Behold Israel


Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Reading, reflection of Scripture, and prayer for Israel with updates.

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In these last days, the Bible predicts a turning away from biblical truth. In order to combat false teachings that are running rampant and a growing lack of biblical literacy, Behold Israel provides weekly public readings of Scripture to equip you with a pure Word of God, read in an international community with interaction and application. Each week we host different guests from all walks of life. Our original readings can be found on our Behold Israel Community channel on YouTube or on our Facebook channel. These are audio versions created to make it convenient for your busy schedule. Now, on to our readings. Shalom, Trophthol of Leculam. Hello and good evening to all of you, Pastor Michael A. here for another episode of Public Reading of Scripture with prayer for Israel and updates from the last week, where many of you who were here prayed specifically and we will see what the Lord did. During the week, that's kind of our new thing going here, is not only do we take in God's Word, interact with it as we hear it, we also are able to make a difference by praying and seeing the hand of God execute justice on the evil doer, similar to the way it is stated in Romans chapter 13. Again, with us tonight, H.T. Novak, Chief Financial Officer of Behold Israel, you've seen it many times, good evening, H.T. Good evening, Mike. How are you? Very good. How are you doing? I'm good. Excellent. All right, so we have three chapters this evening. We're going to do two from 1 Samuel, chapter 13 and 14, and we're going to finish off the book of Hebrews. You know, as I was reflecting on these public readings of Scripture, which we've been doing for several years now, we've basically been through the majority of the entire Bible. Now, we haven't done Leviticus. We'll see, okay? Leviticus is one of those books where you just, you know, we'll see. But we're going to jump straight in, but before we do that, let's have H.T. leaders in prayer. There's a lot of things that happen in the heart and in the mind as we're reading. Even for us that have pre-read these chapters, when we're reading them, the Spirit of God speaks to us. And H.T. will lead us and guide us and bless the Lord. Father, we just thank you for this time together this evening that we can calm ourselves for just a little while and sit and just read your word and try to take it to heart and use it to help us to grow in our spiritual walk with you, to gain more knowledge of your word, and to just be with one another and just sharing your holy word together. Father, we lift up Amir and all of the team that's in Israel right now. It's crazy things going on over there. And it's just, I can't imagine, as Mike and I were talking earlier today, that it's hard to imagine what Amir and the other members of the Connect team are going through right now. I mean, just sitting in the office and looking out the window and seeing missiles land half a mile, quarter mile away. It's just we in the U.S. have no concept of that. So Father, we just ask you to be with them, give them strength, give them perseverance. We pray that the leadership of Israel will do the right things. They'll finish this war both with Hamas and Hezbollah and keep their people in Israel as safe as possible during all of this that's going on. Let's just be with us this evening now as we share your word in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Thank you, HT. All right, we do use the new translation, new King James version. It's a great place. It's a great translation. And it also keeps us all on the same page limiting frustration when we read so you can follow along or just sit back and relax. This is now solved. We're continuing the journey through the first Samuel. He is going to make a big mistake here. Let's see what it is. First Samuel chapter 13 saw reigned one year. And when he had reigned two years over Israel, saw chose for himself 3000 men of Israel. 2000 were with Saul in Mechmash and in the mountains of Betel. And a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibia of Benjamin. The rest of the people he sent away every man to his tent. Jonathan attacked the garrison of the Philistines that was in Gibba. And the Philistines heard of it then saw blew the trumpet throughout the land saying, let the Hebrews here. Now all Israel heard it said that Saul had attacked a garrison of the Philistines and that Israel had also become an abomination to the Philistines. And the people were called together to Saul at Gilgal. Are you ready? Then the Philistines gathered together to fight with Israel 30,000 chariots and 6,000 horsemen and people as the sand, which is on the seashore and multitude. Kind of similar to the situation today. Isn't it interesting? And they came up and encamped in Mechmash to the east of Bit-Evin when the men of Israel saw that they were in danger for the people were distressed. Then the people hid in caves and thickets and rocks and holes and in pits. And some of the Hebrews crossed over the Jordan to the land of God and Gilad. As for Saul he was still in Gilgal and all the people followed him trembling. Imagine the fear. Then he waited seven days according to the time set by Samuel. But Samuel did not come to Gilgal. And the people were scattered from him. So Saul said, bring a burnt offering and peace offerings here to me. And he offered the burnt offering. Now it happened as soon as he