The Intersection

The Intersection 9/26/2024

With Amy Manuel

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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[music] Hey and welcome, welcome to Political News Things. I am your host Amy Manuel. Well, sorry about starting a minute or two late. Had an update running and it was just taking a little extra time. Just a little bit of extra time. But we're started now and we may have to do a reboot if troubles begin. But it appears to be okay right now. Looking for folks to join the call into Thursday night. We're going to have a fun Thursday night or we're going to talk politics. There's all sorts of things to discuss. Now about that marino video, that was something else, wasn't it? What else has been happening? We've got a hurricane that is a minute south at northern Florida, the panhandle. It seems to have done some serious damage in the Tampa area, if you live in that area. I hope you're okay and wishing you safe time that everything goes well. What else is happening? What's going on in the world? You want to join the conversation all you have to do is Skype in, just Skype, GABnet Live, GABnet Live, what else is happening? Tim McGraw, apparently Tim McGraw has joined events with celebrities that who are reminding people to vote. If you want to vote day, you can tell lawmakers what matters, you can tell what up lawmakers what matters to you at Okay, I don't know what that is, but Tim McGraw, joining all the others, Shook Knight is in the news, looks like a Shook Knight's message to P Diddy. This is, I'll tell you what, Puffy, your life is in danger because you know the secrets of who's involved in that little secret room you guys are participating in. You know they gonna get you if they can, Puffy, I'm gonna give you some real advice, two quick things, you gotta make a decision when you go to prison, either you're gonna be standing up, pin or squatting or sitting down, I advise you to try to take the first one, hmm, that's interesting, alright then, Shook Knight reveals that Ben Affleck wants divorced because FBI gave him explicit footage of Jennifer Lopez from the Diddy raid, okay, how to Shook Knight know that, that's interesting, looks like the Oakland A's didn't do so well, we've got some interesting things going on with that, you know, I don't really care about much of that do you, need some colors, all you have to do to join is Scott Gabbnet live, that's Gabbnet live, join me right now, Gabbnet live, that's on Skype, Gabbnet live, here we go Diana, hey Diana, can I talk, sure, okay, come on where it was like no don't talk, yeah, you know, okay, well if you get on before I start the music, that's what I tell you to not make noise, oh yeah, that's why I waited for five, it's like oh maybe five minutes after the hour, that should be a good time, yeah, I actually like having somebody on when I start because if somebody skipes in and it's the first person while the music's playing then you hear it over the music, yeah, yeah, and that's hard because I can't hear the music so I don't know that it's playing so I just figured I'll just wait the five minutes and it should be safe, here comes Alan and Wayne, yeah I know you don't want to have to repeat yourself if you're starting a discussion and then people are dribbling in, yeah, well I haven't started any discussion because you were the first person in I was just looking at what the news was trying to figure out if there was anything interesting going on that we should talk about here and then, well, I mean we've got apparently Jen Socky is doing an interview of the second gentleman tomorrow, Doug Imhaw, who's doing Jen Socky, who's that? Well she was, she's on MSNBC on Monday nights before Rachel Maddow and she worked for President Biden and she worked for President Obama and she's done a lot. I don't get MSNBC, I don't have that cable connection, but they usually have that stuff on YouTube, I would imagine because I think I got them on my, I'm subscribed to their feed, so we'll look for that. You'll recognize here when you see her, she's got a reddish hair, kind of cuts it off straight just down about the shoulder there, so. She was President Biden's first communications director, and she did a good job there too. Yeah, everybody talked about how much the