're not wiping, nothing. Putin's about to stomp the skull. And you know what, he's excited. He's drooling, he's salivating at the chance that Kamal is gonna win. - She's gonna win it. - Up to stop it. You don't know, just settle down. - Okay. - Yeah, I love your enthusiasm, but you know. - You'll see it. And then you know what you'll say, he was robbed. The victim was robbed again. - And then I'll move to Venezuela. 'Cause it'll be at least safer there. 'Cause all the criminals are here. They let them in. Let's talk about the border. - Let's talk about the border. - Let's talk about the best comment he made all night. She made all these great lofty ideas and promises of what she's gonna do. And he says, you've been there for three and a half years. How come you haven't done nothing? Zero. Matter of fact, let's stop this. Let's go down to White House. Let's wake up, sleepy Joe. Let's get Congress. You don't even need Congress. Just tell Joe to say, shut the border. And then he said he'll support you. She didn't do nothing. - You can't shut the border. 'Cause you know what'll happen? - You can. - Legal challenges, a hundred legal challenges. But I tell you what they did to you. - From whom? Who would legally challenge you? - Who would legally challenge you? - Who would legally challenge it? - Every liberal. - So they want an open border. They love having all these-- - Okay. - It would be legally challenged. They would not shut the border. Was it ignorant, comments? You can't just sign executive order to shut the border. - You certainly can. - You can't. There's all kinds of immigration policy that says no. - There's immigration policy. Let's answer me one question. What country in the world has an open border where you can walk across? - Okay, but we haven't. You can sign an executive order. If it's not legal, it won't take effect. - They don't sign nothing. They'll tell the border control to shut it down. - We have a border issue. - I said it. Let's go to the White House and sign the issue. - And they said no. They didn't do it. - People take effect. But what you take effect, and like Kamala pointed out, was the strongest piece of legislation ever presented on border security and Trump called the Crazy Eight, Matt Gates to the Crazy Eight in the House to nix the bill that was already passed in the Senate and made it clear the reason I want you to nix the bill is so I have a border issue on my campaign agenda. So he had a bill that would have shut the border down 100%, but Trump made clear to his little psychofans in the House, nix the bill. And that Kamala mentioned, and he'd not argue it. - Okay. - They were. - So what? - He knows that's what he did. So you've got a bill, a piece of legislation. - Do you think he's gonna let him get all the glory for shutting down the border when he's worked on it? - Oh, why didn't they let's just put two and two together? - Then all of a sudden the Democrats come into power and they're like, okay, let's shut the border 'cause they said so. - Stop it. - No, no, it's legislation. - And let me ask you this 60 billion we're sending over to Ukraine. Guess what they're doing? - They're kicking Russia's ass. - No, they're building a border. They're shutting it down so they stop Russia. So Ukraine can stop people from coming over, but we can't. And you keep saying that Russia's coming over doing all these bad evil things, right? What are these people coming over our country doing? Bad evil things. - Okay, did we not? - They're eating our pets. (laughing) - Listen, they're bringing fentanyl across the border killing all its children. - I was so glad today when Mia posted reporting safe on Facebook, I was so relieved. How about you? How about Boz Diesel and Prince? Did they report safe on Facebook? - I dare someone to try and eat them. 'Cause they'll get eaten. - That would be 500 pounds of. - They'll think it's Thanksgiving 'cause they're getting dark meat. That's terrible, I shouldn't say that. - No, we don't. - Lord forgive me for making fun of the pygmies in Africa. - No, no. - Remember the cable guy? - But now let's, when you come in the border, I say Kovalah handled it 100%. - I think she did a horrible job. So there we go, all right. - Just then we had legislation to shut the border, Trump Nixon. - Shut it down, just do it. He said last night, let's go. I'll do it outside. There was no point in acknowledging that ignorance. Why did he do it when he was president? - Because he got nothing but backlash from Congress. You got Schumer, the big-- - They're making my point. I just said if they go to the house, they go to the house. - But he wanted to build the wall and do it properly. He could've just shut the border. He could've. I said he wanted to do a proper job.