had finished presenting the burnt offering, the Samuel came. And Saul went out to meet him that he might greet him. And Samuel said, and this is the phrase. This is the phrase. What have you done? You ever had somebody say that to you? Saul said, when I saw that the people were scattered from me and that you did not come within the days appointed, he turns it on Samuel. And that the Philistines gathered together at Mechmash, see, he's making excuses, then I said the Philistines will now come down on me at Gilgal and I have not made supplication to the Lord. Or I felt compelled and offered a burnt offering. What's wrong with this? You write it in the chat. I want to hear from you. What is wrong with the statement and his heart? Okay. He knew what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to wait. And Samuel said to Saul, you have done foolishly. You have not kept the commandment of the Lord your God, which he commanded you. For now the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever, from his lineage. But now your kingdom shall not continue. The Lord has sought for himself a man after his own heart and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over his people because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you. How would you like to be Saul at this point? Samuel arose and went up from Gilgal to Gebia of Benjamin and Saul numbered the people present with him about 600 men. Saul, Jonathan, his son, the people present with them remained in Gebia of Benjamin, but the Philistines and camped in Mihmash, then raiders came out of the camp of the Philistines and three companies. One company turned on the road onto the road to Ophra to the land of Sha'ul or Shual. Another company turned to the road of Bitt-Horon and another company to the road of the border that overlooks the valley of Zibboim toward the wilderness. So they're deploying. Now there was no blacksmith to be found throughout the land of Israel. Why do you need a blacksmith? Well, write it down or find out. For the Philistines said, let the Hebrews make swords or spears, but all the Israelites would go down to the Philistines to sharpen each man's plowshare, his madduck, his axe, and his sickle. And the charge for sharpening was a pym for the plowshares, the Maddox, the Forks, and the axes, and to set the points of the goads. So it came about on the day of battle that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan, his son. And the garrison of the Philistines went out to pass to the pass of michmash, continuing on into chapter 14. Let's see what happens next, HT. Now it happened one day that Jonathan, the son of Saul, sent to the young man who bore his armor. Come, let us go over to the Philistines garrison that is on the other side. But he did not tell his father. And Saul was sitting in the outskirts of Gibia under a pomegranate tree, which is in McGron. The people who were with him were about 600 men, a hygge of the son of Aitub, Ichabod's brother, the son of Phineas, the son of Eli, the Lord's priest in Shiloh was wearing an ephod, but the people did not know that Jonathan had gone. Seeing the passes by which Jonathan sought to go over to the Philistines garrison, there was a sharp rock on one side and a sharp rock on the other side. And the name of one was Posez, and the name of the other Sine. The front of one faced northward opposite michmash and the other southward opposite Gibia. Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the Lord will work for us, for nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few." So his armor bearer said to him, "Do all that is in your heart. Go then, here I am with you according to your heart." Then Jonathan said, "Very well, let us cross over to these men and we will show ourselves to them. If they say thus to us, wait until we come to you, then we will stand still in our place and not go up to them. But if they say thus, come up to us, then we will go up, for the Lord has delivered them into our hand and this will be assigned to us." So both of them showed themselves to the garrison of the Philistines and the Philistines said, "Look, the Hebrews are coming out of their holes where they have been hiding." Then the men of the garrison called to Jonathan and his armor bearer and said, "Come up to us and we will show you something," Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come up with me for the Lord has delivered them into the hand of Israel." And Jonathan climbed up on his hands and knees with his armor bearer after him and they fell before Jonathan. And as he came after him, his armor bearer killed them. That first slaughter which Jonathan and his armor bearer made was about 20 men within about half acre of land. And there was trembling in the camp in the field and among all the people, the garrison and the raiders also trembled and the earthquake so that it was a very great trembling. Now the Watchmen of Saul and Gibbia of Benjamin looked and there was the multitude melting away and they went here and there. Then Saul said to the people who were with him, "Now call the roll and see who is gone from us." And when they called the roll, surprisingly, Jonathan and his armor bearer were not there. And so Saul said to Ahaja, "Bring the ark of God here, for at that time the ark of God was with the children of Israel." Bad choice. Now it happened while Saul talked to the priest that the noise which was in the camp of the Philistines continued to increase. So Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand. Then Saul and all the people who were with