leverage, but she was only there for about a year before she left and took a job in MSNBC and got her own show. Yeah. Okay. Well, for her, yeah, a couple of those, those was not fun Thursdays. Oh, they are, but when I started the show out, I had nobody to talk to you, so who am I going to give you the money? I said I might be a couple of minutes late, and I was a couple of minutes late, two minutes is exactly my computer still needs to restart, so hopefully nothing will go wrong in the meantime. Everything appears to be working well, but there was an update that apparently it wouldn't finish downloading while I had Skype and Chrome open, so I had to close everything down, so it would finish doing the download and finish doing the update, and so that pushed me a little bit tight. Oh, glad I waited. You know, I've got my computer set up to do automatic updates, but somehow I go in and check, because always like the first thing I do, I get here getting into the studio about 10 minutes or more before, and I run an update check just to be sure, and somehow it's almost always there's an update, even though it's set to automatically update. There's something that didn't update without me going in and saying update, but when you first open it up, it'll say you're up to date, but then when you say look for updates, it finds them. I don't know, it's funny, I might just say it's okay, time to update and restart or shut down, it seems to do it. Alright, well you were first in Diana, so pick a color, pink, purple, green, blue, or yellow. Oh, purple, definitely. Alright. Real books as in film is your good category. What critter is named Richard Parker in the Life of Pie, a novel made into film in 2012? A creature? Yeah. Critter is named Richard Parker. Oh, me, I saw that movie too, didn't read the book but I saw the movie, oh my God. Pretty big animal, pretty big animal, pretty fearsome. Spider-man. I don't think we're on the water, so I'm just gonna say whale. Spider-man. No, creature. Animal. That's spiders and creature to me, but a spider-man, an animal, oh, it's a big, fearsome mammal. Oh, fearsome, okay, that's not a whale then, oh, it's like a, oh gosh, I think like a tiger or a lion or something like that. Tiger. Yeah, tiger, that's, oh, it's a little while ago since I've seen that, but remember they are on the water, they're on a, it was like something on a raft or something. Yeah, but that was like, I think it was dreams he was having while he was on the raft because he wasn't, all of the movie wasn't on the raft. Yeah, I know it was, it was, it was different, it was definitely different. It was a very weird movie and very hard to follow first. Yeah. Yeah. All right, Alan, which character in a jazz age novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald was played in a film by Robert Redford in 1974 and Leonardo DiCaprio in 2013? Oh, I know this one. Good. I have no idea, Wayne knows the answer though. Oh, not going to come up with anything in this category. All right. What is it? Did you repeat it again? I didn't quite get the first part. Okay. Which character in a jazz age novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald? Oh, okay. Think of F. Scott Fitzgerald, how many books of his have been made into movies? Yeah, it seems like one of the great Gatsby, yeah. Okay. So name a character from the great Gatsby that was played by Robert Redford and by Leonardo DiCaprio. Oh, names are the worst. Okay, his name, his last name is in the title. Yeah. Oh, Gatsby. You're right. That was his last name. Oh, something like Nick or... Jay. What was it? Jay Gatsby. Oh, okay. Yeah. It was something different. All right. Wayne. What... Which NFL football team does Pat Solitano support in the 2008 book and the 2012 movie The Silver Longings Playbook? Nope. No idea. Don't even want to guess. Just guess in the NFL football team. Giants. Philadelphia Eagles. Close. Yeah. All right, Diana, which former TV critic for Entertainment Weekly wrote a thriller about a girl gone missing in 2012 that became a film in 2014? Which... I was the first part. Which... What? I'm sorry. I'm not... TV critic. It's a former TV critic, okay. She was on Entertainment Tonight. Oh, I could think it was Cisco and Ebert. You're not going to get this one? No. Gillian Flynn? Oh, I knew Gillian Flynn