The Rescue Church

Undivided Intention

As a world, we are more connected than ever. The internet, cell phones and other technology have helped make it possible. Unfortunately, in a connected world, division and fighting are prevalent. Many people are getting tired of it but can’t seem to get away from it. This weekend we will see what God has to say for the Church in a divided time.

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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As a world, we are more connected than ever. The internet, cell phones and other technology have helped make it possible. Unfortunately, in a connected world, division and fighting are prevalent. Many people are getting tired of it but can’t seem to get away from it. This weekend we will see what God has to say for the Church in a divided time.

All right, we're going to jump right into the text as the buckets are going around. We are in Philippians 2 verses 1 through 8, and it says this, "Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in Spirit, being one of mine, do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, rather in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interest, but each of you to the interest of others. In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Jesus Christ. There's a Paul order, "Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God, something to be used to his own advantage, rather he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness and being found in appearance as a man. He humbled himself by becoming obedient in death, even death on a cross." Okay, I've got some questions for you as we get started here. How many of you think that people in the communities that you live in are dealing with some division right now? There's a few of you that think that, others of you think it's not, so that's okay. How about if you look bigger than that? If you look in our country, in the U.S., for those of you who are in the U.S., if you're online, you're not here, and that's okay, but if you're in the U.S., what do you think we have some division in our country right now, or is everybody on the same page? Yeah, okay, so we think we've got some division there. But now, division is something that we deal with on a daily basis. Here's another, here's a question, again, input. How many of you think the temperature in this room is about right right now, okay? How many of you think that it's too warm in here right now, okay, yep. And how many of you think it's not warm enough in here right now? Okay. So here we go. We find ourselves in different points with different perspectives, different points of view. And that's really what Paul is addressing in this text. Now we're going to start this series. We're calling it counter-cultural. We did this a couple of years ago where we look at things that may not line up with what is normal in culture. What do, what does the culture, society at large, if we were to give a broad sweeping general thought? What things are there that they may think one way, we may think differently. We're going to talk a little bit about addiction during this series. We're going to tackle the topic of divorce in this series. But today we're going to tackle unity and looking at what the Bible has to say on unity and division and how it affects us as Christians and as the church. So we're going to do that by looking at this text that we're at and then the text starts with the word therefore. Now as I said this morning, I'm encouraging and I believe God's desire would be that we would connect with Him in part through reading His word. And as we read His word, it's important that we understand what we're reading, that we understand the context of what we're reading, otherwise it can be easy to take that part out of context and assume it means something different than what it truly means. And as we're trying to figure out context and we get to parts where a chapter starts out with the word therefore, it's important that we know a couple things. And one thing that you need to know is when this was written, when this book of Philippians was written, it did not have chapters and verses. As Paul was writing, he didn't write a little bit and then go okay, this is verse one, we'll call this verse two. He didn't go through and do that. He just wrote this letter. And people who are much smarter than me went through after the fact and decided it was important that we break this up so that it's easy to refer back to. We need to be able to break it into things where we say, did you read that part in Paul's letter to the church in Philippi? Okay, where was it? Well, it was kind of about a third of the way through. Maybe the, I don't know how many paragraphs in and they're like, okay, where are we at here? But when we start to put some context, when we say verses, chapters, all that, we help have a spot where we can go to and refer to. Well, this chapter two starts out with the word therefore. And so we need to ask the question, this is like studying the Bible 101 and cliche 101. If the word therefore is there, you need to ask the question, what is it there for? So that's the idea. We start here, he says therefore. So he's looking back on something at this point. There's something that has brought us to this spot in his writing, in this letter. He didn't just start here mid-thought, there's something that led to this point. You can see that in Philippians 1, 27, which says, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one spirit striving together as one for the faith of the gospel." That word one seems to be there a lot. But so Paul in this letter, he's writing to the church in Philippi. This book is being written from Rome. Paul is in prison. We talked about Paul being in prison a number of times this year when we finished our mentored series that we just did, the part two where we went through 2 Timothy. We talked about how Paul was in prison for a second time in Rome. Well this was written during his previous imprisonment the first time when he was in the luxury estates that they called the Roman prisons and he was sitting there