Grant and Danny

Full Show- Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
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Good Wednesday afternoon and welcome in to Grant and Danny you are listening to the fan September 25th 2024 we will take you all the way up to 615 ahead of pregame of Nat's baseball They are in action tonight right here on the fan at 645 ladies and gentlemen live from our half street studios back in DC after a late night flight Danny, Ruye hey, dude Felt weird to just do normal life stuff today You know like got got up in the morning got the kids to school and you know putzing around the house, etc I was like but but just 36 hours ago. I watched a Daniels destroyed the universe and that was way cooler You know I was on the road with no responsibilities. Nobody asked me for anything You know what that's like. We're like no one's like dad. I need this no one said that one time I want to go back on that trip. Can we do the trip again? What a great trip. That was awesome The trip is made by the game though if they would have gone out and got embarrassed We would have had some fun moments and some good memories and some shtick and some skits and bits to talk about But the game itself is what's gonna make that one memorable for years to come when we went out to New Orleans We still talk about all the food you ate. Yes. We still talk about our guy Christian taking such good care of us on the road Hopefully we'll be back in New Orleans. See an old friends again this year But Danny the game one of the great recent games in Washington football history the best game Since they've become the commanders a top 10 game by almost any measure in the 2000s and we went through them yesterday We ranked them all probably the most exciting Hope inducing game this team has played since week one of 2012 12 years ago You just couldn't believe it was happening while it was happening, right? And the number of times we were sitting like seated like a you know kind of a half-section a couple rows behind our crew from Condorion Mora that took us out there and you know They'd look back at us like after a big play or something like that and all three of us you mean Darras are all going What so true? What is this we kept making eye contact every commander's fan will understand this the response was yes Some cheers and some excitement, but also like how is this happening? Like Darras had more like let's go like doing like that like the cheering moments, right? I didn't have those not because I'm not happy. I'm watching this thing happen And this is what I'm rooting for how much of your silence was you didn't know what to do at an NFL stadium And how much of it was pure shock? 98 the second one okay. Yeah, two. It's almost rusty But the I'm just in order disbelief fourth downs like nothing passes being converted Just offense walking up and down the field again trust trust why has basically punted what a couple times in September it was great That's it on the show yesterday talk about not punting by the way if you missed that interview and we're done You should go listen to it. He's always hilarious. It was fantastic the fan DC calm Grant and Danny calm slash audio lay the land today We will blitz the east and five you know that division the commanders are leading those poor cowboys looking up at Washington Those nubby giants who don't know what they would do if they were the commanders for a day And even the Eagles who while they have the same record are looking up at Washington in the division by way of a tie-breaker We will blitz the NFC East coming up at five o'clock right here on the fan Got to give some credit to and love to Jaden Daniels today as he has been honored as the NFC Offensive player of the week the NFL doling out those awards as they always do on Wednesday So we already won a rookie of the week award and didn't back in Week one of the NFL season. This one's different though This is the overall player of the week offensively of all the veterans of every offensive player in the NFC Jaden Daniels the first Washington player to win NFC player of the week honors since Adrian Peterson did so halfway through the 2018 season in week eight He's the first quarterback for the team to win the award since Kirk O chain's back in 2017 and he's the first Washington rookie to win the award since Robert Griffin the third 12 years ago. Yeah, rightly so he was Unbelievable. There are other great performances this week too by the way But when you start talking about first time someone's done this since then the first time that somebody's had this completion percentage You know this this efficient this number of yards Monday night football prime time against a well People still think of as a pretty decent opponent that was beyond hungry for a W. Yeah, that makes sense He should have gotten the award this week. That's awesome. I've got a good update for you, please My bag is on the way. Oh to Virginia That's what I wanted to do to start the show is to ask you about what happened So a little story for people. Yeah from our flight back last night. We got delayed a couple of times But while we were at the airport, I don't know how this happened. This is the ultimate amateur hour move I want everyone to know Rookie mistake. I'm raising my hand. I'm telling you this one's on me. I threw a ball into double coverage I didn't see the zoning linebacker. It's just a throw you can't make went to the wide side of the field left in Inside for the DB for a pick six So I didn't check my bag I normally do but I didn't this time I didn't have enough stuff that I had to check anything and it was just more convenient and easy not to so because of that I Go through security with my book bag and a small rollie suitcase When we were ready to board the plane some almost three hours later because of three delays as They're finally calling our flight to line up and our group is boarding. I look at Danny and Daris and I go Wait a second. Where's my suitcase? Everyone starts looking at each other We've sat in the same spot for a couple of hours. It's not there The only thing I did was go and get some graders ice cream because a couple people told me on Instagram live You can't leave Cincinnati got to do without eating some of that ice cream And I thought it was just a message from the good Lord above that there was one 20 yards away while they had told me that It's okay. I'll see what it's all about. And by the way, they were right. Mm. That was the best chocolate ice cream I've had in a long long time But the bag wasn't there either and so I'm going it's one of two places It's either at the bar that Daris and I sat at to get a water No food because they wouldn't let us because it was 650 and they'd already closed By the way Least friendly bar in America, you know what they were not excited about having you guys Patronize their establishment Daris. There were two employees in that bar How many of them yelled at us at different points before we left? We count one it's two employees. Yeah, I did it Yeah, so what I realized after the fact is they were treating us like we walked in one minute before closing at 1059 at night. You know how you just worked in a restaurant I've seen the movie waiting, you know, like, you know They were doing that but apparently they closed at seven and we walked in at 656 or whatever and they're like, we're not doing food I said, okay. I don't want any food You got to sit at the bar. You can't sit anywhere else. I Don't mind sitting at the bar. They were just so upset. So That restaurant was long-closed lights turned off and was dark. There was a gate across it like a mall after hours, right? I Said maybe my bags in there. I'll never know the only other place It could have been was coming through security if I just picked up my book bag out of the bin put my shoes on and then didn't grab my Rollie bag one way or the other it was at one of those two locations, right? And I wasn't gonna stay in Cincinnati while you guys flew away to find out All I had in the bag was clothes for a few days couple of pairs of khaki pants couple polos some jeans toiletries But they can be replaced. Yeah, I'm not worried about the toothbrush or the you know the hair gel I got from Floyd's 99. Mm-hmm. So I said, you know what this is not worth the stress of the anxiety We're leaving this bag here. We are on to Washington DC When I landed I had to do some paperwork a little bit of a process. I got an email today They have located my bag. No way. Oh, yeah, so I'm betting it was at the restaurant. No idea. I'll never know Oh It's either the restaurant or security. So here's what I thought happened you left it at the restaurant because they were just us they were just so excited for you not to be there anymore and the idea normally you would say hey somebody left this behind I is a regular human being with like concerns and and You know just empathy would try to find the owner thinking they're probably in this section of the airport We're only four gates are active, right? There's nothing that is a great point It was a small enough airport and it was even though it was not late at night It was late enough seemingly in the airport's business hours that there were a total maybe of three flights and like 80 people in the entire wing so they were all with everybody that was going to fly was within a hundred yards of that entrance Totally, but there's still now and you guys know this like let's say you pick up a wallet you pick up somebody's Whatever that's left behind once you start to go Hey, is this anyone's you now have ownership of that and you need to see that through what you're not going to do Is just leave it back on the ground where you found it and say time to go about my day So nobody in there because they wanted to go home so badly was going to start taking ownership of the suitcase going is there That's anybody's that's not anybody's can you make it up turned off the lights and lock the door and some will deal with it in the morning? Yes, it's very possible I think that's exactly what happened because if someone went oh my god They left the bag, but you don't don't say anything because now we've got to stay until they find it now I've never left the bag at security, but I hear the announcements over the speakers all the time. Yes where they go Here there's somebody leave a laptop, please report to TSA somebody left their laptop Nothing like that and we were there for I'm not exaggerating because of the delays like two ish hours Yeah, it was funny because as we were about to board the plane And I realized I didn't have a bag and now that we're in this super time crunch of can I run back to TSA and maybe miss The flight I said if only we could have a delay I could use a couple more minutes I could use a few but I just sat around so calm for hours and then realized I didn't have my bag at the very end right before It was time to board the plane, but it didn't matter because when I told the lady that was at the counter about my situation She said oh Well, they're closed. Yeah, I said who's closed. It's like TSA's closed Again, it's 752 p.m. Like what do you mean? They're close. She's like, yeah, I can't call them. There's no one there. Yes, it's not like Christmas, you know, it's not like the high so high holidays. Yeah, by the way, you're like, oh, it's Kentucky It's a tiny airport not really Cincinnati Airport. It's Kentucky and it's Indiana and it's Ohio To try state area. It's a Tuesday night. Yeah people are flying There's a I actually saw the schedule for the theater that's there They have like an indoor theater where they do some minor league hockey bill more and some other people are there this week Like you would think there's some people coming in and out of there. There are events. There are games Yeah, the Reds are done But the Bengals have other home games someone might be flying a little bit overwhelmed by some of these things But it was my fault and the bag is on the way. I've got to pay the shipping you of course $70 to get it back, but they're that's your tax for forgetting. I mean that's that's a good mistake I will I will pay gladly for so you may not see me in my best jeans for a couple of days That's fine, but otherwise fine everything's gonna be okay Dude, we need to we need to remind ourselves to comment on Grant's jeans when he comes in tomorrow Those are my number two. Those are my jeans. She's grant. Those are my those are my Jeff Driscoll jeans That's not the a game. Those are your heartmans. Those are my mariotas right there So let's not comment on the mariotas. We're just trying to get by for a day or two. Nice jeans Marcus The best thing about it though was my wife didn't in any way making an indictment overall about my adults Capabilities mm my travel skills mm or how badly? Off I would be without her. She did not in any way make it She didn't see so that opportunity no interesting It was actually she was great about it because I was a little nervous when I told her like hey You won't believe what happened Rookie mistake here this like I thought she might I take a chance to really go after me about how like You're not good at things. Yeah, you're an idiot. Thank God. You have me. She didn't do any of none of those things This has this is shocking. This is no reflection on you at all. You are so good. I'll bet somebody