Big Girl Brain

Self-Awareness, Procrastination, Prioritizing What We Need Most

A big jumble of thoughts today 💀🩷Some hard truths about bodybuilding prep, off-season, and monitoring our actions. Maintaining balance in our careers and relationships while participating in this sport. Striving to be humble in all that we do and learning from those who came before us. I touch a little on the future of Peptides in the Fitness and Wellness Industry as well- this is something I am VERY excited about!! If interested in more info, please send me a message through DM or email!!! :...

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

A big jumble of thoughts today 💀🩷
Some hard truths about bodybuilding prep, off-season, and monitoring our actions. Maintaining balance in our careers and relationships while participating in this sport. Striving to be humble in all that we do and learning from those who came before us. I touch a little on the future of Peptides in the Fitness and Wellness Industry as well- this is something I am VERY excited about!! If interested in more info, please send me a message through DM or email!!! :) 
Instagram: @biggirlbrain @faydeemaccc

Hey y'all happy Tuesday. I am so excited to yep I wanted to record this episode last Friday, but I had such a busy day. I Work 445 to noon on Fridays. So my first class in the morning at home is 5 15 Let me tell you I my brain isn't even on during that class like I wake up at right around 330 is usually when I get up for this shift because my work is a good 20 25 minute drive depending on How many people are on the road? So I know I have to leave by like 415 420 ish if I want to be there by 445 to set up my class So by the time I get there and I have that class set up and it's 515 and mr Jaden comes rolling in for his usual one-on-one. I'm like Jaden. I don't know what to tell you I'm not even present. I'm not awake yet, but we get it done and then that shift tends to go by Super fast, and I think it's because most people come in the morning. So I never have an empty class or Most of my classes are pretty filled up in the morning. So it tends to go by quick, but oh my gosh after that shift I was wiped out But then I got to go meet up with a friend and go to lunch. My friend Molly is getting married Crazy and I'm a bridesmaid So I got to go to lunch with her and I was really fun Talk about some wedding things and just update each other because it's been a while since I've gotten to see her So that's exciting. We're prepping for the wedding. We've got some bridal shower things coming up for her some bachelorette things and Then the other best news in the whole wide world my best friend my bestest bestie Quiana Barlow. She's coming home tomorrow from Alaska and I'm picking her up from the airport and do you guys have no idea? You have no idea what this means Q spends six months out of the year in Alaska, which is very far away from Arizona And listen I she's a hustler. I fully support but boy. Do I miss her for the six months that she's gone? very excited about that very excited about the wedding activities. I'll keep y'all updated and A couple other things. I have a date tonight That's the main reason I'm recording this right now actually because I'm freaking out. Okay There's so many things that go into this number one. I have been on Like two dates in high school two or three, but they were all dances. You know what I mean? since then I I mean I was in a relationship for a very long time out of high school So then after that I was like, oh my gosh. I literally haven't been on a date in like ever I don't even know how this works and I kind of went on a date like last year last winter I went on literally one date and it just didn't really feel like a date we were just kind of with like other people and Other friends, I don't know. It was just like hanging out. So this is the first time. I'm like Going on a date like this man is like, oh, let me just tell you all the details. First of all, let me clarify I'm very excited. I'm looking forward to this but I'm nervous because I'm excited and I tend to get nervous when I get excited because I don't like to be Let down and here's my thoughts. I have been talking to this person for like The last honestly not very long like literally less than a week and then we decided, you know, we should hang out Um, I know vaguely nothing about this person. I know his name. I know how old he is I know where he lives where he went to school what he does for work like the basic things But like I've I don't know it's weird. It's a stranger like you've never met them What if he kidnaps me like I don't think he's gonna kidnap me, but like there's a very good chance He could decide he wants to kidnap me. I don't know So it's just like a really new experience and I'm not mad about that But I'm just like I don't even know what to expect or what to tell my brain. Like should I be on alert? Should I be? You know, very skeptical. Should I go in skeptical? Should I go in chill? Like I don't know I don't know how to go in and I probably just shouldn't think about it at all because I'm thinking too much now, but And my other thing is like I don't care if this person even likes me because This is my first date in so long like I'm just having a good time. I just need to meet people but also like I'm not Like I'm not the type that just goes on a date to like have the guy take me on a date and like pay for everything Like I want to have a good time Another part of me is thinking well, what if I get there And