Safety Wars

Safety Wars Live 9-26-2024 NYC Mayor Indictment, Threats to our Power Grid

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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Before we set the program, I want to make sure everyone understands that we often talk about OSHA and EPA citations, along with some other regulatory actions from other agencies, legal cases, and criminal activity. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Propose fines are exactly that, and they are often litigated, reduced, or vacated. We use available public records and news accounts and press releases. We cannot warranty or guarantee the details of any of the stories we share, since we are not directly involved with these stories, at least not most of the time. Enjoy the show! This, this, this, this, this show is brought to you by Safety FM! Sorry about that, we're here a minute to use lead. It happened. We're getting ready, won't rely on everything we do in the screen. And as everybody knew it, it's been a since two years ago, I always get to see what it's been tonight. And the first day of confirmation, it's the last day. So, that's all my assume, so we're getting into the most sound we've used to this. Cuters, cuters, cuters, cuters! Nothing but problems! It could be worse, it could be worn up with the hurricane. Right, that's, I don't mean that as far as we can do it. But, all you people down there, I know up here, it's been uh, whether they say we're gonna get some remnants in our weather suspects, we could be intact, but the size of this thing has, uh, someone hadn't mentioned today, I would really like it. Another show. It wasn't a outlet. It's from the, uh, if you're to go from New York City, it's from the best size of the story. So, you forget how weak these things are. And, you know, I will always listen to what the government tells you on this, or if they say evacuate a bathroom, god, that's what that means that they do not have the resources to go and, at least they don't think they have the resources to go and help you out on this one effectively. And, uh, there is a, uh, radio talk show out of New York here, he's nationally known. He had this whole thing going on a couple of years back, he built basically a parking garage in Florida, uh, there. That's what he lives in his life. So, he says it's like a parking garage. Must be nice to have that money because I know how much money those things cost to build. I've been on a couple of, uh, builds like that. So, uh, that's basically it with that. Uh, all right, what do we got here? So, uh, like this claimer says, we're usually not parts of the story, but tonight we are a little bit. So, uh, in case you haven't heard, uh, Mayor Eric Adams and several other New York City, uh, officials, basically he said, uh, and basically he got indicted today, Eric Adams. I mean, the last couple of weeks, we had all these things going back and forth and everything else know about this and about that. And, you know, this one's getting this one's getting. This one's getting, you know, indicted. This one's getting this, this one's getting this, you know, but essentially the, now we've had the school's chancellor resign, police chief resign, all these folks. And I'm, I'm trying to line this up here. So this is basically what it comes down to is a lot of his advisors resign, apparently is what I've heard, because of, you know, his, his issue is, is that he hired his friends, basically. And that's not always such a good idea. New York City already has a law against hiring family members on your administration. I know Mayor Bloomberg, when he was elected mayor, he wanted to his daughter was his right hand person on everything, his point person on everything, basically what they, an old term, aided a camp sort of thing. And she ran businesses with him and she ran her the campaign. And they said, well, you can't hire her. And he's like, what do you mean? This is my right hand person. I've always thought it was like a stupid thing where you can't hire family members. My opinion is if they're qualified and they could keep family family, they should be hired. So for example, historically, JFK, John F. Kennedy hired his brother Robert F. Kennedy to be attorney general. And again, appointed him to be attorney general. Well, because no one's going to argue that Robert F. Kennedy was not qualified to be attorney general, right? I don't think anybody is going to seriously argue that. No, no, history, being the judge, you know, these things good, some bad that they do and everything else, mostly good. But, you know, so I don't know if you have a friend who is qualified to do something in your administration, that would be it. So, for example, let's say you're running a presidential campaign and you're campaigning for the candidate for president. Well, if you're a medical doctor and a very high level medical doctor, why wouldn't you be like a point to the surgeon general maybe or some other appropriate title? If you hold the qualifications, same thing for attorney general and many of the attorneys general in the United States and everything, you know, why not? I don't know. But you get into some trouble sometimes because of familiarity and there's, you know, you have to be objective when you're managing people sometimes. You can't be their friend all the time. You got to be the boss. So, basically, New York City's Mayor Eric Adams was indicted yesterday afternoon and it was sealed and yesterday, uncealed today, alleges that Adams engaged in corruption dating back at least a decade. He abused his physician at the city's highest elected official. And before that, as Brooklyn Borough president, to take