else screwed up I think that was the quote what an isolated incident Because the thing I like you make fun of me all the time for a billion things rightfully so but what annoys me in general I'm not happy this happened to you. So this is gonna this is gonna sound conflicting. Oh no, but you are so that's gonna work out Like you're you're attitude when it comes to travel and logistics and those sorts of things now Forget like setting up for shows and things like that Like I actually I had the same concern I'd like this to be hardwired and let's please like have this already But like in terms of travel it's like the flight leads to 745 and it's like 710. You're like it'll be fine I'll get through security. It'll be fine. It'll be fine And it always seems to work out for you, right? You know what I mean? So it's it's I think Ultimately good that this is only a $70 a little tax doesn't sound like you're not happy about I'm not it's not I'm not happy But there is a there's a there's a blessing here, right? There's a potential lesson to growth a teachable moment growth opportunity growth opportunity Okay, where maybe it's not just gonna work itself out. Maybe things have to happen for it to work out Maybe maybe that's the lesson. Maybe that's takeaway in other words If I keep getting away with these throws yeah, and they just fall safely to the ground or these pics gets dropped These turnover worthy plays at PFF aren't interceptions. There are interceptions When do I stop making to throw maybe in a game that you've already lost maybe it's a it's a it's a Multiple delayed flight. You're already kind of wearing it. It's a 30 point L You're gonna lose anyway if you complete the past or not now you you through the interception now the light bulb goes off So my number one priority at the airport was doing some Instagram lives Where I just showed everyone Danny stewing and worrying that we were never gonna fly out because he was convinced I was convinced I was wrong the moment we had a 25 minute delay the first time and you were correct and saying there's gonna be a couple more of these But it was about an hour total. It was not a big deal some very small delays ended up being normal But Danny was 100% convinced we were gonna be in some random airport hotel in Whatever area of Kentucky we were in overnight at the best Western or whatever because you're the after the first delay You're watching 25 people just stand by the counter in line. What are they in line for? What are they doing? I think they knew in my mind. I'm going they already know So it did look like people were getting their hotels like David out It was that kind of a line but I went up to a guy at one point who happens to be a listener so he's listening What's goody and he he's wearing his commander's gear, and I'm like, why is everybody in line? And he goes Honestly, I'm not sure I thought we were boarding and then I pointed outside the window. Yeah, but there's no plane Such a key element of flying. It's such an important part. I was like well, but there's no plane and he's like yeah I know that's a good point. Like I don't know why we're in line It's like one of the times where it's like you're the flight's been delayed or whatever like I can't remember which announcement But they go you know the flights should be boarding in 15 minutes. It's like I bet you doesn't you're like what do you mean? I was like there's no airplane such a huge part or no airplanes coming or going from this airport There's a weather warning the whole thing is a hot mess. It's a lot harder to fly. Yeah without the plane It's such a key ingredient not impossible, but harder close really close. Yep. Today is not Tuesday You're gonna be confused follow us. It's Wednesday. Yeah, but normally on Tuesday because it's two days after the game, right? We do commander's survivor. Oh today's two days after the game. Yep. If so fact though, it's a commander's survivor Wednesday You call the shots at slash Grant and Danny right now Somebody is getting immunity Somebody is getting sent home. Daris who has immunity this week who is safe Come on now, you know, it's the the NSC special teams player of the week last week Austin Cybertron man Austin Cybert doesn't need immunity. He doesn't have to worry about it He was one for one and five for five field goals and extra points got his work out in kicking all those extra points with Jayden Daniels on the offense humming That was the only time we got to see old trestler the holder for the commanders was when Austin Cybert's number got called The booth of ball through the uprights. So kick somebody off the island that didn't play well and give somebody immunity For this week three gem against the Bengals next speaking of Washington and Cincinnati will put a bow on the game today was Monday nights Strong showing fun Or for real was that just a good night? When we look back at it or is this what this team's going to start becoming? We're granting Danny on the fan You you you you you you I Think it also goes to like I don't think you saw it on the the sideline. It's got but like the The way they were pulling for one another, you know the next group supporting the next group supporting the next group So as important as confidence is when you have all three phases that are absolutely pulling for one another to go toughness and brotherhood can get you a long way and The team is moving up into that to where that has to become our superpower where Their ability to look after one another support one another go hard for one another That's where true confidence comes from from Stan Quinn we're granting Danny you are listening to the fan Welcome back on this Survivor Wednesday you're going to to vote a commander off the island of vote one of the players immune going into week four Next up a Sunday game in Arizona against the Cardinals the commanders are already there in fact They flew directly from Cincinnati to Arizona. They spent a couple extra hours in the locker room Soaking up the wind celebrating they got to the airport They flew overnight got some sleep on the bird and then landed got some more sleep and they'll be back on the practice field Moving forward now midweek into Sunday. I think it's really smart actually for two reasons. The first is obvious. I Think it's better on their bodies and it takes five minutes talking to whatever the team sleep doctor and psychologist is hey, what's best for us that they vote on it and then the coach does whatever they say and clearly it's Travel a lot of teams don't do it for a heavier reasons one of which is it is pretty expensive And it's a lot of money that you're shelling out and there's no real proven way to say this is helpful So the ROI when you convince somebody to spend that money can be complicated But the thing I didn't consider that I saw in Dan Quinn's transcript from yesterday's press conference He thinks this is gonna be helpful because they're not coming home after this giant win To their families to their friends to spend time around all of their loved ones and buddies We're gonna tell them how amazing Monday was and how awesome they are and I didn't really think about that But I actually think there's something to that like over the years this team when they've had a win like this They're having many of them, but these stunningly impressive awesome nighttime prime time performances You read your press clippings a little bit and they almost always the next week come back to earth and maybe that happens I don't know what happens yet in Arizona But don't you think there's something to again Quinn's point was we don't have any time to go back home And for anyone to basically pump our tires. We are on to the next we're going to be insulated We're not gonna be seeing TV or reading anything. We're gonna be at the team hotel I'm keeping the guys busy and we are focusing on the Cardinals I actually think that could be really beneficial and there's something to that I mean to me it's more what I thought of was that they don't have a go away training a camp They they they all go to their homes every night when they're in Ashburn, right? So this is almost like a de facto training camp where you're away from home for a couple of weeks Do nothing with football live and breathing eating sleeping, you know trying to go in football games I mean with that axiom though where you go you play well a couple times Let's say they play well this week and win which would be awesome You eventually do have to come home and you have to venture to see your loved ones and see some of those press clippings But I understand it to a degree where for a team that isn't used to deal with one of the things we always talk about is they don't Handle prosperity very well this organization just simply hasn't going all the way back to the beginning of Snyder Anytime something good happened you knew that the other shoe was about to drop You knew that the you know the ice was gonna give way or whatever that and everything was gonna go back to being terrible And maybe worse than it was before so I understand that to a degree for a group That's trying to prove itself and establish something that this might be coming at the right time We're opening up the MGM National Harbor listener lines for the first time today right now on Grant and Danny The question is was Monday night fun or was it for real? How sustainable was that the party is continuing and I fully get it our bit that we like to do on this show generally our Routine to lay out you know our weekday schedules is We normally chop up the game from all angles for a day We give ourselves if it's really bad a day to beat up on the team or or yesterday to just throw ourselves a party as Fans of the team you guys have earned it. It's gonna be fun But at some point there are real conversations larger conversations in wins or losses that are much beyond 60 minutes of football and four quarters in a tiny sample and while we're gonna continue the party to some extent today I think there are some opportunities to figure out what was legit and what was just? The stars aligning. Mm-hmm. You know what was sustainable and authentic to what this team's gonna be versus No penalties no turnovers some good fortune with the Bengals kicker that never misses missing a field goal No passing interference in the end zone on a two-blank conversion that doesn't get called No, some things like that going your way eight hundred six three six one oh six seven So how much would you say was for real versus fun? So obviously it was fun the most fun you could have but I'd say a lot of it's for real now the things you mentioned specifically are not Right, but if you told me a big picture an offense that can take advantage of a bad defense a quarterback That's dynamic a group that can move the football with a pretty good plan from the offensive coordinator I do think that's for real. I also think it's real. They're gonna give up a million yards in points I also think it's for real that that defense can't stop anybody. So they're gonna have some games like that now I don't think you're having that against Baltimore You're probably not doing that against Pittsburgh Or maybe some of the other teams right there They'll they'll have something to say about it on that side of the ball So you might get stuff there, but if you play a team that's bad on Defense you're gonna see some special stuff here in there with a quarterback that's dynamic So to me, there's a lot of it big picture. That's for real again the specifics you mentioned You couldn't have been more fortunate on a million different fronts and that's what that's football that happens I'm not taking anything away from that performance. It was amazing But they'll be a fourth penalty, you know in a couple of weeks that's gonna happen There will not be another game I don't think that they play where they are so constantly for almost three quarters ahead of the chains in really Opportunity situations for play calling and playmaking and it's just not going to happen So it was the ultimate kind of 72 and sunny environment in that way Shouldn't have been right because it was so loud and the crowd was so into the game for Probably two and a half quarters I would say and then things really dissipated in house where fans were leaving and getting Disenfranchised and based on three games not just one We're starting to get angry and turn on the bangles and started building right around halftime But I think what was for real to me was I think that is as good as it gets for Cliff Kingsbury, but The offensive design and getting guys open and when he wasn't right Jake Daniels made him right Occasionally he made life easy on Daniels like I think that's the apex of what they can be I don't think they'll have another game like that like to me That's gonna be Kingsbury's best game as a OC that will probably be Daniels's best game of the season as a Quarterback so just because it's the ceiling performance doesn't mean it's it's not authentic It's for real. It's just not going to be the norm if that makes sense It does it's like a you know a sharpshooter and basketball who has that in his bag where you know He can go out and shoot the lights out and hang 40 But more often than not he's gonna miss some of those open looks and he's gonna have 27 or 28 But you're still really good too. So I think it was for