we're like not we just don't click do you know what that happens? Like you just don't click with someone and it's not like anything's wrong with them or you necessarily It's just like your personalities and your brains aren't Aren't in the same level same wavelength same area like it's just not the same I don't know humor personality just little traits I can't explain it, but when I know that I'm gonna get along well with someone I just know I'm right off the bat same If I'm not gonna get along with them at all, I kind of know off the bat so I just don't want that to happen And within five minutes me being like oh You're not fun. Uh that's so mean he could be he's not listen who am I kidding? I was like what if you heard this girl I will be talking about every first day experience and every experience with a man Until this podcast is big enough for me to be worried about it because This is my safe space. I need to let this out, but Anyway, I'm going on a first date. It's this evening. I need an outfit, but I don't know what I need an outfit for So I'm gonna have to ask him what the vibe is and You know what his response is gonna be because he's a guy What do you mean? What's the vibe? In my outfit, sir, my outfit it matters. What is the vibe for my outfit? So that's like my main worry other than that I don't really know what's going on It's gonna be fine. I'll update you guys probably next week Last but not least Minor update this whole training situation has been so fun, but Wild because I set up my own programs. I set up everything solo And then I started chatting with my coach and the head coach at the gym I train at About training there because I was like, okay. Well. I love this gym. I don't want to leave this gym unless I have to leave this gym, you know and Now we're kind of in the works for getting me to train at pro physiques, which would be insane freaking insane that's like the last thing I ever expected to be able to happen for me, but I'm freaking out. So yeah, that kind of came out of nowhere. So kind of put my whole training program plan on the back burner for a minute while we figure this out and It might be a longer process, but it's gonna be worth it and I'm really excited. So Beyond the lookout for pro physiques training for me. I guess oh my gosh That we really have to like dive into that though. There's a lot of details and I really need to meet with my coach on that But she's just been busy too. So we're gonna figure it out and it's gonna be great But I definitely spent like two months building all of these programs online that I did not need to do So, um, yeah, if anyone wants a workout program, I literally could sell you this like platform. But anyway, um That's pretty much it as far as work goes. Um, home has been great I think i'm going to take some more classes at home at the coolly location in gilbert So if you guys want to come down to gilbert and take a class By all means That's pretty much it as far as like legitimate Updates Something I have noticed about myself though I've noticed this little by little, but now i'm finally putting a finger on it and I It's about procrastination But it's okay. So I like to procrastinate things When I know that i'm not going to be able to get them done completely in one sitting For example Friday this podcast episode I on friday did not have like a full Hour where I was like Just like sitting in my home So to me I was like I shouldn't even start an episode for the podcast because i'm not going to be able to finish it And i'm not going to be able to finish my thoughts But here's the thing I always know that Every podcast episode I talk about multiple things so I could have a break Like a quarter of the way through and then come back and finish it In the future and that might actually save me time because I got a little bit done ahead of time when I had the chance But in my head I've always just been like no, you can't start it until you're gonna have enough time to finish all of it in one sitting I don't know why That is but I have noticed ways that this holds me back because I will have breaks in my schedule Kind of throughout the week where I have maybe an hour or two in the middle of the day or Closer to the evening where I don't really have anything specific That I need to get done at that point like I'm either in a waiting period to like leave to go get something else done or whatever and during those times it's like I tend to clean a lot like clean something up, which is good But there's also things that I could get done In that time even if I don't fully finish them But just start on things that I need to start on anyway Because number one we know that starting our tasks is always the hardest part starting anything is always the hardest part of getting something done So if I start it then when I come back to those things later, I know okay. I already have this much done So that's helping me that's beneficial, but then also I'm just wasting these like extra hours Telling myself that they're not beneficial and they're not useful because it's just an hour and I can't get enough done in that time That's plenty of time. I just need to be better with time management. That's the thing That was kind of a random thought but all of these thoughts are random That's the conclusion I've come to after reading my notes in my phone My topic that I wrote was fostering community and building our reputation Which all of these things kind of tie into but there's really no big topic today. We have a lot to discuss so I'm just