him assembled and they went to battle and indeed every man's sword was against his neighbor and there was very great confusion." Moreover the Hebrews who were with the Philistines before that time, who went up with them into the camp from the surrounding country, they also joined the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan. Likewise, all the men of Israel who had hidden in the mountains of Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, they also followed hard after their own battle. So the Lord saved Israel that day and the battle shifted to Bedavian. And the men of Israel were distressed that day, for Saul had placed the people under oath saying, "Cursed is the man who eats any food until evening before I have taken vengeance on my enemies, so none of the people tasted food." Now all the people of the land came to a forest and there was honey on the ground. And when the people had come into the woods, there was the honey dripping, but no one put his hand to his mouth for the people feared the oath. But Jonathan had not heard his father charge the people with the oath, therefore he stretched out the end of the rod that was in his hand and dipped it in a honey fountain and put his hand to his mouth and his countenance brightened. Then one of the people said, "Your father strictly charged the people with an oath saying, "Cursed is the man who eats food this day and the people were faint." But Jonathan said, "My father has troubled the land. Look now how my accountants has brightened because I tasted a little of this honey. How much better if the people had eaten freely today of the spoil of their enemies which they found? For now would there not have been a much greater slaughter among the Philistines? Now they had driven back the Philistines that day from McMashed to Aihalom so the people were very faint and the people rushed on the spoil and took sheep, oxen and calves and slaughtered them on the ground and the people ate from them with the blood. Then they told Saul saying, "Look, the people are sinning against the Lord by eating with the blood." So he said, "You have dealt treacherously, roll a large stone to me this day." Then Saul said, "Dispersed yourselves among the people and say to them, 'Bring me here every man's ox and every man's sheep. Slaughter them here and eat and do not sin against the Lord by eating with the blood.' So every one of the people brought his ox with him that night and slaughtered it there. Then Saul built an altar to the Lord. This was the first altar that he had built to the Lord. Now Saul said, "Let us go down after the Philistines by night and plunder them until the morning light and let us not leave a man of them." And they said, "Do whatever seems good to you." Then the priest said, "Let us draw near to God here." So Saul asked counsel of God, "Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will he deliver them into the hand of Israel?" But he did not answer him that day. And Saul said, "Come over here, all you chiefs of the people, and know and see what this sin was today. For as the Lord lives, who saves Israel? Though it be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die. But not a man among all the people answered him." Then he said to all Israel, "You be on one side, my son Jonathan and I will be on the other side." And the people said to Saul, "Do what seems good to you. Therefore Saul said to the Lord God of Israel, "Give a perfect lot." So Saul and Jonathan were taken, but the people escaped. And Saul said, "Cast lots between my son Jonathan and me." So Jonathan was taken, then Saul said to Jonathan, "Tell me what you have done." And Jonathan told him and said, "I only tasted a little honey with the end of the rod that was in my hand, so now I must die." Saul answered, "God do so and more also, for you shall surely die Jonathan." But the people said to Saul, "Shall Jonathan die, who has accomplished this great deliverance in Israel?" Certainly not. As the Lord lives not one hair on his head shall fall to the ground, for he has worked with God this day. So the people rescued Jonathan and he did not die. Then Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines and the Philistines went to their own place. So Saul established his sovereignty over Israel and fought against all his enemies on every side, against Moab, against the people of Ammon, against Edom, against the kings of Zova and against Philistines. Wherever he turned he harassed them. And he gathered an army and attacked the Amalekites and delivered Israel from the hands of those who plundered them. The sons of Saul were Jonathan, Joshua, and I can't pronounce his name in the name. And the names of his two daughters were these, the name of the firstborn Morab and the name of the younger Nihal. The name of Saul's wife was Ahinnulim, the daughter of Ahimaz, and the name of the commander of his army was Abner, the son of Nur, Saul's uncle. Fish was the father of Saul, and Nur, the father of Abner was the son of Abil. Now there was fierce war with the Philistines all the days of Saul. And when Saul saw any strong man or any valiant man, he took him for himself. Okay, chat time. There's a lot going on. We're going to finish off the last chapter of Hebrews, we're going to do it together myself and HT chat is open. This is the community channel. So we're theoretically troll free, although sometimes we get trolls, HT. There's a lot of human that we see humanity here. There's a lot of errors in security. You know, as you read through the entire chapter of 14 and even listening