wrote that. Was it? Yeah. Gone girl. Gone girl. Yeah, but I didn't know she was a TV critic. Yeah. Wow. Who's to me? All right, Ellen, in the Devil Wears Prada, what is the name of the fashion magazine run by Meryl Streep's character Miranda Priestley? Boy's life. I don't know. I don't know. It was the movie. I never saw the movie. Runway. Oh, I saw it. But I can't think of the name of it. Yeah, I couldn't... I couldn't have guessed that. All right, Wayne, catching fire is the last book in the Hunger Games trilogy and was made into a film in 2013. Is that true or false? True. False. It's the second book in the trilogy. In a 50/50 chance? Yeah. That's what I guessed on it. Yeah. Sorry, Ellen, a yellow, blue, green, pink, or purple? Blue. Okay. Category presidential libraries. The Barack Obama presidential library will be located on the campus of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu. True or false? That is false. It will be on the campus of the University of Chicago. Chicago. I was going to say that today. Yeah. I heard that too. All right, Wayne, whose semi-valley library has on display the actual Air Force One Boeing Seven oh seven that served as the flying White House during his term. You're looking for the president's name, right? Yes. Yeah, they're gonna say Nixon. Reagan. Reagan. Yeah. Yeah. So, well, and playing on display, the irony that the guy who broke up the Air Traffic Controllers Union has an airport named after him. Yeah. They're applying in his presidential library. That's just, I mean, like some of your nose or something. He doesn't have the actual plane of the library, does he? Yeah. I heard it was a model of the plane. As different deep on display, the actual Air Force One Boeing seven oh seven that served as the flying White House. Wow. That's weird. It's a big, big, I guess a big presidential library, a big plane. Alright, Diana, which five living presidents were on hand in Dallas for the dedication of W.S. Library in 2013? Oh, God, 2013. Well, I guess they probably Carter, Clinton, the two bushes. And one more. Yeah. Okay. Who came after Debbie? Oh, oh, that's five, okay. All right, Alan, which Royal Rockers memorabilia personally collected by Bill Clinton is on display at the President's Little Rock Library, which opened in 2004. Elvis Presley. He's not being served. That is correct. Oh, really? Okay. All right. Wayne, whose Texas library renovated in 2007, boasts a replica of an avenger torpedo bomber that he flew in World War II. H.W. That's correct. All right, Diana, which presidents, your Belinda Library was expanded in 2004 to display an exact replica of the White House's banquet hall in the East Room? Well, that's probably got to be next and then. Yeah. Yeah. The other California. One. Yep. It's in your Belinda. All righty. Okay. Wayne, your turn to pick a color, yellow, blue, green, pink, or purple? Purple. All right. Purple it is. And the category is best fiction. What historical novel by Henry VIII's confidant, Thomas Cromwell, was adapted for TV's Master Peace Theater in 2015. Oh, our idea. Wolf Hall. Oh, gosh, I've never really got that. I've never even heard of that. The first book of a trilogy by Hilary Mantell. I've never heard of it. Obscure. Obscure. Well, it is trivia. Okay. Yeah. Diana, what book of 12 short stories by X-Marine Phil Clay addresses the soul-sucking effects of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? I'm going to take a scientific wild-ass guess at Full Metal Jacket. Redeployment. I've never heard of it. Another one off the charts. All right, Alan. What young adult novel by John Green about two alien teenagers in love was made into a 2014 film with Shaleen Woodley? The 2014 film, Two Teenagers in Love. Sickly. They're, they're alien. They're, they're sick. He's that really iconic? No. They're, they're sick as in they have an illness. I believe they're dying of cancer. Oh, okay. I've never read the book or seen the movie, but. Have you heard of it? I've heard of it. I've heard of it. Oh. So who is it? It's the fault in our stars. Well, I've heard of it too, but yeah, about it. All right, Wayne. That was the 2008 sequel to John Updike's 1984 novel about the three witches of Eastwick, Jane, Suki, and Alexandra. Oh, geez, that was the name of the movie, I think, was The Witches of Eastwick. Great. The question. Yeah. That was the answer. That's also the answer. Oh, yes. All right. What African-American celebrity couple produced the film The Secret Life of Bees based on the 2004 coming invasion novel by Sue Monk Kid, a black celebrity couple? Who's that for? That's for you. For me. One of them is famous for going on stage during the Oscars when he wasn't supposed to and doing that thing he wasn't supposed to. Yeah. Yeah. Is it? Yeah. It's Beyonce. No. No, no, no. Will Smith? And? Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm pretty careful. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I can't think of it either. Jayda Pinkett Smith. Jayda Pinkett. Yeah. Right. Yeah. She. She's from Columbus, Ohio, I think. Everybody's weird. There in Ohio. You're going to get a bop on the head for Wayne. Yeah. We got two Joker senators here. All right. We got one of them. One of them's running, and one's a vice president's, you know, Trump's pick. Joker. A couple of losers. Jester. All right. Now, this one should be, it would be really easy for you, Diana, but Alan, this one's for you. Of course. What New England State is the setting for Richard Russo's Pulitzer Prize winning novel Empire Falls, Empire Falls. New York, New York, the Empire State. And I'm wrong. It's not New England. They said New England, though. Yeah. It's New England, which was made into HBO miniseries. What's that got to do with the Empire? I thought, I thought Empire State was a clue, but, but well, that's the name of the book, but Empire is not a clue. Okay. New England State, I guess New England State, then, a new England State. Oh, New York, find a new England State. Oh, what do I know? Go farther north. From the East Coast. Further north. Further north, Maine, Connecticut. Maine was correct. Maine. All right. It's the Empire State. So that kind of. That's why I thought you figured I would know it. All right. So that was Wayne's pick, Diana, yellow, blue, green, pink, or purple. Yellow. Okay. Tasty treats is the category. Oh, there you go. Talk in my language. All right. All of ours, really. Diana, what company, Oikos, Greek yogurt, entered the market in 2011, giving Fage Chobani yo play stiff competition? What company is Oikos? Oh, that's the name of the, Oikos is, I think it's a brand. It's a brand. What's the company? Yeah, I think it's Diana. That is correct. All right. Alan. Craftsville Vida cheesy skillets launched in 2011, sold so well that they gave what long time just had me dinner kits a scare. Oh, easy. Yeah. See me dinner. No, add meat, meal kits, add meat, meal kits, chicken, baked chicken, your clothes. Okay. Let Diana answer hamburger helper, all right, Wayne, thanks Wayne for not helping me. What Hershey's brand snack candy that pairs two favorite flavors, unveiled its unwrapped mini version in 2011, billing it as the next big little thing? Two flavors and it's kind of, I don't know, I can't think of love, but Reese's peanut butter cups. I can think of my chocolate, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter. Yeah. They started doing the unwrapped ones, right? That's the snack, snack bags or whatever. Diana, which coffee and pastry chain added four bakery sandwiches, including ham and cheese, chicken and chicken and salad to its menu in 2012. Coffee and pastry. I'm thinking Dunkin' Donuts. That's the one. Really? I would have thought Starbucks. Yeah, I was thinking the same, but it's the pastry. Starbucks isn't known for its pastry. How'd they sell them though? They have really good killer donut, it's like, oh my God, it's super, super rich. There are some, I love a Dunkin' Criller. I wish they made them. We haven't had them, at least up in here, around here for like, a long time. The Dunkin' Donuts is free on here, it's horrible. It was raided by some food rating services, you know, one of the worst donut shops to come along in 20 years in this area. I don't like the crawlers though, but they stopped making them like, it's probably 10 years ago now, at least. There's most of the Dunkin' Donuts. I like the little round hostess crawlers. And the Dunkin' Donuts crawlers are better. So they still have them in Texas, the crawlers? You know, I haven't been to Dunkin' Donuts in a long time, because the nearest one is in like, flour mountain, which is a good 