real in that Terry McLaurin didn't do anything. He can't normally do Daniels didn't necessarily do anything that was Outside of his skill set, but I just think a lot of guys collectively specifically offensively had the best version of their games at the same time And you put all that together with the perfect Situation of ahead of the chains no penalties no turnovers and you get a pretty nasty outcome and that that's what we saw Yeah, that's what happened. What is not for real. Maybe you know what is more fun. I would say It's just some of the Really odd game sequence stuff like the penalties. They haven't turned the ball over all year There's gonna be a game where they turn it over twice in the first half You know if you're in Arizona, maybe this weekend or at some point Maybe it's home against the Browns in a couple weeks the first drive You're gonna have a second and 19 or a 10 yard hole that sets up You know after a run or something like a second and 16 Mm-hmm and then a third and 14 or whatever that's coming and those don't get converted But at a 15 or 10% clip or whatever. We didn't really see any of that. So I Think a lot of it was for real, too, man. It was a good offense a bad defense That's probably what this is gonna be moving forward for the most part It's not gonna be that good offensively and hopefully it's not that bad Defensively and the truth somewhere in the middle is is not that different from an outcome standpoint Yeah, I think it's a good way to think about it, right? I mean, I'm looking at it more less specific of what happened That's when when you start going this has never happened since 1940, right? We're talking about You know all the the no turnovers no penalties for however long and this number of points consecutive drives without punting These are rarefied air moments. There's going to be a three and out. There's going to be like a muff snap But just normal football adversity stuff happens And you know this ride has been amazing. It's the last couple weeks have been you know Just delightful so much fun offense a football and the growth of Daniels and everything that comes with that But this there's no higher league than this There's going to be adversity a team which you don't expect to jump up and punch in the mouth is going to do that I mean look at this past week Carolina couldn't they couldn't do anything Offensive a defensive they could barely get the teams to the game at this point And then they went out and put up a million points on the Raiders, right? They looked incredible like one of the best teams in the league and Andy Dalton is having a renaissance moment Unexpected stuff happens dude. These are pros all around the league So there's going to be some some top moments kind of to your point But big picture to me what's sustainable is an offense That's hard to defend because anything that you shut off There's a bit of a counter and there's kind of that wild card of having a quarterback that can be wrong and still get positive You're it's this is why teams are in love with running quarterback. Yes, by the way I was texting with Logan Paulson a little bit last night when I landed and was driving home and he had watched the film and he said, you know, there's a few plays where Basically the plays dead. There's just nothing there and Jaden scrambles for five or six or seven Which by all accounts is a great football play. Mm-hmm a five-plus yard play is really good No, not if it's thirty nine, but it wasn't it's first and ten it's second and eight, you know And you're just moving the chains closer and setting yourself up fortuitously and that Floor-raising skill is why all the teams want the quarterback that can run. That's right It's still like it's never been my proclivity because I have not to this point really found the guy that is Super comfortable doing that and wants to do it all the time Who's also the excellent pocket passer and hopefully Daniels can become that guy? I like the you know throwing quarterback the guy that majors in passing who's an athlete like an Allen or You know somebody more traditional like what Deshawn Watson was frankly in Houston what? You know what you see sometimes with guys that are Able to run when they have to but don't prefer it like early career Russell Wilson type athlete slippery that kind of guy Then just the guy that runs a lot But what was so awesome about Daniels on Monday night was for the first time in three weeks when he left the pocket He kept his eyes downfield, and he still was not thinking run run run He was thinking do I have anything to throw that was the first time? I've seen him do that really in three weeks, and it's only taken three weeks if that's the norm now That's a huge development. We just have to see if it is birds in DC on Grant and Danny was that for real or was that just fun? Well One of the reasons I don't think it's necessarily for real is because the first thing is You gotta find somebody that can produce what what all things want to produce He was a spark that stored that whole drink the other night. Yeah, true every time every time he steps on the field He's got a different here that nobody had Brian Robison doesn't even have that gear And if you can't replace that output We're gonna find out that it's fraudulent off the break because he was the running game Brian Robison did nothing last week not taking anything from We before but Aguilar has never touched the ball since he's been with us and not had a spark in any game Even the one we lost and then for as far as my car unless we're going to beat everybody on a go route every week That's the only route. He showed us that he could actually get open when there's a go route Appreciate you. Yeah, there's still some questions to be answered on route tree stuff But I'll say this for a week I'm not gonna beat the wide receiver drum because after two weeks of mostly being uninvolved those guys were what they majored in in the Passing game and everybody had a hand the calf regamade plays Noah Brown made plays right mcclorn at a monster hundred yard game Deyami Brown even who we can poke fun at not being a couple of such moments In a couple of huge catches on that final drive to go set up. What was the game winner to mcclorn on some screens? So everybody did their part, but I will drill down on the Echler point Austin Echler's been marvelous Yes, and he is he's right. He looks like he shot out of a cannon and get his stunning to me how quick He is. It just looks like he's not faster than everybody else like he's moving He gets a top speed way quicker. That's what it is It's like zero to 60 like his burst is back And it's so obvious if you watch now We don't know that he's not gonna play in Arizona It seems like it would trend that way because it's a short week you got a concussion on Monday night He didn't fly with the team you're in ashburn presumably still at this moment So hopefully he only misses one game if he's got to miss the Cardinals, but that does feel like a pretty big loss It's massive and and he's the you know They came up with some really creative designs to have a both on the field at the same time that weird little Austin hiding behind Brian Robinson formation and that kind of offset eye out of a pistol. That was awesome Which was really neat Daniels was in the gun basically Directly behind center and then if you could picture it directly at his hip to his right Was an eye formation one behind the other by about a yard or two of both of his running backs so the shape almost looked like you know the center come back five yards to Daniels and then to his right he taps the helmet of Like the first of two backs. It was it was a weird formation, but you're going the defense has to go. Okay. What is this? What are we doing? What are we looking at? What are we taking on? Right and Echler kind of sprays out to the left in a passport just delightful That's the kind of thing I want. I'm telling you Echler is their best offensive player, right? Like that you can't overuse it because of injury. I mean you've already seen it now He's you know wishing the best obviously but he's concussed and so they don't want to wear him down But you saw in that touchdown. He's everyone's flat-footed And he's already burst to the secondary and he's gonna make one guy miss and it does for for a touchdown The little swing pass to the right on a screen. There's a lot of traffic there Another running back probably it's tackled. He does not because he's you know burst in through falling forward for 16 What was for real about Monday night football and what are you worried was just a fun one-off? We're granting Danny on the fan You You You You You You You You You Good protection aired out he's got it first in goal inside the five and a beauty from the rookie Jaden Daniels for 56 What a throw that was Deep downfield first time in the young season they hit a long ball to McClorin It won't qualify as a home run on the game winner, but that was even a better throw I still cannot stop watching that throw Because there's so many elements to it that make it incredible I was talking yesterday Danny about how there was a 10% chance at the time of release via next-gen stats That the game ceiling touchdown in the corner of the end zone of McClorin got completed he threw it Before he had gotten to the defensive back you call that play thinking you get man press coverage They didn't they didn't you you would theoretically oftentimes get out of that play or bury that part of the play You know that read just based on the look, but this was a hey if they play it that way, I'm gonna win anyway kind of thing Let's let Terry try to put the game on ice. Let's let him call game So they ran it anyway, but to throw that ball when he did before McClorin had gotten even with the defender About three yards separation at that point. So McCorin hasn't just to give people the visual McCorin has is running towards that corner of the end zone the defender has a three-plus yard head start sort of realizes Hey, this might be something that's going over my head and is now beginning to turn and run, but it doesn't matter through it basically act the the stutter and the stop and go kind of feel right and On top of that hit a defender Barreling down on him ready to destroy him who did by the way Basically crown of the helmet right under the chin. Mm-hmm. Just wallop couldn't follow through a barely 200 pound quarterback. We're worried about taking shots in the pocket, right? Stands in takes the shot delivers the perfect throw you can't throw it any better in fact, I don't think this is overstating this I honestly think if you take quarterbacks around the league out onto a field in a practice setting Where it's just you know forget 11 on 11 like there's a corner playing a wide receiver in a one-on-one drill And you have to complete that pass with someone running toward your face into the back of the end zone with no other pass rush or anything I would say that gets completed maybe half the time And look maybe if the next five times Daniels had to make that throw maybe it doesn't get completed I don't know but that one did with the game on the line and everybody watching on Monday night football in prime time It was just breathtaking. It's good a Bruce and Philly on G&D Bruce What was sustainable and replicable out of what they had on Monday night and what do you worry was just kind of fun for an evening? Well, I'm gonna ask you a question. I think it was fun For four reasons one. I'm getting to talk to Grant and Daddy for the first time. That's fun Bruce You're a good man listening on the Odyssey app. Thank you And I really wasn't concerned or or even concerned with the defense and how porous they were Because all I wanted to do was watch the offense play That's where my focus was you gotta wait a few minutes to get the ball back after a score, but don't get it back Well exactly right and that was the whole Monday conversation with losing 31 to 28. We'd be happy with that The the third thing is that I really wanted to watch your holder friend get a lot of air time So that was fun dress way and a great old his great holder He's one of the best in the league so he does he catches the ball Great hole when it snapped to him all the fame holder the last two weeks Yeah, and then he puts it down. He puts it right down right in the nose right down They'll spin the ball in one motion with the laces out. He's really good at it. Mm-hmm Yeah, new kicker and everything so, you know, that's fantastic And then I've lived in Philadelphia for the last or just outside Philly the last 26 years sorry man hasn't been real fun for us up here, and I got two boys that are 18 to 24 right now and I think the last time they were excited was the Griffin year and and that's a singular year You know, I told them as they were growing up. It was okay. They want to be Philly fans. It might be a lot easier But now they've hung tough and you know my my youngest has a Daniel span Daniel shirt now and they're having a little bit of fun So for all those reasons are fun And I got an obvious observation and one prediction if you don't mind be real quick though. We're up against the clock here What do you got the observation? Yeah, the observation was equaling looked a little bit like Brian Mitchell running that ball out for 50 yards He wears number 30. So that was