Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Unexpected Healing

Unexpected Healing - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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Unexpected Healing - Morning Prayer

I give myself away, come on and worship him on this morning, church, tell him, I give myself away so you can use me, sing it to him, I give myself away. I give myself away so you can use me, tell him, here I am, and here I am, here I stand. Lord my life is in your hands, Lord I am longing to see your desires reveal in me, tell him, I give myself away, glory to God, come on and worship him on this morning, tell him, I give myself away so you can use me, I give myself away, blessed be the name of Jesus, tell him, I give myself away so you can use me, take my heart, take my life as a living sacrifice in all my dreams and all my plants, Lord I place them in your hands, I give myself away, thank you Jesus, I give myself, come on, church, I give myself away, glory to God, so you can use me, tell him, I give myself away, I give myself, I give myself away so you, tell him I give myself, I give myself away, glory to God, give myself, I give myself away tell him I surrender all to you and I surrender all to you, everything I give to you, tell him with holding nothing, with holding nothing, glory to God, with holding nothing, I give myself, I give myself away, so you, Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ on this way, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ lift burdens from off their shoulders or God, lift burdens from off their shoulders, heal their sick bodies, remember those marriages that's in trouble this morning, turn it around God, that husband that wants to divorce, that wife that wants that divorce, bring healing to that marriage, remove the hurt from betrayal and unforgiveness and bitterness and infighting and the peace that they once had, the love that they once had, let restoration happen on, let restoration happen, in the name of Jesus Christ, in their finances, give them a miracle, give them a breakthrough, that businessman was at the end of his rope, don't know which way to turn, Lord you said, trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean on to your own understanding and all that way he's acknowledged him, he made us a promise he willed to wreck our steps, the child that's hurting this morning, bring healing to that family, don't give up saints, don't give up, I pray for you, I don't want to throw the towel in, don't give up, God's going to come through, he has a plan, in Jesus name I pray somebody say, hey man, glory to God in the highest, praise be to God, isn't I God awesome? So on this morning as we continue our series, the necessity of faith, I want to talk about an unexpected healing, sometimes God works in ways that we just not expecting, he works in ways we cannot see, he will make a way for me, God will make a way, when it seems to be no way, glory to God, he works in ways we cannot see, he will make a way for me and he will be my guide to hold me closely by his side, with love and strength to reach new day, he will make a way, and he will make a way, you need to hear this on this morning, come on singing with me church, come on, God will make a way, where there seems to be no way, he works in ways we cannot see, he will make a way for me, and he will be my guide to hold me closely to his side, with love and strength to reach new day, he will make a way, he will make a way, oh come on and praise him if you believe it, come on and praise him, glory to God, praise him if you believe he is going to make a way, thank you Holy Ghost, on this morning I want to talk about an unexpected healing, an unexpected healing, and you about to see why I'm saying this, so the Apostle Paul on his way to Rome, on his journey to Rome, they were caught in an awful storm, you can read it in chapter 27, and in the heat of it, in the thick of it, they hadn't seen the old life almost 14 days without a God meager talent, got me concerned, they hadn't seen the light of day for 14 days and 14 nights, and in the midst of that right when Paul said all, Luke and Paul said all hope was lost, that they should even be safe, an angel of the Lord showed up and stood by Paul that night, and said Paul, there is not a man on this ship, that's going to die, I've given you all of their lives, you're going to make it safely to land, and then the angel gave him the bad news, the angel said the ship is going to be destroyed, look I would hang on to that angel man, he would have to fly away with me right, the angel said this ship is going to be torn to pieces, but you all are going to make it safe to land, no positive confesser is going to change that word and it happened, and guess what, the angel told him that they're going to make it to a certain island, now this island was not a part of Paul's plan, it was not a part of the captain's plan, they were headed to Rome, because Paul had to go to be tried, but God had a plan because there was somebody on that island that was sick probably under death, and they would need a healing touch of the Lord Jesus and God had nobody there that he could call on, so Paul's ship was allowed to be broken into pieces to get Paul to stop at this particular place, because there was someone there need to glory to God, you better be grateful when God sent a man of God your way, because you don't know what a man or woman of God, you don't know what they had to go through to get to bring that healing power to your life, are you listening to me, glory to God, so the Bible says in chapter 28 verse 1 through 10, once we were safe on shore because the boat broke apart in the storm and the Bible says some made it on boards and some on broken pieces, but they made it, glory to God, chapter 28 says once we were safe on shore we learned that we were on the island of Malta, the angel told them they would make it to land, they would make it to some island, Luke said the people of the island were very kind to us, it was cold and rainy, so they built a fire on the shore to welcome us, so they could warm themselves by the fire, they just came out of a terrible shipwreck and now they are, the people are being nice to them because they felt bad that these men, probably some 200 and something of them, had to make it to land on boards and broken pieces, but they survived just like the angel said, now watch this, watch this, as Paul gathered, as Paul gathered an arm full of sticks and was laying them on the fire because they are keeping this fire going, a poisonous snake driven out by the heat, bit Paul on the hand and this snake just, well that had been enough for me to pass on right there, I don't like snakes, sorry