bribes and solicit illegal campaign contributions, according to US Attorney Damien Williams, Adams has been in New York City's public eye for decades, formerly serving as an NYPD captain, as state senator and Brooklyn Borough president. He's been a leader of the country's largest city since 2021. I knew that something was up. There was murmurings in the background and being in the area here murmurings and first week of this month, I received this letter from the congressman, Michael Waller, who is my congressman here. And I think it was like a form letter. I don't know how I got on his mailing list and they just sent this to everybody or just people like me who are in there as my wife calls in their watch list. I don't know if I'm on the watch list, but based on me being a registered Republican for full disclosure here, they probably was on his list to send mail to. And this is official mail from the Congress of the United States. Here it is on the official letterhead. Dear Postal family, according to city data, New York City has likely already surpassed a five billion dollars in spending on shelter, security and food to handle the massive number of migrants overwhelming the city. By the way, I think I'm the only one reading this on the air, so I'm going to do this. Safety war is exclusive. And migrants overwhelming the city. Sadly, this is not just a New York City problem. Albany has already spent more than 4.3 billion dollars in state money on the migrant crisis, yet New York City Mayor Eric Adams has repeatedly asked the state and the federal government to cover more of the cost. The crisis we now faces a culmination of federal, state and local failures that should come as no surprise that New York City's refusal to cooperate with immigration's customs enforcement that is ICE. An offering of free health care, food, clothing and shelter and migrants will put a hole in it, will put a hole it can't climb out of its way up, meaning a financial hole. But they can't cut, right? We are never going to fix this mess so we don't fix our broken immigration system and secure our border. More than a year ago, the House passed the Secure the Border Act, which would have fixed the crisis at the border by limiting abuse of our asylum system, restricting asylum eligibility and requiring asylum seekers to wait in Mexico. I was proud to support this common-sense legislation, but it has yet to be taken up for a vote in the Senate. I know it is going to take both Republicans and Democrats working together to address our broken immigration system, which is why I also joined the Biden-partisan Coalition in Congress to introduce the Dignity Act, the first bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill in over a decade. I came to Washington to solve problems, not to kick the can down the road. That's why I'm going to keep working with colleagues and both parties to fix this mess. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts on this or other important topics by calling my office, and it gives you office number, and it's the local one. To stay updated on issues before Congress, mobile office hours or other upcoming events, please subscribe to my e-newsletter at Your involvement is a key to our success. Believe it or not, the same day I received this letter, I went to Congressman Waller on a separate issue there with him. Number one. Number two is, my son and I were going to a community event, and lo and behold, his campaign was there, so I spoke to them on specifically this issue, and they followed up for the phone call a couple of days later. Now, what is happening here, and what's not in the news, but we covered it here, once and I'm going to cover it a little bit more forcefully tonight, is this. Every contractor that I know who does business in New York City, and I've spoken to a couple of construction management firms that approve invoices for New York City, and New York City is not, is finding every excuse to stonewall the invoices that they're on their other bills, they're stonewalling people with paying them, delaying payment, because it's five billion dollar crisis. So, basically, I'm not going to give an opinion here on whether or what we should be doing about the migrants. I'm a law and order kind of guy. I believe everybody should be under the same laws, the same rules, as everybody else. We all know that. If you've been listening now for three and a half years, that's my take on everything, law and order with this. I'm not exactly sure that, no, that's part of the problem here. You have people not applying the law. If you don't agree with the law, change the law. We have a mechanism in place. The worst thing that we could do is now have laws on the books that are never enforced and/or very highly selectively enforced. I'm for law and order with this and enforcing the laws. If we have a debate, we don't like the laws, change the laws. All right, number one. Number two is they're taking the money from Peter to pay Paul, so to speak, out of their other budgets, and they're applying it to this. Of course, there's going to be a physical crisis with this. Right now, as of today, he is not, as of today, he has not resigned unless it's happened in the last 14 minutes that we've been on the air. The issue is this. Who becomes the mayor with this? If he does resign or step stand, it is the public advocate of New York who is germane d'williams. I'm reading his bio off of, which is his official website. Previously, Public Advocate Williams served on the New York Council representing the 45th District Advocate, Jermaine, at Williams. Right, it's hard to get that out. They have them on a first-name basis. I don't think that's, if his