cool I could see it and then the other and then the other prediction that I have is that we can probably give up 33 points With while without one of our interior Lineman, and I wonder if theaters might try to move either Allen or Payne. We've talked about this. Thank you buddy Thanks for the call It's something we will continue to discuss depending on where the team is as they get closer to the deadline If they're leading NFC East at Halloween, you don't do that You're not trading anybody Especially because on a bad defense you need all the reinforcements you can get But I will say this I think that those two guys are playing at a better level than the numbers probably dictate That can be true, and it can still also be said that you need more out of them And that maybe they're not delivering on as much as Peters would like but if they're not Looking like a team that is in playoff contention at the deadline It would be silly not to at least shop those guys to see what you can get for a long-term rebuild You traded Jahan Dotson away for a third round pick. They have already shown they are not just thinking about this year They've got a one-year plan in a big picture man for sure That's something that they'll have to consider as we get closer appreciate the phone call what else happened in week three We have been locked in on the commanders rightfully so let's stack up the Jaden Daniels performance against some of the other really good outings by quarterbacks And look around the NFL as we get ready for week four now just a day away right here on Grant and Danny You you you you you The commanders have a rookie quarterback and it appears a bright future It's time for you to plan for your future as well the exclusive sponsor of our show the law firm Condorion Murad can help update your last will and testament set up a trust for you and your family Schedule a free consultation with their estate planning attorneys today visit km lawyers calm be sure to tell them The G&D sent you to get a discount. That's km lawyers calm We had a great time hanging out with our friends Condorion Murad in Cincinnati over the last few days They sponsored our trip on the road speaking of which I was just reading one of the blogs Do you know what the blogs have been saying what's that? There's a prevailing thought on a lot of the blogs and the blogs are saying Danny really is good luck when he attends games That's what the blogs are saying. Are they really saying that? I'm not telling you that there's any obligation for you moving forward like name seven blogs that are saying that a lot of them Are saying a lot of them. I don't want to start singling blogs out Oh, I see I'll forget others. Yeah Yeah, a lot of the fan podcasts are saying is like the made-up blog saying it Is that not real blog saying it is that you just thought of that blog saying it like is that you don't like the fan pods Where the you know they breaking down the yeah, yeah, you're all saying. Oh wow. Yeah, lots of people are saying it It's all I'm saying hmm. There's a pulse. There's an energy to it You could you can say whatever you'd like I Enjoy that enjoyed the joy the words being said Will this be yes the final game? You attend in 2024 unless we go to New Orleans. I Think we are going the door then no Okay, then I will be doing that. There's also some talk possibly. I don't want to get ahead of our self Whoa, there's some birds chirping on a maybe a trip up 95 to Philly. What yeah? Who's who's who's talking like that? There's been a little conversation They're the same people that are doing the blogs talking about it. No, no, this is actually the actual people different people These are different human people not imaginary. These these are these are similar people to the people that were involved in the Cincinnati Oh Actual people. I don't know where we're at on that. Mm-hmm. There's been some talk. Okay. Would you sit in the crowd in Philly? No, I never Did that again? Like I'm never doing that again. I did it once I'm good on that you're not I was like I feel threatened That's not fun. Like I don't have that anymore, dude I'm not I'm not a jacked 21 year old that's ready to throw down for the cause I'm not I'm not gonna fight for our commanders Philly is really different Than Cincinnati and everywhere else probably yeah But my thing is just to make friends with the people around you pretty quickly. Let's diffuse some situations Like right away. I was like just sticking it up doing some dad jokes people around me having a good old time They come out throw a touchdown to Jamar Chase. I'm dapping them up letting them know hey. We're not threatening you guys are Just us. It's just us. Don't worry. I didn't realize we were about to whoop that but we didn't know we're about to tax it I didn't know I was about to spank them for the next couple of hours Yeah, I was like good play there The lady in front of us turn around and gave Nux on the on the on the on the touchdown she did not do it after that No, so what happened with it was this lady and her husband who had right away was a little annoyed by me It seemed like because of the first couple plays. I was kind of fired up Well, yeah, Grant was doing play-by-play just for us in our seats a little bit She didn't she didn't love that she did not know a little bit of play-by-play just making sure that I still had it You know what I'm saying? Yeah, dude. We're talking. Yeah, get your practice Get your reps in I gotta polish the rep where you can so a little shotgun formation Motion from the left Echler align at the wing. No, so we're just getting you pre-snap. We're getting you ready Just making sure worst case scenarios, you know Phone call happens. We're ready to go call the old Dominion game this weekend, right? Mm-hmm and the lady kind of turns around a couple times. She's not feeling it. Yeah, what is that? Why it's gonna happen the whole game? I pay for these But after I think about five plays in when Jamar Chase just streaked into the end zone Untouched the easiest touchdown in the history of bangles. Uh-huh. I Just made sure I wanted her to know I'm happy you're happy gave her a big high five Hugger husband that a little nose-to-nose Eskimo kiss with him. Everybody's happy Everyone's good and then after washing and scored to tie the game She turned around and was like I return the favor. There you go That was the last time we interacted with her for the rest of the night. Yep. Yep. There were no other turn around I didn't like getting embarrassed by the locals. No, sir. She did not she didn't care for it wasn't her favorite thing We're granting Danny locking you in for the next three hours and 15 minutes as we get you set for week four in the NFL and That's baseball tonight. We'll get you your line-ups before we get out of here And we've not talked much about the rest of the NFL in week three So let's go through some of what took place and where things stand right now in the NFL How about the Minnesota Vikings? They're three and oh Danny. This was the big are they for real game against the Houston Texans? Club that a lot of people think is going to play deep into the postseason and they whooped Houston Minnesota got three sacks from Jonathan Grenard a former Texan who they signed as a defensive end to replace the Neil Hunter Left and went to used in this offseason. Grenard was named the NFC defensive player of the week today Minnesota another really good performance from Sam Darnold now three and oh Kevin O'Connell's the front runner for coach of the year Justin Jefferson's putting up very solid numbers. They've got a really good run game led by Aaron Jones Their defense has been arguably the best in the NFL They are plus 55 in net points only New Orleans with a couple of monster performances a better margin in the NFC Vikings look legit that was the ultimate proof it came now done for Houston you played again tomorrow You probably don't lose 34 to 7 but from Minnesota's perspective I mean Aaron Jones doesn't he doesn't have the burst that he had a handful years ago in green Bay doesn't matter He had 150 total yards two touchdowns is good on the ground and through the air They they know exactly who they are and what they want to do talking about Minnesota, right? They know where their bread is buttered. They've Got Sam Darnold on the good Sam Darnold track everyone including me thinks the other shoes gonna drop at some point Remember what really hasn't yet. I think Carolina was three and oh with darnold or something. He had a great starters at two and one or so like that Yeah, three and real and he was playing really good at and turned the ball over yet A couple of years ago and they played a prime time thursday night game in a week four or something Because I remember it was just all the coverage was is he for real? I happen to like darnold a little more than the average person. I just think he's really young and in a much better situation Having said that that's 100% why no one's buying them, right? Yep Like if this was still cousins in Minnesota and they were three and oh playing this way right now I think people will be saying this is a tough team But because everyone goes with darnold stinks. He's not going to keep this up It's just dismissive, but this is an excellent defense. They've got great weapons around darnold It's a just a ideal situation even if he plays like a jag the rest of the way That might be a 10 win wildcard type team I like minnesota to be 500 ish the rest of the way and if they are They don't just have the bottom fallout. They're going to be in the playoff mix Wait, you put some hand in the barn I thought maybe they could be two and one through three with a soft landing spot to start with the giants who were terrible in week one But they beat san francisco and now they beat houston Another couple of tough games coming up here at green bay and then new york. They're scheduled someone for giving I didn't think they'd be able to do what we're talking about But you'd have to three and oh start now all of a sudden a lot more is in play It's comical that there are two undefeated teams in the nfc after just three weeks And it's the vikings and the seahawks as real thought Vikings leading the north seattle not the rams not the niners not the cardinals leading the west in fact The other three teams all have one win and two losses in the nfc west seattle It's not an impressive resume. They beat the broncos 26 20 Denver's not very good. They beat new england 23 20 and over time. I believe new england is going to be bad Then they beat miami, which you would traditionally have said that's a good win Note to it not who you play. It's when you play them. So they have three wins They have not yet played a quality opponent. We're going to find a lot out about seattle. I think This coming weekend monday night football at the detroit lions by the way that game has been uh Amazing watch two straight years where both teams have scored 40 plus For whatever reason it's been epic for doing them the league caught on they put it in prime time so seahawks lions 815 kick monday night football five days out What if seattle beats detroit and they're four and oh with a legit win So seattle's a team. I thought everybody was kind of overlooking because it's boring Right they've been in that eight nine win plateau for a couple of years And everybody's always looking for the next thing and they weren't very sexy and they're still not They beat they beat. Yes. You said two teams that are pretty bad one that couldn't be more vulnerable in in miami They may handle miami though, and they were really impressive in that one So lions toss up came you given the what was happened last couple years You figured they could beat the giants they could be five and one at the quarter pole That's or one third pole. Whatever that is. They're in a really good position in the NFC They got a chance to be a post-season team There are three three and oh teams in the AFC leading divisions The first is the buffalo bills who are a game up on the jets in the AFC east Buffalo good win in week one coming back to beat. Arizona. They've been great could have easily been a loss then they crushed the dolphins On thursday night football going back a week ago And they hung 47 on jacksonville on monday night All the commanders were playing against the bangles So they have now scored 34 31 and 47 remember they lost the fond eggs And gave davis their top two wide receivers and this big Narrative all off season was their offense was not going to be as good Josh allen was not going to be as good. He is not thrown in interception. They're averaging almost 40 points per game How about this game coming up on sunday night football? Bills Ravens in baltimore Heck that would actually be fun to go to i don't think i've ever gone to a raven's game of the commanders weren't planning That's a legit good game this weekend The ravens win their seasons back on that's kind of what's on the line for them A buffalo win though and your fore and oh with your first signature victory against a really good opponent Yeah, I thought again just going into the season I'm one of the idiots who bought that narrative by the way that hey They might struggle at times joshan will have to do too much he'll play heroes sometimes But you'll have that three turnover thing. Well, it certainly hasn't happened