Gwynn & Chris On Demand

Gwynn & Chris Sept. 26th Hour 1: Sam cooks Skraby

Tony, Skraby & Braden react to last night's Padres-Dodgers game and then mayhem breaks loose when Sam Levitt joins the show and rips Matt Skraby.

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26 Sep 2024
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What's good San Diego welcome in to Gwen and Chris on this Thursday afternoon Tony Gwen Jr. Matt Scrabie braids to print it been in Think most of the week without all the week this week every day, but my name out with us is Chris Ello Except for Monday is that what you said every day of a Monday Yeah, so he's been here pretty much all week Sitting in while Chris Ello is enjoying his vacation Padres go down in game two another, you know, well played game Both sides this time the Padres were were chasing they answered a couple times They could not answer the last one and they fall back to three games behind The Los Angeles Dodgers going into this third and final game Padres will have no no Joe on the mound Walker Bueller on the other side and gentlemen Padres lost a tough one yesterday, but And it all stuff when that that I mean it lost stuff lost the Dodgers, but the Diamondbacks also won Yesterday we obviously know the Braves and Mets have been their two games have been basically canceled or postponed until The day after the the break, but yeah, man Padres They go down after a nice little fight there. I am Personally very upset that they don't control their own destiny anymore, which is the truth. You lose a sleep over that now Yeah, I am losing sleep over it because I we were in such a good place But that is the truth. They don't control their own destiny anymore If they want to win the division a lot of things have to go in terms of what and winning the division I mean, okay. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, so they don't control winning the division anymore. Yes Was already kind of a pipe dream anyway, we talked about on Monday, but you know there are magic numbers too to get the 4c I think that's the most pressing matter at this point in time for the San Diego Padres You know it was gonna be tough to win the division anyway hard fought game yesterday But you know walks Tony can't stop a walk last night a couple of walks came around the score one of those games that you know Just just baseball last night and if you look at it, you know Last night's game was like the same game as Tuesday night's game Just flip reversal where the Dodgers were scoring with two outs and the Padres like the Padres were on Tuesday Padres unable to do that they did answer almost every single time which is really good to see but you know Dodgers took advantage of a couple of Padres mistakes Padres unable to do that every single time and the Dodgers had a nice nice victory Over the the Padres, but right now got to be able to win tonight Make sure the Dodgers have to celebrate on the road to let him celebrate a division championship in front of you Yeah, no, there's no doubt about it. You're 100% right on the for the most important thing I think at this point is secure in that that home home field advantage for the wild car around for sure And so that's I think that'll be their focus. I think they wanted to visit when division I think they still probably believe they could win the division. It's just gonna take You're gonna have to get some help down the line If if that's going to be the case and you know what they're gonna need help regardless You know because they could have swept this series and it still would be you know at that point Padres having to sweep the next series in order for it to to be a thing as the Dodgers go to to to Colorado I think you know in terms of The walks, you know when you go back to that kind of stretch where the Padres have played like 500 I think they played the exactly we went five and five in the 10 games That was usually at the crux of it, right? I mean it was like maybe an error or walks and not egregious walks I mean somebody could have walked two guys But those particular two walks would come in to score and would make the difference in the game and last night was one of those Seas wasn't like magnificent, but he was still pretty good When it was all said and done, but you know a couple walks come back to get them same thing in the bullpen and so You know I think the Padres they're still in a good spot You know just got to go out as you said nobody wants to see the Dodgers celebrate in front of them I'm sure those guys are very much aware of that the one thing I and I thought this last night and so I couldn't wait to ask you Tony But why not walk? Otani anytime he has someone with a run in scoring position or anytime he really has anyone on the bases He's the hottest hitter on the planet right now And I'm not criticizing them for pitching to Otani But I thought maybe you give him his first at bat and see what he does But then you walk him as situation allows, but I don't know he's just so good You know that he's going to do something to hurt your team I Mean the whole point of born at home being in there is this for that matchup You know it's part of the reason he's in there left on left and you know you You're walking with the bases loaded at