public official should be their title and their name, right? You're a public official, not your friend, even though they want to tell you that you're a friend during the campaign, right? Jermaine is the first generation Brooklynite of Grenadian Heritage. He graduated from the public school system, overcoming the difficulties of Tourette's and ADHD during a master's degree from Brooklyn College. He began his career as a community organizer at the Greater Flatbush Beacon School and later served as executive director of New York State Tenants and Neighbors. There he fought for a truly affordable income target at housing across New York State, City and State. New York City Council, Jermaine's champion landmark legislation that fundamentally transformed New York City. Jermaine sponsored the Community Safe Act, reforming the city's police department and ending the abuse of stop, question, and risk in communities of color and creating the NYPD's Office of Inspector General to investigate unlawful and unethical behavior. As a former co-chair on the council task force to combat gun violence, he helped create New York's crisis management system, which funds secure violence groups that work to reduce shootings through a multi-pronged approach. The program fundamentally transformed the city's approach to gun violence prevention, and as public advocate, he continues to work for its expansion and improvement today. Jermaine has led the fight for better policing and safer streets, affordable housing and transparency and accountability in the city government. As a public advocate, Jermaine will continue to be an activist elected official who brings his voices of everyday New Yorkers, the city government, and makes New York's a truly progressive beacon for all. Basically, his refutation is that he's further to the left of Mayor Adams with this, and we know Mayor Adams is on the left of the aisle. Someone who I have met many times over the years to Curtis Lewa was one of the people running against Mayor Adams here, and he predicted a lot of these things, because we're on the street. People are not supposed to talk about grand jury stuff, but we know that's not necessarily true. But basically, this is what it comes down to, is that Mayor Adams is saying he's not resigning, and he is going to fight this, and this is all there on a witch hunt against him, and they're out to get him. That's been true, because he has not exactly been a game player. I think a little bit of that comes into this, but more importantly, when did this happen? Usually with, and I'm just going to put this out there, when there's bad news for the Democrats, when do they release the story? Friday. It's usually a Friday afternoon, so everybody could get their ducks in the row for over the weekend, with this, and then come back on Monday, and a lot of the Sunday morning news programs are filmed Friday. So what happens is they wait for this stuff to happen after news news programs are filmed, and the promo is given, and then they're able to do Saturday and Sunday, get their ducks in a row, then Monday come in. Now, and then address it. The fact that this happened on a Wednesday, and you're going to say, "Well, Jim, you sound, this sounds conspiratorial." Okay, call me conspiracy there. I don't really care at this. I'm an observer of this since I'm nine years old. I'm going to be 54 very soon, and this is what happens time and time and time again. So the fact that this came out on a Wednesday, the grand jury indictment, and then immediately they release the seal on Thursday to release the indictment indicates to me that Friday, when all these news programs are being promoted and a lot of them being filmed, they're going to, or taped, or video record, whatever we're calling it. I'm going to get emails and stuff, or you're using old fashioned or... Okay, whatever, recorded. All right, my opinion is that there is some truth to them being out to get him with this, and I'm not defending the man I'm just observing with this. I have no opinion whether he did it or not. I do have an opinion with some of the decisions he made as I just pointed out, but the fact that this happened on Wednesday, I think the fix is in on this guy. He's going to resign for something, and they're going to have, you know, all these news programs on the weekend are going to be with this, all the local and national news programs. With this also, let's not discount that this is an election season. All right, not doing so good for some of the candidates, depending on the polls you read. So that takes any criticism, criticism, and the presidential election, and any bad press that either side has here off the table for the Sunday morning programs, and where a lot of people, all they do is they watch the Sunday morning programs to get their news. So don't think that that doesn't go into this, and that's... Call it what you will. I'm just, you know, with this here, and that's what I'm going to say here, and we're going to go to commercial break right now. I know people are off the floor. Jim's talking politics. You know what? I got to talk politics here. If I wasn't going to mention this, it would be like, "Oh, well, is that a relevant program? Well, too bad." And I'm in the neighborhood, and I became, everybody in Michael Waller's district, 17th district, now is a part of the story here after a letter like this, and this indicates to me that everybody, you know, that the fix was, and something was up. I knew something was up. They came up with that letter. Let's go to commercial break. In the professional safety community, communication and planning are just a few keys to your program success. The question many practitioners