Elevate Construction

Ep.1175 - Did Lean Management Fail?

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

In this podcast we cover:

  • Systems that create abuse.
  • Why we always blame the abuser.

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Hey everybody welcome out to podcast number 1175 in this podcast I'm going to talk about did lean management fail stay with us. This is the elevate construction podcast delivering remarkable content for workers leaders and companies and construction wanting to take their next step get ready to step out of your comfort zone with Jason Schroeder as he encourages you to do better live a remarkable life and expect more let's go. Welcome everybody I hope you're doing well and I hope you're staying safe out there I've got an interesting little podcast here before we move too much farther that I'm excited to share with you but first let me go ahead and list some some feedback from our listeners this may be a long one I apologize by the way I'm in a waymo if you hear noise we attempt to denoise these as much as we can but I've got to get this whenever I can so I can share the content with you so here we go I want to thank each of you for the good training session I've been part of many of these over the years and I have to say that this one is in the top five the mixture of intelligent explanations combined with humor tied in with games tennis balls made the three days flow appropriately my takeaway from this training is that I have a new found appreciation for construction I'm excited to use this system and Calgary on the new projects I spent the weekend coming up with ideas that I can use to work the system inside the system what can I do in my three days inside of a block that can make our time more efficient who can I champion from my team to do each task and how can I mentor my team to do better I'm going to implement post reviews on Friday afternoons for the week and dissect how we did and what we could be doing better and tie that in with a week look ahead so the staff are ready to go on Monday mornings this should be an easy buy-in to staff if they see it as a team approach in the future I would like to see some more trainings for project managers estimators and pm coordinators I feel with this could be helpful for I feel with this it could be helpful for the ones on the other side of the fence that may not be hands-on but would benefit from understanding the system better would help with time lining the schedule also for me personally I can use my turnover meetings estimator to pm format as an opportunity to discuss the schedule and opportunities for prefab and efficiencies once again thank you for the course I'm looking forward to using the system on my upcoming projects thank you for sending me the lego piece templates I will be using them to define workloads in other projects as well hope everyone made it home safe see you all in the next one okay um I love that this was based off of a uh form and boot camp that was designed for high street ventures up in Canada and it's probably my favorite boot camp quite frankly like it's it's just really nicely done Kevin really dug in and took the simulation sheets to another level which was quite fantastic he invented the build your lego piece off of the book how big things get done just a lot of the the activities were just really really nicely done so yeah that was some feedback from from that boot camp and we do them quite frequently and boy it's making a big difference in that organization so absolutely love it I'm okay let me get right into the podcast topic let me say that where I originally heard this concept from I respect the individual immensely he and I are good friends I have nothing but good things to say I respect his lean wisdom we stay in touch all the time I just love this man so I have nothing negative to say about him or his opinions and I believe that if I dug in to what he was saying this would have shown that we're probably more aligned than not but I posted as something that lean managed so the question was has lean management failed and my answer was no and the answer was in the negative from that individual that obviously he felt something different I don't believe in heckling people in their LinkedIn post I'm not a troll and I don't get significance that of making people's lives miserable so I just deleted the comment decided to go in my merry way again this person is like highly respected by me but I did want to dissect this a little bit um I believe that whatever he says is in his article once it's finally published in his paper is going to be remarkable but let me just tell you my opinion I do not believe that lean management or lean systems have failed let me give you an example let me give you an example and this is going to piss some people off so everybody's back back our back down for just a second okay so there's two books that I'm reading right now I'm kind of off and on but in one at a time one is men behaving badly and the other one is invisible women and my mind is blown like I am on one like the things that women have experienced over the centuries is absolutely horrific like absolutely horrific there's very solid biological reasons for why men behave badly and seek to control women and there's just a huge gap in women's pay women's rights women being considered in any realm of existence like there's a couple of like key concepts that I've learned recently that are very very interesting to me number one is like that nothing is designed for women hand tools seat belts airbags bathrooms the number of bathrooms just anything right one of my biggest like my best analogy for that is is women's bathrooms and men's bathrooms if you have four men's stalls four women's stalls which line will be longer at like a concert or a game it will always be the women's bathrooms because we have equal bathrooms but equal is not fair because women have periods they have to change tampons they have child care they have to sit down to go pee or to go number two it's the duration just takes longer so if we're looking at it from a lean perspective you would say to yourself hey from a resource standpoint we need to have six or eight stalls for women when there's four stalls for men then the throughput for both genders would be equal so fair it's fair to have four your four stalls and eight stalls for women then you end up with equal lines and equal treatment so fair can be equal but equal will never be fair because you have different body types different circumstances different mentalities different everything with women so that's my my favorite example like people say hey we need to be equal no we need to be fair and fair is the only way that we'll ever get to equality the other one and i've had some recent arguments about this that that are quite disgusting to me actually but um this concept of a meritocracy um it's not a thing right so when i say we intentionally hire women or recruit and hire women we train and elevate women we do everything we can for women in the industry people inevitably speak up and say what about men or blah blah blah and do you hate men and is that fair and blah blah blah there's some data here that really is quite startling women on average work more like so at least 90 minutes more than