that point to face a right-handed Bookey bets. It just doesn't make a ton of sense even if Otani is as hot as it You're you're in that spot. You put yourself in that spot a little bit, right? And so You end up having to to pay the consequences You know that's why having the lineup constructed the way it is is important You know and it just puts puts you in a difficult spot You got to pick your poison. We saw working against AJ hints playing against the Padres, right? He liked it to walk Louisa rise to face To face hottie and he got burned by it. It does happen with some of the best in the game It's kind of part of the cost of doing business Yeah, I mean, but I think ultimately you had the matchup that do you you know had anticipated? Yeah, I mean it pick your poison is Tony said you got you got three MVPs at the top of the order I mean it's did somebody you're gonna have to face somebody right and you know Do I necessarily love the morahone verse verse Otani matchup not really but he's your lefty I mean that's that's the guy you bring in you can't use Tanner Scott every single time You know he had to kind of clean up a little bit of a mess with the walks, you know prior to that You know a lot of those and and that inning with with two outs I mean you get one of their bottom half guys up. I mean are out you're out of the inning unscathed You don't have to worry about it, but unfortunately you give up You know a little bit of a rally there with two outs and you know the Dodgers were they had that same problem on Tuesday as I mentioned Before I mean the Padres took advantage of of scoring runs with two outs. That's gonna happen. Yeah in major league baseball So overall, I mean it's it's it's not like the Padres just shot themselves in the foot and didn't show Up to play and you know I saw some people I mean regardless of what the game was gonna be like You know some people are gonna be like yep See told you that partied too hard in the in the night before it's I mean There was nothing last night where I was sitting there going like man They partied so hard that they couldn't win against the Dodgers I mean they answered every single time except for the last time they kind of ran out of innings But even some of the shots that they had you know late in the game were hard hit balls just right at people So it is what it is I mean to to ask the Padres to go out there and sweep the Dodgers in LA and then sweep the Arizona Diamondbacks in Arizona Was gonna be a hard ask and that's why you know As much as you want to say the not not you guys But you know the narrative always at the beginning of the season as it's early and these games don't matter as much I mean you can look back at the Padres getting swept by the angels You know early in the year getting swept by the Rockies I mean not getting a win here and there and and a lot of those I mean the other thing too is a lot of the i'm gonna talk out of both sides of my mouth right now But a lot of those situations are just baseball in general right tony I mean you're gonna have games that you you know blow leads everybody blows huge leads in baseball throughout the year I mean we've seen almost every team do it. We've seen the Padres come back from big lead uh, you know from big deficits to win games so Um, you know some of that's part of baseball But you could start looking back at it's some of the games that you know, it's not just one It's not just one game that cost them potentially to division this week There's there's a lot of different things that they could look at throughout the year Um, you know and and to me that the ones that come to mind are you know Not taking care of business against some teams in baseball that they probably could have got a win out of There's one that sticks out of my mind With losing the angels and three losing races Conversation is is kind of pointless because ultimately All of those all of those losses that you guys are talking about You know that you know, we can go back to Led to them becoming the team that they are right now without those type of losses and learning from those type of situations where you there's a certain way you got to come out against the angels or a certain way you got a That's a a team learned thing and what you got was after the the first game in at clea clea in series was the team that Would learn how to put the foot on the pedal when they need to or how to be able to execute like all of that stuff kind of Combinated into what the team they are now and so, you know, yes You can point back to those those those losses and be like man They should have done that but they are they weren't capable in that moment at that time to be able to take care of business Like they are now and that's why they're not gonna win the division and it Maybe so I've invested but that's but that's the case, right? I mean if you want to sit there and a lot of fan I'm not saying you Tony But if you're gonna sit there as fans and be like we're so close to win the division I mean those those are the games that matter at the end of the day And that's the difference between the Dodgers potentially winning the division this year and the Padres not Or is being able to handle those games, but I agree I think I think you you do learn from a lot of those