to 13, what stands out to you that's relevant for all of us today? Well, I think the biggest thing is even though Saul is king, he's pretty ignorant in this particular case in these two chapters. He's not seeking God first, he's just going with his own gut, and his gut was leading him astray in just about every instance. What really stood out to me is in 14 as you're looking through that chat versus six through 17, it's Jonathan and his armor bearer are the ones that trusted God and took action while Saul and all the rest of them were scared or something was wrong because they weren't doing anything. And so, Jonathan steps forward, takes the ball, ball by the horns, and but he consults God for him. He consults God and he says, if God does this, we won't go up. If God does this, we will go up because that means he's shown favorites. And that's what happened. Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up. We call that the fleece, Gideon did it as well, just in a different context. A lot of people have hard decisions watching this. Some of you are looking at getting married, maybe some of you are looking for a new job. Some of you might be something as simple as choosing a car, like which car or a house. I think God cares about everything. After all, we are his and so when we are feeling insecure like Saul, instead of fearing the people and the people's opinion, which often is not what we think the actual opinion of the people is, as we've seen here clearly, people love Jonathan and his courage of consulting God and jumping into action with his faith. So whatever you are going through and decisions that you have to make, the Bible does what is warrant, Lord, if this is the right path, show me and throw out your fleece, it's going to look different for each one of you. But who do you think God first? Yeah, seek God first and if that, you don't have a peace or a direction, then we have methods that are outlined in Scripture. The question I was going to ask is, who do you think cares more about your future and your decisions, you or God? We spin our wheels and we're always trying to figure out what's the right way? What's the right way? What if God doesn't show up? What if he doesn't tell me? He cares more than you do. If you consult him, it's only inevitable he's going to show you HTNE comments before we go to prayer. This is the time where you want to share with my last one was just, you know, throughout both of these chapters, Saul made a lot of foolish choices and but one that really stood out to me as I was reading through it the second time, I didn't catch it the first time, but verse 35 in chapter 14, then Saul built an altar to the Lord. This was the first altar that he built to the Lord. I did a little looking back and by this time, by the time all this battle in the Philistines is taking place, Saul had already been keen for several years and this is the first time he's bothered to build an altar to God and seek God first. Very good catch. Not wise choices, Saul. Yeah, and already the will of God shifted towards what will be David. Yep. In the future here. No. Yep. All right, friends, this is the time to share this with people that you know want to pray specifically, they can pop in. This is the time to share it. Last week, we continued our prayer for the Hezbollah being foiled, okay? I don't buy into all this Christianese that says Christians should not engage or you know, pray for countries to go to war or anything like that. I don't agree with that. These are very evil people right here. We have battles that God is actually leading and wants them to follow him to victory. Oh, yeah, that was the Old Testament. Well, if that's your argument, look at the war of Armageddon, where Jesus himself wages war. So I don't I'm not into this pacifism and just sit back and just pray, you know, that everybody miraculously receives the Lord, which many are, but you've got a group called Hezbollah. You've got the Houthis in Yemen. You've got Iran with its tentacles and it's the puppeteer of the puppets. And these guys want death to Israel. This last week Hussein Saurur, the senior Hezbollah officially was eliminated. It was operating in Lebanon. He commanded the air raid that was launched from Yemen by the Houthis, which the arrow system of Israel took out just this last week. There's video footage, all this stuff on our, on our telegram channel. I wonder if that was because at least partially because we prayed specifically for this kind of thing last week. Not only that, but we were, we were praying about the world and its public opinion. And this last week, a Kuwaiti that is living in a different country who's been banned made a video. It's on our telegram channel stating that he supports Israel's right to defend itself and he's calling out all of the corrupt Muslim world hiding behind political Islam using religious tenants to gain its support. I'll tell you, he's got a death threat on his life. It's unbelievable. It would have been a miracle if somebody from Europe or Europeans would be doing this kind of stuff, but we had a Kuwaiti 220 attacks on Hezbollah. All were extremely effective with minimal civilian lives injured or lost. Just makes me wonder, what if we didn't pray? Okay, so the Israelis would have continued and the Israeli lives and all of the rockets fired this last week. Many of them landed in fields or in the sea or or elsewhere or buildings where no one was at. It is impossible and yet you are here praying for such a time as this. There's more here, but I want right now, I want to paint a