writing letters to different people about his time there. And as he's writing to this church in Philippi, this is a church that he has seen planted on his one of his missionary journeys. So he's been there, he shared the hope of Jesus with them. They started following Jesus and now he is in prison and he's writing back to them. And he writes to them and he stresses that he wants them to remain united. If you read a book of Philippians, you'll notice that he talks about this theme quite a bit. But he's not just talking about all thinking the same. That's not the idea. It's not like hey we should be united, we should all be clones of each other. This isn't a situation where he's saying hey I think you should all be this political view or that political view. He's not saying you should have this special group of society. We only want the upper middle class, we can't have anybody else. We only want the lower class. We don't want those other snooty upper class people hanging around. It's not about that. It's not about the region of the world. He's not saying hey I only want the people that are from Philippi. The rest of you go somewhere else. I don't know that that's such an issue always now. I was thinking back as I was preparing and reminded when I was younger, yeah, some 30 years ago or more. I remember being in school and it used to be each town had its little rivalries. I don't know who was Flanger's rivalry, those of you who have been around a while. Who was Flanger's rivalry like in the past? Who? Madison? Okay. I mean it's gotten to a point now where my kids probably don't even understand this whole rivalry thing. Other than we all have a rivalry with Sioux Falls Christian, no one wants to play them or lose to them. Anyway, they come here and recruit, right? It's a joke. It is a joke. It's said in humor. I realize some people will take me seriously so I just need to be very careful. That was intended to be funny and then I realized I may have struck a nerve that I didn't intend to strike. Anyway, back on topic here, whew, it's a little warm in this room. All right, what I was trying to get to when I got derailed terribly was there was a point when there was those rivalries where people that were from a town didn't like people from the other town, where people who were from Flanger didn't like Madison or didn't like Coleman or people from Dells didn't like people from West Central or Garrett's and our Baltic or whatever and while there's some of that there what we've seen with social media and kids getting together in groups more regularly is those rivalries aren't quite the same. I mean we play those games against schools that used to be rivals and then after the game the kids from both teams are going and like you know shaking hands saying hi and hanging out because well they're friends on snap and they played in that summer league together and they did this together. There's just a different feel who knows there may be even dating somebody's from the other school that would have never happened in the past at least you wouldn't have admitted to it but that's not what he's talking about. He's not talking about those types of rivalries that existed in the small towns years ago. He's talking about the fact that there is something bigger than a sports team something bigger than where you live something bigger than all of that that is important and that matters to people. He says since you are united by Christ and the gospel that's the focus of this. He says hey you already have some things that are uniting you in this you already have the love and the comfort that comes from Jesus' love in fact if you look in 2 Corinthians Paul alludes to that as well and he said that God provides comfort that was another thing that he gives he says he provides comfort so that you can comfort each other so that's another thing that unites us. You have the Holy Spirit there's a major uniting theme a major uniting factor in that you have the fact that that the Holy Spirit is in dwells all believers Jesus said hey I'm going to send you a helper. I'm going to send you the Holy Spirit he's going to dwell inside of you he's going to give you spiritual gifts he's going to give you wisdom he's going to give you he's going to transform you and provide the fruits of the spirit people who were were one time not patient will now be patient people who who struggle with not loving are going to love people who have these different things that don't match up with who Jesus is are going to now start matching up with who Jesus is because of the power of the Holy Spirit in us and he even says hey because of the Holy Spirit in you all of you as Christians you will be able to do even more than you can ask or imagine because there's that power of the Holy Spirit living inside of us so he's he's saying you have all of this and in this under the gospel you should have the same mind as Christ that's a pretty tall tall order and it's thought well it's probably a good idea to say okay we can say have the same mind as Christ what what does that mean what does that look like so let's take a look at what it looks like and just a few things they got four I think on your notes sheets the first one is we see in Jesus that he served willingly we can see that a number of times we can see that the miracles he did where he healed people we can see how he provided food to five thousand and then four thousand we can see how as he was getting ready to die and he knew what was coming and he tried to explain this to his his closest friends how they were still more concerned with who was going to be the greatest and all of those things and none of them were willing to do the basic responsibility of washing someone's feet after they had walked outside before they came into a guest room and where Jesus got down on his hands and knees and washed the apostles feet he served willingly we also see that he loved crazily if you want to spell crazily I had to look it up at c-r-a-z-i-l-y there you go I had to see if it was even a word because I was trying to think how do you how do you quantify or qualify the love of Jesus what