going to jump right in and First I wanted to talk about building a reputation and becoming a leader one of my favorite things about prophysics is inside of the gym we have a lot of quotes plastered all over the walls of just like motivational and Inspiring quotes, I guess but the difference between these and your average gym is I feel like our quotes are very Stern if that makes sense like they really make you think deep they make you look inward and really question some of your Daily habits. So one of those quotes that we have on the wall. It says work in silence. Let's success be your noise and this is something that I I've Restated this in my brain time and time again as I've grown the podcast as I've grown In bodybuilding as I've grown my career in all ways work in silence. Let's success be your noise Now there's kind of a different way that I think about this because obviously like what do I do with bodybuilding? I document all of it. I have a whole page dedicated to my bodybuilding journey And that to me is important. That's my way of holding myself accountable tracking my progress making sure that I'm following through and Performing in the ways that I said I would but The ways that I work in silence are my actual daily habits are my actual training 90% of the time I would say 97% of the time nobody sees Any of the things that I'm doing on a daily basis to build my career in bodybuilding to build my career at home in training No one actually sees those things or hears about the very minute details that is the part of working in silence. I could you know Go to my friend's house every single day after the gym and be like flexing all my muscles and be like look at this Do you see this after the lady? No, I go home and go to bed end of store every day. I do my routine I go home. I go to sleep. I take care of myself. I'm working in silence. I'm letting The success one day, you know when I go hit the stage that is when success becomes noisy that is when you get to have your moment and Be in the spotlight, but everything leading up to that point That is the working in silence Another quote that ties right into this one that we also have on the wall at pro physiques Is work until you no longer have to introduce yourself and this one has been one of my favorites since I was young because It just I mean you think of like superman or a celebrity like someone that Everybody knows this person's name and there's a reason everybody knows this person's name I think of coaches at my gym like for example Whitney Jones Whitney Jones owns my gym Whitney Jones was a four-time fitness Olympian. She is insane. She's incredible. She has so much Knowledge and wisdom in the sport. She has so much experience and there's a reason that so many people know her name I hope to get to a point where I walk up to somebody and they're like, oh my gosh You're fading back and I'm like, yes, I am. How did you know that? So I'm working. I do think in some ways. We kind of have to be our own spokesperson And that's not not necessarily a bad thing. I think it helps build confidence when we are able to Say, yes, this is me. This is what I'm doing. This is how it works. I'm proud of this That's important But I think how we go about it is equally as important because confidence is one thing Ego is another thing Humility is one thing insecurity is another thing. So The difference you want to have confidence, but also have humility You don't want to have ego and insecurity people don't follow insecurity They follow confidence, but people are also turned off by ego But they can equally be turned right back on with humility So I don't know if that made any sense, but we want to keep a balance in the ways that we Act as our own spokesperson Obviously at the end of the day people are going to assume what they want about you And that's not really in your control, but your actions and the things that you put out there are in your control And those speak for themselves going a little bit deeper with this sometimes we really need to practice self-awareness with our actions because As human beings we tend to get into patterns and we are creatures of habit And once we start You know implementing certain daily habits into our lives or certain things into our routine They can become pretty consistent and that can be a great thing But that can also be a very negative thing depending on what those habits and actions actually are And if we're not aware enough and if we don't have enough self-discipline It can be easy to let those things take over without us even realizing Every so often i'll be under the impression that i'm following A path and that i'm working towards a goal But then when i really You know take a step backward and look at the big picture I realized that my actions are actually not leading me towards that goal whatsoever and my daily habits are Kind of stunting my progress This is something i've had to really balance with bodybuilding because Obviously when i was on prep the only thing that was in my head was my show That was it I got to a point where I became pretty selfish towards the end of my prep. I was tired hungry and ready to just be on stage Didn't want anything to do with anyone. I just All I cared about was getting my food in getting my workouts done getting my sleep Doing the shifts that I needed to do at work and everything else was out the window That's all I cared about and I think that getting close to competition getting further into prep That's almost inevitable like it's going to happen And the