Smile High Morning Show

Thu. Sept. 26: Geoff Hosting, Baseball Trips, Charlie Blackmon, Shohei Ohtani, Callers

Geoff Hosting, Baseball Trips, Charlie Blackmon, Shohei Ohtani, Callers

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
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[music] This is the Smile High Morning Show with Danny Williams and Jeff Gersh. [music] Even though you know I died for you, Denver, Colorado! Hey, we're here, it's Bronco's Jets Week. It's Charlie Blackman's last week, and it's no time to be weak. Give us a call if you want to speak. It's a throwback Thursday edition of the program. Let's get it. [music] It's unbelievable what those Williams boys just did. I love that second one, they took good points. None on our team. Sorry guys, none on our team. We beat that guy too! No Williams's's's, not in the building again, as usual. I don't know if you guys remember earlier this week, Danny said he's a huge Oakland A's fan has been since the day. He's been little baby in mother's arms, suckling off the Zippel, full of the milky treat. He took his son with them yesterday, they went to Oakland Alameda County Coliseum, today's the final home game as what we have known and called for years the Oakland Athletics. They're moving out of that stadium. Are they doing one year in Sacramento? Is that what it is and then? I think at least two. Two years in Sacramento? At least two, maybe three, maybe until the 27th season. I think Vegas for sure in 28, so maybe 25, 26, 27 in Sacktown. That has happened to Oakland. I don't know, we can, we'll see if we can get Williams on the line. He did send us a photo last night from in stadium with a guy hanging out with by the name of Peter King. I get the NFL. I don't know if you've heard of Peter King, he works for Sports Illustrated, only the world's oldest and largest. Monday morning quarterback. That's our organization. True. Yeah. I'm certain that Peter King stopped Danny for a photo. I'm sure after the Broncos beat Aaron Rodgers and all that and we're super excited on Monday morning to talk about that Broncos jets game. That's when we're going to get all of Danny and JJ's stories from the weekend. He said, I'm a big fan of the Smile High morning show. You're the Williams guy from that show. Right. Post that show with Jeff Gersch and I was a, and he was like coach G, but yeah, he prefers to be coach G Peter, but thank you for asking. Yeah. And funny thing is I'm getting on an airplane tomorrow morning and I'm going to fly out to the Bay area and I'm going to some baseball games with my son too. So there. Here comes the airplane. Guess what? Awesome. There's a good chance. So when I get to peer 33, Hey boys, just me and my son having some fun at peer 33, Danny Williams and JJ might be there waiting for us to go jump on a ferry and get out to Alcatraz. There you go. Yeah. San Francisco Bay. It's going to be sitting in the morning soon. Oh, I'll be sitting in the evening call going to go hang out with those seals over there on Fisherman's Wharf watching the seals come in ships and then I watch them bark and clap again. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, so you know, you can check out the SF Giants this weekend. I got two tickets to Friday night for tickets to Saturday. All right. Invited my parents down from Sacramento. And they were like, we don't like going to sports games. We've been to a lot of rugby and volleyball lately with with cat and PJs kids. Well, San Francisco is a fun city, but can we do it without going to the baseball game? I was like, Dad, can you just say yes and come sit for free at the most beautiful ballpark with your grandson and son. And he's like, hum, see, we got some pickups and drop offs. We got to do. And boy, I don't know. I'm going to be tough to get that 75 minute drive downhill to the most beautiful city in California. Hey, dad, I got a hotel room. We got beds. You and mom can sleep over there. I'll snore on this one here and Georgia will cuddle with me. We'll be fine. Have you ever thought of maybe coming to Sacramento after the game, changing your flight to Sunday and flying out of Sacramento, dad, shoot, um, yeah, right. So anyway, that's what it's like. Oh, no big deal. I just gave you a place to live for two years. Your whole life, dad, mom in my basement, you can't, can't even make an 85 minute drive down the hill. All right. Fine. See fine. Clued you in my will. Damn. Tough scene there. Tough scene. I think what I'm going to do though, is I'm going to walk around the stadium. I'm going to look for a dad with a son who are looking for tickets and I'm going to say I'm going to show you underneath this trench coat and then I'm going to open a trench coat and I'm going to be wearing my USA Speedo as usual. Hey boys. Hey boys. And then in my jacket, there's going to be my cell phone is going to be hanging there. I'm going to say I got two extra