yet Uh, and they've been the most impressive team might say in the nfl through three weeks um They're up there with maybe a couple other teams in consideration, but their schedule is difficult had mattered for them At this point and they have been dominant especially the last two weeks Also, not surprising in the three and oh category in the AFC the kansas city chiefs who are looking for a three-peat They will be the first team to ever win three straight super bowls if they can pull it off At the end of this season. They've actually played a good schedule too. They played the ravens in week one That was their closest best game 27 20 I shouldn't say their closest because chief spangles came down to a point at the end of the game And in fact, kansas city benefited from a p.i call Although I thought it was the right call. I thought the pass interference was called correctly then They played the falcons on sunday night football and I actually thought they got away with A pass interference that may have saved their bacon Atlanta would have been first in goal from the one to take the lead instead They maintained a five point lead and even though the falcons got the ball back They couldn't pick up a fourth down and short when they ran the football east west So they beat it land and now they've got the chargers likely without justin herbert this week And then the saints before a buy so that they're staring for no in the face going into that saints game I saw a stack that was really interesting I don't remember how many games it is, but I think it's like the last eight or nine games Let's say patrick mohomes has 11 touchdowns and nine interceptions These are regular season games And he has only thrown for 300 yards once which kind of matches my eyeballs if you know what I mean They're not a fun watch offensively anymore the chiefs. It's kind of muddy It is a run heavy is without pacheco is probably not accurate But it's very horizontal passing game. They don't score a lot again 22 points against the falcons Yeah, they're different team than they were for years Travis kelsey's barely been involved These are he looks like you know, zak earth's lost a step And that's basically what Travis kelsey's been so far But I say all that to say they've had to switch in the playoffs to keep winning They've got patrick mohomes who puts on his cape But they're three and oh and they're gonna be four and oh after this weekend They're not as good as they're going to be you know that right I mean, this is one of those teams that if you're gonna get them now is the time and no one's got them yet Like you know what I mean? Like they're more vulnerable than they're gonna be Picture in the first inning. Yeah, you gave up the bloop singly walk the guy so now it's too on nobody out You know, here's our shot Yeah, they're gonna hit the ground run and when it gets colder again This is kind of a different iteration and they were this last year too most of the regular season This was not a great offense. It wasn't even a very good offense They were pedestrian they were fine Their defense is what saved their bacon through, you know stretches of the regular season So how good they were in the post season as well, but then the efficiency picks up Everybody gets comfortable in their roles and they found something here in this for she rice guy as well The last of the three and oh teams in the NFL The Pittsburgh Steelers, of course death taxes And mike tomlin squeezing wins out of a stone man I mean the Pittsburgh Steelers 20 to 10 over the chargers now taylor hineke came into the game struggled a bit Herbert got hurt tight game that benefits you but it's not like you weren't harassing the heck At adjustment herbert, right? They beat the broncos 13 to 6 ugliest win of the weekend and week two They beat the falcons 18 to 10 without a touchdown Maybe the ugliest win of week one Atlanta with cousins coming back from the Achilles and first time with a new coach like they looked so bad in that game They've looked very different the last two weeks So you can make the case the Steelers have the most fortunate Just lucky and fortuitous three-week win streak took to begin the year They're at indianapolis this weekend They eventually have to play dallas in the jets in a three-week stretch coming up Which might tell us a lot but the story is that justin fields was never supposed to start for them Justin fields was their backup russell wilson was their starter in the week leading up to week one wilson got banged up Fields takes over and wins week one running around again. No touchdowns Mostly defense and special teams then they have 13 points in week two. They win again They played their best game in week three against the chargers 20 to 10 and It's just going to be hard to bench him. I mean mike tomlin's still doing the thing to anywhere he's going Well wilson's not quite right. He's you know, he's not 100 yet Here's what I know Justin fields is their starter. They haven't announced it yet, but until they lose he's the guy He should be it should do exactly what they're doing. It's so annoying. It's gross It's not fun, but they're giving up 8.7 points per game This is the NFL. They're giving up 8.7 points per game Now I know they haven't played three juggernaut offenses. You just touched on what happened this past week with the chargers But they're shoving it on people that side of the football is so good All you need is a couple plays made here or there And that's what Justin fields is going to do now You you want to eliminate some of those bad Justin fields moments, right? The gross interception or the fumble or trying to do something out of nothing But all you need is him to run around and do something once per game or twice per game Maybe even three times and you'll end up at 17 18 points and that's enough with how good this defense is and has been There three no yeah, they are there are three teams that haven't won yet Let's look at those teams the bangles. We've been talking a lot about over the last several days for obvious reasons They followed 0 and 3. They're very flawed minus 12 and overall net points You ready to admit that the bangles just aren't that good? That's a terrible defense that defense is way worse than I thought I'll tell you that I saw that firsthand. I don't know if you were there Um, but they got carved up this past week by who played the washington washington did okay washington commanders. Yeah Commanders moved the ball on them. They did okay at um at will is the phrase Yeah, diva's worse than I thought offense had it's coming up party and they look like the bonafide NFL offense Totally that you thought you were seeing see Higgins made a big big difference Yes, he certainly did now you can't double you can bracket chase or else Higgins will eat you up on the other side of the formation You could see their offense came to life So, you know because bro can do that can spin it so well and move around and and do some things They're not out of it all together yet, but man, it is an uphill climb to be to be all in three in that division Yeah, look at the schedule coming up for them at all in three So they've got the any Dalton revenge game in charlotte against the panthers this weekend No, if hands are butts. I know any Dalton played Really well this past weekend and the panthers look like a different team and they dominated the raiders You have to win that that's one in three then they play the ravens though That becomes a must win if you can win that game you're two in three with the giants and the browns after that I know it's hard to just give them a four game winning streak But in that hypothetical you're four and three and your seasons back on But you have to beat carolina And then you're gonna have to beat ball to more in two weeks if they do that Then starting o and three is a lot less of a problem Yeah, let's say they drop one and they're three and four that's still Their your season is is still on you got shot. Yeah, you got decisions really good Well that and that's the thing but you so you you can maybe afford to drop one of those games that happens It's the NFL, but this is a huge one because oh and four just feels different and on that division I mean pitzburg's off to the great start the ravens are actually one and two So they have not run away from you no cleveland It's not only one in two, but they're in big big trouble because the john watson is no good So they aren't going to be sprinting away from you anytime either the other two winless teams and football are both in the afc south One is explainable to me. I never really got the love for the tennessee titans with will levis They have not one yet. The other one is not explainable. I don't get this I thought the jaguars with trevor lorence would be a much tougher customer He is in his is it the third year with him and dug peterson now What are we doing here that offense looks awful. He looks really bad They have scored 17 13 and 10 points in decreasing order. They've been beaten by three Five and now 37 they play the texans colts and bears over the next three games So they're in must-win territory. The titans have really been on the wrong end of some terrible Young quarterback decisions from levis. They lost a seven point game They never should have did the bears when they outplayed them They lost 24 17 to the jets New York scored with four minutes left to win that football game and then they just got beat up But malleak will us at quarterback Now they've got the dolphins with skylare tomsen this weekend So normally that'd be a loss because you play them with a backup quarterback Maybe you can save your season. They then have a bi-week and they come out of it with the cults So I my prediction for tennessee was not division winner or anything kind of crazy I thought they'd be frisky or people are kind of we're looking at them like they were you could barely tie their shoes So that's gone well. Obviously for my prognostication through three weeks You mentioned it. They should they should absolutely be one and two. They were outplayed by both green bay and the jets They could easily be two and one but they could be two and one But if you take his two worst decisions of the season away, they're two and one team That's right So, you know what I don't think they're going anywhere this year But the operation still to me looks better than it did Uh, if you look at last season, but uh to jacksonville, I can't figure that one out. I don't get it I always thought that we're over rating trevallorns because he was on tv as a freshman killing it and he's been amazing I just kept asking are we sure that he's great because he was in that he was in that cool kids club The rarefied air superstar quarterback with one pretty good season and that comeback playoff went against the chargers, right? Awesome deposits other than that it hadn't been special yet. I'm just sort of waiting Let's crown him when it's special. This is the start of a season where coaches lose jobs Yeah, the way things are going in jacksonville when you're three years in to a regime Grant and danny with you on the fan the last couple of days it has been cool to be a fan of football and washing in dc again Let's talk about that next on gnd Grant and danny on the fan welcome back. Thanks for making the show part of your day our double plays coming up in 15 minutes What's going on in our lives? Nothing to do with sports? Well blitz in 30 minutes Right here on the fan the teams you care the most about all jammed in a one segment get you the latest Under dc sports clubs nats play tonight 645 Their season winding down. This is the last homestand in fact I think i'm going to take the kids out to the game as a day game tomorrow Which means we won't be on the air Which is Nice as opposed. Yeah, i'll take the children to the ballpark tomorrow for one last ride my son actually asked me he said dad Can we go to the nats game? And i'm like, well, yes, but i'm glad you asked this week and not like in a week Yes, the answer is no next week buddy the end of the road my friend. So cue the boys demand he said good I want to go see cj Abrams I didn't know how to handle that one Going book a flight to west palm beach I didn't really know what to say honestly. What is this is a moment where he's three. Yeah Do we talk about being out all night at the casino? I don't think we do So I said he might have the day off tomorrow, bud That's what I said. That's where we're at so far. Okay. Yeah, I don't know how that conversation would go I think what i'm gonna do is he's gonna wear cj Abrams t-shirt He's gonna ask me a bunch of times where cj Abrams and i'm just gonna keep saying He's not playing today. I don't think i'm gonna elaborate. I don't want to lie So I'll just give him as much information as he needs but also how do you how could you explain that? You couldn't to a three-year-old, right? I would just explain it to my six-year-old You know what I would say honestly if I wanted to make A larger point as I would say he misbehaved. Yeah, he made a bad decision and the nats are punishing him He's in his room. He got sent to his room for timeout That's probably what I would say. Yeah, that's not bad I bought that i'm gonna say he wouldn't go to bed when he was told. Oh, which is a fact It's actually a fact Is it what he did shooting dead and it's relatable content Is he dead he came out and asked mike rizzo for a glass of water Then he asked mike rizzo as the cocktail wages for something another bedtime story Then he asked the assistant general manager if he could just come layin Your bed dad for a while like he just didn't go to bed when he was supposed to bud. So now he's in timeout He's got a little punishment. Yeah, he's missing the game. I'm gonna take the kids over there We'll get you previewed tonight's game coming up in just a bit on the fan It has been fun to be a commander's fan over the last few days again weird I got at the exact same moment. I should go back and figure out which play it was my guess is It was early in the game. I feel like I think it was after the daniels rushing touchdown on the read option where the bangles Played it like they'd never seen a quarterback keep a ball and read option ever How open was that touchdown very um everybody was going the opposite way and it's like I don't know man I probably look at that quarterback. You know, I have one guy look at him You're gonna driven a school bus through that home like a big yellow Take you to your field trip at the one room schoolhouse near your house when you're growing up School bus legit question now he he's able to You know manipulate and do things with a football and fake better than any of us could right like i'm not saying that The moment where jadon dannell's is open time stops a genie snaps his fingers Grant paulson all you and your athletic ability you jump into jadon dannell's his body Could you have scored there? 