obviously And it makes you better for this long run So I think at the end of the day when you look at it, you know what they might not win the division But Tony doesn't really you know aside from just kind of a personal Accolane it's kind of cool in this day and age of baseball. Does it really even matter? It does. I think it's still bad right a standpoint Not only forget not only just the the elements of the playoffs, but you know what that is for the organization I mean the Dodgers are the Dodgers Not because they are winning World Series because they haven't done that the the Dodgers because they keep winning division titles And when you keep doing that we talk about the Braves the way we talk about not because they were winning World Series We talk about them because they're still a prestige around Dominating your division into which the way they have and so I think the it's it's not necessary for you to to win a World Series I think we know that but I think if you are trying to build a long-lasting you know Successful organization winning a division is part of it. Now that's irrelevant If they don't end up winning it this year, it doesn't mean that they can't go on to win a title And and and start to do those things, but I just look at this as another step, right? Like Padres have really never been that close to winning a division I mean the fact that they are taking the steps now where we're talking about With the last four five games the four games left in the season. We're talking about the positive division These are steps in the right direction the success they've seen in the last You know four years Are all steps moving in a direction in which you want to see an organization move when they haven't had that kind of success So yeah, no for the ones who are like hung up on On winning a division. Yes, you know this this is kind of the the nuts and bolts of it Like you got to be able to to do it, you know do it for sustained a period of time But if you take a kind of a larger view of this These are all steps in in in a direction that you want this organization to be going in order for it to have long-term success I agree, Tony. There's only one loss that sticks out of my mind though And i'm not saying that if they won this game, they're going to win the division It's supposed to be missed by one game then I guess you could you can point back to it But it would be the loss in colorado when wanney perelta Went out there and gave up a bunch of runs early in the season and everybody thought that the year was over at that point But that loss does sting and there are plenty of losses throughout the season those I know you were going to say that Scrabie is one of these people that is hung up on this division I'm not hung up on the division why this would sting So then why does it sting? What is it stingful? Because I was a game that you had in the bag and you let it go You have you I think you're up by 25 Let me ask you you got to get you got to get 27 outs in order to have a game How many of those games tony in your career did you lose? Probably what multiple a year what do you mean like just games that you felt like you had You had in the bag and then it just I mean how that happens in baseball all the shore For sure for sure if if not, I mean there'd be a lot of like High 100 wind seasons if if those games didn't happen a whole lot You know, I'm just saying like that's part of it. That's you said baseball Baseball baseball baseball he thinks. Yeah, it was any else didn't say yeah All right break time. I can't I can't communicate with Sorry, you just can't do the break thing on the on the video Yeah, all right, uh, let's get to break, uh more Gwen and Chris on the other side Padres once again back in action. It's a night game tonight So, uh, we'll talk a little bit about that a little bit about the rest of the the races white socks How are they impacted you think of yourself? Man, they got 120 laws. Uh, how could they possibly impact anything? Well, we'll explain on the other side more Gwen and Chris 220 on the dial tony Gwen jr Chris solo Not here match gravy though is did you see his picture in front of benway that he sent us? I did see it. I did see it. Where's the end? Uh, boston. Huh? He throwing tea into the harbor. He no, he was there for the the boss. Oh, he's going back to the scene of the crime. I see He's throwing the tea into the harbor. The three set tax was too much for chris Yeah, chris was definitely angry. Did he meet with the founding father? Is he in philadelphia in 1776 guys guys he was there to sign the declaration of it So that's right with his little wig on back to the scene of the crime right through the tea into the harbor I love it. Yeah uh Yes, so um Real quick the wild card since we are talking about a little bit of baseball here um Arizona got a little bit closer, uh, braves met stood pat Um on the american lee, so I didn't even see what the american lee side where were we at on that side? That is rough. I mean that is a tight race. It's just as tight as the Uh national league tony. I mean the wild card is a it's it's it's it's got more traffic than los angeles does right now Well, I could tell you this the white sock you're probably wondering like what in the world can the white