tickets on this cell phone. I can't transform because they came from within the organization. So just come with me. What do you think? We'll make the deal and then I'm going to use that money the next day to go see the Niners play. No way. I think that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do. That's what I'm going to do. What a weekend. It's going to be a banger. That's a sports weekend for you. I said, young man, you're 10 years old now. When I was 10, my dad, who's only 70 minutes away and won't be there for this trip, he took me on a trip when I was 10 years old. We went to California. I'll take you anywhere you want to go. Where do you want to go, George? And he had time to think about it. And he said, Dad, I want to go sit in the canoe in the ocean and watch the home run balls come. And I was like, damn, you want to go to that giant stadium? And he's like, yes. So I looked to try and get canoes and kayaks and stuff a little bit more than I would of a pain in the ass than I would like it to be. Yeah. Well, the one place that has it, the pier that was rents that stuff, commonly for that usage, they're sold out. It's the last Saturday day game of the year. I can imagine that's going to be a busy cove. So shoot. I guess we'll just go into the stadium and do it like regular baseball style and do it to itself. Big weekend baseball coming up for the Gersh family. The Williamses are deep right in the middle. I don't. I think they'll be back by Friday night. So they're just doing a little two day trip, but this is one of those things Danny Williams said. You know, it's my childhood dream and I'm fulfilling a childhood lifelong dream of mine. And you know, take that for what it's worth. But when you are confronted with that decision, I, you know, I just cannot stress this enough. Do it. Like do it just do it. Do it. It's not a buff would say. It's the exact opposite of Mike Singletary is like, do it. Do it. We can play with them. We can win with them. We can do it. Do it. And it reminds me, if I can take a moment to go back in time to win Colorado, somehow some way got awarded a major league baseball all-star game with less than like 60 days before the all-star game because voter rights were illegal and boy, checking IDs. That's real racist, man, to make sure you're an American citizen in a federal election. We're going to check IDs and they yanked the all-star game from Atlanta and said that's some racist Jim Crow stuff. They plopped it here in Denver. Their loss is our game. And I'm sitting there on Wednesday night at Vanderbilt Park in the parking lot talking to the big 12 player of the year, Aaron Senny lefty, Minnesota kid. Like mustache, great dude, great dude. And I told him about it and I said, hey, tickets are kind of pricey, but I really want to bring my son. And he goes, you'll make more money, but I don't know if you'll ever make more memories like that again. He's like, you just, just do it. Take your son to the game, do it, and you'll see some sweet stuff. Well, guess what happened when we went to that game? There's a guy named Shohai Otani, he got to bat lead off. You've heard of him. He's the newest member. He's the only member of the 50/50 club. He let off that game. And guess what else he did that game? He pitched. He was the starting pitcher of record. Do it. That's incredible. That in and of itself that I can say I saw is worth whatever dollars I paid that day. But think about it. I brought a kid with me. I brought a little kid who loves baseball with me. And he got to see Shohai Otani start a game as pitcher and start the game as the lead off hitter. He got to see Vladimir Guerrero absolutely hit a piss missile up towards where that Toyota truck is parked. On the concourse. He got to see Whitmerfield hit a little soft fly ball, foul ball. And it came up right into the camera well next to us. I jumped into the camera well, grabbed the foul ball and gave it to my son. And I don't think any of this would have happened if I wasn't sitting there in that parking lot with Aaron Santi on a Wednesday night at Vanderbilt talking about being a dad and loving baseball. He don't have no kids. He's got a dog. He played in the minors. He got big 12 player of the year at Missouri. He knows the beauty of baseball and without blinking an eye. He said, you'll make more money, but I don't know if you'll ever make more memories than that. Sticks with me forever, man. I want to thank you, Aaron, Santi. Do it. Wish you wouldn't have moved back to Minnesota. Do it. Do it. What's the question? The question is there is no question. Just do it. Go make some memories with your family. Go take a trip. Go check something off a list you've been meaning to do because you worked hard to get there, right? I didn't get that money to pay for those all star tickets on accident. I worked my ass off to make that money to have that opportunity. Let's play some music. I