Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #115 - Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi 1983

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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We have reached the end of the original trilogy for Star Wars. Join us as we break down our thoughts on Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes, Charlie Shaw and Jordan Zeilinger

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. [Music] Yeah, he's like, yeah, he says something like, you know what? I grew up here or something like that and then Hans is like, yeah, and you're going to die here too. How that hasn't been like at the beginning of some Midwest emo with like a high twang like guitar starting to play is beyond me because I've heard that I was like, man, that would have been literally any pop punk song. I don't know how heavy you go, Chuck, but do you listen to the acacia strain? Yes. Yeah, their first album, they had that song. I forget it's like Mechanic Techno Death Machine or something. It's the name of it and they have that he's more machine now than man in that one. Nice. My assumption would be that Lucas was just like adamant that he would not license out any anything. But back then, nobody was stopping him. No. You know what I mean? Like they were just a bunch of no name bands trying to do shit. Yeah. Stealing art. Yeah. Good times. Oh man, I love, I love all the evil bands and the death metal band that just throw random lines from movies in the Christ. Is the best. Is the best. Boondock Saints just randomly every fucking time for no reason. Yeah, I know, right? Like bleeding through. It was a firefight. Brothers, sisters and Rubble scum. Welcome to the conclusion of the main saga, the only saga that matters. The OG trilogy, you one might call it. Yeah. Is this, this is not the end of, is this the end of the Skywalker saga? No. No. The last three to account. Yeah, they retroactively called seven, eight, nine, the part of the Skywalker saga. Literally every main line movie is a Skywalker saga. Yep. That's really rude. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Before we get into it, let's do a little lead at showdown here. Oh boy. Here we go. If you are recording. Yeah, we've been recording for a while. Look, I finally, I finally listened to you guys. Everybody was here. I hit record. Yeah. Everyone was confused because normally we do the whole episode without recording and then record it afterwards. That's true. Yeah. We got to do a dry run. He gets. I know. Oh, by the way, I'm the person that does in the direction. I am a Chuck Jordan's here. Joe's here. Ron's here. So look, a little lead at showdown. This may actually even play into a bracket. I have some recording coming up soon, finally. Yeah. If we can get the last of these episodes done maybe in a year he'll release them. Who knows? The first three. So four, five, six. Or one, two, three. As the best. Stand alone. I don't know if stand alone is going to be the bracket. But lastly, the last. I think it's going to be a great fandom trilogies. Original. Four, five, six. Definitely original. Because you're saying for which one is the greatest? Are you saying is one of them? Of these two. Which one do you argue is the better of the two? I mean, don't get me wrong. The prequel trilogy is good. There's a lot of good and over the years people have come back to it and found. They're loved for it has grown. But the original trilogy without those three movies, we wouldn't have the Star Wars we have today. Yeah. Let to be honest, the only reason why one, two and three have gotten so much hype was because we had nothing for so long after them. That's not true because even after they got the hate. Yeah. That's what they got. The hate is because people had waited so long. You know, if four, five, six never came out and the Star Wars franchise started in 1999 with one and went to three. The third one, just like the Hunger Games series would have been a TV movie release. I don't, I honestly think that it would not have landed because I think that everyone did not like the Phantom Menace so much. That if we didn't have the goodwill of the original trilogy, we would have never made it through all three and it would not have. It just would not have stuck around as long as it has. I mean, honestly, the first one probably wouldn't have made it because it wouldn't have had the fanboys going out to see it even if they were just wanting to shit on it because it would have been nothing. They would have been like, who the fuck is George Lucas? Yeah. Yeah. I would have genuinely argue that that's probably what saved it was that fanboys being mad about it and getting on the internet and bitching about it still saved the Star Wars franchise when the prequels came out. Because it still had people going and seeing it. What I think saved the prequel trilogy is their decision a year to prior to release the originals in theaters because I think what kept this going, our generation as children, knowing the originals but not getting to experience them and then getting to experience Star Wars for ourselves in theaters the first time around. I think the older generation went off the Star Wars bandwagon during that prequel trilogy and were like, I'm done with this. I think we're the ones who kept it alive. We took that. We took the baton from them and we kept running. Yeah. It's millennials fall. That's what I keep hearing. Our avocado toast and phantom menace. It's really bringing the economy. That's driving the economy. Yep. That makes sense. That tracks. All right. Anyway, so welcome to episode six, Return of the Jedi, or as I like to call it, Luke stands around like a fucking dork while everything bad happens around him. Not wrong. He's interested. He's a Jedi. Now that you said it, I can't disagree with that. Yeah. That's all I can think of now. I kind of forgot about this. I don't really like this movie. And we'll get into it as we go along, but Luke sucks. Luke is not a good character in the span of any of those. To be fair with this one in particular, it was one of those movies where they were alluding to him going to the dark side. Yeah. And so like him, I would argue, kind of fits that persona. I think it could have been worse. He could have had hair coming down across his eye like this and dance through the streets. So. Doing that. We'll get there eventually. I would argue that he had already turned at one point because he does some shit in this. Then I'm like, yo, that is blatant, like dark side for choking. I never did that. Yeah. He's for American gods. I remember that at all. I don't really think he just, like, made him go to sleep. Like just, like. Oh, he made him go to sleep. But like, yeah, he just made him real hard. Yeah, I seriously remember this, like from, from when I was young, that he just like pushed them away. Yeah. But rewatching, he like, chokes him out. And like, I'm pretty sure that he actually just, he doesn't, he doesn't even choke him out. He like just like breaks, like collapses their throat. He goes like this and then like that to both of them, like in quick succession. It's not like the Vader where he's like, you know, giving them a little pick on their shoes that Luke is more powerful in the force. Well, hang on, then this brings up a question that I, that made me wonder with the like logistics of his powers that he has in the force. So he's able to force choke these two dudes to get out of it. Why doesn't he just force choke the rain core? Is it a size thing? You, you can't force choke large things? Like, why does he concentrate on it, maybe? There is a lot of questions I have about if he's this great fucking Jedi Knight warrior master. Why the fucking he do most things? Like when he's in the trap. Because he's a Jedi Knight, like his father before him, not a Jedi master. Okay. It's like too stupid in the sense to that like, I think they're supposed to be alluding to the fact that like he's so powerful, he could just take out like Vader and the Emperor if he wanted to, but he's showing restraint because that's what a Jedi does. And I'm like, I don't buy that, but they're trying to sell us. Yeah, those two, I mean, we obviously saw, I mean, yeah, he didn't put up a fight there at the end against Palpatine, but the Emperor just forced lightning him almost to death. So I don't think he was actually still up to the Emperor. I think he would have, I think he was doing like a Solomon the King and the Bible thing where he's like, I'm going to sacrifice myself to get my father, because I know he's going to sit like it's almost like he was really like. And again, I don't agree with this, but I think that was the thought process behind it like Luke could beat both of them. He just decided not to to get his father to come back to the light side. And also when he saw when after it chopped off Vader's hand, and obviously saw the mechanics. It's like, Oh man, we both have metal hands. Yeah, it's like, that was the equivalent of the Martha, my mother's name. I got your 20 I and your middle hand. Yeah, I agree. Luke Luke is really annoying in this movie. And I just want to get it out on the table right now. Like I've always said, this was my favorite of the original series growing up watching it again now. Objectively this movie is totally the worst. Like it's super unimaginative. Like they're like, Hey, what do we do for this one? The death star to. Hey, what do we do again? Another trench run. Hey, what do we do? Like, it's just something over and over and over and over. Chuck, I want to get to your point because you, I know you want to say something. I'm sorry, we kept interrupting you. That's good. However, looking through IMDB, apparently originally, this was supposed to be the introduction to the death star. It wasn't supposed to be in a new hope, but for, I don't know, budget reasons or the studio reasons. They put it in there. Lucas put it in a new hope to have the movie, I guess. It's been the original, like, appearance, the first appearance of death star. Now, obviously, because of the first one, they reworked it reworked how the scene was going to go. But if that would have been the original, like, seeing the death star. I think I will like that, you know? Yeah, well, it just makes me wonder, like, everyone who gives rise of Skywalker crap or, like, somehow Palpatine returned and they're like, wow, that was really stupid, like, way to just expose it, like, a whole plot point. But I'm like, they kind of did that in this movie. Well, I'm right there with you. This was my favorite of the original trilogy. And after this watching, I'm like, yeah, it's not down to me. It's kind of unfortunate. So, do you suppose that this one is the reason we have