socks? Have to do with any of this they got 120 losses Well, I'll tell you white socks will be facing the detroit tigers who are one of the teams that are competing for this last spot Grady size more has decided to Hold back gear crochet. He's going to push his start back so that he is going to face the detroit tigers Now, I like this on on so many levels first of all they've won two straight Which is part of the reason why ron wash right now got himself three straight now Which is part of the reason why ron washing got himself into trouble a little bit We'll get to that a little bit later on in the show um but the The cool part about this is just talking to some of the folks in the white socks front office when um when they were in town you get the sense that uh, there is some inter there is some momentum building around grady size more and uh, their intention on what could happen after the this season they they really it seems like he's on his way to to you know securing that job now I bring that up because this move to me is another like clubhouse move like I was I don't care that we got 120 losses um I let's see if we can run the table the if they run the table They could they could stiff arm history and I think it would be a good good story to end the season I'm gonna say it would be a great story because the the amount of Beatdown you had to take to get to this point is is something only one other team has has experienced but uh, if they could pull it off and not get it not have this Not have this happen that set this record when you are doing things um that I think promote winning In a way that this organization hasn't seen in A boatload of time and it's not to say anything bad about the previous manager because I don't know honestly If he had a legitimate chance from the moment he walked in with the kind of characters They kind of had to you know, move out around that way because it just seems like everybody else comes out That's something to say about how bad it was Um, that takes a long time to kind of remove and I think these type of moves Help kind of change the mindset of a team that has kind of been marred in this It's what is this this is below mediocrity. It's not even just terrible. It's awful It's it's it's charles parkley terrible terrible terrible It is terrible. Look just for the sake of context there tell me I mean obviously I I love the You know the change of the mindset there for the white socks that go after the tigers this weekend Make them earn a playoff spot because the tigers have won nine the last ten five in a row But as the american league wild card standings show right now Baltimore is the top spot like the pod race plus three and a half in the game category Uh over the detroit tigers and the can city royals who are both tied In the standings with a two and a half game lead on the twins mariners got eliminated today so there's Three teams battling for two spots just like In the national league with three teams battling for two spots the only difference is Instead of the twins being a game out like the braves They're two and a half back. So in one way if the white socks Take down the tigers they're going to help the twins or if they Get beat up by the tigers then they're not helping the twins So they're they're going to stick it and help one of their division rifles at one point in time during this weekend I don't even I don't even care if they lose. I just love the idea of like listen. We're not just going to roll over Coming in the town. Yeah, that's great. We're gonna actually we're gonna actually go ahead at them Well, I'm just curious your perspective on this tony There is recently a really nice in-depth article about the dysfunction behind the scenes of the white socks In the athletic and in Road in our goal. There's been reporting for years and years about jerry rinds dwarf the owner and his Hesitents is probably too weak of a word to go outside of the organization when it comes to personnel changes They've made the changes with kenny williams and now that they've had another jam and they always promote from within There was a lot of controversy when he hired tony la ruso without doing any outside searching But obviously greaty size more is having some success there And so i'm wondering if you think that giving size more the full-time job would kind of Satisfied the critics who believe that he and they've actually said that they're going to do some outside searching But would that like nullify it if they kind of promote from within again despite the fact that he's actually had some success I think if you're chasing that in terms of You know the the critics that have something to say you're gonna forever be chasing that because there's gonna be some people Even though gray size more was you know a white socks for a brief second If anything a guardian would be the team that he would be coming back to There's still going to be people say all he didn't go outside. Grady size more was in the organization when it started and all that No, man if if the team is responding the way that they seeming them is that 20 straight series they lost And then he comes along and he came a little bit bit along before They actually won that first series, but he comes along and he's presenting something