don't want the any Bailey coming in here. Are we on time as usual? Because yesterday things got a little off the rails. I'm in here. I got Lord knows where Williams went. I got two hooters girls coming later. I got backwards hat on the little Piero telling me about his bad beats like I'm SVP and he's some other bald guy that no one wants to talk Stanford Stanford Steve. I don't want to hear a bunch of beats. Take your beats off out of here. And then of course I had the hooters girls I had to deal with. You did well. You were you were thrown a lot and you you crushed it. Oh man. Get out of the park only to get out of here and get scolded repeatedly. We're not hitting time outs. Oh my goodness gracious will do better today I swear. I heard her body even got out before the top of the hour. And Gil wisely supposed to be awake today sometime by 11. This is a big day for me. Yeah. This is so much fun. I like being in here by myself from being honest. Different vibe. Yeah. I don't have Williams interrupting me when I'm in the middle of a super hot take. I don't have Williams staring at his phone watching chick fights while I'm in the middle of us. Another super hot take. It's just me and my guy Alex Becker. We're living together right now in our lives together we'll be right back with more smile hi morning show on the other side this is the smile hi morning show with Danny Williams and Jeff Gersz smile hi morning show every day every once in a while I like to just take every every chance I get to take that V out of the word every and just go every day every day I'm hustling every day got is good every day I don't have time for these extra letters I like to just apostrophize right in the middle of a word like o'clock or something like that every day every day we're hustling part of me thinks now I just got done explaining to you how you know you got to seize the moment like Danny Williams just did this week and said I'm gonna take my son check off a bucket list thing I got a season moment too I'm starting to think that maybe just maybe just maybe today's the day that I got a call up miss Dixon Mrs. Dixon we love her she's a sweet sweet sweetheart she's the fourth great teacher at Christ the King and I might just have to call up Mrs. Dixon and say hey Mrs. Dixon I'm just being a good dad I'm not being rebellion ain't nothing wrong with going to Korsfield for the 1 p.m. game and I'm gonna need to take my daughter Alice Jean out of school to do it what kind of a father leaves her child his child in a institution of learning when they could be outside watching Charlie Blackman play his last Thursday day game for Rockies no sane person would do that I mean you can't look okay so let's say I don't take my daughter out of school today and I don't bring her to see Aaron Otto and Blackman throw down one last time can I really look myself in the mirror tonight and say you're a good dad you did your best no I'd look myself in the mirror and I'd say you fool can't do it what do you think you're trying to make it three days in a row at a ballgame huh possibly for four if you count footy right um yes there's one more hurdle we would have to jump and her name is my wife and she's lovely that's the biggest hurdle of them all yeah yeah she's like just to go see him lose their 99th game and I'm like well there's something special in that too honey that's quite a feat um I don't like them song one more time Josie's on vacation man that is true and Alice loves Charlie Blackman she always has back before she even knew what she was loving who doesn't it's I mean I went around dude I talked to some of the guys I sent drotar Doug Ottawa I sent all these local guys Nick Nathan coach Nick I sent a bunch of dudes just want to know give me your top five spur way dad of the year at CK handsome young bucks been been here grew up as a went to CK um it's hard for these guys to keep Charlie Blackman out of their top five and more so their top three I mean there's some dudes that really get down probably not top three they're sneaking in their Bishats and stuff I'm top four home boys been here 14 years all he's ever done is played Rockies baseball he's done it in such a unique manner that you can't take your eyes off of them like how can you when he's batting man he's swing it I don't know if I've seen too many swings like that he gets the bat into the zone so quick and he keeps it in the zone for so long like I just never I don't know too many guys I've seen that have that ability um I mean even Griffey junior like there's something about his swing that was so smooth but also quick it just kind of comes and goes it's in the zone for a long you know inches amount of inches but not a long period of time he's just ripping that thing through Charlie's like he can almost slow his swing down and then speed it back up again he's just a freak um he wasn't even supposed to hit he was going to be a pitcher