Holy City Sinner Radio

Episode 297 - Nancy Mace and Charleston County sheriff clash in bitter, name-calling immigration feud - (9/27/24)

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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On today's show: 1. ‘She’s a liar’: Charleston County sheriff refutes Mace’s claims of mishandling immigration enforcement - 1a. Nancy Mace and Charleston County sheriff clash in bitter, name-calling immigration feud - 2.  Charleston County Democratic Party Makes County School Board Recommendations - 3. Police dog death leads to demotion of Dorchester County sheriff's deputy; SLED still investigating - This episode's music is by Tyler Boone ( The episode was produced by LMC Soundsystem.

Holy season of radio is episode 297 and I am your host Christian Sanger today. It is Friday September 27th 2024 We've got a tropical storm currently a hurricane but likely to you know downgrade back to a tropical storm coming our way well I Guess maybe some of the outer bands associated with it so far. It looks like We are going to not get the brunt of this storm Whatever it is Once it you know gets into Once it makes the land fall and travels over land for a little bit. It does not appear that it's coming our way But we are expected to have you know some inclement weather lots of rain be prepared for possible Tornadoes like we saw in places like monks corner and Iowa palms and a couple other places with the last storm We went through also be aware of flash flooding. Those are the two biggest concerns at this moment at least according to weather reports on Thursday afternoon when I am recording this so Definitely keep an eye on local weather, you know the trusted names You know that you always go to in these situations be careful on social media with what accounts are posting Check to see if they are an official account number one and then number two Check the date stamp and you know so you can see what date the update was published and what time of day It was published because you know how sometimes with social media You're not seeing the most up-to-date information necessarily you might just be seeing something that's popular You know that had been retweeted or interacted with several hours earlier And so it's keeping it towards the top of your feed So just keep those things in mind. I always try to put that disclaimer out there. I wish that wasn't the case with social media That's a topic for another day So just yeah, be sure be aware, but at this moment it does appear that that's what we're looking at Rain over, you know right now. I'm listening to it as I'm recording this right out my window trying so hard not to nap This afternoon, but just perfect nap rain right now But it might you know we might have long periods of rain it might pick up a little bit and again at the moment the biggest concerns are flash flood As well as potentially tornadoes. So just be safe have a plan in place There's all sorts of resources that you can find through you know City of Charleston the County the state of South Carolina and also, you know, national weather organizations will have You know different resources and tips and stuff available for you. So Stay safe try to stay dry. I hope everything goes okay. Obviously You know, I'm After that last episode you may remember the flooding that happened in my upstairs bathroom I'm just hoping that I don't have any more, you know water issues. So hopefully no flooding Or anything worse than that of course, but just hoping that me and the inside of my place stays nice and cozy and dry And I hope the same happens for you So just be safe out there just putting that at the top of the episode things could have changed by the time you hear this on Friday So again, just you know, keep your eye on the local news organizations whether TV radio newspaper and also of course National weather organizations like you know the weather channel or the NOAA's, you know, social media feeds and websites and stuff like that Lots of places that you can get information. That's reliable. So just make sure you're doing that and again stay safe Other than that nothing else to talk about besides the latest news. So let's get into it Well, it appears national Nancy aka representative Nancy Mays was just not getting enough attention recently And so she had tried to drum up some attention for herself The first I'm not going to dive into it too far. It's ridiculous She decided to share a screenshot of a text message The exchange that she had with a panelist from CNN He was one of the people who eluded to her being racist when she was Dispronouncing vice president Kamala Harris's name wrong on purpose He made some other comments, you know, she made a whole thing about that CNN Panel interview discussion whatever we want to talk about it when it happened for some reason she drummed this back up And in the exchange it was a picture of her in the the commentator next to each other smiling, you know normal picture. I Think he sent it to her or she sent it to him So they would both have it and then he made some comment like oh don't tell anybody but we actually look kind of good next to each other or together or something like that and She basically was trying to use this to say like oh, yeah He was mean to me on the air but look at him being nice here and you know