
Neville Hall, Mayor of Eden 09.27.24

Weather update, Trinity Wesleyan Education Center, highlights of this month's City Council meeting, RiverFest, upcoming events.

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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Mike Moore Media. I'm talking to Neville Hall the mayor of Eden on a on a stormy day. Hey Mayor how are you sir? Hey Mike I'm good. Good morning. Yeah well I know we have several things we want to talk about but the weather the big concern right now and that's kind of affecting a lot of outdoor activities and parks and things around the city. Yeah that and you know just hoping everybody stays safe you know with schools being cancelled the storm has had potential to be a pretty significant storm so just encourage everybody to be as careful as you can be and as they say turn around don't try and drive over roads that are flooded and with our amount of water we have run it through our city to the rivers there's a chance that some of them will get out of the banks and onto the roads so just be smart on that and be safe. Yeah and of course the wind that's accompanying the storm good calls trees and power lines to go down so hopefully we'll get through it relatively unharmed. Yeah hope so too yeah really getting a beating up around Asheville and up in the western part of the county but of course all of our river access areas and greenways and trails and all of that they are closed right now for a while. Yeah that was the that was a decision it was made for you know the safety of the citizens and council to the outdoor recreation event and things of that nature and of course the green ways are along the river which could lead to some dangerous spots so yeah the closing notice was called it was made yesterday and will be closed until further notice. Okay all right well but we did have perfect weather absolutely beautiful weekend last last Friday and Saturday for Riverfest and I haven't heard the numbers but well attended wasn't it. Absolutely and you're right the weather we've been so unlucky with the other event we just hit the perfect weather for our signature event and and like I said it was well attended and I think everybody that I've talked to had a great time great experience and we had as you know the big news was Tabitha Brown being in town and being presented to keep her city she's just she's a ball of energy and he does a lot of things and it's very well known nationally so with police to have her back and honor her in the city. And I didn't realize until you were being introduced that you and Tabitha go back you're evidently have known each other for a while so give us that connection how did that all come about. Well actually it's you know being from Eden and more head we have connections where she's younger than me but you know we still know some of the same people and as she became more and more famous her dad Eddie who has the barbershop one door down from my wife's store we we got we started following her with Eddie and he's so proud as he should be and he would always come in and tell us she's in this movie or she's flying here to get this award or good morning America show or whatever she was on so just as I as she continued to grow her career we just followed her all the way through and kept in touch and if I saw where she like for instance when she won the Emmy Awards she mentioned Eden North Carolina at the podium so I always reach out to her and thank her for that she's done interviews in the USA today and talked about stores and Eden and growing up here so every time I get a chance I thank her for the publicity she gives us for free because when she says something millions of people hear it and act to it sure yeah yeah and you know I've seen that and you have to time and time again and in print and articles to where Eden Eden gets a mention every time and and that she's proud of her hometown and that's that's that's great she has that connection shares that with so many others so you can't yeah so thank her for that for sure yeah yeah I thought it was cool with it when she was given her speech or talk after we did the presentation that she talked about pretending to not be from the South for so long and you know this is who I am is where I'm from and she's proud of it and it's her but well to get back to a real personality and well yeah I wish I don't know if anybody recorded or not that speech about you know her roots and and the the values that the the things that were instilled in her at an early age that she carries with her today I mean that I don't that was all she wouldn't make that speech just anywhere but right here in Eden I believe and and that was just just very personal and down home and just how it all you know connected here to her growing up years and you know just caring that through today so that was great yeah cool okay well let's jump into this month's city council meeting and oh my gosh it's always great when you recognize special businesses and organizations and people so tell us what the big one was for this month's meeting now this is trendy Wesleyan's youth development center that has celebrated here celebrating their 25th year in operation had a bunch of the kids were there the teachers were there and they let us in the pledge of allegiance which was cool and then we recognize them and and Ken White actually did the the presentation and the reason for that is his son was in the first class it was over there so he's he's a that place is near and dear to his heart as it is to I don't know thousands of kids that have grown up there I mean it's been you pre pre school years in the place you you become very attached and proud of that place and people you go there with and the teachers that are there with you so yeah that's quite an accomplishment 25 years they're five starts filled the end you know just good good business and good good people running it that's right yeah and I know Wayne Johnson was mentioned who was the the pastor there when all that got started and yeah and so we kind of remembering him to and and look at that legacy isn't that great wow yeah Wayne he was quite a gentleman he just was always so nice everybody and of course he died unexpectedly and in the church and had to move on without him and I continue to grow and continue to run that wonderful child care center yeah so thanks to everyone there for the good work through the many years 25 years at Trinity Wesleyan Education Center while I'm looking at the agenda and I don't know what some of the public hearings and my things continue there until your October meeting and rezoning and all of that but is anything in particular you wanted to mention now I'll just say that the reason we've continued that public hearing twice is that delay with the survey and normally you would just say you know we'll we'll do it next month or you know move it to the next meeting but if you have a public hearing you have to advertise it for I don't know two weeks in the in the media to get it to where you can actually have the public hearing and if you say well we're just gonna skip it we got to open it and re advertise it again and it's basically a very non-controversial issue it's somebody wanting to be annexed into the city so I like we're gonna have in my I don't think we'll have much opposition or any opposition so it's it's almost something that could go on the consent agenda but by law we have to have a public hearing that's why we keep continuing they're waiting for the survey to be done so when they get done it should go through pretty quickly yeah okay very good all right well anything else we needed to mention yeah the music being cruisin at Freedom Park this tomorrow night oh yeah all the Huffman sent me