more that we experience that the better we'll get at handling it and the more accustomed will become to that But it can be really easy to become a selfish little brat When you are like three weeks out from your show and it's not fun And it's not a good look it can tamper your reputation and If we're not careful You know bodybuilding is an intense sport. It's intense. You're starving. You're working your ass off every day And then you have to also go be social do your job Live your everyday life, you know and be a normal human being And it's very easy to let those emotions and the exhaustion the hunger cloud your judgment and affect the way that you act and react to things and It just takes a lot of self-awareness and a lot of practice and a lot of action to be able to control those things and Still go about your daily routine and be a normal person And I think that that is why off season is a very important time Obviously, I stress a lot especially like on my bodybuilding page about staying locked in and staying on track Even in your off season because if you want to go far in this sport that is necessary And I stand by that I don't take that back but You also have to remember that you have a life that you have a career to build For example me and my sister. We are very young. My sister's 19. I'm 21 most people don't get into bodybuilding until they're like 30s sometimes 40s 50s like when they're Older when their careers are built when they've been Around the block a few times, you know what I mean? So not only that but Because of that our bodies aren't even as mature as theirs are if we go into competitions right now For example my first show I just placed second next to a woman who was in her late 30s who had been competing for like seven years Why am I so hard on myself placing second next to this woman? So it's just another Way that we can remind ourselves like hey, this is your era of life and It's not going to be like this forever like you're going to have crazy Wild competitions in the future where you place really well you get your pro card You go to nationals all these things and that's amazing and you want to stay on track You want to work towards those things, but you also don't want to let this consume you to the point where you haven't built up your career You have no friends you have no Family really and you have nothing else going for you besides this sport because it's very easy to let that happen Going into this first competition. I kind of knew that this was my situation that this was the game plan that I would likely do one show and then not compete again for a while just because I need to get my life together I need to figure the more important things out first before I dive into this lifestyle of bodybuilding full force and that's fine Because the stage will always be there the national shows will always be there if I need to re-qualify for nationals So be it. I'll re-qualify, but the point is it's never going anywhere This sport will always be here But I have places that I want to go in life And I'm not going to be able to get to those points if the only thing that I think about is bodybuilding Okay, I kind of got distracted. We're going to go off of that tangent Let's transition. We're going to talk about some networking things Leadership things some mentor things, but first we're going to transition from that bodybuilding talk and kind of discuss how we can use this off-season time to build that career So like I just said, I Cannot only think about bodybuilding if I want my life to be successful um And that to me isn't a hard thing because there was a time in my life where fitness had nothing to do with bodybuilding and I was just on my own doing my own thing and I loved that it was great and One of the many reasons I wanted to become a coach was because there were a lot of things about fitness about Exercise just this lifestyle That don't necessarily have to do with being a bodybuilder That are still highly beneficial that I think everybody could implement into their lives I have no desire to be a prep coach right now a competition coach I don't want to coach bodybuilders right now Because I am one and I'm still learning to be one So once I have become a pro once I have mastered bodybuilding That is when I would like to Open up that scale and maybe reach out to competitors and be able to aid them in their coaching and their preparation for their shows but until then my main focus is Lifestyle with lifestyle clients. My focus is just helping you learn how to exercise helping you grow your knowledge in fitness and strength building and muscle building and Body recomposition. I want to teach you guys about nutrition about macros pretty much all the details that you need to Take care of yourself better to live a happier healthier life but not to the extent of a bodybuilder because this is not Necessarily a normal way of living and most people in the fitness industry don't Follow a bodybuilding lifestyle. So Until like I said, I'm professional. I will be sticking to lifestyle Now I'm going to tell you why you need me as your coach And why you need a coach in general because number one All of us need some sort of coach some sort of leader mentor Whatever we want to call it In whatever it is that we are doing in our daily life, whether that be work Whether that be our relationships, whether that be fitness school In any area of life At least one of those areas you need a mentor a coach or a leader of some sort I had another super cool opportunity lately and