Which you could say the same for her, but obviously she doesn't care and was trying to make it a big story saying she's got messages from him, you know with him complimenting her looks or hitting on her or something and She tried to make hay out of this whole thing And no one really seemed to care and for the most part people are just calling her out for ridiculous like high schoolish Behavior she also didn't provide any other proof of these supposed you know other messages that he sent which makes you think okay? They didn't they aren't any You know if she was so willing to share this one post which wasn't even a big deal to begin with It was just silly it was like oh, yeah, he says this stuff on the air But then was being nice behind the scenes like so Yeah, that happens all the time in TV news Not that shocking It happens a lot of times with politicians and people in media You know or one might call out the other but their buddy buddy when they're off the record and it was ridiculous Well, that wasn't doing it for her so She had to drum up something else so She has decided to pick a fight with Charleston County Sheriff Kristin Graziano And of course no big surprise. She's going you know back to you know the classics what works best for her and her Republican party Which is trying to make a story out of immigration good old-fashioned racism You know no the people from not our country are criminals and horrible people and be scared be scared They're eating our pets. Okay, that was Trump, but mace decided hey that will probably get me some recognition and so she tried to make this story About how sheriff Graziano is you know just letting? Criminals who are from other countries and her undocumented just go free all willy-nilly And if she was trying to pick a fight with someone sheriff Graziano's not the person to do that she was not having it so specifically Sheriff Graziano after these accusations for mace did not hold back when she was speaking to the media again This is all over allegations that the Charleston County Sheriff's office is releasing undocumented Immigrants accused of crimes from the Al Cana detention center So Graziano who is running for re-election, so this is another reason I'm sure mace brought this up because Graziano is up for re-election and of course you'll be running against the Republican Whose name is Carl Ritchie? So that's probably another reason she's trying to bring attention to this race Whether really isn't a lot of people like really paying attention to it, you know, it's a sheriff's Political race a lot of people don't even think about it. They don't really know how sheriffs differ and you know, it's it's down ballot race so this could be what She meaning mace and the Republican Party need to potentially scare people into voting for Carl Ritchie instead So that event Graziano blasted mace saying, you know, quote that mace is full of shit and quote And like I said, she didn't hold back She went on to say quote she is in a position where she controls Congress and has failed to do her job And is trying to make her failures our problem She needs to do her damn job and let law enforcement do ours. She is a liar and this is reckless and quote Told you. Do you don't want to mess with her? And yeah, that's you know, I couldn't have said it better myself. So This all started when mace sent a letter to the sheriff's office back on September 24th She accused the agency of ignoring immigration holds from the u.s. Immigration and Customs and Forbes enforcement also known as ICE Which are requests to law enforcement to detain a person for up to 48 hours before releasing them to give ice time to take custody And potentially remove that person from the country Representative mace who yes surprise surprise even though she would do this even if she wasn't up for reelection Is seeking a third third term representing representing South Carolina's first congressional district if you're wondering she's running against Michael be more So anyway represent a mace further claimed that the sheriff's office had released illegal immigrants into the community And by doing so was quote purposefully putting local residents at risk and quote mace also alleged that the sheriff's office has ignored dozens of detainer requests since 2021 Noting that the agency is labeled as being an uncooperative institution by ICE That designation is shared by more than 550 institutions nationwide according to a report in june that News 2 was able to take a look at and use for this story Uh Amber allen when speaking to news 2 she's actually a spokesperson for the sheriff's office Uh disputed the claims on wednesday. Uh, she said quote we are still researching what she talking about mace is alluding to We are confident that if something did happen regarding that incident that we follow policy and procedure and quote Now what she's referencing there besides just the general accusations mace tried to use one specific example claiming that a undocumented migrant Excuse me a documented Immigrant migrant I forget what she said specifically, but um actually she probably said illegally alien knowing her Had been let free and committed some like, you know, uh some kind of sex crime against a minor and You know She was trying to say that this shouldn't happen like this person should have still been in jail