or he came up as a pitcher and then converted to a hitter I think a Georgia Tech so you know what's amazing too is I mean this Paul Skeens right he was a catcher before he was a bullpen guy show high we just got done explaining the best player major league baseball can play on both sides of the ball Travis Hunter we had Chase howl in here yesterday Chase thinks Travis Hunter maybe he's a little biased but he thinks Travis Hunter's number one on the Heisman rankings and I don't know how he could be lower than third I put him at number one right now okay so and and go back way way back to when I was doing home grown sports from 10 to midnight Tuesday Wednesday Thursday nights go way way back to then when Coach G said draft two way players draft shortstop that can pitch draft center fielders that can throw heat draft catchers that can pitch this Paul Skeens thing I love a catcher that can pitch that's like having like like a quarterback as your de coordinator it's like someone who knows how to beat a defense is now calling the defense a catcher going to pitcher that is one of the sweetest things ever right uh Kenley Janssen another one how sweet is that right he he actually caught for Netherlands in the world baseball classic and then converted to pitcher after that but pretty sweet like if you're bright at your whoever who's in charge now Smith or yeah yeah whatever the guy you got to go get his Mike Gersh go get Mike Gersh in in St. Louis he's under Moseliak Moseliak's like the GM but Mike Gersh gets the GM title but like and when the heat comes I'm sure he'll get the heat and Moseliak will stay there because he's the golden boy ever since the jockety days long story short here in Colorado why wouldn't you just go try and find five shohays go find one Travis Hunter go find go find a skeens that was a catcher in college but did some relief pitch and go find we don't have the luxury here of not drafting pitchers we need pitchers we did a top ten list we did it on Tuesday when Charlie announced his retirement there's not a pitcher on that list nor should there be probably not you could put a new baldow on there if you want to talk about no nose or you can put a dailarosa on there if you want to talk about longevity but can you really put a pitcher in the Rockies top ten no you can't probably the only MLB franchise where you'd rank the top ten and there's not a single pitcher it's it's definitely the only and they'll be franchise yeah I mean the Marlins have pitchers right that who the Diamondbacks have to have the greatest of all time that Kansas City Royals have grandky like pick name me a squad I'll name you their arm they're their best on over the history of their franchise I'm not talking like since the 2010s you know since since the Millennials started caring about baseball that my point is this show hey thing and we talked about it in segment one when he started the All-Star game as a pitcher and a hitter athletes win athletes beat baseball players baseball players beat bad baseball players but athletes beat specialized sport players in every single one of them every single one of them you can specialize in tennis all you want but if you give me an athlete who's sweet at tennis I think he's gonna beat you I just you golf and tennis maybe are a little different I guess I don't know I don't think they're that much different all my buddies bro that went and played college sports they're great golfers it's not because they golf all the time it's not because they're digging it out of the dirt on the range because they're freak athletes and that's why I got this purple hat on right here and we're not the south side A's little league baseball club because of my childhood love for the bash brothers or the Bay Area or Eckersley's sweet ass mustache we're the A's because we're gonna beat you with athletes and if we don't that's fine but I'm gonna have kids that know how to run jump throw and catch because they play sports I'm not having kids and we're making a killing for the south side A's my kid is like we have 13 kids my kid might be the 13th best kid he might be the 12th best kid and he's a good little athlete too but we just are stacked with guys and I can put you anywhere I can put I can put air gun at shortstop center field pitcher third base left field I can put willcomo anywhere he's a badass catcher I can put him anywhere turn on anything that boy can play anywhere not because he's a baseball player because he's a freak athlete speaking of freak athletes let's go out to the hotline typically we go to commercial break we don't have time we've been getting yelled at lately on our ins and outs but I think we've got time for this guy he's a mayhem icon he's the world's champion it's the one it's the only it's ray ray what's up ray ray now it's behind the glass and shout to my sports and all cars that make the show and all the beautiful hot mama features will