1,000 percent and that's kind of my point is I think I could have to well no no that's not and I think I mean this isn't a bit like I could return a kick off to the 20 or anybody doing look I think anybody could have scored everything the big was that good nobody around him. Yeah, he was at the four And he got into the end zone. There was no one near him all you would have to do if he would you catch the snap Yeah, okay, then you would score you put the ball out and let her running back Run past it as if he's gonna grab it and then you walk the other way into the end zone Yeah, it was it was defended terribly, but it was also a beauty It was three touchdowns on the ground now for daniels, but the point is I think it was that play I got the exact same text from two different people. One is the cousin of my wife who I talk football with all the time Big Packers fan who lives in michigan The other is a guy that I do radio shows with on the weekend who does radio in kansas city His big chief smart and doesn't understand what football is like for everybody else Yeah, and how difficult it's hard for a lot of people But they both set me a text with just eyeballs like that eyeball emoji where it's like Like I think that the text was meant to be like Look at that. Whoa, or like are you seeing this man or like I see you or something. Yeah Look, but I got two of those back to back. I was the guy getting the eyeball emoji text So like my buddies who are who are pretty much Punted Not the thing the trust way used to do remember trust way used to punt but on all things red skins Wft commanders and stuff just beaten away don't care anymore or whatever a lot of those guys On the mcclorn bomb not the the tuddy that won everything But on that little skinny post situation where daniels threw an absolute dime before mcclorn was open That's when I got those like oh my god. This is incredible type stuff from from guys that haven't paid attention in years. Yeah, I just The last few days seeing erin rogers on mackephie raving about jade and daniels Raving about terry mcclorn the amount of other players the vante adam's went on this big terry mcclorn ran Which by the way, when did this start where current nfl players are on shows like breaking down Games that they watched in prime time. Very weird Maybe I just haven't noticed because the commander's never playing them and no one's ever saying nice things about them But I thought it was very strange like k adam's is interviewing the vante adam's like, would you think a terry last night and like he's giving a thought Mackephie's asking erin rogers. What he thought of jade and daniels Is that a thing? I've never seen that. Yeah, I think because we're so 24/7 that that's now kind of the norm And it's never about us, right? It's always about other teams or whatever, but yeah, you you see that now where it's like hey We all watched it. What did you make of it? Right because it's we might get a great quote out of erin rogers. That's come on anything It's just been a blast to soak up all the coverage. There are so many times when you're a fan of this team Where I know this because as a media member, you guys won't listen for the week. You don't call Right, you don't want to hear what we've got to say. You don't want to read The press clippings. You don't want to see the story. We wrote or the tweet we sent. This is a Give me all of the content. We and just one after another these clips of these players and these people are just Praising the commanders. We are the cool kid right now and a lot of it is that people like jade and daniels and he's the cool kid Right. That's the biggest chunk of it. Something about him too, where we always talk about the cool kid club It's like that Lamar thing where like people just love jade and daniels. They do and they should he was incredible And it's fun, but like when he does something and someone else does something. It's cooler that he did it Like he's got whatever that is Washington hasn't had that guy post robber grip And before that in a long long time. I mean the number of times as a fan before I was looking up to have this gig What would happen is when it was so negative for so long. I could just walk away. I would just shut down I'm still watching the games and everything, but it's like I can't read another article about the dance night or embarrassment or about the other whatever But like here And doing our job like you got to consume it. So when it's nice, I soak it all in Let's go to matt and warrantin on g and d here on the fam. What's up matt? How are you? Hey grand danny. Good great chair today. Good morning. Thanks bro Yeah, hey, listen uh fun going out on the plane with grant and chatting it up Uh my favorite so matt gets full credit by the way I would not have gone to see paul skeins at great american bull park if not for you We landed the assist matty. It was like an hour long flight. We talked the entire time I felt like it was like a three-minute flight people probably hated our guts by the way Like everyone's like trying to know when I left you when I left you in the uh when you were waiting for your baggage The guy that was sitting next to me on the flight. We walked up a little bit He's like that was the longest conversation on a plane i've ever been a part of Other than he was like now. I enjoyed the whole thing. You guys never shut up That is hella Well, I thought I thought about it though like not only after but during i'm like these people around this hate us Because it was early in the morning and most people were sleeping and we were just like yeah I mean an hour straight. I'm just chopping it up. But anyway When I landed or when we landed I said I was going to the hotel And you said yeah, i'm about to go to the reds game. I had no idea they were at home You said they were playing the pirates and that gave me the uh the thought to look up who was pitching So I would not have seen schemes without you. So I owe you a thank you Oh, well, awesome. Yeah, now that was a nice nice park. I enjoyed going there So the three things I enjoy the most that i'm just uh having a blast with if i'm sitting in my section And the amount of uh disdain A bangle fans talking to each other about getting walloped by a rookie quarterback and the dumb grin on my face Was yep, that was number one number two. I'm walking out of the stadium Probably eight feet tall at this point call us have ever been in my life Uh, i'm trying to make eye contact with everybody. I'm not going to be a jerk But uh, it's been a long time since i've had that a little swagger in my walk and then uh Walking through the airport the next morning in my commander's gear Uh and just seeing all the employees and they're all just scowling shaking their head No, probably a little extra patty pat with tsa a little aggressive. I'm not the security walkthrough I'm enjoying all of that. I didn't have anything there, sir. What are you patting me there? Why are you judging me there? Uh, appreciate the call and was good cat chatting with you as well matt He's right though. We had the same experience in our section where it was not just like the one guy kept saying the red skinch You're gonna let the red skins do this to you and his whole point was I think we all get it Yeah, I got it the team that I always see everyone making fun of all the time, right? But then he kept saying end a rookie quarterback They're gonna let a rocket quarterback do this stuff It's the feeling that I've had for 30 some years While their guy their special guy runs around and we can't stop him Right and it's just it's beyond exasperating. It steals your soul stills your will that pit in your stomach Our guy was doing it to them. Yep That's worth it all that that to me is the whole point. I want that everyone else suffers now Not my time. It may come my time. Hey, we might be One ankle away or whatever All I know is that night it was my time to be the one that made them suffer They had to eat it and that was awesome I want to play the rogers audio next because erin rogers the analyst The guy that breaks down the other NFL games for some reason yeah with pat mackephie He had some thoughts on jadon daniel's terry mcclorn. It was fun to hear I saw them circulating on the web. So we'll do that next plus our double play What's going on in our lives? Nothing to do with sports right here on the fan I I I You Breaking news on the fan is brought to you by bet ql Smarter bets start with bet ql get three free days of bet ql access by downloading the bet ql app Or visiting bet danny the breaking news Dan quinn telling reporters just minutes ago Austin echler has already been ruled out will not play in Arizona that obviously means he's likely not going to make the trip to Arizona as well clue and feral already ruled out interestingly enough so that injury he suffered last week More serious than just a day-to-day situation, but more importantly, maybe the star early on of this offense for the commanders through three games Austin echler ruled out will not play on sunday He will be on our show at 5 p.m. On friday So we'll get an update on how he's feeling. We'll preview the game with him at that time Yeah, certainly been their most effective per touch player, right? I mean just the the burst he's shown the kind of the easy button taking some of the short little You know, I don't want to call him gimmicky things But that are meant to just help move the chains a little bit or stay ahead of the chains He's converted their first downs I mean you saw the start of the game right eight yard carry eight yard little flip past that They get your first down later on a bubble screen that he takes for 15 16 yards He's been so effective and is such a weapon for this offense You can't overuse it, right? You can't uh have a bash between the tackles like bright like you do brian robinson Because of wearing tear just as such a bummer man because he was off to such a blistering start for this offense I agree that you don't want to overuse it. I do think still there's a big gap between how much they're using him and overusing him agreed To the point where I would push the gas pedal down a little more Like I know someone will say he just got hurt. It was a flooky thing He got hit in the side of the helmet. It was a concussion. It wasn't like it was a usage fatigue thing He had two carries against the box. I'd like to see that number being the five to seven range He had eight against the giants averaged about five yards per then he had three for 35 with a 24 yard touchdown and a half against the bangles We were probably on our way to a five or six carry game for him against insanade if he didn't get hurt Which is kind of the floor of where I want it to be The good thing is as a receiver four catches in week one three catches in week two two catches in week three Well in his way in week three and a half of football that would have been a five six catch game Perhaps like the touches are going to be there six in week one 11 in week two Five and a half of football in week three They just got to find a way to incorporate him but not having him is going to be a significant blow We'll talk a lot more as the week goes on about how they try to replace him The next man up at running back is german mck nickels mck nickels had a really nice blitz pickup Uh where he just de-cleated a linebacker that's gone viral in one of the few plays where he was noticeable on the field On monday night football, but it's a lot more brian robinson thumping And robinson catching the football to the back field. Thank you It could be a really really big game for him in terms of touches and opportunities against the arizona But austin eckler ruled out. This was den quen with reporters just a bit ago Yeah, will be uh, austin won't make it, you know