Prince Victor Matthew's podcast

Love and Respect in Relationship || Prince Victor Matthew

In this video, we dive into the key elements of love and respect that form the foundation of any healthy and lasting relationship. Whether you're dating, engaged, or married, understanding how to balance these two principles can strengthen your bond and help you navigate challenges with grace. Join us as we explore practical tips, real-life examples, and biblical insights to foster deeper emotional connection and mutual respect in your relationship.

Hashtags: #LoveAndRespect #HealthyRelationships #RelationshipGoals #LoveTips #RespectInRelationships #MarriageAdvice #DatingTips #StrongerTogether #ChristianRelationships #BiblicalLove #LastingLove #RespectMatters #RelationshipAdvice #LoveWisdom #RelationshipGrowth

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants drop at the lease at a rent collection, handling its request, maintaining a communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Runner's Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Runner's Warehouse. A message paid for by veterans for all voters. Listen to this message from Ted Delacath, former Army infantryman and ranger qualified platoon leader active in the Army Reserves. When I enlist in the Army, I swore an oath to this country, not any political party. That's why I'm interested in citizens ballot measures around the country to reduce the power of political parties. Colorado votes on one too. Right now, election rules allow political insiders to hand-pick party nominees. It's the reason we're usually stuck voting for the lesser of two evils. Colorado's plan creates an open primary where all candidates appear on one primary ballot. Every voter has the freedom to vote for any candidate, no matter which party. The Colorado plan advances four candidates to the general election, not two. That means more choices for voters in the primary and general election. Get the facts. Elections belong to the voters, not political parties. Paid for by veterans for all voters, Anthony Haas registered agent. The use of military rank and job titles does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense of this ballot measure. You're welcome. This is the voice of Prince Victor Matthew. And I'm super excited to be here today. All right. I'll be talking to you about love and respect. This is going to be a series of I love you, but I deserve more. I love you, but I deserve more. We'll be talking about love and respect in a relationship, just like you cannot separate the fish from the water. That is how you can separate respect from love because love and respect is a giving attitude. We need to understand that. It's the will of God. This is a lifestyle that must be built on your personal relationship with Jesus because the love of God in you is what will propel you to love others and respect others. I want you to also know that love is a decision that you must make deliberately at a in platonic relationship or in an emotional relationship because this decision is something that must be made based on the quality of knowledge and understanding and wisdom you have about an individual. Don't make a decision to love an individual you know nothing about one individual you got to know based on what people told you about this individual is very dangerous because you must understand that you can't give love and trust to people until you have received it from God. Remember, I was telling you the other time when I started that your ability to love and respect people must be built or must be positioned from your relationship with Jesus. So you can't love people and you can't trust people until you receive it from God. If you have not opened up yourself to enjoy, if you have not opened up yourself to enjoy the truth that God has put in for you, you can't get the best. The beginning of you gaining the capacity to love and respect people is in your understanding. How God has loved you, how God has respected you, how God has shown you mercy, how God has put value on you. If you don't understand this principle, you will never understand and you will not enjoy it or express love and respect. So I want you to understand that the self-respect and the self-love you will ever experience will come from the womb of your personal relationship with Jesus. So don't rush in to give what you don't have. And understand that relationship is a giving attitude but you must also understand that it is also a seed time and a harvest time. Stop expecting things from people you are not giving to them because a healthy relationship is where you receive what you are really investing. I repeat, a healthy relationship is where you receive from this other person you are dating, from this opposite gender what you are really investing in this person. Oh yes, because feeling on love and disrespect is not anyone's fault but yours. Okay, yes. There's no body's fault but yours because it is your duty to feel loved and respected by believing you are loved and respected by the Lord Almighty. So if you can't capitalize on the love and the respect God has placed on you, it is not another human that should do that for you. Your love and your respect to other people or to your lover will be a deliberate decision you have to make out of the abundance of what you are believed and received from Jesus is very important. In other words, I want you to know that the journey of being respected and loved is in your willingness to receive and believe it through your best now relationship with Jesus. See, whatsoever you have not received from God, you can't give it out. The second assignment is in you extending it to the words you love, either platonic or emotional relationship. So the Bible is in the book of John chapter 5 verse 5. Yes. Yes, John chapter 5 verse 5. When he was, when the Bible was talking about this hope, we are not ashamed of it because the love of God is shed abroad in your heart. See, unto you have given God a room to love you, unto you know how much God respects you, unto you know how much God values you, that God could risk his only begotten son Jesus to come and die for your redemption, for your safety. If you are aware of the amount of angels that are all around you, washing over you when you are sleeping, if you know the amount of battle that is contending on you, waking up or no waking up every morning and God keep prevailing because of his love for you. If you have an idea, you feel loved, you feel respected and of course you not have any excuse not to love and respect people. Oh yes, you're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. So you need to know that love and respect is the strength of any given relationship is very important. It is not an event or a deliberate attitude you call to wait. It's not an event. Love and respect is not about events. It's not about going for night. I mean, you can go out on a date, no visit restaurants, you know travel, vacations, but love and respect is not about event. It's about a deliberate attitude you call to wait from Jesus in your personal relationship with Jesus. So it's an error for you to abandon your relationship with Jesus because of a dating relationship. Oh yes, it's