have is where do I start? Dr. J. Allen, the creator of the safety FM platform and host of the rated R safety show, has built a global foundation to help you along the way. Go to and listen to some of the industry's best and most involved professionals, including Blaine Hoffman with the Safety Pro, Sam Goodman with the Hopner, Sheldon Primus with the Safety Consultant, Jim Pozel with Safety Wars, Emily Elrod with unapologetically bold, and many others. As individuals, we can do great things, but as a team, we become amazing. Dial in to today and surround yourself with a powerful force of knowledge and support. I'm sure you've heard the news. Safety training is evolving and you should be too. Outdated safety training isn't just boring. It's dangerous. If your safety trainer is still preaching a warped version of behavior-based safety from 25 years ago, it's time for a change. Imagine safety training that actually addresses the hazards unique to your workplace. No more generic, one-size-fits-all solutions. The Safety Wars team at is here to revolutionize how you approach safety with customized training that's relevant, engaging, and effective. Contact Jim Pozel at 845-269-5772. Remember, if you're receiving this message, you are the solution to unsafe workplaces. Say goodbye to outdated safety training and hello to a safer, more productive environment. Visit now. In a world where danger lurks in every corner, one man stands as a beacon of hope. Jim Pozel, a veteran safety expert with over three decades of experience, now bringing his knowledge to you with safety wars. Engaging, informative, and always relevant, that's Safety Wars. Join the Safety Revolution with Safety Wars, available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and wherever you get your podcasts and videos. Want to avoid hefty OSHA fines and keep your team safe? Let's dive into the general duty clause. The general duty clause, section 5, A1, of the OSHA Act of 1970 is a catch-all rule to cover unregulated hazards. Employers must keep workplaces free from recognized dangers that could cause death or serious harm. For OSHA to cite you under the general duty clause, they must prove the following four things. One, the employer failed to render its workplace free of a hazard. Two, an employee was exposed to that hazard. Three, that hazard was causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm. And four, feasible means exist to free the workplace of the hazard. Employees aren't off the hook either. Section 5, B, mandates they follow all safety standards. Both employers and employees must work together to maintain a safe work environment. Examples, think lifting above shoulder height repeatedly, or working without proper support. Stay proactive. Monitor work areas, apply the four-part test, and you'll prevent those nasty citations and keep everyone safe. Need help? And more information. Contact Jim Pozel and the Safety Wars team to help you prevent workplace incidents. Conduct safety audits and training. Contact the Safety Wars team at or 8452-695772. Visit us on the web at Let's build a safer workplace together. OSHA recordables, catastrophic losses, environmental disasters. You want answers? So do I. This is Jim Pozel with Safety Wars. That's my daddy. All right, we are back here and we're going to be talking about the problems of the safety war. It's safety wars with your host Jim Pozel and safety FM. Get ready to face the harsh reality. Yes, we are going to be talking about the harsh reality tonight here. So what do we have here? We have some royalty-free music here. So what do we have here? We have, this is Wagner Wright of the Valkyries. The apocalyptic final battle of the apocalypse here in Norse mythology, I believe it is. So here we have electromagnetic pulse here and it's a little bit annoying here. We'll just leave it at that. It's a little bit annoying because I've been hearing about this since the late 1990s. Even before that, there was a movie in the 80s called The Day After. It was about the Soviet Union launching a nuclear war against the United States's first strike. However, in the events leading up to it in the movie, there was an EMP attack on Soviet forces, aka the Warsaw Block, what they used to call back in the day, by an electromagnetic pulse that fried all their electronics, right, when they were coming across Europe. And it was a lead-up to a nuclear war and everybody going nuts and haywire. And what happened was you had the Jason Robarts character. He was played a doctor in Kansas City, I believe it was. And he was gone the way home. And this EMP pulse came and then a nuclear explosion. And when the EMP pulse came, went all the cars shut off on the highway inside. And then it went off. But basically, that was the first I heard of it. I've updated my knowledge over the years when I came out with my book in 2012, Nuclear Terrorism. We have a whole section in this. But here we have some updated information and we have some historical information from here. So this was the most up-to-date stuff that I was able to find. It is from the U.S. Naval Institute, USNI.ORG, by Gunneries, an article by Gunneries Sergeant Joshua E. Owen, U.S. Marine Corps, and EMP or Solar Instant could result in blackout warfare. Russia and China have the ability to destroy the U.S. power grid and degrade military capabilities with a non-kinetic first strike. Not only through the electromagnetic effects of nuclear and non-nuclear weapons, but also by means such as cyber attacks. The Sun can similarly destroy all parts of the system through a natural event. An EMP electromagnetic pulse is the electromagnetic radiation from a nuclear explosion caused by a Compton