for the game And uh, it's the right call for him Not uh on our short week to go a little of a chance to see what next week looks like then Uh, but we have do have a lot of confidence It's uh One of the the groups that we have a deep crew that can roll strong and uh, so when called upon uh, we're certainly ready to do that And uh, we're also excited for for jay mac Uh, he's somebody you know hasn't got a lot of touches a lot of opportunities But I do know that he is somebody when given those chances. Uh, he does not miss his ops That's dan quen from earlier today. I remember they're out in arizona Where they're practicing at a college campus for a few days and at a sunday game now with the cardinals Bummer, man. Yeah, it just stinks. I feel for the guy I do like though finding out this early in the week in terms of planning We've had jay grood on our show for three years now Scoop point one of the things that's come up a few times is with ink you know, really instrumental Parts of the offense he would have to tear up his play plan his play sheet and his his uh game plan Right before a game sometimes when a guy would be ruled out that they thought was trending in the right direction Or if there was no game time decision, let's say where they thought if he gets clear We're gonna fly him out here. We're gonna play him You would have to do two game plans. There's only so many hours in the day So I actually think possibly maybe this is just me being optimistic But by knowing on wednesday that he's not going to play if you're clif king's berry from really last night on All systems are go on a b-rob heavy You make nickels friendly game plan where you're you're not trying to do echler things with somebody else You're doing what they do. Well, that might be okay Yeah, it's you can recover better that way for sure and and just to mingle specifically you saw in the preseason Now he is not austin echler. Okay, they don't make many of that guy But he's the most austin echler like among those running back candidates that that was that we thought might make The team from the preseason you dig a wily or or christman regas or some of the other guys that were kind of vying for that spot and this was a McNichols is that let's pick up third down back style guy Who's you know kind of backing up echler figuratively, right? And he made the club and you saw his impact once echler went out again He's not going to put up huge numbers But that's why he's here is you know to enhance the passing game It is time for our double play driven you by your local Washington area honda dealer stopping for a great deal On the rugged and capable honda pilot contact your local washington area honda dealers today I posted this on my instagram. I believe at grand h paulson There was a picture That we took we kept walking by near our hotel this sign all week long and since an adi And it finally dawned on us that it just was weird The sign on the door of this sushi place said half price sushi seven days a week I'm gonna say it again Half price sushi. Hmm seven days a week At what point does that just become the price? This is like a classic mitch headberg joke rest in peace one of the great comedians ever But he would have been able to deliver that line perfectly where if your sign says half price seven days a week That's just the price boom. That's what it is. You half off of what you tell me what when is it full? Let me know So we've walked back and forth and the whole group every time is like that doesn't make sense We're racking our brains. How could this be? Why don't you just say that that's the price of the sushi? I tweeted out the picture. I did get one suggestion from somebody That made a lot of sense and I've now gotten to the point where I've overthought this but What if every day at a certain time they drop the sushi price in half Like a half the hour kind of pricing would that make the sign make more sense? I think it might this might actually be a brilliantly guess suggestion where When you go in and you get the details on it the way it works is every day from four to seven They serve half a little sushi. Happy hour. Yeah Do you think that's what they mean? It could be but I'll tell you this as the sign reads That famous kentucky sushi, right? It's what it's one of the play. It's one of the national hubs worldwide hubs kovington kentucky when you think sushi la san francisco seattle tokyo kovington like in that conversation a lot of people were like I don't know if i'm eating sushi in kentucky But you don't know much about sushi there then you're not up on the sushi game. There is no hotter spot for sushi In america. I think it's third hottest in the world. Is that what we saw? Because that's because it's ranked up so like the trend is up so it was like seven now. It's three And it's the hottest scene in america is kovington kentucky kentucky sushi. That's right Every day half off. Where do you go near the building that's abandoned and between the other one that's boarded up That's where you go for the bed to get the half-price sushi your sushi And that there's a double play every day on grant and danny beltway blitz comes your way next and then we'll blitz the east in one hour At five o'clock we'll check in on the other teams that are all chasing The vaunted washington commanders in the division you're listening to the fan You You You You You You You You You In one hour, we're gonna blitz the nfc east covering the calvoys eagles and giants from Their week three games and their week four match-ups preview Right now though your beltway blitz moments away here on the fan the teams in town You care the most about the commanders have a rookie quarterback and a bright future It is time for you to plan for your future as well the exclusive sponsor of our show Is the law firm kendorian moron they can help you update your last will and testament You'll set up a trust for you and your family schedule a free consultation with their estate planning attorneys km is where you can go to do that My parents did send him my in-laws their way as well Be sure to tell them we sent you you're going to get a discount km lawyers Dot com let's kick off the beltway blitz right now We begin with our buddy bobby blanco of mass and sports dot com on the nationals So bobby we've not talked to you since the big cj abram's news a few days ago over the weekend What did you make of their decision to just punt him for the remainder of the season and send him to west pom beach? Yeah, when you start seeing the news trickle up that he's being optioned down a triple a A lot of red flags pop up because that didn't make a whole lot of sense the triple a season was ending the next day Um, you know if he's injured you could just throw him on the injured list for the last week of the season So it was kind of confusing and then you see the story come out you see what days martinez told the media in chicago Um probably heard like rizzo this morning on your station with the junkies talking about situation and now we know why and Um, I I think it was a good decision by the nationals. I do believe it came straight from like rizzo Um, and he famously said, um, you know when they df h on kelly you're either in or you're in the way and I think this is kind of Um, what cj did was kind of not totally in the way, but you know keetering along those lines. He didn't break any team rules technically Um, but he was caught, you know leaving a casino at 8 a.m While they're on the road before a day game and you just can't do that That's not a professional way to act and the nationals hold their players to a high standard I think is the very young team I think this was a wave that devi and mike could send a message to this a lot of these guys and say hey This is not acceptable. This is not how we want our players to to behave when they're not around the club Um, especially in season. I think the frustrating part two is that the only week left All cj had to do was wait one week and he could have done as much as he wanted Um, but he said he's not going to be down to west palm beach and fetching out the season with triple a it's going to be a Pretty big storyline this off season and um next February as we head down to west palm for as far as spring training Yeah, bobby. He's a higher profile player Um, then louise carcia, but something similar to garcia. It wasn't a dam in the casino, but it was a very hard conversation Hey, you are out of shape. This is not professional. You're what you're doing away from the field Uh, you know is is not good enough for a major league standard and he got sent down and he's having a really good season he's you know been Unhearled it, but uh, he's going to finish you know close 20 homers 20 plus stolen bases And if they would just play him every day even against left these you might see more of those stats But I digress he hit the ground running so to speak I'm still bullish on cj abrams I think this is a crossroads and this is you know Blessing in disguise to a degree that hey, this is you're great You were an all star this year, but this can all be taken away and i'm hoping he takes it to heart What's your prediction for how he will handle it? Yeah, i'm with you i i first and foremost just hope cj the person is doing well and like there's nothing Going on with him in his personal life. Maybe it was just hopefully it was just like one bad night Or I guess we now know that it's been a couple of instances So just a couple of nights where he's just you know wanted to go out and have a little fun Hopefully it's not like a serious issue But and if it is hopefully he finds the help that he needs and gets back on track in his personal life So that doesn't affect his baseball life anymore from a baseball standpoint. I mean yet cj It's not a direct comparison, but you know, we saw the week or see a junior go go down at the end of last year We saw him has to have some tough conversations even this spring training right before the season started He almost didn't make the open day roster because he was making some boneheaded mistakes in spring training games And then now here you are he's probably their most consistent player of the on the year and had him a great season So, you know, I think my prediction is you know, it's tough to predict. I think you know It's all in pj's hands. I agree with you like I don't you know I'm not mad at cj. Make sure you can be disappointed But I don't think this is an indictment on him as a person or as a player But everything's in his court right now. How does he respond to this? How does he react? He's probably a little upset with himself Maybe a whole some hard feelings against the organization, but you know, you were caught doing something you probably shouldn't have been doing Um, you have to pay the consequences But how does he kind of process this react to this over this all season and because he channeled that into a positive way Heading into next spring training have really good season. That's going to be something to follow Bobby dj hers pitches tonight He's got a 370 ra since the all-star break was five one before the break He's probably been the nat's best pitcher in the second half now his last time out He did actually get hit pretty good for the first time in a long time Gave up seven earnings and left in the fourth inning But his erase barely over four and 18 starts this year And this has been a real revelation for them to find this 23 year old Not only in the rotation, but excelling what do you make of his year and give us a thought on him pitching against the team Trying to fight its way into the playoffs tonight in the royals Yeah, he's been a great revelation You can even add mitral park to that conversation as well who who had a really strong final start of the season last night Five four listening to finish a pretty solid rookie career But this these are two guys that are good player development stories for the nationals You know mitral parker was a late round draft pick dj hers was acquired via trade So these are guys that the nationals targeted both in their amateur scouting and the professional scouting to bring into the organization And then from there on Uh, the new revamp player development staff kind of took over and and made them into everyday major leaguers this quickly You know we can go back to last year Jacob from with that story mitral parker was at the beginning of this year You know that version of the story and then now when dj came up You know he was good enough to not only make his debut this year, but stick in the rotation for the rest of the season Um, yeah, he's been I think by far their best and most consistent starter for this second half You've seen jake urban kind of get a little exhausted as we get down near the end here But um, yeah, hopefully he has a really strong start tonight finishes in the rookie season strong Um, and then that go into next year now you're talking about him. Maybe fighting for that Fifth starter spot. Obviously. They might add someone in for agency But um, they've got some really deep starting pitching depth now because of these good Uh developmental player development stories that they haven't had in a while bobby. Thank you, buddy Yeah, thank you guys. Welcome home to daddy chili sucks Here here tip of the old cat bobby good close. Uh, hit that NFL sounder dares All right, Mike jones