an error. So I want you to know that you can never experience being loved and respected above the room. You give the Lord or above your receiving capacity. So you can't love and respect anyone above the room you choose to give. To them to love you. Nobody can love you except the room you give to them. So love and respect is not something you force on people but an attitude that should be received and it should be given willingly. It should be given willingly. It should be given willingly. The Lord Jesus choose to love and respect you because of the plan of the God ordained for your life. So you should love and respect people because of God's plan for their life. There's always a factor for every, there's always a factor for every love and respect received or given to an individual in any relationship. There's always a factor. So if you want somebody to love you and respect you, why? Why should this person love and respect you? Why? Is your attitude commanding it? The way you talk is commanding it. Your manner of approach is commanding it. Are you a person of value? It's okay that you desire to be respected and loved but what is the factor you are presenting on the table called relationship? What is the value of presenting on the table called relationship? Why do you think people should respect you? Why do you think people should love you? Why do you think? Why do you think this individual should respect you? You must make sure you define the factor because love and respect is not a free will offering to people but a deliberate attitude and effort to people for a specific defined agenda. I feel I need to define what respect truly means. Oh yes, I think I need to define it. You might not see this in dictionary but I sense in my spirit that you need this definition. Respect is given someone the freedom to make decision according to their divine calling without you intruding him or her. Hear me? Respect is you giving someone the freedom to make decisions according to what will benefit their future, benefit their dream. So in a sentence respect is freedom. This freedom comes with understanding. Leaving someone isolated is totally different from giving someone freedom. Oh yes because the greatest form of freedom is the one you offer for the purpose of growth, clarity and maturity of what God has called this person to do or become. So you need to give if you say you love somebody you must give this person the freedom to be everything God wants them to be to pursue the dream God wants them to pursue even though you don't like it even though it's not convenient for you even though it means they will not be talking to you all the time on the phone or you know be seeing them every week or every day. Love is freedom. Love is not you manipulating to people to be who you want them to be but is giving them the freedom to be who God wants them to be. That is love. That is love. So examine yourself. The love and respect you are giving this person in this relationship you are in is usually helping this individual to be and do what God has called this individual to do and become. It's a question. The love and respect you are enjoying in your relationship. Is it helping you to be who God wants you to be? Why do you want to love this person? Why? Why do you really want to love this person? Why do you really want to love this person? It's very important. Why do you really want to love this person? Why do you want this person to love you? Why do you want to be respected? Why do you want this person to respect you? Why do you want to respect this person? Is it because the person is giving you money? Is it because of what you get from this person? What you stand to gain? What will God achieve of the respect and the love you are offering this person? And what is God achieving from the love and respect this person is offering you? Because the purest form of love and respect is when it adds godly value to the one receiving it. So the answer to these questions above must tell a lot towards you becoming and doing what God has called you to be and do. It has to tell a lot towards what God has called this individual to do. There is no two ways about it because love is a weapon. Respect is a weapon for impact. Oh yes. So you need to understand that love and respect in relationship are two attitudes that are mixed together. You can say you love somebody but you disrespect the person even when you are angry with the person. Oh yes love and respect is just like your sit on your tongue. You can't separate it. You can't separate it. So at this point, as I round up this section, okay. Let me explain to you what is his parent me on this topic in this section on YouTube here. Because love is all about acceptance. To love someone, to love someone, to love someone is a decision to accept someone with their flaws, with their perfection. With the aim of you seeing them improve and grow into who God has created them to be. Love accepts you the way you are but love will place a demand for you to grow and improve. Hear me. Love will accept you the way you are. If I really love you, I will accept you the way you are but you must grow and improve in your flaws and in your mistakes. So for you to say I need somebody to love me the way I am even with your flaws is okay but when you are not committed to improve and become a better version of who God wants you to be then you are an abusive person to this individual that I've decided to accept you with your flaws and with your strength. So if you must love, don't love who God has created this person to be alone. You must be ready to contribute to what God has created this person to be. You must contribute to it. So I want to encourage you to examine your love and respect that you shower on people or that people shower on you in your relationship. Examine it. Is it adding value to you? Is it necessary? Is it a cage? Is it a trap? Is it killing your passion? Is this stopping you from going to church? Is this stopping you from godly values? Is it... I'll be stopping here and I hope you've gotten value for your time. Well if you have any question you can drop in the comment section. I look forward to kind of get to hear from you, to know what you really feel and to know what you really think. Remember this is not to judge your condemn you but this is to bring you to a place of self-evaluation so that you can be a better version of yourself. You can't keep living your life this way. You can be better than this. This is the voice of Prince Viktor Matthew and this is hope expression. Remember you have the right to dream again, to love again and to trust again because you are the ship of Jesus and you are the seed of Abraham. I celebrate you. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, drop the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance, request maintenance, application. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do list. Qualify tenants? Check. Rent collection? Check. Maintenance coordination? You got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse. What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading, accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance. Uncover opportunity and move upward at