different in that locker room clearly because they're playing better Um, they they didn't they competed against the Padres. I mean those those weren't blowout games They can't come back in them Exactly. So, you know, I think I think this is a team that is At least so in some signs of life and I and I just love the fact that Even though your team is is getting you know with had been getting beat up You're you're trying to you're trying to show them another way right now. I think that is Exactly how the white Sox should think about Grady size more is look at what happened to this team once he started taking over It seems like a different mindset. It seems like a different mentality in that clubhouse and you have to pay attention to that you can't Not think that he was he's doing now is not going to carry over to the next year It will carry over to the next year and I'm not saying that he's like the the savior like he's gonna come in here And this is a guarantee, but it's it's just something different and you know It's it's different than anything you've brought in prior, you know White Sox have have been as you said a team that you know took care of his own They always hired her and for a long time the the guys they brought in were were good They were legit and and you know, I just think the last two times the last two jobs right that the last Two man. I just say the last manager. Um, I don't think he was set up to have any success I mean, he took over it that team when they had still a ton of roster Mix that didn't mix well clearly all the things that we heard coming out of there Um, and so that takes time to get rid of all that and unfortunately Usually the manager that's there when that stuff is going on is not the one that survived Fortunately, it seemed like they clearly stopped listening to what was that Pedro Griffoel? Were they ever listening to him? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know did he ever have a chance at succeeding in this job? That was my point as I don't think he did and I think at least Uh, you know with the with the new what gets coming in there as a gm Um, I think at least they are moving making moves so far that say You know what it might take a little bit, but we're going to continue to try to to Do to move this in the right direction and it's going to take a lot more than just a great size We're coming in and changing it. I mean, that's going to start from like the organization Roots going to need some money invested into this whole thing. Oh, you know, Jerry definitely has money And then he bought it and then he bought it for us up. Yeah. I mean, they we moved on from that Um, I have one thing for you Tony. I know we're delayed so i'm just going to go for it But I have one thing I want to get Ask you and that's about the perfect game last night that the Reds bunted in to break up a guardian's perfect game Now to me, this is not a problem whatsoever, but to the internet This might be one of the worst things that's ever happened in the history of the earth What do you think? I I mean, I try not to participate in internet games and uh Conversations because they oftentimes are fruitless This one is talking to wall. This is this is another one of those. I mean I hope I hope None of those folks are pottery fail. I know we're saying that because you know, I remember a time where my man been davis Dropped a there he is on the chat and uh, I indeed agreed with it then this is man You know, I really want to say is Bleep your uh perfect game man. I'm not I'm not here for your perfect game I'm I'm playing against you and not to mention it's a close game Like it'd be different if it was like eight nothing. No, the game is out of hand as bun isn't going to do anything at you Yeah, Ben. Yeah, Ben Where the bench ran in here and screamed in next bleeder must agreed with it bleep your perfect game, man I'm sorry like you're sorry about I was supposed to just let you get a perfect game See i'm gonna roll. I mean from a from a baseball You're coming up in the lineup, right? It's a two-nothing game You haven't been able to get good swings on this guy. I haven't been able to put the ball in play Got an opportunity to see a bunt might be open. Aren't you gonna try to get get yourself on base and You know bring the tying run to the plate Let me say you said for eight innings. You've told me that I can't do what I want to do against you So I got to figure out another way, right? You know swinging the bat is clearly not work to this point so much so that you have a perfect game right now So I got I got to do something different for me personally. It was part of my game So I would hope that if I came up in a two-nothing game and you had been perfect at you We're almost expecting that I might drop a bun here. So yeah, man It's a whole lot to do about now. I don't know that I have even heard from Uh the actual team that has it was involved with it has just been more people on the outside looking in Commenting on what they think should happen. That's why it's so hard to throw a perfect game situations like that Yes, you bunt and you you break the unwritten rules of baseball the first time we ever talked about It's not even an unwritten rule. So I don't even know what they're talking about The first