and blah blah blah And so that's a specific allegation that allen's talking about basically saying we're not too sure what the hell she's talking about That's my words. Now allen's of course, but we're gonna look into it um She also responded or graziano. I should say Responded to mace's letter before the spokesperson put out that quote And said that she was adamant that her agency has not released a date detaining without a judge's order Nor have they refused any orders and suggested that mace was mischaracterizing events for political gain Shocked at gasp. Could you believe nancy mace would do such a thing? So they're refuting everything that mace is alleging um If you want to know uh right now there are actually 13 individuals that are at the al cana detention center uh that are currently on hold um by an immigration judge so That doesn't really help mace's case so they currently have 13 people being detained by you know the way that they're supposed to be doing these things so It seems that mace is kind of trying to conflate things like maybe there was uh the crime she mentioned But does that mean the sheriff's office did something wrong? Not necessarily. No one seems to be able to You know find out what the hell she's talking about so far But she might be conflating it with something that graziano did when she first took over the sheriff's position when she was voted in uh, there is a optional agreement that Is called a two eight seven g agreement between sheriff's offices and ice And she decided to end that agreement. Um when she first took office now It's an optional agreement and participating law enforcement agencies select members to be trained to perform some limited functions of an immigration officer So that's that's part of it. So in rescinding that one of the reasons was they said it was very costly You know, I'll get to that in a moment, but they also said when uh, this is allen now The spokesperson saying that when that change happened when they rescinded that two eight seven g agreement They decided to require ice to have an immigration judge's signature in order for someone to be put on a detainer or on a hold in the facility. So basically Instead of just automatically holding these people for 48 hours Uh, they rescind this agreement, which they included that designation and said hey We we just are going to require a an immigration judge's signature Make sure things are on the up and up and we're doing the right thing Um, and that's what this big change is and so it seems that's what mace is trying to say like Oh, they're making the community more dangerous by rescinding this agreement and not cooperating with ice and Etc, et cetera. So allen the spokesperson said the federal government does not cover the entire cost of participating in that program And charleston county tax payer payers were left footing the remainder of the bill And she said that was one of the primary reasons that the agreement was ended And just for knowledge base. There's actually only three jurisdictions in south carolina Ori lexington and york counties that currently have a two eight seven g agreement in place So this isn't some weird thing that only charleston county's doing There's only three counties in south carolina that are participating with this agreement And there could be any number of reasons and again, it could be a money thing for these other counties Or they just might not think it's something they need to be doing. So again, mace is trying to make something that isn't really that big of a deal It's a lot of other counties are doing it um But that won't matter Any attention is good attention. She's happy to have it. I'm sure she's hoping this gets her some more FaceTime on tv as the big talk of course is Haitian immigrants and places like springfield, ohio That's the you know the far right talking point right now and they're You know, that's the catnip for that part of the base So at any event mace has demanded copies of all communications between ice and the charleston county sheriff's office She gave them an october 15th deadline. She has not specified what action if any she would take if the documentation is not provided by then So we'll see if the sheriff's office Goes along with this or not and what happens from there One of the last things in the article is mace saying that she says quote. I believe all whistleblowers end quote Which sounds nice But it's you know kind of funny because Not whistle blowers per se because they weren't you know when you think of a whistle blower at someone saying hey This company or a person I work for or whatever Isn't doing things that they should be they're breaking the law But we've seen man and nacy menses campaign staff and you know What any other staff she has has crazy turnover And they all have these stories about how it's horrible to work for her and how she's only out for herself It doesn't actually care about legislate legislate. She just wants to be like a celebrity Uh, you know Again, not whistle blowers, but you know people speaking out about a boss who is a nightmare to work for She refutes all of those accusations. So she doesn't really believe all whistle blowers. Of course Just the ones that are politically advantageous So I will say this If it comes out that whatever mace was talking about with this supposed You know this