30 minutes away or more. Oh, well we've got, I've got like, two within, two, a couple miles of me. Yeah, I know. But yeah, those are the best. I got, I was so mad when they stopped making us. Yeah, you know, I'm not sure if they're still on the menu. All right, let's see. Yeah, I remember I complained about that. Didn't do any good. Okay, I guess not. Yeah, shoot, I was working in Albany then, that was back in like 2014, '13, something like that. So, about 10 years ago, at least, that's my crew. So it's probably the, you know, last time I was at one. 10 years ago? Yeah, I'm looking at the website to see if it's there. So many. You know, I don't see it. Oh, here comes Charlie. I hope it's been a long time. I guess it's been a while since I've been there. I mostly just drink their coffee that I get at the grocery store, the little pods. Duncan makes really good coffee. I understand somebody on the show sent you about a hundred of them too. Yeah, you sent me a bunch of my favorite Duncan decaf. Somehow, their decaf is better than their regular. But it's so good, it's just so good. Yeah, I don't really, I just get it just convenient. I like to mix and make the flavor, all the different flavors you can make, mix and match. All right, so, what are we on? I like your shirt, Charlie. I actually get that one. For those of you listening, Charlie is wearing a shirt with, it looks like a ball at the top of a hill, and it says, "I have potential." So, you have to be a nerd to get Charlie's shirt. So, what makes us love them all the more? I don't know, it looks like half of a sine wave to me. Potential energy. Potential energy. Yeah, it's right. Potential energy. All right, now that we have Charlie, Charlie gets the next question. What spongy snack cakes were relaunched in 2013 with the tagline, "The sweetest come back in the history of ever." Twinkies? That's the ones. Oh, well, they were off the market for a while? Huh. Yeah, really. Yeah, they were that. You're no better. Yeah, that was a big deal too, and somebody brought them back. They're hosted almost without a business. Wow. Wow. I didn't know that. Yeah. Of course, with my diabetes, I had to quit eating them. Yeah. He switched over to Skittles instead. But I can't eat just half a Twinkie. You've got to eat the whole thing, both of them in the package. Oh, yeah, I suppose that would be hard to just have one. Yeah. All right. After selling more than 350 million Doritos, Locos Tacos in 2012, what flavor did Taco Bell add to its Doritos shells in 2013? Wow. Uh, sour cream. You're close. Cool ranch. Oh, wow. Yeah, it is really close. I think I have one of the refrigerators, somebody wants to see what they look like. I just went to, went to Taco Bell tonight. How about that? Oh. All right. So, Charlie, it's your turn to pick a color. Your choices are yellow, blue, green, pink, purple. Um, I don't have a pink. Let's do pink. Okay. Political geeks. Oh boy. This group ought to get these on. Charlie, which MSNBC host has a recurring moment of geek segment featuring cool math science or other geeky news? I would have to make a wild guess on that. I would say Rachel Maddow. That is correct. Oh, good one. She doesn't really have that anymore because her show is only once a week. Yeah. She did that when she had a show every night, every week night. All right. And, uh, let's see, I think we're on Wayne. What self-confessed political junkie replaced David Gregory as the host of Meet the Press in 2014. Glad I'm not feeling one. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I can't think of a guy's name who does it now. It's the one who does it now, I think. Yeah. I see him. I can picture him, but I can't come up with his name. Anybody? I'm drawing a blank too. Chuck Todd. No. Oh, okay. Yeah. All right. I think, Diana, I think you're next, Diana. Boy. Uh, which statistician defied pundits by predicting President Obama's win in all 50 states before the 2011 presidential vote? Yeah. I have no. Kate Silver. Yeah. That would have been my guess if I could have gotten his name out. Not my best. Alan, are you next or is Charlie next? Alan hadn't gone since, uh, last time. All right. Uh, Alan, which comic? Again, teaming up with Bill O'Reilly on his popular Boulder and fresher tour. Hi. Swang. Good. Go ahead, Diana. John Stewart. No. No. I'll give you a hint. He used to be on Saturday Night Live. He used to anchor, uh, Saturday Night Live news, but we, we, we kept it now, that's how he chapped her after after, and then he went way conservative. Oh, he made up hard, right? Dennis Miller. That's the one. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Yeah. Well, you know, through music, uh, O'Reilly was on John Stewart's show not too long ago and they said something about they were touring together and yeah, but this was from, uh, from 20, when was it? 2011. Oh. Okay. Well, yeah, that was a while ago. I completely forgot that Dennis Miller had been on Saturday Night Live. Yeah. He'd have heard us from him in a long time. All right. Uh, Charlie, I think you're next. Yup. From which Sunday's CNN show did host Candy Crowley retire in 2014 after 27 years on the next network. Sunday show, huh? Mm-hmm. CNN Sunday show. Oh, CNN Sunday show, um, I'm, I don't, I have no idea. State of the union. Okay. Wow. Who are we on? I think Wayne, Wayne, all right, Wayne, which former Republican congressman began hosting an MSNBC morning talk show with journalist Mika Brzejinka in Brzezinski in 2007? Uh, Joe, what I, I'm drawing a blank on his last name right now. Uh, think of Paul, think of Simon and Garfunkel. Oh, are you going to? Oh, yes. Scarborough. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's good. All right. Uh, Alan, uh, who picked pink? Was that you, Charlie? I picked pink. Yeah. Okay. So Alan, uh, your turn to pick pink purple, there's no, uh, orange I think is in here. I don't know where orange is. Uh, there's yellow, blue, green, pink and purple, yellow. My favorite. I won't say. Okay. Uh, so category newsworthy. I need to have a clock up. There we go. All right. Alan. The detective on which TV cop show left the force to become a real anchor on CNN in 2001. Oh, my God. So the, your, the question is, which TV cop show there was on in 2001 and white TV blue. Um, hell, I don't know. That is correct. Oh, wow. Oh, good. Yes. It was Andrew Thompson who played detective Jill, Jill Kirkindile. Great. Huh. Holy crap. That's right. I forgot about that. Yeah, she's pretty. How can you forget about her? Yeah, I just forgot to see him been on, uh, in my TV blue. Wow. I think Wayne is next, uh, which of the following is the longest running TV show, longest running show on TV? Is it meet the press CBS news for the today show? Leave it to be. I'm going to say today's show. Meet the press. Meet the press. Wow. Hey, you know how I know that because I'm a fan of Alan Sherman. Uh, there's a song to Prezhaka that's allen yeta, allen yeta's television set, and it's eliteness. Meet the press. Don't be guess what I mean. And so meet the press is in this list of old TV shows and that's why I know it's been off the long and I thought, I mean, 60 minutes just had this 57th year premiere. Yeah. So that's been longer than 57 years. Wow. Wow. Meet the press, uh, when does meet the press hit again in 1947? Wow. That was when it was on the radio, I guess. It might have been on TV. It might have been one of them on TV in 1947, you know. Really? Oh, okay. Yeah. Lucy show was in 1950 or 51, so that wasn't the beginning of TV. That's probably when they were just these little tiny. Yeah. Yeah. Who are the great big things? They're great big consoles. Yeah. Uh, yeah, I think those tarantulas, you know, we're a little young for that, Diana. Uh, I remember we had the first colored TV on the block and that was, uh, same here. Cars was made by singer, the sewing machine company. Wow. I don't even remember what brand ours was, but I remember when we got, when we went from black and white to color as big deal, yeah, for some reason, my dad refused to get a color TV. It was black and white until I never got a color TV until I went to college in 1968. And I got my own dad's love gadgets, especially stuff like that. Yeah. Oh, so did I. The first to get a whatever it was. Yeah. It was always fun watching my father change tubes on the TV and, you know, stick to screwdriver in the wrong place. Oh, he's sick. Now four tubes. That was my job. They, they wanted me to exchange those tubes out when I was a kid. Uh, I remember seeing it. Yeah. He, you know, he's expendable. Go ahead and have trouble with it. I was the channel changer too. Oh, yeah. Got