you snake lovers, I just don't like them, amen, but I will say we will tread on serpents and scorpions, not handle them, I am just messing with you all, but watch this, I know we got some snake pet lovers watching, I am just not a snake guy, amen, watch this now, verse 4 says, the people of the island, they saw the snake, the venomous snake, the poisonous snake hanging on the Paul's hand and said to each other, a murderer no doubt, they said this guy got to be a murderer, though he escaped the sea, justice will not permit him to live, so they thinking this is something wrong with this man, they thinking this guy got to be guilty or something real bad, that is just human nature, just because something bad, something that didn't mean you were still guilty or whatever Paul was forgiven man, call it forgiven him and watch him in the blood of Christ, so they were expecting this, they were expecting Paul to drop dead, verse 5 says, but Paul shook off, shook the snake off into the fire and was unharmed, we remember this is what Jesus meant, when he said in Mark 16, he said you will touch deadly serpents and it wouldn't hurt you, are you listening? That's what he meant, this is a perfect example of it right there, he meant by accident, people wanted a handle snake to prove the scriptures, that's a bunch of foolishness, amen, watch this, but Paul shook off the snake into the fire and was unharmed, the people waited for him to swell up or suddenly drop dead, because that's what happened when no snakes bit you, but when they had waited a long time and saw that he was not harm, they changed their minds and decided that well this guy got to be a god, why people are extreme, one minute you are devil, the next minute you are a god, come on somebody make up your mind, right? Now watch this, this the part that I want to get to, near the shore where we landed was an estate belonging to Publius, the chief official of the island, he welcomed us and treated us kindly for three days, this man just catered to them and blessed him, but watch this, this is why I am talking about an unexpected healing, watch this, as it happened Publius father was ill with a fever and a dysentery, they call it a bloody flux, he was just had a bad direct bleeding, the bible says Paul went in and prayed for him and laying his hands on him, he healed him, the power of God came out of Paul and healed Publius dad, I make it a point here, that entire storm that broke Paul's ship up, this was an unplanned stop, got a loud Paul to land on this island, because there were people who needed to experience a healing power and the love of God, this was an unexpected healing, this was an unplanned healing, as far as Paul and Luke was concerned, but God had that man on his mind the whole time, have you ever been blessed by God through something, have you ever been blessed unexpectedly, it happened, it worked out, come on somebody, I believe somebody watching this morning is about to get an unexpected healing, an unexpected miracle, an unexpected breakthrough, an unexpected turn of events in your finances, in your marriage, in that business, in your ministry, in that endeavor that you are involved in, in your college, in your college career, in high school, whatever it is, I believe someone is about to get an unexpected healing, an unexpected breakthrough, an unexpected miracle, God is a merciful God, Paul's shipwreck, it worked together for good, that's why Paul said, and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, even to them that are called, according to his purpose, someone have just been healed on the, almost to the center right part of the stomach, the Holy Ghost, I will just touch you and heal you, I rebuke that problem, the center right part of your stomach, I rebuke that in Jesus name, I release the healing power of the Lord Jesus, I rebuke it, that problem, in the center right part of your stomach, I rebuke it and I command it to be healed, loose them in the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of infirmity, take your hands off of them, take it off, in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, put your hands down, put your hands on the center right part of your stomach, be healed, be healed in the name of Jesus Christ, be healed in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, be healed in your stomach, receive your miracle, our trouble is gone, you are healed, and we want to hear from you, we want to test them on the email to us,, let us know Pastor Sean, that was me you were talking to, I received my healing, now watch this, so the Bible says as it happened, Publi's father was ill with fever and dysentery, Paul went in and prayed for him and laying his hands on him, he healed him, it's the power of God, then all watched this, then all the other sick people on the island came and were healed, this was unplanned healing as far as Paul was concerned, but God had those people on his mind all along, as a result we were showered with honors and when the time came to sell, people supplied us with everything we would need for the trip, they ended up getting blessed, it was an unexpected healing. Father God, me and Pastor Amy, join our faith with your wonderful people here this morning, we cover them in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for ministering to them, for touching them, for encouraging them to help them, to help position them to receive that unexpected healing, that unexpected miracle, that unexpected breakthrough, that unexpected turnaround, in the name of Jesus Christ, we love you in all of our hearts, thank you Lord for hearing us, an answer in prayer, in Jesus' name, somebody say amen, God bless you, we love you, to support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at, you can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses pay, you can also give through the ministry app, many of you have downloaded the shawnpinda ministries app, amen, you can give through that app as well, you can also give through the ministry's account, the ministry's email address is, you can also give through the ministry cash up account that addresses the dollar sign, shawnpinda ministries, you can also give through the ministry Venmo account that address is @shawnpindaministries, you can also text, to give all you have to do is text the letters, spm to the number 45-888-A and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing out donations into the ministry, just remember to make your checks and money all this out to shawnpinda ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 7570. So forget me and my beautiful white pastor, Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you, see you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [Music]