recoil, electrons and photo electrons from photons scattered in the materials of a nuclear device or surrounding medium. It can also be caused by non-nuclear weapons through their effects, though their effects are more geographically limited. The resulting electric and magnetic fields make couple with electrical, well, electronic systems to remove, boost, damaging current and voltage surges. Depending on the burst type, it can cause power spikes ranging from several hundred volts per meter up to more than one million volts per meter. Furthermore, it can cause a component system burnout and degradation and upset. A CME from the Sun, or what we're hearing now, is from interstellar events. So you can have a coronal mass ejection from, let's say, a supernova several light years away, and this would cause something serious here, as would be illustrated in Star Trek 6, the undiscovered country, when praxis the Klingon moon blew up from a over-mining and environmental issues, and if it blew up, it was the main power support of the mind, and it from the Klingon Empire, and it caused the excelsior getting pummeled by, right? Anyway, I digress. But that's what we see in popular culture here, and plus that story fit in with the music. But anyway. A high altitude nuclear weapon detonated 25 miles of North America, which destroyed most US electronics, high-voltage transformer vehicles, including tactical ones, and other electrical machinery, a CME depending on the severity would produce a similar effect. Current 99% of all military bases rely on the civilian electric grid, while many analysts consider a nuclear-generated EMP unlikely and is not the only threat. Recent overflights of balloons from China have been at altitudes high enough to cause a nuclear EMP. I'll add this in if they choose to. And the late Dr. Vincent Pry was the executive directory on the Task Force of National and Homeland Security, a congressional advisor dedicated to protecting the US from EMP attacks, and I believe, like me, he was on coast to coast A.M. with that. But no, George Lori, coast to coast A.M. hasn't been covering this for many, many years. Now, the report, now what happened in 2008, and I'm going to might go through this here. We'll see how this goes. In 2008, there was a report here issued, and it's pretty comprehensive here on EMPs. And this stuff was also released a book, which is, as far as I can tell, it's not available on PDF download, but it might be somewhere I'm unable to find it. The updated book was Blackout Wall Warfare, attacking the US electric power grid, a revolution in military affairs, and I'm going to share with you, because I, or we, I found it here, right, and our tax dollars paid for this. So we have this here. So let me do a share screen. And let's get this here, right? So this is from July 2017. Yeah, we cover everything, and we're all over the place here, guys, right? We're talking about Mayor Adams, and we're talking about the assessing the threat for electromagnetic pulse. So this is dated July 2017, volume one executive summary, and this report of the Commission to assess the threat to the United States through electromagnetic pulse attack. And right, and this is basically an update, an update here for this, and yes, I am not doing anything secretive here. This report is unclassified and cleared for public release. So here, let's go run through the executive summary, and this is all part of the National Defense Authorization Act fiscal year 2016 appropriations, and this committee was reestablished by NDAA in 2016, and then it terminated in June 2017, and it's complex, and everything else. What's the bottom line? The government has known about this since at least 20 2007, because I had the report right here, April 2008, so which means I knew about it in 2007, the report, and 2017 was update, the most updated I can find here. The critical national infrastructure in the United States phase is a present and continuing existential threat from combined arms warfare, including cyber and man-made electromagnetic pulse attack, as well as from EMP from solar superstorm. During the Cold War, the U.S. was primarily concerned about EM attack from the Soviet Union, and I am just going through this, you know, this is like how many pages, Jimmy. A 34-page report here, I'm not going to read all 34 pages on the air. Major efforts, I'm going to take them by the DOD to assure the U.S. National Command Authority and U.S. Strategic Forces could survive an outbreak after an EM attack. However, no major efforts were thought necessary for tactical national infrastructures, relying on a nuclear deterrence to protect them. In other words, mutual assured destruction. The development of small nuclear arsenals and long-range missiles by small hustle and potentially irrational adversaries, and the threat of a nuclear EMP attack against the U.S. becomes one of the few ways that such a country could inflict devastating damage to the United States. So in these reports here with this, basically, within one year of an EMP attack, knocking out the power grid, it would be a 90% fatality rate in the United States. Some of the other areas of the world may be better, maybe worse here. And this is the recommendation here that they have. I'm going to go through there. The Commission highly recommends President Trump's executive order 13800, strengthening the cyber security of federal networks and critical infrastructure. The Commission strongly recommends that implementation of cyber security for the electrical grid and other critical infrastructures include EMP protection. The Commission encourages the President to work with everybody to achieve that goal. I'm paraphrasing