Rule Breaker Investing

Extra! Periscope Live Event Next Week

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2015
Audio Format:

Just a quick announcement that David will be hosting a live Q&A on Periscope on Tuesday at 12:30 ET. Download the Periscope app and tune in to our channel: @themotleyfool.

Hey it's David and I want to mention an extra fun event we have scheduled for Tuesday September 29th next Tuesday at 12.30 p.m. Eastern. I'm gonna do Periscope. So if you've ever tried Periscope or you know that fun live streaming video app you can join me and ask any questions we'll just have a conversation live for anyone who wants to join in 12.30 Eastern. Are you new to Periscope? We'll just go and download the Periscope app on your phone and we are at the Motley Fool on Periscope. You'll see us there. If you follow us on Twitter RBI podcast I guess I should say at RBI podcast on Twitter we'll send you an alert if you'd like to to find us next week on Periscope. All right that's it. Fool on. [BLANK_AUDIO]