I make sure you get your outside vinegar go check out your robin Ronald McDonald's ghosts and goblins meals for your kids special offers while time's collapsed and let's go on the positive note the Dodgers are coming in the maha city to play your color out of rockets when oh tawny hit the bunch of home runs on saturday night's game saturday and sunday check out on october 5th with the Yankees fillies and the Dodgers and the oils that'll be exciting for october and the baseball seasons and the Broncos the way they played against Tampa bank I pick them to win 27 17 over Aaron Rodgers and the Jets and the Raiders are sinking ship they don't know what their problem is and it's all jacked up and they predict uh can the city all the riders and all the people worldwide picking the Chiefs to win another Super Bowl that's gonna be lame and hey what do you guys gotta say well I think you're I think you're putting the cart in front of the men's shoe here okay you got this guy with a magical mustache in Las Vegas he's leading the silver and black he's in the middle of it they're still not used to his gene shorts wearing sleeveless lifestyle but I gotta imagine ray ray that's kind of like a page out of your book sleeveless gene shorts mama citas uh begote mahikos you know what I mean so maybe don't go snoozing on men's shoe just yet give them a couple more weeks to let that magic work for you and your Raiders we'll see we'll see what happens but you know you when I'm trying to tell people we got to be focused on the Chiefs and knock them out you guys just can't let them win 10 more Super Bowls and it's not the way to be I don't care how top they are it wasn't like that back in the 70s and 80s teams would put you out and smash you to death and then not let you go back to the Super Bowl and that's how it should be it's kind of changed politics white more than the baseball and soccer and tennis and golf a little bit like you guys were talking about because those guys are serious they're not making with their NFL makes or the NBA makes and holding out you know for a contract that's gibberish let's wrestlers don't do that word to do our job and do it right just like you teaching your kids baseball that's how it's supposed to be it's not about playing for money money ain't going to get you nowhere you ain't going to have famous uh what we caught worldwide books on you and this and that and have like gotten Guinness World Records that you guys are running great show callers call this show let's keep these guys going because if they know they won't have a special one come back right here come back about whoa oh yeah Hogan Hogan sorry I think I pulled a pectoral muscle doing that Hogan thing right there jeez I like the honesty from Ray Ray about about his football teams hey he knows where they're at yeah and don't go snoozing on menshew he's kind of sweet man everywhere he's been he's got a little like Baker Mayfield magic in him dudes definitely love playing with him they love playing for him I hope they stick with him Antonio Pierce said he's not ruling out a QB change so we'll see we'll see I'm with you it's a little early little early PTRW though Ray Ray was talking about how you got to play the right way PTRW baby just when all we talk about with the Southside A's is not if we won or lost but did we play the right way and that's not did you have fun if you play the right way you're having fun I'm a fun guy hey thanks for this to this to short I needed this I think like when it comes to rappers this guy is super over underrated I should say and I don't think he gets enough love for just spitting hmm maybe hit him with some e40 on the way back if we're bringing that Bay Area stuff too or the hammer well it's definitely I'll play this one they play the A's games hey please hammer don't hurt him that's all I got to say about that we'll be back we're keeping it Cali we're West Coast we're talking Charlie Blackman we're going to get into that Broncos Jets I got away I know how to beat Aaron Rodgers but you can't beat him with giving those extra penalties on third down we'll talk about that and more on the other side you're listening to the smile high morning show makes money and he makes it fast with the 20s on top and the 50s on bottom a fuck the top not just oh yes this is the smile high morning show with Danny Williams and Jeff curse man hammered on play guy and if you if you want to find out you got to pray you got to pray just to make it today man then pants some hammer pants you remember then back there might have been a little before you I've heard I've heard who they were like parachute pants when when we have Mike Pritchard on the morning show oh it's always a topic him and uh Andre Risen and Dion and all those Falcons boys right listen to you that's some old school stuff right there I think what we should do right now is go to the text line for some new school stuff