here. All right, so that's number three they listed as. The Commission recommends that government agencies and industries adopt new standards to protect critical national infrastructures from damaging E3 EMP/HE fields from more realistic standards of 85 volts per kilometer. The Commission recommends electric grid rate equipment with long replacement times such as large power transformers we tested to system failure. I'm going to add this. It takes several years for a transformer to be made and they're not made in this country anymore in any meaningful amount. All right, the Commission recommends the Director of National Intelligence Circulate to all recipients of the 2014 JAEIC report, the EMP Commission critique of that report and direct new assessment to be prepared. That's super disease 2014 EMP report. And going on here. So here you go. You think you got a generator, you got solar panels not so fast. United States and modern civilization work generally faces a present and continuing existential threat from naturally occurring in man-made electromagnetic pulse assault and the related attacks on military and critical national infrastructures. A nationwide blackout of the electric power grid and grid replaced in critical infrastructures communications could plausibly last a year or longer. Many of systems designed to provide renewable standalone power in case of an emergency such as generators, UPS under uninterruptible power supplies and renewable energy grid components are also vulnerable to an EMP attack. Right. A long-term outage owing to EMP could disable most critical supply chains leaving the US population living in conditions similar to centuries fast prior to the advent of electric power. Now, let me take a note with this. This is not Jimmy Poelzel saying this. This is not conspiracy theory. This is an actual government report. Right. You can look it up yourself. You don't believe me. There's a lot of people that don't believe me out there. Guess what? You can look it up yourself. And you know, I get the, well, this will never happen and you're overflowing it. And then what happens is we lose internet access here for like 35, I think it was 37 hours. And people are like, what do I do? What do I do? I don't have the internet. No. 10 days. Well, we didn't have electric here after super storm sandy people were there. Florida. This is an occurrence every year from a hurricane. Something is without something in the southeast. You know, right? What are they going to do with nothing? I tell you what, you go out and these generators, most people do only have enough fuel for about three or four days. Max. How much gas is in the lines? Meaning if you have a hooked into your gas line for the house. Day and day and a half, maybe. You ain't going to have power. And if you're dealing with, especially what we call the scenario three here, what Jimmy calls scenario three, which is 72 hours to 30 days. You know, right? What are you going to do? What are you going to do if it's in the winter? What do you do if it's in the summer? Extreme heat, extreme cold. What would you rather deal with? I don't know. Nobody has fireplaces. I tell you what my mom had a nice fireplace in her house. New owners came in. First thing they did was get rid of the fireplace. Why? No, fireplaces are out of fashion. Number one, number two, you know the requirements you have to have for a fireplace now. Especially in an urban setting. Pretty hard. So we got rid of that. Now we're relying on gas or electric or fuel oil. Electric for grade goes down. You're not going to have a your, there goes your all your heating system. The summer goes your air conditioning. Got people out there that can't handle this. You got people out here with legitimate health issues that can't handle it. What are you going to do? That's where the 90% die off comes from. Just send time food delivery. Guess what? Now you have an issue. What are you going to do if you have food in your neighbor dozen and you advertise, you advertise that you have all this stuff set up. What are you going to do? You think they're just going to sit there when their family's starving, cold, and they're going to come over. Now comes the thing. Are you going to help them out or not? I would like to think I would help out my neighbors because we're community here and help out my, I would like to think that, but maybe not. No, maybe there's not everybody thinks that way and what I'm saying. Maybe they're not going to help you. Maybe your neighbors are going to gang up on you. Now what are you going to do? You got to have security. Now I want to hear, oh well, we have the second amendment. I'm just going to start offing people. Really? Really? You want to face your maker? With that kind of attitude, we're just going to off people out, really? Don't you think there is enough violence in this world? I think so. Yeah, they talk tough. Everybody talks tough. Let's see what's going to happen when it actually happens. The thankful thing is, is that most Americans work together. There's no very little looting, if any looting, but we've had major disasters. That's the good thing. But we've also had some resilience, some supplies. But what about a widespread emergency? I don't know what the chances are that happening. It kind of happened. Yeah, but who knows? But no, what are you going to do? We try to be helpful here. One part of the country has a problem. Everybody else tries to help it out. That's what's great about America. But what if we have multiple problems all over? By the way, the Heart Ruben Commission in the early 2000s that dealt with this said that what we have to be prepared for, a worst case scenario, are