is the adverb that fits with that I mean after all Jesus's love was so much that he left heaven where everything was perfect and came down to earth where news flash not so much he left being the being with God the father to a point where God the father was going to allow him to be executed to be crucified and so what quantifies that what word qualifies that and the only thing I could come up with was crazily and I had to look it up like I said to see if it was a word and it is and it means it's an action that is done in a way that is unpredictable and not normal I think we could all agree that Jesus's love was not normal a love that wasn't for building himself up it was for giving it away a love that was sacrificial to a point of giving his life being brutally executed on a cross Jesus loved people that others avoided he loved the tax collectors and invited them to actually follow him when he invited Matthew to follow him he loved a a Gentile woman I don't know if you know the story or remember the story but he's eating at the table and there's a Gentile woman in there and if you look at culture and what was supposed to happen there a Gentile woman shouldn't have been in there when the Jewish people were eating and he she says hey can you can you do this for me this and he says I'm not here for you and she says yeah but even the dogs get to eat a little bit off that falls off the table she's saying hey I know who you are and I'm begging you don't miss who I am and so he does that thing that's unacceptable he heals on the Sabbath again something that's unacceptable he was willing to sacrifice his image and his appearance to others to heal on the Sabbath now we all look back and go well obviously he was God and he was Jesus and look at that just makes sense why was the Sabbath such a big deal but if you were in a culture that that was a lot of what not a lot of it was what everybody in your culture focused on was Sabbath and preparing for Sabbath and making sure you did nothing on Sabbath and when you step in and do something that's for the better of somebody else and might hurt your image regardless that's a crazy love taking it even a step further I am amazed and I don't know that I could do this I like to think I could but the fact that Judas the one Jesus knew who was going to betray him the one who was going to take money to get him executed Jesus loved him and invited him to spend his life with him knowing what would happen that's what it looks like to love crazily and he did none of this for financial gain financial benefit for elevation of status there was none of that in fact it wasn't about possessions at all it was a humble love and that's what I put next is he acted humbly not about what he could get out of it he didn't position himself so that that people would elevate him as a religious leader which he could have he didn't embrace the warrior political leader that he could have after all that's what they expected from a Messiah with somebody who was going to come and deliver them from an oppressive Roman regime so every the table had been set for Jesus to come in and be a warrior yet he didn't do it he was willing to be mistreated and crucified in a brutal death I've had some things that are humbling happened in my life often due to my own screw-ups but in Jesus's case he had his clothes ripped off him beaten in front of everybody as a criminal even though he was not a criminal he was humble and then he gave generously giving up his own life giving up heaven taking on himself the weight of our sin on a cross he was willing to give up everything to die it's one thing to give up everything for something fun or some something rewarding yet he was willing to give up everything so that he could die and carry the weight of your sin my sin and many others on the cross he was willing to go through all of that and all of that is the good news the Paul is saying should unite us that's the gospel it's that Jesus loved us so much that he he leaves heaven that God loves us so much that he gives his son it's that Jesus comes and dies so that we can have a relationship that we don't deserve with God because remember sin separates us from God but Jesus died so that we can have a relationship with God and so the truth of the matter is that Jesus is the unifying factor in the church the gospel is the unifying factor in the church news flash it's not a denominational sign above the door whether you're Methodist you're Lutheran you're Baptist you're Pentecostal you're I'm missing a whole slew of them even within those denominations there's other micro like denominations that are in there and that he's not positive and say hey go form a domination and line up under that no he doesn't say it's wrong to have denominations but that isn't the unifying factor the unifying factor is in the denomination the unifying factor was also not the type of music that was done it doesn't say you should do him's or you shouldn't do him's it doesn't say you should have this kind of a worship or you should have this kind of worship it doesn't say you should have drums or you shouldn't have drums he Paul doesn't get into all of those things he says focus on the gospel and when it comes to politics we've talked about it but they weren't unified around politics they weren't there wasn't one church that said okay we're going to unify around trying to keep Caesar and Rome or we're going to keep one that's going to try and get Caesar out of Rome there was none of that in there they were unified around Jesus and Jesus Christ alone and don't miss the fact that this is a time when when politics were much worse than what we're experiencing in our country regardless of what side of the aisle you're on that this is a time when Christians were being persecuted in fact if I studied right and I don't know this for sure so don't hear this as fact because I couldn't I didn't get my timeline quite right but I believe this is about the time that there was going to be a division in the Jews when they were separated and broke out because of their beliefs but yet Paul didn't say hey unify and overthrow a government