a reminder to mention that and I'll plug another event that's coming this weekend and I simply do it because of the the charity side of it there's a pro wrestling event at the Army this Saturday they got a Hall of Famer Aaron Anderson's coming in Chris Nelson and Preppy Pirate has worked on this and expecting a big crowd for for two shows on tomorrow Saturday and the proceeds or some of the proceeds are going to the friends of the eating animal shelter so that that's a good thing he's expecting a lot of out of town with people to be here and so hopefully people turn up and and goes with that and visit our restaurants and stuff in uptown why they're here yeah meet us and leave another celebrity and then and rank the money for the animals yeah yeah I'm glad you mentioned those yeah I've had those for weeks on our community calendar so that is yeah the pro wrestling that's the armory on Henry Street good to see that repurposed and shows it three and seven tomorrow so friends of eating animal rescue you're getting a portion of that and you know music in the park a papa thup will be there tomorrow night and the Kiwanis amphitheater and yeah Eden Cruz in the Jeep Jeep meat and concessions that's been going on all summer started back in June I believe and so tomorrow nights the last one for the season it is and then October the 4th is Friday and I think we're gonna go for the third or fourth attempt at the Greece movie and alright Henry Street yeah rain has gotten us a couple times but hopefully we can pair those two with the car show and the Greece movie yeah but the ones that yeah the ones that have been held public works and the guys they're putting all that together well attended it's just been great so so that is October 4th for the cruising yeah in uptown Eden okay okay well I think we were going to mention I'd like to mention the efforts being made for the old leeks for the Friday after Thanksgiving you know this has been operated by the merchants for years and then was passed on to the Chamber of Commerce a year or two ago and the Chamber Board decided that it you know as far as their mission to put on parades there you know they're more business oriented so they were speaking someone take it over and we've had a couple of ladies and well I guess a group of people now have volunteered and they're working on doing this and putting it together and hopefully it'll be different from before and better than before and you know just know that there's an effort being made to save the parade I guess yeah that even wasn't having a parade which I felt like was a little bit misleading because we still have a parade we've got one that's on about it 50 something years yeah somebody somebody call that TV station have them do that for children definitely still have a parade but yeah at that nighttime parade is something that people really enjoy and we're hoping that in a short amount of time they can pull it together the logistics or the problem you got have to have liability insurance and you have to pay for security the policemen that are there on their overtime and you got all kinds of things you have to pay for an advertising and really the only way to do it is you know charge a small entry fee and and hopefully just get close to breaking even but there's things that have to be planned and paid for and so they're working hard to put it together but this short amount of time but they're very intense workers that they'll put their mind to it and I'll put you this thing planned yeah they're very passionate about that and everything they do and so yeah and you know we go and enjoy the parade and stand out on the street and oh that's great but people don't have a clue what's involved behind the scenes like you're saying all the all of the things that have to fall into place and I know that last year there was a lot of discussion about throwing the candy or whatever yeah right that goes back to the liability insurance there's a whole different kind of insurance you have to have you gonna allow people to run out into the street and pick up candy and that type of thing so you know it's a safety factor it's also a cost factor and you know I don't know what the decision will be made this year I guess it'll depend on the income side as far as how much insurance you can buy but but anyway but the word they used in the news release as you saw there was a revitalized gonna revitalize that just bring the spirit of all the community back together and so yeah so we come in that group and Rocco is home and the people they're involved in that and the merchants yeah select group like every merchants group but sound like they're right on track to make it happen so that's great okay yeah and I'm glad you mentioned that the draper parade yeah because wow that that has been going on for it what did you say it's been it's been 50 it's 50 it's over 50 it might be 53 or something by now my gosh yeah but that's always the great parade at the first Saturday in December every year on the front and draper and remember I used to I used to broadcast that and used to come out of a front of draper variety when we had to hook up on the phone line there and back in the back of the building and and I remember one one year it was so cold it's the coldest I think I've ever been in my life and doing a parade but you know it didn't slow people down everybody was there but yeah so that that one's been going on a long time okay mayor anything else I think that'll do it okay always good to talk to you thank you you too Mike thank you for having me yeah have a wonderful weekend and we'll take you next month okay thanks bye bye it's Neville Hall he is the mayor of Eden and I remind you to shop in Eden support our hometown businesses our local businesses all over town and I know when I was on stage at Riverfest last Saturday we were talking about some of the new businesses and there at least six new businesses in the last year since River them new businesses always that's always great and ribbon cuttings and all that and the mayor mentioned the Chamber of Commerce and when we go wow they've had a lot of ribbon cuttings so far this year and more on the schedule that's great let me mention our sponsors of today's program let's start with one that's been around for a long long time since 1970 and that's Kings in pizza parlor the Ryan family bill is still there they don't can't go in and sit down and eat anymore COVID kind of changed all of that but take out always available at Kings in pizza parlor just give them a call at 336-627-1706 NC 14 Eden a hometown favorite for a longtime daily lunch specials at Kings in pizza parlor and also wanted to mention Corinne Brooks at uptown pharmacy she's right there on the corner of Washington and Hamilton Street right there yep it is a uptown right out on the fringe there but maybe you've seen her new delivery vehicle out and about yes prescription delivery from uptown pharmacy I just called in when you need them at 336 6123434 that's a pretty good number there 6123434 for delivery great on a day like today from uptown pharmacy they're open Monday through Friday 9 to 6 Saturday 9 to 3 we just had to actually move a prescription one of my wife's prescriptions because where we've been getting that particular medicine for years no longer available from them so we made a quick easy switch to uptown pharmacy Corinne took care of that just like that and a phone call and so thank you Corinne for that and thank you for listening and supporting the many different businesses and programs and all of the things that happen in Eden you can go to Eden NC dot us that's the city's website to get more information and explore Eden NC dot com always a great resource to find out about upcoming events [ Silence ]