time I remember us getting into a debate over the internet being more angry than the actual team was when um, Was it yerania who threw at ronald macunia jr? Like years and years and years ago and people were asking to charge him with a crime Because he threw at his head like I You know what I really realized later is that they were all brave fans that were asking for him to be charged I Was like, okay, that makes sense a little bit You know, tony asked who's upset the cleveland guardians tweeted Breaking up a perfect game through six innings on a bunt can tucky reds behavior. Well, that's what the social media person Talking about a guy that doesn't know ball running that account Don't know ball. I want people so upset by this. It's like you know what if you if you don't like it Play better stop it adam if you could if you could convince me that uh, I was you just asked who was upset So I don't know I'm saying if you could convince me that remeres went up there on the on the twitter account and posted that All right, then I might I might I'm I heard it was josh naylor So just because The opposing picture has a perfect game means all of a sudden I can't play Certain ways in baseball like I can't so now so now buns are outlawed in the game Because you have a perfect game and therefore I have to roll over and die And let you win because it hurts your feelings if I try to break up your perfect game What some uncompetitive players some uncompetitive fans right there This is this conversation is what kind of feel like if this happened to brain though He would be angry I'd be like get the job though That happens all the time coaching football just things that have you know how many times like trying to get you know With the some of the backup kids in that that are trying to preserve a shutout and they give up a big play it happens You know it's it's all right. Let's ask tony this clearly he doesn't Um think this he thinks this is this unwritten rules much and do much to do about it It's not an unwritten rule. Please stop saying And he's actually said it once but are there no it's not are there other rules you do observe stealing bases late in games in a blowout game Stuff like that that you think all legit Yeah, I think that there are consequences to those now if you're prepared to face those consequences all good And you know you you keep it moving but uh that is the the essence of the game Is competing the the issue with some of those ones that you're talking about or that you kind of brought up to the stealing stuff That becomes about your individual numbers. That's that's no longer Yes, you in essence are helping your team, but your team doesn't need help in the situations that can get you in trouble Right. You you're already dominating the game. Whereas this one. It is a close game. This is about Winning and wins and losses at this point I'm trying to help get our team back in a position to at least tie this game I get on base guess what a home or ties the game the the home or ties the game so um, you know, I think I think this is uh This is sour grapes on I have proof that braiden would have been mad because johnny on the chat says wow You mean my friend johnny that's trying to troll us right now Big comments when I subbed on a team and then beat his team. See I I played softball braid He's very serious about the rules that that when you're not on the roster and you play And you know what johnny and you know what johnny said he said oh yeah, it's totally against the rules And you know what I didn't do I didn't complain to the league man. The league directors. I'm like, all right, whatever No, you lost my friend instead and then the league director ryan at the powee sports blake said I was waiting for somebody to call him out and I would have said they were Invalid from winning a championship. You know why i didn't see how to play it on the fields gravy got a plan on the field He felt some way and still that's right played the way it's supposed to go That's right. They they tried they tried to cheat us and that you know what you got it They tried to beat they did they cheated us to try to beat the best. That's all right We didn't have to do that tony He braids still still salty. Well, that's because johnny's just being a troll That's the other reason why Trying to shed light. All right. Do I need to do I don't show up my 30 sports blakes t-shirts johnny come on now Let's get to let's let's get to break if where this show gets further off the rails sam levin will join us next He's been uh behind the scenes over the last couple of days. I haven't really heard got a chance to speak to him about Uh, the the the clench day. He was involved in uh, I saw his face all over the internet. So Uh, we'll get to that on the other side more going and chris The sours brought to you by ail smith 394 pail elle ail smith 394 pail elle the official rally pint of the playoff push catch all the san dego baseball action this week at the ail smith tasting room in Miramar enjoy specials on 394 and more while you cheer on your team with fellow fans Don't miss the excitement gwen and chris Gwen in los angeles brains of pranette matt scravey adam cluke here in san diego and also our guy sammy lev Back with us from his make shift uh broadcasting