let's get new school Danny's take all right new school Danny he's good today he says Alex and GG may D will what he is today out of business good and then he says I'm fine with that and then he says what will we do without the greatest sports moments of JJ Williams's career man I mean I'm surprised Danny doesn't do a weekly podcast you know brought to you by dad bots dad bots it's like a healthy body but with a fat tummy yeah that's I'm not looking forward to Monday because Danny's got stories to tell that none of us really want to hear Schmoopy likes hearing them you know it's crazy is Schmoopy's listening right now Schmoopy's on she's on she's listening Schmoopy texts us 303 A3 113 40 hotline text line she's an investigative reporter and she's trying to she's trying to crack the the case hard and maybe I'll leave some crumbs around for her to snoop around yeah well evidence I'm trying not to try my best ace Ventura right yeah go ahead snoop around peanuts no thank you I have one right here it's rather bulky but I consider it carry on I think he thought she said penis speaking of peanuts let's go out to the hotline and get our guy he's a mayhem icon he's he's one of the best of all times he's one of our greatest callers it's the one it's the only it's John hey John almost huh migo kipasa that's some good some good some good they talk me to Macray in there yeah you need a lot of good Bay Area but I call to talk about how um you know we quarterback quit the team yeah what do you think he quit the team or do you think he uh was given a bad beat there yeah I'm not saying I didn't mean to take quit the team I just met wasn't trauma you know how this world is not where everybody's expected to use it more than supposed to be and you know how we're essay it's not how like you said even back in the day it wasn't like it how it used to how it should be no one was ever given respect and you had to earn it back then and nowadays everybody's just you you're supposed to oh give me respect give me respect give me respect no dude you got to work for it just like you did your night shift you came there and you yeah and you should be working and you made it to the day shift now know what I mean we all got to work dude yes sir I understand that young guys worked and they commented something and we didn't get it I have a saying to one that's like uh kind of goes like this if it's easy I don't want it I don't want nothing to do with it you can have it easiest for people that are low achievers low effort guys if it's easy and anyone can have it I would like what's hard I want to work for what people don't have yeah and sometimes you know don't get me wrong if you have a father who gives you money that's great but you still got a work book you still got to work because your father worked for the month but does not matter what we do as long as you work you're going to be able to be prosperous know what I mean it's just annoying how they're just making it to seem like it's that young guys fault because he's leaving and it's not his fault no no it's well so one let's say you're carrying a load right you're you're you're up there working the north side and you're carrying a load and midway through they go wow we're not going to pay you what we said we're going to pay you like at a certain point we're all hard working guys and we're blue collar but we also understand the deal is a deal and if you're not going to hold up your end of the deal then I might just drop these rocks right here I don't want someone else to pick them up yeah because it's not that cognitive you know we get paid and if you don't live up there diversify you just be kicking in and we can walk out hey me go are you are you standing on the corner of alameda and Santa Fe washing windshields right now or um actually i'm fishing i'm going to up here an amplification your fishing oh right off the highway there nice yeah i'm trying to get some uh some more supplies you stuff i love that i'm going to get some some little bit of fishing any nibbles any nibbles on the old line i got a little two pounder there you go nice my son i took him to the basketball game all of them the nugget games my daughter's got to go to the concert so i understand what Dan and you guys are doing keep keep your children in your life because once you let them out they're going to find someone and they're going to stop person might destroy them so keep your kids in your life you're on to something there you're good today breeze wait yep no show tomorrow i'm in bay area danny's in bay area so this is our last show of the weekend it is up if you want to get in on it 303 831 1340 that's the hotline course it's the text line as well i kind of want to give a shout out here if i can to my man dr kenny berson um and the denver dennison implant center one week ago i was there you know what i loved is that i went in at seven in the morning and you're like well