three nuclear weapons of about 10 kilotons, and going off on the same day in the United States. One of the things that they said, to be prepared for that, and that's what the government basically is prepared for with that. But we'll see. Even Crescent Carney, in his famous book, Nuclear War Survival Skills, that you can get on PDF, he points out what was written during the Cold War. He had said, you know, Americans try to help each other out. And I hope we do that. But here we go. An extent of a lack of activity today could, in the 1800s, the US population was less than 60 million. Those people have many skills and assets necessary for survival without today's infrastructure. An extent of lack of today could result in the death of a large fraction of the American people through the effects of societal collapse, disease and starvation, while the national planning and preparation for such events can mitigate the damages on the damage. Few such actions are currently underway. And this is 2017. And I've got to tell you, especially after our experience with COVID, this is written for you, COVID, they ain't prepared. That's how you gotta go down there, and you gotta demand preparation. What's hard to disaster plans here? Go down to your locality with citizens and everything else with this. Combined armed cyber warfare, as described in the military doctrines of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran may use combinations of cyber, sabotage, and ultimately nuclear AMP to impair the United States quickly and decisively by blacking out huge, large portions of the electric grids going on. Well, I know what happened since what has happened since this report was written in 2017. We have Ukraine war. We have shit going down in the Middle East, people. Don't think that we, there are threats in this country, really? The Association of Atomic Scientists, right? They keep moving at doomsday clock closer to midnight, guys. Maybe we need to wake up here as to what's going on here, especially in the electric grid. Any of several threats has arrived must be considered. Think that this hasn't happened before. Carrington event of 1859 was a superstorm that knocked out the telegraph system. Reportedly, the railroad tracks were glowing with this. Heat and oven glowing. 10 to 12% NASA, 10 to 12% for decades, something like that will happen again. Nuclear AMP attack may be confirmed. I got a right here on the screen. Check out the videos. Nuclear AMP attack may be conducted with only a single nuclear weapon detonated at a high attitude or a few weapons at several hundred kilometers. This is going to be delivered by satellite. Oh, guess what? It's a militarization space. It's out there, dude. It's going. It's happening. By a wide variety of long and short range missiles, including crews and anti-ship missiles, by a jet doing a zoom climb or even by a high altitude balloon. We have balloons a couple years ago, right? Some of those of attack could be executed relatively anonymously, thereby impairing turns. Russia, China, and North Korea now have the capability to conduct the nuclear AMP attack against the U.S. All have practice. We're describing contingency plans to do so. And that is footnote number nine. See, Army of Islamic Republic of Alarm Pass had defenched a approach to threat center, and it goes on and on and on here where that is, right? From Moscow and from North Korean, right? State news. Since then we've had Iran with this stuff now. Cyber attack using computer. Hey, didn't we have a cyber attack a couple of months ago with crowd? What was it? They testified this week from the Congress, right? Crowd striker, right? With that. Small problem with that. They're apparently they fixed it and everything, and they have situations in place where that is going to prevent that. The U.S. electrical grid can be sabotaged by damaging extra high voltage transformers using rifles, explosives, or non-nuclear AMP or directed energy weapons. Okay, and this is a job of thing that I had discussed. At least one substance of rehearsal of such an attack may have already taken place at the Metcalf substation in San Francisco Bay Area. Okay, that was in Southern San Jose, California. And what was the name of the road? It was Metcalf Road. I believe, yeah, Metcalf Road. The old Pratt & Whitney facility was there. Pratt & Whitney UTC, where they made a solid rocket fuel for the military. So you go up to that place, it's at the top of the hill. At the bottom of that hill, going down, if it's still there, is a motocross track, not a half way. And way at the bottom of the hill is the substation that they're talking about. I did a project right outside that. I know where it is. So that's why a lot of these substations now are being hardened a little bit with higher walls and some security. So what happened was somebody took a shot, 50 caliber bullet, and the substation went down, and it took around two or three days from what I recall for that to go down. So this stuff is already happening here, guys. But guess what? No one's talking about the only person to talk about it was President Trump when he was president, and he has not, to my knowledge, spoken about this, during the campaign, and neither has President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris or Governor Walsh. No one's talking about this stuff. Really? An extinction level event, public interest in this. So he had that movie a number of years ago, right, with who was Bruce Willis, right, going up to the asteroid, and those modified shuttles drilling in the Armageddon. That was the name of it. Thanks. Someone said, you mean Armageddon? It came up here on the street. The Armageddon, one of