room at dodger stadium sam how are you doing today? Thank you for joining us today. I wouldn't call it make shift a level lower than uh, then the main booth upstairs now It's funny because now that i'm on youtube. I don't know that I ever was on youtube Before this series in la and when you look at it from from this angle for those of you watching on youtube Yeah, it looks like a shack Guys in an outhouse up there sam the the view of the the ballpark of the field is great. It's a great view I mean you're you're straight on it's a great broadcast view. So, uh, just just ignore the the piping in the background But hey, I was they set me up nice here. They really do yeah I was gonna say it's kind of tough to convince us that it's not a makeshift Spot when you got wood kind of like plywood just kind of put up on the side there Uh, but i'm glad that i'm glad to view is nice for sure Uh sam, uh, obviously the podge rage, you know, oh, you know what I took completely I forgot to bring oscar on Oh, yes Well, he's now he's now cursing your name up in the camp Pendleton. So good for you My fault oscar, I totally meant to to bring you on there, but I was only going to the oscar Oscar was a call i was called in He was a caller and he and he wanted to talk about you know if the podge rage were basically say i'm paraphrasing here We're serious about the division. They wouldn't have partied so hard the uh, the night before and I was just gonna I wanted to ask him, you know, what would he have pointed to yesterday that indicated that there was some after effect Of partying too hard if you will, um I I and i'm and i'm joking. There was no ill effect from the night before um, I wouldn't even It's here's the tough part, right? Um, I think There may be I mean, there's certainly guys who are, you know, having a beer drinking, you know But it's not how it is actually presented most of it is literally being I would say 85 of it is being used To spray on top of it and I know the the idea is that oh, okay if they're doing the spray on man They they have to be like chugging this stuff down like and just they're absorbing it through their skin Well, I mean not even if you're thinking they're serving like they have to be like wanting to partake and and drink and and I certainly know that there it certainly guys had a beer or two, but it wasn't as though they were like Partying in the sense of drinking partying they were more partying Using that alcohol to to kind of spray on one another, you know, I'm saying zam. You were down there. Yes. Uh that that day Uh, I think that is the perception everybody has for those who are even in this I know the large majority of folks out there Are not thinking to themselves. Oh, man. They lost that game yesterday because they were out there Parting but for those who may be caught up on that you were kind of down there. That's that that's not how would you explain it? Yeah, I wouldn't say there was a a lot of consumption that I saw going on. There's a lot of of spraying There was a lot of of liquid on the floor and you could kind of feel it in there the next day too Your shoes were sort of sticking to the ground Yeah, I didn't find yesterday that it smelled but you did have the little stick You definitely had that But hey, I mean look was there anything in the game last night? Like you said that would indicate that you know There were any ill effects of partying too hard the night before I don't think so Uh, they lost the game yesterday because of walks they lost because they couldn't get a big hit late Um and look they answered the dodgers a number of times last night They couldn't find the the final answer and that's gonna happen. This dodger team is 194 games I mean, I know we all had dreams of them coming in here and sweeping and look even here tonight You'd love them to to get a win and avoid having the dodgers celebrate a division title In front of them here tonight stay alive. It's still a tall order as you had the Arizona even if you win tonight Um, but no, I I didn't think there were any uh any signs of uh, you know Parting too hard on on Tuesday night and and look and I think tony you were with me Uh, just well you were there inside the clubhouse, but also with me in this sense. I would imagine Hey, you got to celebrate these things like for sure, you know and and some people were talking about that even before they clinched on Tuesday Oh, well, you know, maybe they'll just uh toast with champagne glasses. I was like, they're not gonna just 90 plus games. It's been a wonderful second half. You gotta celebrate. Yeah We you know, I listen. I love I love where the Padres are at and we're where they're going But let's not get it twisted like we ain't one enough to be toasting, you know, to yeah to whatever level like You got us there the dodgers and they can do that. They've they've won the division how many times consecutively I mean, it's it's they they can afford to give up one of their celebrations. They've done it They've done enough times We can't until we get to that point where we can like honestly look ourselves at the mirror So you know what man we we bid her so many times man. Let's just let's just toast We shouldn't even it's like a baby's first birthday. You can't do the first birthday