I got to meet A couple of mentors and leaders in this new platform Which i'm going to share a couple of details about that as well But first I wanted to talk about this 33 Rule that one of our speakers talked about that night Something that i've talked about on this podcast a lot is that Your daily habits determine your future, but so do the people you surround yourself with And the people who empower you are just as important as who you empower This rule says that 33 percent of our associations should be our mentors people who empower us and teach us 33 percent should be our peers our equals people who are in the same boat or a similar boat as we are people we can relate to And three 33 percent of people behind us People that we get to pour into people that we can lead and teach and empower ourselves This is so important because number one We don't know everything and we never will no matter how old we get no matter how much experience we have There is always more to learn So it's it's a pretty no-brainer why we should have a mentor and a coach and a leader of some sort in our lives at all times But why are the other two just as important? Well number one the 33 percent of people that need to be our peers or our equals We need to have people that we can go to to relate to Discuss things that are challenging discuss anything in general just people that we can Spend time with enjoy their company that understand us and that kind of see eye to eye with us in a lot of ways And then number three This has been My most recent project is the 33 percent of people that I get to lead the people that we empower the people that we might I don't like to say ahead because I think everybody's on their own path. I don't think anyone's necessarily Ahead of you just because of one thing or another, but still let's just put it that way 33 percent of people that I'm ahead of or that people that I can Teach and lead in some way This is why I've wanted to become a coach so much because this is the area that I know the most in I know a lot about fitness. I won't sugarcoat that. I've been doing this for a while I've learned a lot on my own I've also learned an immense amount of knowledge from my coach and the people that I've been around and prophasica for the last year and I have a lot of knowledge that I can share and a lot of examples and Stories that you can learn from so that you don't have to learn things the hard way just like I did And I think that that can be very beneficial. So That is my 33 percent of people that I want to teach the 33 percent of people in my life that are my equals I would say are just my friends my sister My other friends that body build with me even my friends that aren't in bodybuilding necessarily But they're my age they're in you know college. We're all in the same era of life That is my central 33 percent And then my last 33 percent is what I want to talk about the most This 33 percent of a coach a mentor a leader now. I have a coach I have a bodybuilding coach. She does more than enough for me more than I Could have ever asked for honestly like too much like she does everything for me really Practically wipes my butt like she does it all but that is my mentor and coach in bodybuilding now she has helped me in life in so many ways as well, but There are some areas where you know, maybe I want specific guidance or specific advice because Maybe I have a certain business idea or a certain endeavor that I want to pursue that somebody else might know a lot more about I will then pursue a mentor in that area or a coach or leader in that area Recently I have actually been able to join a kind of platform actually I was going to say more of a business But it's more of a platform. Um, this platform is Just loads of entrepreneurs some very experienced some fresh in the game but A giant group of people with a lot of knowledge in the wellness industry and a lot of knowledge in supplementation and natural ways that we can aid our body in healing in building muscle and staying healthy all of those things and I was actually introduced to this platform by one of my friends who used to work with me at own fitness and He reached out to me and was like hey You're a coach. I know that you're a natural competitor. I know that you value staying natural and keeping your body healthy I need you to look into this. So I did I listened to him. We got on a zoom call He starts telling me about peptides This is going to knock your socks off. Okay Peptides we've probably all heard of peptides. There's college in peptides. There's there's many different kinds of peptides, but here's the thing They're synthetic peptides are synthetic 90% of the time they have to be injected in some way or another for example insulin people that are insulin resistant Injections. I mean personally. I'm not a fan of a needle. I You could not put a needle 10 feet near me. I would run. I don't do well with needles I would say most people would prefer something that they can ingest like orally through the mouth versus inject with a needle And my friend he's going on and on about these ingestible like pill, you know Peptides they don't have to be injected Not only that but they're completely natural Not synthetic not man-made not made in a lab 100 natural Then he throws the biggest thing at me. He says what if I told you you could like target body fat Lose 0% of your muscle mass continue building lean muscle while also losing body fat strictly visceral fat Would you be interested in that? I was like sir as a bodybuilder. That's