picture, HT knows this is true, I'm going to get real personal with you. Remember I gave personal stories last week? Imagine waking up after no sleep or little sleep out of fear that a rocket will hit your house because there's so many coming in with your son asking the question, are the rockets going to hit our house? Are the rockets going to hit our house today? What's going to happen to my older brother or my older sister, my older brothers or my older sisters? What would that be like to drive to a studio called BI Connect and want to pre-record something and then hear rockets go out to the balcony and film one actually hitting a road just three football fields away? This is the life of Amir Tsarfati. Every single day, every minute, he is under constant pressure and stress and it's maddening. This is our prayer point. I want each one of you to dig deep. I want each one of you to ask the Lord to intercede right now. I want you to write down your prayers for Amir Tsarfati. None of us here, very few of us can imagine what he's going through and yet he reports the news like a superman and works hard at BI Connect to get information out to you regardless of a literal war zone, not knowing if he's going to wake up or be able to drive from his house to the studio without getting bombed. You say, "Is it really that bad?" Yes, it's that bad. Monday, and I'll finish with this, we had to cancel our Q&A because there were rockets flying literally around the studio. Everybody had to get home to get to their kids and to get into bomb shelters. The sirens were going off. HT, you want to lead us in prayer and then every one of you I want to see your prayers. Amir represents right now every Israeli in what they're going through. It's reprehensible that the nations of the world criticize Israel's right to exist, number one, and it's right to defend itself with all of this and the impact it has on a man's soul and a woman's soul and a child's soul is incomprehensible. We are behold Israel. Our leader is Amir Tsarfati. We need him. You need him for such a time as this. Right now, right here for the record, we are going to gird him in prayer and we are going to put a hedge of protection around him and ask the Lord to intervene. So HT, will you lead us and I'd love to see your prayers? His father is prayed earlier today or earlier. We just ask you now especially to put a hedge of protection around Amir, his family, his wife and Mike's wife and their mother are out of the country right now and they'll be coming back to the midst of all this of missiles flying everywhere and that's going to be hard for them. Father, we just ask you to watch over Amir and Elon especially as he's watching over Elon right now with mom gone and so forth. Keep them safe. Please allay as much as you can, Elon's fears. But I can only imagine an 11 year old and what he must be feeling and how that must be for him to have to hear all the sirens going off rushed to the bomb shelter, wonder what's going to hit, when's it going to hit, where's it going to hit, et cetera. And then Lord, I ask you also watch over the three older kids of Amir and Miriams, Ariel, may on a lot, all of them because they're either actively serving in the idea for right now or it could get called up at any moment in the future or have already and then return back and may get called back again. Father, just be with them. I just can't imagine having three of my kids out. I know how hard it was for me just having one of mine in Afghanistan for six months and knowing that he was going through getting fired out every day. The father just, please watch over them, take care of them, keep them safe, bring this war to an end quickly and effectively, I mean, all his realness to do is live in peace. That's all that has to happen is just these other people just allow them to just live in this one small, little stretch of land without having to be under fear of being fired at every day. Father, we just put all of this in your hands. We ask you to watch over and take care of all of them. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Well, it's been quite a week. I've got more updates at the end where we're going to read now, Hebrews, and she's going to take over. We're going to do half of Hebrew here, I'm going to take down the chat and then we're going to go back. And HT, Hebrews, Hebrews, Hebrews chapter 13, let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. For the prisoners as if chained with them, those who are mistreated, those you yourselves are in the body also, marriage is honorable among all in the bed undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers, God will judge. Let your conduct be without covetousness. Be content with such things as you have, for he himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, I will not fear what can man do to me. Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow considering the outcome of their conduct. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them. We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for the sin are burned outside the camp. Therefore, Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore, let us go forth to him, outside the camp, bearing his reproach. For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. Therefore by him, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. That is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Obey those who rule over you and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls at those who must have account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. Pray for us, then I'll continue, pray for us, for we are confident that we have a good conscience in all things desiring to live honorably. But I especially urge you to do this that I may be restored to you the sooner. Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do his will, working in you what is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever amen. And I appeal to you brethren, bear with the word of exhortation, for I have written to you in a few words, know that our brother Timothy has been set free with whom I shall see you if he comes shortly. Great all those who rule over you and all the saints. Those from Italy greet you, grace be with you all, amen. And so we finished the book of Hebrews, the theme of a superior king and priest than anything his rule is ever able to produce, direct access, our true rest, and we don't have to worry about 613 commandments, we just go to Jesus and he lives the law through us when we trust him on a daily basis. It's beautiful. We're going to go back now to our chat, HT, another substantive chapter, what stands out that's worthy of mute. Yeah, the whole book of Hebrews, there's so much Mike. But in this final chapter, I think the things that struck me the most in verses one to three, he's just simple, he's telling us, be loving, being an entertainer, and that doesn't mean stand up comic, he's telling us invite people into your home. I don't care whether your home is a mansion in Hollywood, whether you have a small home somewhere else, you have a one room apartment, you have a tent. All of us are able to be entertainers and be hospitable. We can reach out to all kinds of people like minded strangers, prisoners, coworkers, those you don't know well, because what did he say? You don't know when you entertain one of these that you might be entertaining an angel. It's not something because that's happened in scripture before we see and we have testimonies from people of it happening over and over again. Then in verse four, he tells us he just reiterates, he's told us several times in Hebrews already, but he reiterates how important marriage is. Are we all acknowledging that and are we all working on our marriages every day? Verses five to six, he simply says, be content. I give you what you need, be content. Then in verse 80, he tells us to respect our leaders, boy, in this day and time, that's tough to do when we have leaders who are doing such terrible things. But in Christ, we are to respect their position, but do what Christ would have us do and not what they say to do. Then the last thing I would point out in verse 12, he says, therefore Jesus also that we might think to fade the people with his own blood suffered outside the gate. For those of you that have been to Israel, hopefully the guide you were with pointed out to you that Golgotha where Jesus was crucified was outside the city gates at that time. So he's making a point of telling us here that that's where Jesus suffered and died. So insightful. I'd love to hear your comments as well. What did the Lord say to you? Now again, we're going to spend a moment in prayer. Just to remind you, here's a few more for this week. We prayed. The leader of the Christian Katab party in Lebanon, Sammy Gamaliel, Gamaliel, he called on his Bala to immediately hand over its weapons and to the Lebanese army. We prayed and we've got Kuwaitis, we've got Christian Arabs, and there's many more. These are just examples, pressuring his Bala internally and externally. While all of the drunken West is either silent or supporting evil, it's crazy, it's crazy. Take it from the people there. The Israelis destroyed many bridges in addition to those 220 targets that they were very successful in taking out weapons, caches and leaders and people of his Bala. Right now, we know there's about 1,540 dead Hezbollah members and about 4,410 wounded from the two weeks ago when they conducted the operation to detonate communications equipment. You say, how do you know that was Israel? Classic Mossad. Hezbollah is now, no one thought this was possible, because they've tried before. Hezbollah is now becoming just like Hamas and being dismantled, and Netanyahu visited the United States, and he says they're going to finish the job regardless of what the United States says. The Senate just wrote a letter asking for the Biden administration to send the weapons that we agreed. Prayer Point, listen carefully. I'm not a pacifist, and I see injustice, and I see evil, and I see a country that's fighting for their existence. Perfetically, it's the only country in the Bible that has that privilege. You don't like it, argue with God. Here we are, Jew and Gentile, most of us Gentiles, can make a difference by praying, and it does matter, and you're going to find out a week from now, when we come back and report on this. Here is the big request. What if this week, not only that Amir has this supernatural strength to continue, what if that was we prayed about earlier, share this with a friend so that they can pray were just only minutes left in this broadcast? What if this week Israel is able to dismantle all of the infrastructure of Hezbollah? What if, forensically, the Israelis and the surrounding support of Muslim world would expose Iran's involvement in this to bring utter shame to that government, which is absolutely evil? These are big requests. That's seven days, HT, I mean, what are you, I mean, are you willing to take up that challenge and leave? Hey, just like we read in this passage earlier, Johnson said, if God does this, it means we