no kind of early and i'm like yeah that is kind of early it's the perfect amount of early by 7 45 i was cleaned up by eight o'clock i was out of the shop and i could get on with my day take advantage of that the denver they're always accepting new patients 303 7312005 located right over there by denver east high school it's on east 17th avenue 2190 just before york parking's free you can just park right in there on the back side and i tell you what they do all the services right in shop including teeth whitening which coach g might want to take a lap around the old teeth whitening pool if you know what i mean uh but that's neither here nor there i can tell you what it's just like comfortable i was watching on the tv on the ceiling i was watching the melee um for the malice in the palace oh yeah that documentary oh the untold on netflix yep that leads all the way up you know and so my first 45 minutes was like the building of that team i freaking loved it i love ron our test i love that team the the pacers of the pistons the pacers version germano kneel yeah germane steven larry bird was there reggie redgie miller reggie um yeah i mean and that squad that i didn't get to see how it ended but we all know that that day nothing was the same after that day for either one of those teams man nothing and all that because i was getting my teeth cleaned so denver denison implant center check them out that place is sweet and uh it's it's nice if you're waiting in the in the lobby just pick up that mile high sports magazine give it a read and uh and you'll be in and out in no time show high man i know we talked about it but that show high game i don't think we talked about and maybe we should six or six three bombs ten ribby ten runs batted in the greatest day in baseball history maybe that was the call maybe i know i watched it again last night i watched like a two-minute snippet of that game just to refresh myself i do have a list here of guys with a six hit game in uh guys with a six hit game and there are two colorado rockies on that list going back to 1995 a big cat by the name of andres went six for six with a double and two dangers and then like you said um charlie blackman did it on the fourth of april the first day of the year remember that six for six with three doubles in a dinger other notables on the list cal ripkin jr maybe you've heard of him rauli banias is he on the list to go in the whole frame no i don't think so he had a lot of clutch home runs especially late with the inks but i don't think hall of fame kevin's sites are on the list if we go back to 87 wallie backman sammy sosa i think that was pre-juice and my favorite baseball player of all time curby pocket after the game they asked curby curby you went six for six how do you feel today i feel good i feel real good feels great baby i love curby pocket i got engaged i got down on one knee and asked my beautiful girlfriend if she would be the grandmother of my grandchildren on my knee right out in front of the curby pocket statue outside of target field the inaugural season in 2010 and the rest is history smile high morning show we'll be right back tell me when they got tell me when they got tell me when they got tell me when they got shohio tani grips the first ball deep to the right field corner and off the wall to give the Dodgers the lead oh tani with a screamer and now the throw gets away roha spec to third it's three to two 117 miles per hour of brilliance from oh tani the one and only there's two ways to do things that the wrong way and the show hey way that's the way i like to think about it have you heard the story with rob lode rob lose and the Dodgers clubhouse hey show hi nice to meet you show hey sitting there with his shirt on but he's got his boxers and he's you know he's in locker room kind of skivvies rob lose like can i get a picture and he's like god that sounds great but just one second and he puts on all his gear belt gloves stirrups puts everything on for just one picture with rob low and then before the game uh they rob gets a text on his phone hey it's show how his you know people do you mind if show i post this picture like he's just a he's a good man he's you know and maybe that has to do with the customs he grew up with in a foreign country where they do respect their elders like one was discussing and where they do you know have love of family and love of tradition and they're not just trying to tear down statues and burn down you know burn down buildings and tear up declarations of independence and whatnots well anyway good morning snowflakes well what a year for show hey though right it starts with all the gambling scandal with his interpreter interpreter gets in big trouble goes to prison and uh otani can't even pitch this year just has to dh and he goes uh 50 50 all the gambling stuff kind of goes away it's in the rear view mirror and they're gearing up for the