furries? No, no, I can also know is the reason we have furries. All right, Chuck, go ahead and say what you're going to say, because we kept getting off. Okay. Two things. One. This is why Luke is the worst fucking character in the entire thing. And it was the moment of just, like, I was in the kitchen. And my mom hears me and just goes, are you fucking kidding me? You. Dweeb? They get trapped in the net, right? Chewbacca grabs the meat because he's thinking with his stomach all the time or whatever. Sure. And they get trapped in the net. And what does Luke immediately say, Han, can you reach my lightsaber? Motherfucker, you have force grab! Yeah, totally. His powers come and go as the plot. It's not his powers. It's his mental capacity. Right there. Because he's just a dumb farm boy. That are two cuts that one little, like, section, and the whole net just opens up. That's terrible. No, it doesn't actually attest to. If you've ever had a... The weave of the net actually does that. That it immediately happens. If you cut the string just right, whole fucking clam thing just opens up and it goes all over the floor. And then everything smells like clam. Clam. Yeah. Smell the grand's bad date most of the time. And it's just unpleasant and I hate it and it's the worst. Okay, I take back my criticism. I didn't know. I had no idea. It does happen like that. Okay. Second thing. Second thing. I, to this, I understand, I've watched this movie enough. I, to this day, will never be convinced that they were rebuilding a new Death Star. Thank you. It always looks like it's like, "Oh, we just found all the scraps and we're trying to put the broken one back together." Honestly, that would be a fine plot point to me. Like, I'd be totally okay with that. When you read the scrolling, it said they're building a new piece of equipment that was more deadly than the dreaded Death Star or whatever. And you're expecting it to look different? And it's like, "Oh, no, it's just a Death Star except for now it's been blown the fuck up." Yeah. Why is it still true? Like, why is it still somehow operational? Because it's a trap. Would you not hear what Admiral Akbar said? It was a trap. It's a trap. Yeah, like, from my understanding, and I think this was stated in one of the novels, I don't remember. I've read too many novels, too many in the comics. But they're making both Death Stars at the same time. Because if you think about it, there's no way in hell that they built a Death Star. A brand new Death Star in two years? Yeah, like two years. And a bigger Death Star. I think, yeah. Not just another one, a bigger. Yeah. Yeah, because this was like the super, like, planet. According to me, it was 460% larger than the first Death Star. Yeah. And then when we get to a Force Awakens, we get Stark Killer Base, which is like 10,000 times larger than this Death Star. Because it's a fucking planet. Yeah, they just used a planet. Like, they were like, all right, we're just going to build inside of a planet. It was kind of like pretty much the iPhone coming out. They're like... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, it's unfortunate that this movie, when you rewatch it as an adult, and you kind of don't have the... I wouldn't say nostalgia as heavy. You do start seeing how this movie was like... And not to mention, so like the first two are pretty serious movies. And this movie seems to not take itself serious at all. Like, Hans just like, quip, quip, quip. And literally he walks and dah, dah, dah. And I feel like everyone's just kind of palin' around and doing whatever. Okay. Well, I mean, it famously, Harrison Ford didn't want to be in this movie. No, he wanted them to kill off on, I know. Yeah. Yeah. And then obviously the Ewoks, which, funny enough, they never actually say Ewoks in the movie. Mm-mm. No, we just... I don't know. And I mean, I'm not... Well, that's from the cartoon. Oh, it's from the... They're getting named in the cartoon, I believe. The cartoon and the two Ewok movies that came out after it. I'm sure the toys from Kenner were labeled Ewoks. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not hating on the Ewoks 'cause, I mean, I have a wicked Funko pop. I love Ewoks, but it's good. So I think it's a generational thing 'cause, like, millennials, I know, like, like them. But this is the thing that always makes me laugh. Okay. And maybe it's just 'cause we were millennials and we grew up during a very specific war that happened. But the idea that everybody's like, there's no way that the Ewoks could ever take down the empire. Really? Really? You're telling me that a bunch of dudes with, like, head wraps and in pajamas are, like, are making them a giant military complex? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Totally not possible at all. Like, what are you talking about? This is an allegory for the Vietnam War. Yeah. I wonder if it was that. It's also the war in Iraq. But when Lucas made this, it was mimicking the Vietnam War. Like, the empire comes in to the fourth movement or to try and evade Yada-yada-yada. America goes to Vietnam to try and evade Yada-yada-yada, the native's wreck house. So do you want to propose that the stormtroopers that survived that battle went on to tell everybody that they fought Wookiees instead of Ewoks? I did kind of wonder at this, like, collaboration. Could you imagine being that dude and being like, oh, you guys were, you know, on the Yavin Moon, like, how did it feel to get beat up by Teddy bears? Yeah. Well, I... Endor, yeah. Originally, they were supposed to be Wookiees, not Ewoks. Yes. Yes. So it's kind of funny you bring that up because they were supposed to be Wookiees. Yeah. That would have made more sense. Well, then they changed it because they didn't want to confuse audiences. I can't remember. I were real actors and decided to get chills with little people. Oh, that too. People... Hey, some of those were real actors. They were real actors. I mean, Baker. Sure. Kenny Baker. Warwick Davis. Warwick Davis. Well, so funny enough. The majority of the extras were just, like, children. Sure. But they actually got a lot of little people actors for this one. From what I read, 10 of the main Ewoks were legit actors, and then the rest were, you know, children and all that. If we're talking about Ewoks, I'm going to state it now because I still, after watching this, believe it. Because remembering this, the saddest moment in movie history to me ever, which I still agree with, is when the two Ewoks are running and the gun shoots them, and then the one Ewok trying to wake up, its friend Ewok, and then they're dead, and it just is so sad. Yeah. I'm like, this is the saddest moment in movie history to me. Yeah. It's what the ASPCA built all of their commercials off of. Yeah. Like 100%. Like, I've seen clips where they put the eyes of an angel, like, playing in the background. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Great. Um, so there was a, there's a scene that you mentioned earlier with Han and Lando talking. You may mention those on the barge. But when they're in the, um, the hangar and, and Han is telling Lando to, to take the, the falcon and he reluctantly does. When they get into the ship, Han looks at the, looks at the falcon and he gets this feeling that he's not going to see, you know, he's never going to see it again. Technically he's right because the next time we see Han canonically, he doesn't, he hasn't seen the falcon for 30 years. Well, 20 years, but I think that there's going to be some story. I know. But yeah, there is. I mean, aftermath, he's back in the falcon. But I'm just, just try movie wise, movie wise, I mean, I, I, for some reason, remember that thing blowing up. I don't know why I thought so too. Really? I also thought, who's brand idea was it to take the falcon into a tight, like space, like I'm like, this is the most bulky, like, I get like, it's the fastest ship in the fleet. I don't think you need to explain to me how that thing out runs an X swing. You like I could, my brain can't comprehend it. So it's got a plot generator inside of it, which makes it go faster. A bunch of walruses. But there are seals, seals, whatever they were themselves, right? I don't remember. Oh, love it. Love it. So I have a question for you guys jumping back to the beginning of this movie when C3P0 and RTD2 were given as gifts to Java and they go through like the droid torture area. There's a gong droid who's being turned upside down and then his like feet are being burned and he's like, yelling and pain. Does this mean that we are cruel enough that we created droids to have a receptor that tells them when they are in pain? Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like that. I imagine that's something you would leave out of a droid. But that's why droids when they buy, they give them a kill count. Okay. And C3P0 is like, oh, I hit my head or, you know, shit like that. But speaking of C3P0, C3P0 is that one employee that does as little as possible to get through their day and get so irritated with the other employees that are trying to go above and beyond. And that is just him and RTU just all the time. I disagree because he's always like willfully giving up the fact that he speaks so many like that. Oh, no, no. Always there to help. It's the exact thing that the employee that does the least amount possible does. They tie it. They talk their shit up. They hype themselves up. But when push comes to shove, they do very little. Okay. I could, I could see that, I could see that. Um, also, so, you know, I didn't think rewatching the Sarlac, adding the Sarlac like worm thing in. I was like, I hate it. I was like fine with it. And the most egregious thing was that song break we had where 100% I hate it. Why? So fucking much. Why? I actually, I kind of like it. You would. Why? I just don't get why. It's not needed. You're there. I just feel like he's strong. I think that's not needed. Because how are we going to have a serious movie without a ridiculous music thing? These movies are kids. You don't need to have it. I guess. You know, I understand the first two are serious, but this is a movie. Yeah. I guess that's true. But then that makes me think then if jazz in Star Wars is called jizz, does that mean the blues in Star Wars is called Jews? Come on, Lucas. Give us an answer. I know. If I'm going out here, anyways, there we go. We're getting flagged now, guys. Hey, hey, it's talk to Lucas about it, man. He's like, you're the side of this. Oh, fuck. So going back to. Oh, you shit. That was funny. Holy fuck. All right. Anyway. Sorry. You got Ron anyway? Yeah. Wow. I like that. I thought it was good. I'm with you, Jordan. I don't know. When did anybody else get the feeling when Vader shows up? That's like when corporate shows up to your office for like a surprise day. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And like, commander was like, but sir, like, what are you doing here? Oh, the emperor's coming. Oh, he's coming here. I love. I love how Vader shows up and he's like, hey, you guys are like behind schedule. Can you like hurry at the fuck? I was like, oh, I'll get done. It's like, yeah, maybe if you didn't show up, these guys stand here, like, well, it's funny. Vader shows up and there's like eight stormtroopers and then the emperor shows up and is like, literally the whole base is like, yeah, it's everybody that is can fill a space. Yeah. It's corporate America. I was waiting for Darth Vader to be like, I'm Mike Rowe and man. But speaking of earlier in the film and Jabba and all that, you would think when Luke shows up, says he's Luke Skywalker, Jabba would remember who Anakin Skywalker is and what he did for him, saving his child and all. Jabba has a lot going on, man. Sure. But it's a job. Jabba does a lot of drugs. Well, that's when we already figured out that Skywalker is like Jones in the Star Wars universe. We thought that it's probably that because there's too, it's, there's too many people that should have recognized the Skywalker name that didn't. Yeah. Fair. Okay. Like anybody that was ever on Tatooine. Mm hmm. Yeah. Have you guys ever been confused about the logistics of the Sarlach though, because they in my child brain, they were like, oh, you'll be slowly digested for a thousand years. Yeah, we did before that. I was going to die in like three days from not even my mom. That means, that means that it takes longer for you to digest than it's stomach than it would for you to naturally, uh, decompose. Yeah, but that's what I'm just like, you wouldn't be digested for a thousand years. Sure. Your body would. And maybe the idea of your body, like maybe that's what's so scary about being a zombie. It's not the fact that you died, but that your body continues on after you're dead. Maybe it's like, oh, I'm dead, but like I'm still slowly being desecrated by the stomach acids of this like pit. This was actually, this was actually Lucas, um, just planting the seed for the book of Boba Fett later on, because if it didn't take that long, if it didn't take that long for him to be eaten alive or digested, then he could have, you know, he possibly wouldn't have survived to the 20 seconds that he was in there. So no, he actually originally killed him off, but the character became so popular that it doesn't make any sense at all. I have no idea why people love Boba Fett. No idea. Yeah. You know what it is? It's the fucking armor. Yeah. That. But also here's, here's the other thing. Like he survives canonically in the, in the books, like when the before the legend, like the legends books, he survives a saw like that. I can't remember how on that one, probably similar to how he showed, you know, popped out in the book of Boba Fett. I always heard that he had a force field he generated, and then he crawled out very similar. I have the, no, I have the legend's comic, actually called like blood ties or something that shows you. Okay. I have it on my shelf. I'll have to go pull it out and look again, because I don't remember either. Like I know, I believe I always heard, was he, he had some force, don't know why he didn't have one. He got smacked in the back, but whatever it wasn't ready for that one guys, didn't they go? Yeah. All right. Yeah, so I don't know, Boba Fett is popular for whatever reason. But, but going back a little bit further, when Luke is talking to, uh, Java, right? And he is very clearly standing on the viewing rate for down in the, uh, pit and not on the trap door, which was right in front of Java's, uh, uh, little, yeah, well, stand or whatever. Well, yeah. But when he pulls the lever, he's standing right on top of there, even though he was. He walked up. He wasn't that close to him. No, he's. He did. He walks in front of him. He does. He walks a little bit closer to get closer, but he wasn't close to him because that, that pit is right in front of his block, like it is right in front of it. But in the guard, the, uh, the one guard like grabs them and they kind of like scuffle a little bit like he gets on to the trap door. But before the scuffle happens is when C three Pio tries to tell him that he's standing on the trap door because he had moved up there. Look, I think the blocking of a scene is the least egregious thing of this whole movie. Yeah. Let's talk about some bad, bad scene, like blocking when Leah gets on out of the carbon night. Okay. They have the whole scene and then they, they're turning the go. They're facing, they're facing this way. They hear the laugh and they turn around to see Jabba. And when the camera goes to in front of them, there's like a whole group of people magically right there right behind some random curtain you guys didn't see that, no, like. So that was the one with Jabba. But when they had turned, they're originally facing the stairs to get out and they turn to Jabba. And when the camera is facing Han and Leah, there is just like 20 people there. How they got there in a split second or how they missed those 20 people is wearing like a helmet with like literally this much of a ball, like, oh, I guess you're right now. When she was sneaking in there, yeah, and you did, but I think you didn't, they were, they weren't there. She snuck down the stairs, took him down, went down on him, and then, you know, do you think it was a bit of derogatory action, like direction in this movie to have her bump into the wind chimes when she was trying to sneak around? They're like, you dumb girl. You can't be bumping into things. She gets really dumb in this movie and it's like, you know, I heard or I don't remember where I heard, but I, I always thought that it was kind of like a thing like she was not happy with the gold bikini, like, oh, you're objectifying me or this and that, but I heard somewhere that in the first two, they were trying to make her very much like a heroine, right? Like, we're not going to objectify you. You're going to be like the male cast members, you're going to be a hero. And she was like, I want to wear something sexy. And that's when they were like, fine, put her in a gold bikini. Like, I kind of remember hearing her face, something like that. And then took that in IMDB. I don't, I don't remember because they're, I'm just going to throw out the white dress without a brawl. And it was pretty hot. So I don't know. Yeah, no. You're the bad ass. Tape on your boobs. Yeah. Well, I know the only complaint I remember ever hearing that she had about it was that it was it was like, the bikini itself was like wired. So like when she she couldn't move in it and when she laid down, like her cooter was like flat out. They had. So apparently. Yeah. Go ahead. I was going to say they had to pretty much after every take have two people come in and like re-push her boobs back in and everything. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They, there was there was apparently a few different outfits like it's all the same, like design, but like few different styles. And yeah, like there's, there's shots where there was a wardrobe malfunction and they hadn't reshooted it because things kept popping out. So I think I even heard this was like the scene she's in with these were like the most, like the highest takes because it happened so frequently, doing more and more. Yeah. Yeah. I do know that she was, she was a lot like a professional wrestler in a lot of ways and interviews where like it depended on the time of like, whether she hated George Lucas and Star Wars, or she loved it would really changed her like views on a lot of the stuff. So I was like, how high she was. How high she was to that. Yeah. That's also true. But there was a really. Both of them after this movie. Yeah. There was a really long stretch where she just didn't, you want to talk about Star Wars anymore. She hid Star Wars and was tired of interviews and would really shit on a lot of it. And then would just pretend like later on where she was like coming back because they were going to bring her back and stuff where she was like, Oh, no, I love it. Oh, it's great. I had a great time. I'm so glad to be a part of it again. It's like, I'm sure you are that's that's most actors and actresses though, top building. He hated Smallville actually who during Smallville, he kind of got sick and tired of fans. And then it's only recently that he's kind of come back around to being like, Oh, yeah, my fans are great. I mean, he's always like the fans. Sure. You know, I will say one thing about Carrie Fisher is that I've always thought that she's very like genuine in the sense that I just love listening to her interviews and stuff because she's like that kooky aunt you have, you know, like, or even if you don't have you just know of a kooky aunt and like anytime I saw her at a convention or I've heard her do interviews, I'm just like, what it would be like to be in your mind for a day. Just to be the most recent person ever. She was at Indiana Comic-Con in 2015 or 2016. I can't remember which six thing I think. Okay. And the line was ridiculous, obviously, but you could tell who met Carrie Fisher because she would baptize you in glitter. I love it. See, it was wonderful. It's great. I love when I saw her at Star Wars celebration, she brought her dog along and the dog like sat on her lap on the couch while they were doing the interview and everything. I'm like, this is amazing. And I think what's what's his name? James Arnold Taylor. He's the guy who just always probably wanted to close. He was conducting the interview and they brought up about the life day Star Wars holiday special. Yep. And they were talking about like, you know, did you enjoy it? What do you think of it? She's like, I keep a copy of that at home for when I want people to leave a party. I just throw that bad boy on and everyone is getting out. Dude, I love that movie. I watch it every year, every Christmas. It's bad, but it's a good I've never seen it. It's a good bad. There's. Should I add it to the lift? You should because I need Ron to watch a scene of a Wookie pretty much watching a VR strip tease experience. God, that thing is that's a mess I've seen. It's so messed up and weird. I do not. It makes you feel gross and our first canonical appearance above a fact in that movie. It's true. I feel like every time I watch that scene in the holiday special, I feel like I'm watching Pee Wee Herman in the porn theater. Yeah. Sure. I don't like it. I don't like it. Shucks home town. Yeah. Shucks home town. Yeah. For sure. That's the game. Yeah, you got it. So I also want to point out that, you know, 3PO when