do this, if he doesn't, then we don't, and God can choose to help the few or God can choose to help the many. It's up to him all, but it's up to us to pray. And you know, this is Hosh Hashanah, this is the three fall feasts that are prophetically fulfilled in the end times. I'm not saying there's a connection necessarily to what's going on specifically right now, but they're ironic that right now we're going to do one year after the terror attack. One year has gone by, folks. Isn't that amazing? We're coming up on one year. We've got Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, David Toment, the Feast of Tabernacles and the same. Could it be ironic that your prayers right here right now make a difference for the complete dismantling of Hezbollah, or to the point where they are dysfunctional and cannot launch any more rockets? I don't know, HT, like you said, you're the one that has to pray. So go ahead. No, I was going to have you pray at the end here. And I was just going to tell you, or I'll point out, I was watching some of the comments to the side here, several are pointing out that the hurricane Helene is about to hit Florida. So you might pray for that, Mike, and as a matter of fact, eight of our ladies on the Behold Israel team are all together at a retreat on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. So they're not directly in the path right now, but they could be later tomorrow. So. Yeah. I like PJ Child of God's comment. Let's do it. Yeah. Yeah. How about this? I'll do a blanket prayer, and then you can pray for the hurricane. And we're going to have an announcement and the Aaronic blessing. We're going to dismiss. Okay. And I'm going to, and I'm going to actually going to pray with my eyes open so I can read prayers too at the same time. I just love looking at all these prayers. Yeah. Lord, right now we pray that you would foil the plans of Hezbollah, expose Iran, allow the Houthis and Yemen to run up against absolute disaster and failure, pray for a hedge of protection around all of Israel. We're shocked to see the reach of all these rockets and missiles and UAVs. And it's very nerve wracking. We pray for another week of effective defense. We pray for the US government to do what they said they would do and send the equipment and the ammunition and the ordinance that is needed. We pray for Hezbollah to fall in utter destruction. For Iran to be exposed in its absolute shame, it's already the laughing stock of the Sunni Muslim world. And we pray that Iran will absolutely be exposed. And we think of the Ezekiel war where they have no choice because of this shame and lack of strength to join a coalition alongside the greedy Turkey and the greedy Russia with Libya and Sudan. So much more to pray Lord. And I pray for every one of these prayers that we see on the screen and the ones that couldn't make it on the screen, that you'd listen to your people, that you could bring us back next week and that we would have more victories to report. For Israel's safety, for the gospel to go out in all peoples, use this conflict, this war to draw people to yourself for those who are willing on all sides. And now we'll pray for the hurricane. Father, I just ask you to watch over all the people that are in the path of this hurricane. Hurricane Helene. If it does, what some of them think that it's going to do or might do, and it has 20 foot swells and 20 foot tides, it could be extremely devastating in an area that contains millions of people and most of which have probably not had time to get out of harm's way yet. So Father, we just ask you to watch over them, take care of them. I pray especially Father, that it won't make its way on up to North Carolina until later in the weekend, so that all of our ladies that are at the retreat right now will be able to get out of there and get home without any problem. Father, we just thank you for this time together this evening. We pray that you'll bless all of the prayers that have been lifted up here that we see. And Father, you are indeed our Heavenly Father. You are in control of everything. Don't let us ever forget that in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Hey, it still stands for those of you who want to make a practical difference. We have to say but good about these Israeli businesses that are going through hard time and our tour operator and our driver are also on this list if you scan that QR code. You can watch the broadcast after and then you can freeze the screen, it'll be much more helpful to do that than try to race to get your phone. Also keep in mind, if you're not on Telegram, I don't know how are you going to get firsthand news with some of the best sources. How are you going to get the truth? Your works hard to get you the information, the footage and the facts. Share this QR code and just scroll right to this video and then put it right in front of a friend, wherever you go, and it'll direct you straight to his Telegram channel. Now, we're going to see what happens next week but until then, we're going to ask the Lord's blessing through the Aaronic blessing of an ASEAN in Hebrew and then in English. So if you're comfortable, put out your hands as a symbol of openness and receiving, this is a gift. The Lord makes his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace. Thank you, HT, for your insights and reading. My pleasure. May God bless all of us and we will then see you all again next week. Same time, same channel, same place. We say in Hebrew, "Litholt ben time." We say, "We'll see you later at the right time.