crime that took place and if the sheriff's office did do something wrong I'll absolutely call it out and say if they did something wrong and Etc, but there's been no proof of that. There's been the media the sheriff's office mace. No one has said any other details about this So I can't really go you can't really talk about that Um, but if that changes Certainly will we'll we'll we'll give you an update but for now it just seems like like I said the catnip right now is demonizing immigrants Um and scaring people thinking that they're you know, uh all these Criminals from other countries are here and you know wrecking havoc all over the country And just like anything There's always going to be outliers. There's always going to be like, yes, I'm sure You listening right now Whoever you are could find a story Right now about an undocumented person committing a crime in this country. It happens. There's no doubt about that just like an american citizen born and raised here uh commits crimes as well Uh, it's certainly not an out of control problem You can also look this up multiple sources have said that uh crime involving Uh undocumented immigrants is down and percentage wise is lower than crimes committed by You know american citizens. So He completely fabricated just like the eating the pets thing But it's working for a certain segment of the population and so it's no surprise that she you know latched onto this Because it would one get her attention Uh to help drum up You know some possible voters for the sheriff's race so they will vote for ritchie Which will obviously she would prefer because they're in the same party. No surprise there So that's what it seems to be but again if something changes She provides some actual proof or the sheriff's office turns over some communications and there's something damning in there Like I would absolutely I will call them out on that but for now There really this seems to be a whole lot of nothing except national nancy trying to get some attention You Sticking in the politics. Uh, we've talked about school boards specifically charleston county school board how much of a nightmare It's been um since uh the majority of the board Turned out to be a bunch of mom's for liberty back candidates They just kind of do whatever they want all the time with really no Consequences or fear because they're in the majority So a lot of people leading up to that election. We're asking hey who's backed by mom's for liberty Unfortunately despite that information getting out there They still took over the majority of the board But people are you know a little bit more hip to the whole mom's for liberty thing this time around Um, and so happy to pass along some information for you. Uh the charleston county democratic party Uh their executive committee voted to recommend some candidates in this year's uh charleston county school board races Um, so these are ones. Uh, these are people who are not backed by mom's for liberty In our back by the charleston county democratic party. So If you're someone who wants to get the mom's for liberty activists off the board Uh, these would be the people you want to vote for In district two, which covers portions of east cooper, uh, they recommend carolina juit For district four, which is north charleston and downtown charleston portions of those Uh, they recommend kreg logan district six, which is portions of west ashley Uh, they say incumbent daren lee calhoun should Is there recommendation? side note there Uh, he's the incumbent as i mentioned he's running against two other people one of which is michelle leeber Who is state representative matt leeber's wife leeber is an extreme right wing guy who uh One point Was a self-described i forget if it was like three percenter or oath keeper one of those extremist groups. There's old interviews Um, that are out there with him saying that he's a member of these groups and an event his wife is one of the people running So yes, no surprise. She has some of the same extreme views. He does in fact She is one of the quote honored guests Uh at this luncheon that this weird fringe group is putting on in an effort to quote unquote save uh, the john c calhoun monument and the rober e lee marker that was removed from the property of the school um, you know, so she's an honored guest at an event dedicated to Uh, you know wanting to save monuments From rasis who were on the wrong side of history. So that tells you all you need to know there So vote daren lee calhoun if you were in district six In the last recommendation with uh district eight, which is places like edisto island hollywood john's island ravanell wadmala island in portion of james island. Uh, they recommend incumbent darlene done mire roberson So Those are the folks that the charleson county democratic party has endorsed So if you want someone who will get the board back to normal business, not fight these culture wars Um, and just get rid of these moms for liberty folks now. Unfortunately, not all the moms for liberty people are up Uh for re-election. So some are still going to be there Uh, but there are some that align with that organization that are running against the people I just mentioned So if you want to get rid of those people the people I mentioned are the ones you'll want to vote for Um depending on what district you're in