playoffs um this guy this guy is absolutely insane and he's so good for baseball he's put so much more relevance into the game of baseball and uh it's pretty much musty television never seen a guy like this before maybe babe rooth is the only guy there's i mean mic trout does not have this pull and part of that is mic trout keeps calm and quiet and and keeps to himself uh Bryce Harper does not keep calm quiet or to himself he's got close pull to this but not of this extreme erin judge it's bombs but still kind of like just a super freak um hard to take your eyes off of um but i'm not sure erin judges must see tv uh show hi otani if when he's on the screen it's like shut up everyone quiet yeah we can't leave the house until otani bats he's on deck right now just give me five minutes yeah like we're like do your homework hold on otani's on you don't have to do your homework till otani's done and then you better get that homework time where are you yeah i'd say judge is probably the closest thing but he's not otani yeah we're skeins i mean with these pitches right is there any chance otani just kind of magically in the playoffs it's just like yeah i can start a game no problem let me just jump on the bump i think very little that would be uh that'd be a risk why because he hasn't pitched in so long it's it's been is he done pitching forever no no i think he'll pitch next year forever forever but that would be uh a big risk and the dodgers you know they got depth for days in that rotation okay so how do you beat erin rogers in the jets um just as being a vikens fan and having played 18 years with this guy twice a year 36 games in what's their biggest rival and our biggest rival game i've seen him a number of times um one thing you cannot do with erin rogers two things you cannot do is when third down has come and gone and that ball is incomplete there can be no laundry on the field that means no holding on defense laid in the routes no jumping off sides no jumping off sides the king of the free play he's the king of the free play and no late hits okay he holds the ball a split second longer for a couple reasons a because he can he's freaky he just needs a flick of the risk to get that ball going what takes most guys a whole step and stride and lunch okay but be he's smart he knows that if he holds that ball just a little bit longer there's a chance you're going to grab him and slam him to the ground now when the opportunity arises to legally grab him and slam him on the ground take full advantage put a whooping on his ass and remind him to get rid of that ball split second sooner okay but back to the matter is i've seen erin rogers throw interceptions that just get memory hold because they didn't happen because there was a defensive holding i've seen erin roger throw a pick six that got taken off the board because someone grazed his mask or his helmet in such a manner that the white cap had to throw a penalty flag for roughing the passer and of course the offside if he gets that strong you have got to stay disciplined he is going to make you beat yourself because of how cagey of a veteran he truly is he's fifth in the league and passing touchdowns five is the number that he's got um he's keeping a high percentage 67 he's up there in yards right his averages seven in terms of yards per attempt but he's only getting 208 yards a game he's not lighting the world on fire he's just kind of minimizing the sacks and he's only throwing one intersection right now if you're Sam Donald you got eight tds and you're leading the league let's go all right we got to go to break we got to get out of here uh one text here he's coming yeah one text from golden mark before we on the show he says yo sonny without chair uh simon without garf uncle shaggy without scooby-doo voices are sounding good a beck and coach jeez like elway leaf sheep on mask singer smile high rocks did you see that elway was on the map on elway on the mask singer does that mean he has to sing yeah and uh it wasn't great yeah but he enjoyed himself it looked like I think my darling and I yeah I think he said it's singing can't get enough of your love babe yeah what if he was just like and smooth like Tennessee whiskey you're like well that's a hard one I wouldn't have chose that one if I were you good for you but well that's not that's too bad well that's just too bad I don't want to talk about the mask singer I want to kiss you and we'll kiss you more on monday of next week hope you have a great weekend and a safe trip out to the bay area enjoy the sports back or call some good games this weekend the rest you guys have some fun watching the broncos beat Aaron roger's ass for Alex Becker I'm jeff gersh we appreciate you guys and we love you guys good night Sheila good night thank you Sheila bye she'll have a nice bye turn around whenever both sides bye she'll have to sit here and see you later bye bye turn around!