he's talking to the Ewoks, he basically sums up the first two movies in like five minutes. Yep. Just saying. What is one of his languages, like via glattens or I was going to say vehicles because like he makes the sounds really well. Yeah. It's actually that guy from a police academy the whole time, okay, so when Obi-Wan's spirit comes back and talks to Luke, like his force goes, not only was he disappointed in Luke for not wanting to commit patricide. He also leaves out the part where, you know, he dismembered and left his father to burn to death. Well, of course. He's like, yeah. Yeah. Darth Vader definitely killed your dad. It wasn't me, you know, burning, cutting him up and leaving him to burn on Mustafar because that definitely, you know, wouldn't have been my street creds. Okay. Explain it to me like I'm a five year old, how this works. Qui-gon. We record a show. Qui-gon got whacked and was fine and was there. And they burned him in that? Did they burn him in that one? Yeah, they burned Qui-gon. What do you mean he got? He's fine. He died. I don't know. No. Well, like his body was still present. Oh, yeah. His body was still present. And then they burned him. Yes. Okay. And then a bunch of other Jedi just getting murked. Yeah. Nothing happens. Sure. But then Yoda and Obi-Wan, they just poof out of thin air. I have an explanation for this. Okay. It was the first one to figure out how to get his force ghosts to come back. So he was like not like it was a very new thing where he taught Obi-Wan and Yoda how to do it. So they were ready to go. Like they knew what to expect. They knew how to transition into that where Qui-gon had a less linear path into the force to become a force ghost because he was kind of the first one to ever do it. It's kind of like when somebody makes a recipe and then you follow that recipe, you follow the recipe because you've already got the recipe. That person was making the recipe, had to do a lot of trial and error to get the recipe, right? Yeah. Or like how knowing could land a 900 on escape or till Tony Hawk did it and everyone could do it after that. Like once you know it can be done, it's just like a lot easier to do. So then why doesn't Vader pop? We don't know. Vader doesn't though. But he burns his body. Yeah, we do. Oh, yeah. He burns his body. Or does Vader might not pop because he's more machine now than man. So yeah, there's not enough man left in him. Only the man parts that were left come popped. Yeah. That was funny. He's actually burning the machines just to make up the station. Yeah. We see his helmet. We don't see there's a face inside of it. It's just a pollute, the planet. Force man. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, why not? Endor doesn't have any more problems. None of this is actually proven in anything written. This is just my idea of it. I mean, that's good, but I think that actually was proven in Obi-Wan, wasn't it? Follow the show. It's proven that Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan, that Qui-Gon does come back as a force ghost because Yoda always said, "Oh, Qui-Gon learned how to commune." Yeah. Well, isn't there also like a cartoon episode where Yoda actually talks to Qui-Gon's ghost? I don't remember. I remember talking to Darth Bane. Yeah, he talks to Darth Bane. That was in the season that got cut short, five or whatever, because he goes to that planet. Yeah. Five or six, he goes to that planet and talks to Darth Bane. I don't know about Qui-Gon. Yeah. I don't recall that. I mean, there's a lot of episodes. I don't remember. It could just be a, you know, a book, something I misremembered by. Yeah. Lastly, Luke knows that Vader is his father. Luke saw Vader, apparently, find Jesus and throw the emperor and whatever. Realistically speaking, then everybody else, that's still Darth Vader's, but like, that's still Darth Vader. He's a horrible, evil, awful person, and they're going to give him an honorable burial. They don't though. Luke goes off by himself to do it just himself. Yeah. Oh, that is not implied here. He's just standing there by himself. You'll see him. All you see is him. Yeah, but everybody else is celebrating in their own the same spot. But they're, but they're so, but then you see Luke return to the celebration after. Now that he's done kind of like honoring his father. I guess it was a, okay. Okay. Okay. Lastly, then also, that was, that was evidence that Darth Vader is dead. Because I do not feel like, like, I don't know, he's also machine. Shouldn't we be like trying to figure out codes and shit that he may have stored in there? And so also, they blew up one fucking Death Star Wars over. It's already over. It was not. We know it's not because we've seen. It's not because they killed the emperor. It's not because they blew up the Death Star because they killed the emperor. It's kind of, it's kind of like, you know, yeah, the, the figurehead is gone and they're celebrating the figureheads. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but yeah, no, Jordan's right. And Ron's right. It's the emperor's dead. It's dead by celebrating, which it is the equivalent of George Bush. Same mission accomplished, like on the cruiser. Exactly. Yeah. And that's what it was. It doesn't mean that the cause or the effort is over. Yeah. Because, and, and you know, there are, there are novels, there are books that, that talk about the aftermath, you know, aftermath trilogy and some comics that, that deal with the, you know, what the fallout of this, um, and it's not good. Like it, there's, there's a another like last stand for the empire and it doesn't work out for the empire, that, that's what the battle of Jakku comes from, but it works out enough. Like, cause if the new republic actually finished the job, we would never would have had the first order. Correct. Because they went back to their bureaucratic ways, we allowed the remnants of the empire to amass another army in the outs, outer rims and first order because instead of being like, Hey, you know, this rebellion, we've been doing pretty good and let's keep doing it this way. They're like, Nah, let's just go back to how we were doing it, the way that got us here in the first place. But it's also reminiscent of real life governments. Yep. Yep. Exactly. I hate these fucking movies. I know. So, is it, has anybody ever noticed how like vindictive as fuck R2 is? Like that dude does not forget and does not forgive, um, chopper is worse. Okay. That's fair. What did R2 do? Oh, you mean like when he was shooting the Ewoks? Yeah. I mean, that was playful. Oh, also it was it, uh, Ron had brought up the, the prison that we're left or whatever talking about Wookiees. I think we're, I think we can all agree. Those Ewoks ate those guys, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Especially when they find like Luke finds Leia's helmet sitting there. There were two, quote, dead stormtroopers there as well. Three dead stormtroopers. Three, either way, um, yeah, he finds the, he finds the helmet. He finds the speeders. No troopers anywhere. Yeah. Definitely. He got to eat. All right. I was going to say, we always talk about like how cutesy and stuff that Ewoks are. They're they're eating people. They're the criminal bears. They're the criminal bears. Very realistically, just like a real life bear, I would probably lose an arm or a limb because I would pet it Ewoks in the same way, they're just smaller and they look cuddlier, you know, like, yeah, um, also did you guys like, is it just me or does the emperor actually get a warning for Luke's anger at the end of this? Oh, he stole like it's not even, it's not even like a, like an interest in the forcing. It's just like, oh, that's right. Get angry for daddy. I mean, for the emperor. I mean, he is, he is hardcore on it. Like, why do you, why else do you think he has to wear some loose fitting robes? I mean, he's got some stuff. Well, and very, like, I think this definitely opened our eyes to some, like, more means from King stuff that we weren't expecting, like in a lot of ways, because just like the way he acts, the weird, like vibe, the kind of the weird vibe that Vader and Luke have in this is like super weird. We got like, we got like brother, sister, like, kink in this too. Like, they never, I'm just saying the sexual tension between Luke and Leah never breaks. Didn't go away. It doesn't go away. So much. So much so that it made Han feel uncomfortable. Well, he did that, like, thought he was like, Oh, you are a brother and sister. He's kind of thinking about everything that happened. But no, wait a minute. But see, then his thought process went to wait, if I'm being in the sister. Maybe the brother's in for it. There's no way that wasn't like a triangle going on. I'm going to go back to what I said in Empire Strikes Back about that documentary I saw about the father of a thousand children where people who are related who do not know they're related are going to be more attracted to each other because you see a part of yourself in them. So if they didn't know it, it makes sense they would be attracted to each other. That's very Luke was trying to see a part of himself and Leah. Well, and also could you make it the weirdest, most seductive, most uncomfortable way to say that, like, just say she's your sister, man, like, why are you being around the bush? Why are you being weird about it? Why are you being like a annoying little, like, drama queen about it? Just say, like, Oh, by the way, you're actually my sister. Yeah, because Luke is kind of a little brother that would be like, Oh, my sister's in the shower. Oh, he's actually the older brother, he was born first. Oh, that's even worse. Yeah. Um, but speaking of that scene, though, like, because of the prequels, I never thought anything originally anything of the scene of when he asked Leah about her mom and all that. And she's like, Oh, yeah, she was beautiful and I don't really remember much of her. It's sad. Yeah. And then now after the prequels, it's like, no, she died, like, a minute after you were born. I think that's fine retconned because what I got from that is that she's in tune with the force to have like, not that she remembers her mother in memory. She remembers the feeling of her mother, which was sad because her husband just, like, went to the dark side. Yeah. And yeah. Or the show will be one that kind of helped build on that as well. So, or the fact that, um, Jesus Christ, I wanted to call him a Regano, um, Organa, uh, her, you know, yeah, dad, uh, probably had pictures of her mom, like, in his special office. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. That's good. Um, speaking of real quick, uh, just because of the comment repot back to my head, uh, we were talking about how Leia, um, removed her helmet or whatever, when she was in Java's thing. There's a scene where we get the reveal that Lando's there, um, where he like, slightly pulls down the face mask. And I immediately just go, Lando, we know it's you. You're the only black guy in the universe, like everybody else who knows it's you. I was wondering how he was able to work his way undercover and there's like, yeah, you're the one black dude. Yeah. You're like, you are. Other black guy, he's in the background, uh, when they're having the meeting about the, uh, like the planning, the attack on the death star, there's one black guy and he was just like sitting there at a hip, like if you watch legitimately him and Lando make eye contact with each other. Like, so where are the only two black guys in the universe? Right. Right. We're gonna die first. Huh? Okay. Cool. There also is some female pilots that you see in that scene, but, uh, according to what I saw in IMDB, you don't actually see them flying. Actually, there is one that you do see flying, but they dubbed her over with the male voice, uh, because apparently it was like a negative connotation, kind of, whatever, uh, of females dying in battle. Yeah. They say it was going to be too upsetting to see a female die in battle. Yeah. Like that just, yeah. Meanwhile, we can watch it. Wookiees or, uh, Ewoks get absolutely merced. Oh, yeah. And those are female Wookiees. Come on. I don't know. Um, so the, the head lady there, once again, makes the comment of a lot of good, a lot of good people died to get these plans, yeah, the bottom. But okay. So what did they, what was it that they got the plans for the new, like, for where to shoot the death star? Where, where the death star was, how to take down, how to take it down, how to take down the. Look, you'll understand what happens when Rogue two comes out. Yeah. I was, I'm actually surprised there hasn't been like the, like the follow up movie of like essentially row two. Yeah. The thing is, in the first movie, the plans were actually stolen. In this movie, it was a, it was like, this was part of the trap. The emperor gave them, let the plans be taken on purpose so that they would fall into his trap. Right. But would you also mark a bunch of people? Sure. Because you got to be serious. Yeah. Okay. You have to fake an assassination to get those, you know, creds, right? Yeah. Yeah. That's true. That's all that word. Um, apparently the, uh, it's a trap line originally was supposed to be, it's a trick. Mm hmm. That's, I don't like that. I like it's a trap. Yeah, it's a trap. Yeah. It's a trap. It was said on the here. It's Canada. Joe, do you know what a trap is? I know what a trap is. Okay. You agreed with me really quickly. So I was making sure music guy that Joe knows that's not important. Um, trap, bunny music, um, I, uh, I, okay, I wasn't totally sure because I had gotten confused because there is a line that Leia says about, uh, hopefully when she's talking about the, uh, docking, um, when they're flying the Lambda shuttle in and she's like, yeah, it's old codes. Well, hopefully it works because we paid a lot for them. Uh, I wasn't sure if that, if those planes were also part of the, uh, bunch of people who got killed, uh, part, but I guess I think that the getting of the Lambda shuttle was separate. Right. Yeah. Give me that movie. Yeah. Movie where they, where they negotiate and have to drop a contract and like sign it and pay off people. I thought that Lambda shuttles were short range shuttles, which is why they always used him to go from cruise to the cruise. I didn't realize they had hyper, like the hyper drives on that. That's why they paid extra. Yeah. Yeah. They got, they had that, they had that really cool plot engine that the, uh, one is talking at. Do I can, I also love the Lambda shuttles. I think they're the, they're probably one of my favorites. They're the, they're the ones that should have been called Y wings. Yeah. Yeah. Jamie, you know, like where the Lambda name came from? Greek. Oh Greek for Lambda, my balls. Cool. Yep. I don't know how none of you saw that coming. All right. Cool. Sweet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I was, so when the final attack happens, you know, they get to the Death Star and they, they start like getting attack positions. You see, you know, the Falcon X wings, A wings, you see B wings, uh, but then you don't see them again. Apparently the B, because the B wings were so like skinny, uh, there would have been hard to see according to IMDB hard to see in battle. So they just kind of like went over here and just didn't do anything. Well, then that brings up a question I have for you guys because this was one I brought up. Okay. A wings. First time we're seeing them. Cool. Not cool. I thought they're cool. They're okay. The ones that are more like triangular shaped. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The ones that the essentially the star, the Jedi star fighter to base off of. Pretty much. Yeah. Yeah, for the most part. A little bit. Yes. Yeah. I always liked the wings. I did confuse them for snow speeders a lot of the time though. Sure. Yes. Also, they were unlockable in one of the Rogue Squadron games and they were like so fast. They were like, it was hard. They were. They, you could play them in, uh, two, uh, Star Wars Battlefront two and the space battle as when I actually first noticed them. Yeah. They're cool. I was like, they win. So then my next question is be wings are first off, doesn't really, it's not really a B. I don't know why they're called. B stands. I don't know. But yeah. But what do we think? Do they look cool? I thought they were cooler than I gave them credit for, but I also had a toy of them. So I always thought they were way cooler. You too. But it was cool because they actually swung around the cockpit. Yeah. It actually like adjusted. It could like bring the wing out and everything too, like went. Yeah. It was so cool. Yeah. But I bring that up only because do you guys remember the 2000 I think it came out planet of the apes with Mark Wahlberg right, Tim Burton directed. Yeah. Yeah. They fly at the beginning of that movie are B wings. They're identical. I had both toys. They could have been, they could have been made from the same mold. They probably were. Yeah. I always thought that was so weird. I'm like, why are there B wings in planet of the apes? Lucas needed some money. He sold the, I should put plenty of the apes on the list. What was technically? You know what you should put on the list, you fucking coward. Yes, the mummy ring. We found out Jordan, we found out that there is a comic book series based on the movie of the movie. No. Hold on. Do you actually look into it? Yes. Who? The third movie. Scorpion King. That's fine. We have the watch. Scorpion King. That's the dragon bird. Yeah. Yeah. Right. No, we don't even have to watch that one though. We'll have to watch all three. We'll have to watch all three. We have to watch all six. We have to watch. Scorpion King. Scorpion King too. Let's go. Wait for it. I didn't know there was a third one. I didn't know there was a second one anymore. You what? Was the rock in the second one too? He wasn't. He was only in the first one. The second one goes back to when the Scorpion King was younger. And then the third one goes back to when he was even younger. Yeah. Yeah. That's not great. Yeah. I don't care. Put him on the list. Bring Jordan back. And then you also have to do the new mummy as well with. No. That's based on. My anthology. Guys. Does the Universal Monsters be? We go down this rabbit hole. No, but that was the. The mummy was the Universal Monster mummy as well. Technically. We got a comic book for the. Yeah. What the fuck is this? That's actually not true. They did. It was a shot. It was on a pre-comic book day. I got a jumper on here. I got a bunch of other like. Yeah. I don't have a comic book. I mean, you can watch all the firefly. You can watch. What's good movies. How about that? How about. How about. That's true. Jordan. He could be on the list. Yeah, you guys. If you don't have a fine serenity on the list, you need to put it on the list. Yeah. Can we do movies, not TV shows? No, but the book of the book of. We do movies. No, they have the whole series of firefly comics. But we only do movies. We don't do TV shows. The movie is. The movie is. The movie is. It's just a 11 hour movie. It's one tiny season. You can do it. One tiny season. I think they also. Isn't there like a battle or a war or something? They're using the gear from Starship troopers. I know they did. Power Rangers. No, I know they do an Empower Rangers. But I thought they did in the first episode of Firefly too. They did. It's the Battle of Serenity Valley. There's some Starship trooper. Esque stuff in there. When did Serenity come out? That was 2008. Serenity 2004. I've never seen it. I've only watched one episode of Firefly and I couldn't get into it. I gave up. It's one of my favorite shows. I like it a lot. That's me. It's definitely. I always hear that. I don't know. I have too many people I don't like that are really into it. I'm just like. Stop basing things you like on people you know. I mean to be fair. It's hard not to do that. It's yeah because it's just like man. If I tell somebody I'm watching this. They're not going to shut up and I really hate that. Oh dude. That's when you just don't tell them you're watching it. You watch it and then you appreciate it for yourself. I just love Baldwin whatever is nice. Adam Baldwin. Adam Baldwin. We got to see him at Comic Con. Oh yeah. I love it. Is that the castle guy? No that's. Nice and filly. You can filly in. I watch Cast On. I got to meet Kaylee. I got to meet Shepherd book. Oh. Before he died. Ron Glass is his name. And Adam Baldwin. Adam Baldwin is so cool. I do love Ron Glass too. I wish he was in more things. He can't be. He said. Well I'm not. Yeah but I mean back in the day. You don't really fucks though. CJ, man. I got his signature like two years before he died. And I got in it for a friend of mine because he had the Shepherd book comics. So I got in the signature for that. And he never, for a while he didn't pay me for it. And like two months. If it would have been two more months and he wouldn't have paid me for it. I would have never seen him again and I would have just had that. To have. And. It would have been nice to have. Yeah it would have been nice to have. And I totally forgot that our favorite guy ever Alan Tudyk is in the show too. I love Alan Tudyk. He's amazing. Yeah what a cast. He's a lift up leaf on the wind. Yes he is. I mean we can all overlook the fact that Joss Whedon was involved. Yeah. It's great. Yeah I don't want it. Yeah. Yes. Yes. All right so. I can use Joss Whedon with the guy that ruined Star Trek next generation. Oh uh. Will. Will. Will. Will. I love Will. I have Joss Whedon. No I just confused the two. The name is what he said. That's fair. That's fair. Also cause I know Sheldon Cooper hates Josh. No. Will. Yeah. It's his arch nemesis. So here's something I did not know about this movie. I actually learned after 30 years of watching this movie. I have learned this was not directed by George Lucas. It's some random dude who did like music videos. Like I don't even know who this director was. I don't even know who it is. Filmography. I don't recognize anything that he's. That makes that. I mean. I'm sure Mark. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So. Do you want to know why? Probably because George Lucas wanted to direct it and needed us. Someone who wouldn't fight him on everything. No. He actually wanted Steven Spielberg to direct this. But. Since Lucas was actually directing the film. He was not under the director's guilt. Spielberg could not actually direct it. That's right. He was not in the union part of it. Correct. So how does that work? Well, cause he funded it himself. Yeah. Three original ones by himself. And then when the prequels came out, he actually had. You know, a studio backing him for that one. So, but so were any of the actors in union? The actors were. But they didn't need to hire people from the union if he didn't want to. Yeah, but he did. Okay. Thanks. Yeah. I just thought that was. I don't remember there being a random director, which it makes sense that Steven Spielberg should have directed this because it is a lot more fantastical than the other ones. It has that kind of Spielberg. Yeah. Here's my final thought. We're now at the end of the movie. First off, I went back and I watched the original. Yup. Doop. Doop. Yup. The song that they took out for the thing. I don't like the first song. It's awful. It's weird. I like the newer version of the song. Yup. It's classic though. I know. But like it's weird. So I know I'm in the minority probably that Yup. It's the song everyone wants. But I like the new version they did. But in both versions, what are they posing for? Like right before the credits happen, they're all kind of like. Stand in there like they're posing for a picture. Yeah. What are we posing for? So they were posing for a picture. What happened was they were running behind. They needed a product or the production pictures, you know. So they're taking cast pictures while they were built on. I just, I just assumed that one of the Ewoks was like doing a painting and they all had this thing. They had like Polaroid. Yeah. Actually they were, it was a, it was a metal ceremony again. But they, they were just like, oh fuck we really chill. We're just waiting for Chewy. We're waiting for Chewy's metal. This is out of all the Star Wars movies. The ending of this one is like the most weird to me. Just like, what are we doing? It's almost like they couldn't, they just didn't know how to end it. They're going to have Luke walk off. Like go back to Tatooine and walk off. Yeah. William's just staying back there like clapping his hands, like having a good time. Like, did you guys even know you're filming the ending of the movie right now? What are we doing? Probably didn't. Who knows? It was actually, it was actually the cast like closing. So how do you guys feel about young Ant and Skywalker? Fourth ghost versus. I hate it. Holy shit. Do I remember people being so fucking mad? It's just dumb. Like it didn't make any sense to put him in there. Because he wasn't that person when he died. And that was like literally that the actors like only thing where it's like his actual face. Well, I also heard that Jayden Christensen hated it because he wasn't told when George Lucas brought him into film it. George was just like, Hey, just like look up at me, look over, look back. And he had no idea it was to be the forced ghost. It was going to be energetic. He's like, if I would have known that, I would have played it way different. Like, yeah, because he just kind of looks like he like woke up from a nap. It's like, he looks. What's going on? He looks like the John Travolta and Pulp Fiction like meme of. Yeah. Yeah. So I would have. I would have. I prefer David Pralis. Pralis as the fourth ghost. Me too. Funny, funny enough. Just a little side note. David is actually good friends with Ian McDermott. And when he came in to film his scene where Luke takes the mask off, he had no idea why he was there. And Ian McDermott even told him, I asked him, it's like, Hey, what are you doing here? And David's like, no idea. They just told me to show up. But anyway, so I'd like to, with, with the young and the con force ghost. I like to, like, my explanation is, it goes back to when he's young, because that's when he was still good. That was like, right when he killed all those padawans. He was just before that. I'd argue, though, that he was redeemed before he died, which means he came back to the light as older. So exactly, he was back to the light side at that age. I prefer this house. I think it was just Lucas looking to piss people off. Exactly. He's like, Hey, we got more technology of being able to re-edit things and add shit in. Why don't we just do this? That's why I didn't shove Jar Jar Binks in there somewhere. He did. They did. He's at the during the end credits. You hear him say we tough free. Yeah, he's dancing up on the top of the palace. That's serious. You know as I heard it, I'm like. Granted, they all sound very similar. Was that racist? No. That was so racist. Yeah. He's in the aftermath books. He's not doing great in the aftermath books. He's a fucking Sith Lord. Of course, he's still alive. What was that to? Yes, he is. He's still alive at this time. Also still alive is Rex, because we maybe see him in this movie. Wait, we see Rex? Maybe. Oh, yeah. So when they go to the shield generator base the first time, there's an older guy with a white beard. Oh, yes. Fans like to say that's Rex. I think to IMDB, according to like Wookiepedia, it actually is a different guy, but they never actually said if it could be Rex, like it could be one of those things where Rex could just be like he just changed his name to be this guy. Was Rex the one who went crazy and rebels? I thought he went crazy. Like he went senile and old agent rebels, which could have been. No, that was wolf. That was who? Wolf. Oh, okay. Right. Yeah, I don't remember. I just remember it was a crazy senile clone who was riding around one of those ATET things or whatever. I appreciate that. I appreciate that wolf. Yeah. Rex is there with the rebels throughout the rest of the season, like if I remember correctly. I think I like that. I think that's cool. Yeah. It's a fun little fan thing that no one ever really got confirmation. So I have a fun fact that I thought was pretty cool is the rain core war was made by recording a dawshund and then playing it back at a lower volume and I'm like, hey, I have a dawshund. That's so cool. My little dog is a rain core. I know the sound that like ambient sound of job of the hut was the sound guy's wife's casserole that he would stir. He would just have his microphone literally everywhere picking up sounds of everything and mixing it together to make all this stuff. He's amazing. He's a sound master. Like the laser shots literally were like a wire, like a electrical cable. He went and he would like hit his finger on and it made the laser sound. The laser is so cool. I love it. Did you guys know this? So John Williams, he has a son named Joseph Williams, who is the lead singer of Toto. Really? I did not know that. Neither. But it makes sense that he's he'd be in the music like his dad. Yeah, but all he's in Africa. I guess. I don't know. No, no, he's just he's running the reins and he's blessing the rain. Yeah. Yeah, he doesn't have any vampires. Yeah. He just blesses those rains. Um, so one thing for my childhood that I have been waiting for and yet did not see unless I missed it when they re-released the action figures that I think were in corresponding with the first time this was released on Blu-ray when they were adding in all these additional scenes, they had a run of like extra like deleted scenes or additional scene figures. One of them is Luke building his lightsaber in like a cavern. Yeah. But I did not see that in this movie. So it's a deleted scene that they released at some con like it like it never was seen before and then they released it and he like it's putting it together and starts it and it's the green lightsaber. It's actually pretty cool looking scene. I wish they would have left it in. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen that scene, but I remember it being like the whole thing was that it was in the Blu-ray like release or something and being mad that I was like, I don't think it was real. I knew they were just making toys for the sake of making toys because I remember like the card art is like a screenshot, but it looks like it was drawn. Like that's how like weirdly put together. Like a dark gray kind of thing. Yeah. It looked really weird. I don't remember that bad. I do remember the scene and it was a good scene. I also liked all the promotional material. He had a blue lightsaber and all of it and then like once a movie came out, like, yeah, give them a green one. Yeah. I think they didn't, well, because if I read correctly, they didn't want to confuse audiences of, you know, he threw away or he lost his lightsaber in Empire and oh, he just magically got it back. Now this is, that's why they have that scene of him building his own body. And Darth Vader says, I see you've constructed a new lightsaber, you're trading it complete. Saying it and showing it are two different things. Like I will say, we would have shown that. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. What's that? Coolest lightsaber handle we've seen so far. Just the handles, not blades. This one, it's sleek. It's the sleekest we've seen. I feel like out of, out of any of them, asking which one do we have? Yeah. Like what's your favorite? Nuku. Yeah, I think do too. The curved handle is always really cool to me. I like the hook at the bottom, like that loops around, you know. I just thought that was a sweet shit. Yeah, probably. I really liked Luke's master, like green lights, say where I always thought it was really because they didn't have that stupid box. Mm hmm. Vader's has like that box and it doesn't make any sense because like where you would hold it is literally. It connects, it connects into his robot hand. Is that a theory? Sure. It is now. I said it wrong. Yeah. Yeah. It's fair. Super fair. Uh, yeah. I don't know. You also was pretty neat. I mean, more. Yeah. More. I don't know. I was going to say mall because like... It's also pretty long. Like it's pretty long. Yeah. You can use it one sided, dual sided. It's kind of cool. Yeah. It's a dream that you can never disconnect them. Yeah. There was one. Yeah. Which is it? Come on. Oh, it's, um... Jedi Fallen Order. Yeah. Does he? That's badass. He's got one that separates. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Cause you can fight with it together or apart. And, uh... Yeah. I don't remember that. I remember, um, what, what's his name, uh, in acolyte had that had, had two, he had the, the short sword. And anyone? Yeah. That was cool. Yeah. I mean, acolyte, did you see the news? It got canceled for a season two. Yeah. Like what the heck? Yeah. It's fucking stupid. I thought they were doing a good job with it. I was like, I want to see more of a climate. Uh, blame all the fucking Star Wars incels fans. Yeah. I already blame them for everything. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. There's a thing before he was started. I was wondering, that's how babies were born in it or something and everyone got real mad. I just, I just fell off and I need to go back and finish it. But just, um, any episode of Colours is actually the coolest lightsabers because they were like police batons and those were always really cool with me. I don't know. Star killers because they were like police batons because they had like the under, like the under, he had the handle with the, like, you would go process for him. Okay. Was it in force unleash that you could change fighting styles? Yeah. I think so. Yeah. That's so good. I love that game. All right. All right. I think I got through all the notes, right? Yeah. I mean, I had a couple more notes, but they aren't anything important. Okay. One of my notes was that the Imperial March always slaps because every time I hear it, it's just like fucking right there. Um, the whole comment about flying casually and, you know, Chewbacca just looks at him like. Dude. Okay. Star Wars kind of I'm sorry, family guy ruined the original trilogy. Oh, really? Definitely. Definitely like. Makes me think of it every time I watch the original trilogy because the whole flying casually in there. I think it like. What doesn't like pull up. It's a list. It's like walks kind of whatever, or like, like Vader sees Luke in the ship as Chris's head like ducks down the star like pit scene where Luke does the nod to everybody and literally doesn't nod to everybody. It just goes dirt dirt and he's going going, I love it, I think, okay, so family guy didn't ruin this scene, but the scene that always cracks me up the most is when Han and Chewie are going to go knock the two storm trips out and they're like, but be quiet. He's like, Hey, it's me. If that best Han Solo line ever. Hey, it's me. I did appreciate in this movie where they're like, all right, but be quiet about it or something. And then Chewie really goes, huh. How are we doing? Same as always that bad, huh? Yeah. All right, so kill count. I've got a total of 102 with. I was like, yeah, good luck, Joey, because I'm fucking track. Again, every time we have a battle, it's hard. I just have to kind of like, just to make granted. We don't know that once again, I think my theory is correct. The stormtroopers are not actually dying. They're just being concussed by force because there is no burn marks from blasters. Well, no, because the, the, the, fucking stabbing them. Right. But the actual blasters, I'm still, I'm still on the belief that it's concussive force and that the, the, those armor actually was doing something. So I didn't, I didn't count anybody that fell into the start. I'm like, well, anybody that fell into the start pit that wasn't cut by a lightsaber or shot into there. So like I didn't count Boba Fett as dying. Cause they'd still be digested right now. They'd still be being digested. Yeah. Correct. But I have a total of four limbs. We've got two off of the robot in jobs palace that was getting pulled apart. We've got Darth Vader's hand. And we've got the radar dish on the falcons. Oh, the best appendage ever. What about. Okay. Do you, did this ever bother you guys? The, the like vocal mess up during that scene when they hit it and then you hear Lando say that's too close, but it sounds like it's all echo in in a room. His ADR. Okay. Watch that scene again and listen to the bad ADR they did on that, on that scene. It's always since childhood has bothered me. George Lucas will go in and add whatever and he can't clean up the damn ADR. Come on. Which is hilarious because apparently the Mon Mothma scene, they had to go back and do ADR on that because when she originally delivered the lines. There was a bunch of pigeons on top of the warehouse studio. Yeah. Yeah. That was that they heard anyway. Um, so yeah. That's, that's what I got. Um. Ron. Bingo. Uh, we've got dead parents, especially by the end of the movie. Uh, dying mentor, responsibility thing, government interference, comic book logic, betrayal by a friend, the Wilhelm scream, animal cruelty, villain monologue, unexplainable science, ID reveal to the enemy, which would be Leah being revealed to Darth as, you know, having a daughter. Uh, we have a reformed bag and we have hero kills, we have fight for control of something and we have, I added another one. Uh, we have meme origins in here. Like where memes have come from things. Yes. Okay. Because we should have, I know we should have had a long time ago, but it needed to be added because we're definitely getting into a lot of memeable movies. Lightly. Yeah, that's 15. That's, that's three bingos. Holy crap. We did it. Yay. All right. Chuck Sponkate. Uh, I mean. Uh, okay. The stuff. I feel like we keep saying this in this three stretches. Like the stuff they added looks fucking atrocious, but all the original stuff actually looks pretty good. Yeah. Um, yeah, the music, the music number, uh, not necessary and sticks out like a sore thumb. Like that, that computer generated. Monkeys or more. Yeah. Um, whatever the hell it was. That's like the only thing I could like think of is what it looked like was like not good. Although the backup singers looked. Original. So I don't know. It reshooted because so what happened was they had to bring the twilek in as well. She was still in the almost identical shape to when she filmed it originally. So they probably brought in backup singers and stuff too and just did some reshoots on some on that scene. Interesting. Um, I'm going to say, I mean, I think it looks, I, uh, some of the explosions looked bad. Everything. You know what actually looked atrocious to me? This, the speeder bike scene. Um, it looks just like green. Oh man. Well, it's because I love that kid. I love that. How they filmed it is they just walked through the forest at one frame per second and they sped it up. So that's why it looks like really jagged. Yeah. Yeah. It kind of was. Did you know that that whole area in the redwood national park that they filmed was scheduled for deforestation, which is why they could like blow everything up and cut things down so it no longer exists. That area they filmed in is all logs and paper. Damn. Did I know that? Um, I'm going to say 27 out of. Seventy two. Spawncapes. Okay. I want someone to equate logic to all of these spawn game. There's no logic. I don't really know. I don't know. We're just waiting for spawn. Which, uh, we will not get to this here. So, uh, hold on. No, probably not. Cause we just barely broke into the nineties. Ninety seven, right? Ninety five. Nope. Ninety seven. Uh, yeah. No, we won't get to it this year. Wow. It looks bad for 97. Holy shit. Okay. Yeah. I thought it was a yard. Who had a bad feeling? Oh, man, two people, three people had a bad feeling when walking deep into a slimy dungeon. Um, and Han had a bad feeling about being cooked alive. Yeah. Very bad feeling. Yep. All righty. So out of 10 Jordan. What do you give this? If I hadn't rewashed this and you were just going to ask me out of memory, I probably would have scored it a bit higher. It ruined it a little bit for me. I still enjoyed it. I'm going to give it a 7.62. I still think this is my favorite of the original trilogy, even though objectively it's not the, it's the worst. I still, I still liked it, but I can't get in good conscience. Give it much higher than like a seven and a half. That's sure. Chuck. All right. Is this a Star Wars movie? Yes. It is arguably the last good Star Wars movie. If according to a lot of people, not me specifically, but some people. Um, I bring it into some fun discussions and the next trilogy to say. I don't. I don't want to. I don't love it. Um, but I remember as I was watching this, I remember being as a kid, like not, I was bored with this. It's, it's, it's long. It's Luke standing around. Oh, fucking hours. Two hours, 15 minutes, but a lot of a lot of it actually ends at a one hour, 50 minutes. And then it just keeps fucking going for no reason. Like it was over. Um, it's a lot of Luke standing around watching a lot of really bad shit happen around him that he could have easily prevented if he had just like fucking done his job. Um, Palpatine is fucking creepy. He's still creepy to me. Uh, I didn't like that. Um, and it's just long. It's a long drawn out there. They added a bunch of extra shit that they didn't need. Um, I'm going to say, but that being said, the, the space battle is awesome. Like that, that is a really cool scene and it kind of saves a lot of the movie. I actually like the E walks. I was a big E walk guy. Um, I pull it in both. Uh, shatter point and lead Star Wars Legion. I play E walks, uh, because they finally released armies for him. So like I enjoy them. Um, I, I, I, I play E walks. Yeah, they're always at like a minus one to hit pretty much. It's actually really awesome. And they can set booby traps. It's really rad. It's really cool. Um, except for in shatter point, they're all on their own. They're all like a diorama base. So there's like three of them on one base. It's really cool. It's really cool. Um, except for in shatter point, they're all on their own. They're all like a diorama base. So there's like three of them on one base. It's really cool. It's really awesome. Uh, I'm going to see. Oh, man. Five point one. Zero. Thanks, Jeff. Maybe the requirement of two decimal points and zero. That's a number. You too. Well, I round up anyways. Okay. So Ron, what you got? Um, the movie's not terrible. I still have some nostalgia for it because it's, you know, Star Wars. I've been watching this shit since I was a kid. Um, like, it's a lot of fun. There's a lot of shit there. It doesn't make any sense. There's a lot of, you know, law holes, story holes, uh, glory holes, whatever. Um, but I really hate that I can't find the original versions