it. I remember that getting up, click, click, click, click, the new jobs you had been at, you know, trying to get rid of the adjusting the vertical and horizontal because it was solid or whatever that and you had the role of the collection of the antenna. We had a little box on top of the TV that it would you have to turn it from north to east. Would it be the, would it be the antenna mounted to the chimney outside or would it be? Yeah. Yeah. You had the box on top of the TV when you sat on TV. I remember those. Yeah. Rotators. Yeah. Yeah. Rotators. Right. Yeah. Remember it would be like click, click, click, give me this weird sound. Yep. Remember putting foil on the antenna? Yep. It's a health reception. Yep. Oh, yeah. It's like, like, you know, cheap apartment days, yeah, or, or a hanger, a metal hanger. It was a character on Saturday Night Live that I think was played by Mike Myers that was middle aged man and he would put a limb in him on your antenna. And every time I see Tim Walls do some ad where he's repairing a car, I think of middle aged man. How is it? There is a bit, it was, that was a bit on Saturday Night Live. I don't remember that. Next Tuesday, isn't it the first, isn't it October the first when Walls goes against fans? Yeah. Yeah. That's, yeah. This coming Tuesday is the. Oh, it's it. Oh, okay. Oh, good. Yeah. I should be. I think the first thing Walls ought to do is, is bring a dog in a cat that have not been eaten yet. I, I mean, eating the dogs are eating the, they still won't let that go. Those poor people, and the Haitians all over the country are dealing with this now. Yep. And guess where there's a boatload, literally a Haitians in Florida, yeah, that's right. In Florida, that bullshit has put Florida in play. Yep. Yeah. It'd be great if one of them took the Santa's job. Well, I guess that's pretty convenient, huh? Yeah. For our side. Yep. All right. But they could end up turning Florida blue. Yeah. So they're so pissed off at jumping bands. Everything is back fried with these guys. Yeah. All the time to open their mouth. Yeah. It's called Farma, baby. And just Trump trying to sell watches now. But it's not commercial. It's so cool. Well, okay. I heard that. Ted Thomas. Yeah. And watch it. Yeah. That's the guy on the street with the raincoat. Yeah. Yeah. Why did they make it drop my pillow pillow? Well, there was a dropy bear. Oh man. It's the Nike sneakers that were painted gold or something. Yes. Yeah. That's a grifter. He is such a snake oil salesman. Yeah. And it is. Wow. I don't understand. It is. And supporters will just throw money at any crap. Yeah. A friend of mine lives in Louisiana and a block away from him is a family that is poor as dog shit. They don't have a lawn and a fence to get an old beat up car and everything. And he lives in a nicer home, but that block, it's a long block, like half a mile away. And he says this guy's got Trump things all over his yard. And so my friend went over and asked him, are you a supporter? He says, you know, my wife and I, we don't eat for a couple of days. So we can send Donald the next $100 a week or a month or something like, are you fucking crazy? Yeah. Cheers. Don't worry, honey. We'll just eat the M and M's again, you know, some people, he's got people so wrapped up around him just thinking, if he loses, those people will be able to eat again and giving their food money to him. Yeah. And it's all so much grift. All right, we're, we're, we're, we're, I think Charlie, weren't we? Did I ask you, Diana, the last one, um, like, I think it's been a while until I asked which of the following is the longest running TV show meet the press. That was me. Diana, it's your turn. Okay. Surprisingly, he was the most trusted newscaster in America in 2009, according to an online poll by Time magazine. Surprisingly, huh? 2009, most trusted anchor. Oh, boy, news and so long, I don't know, oh, like it's, it's not network. It's cable and calling it news. Oh, so it must be a thing from Fox, John Stewart, John Stewart is the current. All right. All right. I'm missing this. I, I would go along with that. Yeah. Yeah. I think still. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I, I, I've, I've gotten annoyed with them lately, um, but that's another subject. All right. Now, Charlie, which two networks rushing to judgment to get a scoop? Miss reported that the Supreme Court had overturned Obamacare in 2012. Two networks. Oh, one of them's got to be Fox. Yeah. That's one. Um, MSNBC. No. CNN. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Always look at the scoops. Allen, which newspaper has the largest circulation as of 2014? Is it Wall Street Journal USA today or New York chimes? Wall Street Journal. Times. Yeah. I was going to say the last time I was in some shim ho hotel, that's the newspaper that ended up at your door. Yeah. Yeah. Probably the last time I ever wrote a red one. Yeah. Yeah. They're at every hotel. Yeah. Like you get the free USA today, or at least you used to. And there's a coupon in there for the hotel you're staying at. And you read the newspaper the day before you could have got the room off 50% off. Yeah. All right. Well, when I was at hotel six in July, they had a USA. Wow. Even the hotel six. Wow. All right. Who picked yellow? That was Allen, wasn't it? Allen. Yeah. All right. So Wayne, it's your turn to pick yellow, blue, green, pink or purple? Pink. All right. Pink it is. Latin flavor. What is the name of Dora, the explorer, the animated Latina on Nick Jr. Is it Martinez, Moones, or Marquez? Middle one. No. Marquez. All right. Diana. Which singer announced his engagement to a model soon after his ex wife, J-Lo, released her memoir, True Love, in 2014? Oh. Marquez. That's correct. And Charlie, on which daytime drama did Mexican-American actress Eva Longoria get her start? Was it All My Children, One Life to Live, or The Young and the Restless? The Young and the Restless. That is correct. Oh. Oh. Charlie, I know you were a soap opera fan. I'm an Eva Longoria fan. Oh. Okay. I was going to say, you know, it's got a pretty woman. Charlie's a fan. Yeah. You know, I have an embarrassing moment. I'm sure I've told this story before, but it was back in 2012. I got a ticket to this luncheon in San Antonio, and Barack Obama was the speaker. But also there was Eva Longoria and the Castro brothers, Joaquin and Julian. Now, that's the celebrities. Now, bear in mind, this is a room full of people that I see for two or three days every two years. And lots of people whose faces are recognized, and I know I'm supposed to know. But I, you know, I thought I was just like, hi, there we go. So good to see you. Right. No name types. Right. So I went up to take a picture of the president. And then as I was kind of crouching down to get back to my seat, I see Eva Longoria. I'm a big fan of desperate housewives, but I see her in the context of a room full of people I see every two years and vaguely recognize their faces. And until I'm doing exactly what I would have done to any of those other vaguely recognizable reasons, and look at that, I'm like, you know, like, like, I know who she is, or she knows who I am. And she's looking at me like, hello. Hey, you were a starstruck. No, it wasn't that I was starstruck. It was that I didn't realize she was Eva Longoria. Yeah. Just the face. Do you recognize? It's funny. We are almost out of time. Let's, let's, let's finish up this card here. All right. And we're on Alan. Which actress of Honduran parents portrayed a girl of Puerto Rican ancestry in the 2005 film The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants? Ted Cruz. No. I don't know. I never heard of it. Anybody? She was also on ugly Betty. And like I said, Ted Cruz. She was also on Superstore. America. America. America. For our role or whatever. Yeah. America. Forever. Yeah. And Wayne, which co-star of Will Smith in Hitch was picked by as number one on their top 99 most desirable women list in 2009. All right. I don't know. Eve a minute. Eve a minute. Yeah. Couldn't figure out how to align them. Uh, Diana, which South American country do sitcom stars Sophia Vigara? Hips don't lie singer Shakira. Call home. Oh, God. She's there. I think it's better as well. Now. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's about all we have time for tonight. And I want to remind y'all, everybody, make sure check and make sure your voter registration is current and up to date. And make a plan to vote now. Remember, get registered, get informed, get politically active and go vote. And if you don't have anything nice to think, come sit by me. Okay. (upbeat music)