the big blockbusters of when it came out. Guess what? Public is interested in this stuff. If you would be honest with the public up front, instead of going out there and not mentioning this stuff like it doesn't exist, I tell you what, I gave a talk over the weekend at church on this stuff, right? Really? We have to worry about this stuff. I talked about our medical paper, medical, because we had an older demographic there, and that was relevant to what they're doing. Guess what? I thought about that. They were like, wow, we're never considered that, even medical stuff. Imagine something like this. None of this stuff. By the way, this is not like, all you have to do is withhold arm shipments to some 10-pot dictator for a year, and that pays for this whole thing. Yeah. Yeah. I'm on a roll here. So I don't know. Tell me what you think. Am I overblowing this? Or not, right? All you have to do, cut a couple of programs. We're talking like three billion dollars, and the whole country is protected from this. Really? Really? Again, okay. So, in 2001, I found out with the interactive tax, government was not ready for a pandemic. Working on the vaccine plan to swift water Pennsylvania, again, government not prepared. I went out and spread the word the best most I could. Guess what? Now I have a plan. No, I fell upon dead ears, and I wasn't the only one. Now I'm telling you again, this is an issue securing our power grid. Some of you here, this is the first time you're hearing about this. When a whole region like New York City goes without power, it's all consequences. It's mayhem. If Amorata has, and the government of their refinery, was not in Woodbridge, New Jersey, because they couldn't then want to upgrade the air permitting. The government wouldn't give them any leeway there. If, no, because our refinery was open, we were able to get gasoline, everything. So we don't have that refinery open. Now, I hopefully bayway refinery, some of the other refineries and south Jersey, Philadelphia, Delaware area, are going to be up and running during any major emergency. Hopefully we have plenty capacity. Oil-wise and everything for us to, oh, hold on. Haven't they been releasing this strategic oil reserve? Oh, maybe we don't have the capacity we used to because someone is using it for political purposes here. So you don't release this strategic petroleum reserve because it is strategic. It's not political. And now, even if they replenish what they released, now they're paying. Now, what's the price of oil? Now, I use always release it on here, price of oil. Here you go. Today, the price of oil, crude oil prices, two day. Let's see what they are. 6808, friend crude at 7102. Okay, so this will come down a lot from when we use to report it on it every day, but I tell you what, it's a thing out there. So I got tonight. Thanks for letting me rant and rave here. I'm going to do one-word commercial that we're going to cut into our outro, and I will see you god willing tomorrow. And nice, I got this off my chest here. So, see you tomorrow, one-word commercial. Hey there, safety professionals. Welcome to another episode of Safety Wars on Safety FM, hosted by Jim Postel. And today, we're diving into what it really means to be on the front lines of the Safety War. So, let's start with the basics. Safety is not just a set of rules or regulations. It's a culture, a mindset, a way of life. When we talk about safety, we're not just protecting workers from harm. We're building an environment where everyone can thrive. It's about going home safe and sound to our families every single day. Now, I know it sounds like a heavy responsibility, but that's why we're here. To make sure everyone understands the importance of safety and knows how to implement it effectively. Whether you're a seasoned safety professional or just starting out, there's always something new to learn. Let's talk about some key strategies. First up, communication. It's critical to ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page. Regular safety meetings, clear signage, and open dialogue can prevent a lot of accidents before they even happen. Next, let's focus on training. Proper training equips your team with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe. Remember, it's not just about ticking a box. It's about making sure every worker understands the why behind each safety protocol. This understanding fosters a culture of safety where everyone looks out for one another. Of course, we can't forget about technology. From wearable safety devices to advanced monitoring systems, technology is revolutionizing how we approach safety. Embrace it. Use these tools to enhance your safety programs and keep your team protected. But let's not get too comfortable. Safety is an ongoing battle. New risks and challenges emerge all the time. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and never stop striving for a safer workplace. So, what's the takeaway? Safety is everyone's responsibility. It's about creating a culture where safety is ingrained in everything we do. As safety professionals, it's our job to lead by example and inspire our teams to commit to a safer future. Thanks for tuning into Safety Wars on Safety FM. Stay safe out there, and remember, every day is a new opportunity to make a difference. Catch you on the next episode. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guest and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open-source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means. Mechanical, electronic, recording, or otherwise without prior written commission of the creator of the podcast, Jay Allen. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]