because I don't like any of the stuff that was added in. I got them. I know you got them. I know you do. But, uh, I don't like anything that they added in. I don't like the extra, like, um, landscape scenes where they try to add in stuff and it looks like somebody took a cartoon and, like, colored it in. I don't like, I didn't like the Sarlac and the Sarlac bit. Like, just because left it what it was, it was fantastically terrifying as a kid being a big hole in the ground. They didn't need a fucking trap inch coming out of it. Uh, that's a Pokemon Joey. Uh, thanks. Uh, I'm actually a surprise. He only said that and that's something worse. So we should all be really proud right now. Actually. Thanks, Chuck. Um, but I'm given it a six point three two because this is my least favorite of the original trilogy. The other reason why it gets so high is because the Ewalks are fun. Would you argue that this is a perfectly fine movie? No, it's not perfect at all, Chuck. It's a perfectly fine movie. Joey, what did you give this? So, um, that right. Oh, not that right. Hold on. You forgot to divide it by four. Yep. That makes more sense now. Cool. I'm like, that is too high. Um, I, this is. I'm, I'm, I'm there with Jordan and with you like nostalgia. If I didn't have to, if I didn't watch this right now, nostalgia would give this a higher rating. After watching it, it definitely, um, it lowered it a little bit. It got to the point where there are things in here that I don't remember. And I just, I'm not saying storytelling is bad because I still enjoy it. There, but there are some problems. Um, but it's still Star Wars and, and it's still, I still enjoy it. I still enjoy it more than I did Empire and Empire is a better story. Hands down. I said that last time Empire is the best out of this original trilogy. But I still liked a new hope over Empire last time that's whole numbers thing. Um, yeah, no, this one is, it's as enjoyable as it is two hours is a little long. I didn't feel like it was two hours to me, but I also kept stopping it at times. And like going upstairs and grabbing a snack or. Doing something else. Like I just, so it took me longer to watch it because I kept, kept taking breaks. That being said, like it's. I said it before when I watch the Star Wars movies, I watch all of them. And I always will. So, uh, this one I gave it a score of eight point one five. Um, which gives us a combined score. Of six point eight. Which will tie it. At number 38. With, uh, Justice League new frontier. Um, it's just behind Batman begins with a six point nine seven. And just above danger diabolic with a six point seven three. A long day. Not a good movie. I think we can. Um, I'm a little surprised that Joey greeted it so high, but I would argue maybe this is the first time Joey watched it without getting laid in the process. So. From what we've learned in past episodes. So, uh, we just got the last night. Ronald, we, we were, we were at a, uh, uh. Friends band gig last night and we were talking and he brings up to Emily, my girlfriend. Uh, good. About. About watching this movie and getting laid. Actually, what I think was Joey, I still have to watch return. Okay. And then Joey's like, oh, yeah, me too. And then I was like, yeah, Joey said that every time Star Wars on you, he gets laid. It doesn't matter what happens. And Emily's like, no, I watch the movie. Look, and I looked at her. I'm like, yeah, no, like when and he's watching the movie. So, oh, poor Joey. Also, one and a high. I know she doesn't listen, uh, because I feel like that would have been called out a long time ago. I mean, wait to be a, wait to be a supportive wife. Emily, what the fuck? They're not married. Oh, even more partners. That's right. And have an excuse. You should still be trying. You're not even. Right. That in the values, Joey. Jesus Christ. Listen to my podcast. I think that might actually not get us married. That would happen. Um, yeah, like that's not, it's not a. Terrible spot. Um, just looking at it right now. It looks like it's just behind revenge of the Sith. Uh, it's, uh, just, uh, over solo. So, so it's not between, you know, two, you know, that has to nuke the score. So. Even when we try, they, they still all kind of pull up on themselves. Well, and, you know, like I said, when we get into the sequel trilogy, it's going to be very interesting. I think it's going to be very divisive. Uh, I think we're going. I think somebody's going to burn it to the ground. Mm hmm. Yeah. I'll be honest. I've only ever watched them once. So I have almost more than one. I've seen a force awakens like. Five times in theaters. The opening week. Last year that I five or six times opening week. I've watched both of them multiple times since they've been released. I've only seen. Rise Skywalker. Twice. Mm hmm. Which one's that? That was in theaters. The last one. Number nine. Oh, okay. I have not watched. I've seen bits and pieces. But I've not watched that movie since theaters. Yeah. I don't know how I feel about this. I'm happy for the first two. Yeah. We'll, uh, we'll get to it. I, look, I, so because it's been so long and because I'm at, I am going to be coming at it and a more. Analytical view. Maybe it'll be better. It was going to be a little more anal about it. I'll be a little more anal. No, like, and I've, I've said this numerous times. There's like a thousand. Wonderful things in that movie. Just start to finish. The movie did not work for me. Mm hmm. Oh, there is one really confusing scene that just ruins it for me every time. So. No. Is it, is it? Anyway, possibly Lando's daughter. Anyway, no, it's the, it's the fact that they kiss and I keep thinking of the brother and sister still. Yeah. That's fair. Yeah. It fucks me up every time, Joey. Anyway, Jordan, where can they find you? Oh, you can find me on Instagram at BS and craft beer. That's it. Hey, you can find me nor you can find me. That's where you can find me because if you go ahead and give to that 301 tier, not only will Joey's labor finally be awarded appropriately, but you get access to the discord. That's where I am. I'm hanging out. Yo, I haven't been on social media for a little bit now and it's been really nice. Discord is the future of where you want to be to hang out and enjoy the things that you want to enjoy. Social media more and more has become nothing but advertisements and sponsored posts and people trying to sell you shit. You know where they don't do that in the discord, specifically the professional casual discord. So go hang out in there with like-minded people, chat it up and give us ideas of what you want your Patreon content to be., 301. That's the tier to jeer. You still offer up the free shirt. Yeah, if you sign up for the one year tier, the annual tier, you sign up at the 301 annual tier. The first five people that do it, I will personally buy them the shirt of their choice from our web store. If you can get Rogan the Hut or not Rogan the Hut, you can get Snoopy shooting lanes. And hopefully by then, you will be able to get Xenomorph Union Buster. Working on it. And Scab Robocop. And Scab Robocop. Oh, and Scab Robocop. Oh, and Scab Robocop. What do we do to front and back? What if- Okay, what if we do this instead? Any t-shirt of your choice, instead of that one, we only get five of the variant of Xenomorph and Robocop Scab together, and the first five people get that shirt, and you will only be the five people that have their own that shirt. That's actually a really good idea. Then we push some people. I like that. There you go. Yeah, we're going to do that. We've made a decision. We've won in the first five. Annual tier. 301. Annual tier. Ronald? You can find me on Instagram and TikTok at Good at This Game. You can find my art page on Instagram at GoodArtThisGame, and you can find me wherever you can find this podcast. Joey? Yeah, I got to get on Discord more. Social media sucks. But you can also find me on social medias on Instagram and threads at cometswithgrondown. You can email us,, rate and review us on your podcasting up a choice. If you do, we'll read an upcoming episode, but we've got merch over in Rebel Volinti Public, and our song was done by Cam. Our next movie. Dr. Father Cam. Dr. Father Cam. Sorry. We'll be president. Oh, no. Concrete jungles? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. Listen, your podcast. I've only seen that movie once, and I have a movie right. Oh, no. Joey, no. I've never seen it. You've never seen it. You've never seen it. Oh. Okay. So, you know, Jason takes Manhattan. Oh, God. Yeah. Okay. So, you know, all the good parts in that him kicking a radio? That's about the only good part. Uh, no. The boxer, the boxer scene. I always really liked where he fights them on the roof and then his head is on the siren. Then the next scene, that was great. Um, so take all the good parts of that movie and then put in worst parts. And then, and then put in Danny Glover. But I haven't seen this in a very long time. So maybe a whole, maybe I'm going to look at it because my expectations will be so low that he's pretty enjoyable. But this is, this is notably a really bad movie. So, especially if you live the first one, like I do, yeah, we, the first one, I mean, we gave it some good, good ratings. So, uh, yeah, well, yeah, I specifically did. Yes. There's almost six and a half. That's, that's good. It's peak Arnold. Yeah, it's true. It got a 7.49. So, yeah. Yeah, it's just frustrating because like, there was no need for it, like that's, we'll get into it in that episode, but like there was no need for it. They were just trying to capitalize on how successful the first one was and they didn't have a good script. And literally everything in the 80s and 90s though. So, yeah. And 70s. Good. But all right. Um, thank you all for listening and we will catch you next time. Next time. Bye. Thanks so much for listening. If you enjoyed this show, check out all the other great shows here at the Professional Casual Network. Like what, Danny? I'll tell you. On Mondays, we've got the Lost Omen's podcast, our Pathfinder 2E actual play, hosted by me, playing through the Extinction Curse AP. Also, streaming on At 7 p.m. Eastern time, you can check out, oh, yeah, the Power phase, our Marvel Crisis Protocol live battle report show. On Tuesdays, the podcast version of, wait, did I roll a wild? Our Marvel Crisis Protocol Povelog is available. On Wednesdays, alternating releases on Patreon, we have Settling the Southlands, our homebrew Wolfwarp actual play, and the Slytherin, a Pathfinder 2nd edition actual play. And on Thursdays, live at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on We've got, wait, did I roll a wild? Our Marvel Crisis Protocol Povelog. 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