he didn't even say unify in your understanding of the fruit of the spirit or the manifestation of the spirit what he said is to unify around the hope and truth of the gospel in a world right now that's divided over a lot of things some of them we can joke about Packers Vikings temperature of the the room that we're in styles of music whatever it might be some of them we can we can laugh about others are much more serious in fact could affect generations to come but in a world where all that's going on we need to be reminded as the church as Christians that the one thing we are to be united on and focused on is the gospel and in that time when all this is happening the main point that I had it's there that that a divided world need the united church a world that's facing division over all of those other things doesn't need to hear from a church how this church is wrong and that church is wrong and how this is wrong and that's wrong but they need to know that there is a God who loves them so much that they sent his son Jesus to die that he sacrificed so that they could have a relationship with him we can get hung up on the different dividing things which makes sense so so we're told that that we have an enemy that enemy is Satan and I know that's not probably a real popular thing to talk about as far as who Satan is or isn't or does he even exist and is heaven real but we do have an enemy the Bible is very clear we have an enemy the enemy is Satan and he goes by many other different names and one of the ways an enemy conquers is they divide if you are trying to to win a war many times what will happen is you will attack on or has happened I don't know how it's it would happen today but it throughout history we can see times where wars have been fought on multiple fronts because if you can get people to attack on multiple fronts you can divide an army and you can conquer I think we've even seen some of that recently in Ukraine where they attacked a spot over in Russia where Russia wasn't trying it wasn't focused now Russia had to decide how they split up their army again it's a strategy to win a war divide and conquer on a much less serious area it's a strategy that can be employed in athletics and sports I've seen it where you have a basketball team that has a superstar plan and they do a great job of involving their team but the team that's going against them says here's what we got to do we're gonna we're gonna run a zone defense we're gonna send one person and they're gonna harass this person so this person can't contribute to the team whatever we have to do we're gonna keep anybody else from getting them the ball we're gonna break them off and they have to beat us with four other players divide and conquer kids try it with their parents my kids try it so so what we know to be true is in my house and I'm sure this doesn't happen in your house I'm sure none of you tried this but depending what they're asking for that depends who gets the text message it doesn't go to the whole group it's if I want this and I think dad'll give me this I'll text dad if I think mom will go for this I'll text mom if they are if it's something we'll agree on they might text both of us might but again kids have done that for years I'm sure I did it I would have known of my parents which one to go to about different things and so we do it we divide and conquer and Satan is much more mischievous than a teenager much more mischievous than a two-year-old he will divide and conquer the church by getting us to focus on different things and make other things more important than they need to be this has happened in the church which is why Paul's identifying it there in Philippi like don't let it happen focus on the gospel that's the most important thing it continued to be an issue in fact I was going to ask Melissa to do the we believe song but I didn't because I try not to let those leading music I try not to be the person manipulating whether it's her or Keith or anyone else saying hey this is what you should do so I didn't so when that song came up I was thankful because it reflects this whole issue of division in the church 325 or so AD we've got a division in the church where people have started to bring different things into what is true and what we're going to focus on at biblical truth and there was a group that formulated or began to formulate what was called the Nicene Creed and the purpose of the Nicene Creed was that there was a desire to say wait a sec we don't want to get distracted from what's most important and the doctrine and doctrinal truth by all these other things so we're going to bring back unity and say hey this is what we believe regardless of where you're coming from this is the belief that we're going to stand on they visited again in 381 when other divisions were starting to come back into things in different way I can't remember if it was spirit worship or what it was but they again came back and solidified the Nicene Creed it's the idea that they needed to have one set of clear doctrine that we as a church could get behind and when I say we as a church I mean Christians now it didn't hit on all parts of doctrine if you go through the Nicene Creed it doesn't really hit on the Eucharist doesn't tell you how you should celebrate communion doesn't say whether the tribulation is going to happen or not happen and then if Jesus is coming before during or after but it hit on the core of the gospel and and even today those dividing things happen we find people within churches attacking someone else we might go after the size of a church oh that they're the big church or they're the small church or they're the medium sized church the church in acts wasn't this big or that that's what small small church is the church in acts with small house churches now the big church is they go the church in acts saw thousands of people come to Christ each day they were a mega church they were the first mega church the answer is probably yes to both of them but for some reason we can tend to try and bring division in the church trying to I guess helping our own insecurities I don't know