of course If you didn't have a chance to write those down or you're going to forget There's a link in the show notes, um where you can save that when it's your time to go vote And the last story on this friday, we have an update to the very sad story involving Uh, the police dog death, uh that happened in doorchester county Uh, a doorchester county sheriff's deputy has been demoted following the death of his police dog that happened back in july Um, and the the officer we finally know his name. It had not been released. The officer's name is brandon edwards Uh, he was demoted from master deputy to deputy on september 12 This is according to personnel files that were obtained from the south carolina criminal justice academy And they were obtained by the post and courier So back on july 28th a five-year-old police dog was found dead in edwards patrol vehicle Uh, apparently edwards had left his dog unattended and without the temperature controls operating So it seemed he just left this dog in a police car with no ac and the windows up Maybe the windows were cracked who it doesn't say but That doesn't matter if the ac's not going of course, especially in july late july in charles stir in south carolina So those actions did leave to that demotion, uh, however The officials with the doorchester county sheriff's office turned the case over to the state law enforcement division aka sled Uh for a separate investigation into the dog's death. They turned that over to sled in late august Um, so for violating department policy Edwards received a pay reduction. It was transferred out of the k9 unit. That's a good move Uh, and he is now on what's called administrative assignment, whatever the hell that means, you know, I guess maybe he's just behind a desk And not actually out patrolling and things. Um, this is all according to the notice of disciplinary action the post and courier got a hold of So the sled investigation is still ongoing. Uh, a post mortem examination of the dog was scheduled following, you know, this incident Uh, there hasn't been any update on that yet. Uh, I guess the plan here is results from that post mortem examination In any other additional information on the case will be released upon completion of the sled investigation So once sled wraps it up We'll hopefully have all the details of what exactly happened and there may be charges Uh, that that police officer will be subject to depending on what they rule so Sad story at least we're getting some more information after for a while there it felt like there really wasn't any The sheriff's office was not very forthcoming with things Uh, so at least we're getting more information and we know where this thing stands at the moment Uh, and hopefully sled will wrap up their investigation before too long. Um, it certainly seems like a demotion Uh and being moved to administrative Assignment and being removed from the k9 unit are the least that the sheriff's office could have done Like I said, uh, there could be charges, you know, like animal cruelty, you know, something along those lines It's potential, you know for leaving the the dog in a hot car. Um, we would think maybe there's some more coming But we'll see and i'll certainly keep you updated And That'll do it for this edition of holy city center radio. I hope you have a good weekend I know the weather might put a damper no pun intended on potential plans You can go to holy city center dot com slash calendar to see what is going on this weekend However, keep in mind that although I do my best to update that calendar I don't always get alerted when the events are canceled or you know, I find out later or whatever Uh, so just if you see something on there It would be a huge deal for you if you went to go do whatever that plan is and you find out it's canceled Be sure to check with the venue or the promoter or whoever Be sure to check with someone related to that event before, you know traveling and obviously if the weather's bad Uh, I would imagine many of these events will be canceled and you probably shouldn't be traveling anyway Uh, so use your best judgment, of course, uh, but yes, it say the weather clears up It's safe to drive. There are some plans going on But you're not sure if the one you're interested in is happening be sure to contact someone before heading out there Uh, we don't want that to happen of course But most importantly stay safe stay dry pay attention. Like I said to all local weather, uh, things we we should be okay fingers crossed Uh, I know famous last words, right? But you know, we were fine with the last storm, but There were some incidents couple small tornadoes, uh, around the area and flash flooding that could be dangerous And you know, it could have been a lot worse. So Be safe out there. Don't get complacent with these things even if you know, like I said, it seems like we're going to be fine but Always err on the side of caution with these type of events. You just never know Uh, I will talk to you again next week But before that, I got to say thank you to Lindsay Marie Collins with lmc sound system who produces this in every episode of holy city center radio and a big thank you to tyler boom who's music you hear in each and every show As I said, I'll talk to you next week. Stay safe until then good night and good luck [Music] You [BLANK_AUDIO]