without smashing the cake You have to it's just like a law. It's an unwritten rule that you have to sure about this. I don't know about that either You've never heard of that the first birthday Because they're they they are celebrating. It's just something you have to do what you should have put up You're getting perfect games right now. You should have dropped down a plus Child I don't but I have nieces And I've been to their first birthday and they smashed the cake I want to know I want to see this unwritten rule book that scrabies got scrabies Can I can I I almost texted scrabie Before I came here because I was listening to the first segment and I actually I wrote out the text I want actually look if it's still here. It's not there. I wrote out the text I didn't send it. I said scrabie. I'm gonna cook you when I Oh Wow Kids say cooked by sam leavant. I love it guys. I got I got two things I got two things yesterday if I remember correctly Scrabie gets on after they clench they have this wonderful night and Correct me if I'm wrong. He had concerned yesterday about michael king giving up the early run king who's arguably been their best picture That was his his focus in the first segment and then today Scrabie scrabie all been to out of shape that uh that they don't control their own destiny anymore It was gonna be a tall order this whole time. Oh, man. I feel like this is um, this is There were two and I heard I heard both segments the last two days on my drive from uh west hollywood to State he's got four hours in driving in both console show scrabie. I hear tony like, you know sighing as he dancin Oh my goodness National destroyed scrabie day live in the air right now Oh my god I'm holding the horse out of his out of his covering his face You just got shredded. I did not get shredded. I did not get shredded shredded Brain just starting trying to start stuff This is the Sammy I was just presenting A lot of the things that people were saying on social media. I don't know if you guys know this But sometimes in radio someone has to take the sign that no one wants to hear You know what? But you know what Scrabie. You know why you do that so well. Thank god. You can't believe it It's right I believe it and the reason I ask those questions is because I thought those were questions that were Festering in the traffic of san diego or wherever people were listening and because you believe and because believe it Which is which is great. That's good radio. I that's My face my face hurts from laughing so much. I'm gonna actually cover up Sam on the screen Scrabie. You know what Sam go. Oh no Scrabie, you know what's funny is that uh that is the that is what you know That's what we supposed that's what you're supposed to listen that that feeling as someone's driving the cars I'm like, what in the world is this dude talking about right? Sam said number four hours on his commute yesterday Well, the thing um the thing about about when when I heard you talking about king because I I thought it was like a super Gutsy performance for michael king after giving up an under and run and I'm like, oh, I'm like, well, okay I guess maybe there's a little concern and then I actually think Scrabie your point today about not having Control of your own destiny. I think is is the uh more fair point not that the Padres didn't anything wrong They've lost the one run game yesterday But hey, it's true if they wanted to win the division not that it's over their best shot to do it was to come in here And sweet sweet how they don't have control of that and that's I think that's the end of the world But yeah, I think that's what braiden was getting that right like for those folks that are going to complain about You know the Padres and I haven't division. Well, you got you got it in order to do those type of things You got to do big things like come in here and sweep and as you said, it doesn't mean that it's going to be impossible But it but it was already an uphill climb. It got a little steeper after the fire lost last night for sure I think Scrabie's gonna gonna call Marcus who's going to then set up to have somebody lock this lock this nobody is waiting To the outro music more than Matt Scrabie is right now Keep looking at the clock waiting for Adam to bail him out with the music And you know what Is right at a put his toes told jacket and he just could not Turning rather than a tomato the last maybe week. I cannot get it right with the listeners Like I will say something that they have accused me of not being which is critical Supposed to make the listeners, you know, it's supposed to heal something Hey, you know, it's funny is that I can't see the chat, but I can only imagine I didn't know it's cooking That's the kid say The chat is standing on business. Tony it's standing on business. Will you start yelling into the microphone? Scrabie, I love you. You know, I know this is it. Don't you know that? You know, I said I said 20 24 was the year of Matt Scrabie Until today We gotta get a break. Sorry, Sam. We really didn't talk any pajrades. He's wheezing He will be on the uh wheezing pajrades premium post game show tonight when we come back I have no idea. I might leave the studio. That's what's gonna happen. I've never invited back through the fan