but the reality is that in the local church regardless of size regardless of where we're at in the world the gospel has power and the gospel is the focus of the church and when we focus on the gospel we avoid a lot of that other dissension and division that happens we see this actually modeled in first first chronicles David is is so going back there many of you know this but but Saul was anointed king Saul's anointed king he's leading all of Israel well Saul stops following following God and as he stops following God God anoints a second king or he has Samuel anoint the next king which is David and in David side note he picks the the the least of the family he'd take somebody that's not at all what Saul was the tall muscular hey look at him guy David's the the humble shepherd that wasn't even around when the rest of the family got together and he says you're going to be king and you're going to be king when Saul's no longer king well the time has come and Saul is no longer king Saul's died and when that happens there's a fight for power because Saul's remaining kids would want power others thought this was an opportunity leaders that had been undersal whatever yet David's been anointed king by God and so what ends up happening in this time is is mighty men that had been with David through much of his his time running avoiding being killed by Saul stand by Saul and other people whose other warriors other fighting men were told they all started to gravitate towards David to follow David because they were going to serve David believing he was supposed to be the next king and then we get the first chronicles third 1238 and it says all the fighting men who volunteered to serve in the ranks they came to Hebrew fully determined to make king David king over all Israel and all of the rest of the Israelites followed of one mind to make David king you see you had that group of people that said no we're going to be committed to David as king we're gonna we're gonna follow him we're gonna step by and support him and what we see in that is when when those in leadership when those who not even fully in leadership but those who were serving those who were doing the work started saying hey we're gonna follow David because he's the one God's put in power the rest of the people saw that and followed there is power in unity there is power when the church thinks bigger than their local gathering and says hey if we as Christians were of one mind if we as Christians served willingly loved crazily acted humbly gave generously and elevated Jesus above everything else you would reach a world around you a world that right now is seeing a fractured impact because we have groups here and here and here doing their thing in their own way but not working together to reach Jesus and here's even something that makes it even more powerful is we have the Holy Spirit giving us power to do more than we can ask or imagine we have the Holy Spirit bringing unity we have the Holy Spirit who has the power to change lives we are not going to change people but he can work through us to do what only he can do so what does that mean for us as a lot but what does this mean for us what does this look like well first let's let's look at us as the church and I would say for us it means that we should not let our differences defied us we should have it we should as a church be made up of different ages which we are different ethnicities which we are different backgrounds which we are different socioeconomic statuses different political standpoint we should be a church a group of people that love Jesus above and beyond all other things we should be meeting together we should be gathering we should be learning from each other with a focus on elevating Jesus and pointing people to the gospel that's what this should mean for us as Christians it's Christians it should mean that as a church people look at the rescue church whether it's here or anywhere else where we meet and see see Jesus first and foremost not see people that are trying to convert people into being rescue church members but people that are wanting people to meet Jesus and know Jesus for who he is our church should model at some level what heaven looks like and I don't know when I first realized this and I don't know what when you first realized this but when we think of heaven heaven is not going to be made up with a bunch of baptists and no one else it's not going to be made up with a bunch of Pentecostals and no one else it's not going to be made up with any one group of Christians it'll be made up of all Christians who speak a variety of different languages who come from a variety of different backgrounds with a variety of different races that is what the church is and in Jesus' prayer he said as he was praying and as we taught us to pray and earth as it is in heaven so if that's what he's praying if that's his desire then maybe our desire should be as well that we are a group of people a variety of different people united under the hope of the gospel and as the rescue church that that means for us is that we should be uniting and partnering with others outside of the rescue church other Christians we should be as meaning with other Christians we should be gathering with other Christians we should be focused on a mission that says hey we want people to know Jesus we want people to grow in phase we want people to go see others serve others and do I do I want the rescue church to grow numerically absolutely I would absolutely love to see us get to a point where we grow and grow and we have to go to who knows multiple services more locations but that's not the ultimate goal that God has given us as a church he has said that our goal is to make disciples that's what he's called us to is make disciples I say that just based on God's word not based on any specific divine revelation given to me I say that because that's what he said and as disciples as we make disciples those disciples including us will serve others willingly we will love people crazily we will act humbly we will give generously because the church is so much bigger than just us in fact I