all i'm trying to do That you're telling me right now that nature is making steroids and we just haven't known about it This is genuinely revolutionary and I feel a little too unworthy of knowing about this so soon because This platform isn't even launching until october 14th. I am fresh Freshly hearing about this pre-enrollment has just started So I got a space in this platform to be able to not only obtain these peptides But potentially sell them to my clients which would be insane because my client oh my Y'all can you imagine like my client photos my updates my progress photos like people would be shook They'd be like what is this code doing? Little do they know my clients are all on peptides Literally from nature this probably sounds insane too, but let me explain Basically a year ago. I had heard from a very wise man in my life that AI was going to be so revolutionary that every single person better figure out how to use AI to the best of their ability now Because it is going to be the number one most useful tool that we have on this earth So with that being said Guess what has done all of the research on these peptides AI AI okay? What human beings could never figure out on their own AI has figured out And now we have these peptides the two strains of these peptides I guess I could say that I'm the most interested in are the lean and the muscle because lean Is the peptide that helps you lose 100% visceral fat so you're not losing any muscle tissue whatsoever Then the muscle That helps you build muscle five times faster Then you can on your own by using like whey protein or any normal protein source What the like this is actually steroids, but from plants like this is insane Anyway, I could go on and on about that and I will probably make a whole episode about it when I Actually get these things and I'm so excited. I have like a month But if any of you are interested in trying these peptides early and want to get on this pre-enrollment list Please send me a message now because it's not too late. I'm really excited. This is truly insane So do not hesitate if you are interested. Please reach out. I will happily help you set everything up And get you on track to try these babies out. This episode has been all over the place I'm so sorry, but 33% rule we wrapped it up there I mean having a mentor is so important having people that you can coach and then also people that you can relate to and Just experience life with we need all three of those types of people in our life And then peptides. I'm just so beyond excited about that. I I believe it's going to change the world for natural bodybuilding and I think I think it's going to be refreshing because I think there might be a little wake-up call at least I hope in the female industry of bodybuilding where we realize We need to stop using these steroids like we really need to not be doing this do our bodies. It's terrible Um, and I think that these peptides with what they're capable of can be a very seamless natural transition for people hopefully to never have to use any of those performance enhancing or physique enhancing drugs ever again The last idea I wanted to touch on was a conversation I was having with Sophie the other day about growth and we were kind of making jokes about Algebra and stuff because she can only think of things in an algebra Sense like on an x and y table. That's how her brain Will picture like every scenario. So I was telling her how I feel like i'm finally growing like exponentially, you know, and how in the past it felt like everything was very One or the other very black and white. It was like I would be doing well for maybe a month or two And then it would be like six months straight of shit and I didn't know why that was happening. Um, but that was kind of the pattern that I was experiencing for a while And I know now that had a lot to do with my I mean actions daily habits, but also my mental Health and my thought processes, but I felt like for the last year. I've actually been growing exponentially and My path instead of feeling like good for a second and then really bad for a long time. It's I'm going up. I'm going up little pause. Keep going up. Keep going up Maybe backtrack a little bit then keep going up. Keep going up like it's just it's still moving It's moving slow, but it's continuously moving and I haven't hit this like wall yet I don't know Maybe I should knock on wood, but I'm feeling good. I'm feeling happy And I'm grateful to be here if you want to follow along you can follow the instagram at big girl brain I have my link tree up right now for client questionnaires and onboarding calls Which is fine. Um, I'm gonna keep that up, but Maybe I won't. I don't know. It's kind of weird with this whole training situation at pros I don't really know how it's gonna work with online. So I don't know. I might keep that up for now just to Meet some more of you guys and be able to schedule some of those onboarding calls because that's been nice, but Other than that my playlists are available in my link tree I made an upper body and a lower body playlist for online clients And then the podcast is obviously in that link on the instagram as well Thank you so much for listening if you have time to leave a review in spotify or wherever you listen to podcast I would really appreciate that I'm trying to pay more attention to those reviews and my comments and Get back into catering to my audience with my episodes again So i'm excited for that as well And I love you guys and i'll see you soon. Bye