their male counterparts and have at least 45 minutes more house work at home than men there's no such thing as an as a as a non-working woman there's only non-paid women right so women have more house chores they work more and there's just a lot of differences in how they're treated for instance if a woman is in a career and because of pregnancy and household duties and rearing children and taking children to work the average over a period of time and i believe it was like five to ten years that a woman will lose and pay and benefits versus their male counterparts counterparts is about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars on the low end uh for salary because they're set back by all of these hurdles um and so uh let me give you another example uh that goes against this meritocracy concept uh there are our orchestras in the united states that used to be about five ten percent women and now they're around 50 percent or more and the big change people ask well why did they start hiring more women well they didn't there was a law put into place that forced blind auditions meaning you don't know if the person playing the instrument is male or female you don't know if they're white or black you don't know if they're anything and you just hear their music and so they select the person based on their their ability to perform and then they uh select that musician and so that's why more and more women are getting hired on orchestras because on the most for the most part they're better musicians and they're finding that women are better at leadership and better at a lot of things than men more educated so this concept of meritocracy hiring for competence is absolutely complete bullshit right um people end up hiring people that they're liking that they look like if you're hiring somebody and you're white male you have a high likelihood of hiring another white male regardless of qualifications and until you can do something similar to blind auditions where you really only focus on the legitimate performance you're going to have that bias so this concept of a meritocracy and don't focus on diversity don't focus on women focus on um you know just hiring who's best qualified is really just an excuse to hire more white males and i don't have anything against white males because i'm a white male so this is the example i told you all that and i'll tell you more about this in future podcast but i told you all that to basically say that um is it women's fault that they're being abused is it women's fault that they're being ignored is it women's fault that they're being raped and harassed and groped and that they don't have the right bathrooms and that they don't have the right environment and that they are have a light higher likelihood of getting constipation and urinary tract infections because they don't have adequate abilities to go to the restroom is it fair that they're seven times more likely to sustain an injury because construction tools are not designed for them um is it fair that there's a gender pay gap is it fair that all these things happen i'm absolutely not women in most of these categories are more capable our better leaders have higher education levels and still the problem persists and so here's my point here's my point there's definitely a system problem and there's definitely a bias and there's definitely prejudices and there's definitely uh human behaviors behind this that is causing this problem so you can't blame women you can't be like oh women uh you're responsible for your own rapes you're responsible for your own uh gropings you're responsible for your own neglect you're responsible for your own uh gender data gaps you're responsible for the fact that you weren't able to vote or own property or that you couldn't resist your husband raping you right you wouldn't say those things now the blame firmly belongs where the blame belongs and when you talk about did lean management fail lean and tax last planner and scrum and lean methodologies uh they are right and they didn't fail anything when you implement lean on projects they win every single time so then you ask the question why is it not implemented well it's implemented for the same reason that doctors used to perform lobotomies it's implemented for the same reason that husbands used to make it illegal for their wives to chat with other women and that they could accuse them of being witches and uh kill them um it happens for the same reason that uh we have that we use the imperial system in the united states instead of metric it happens for all of the same reasons ignorance a fear of change bad behavior and a system that does not support it so 100 classical management failed it failed because the people that invented it took no thought about whether or not it was the right system classical management failed because they scaled it and implemented it simply because they could classical management systems failed because they focused more on significance and being popular and their credentials in their tenure versus doing what is right classical management failed because they ignored the data on the results and kept going classical management failed because it became a dictatorship once it was placed in contracts classical management failed because it blamed people classical management failed because it is designed to protect the elite right and it puts people down absolutely horrific systems so when you have an abuser and when you have a dictator when you have somebody who is literally hurting and killing people um and repressing people we don't blame the repressed we repressed we blame the system we blame the abusers and so i just want to make it clear from Jason Schroeder's perspective if anybody says does lean did lean management fail absolutely not our system our our egos our human brains and bodies our fair brains our evolution our lack of maturity as a species the the desire for the ruling class to stay in position and the desire for the ruling class to control and abuse people and use them as objects is at fault here not the people so lean management did not fail lean management does what it always does it wins it succeeds it just needs an opportunity to grow and we can say um so actually the similar thing one of these days when racism goes away when we can let people be people and take more of a libertarian approach we can stop controlling people with government or religion when we can stop persecuting women when we can stop doing these horrific horrific and disgusting things in society um then we might be open to lean in fact i would say that enlightened perspective that would take care of the other ones is the same perspective that you have when you have a lean mindset so lean did not fail classical management did um and women didn't fail men failed women uh and in any of these situations where the oppressed are being oppressed the oppressors are the ones that failed and i stand by it i wanted to share my opinion i hope you've enjoyed this podcast on we go please join us next time in elevating the entire construction experience for workers leaders and companies coast to coast if you're enjoying the show please feel free to share with your construction colleagues and help us spread the word by rating 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