don't we may talk more about this if you're interested in this let me know I just had this here as a note because I didn't want to forget to cover it there's a group that has had this idea of understanding that as the church as Christians we sometimes forget how big the church is we forget about the impact of things that aren't right in front of us we don't realize what's happening in other countries in other parts of the world so they've set aside this goal say hey what would it look like we have technology now what would it look like if Christians around the world all gathered together for 25 hours we have technology we can do it so on march February 28th at 7 p.m. to march first at 8 p.m. those are the central times they're working on getting together people online whether it's in locations or whatever but they're going to have presentations where people who are leaders in the church in the US are speaking people from so far the countries they had listed were the United Kingdom the US New Zealand Romania Rwanda Peru Singapore and the underground church and communities where they can't even talk about where they're from from for fear of what could happen that's could be a fun opportunity to connect if you're interested let me know I don't know what we're going to do with it if we'll hold something here or if I can just get the information and you can join in your home whichever you would want but anyway just want to throw it out there because the church is so much bigger than who we are and so as a church we're going to connect with the church as part of the reason we're part of the community services I know we don't always see things the same way that's part of the reason we do them is because there's Christians throughout the community that aren't necessarily here and we're not going to compromise on the gospel just to be very clear this isn't a hey we're going to we want to sacrifice everything to get together with somebody the gospel first and foremost is what unites us so the gospel will not be compromised and as a church we will be continuing to focus on that as a church we will continue to make Jesus first now I've had some questions about well what does that what does the church look like what does the rescue church look like and so I we haven't talked about it much lately but the rescue church right now we've got flandrew we've got d-side we've got peoria and then the question comes will that change well it might I don't know what that's going to look like in the future the idea is that the church should grow and that the church should reach people and if that means there's different expressions that look differently meeting people in different places praise God but we're going to be united as a church with a mission that says hey we want people to know Jesus grow in faith and go serve others but then it's come the next question they say well what's the vision and so I haven't really said this too much out loud because I don't want it to sound like this is hey thus says the Lord but I just want to say this is what I believe God's leading us do not because of of something abstract I think I'm basing this on scripture and that the vision for us as the church would be that 100% of the people in our communities would know that they're loved by Jesus and that seems maybe basic but there's a lot of people here and there's a lot that kind of fall under the radar I'm sure but that 100% of the people in our communities wherever we're at know that they're loved by Jesus that 100% of the people in our communities know how to have a relationship with Jesus and that 100% of the people who have a relationship with Jesus are connected somehow to the body of Christ so they can join with other Christians so what he's not seeing that the vision isn't that the rescue church is going to hit 100,000 people or a thousand people or a hundred people but the vision that I believe God has for us as a church is that we will be part of seeing our communities know who Jesus is what they do with that that's between them and God now what about you what does this mean to you I would say first and foremost it's knowing Jesus personally you don't know Jesus personally that's where it starts and I'd be happy to talk more about that second thing if you know Jesus personally it's sharing him with others telling people where you're at about Jesus in your school in your job in your community taking the time to pray for people let them know they're loved even while you're eating at Mad Mary's or whatever else it might be but telling people that they are loved by Jesus and thirdly following his example of serving willingly loving crazily acting humbly and giving generously that's what it means for us as individuals and that's what it means for us as the church as individuals as Christians we are the church and in a world that is sick and tired of having people fighting and divided and complaining about everything what a light it would be to see people who are focused on loving God and loving others above all else and when we have differences we deal with those differences below loving them and loving God a divided world needs a united church that's the message today gracious God thank you for your word thank you for your hope thank you for the love that you provide God I pray that we would live in such a way that elevates you first and foremost that's about you above all things and that we as the rescue church would see lives changed people baptized people follow you in ways that we can't even imagine God worked through us working us because of who you are and God I pray that the community around us would see a church that loves them that cares about them and doesn't think that we're better than them and guys that they would see you in us it's in Jesus name would pray amen thank you for listening to this recent message from the rescue church we pray that God will use this message to encourage challenge and inspire you in your faith journey to hear our messages live head to one of our physical campuses if you'd like to learn more about the rescue church please visit us online at or email us at