with the athletic to talk about the national football league Mike through three games just as we thought the sitts any bangles are in last place Uh san francisco is also in last place just ho hum normal things happening the first month of the NFL season Yeah, you know Cincinnati hit we've seen them start slowly the last uh couple years I don't know That I saw them being oh in three, you know when they they didn't have that first loss of the season I was like, well, you know, it might take them a couple weeks, uh, but here there are oh in three here. I saw that Um, monday night was a kind of a good opportunity for a get right game going against uh a defense like washington's which has struggled But hey washington came out there And you know, Cincinnati looked better in some ways, but they still aren't quite right San francisco that super will hang over is real man. Um, you know the teams that lose the super bowl It's you know the percentage of them making it back to the playoffs is very small They had some holdouts now the injury bug is really getting them all over the place Um, it's it's tough going for some of these teams that we thought we're going to be competitors or contenders Um, and you know, it's going to be interesting to see it's a long season obviously But you get in too big of a hole like since nanny, uh, I think only one team since 1990 has made it to the playoffs Uh after start no one for mike i want to take you to the cleveland browns for a moment washington plays them in two weeks But I was really surprised by these comments today by the shawn watson and if he was playing better I'd actually probably applaud them and love them But he's stunk and the team has been bad. So it kind of that rubbed me the wrong way Uh, he was asked about running the ball more to help out in a rushing offense. That's bad I think they're 25th in the nfl. They don't have nik chub right now. Obviously and he basically said i'm not gonna run I'm not a running back. I'm here to throw the football on the quarterback There's kind of shades of like the the 2012 griffin. You and I covered where he hated like any time he ran He thought it was an indictment on him as a quarterback. And like I said, I loved it The shawn's a pocket passer who can be an athlete and he prefers to be in the pocket But when your team's struggling and the offense is struggling, it just rubs me the wrong way that he would go Yeah, i'm not i don't want to do that other thing if it makes us better. That's not why i'm here What do you make of all that? Yeah, I mean to show much of that i have a lot of credibility with anything that he says now, you know um Whether it's you know is play or anything about him. I mean because He should be happy to be on the field and that a team wants him to try to do something to help them win You know Obviously, yeah, you would like to be able to sit back and throw but you have an offensive line that's really beaten up Uh, you don't have you know nik chub a special running back And if that's what it takes to put you in more third manageable situations, you know Yeah, you should be happy to run and do whatever you got to do. I i haven't heard anybody, you know That's my home josh alan you think josh alan wants to be running all the time josh alan, you know who is out there Doing whatever it takes. So I just don't like the attitude the entitlement Um, he's talking like he's a superstar and he hasn't been a superstar in a long time Mike that minnesota houston match up. I mean, it's one week, but it's a referendum league That I feel like that went a long way to sort of explaining some stuff at how good maybe bonafide minnesota is And we're gonna have to take it seriously and that houston still good, but what the hell was that? Yeah, well, I mean you went up against a really good defensive coordinator and brian flores You know, he sends a lot of pressure. Um, you know, and he knows how to make very good quarterbacks look very, you know You know, not very good. Um, and then look sam darnell continues to uh prove that hey Maybe this isn't the fluke and maybe just took time and him landing in the right situation I really thought that we were going to see them the the Vikings really struggled this year Uh, but you know, they really have a chance, you know, it's competitive uh division injuries, uh kind of changed some things, but who would have thought that green bay would win two games without door in love So it's going to be interesting to see how that goes and look. I think that Um, you know, we saw The week before last houston, they moved the ball right but then against chicago's defense They really struggled in the second half so they have some things they still have to work out They're still trying to get on the same page Uh cj shroud with some of his uh wider stevers and and things like that So I think they're going to be okay, but they've got some things they got to work on to shore up and and make sure that he's protected Well jonesy. I remember when matt flore got hired in green bay man. You were on the phone and we were like Really matti is going to get to coach erin rogers. He's getting like this hallmark institutional organization Green bay and we were thrilled for him because he's the nicest guy in the world He's the hardest worker in the world like you can see shawn mcvaby in a superstar You can see cal shanahan being a superstar. We were kind of curious like all right. Let's hope for the best But we'll see mattla floor Is awesome with rogers. He's been awesome with love and with love out the last two weeks He's mixing potions like a high school coach on a friday night with malike willis Like matt la floor is a dude Dude matt la floor his last year in l.a. I was talking to him pre-game in the tunnel And I said man like this is great. You're next man. And he was like man. I'm not a head coach I don't know if I want that And then he went to you know, tennessee and you know, I said something to him at the combine I don't know but And his first press conference member. I mean how painful that was and it was steps, but this dude Everybody who would work with them knew he was really sharp really smart I don't know that anybody expected that okay Yes, you had erin rogers, but now he has shown he is really good at game planning really good at excellent owing And finding a way to accentuate a player's strength and put him in positions to succeed because look The the I don't know the titans thought malike willis was pretty bad if they passed Up, you know keeping him to keep um, you know rolling with will levis who is terrible Um, you know and they did not see redeeming qualities and malike willis and matt la floor is cooking it up for him And he looks you know like a service a little quarterback the first game good game manager We saw him take more steps forward and look like a competent nfo quarterback this past uh game It's just really like he said hats off the mat in the floor. The guy is sharp I remember talking to mike shanahan about him when he had gotten that job and he said nobody is more detail oriented Uh than him, which I thought was crazy because we knew shot is very detail oriented But he really was really proud of and hyalen matt's chances of succeeding as a head coach because he saw how Much he paid attention to the tiny details when he prepared and it taught and coached his players Just a whole hum six 74 winning percentage since taken over mike. Thank you, buddy is always Thanks. I'll see you guys. We'll see man hit that local 53 center Michael phillips joins us to discuss that local 53 at michael p in rva the richminder and Her sister station 9 10 the fan down in the capital the commonwealth, uh michael. That was pretty fun on monday We devoted the entire two-hour show to stay just to the uh jane daniel to terry michlorin path Uh, it was considering the stakes considering the game considering the moment I believe the best Single individual play that the commanders washington red skin football team has made and at least the last decade It was an unbelievable throw. I mean the next gen stats 10 percent chance of it being completed The more I watch it the more I marvel about it. It was his thrower the game Obviously he had a couple of really impressive throws though the deep shot to michlorin earlier in the game for 55 was pretty amazing as well What about cliff kingsberry? Without taking any credit away from daniels like when he needed to make the miraculous throw he did But I'd say 90 percent of the throws on a night where he completed 91 Passes were kind of designed pretty well for him with open receivers and big spots Now big mark so far for sure and you know Everybody's got the ipads on the sideline now like the defense goes back to the sideline. They watch the ipad Cliff is coaching to the ipad every drive you you just watch and he throws something at them Just brand new a new formation a new look a new wrinkle He had one where the two guards both like instead of pulling like pulled in and created an interior run He does something where the defense is going to have to go back to the sideline going to have to put on You know hit the button on their ipad and say what the hell was that we never seen that we weren't ready for that Uh, and then they're going to have to spend a few minutes preparing for that And then they might see it again, but they might not see it again over the course of the game, uh, which I've really enjoyed Just the way he You know here and might talk about la floor and shanahan and and mcvee and those guys the way they call offense is I think generally is with a very nice flow. I think they go into the game thing I want to do a and it's going to lead to b and it's going to lead to c I watch cliff kings very and I think he just on a wheel of fortune for he just pulling letters down and at random There's no flow to it. And I think it's perfect So there's the bad news no loss the neckler this week. We know that I think that's an enormous loss even an underrated loss I know it's not a huge volume of touches, but his per touch effectiveness is unlike anybody else on this roster How big of a loss is it going into a game? You think you probably need to score a bunch of points to win Well, I've hit my hand on what I thought the biggest play was monday I thought the second biggest play monday was his kickoff return to start the second half Right second half momentum can swing coming out of the locker room bangles certainly felt good About what they were accomplishing offensively. It was very important to put points on the board on that drive and all the drives It turned out but that kickoff return set up what you knew would be a scoring drive Brought the momentum right back out of half time kept the bangles from seizing any of it I loved it. Um, I'm also a big fan and I don't know in depth about the injury But I think this is the right move long term for austin equity You don't need to fly him across the country twice and have him be playing in a short week Whatever the status is this is the right call You need him down the line because as you mentioned is a transformational player when he gets the ball in his hands michael phillips Enrichment the rich minder if you want your news done the right way enrichment and of course odyssey down there our sister station Thank you, buddy. Be good absolutely too, man That is your belt label it's well blitz the division coming up on grant and danny at five o'clock on the fan I want to dive into the defensive struggles against Cincinnati and what can be done for washington But the news of the day is that austin eckler is going to be out against the cardinals Just how much will that change this offense? Let's get into that next on the fan You You You You You You You Grant and danny on the fan We took a dive around the nfl at three o'clock today Broke down all of the teams that are three and oh and the three clubs that have yet to win as well if you miss that conversation You can podcast it at the fan when we are done all of our football coverage today is Presented by t mobile head to t and get a great deal on iphone 16 pro the iphone 16 dropped danny That's unbelievable are you one of these guys that keeps up with the iphones and you just get the next one asap I'm i'm not that Quick on it. I mean I will get a new one eventually one because i beat up my phones Not like i'm gonna drop them and break them sort of way but the like all the things you're not supposed to do Which is like leave it charged overnight i run the battery down and all that other kind of stuff So i'll be in the market pretty soon I'm old enough to remember when you could you would break an iphone every time you dropped it I didn't have one at that time But everyone I knew had the cracked iphone screen. Yeah, it was just because they dropped it once I haven't had a cover on my iphone in months. It's amazing. I mean you're just tempting fate With as much as you use your phone. I've dropped it probably 30 times It's a little bit cracked at the top. I've got the little like looping crack, but it's not rolling or anything And my situation is basically that When it breaks for keeps like it's actually Bad on the screen then i'll go get another one or whatever probably won't be a 16 I don't think i'm in the market for a 16. I'll get whatever this thing is but Yeah, I don't know why like I remember when I had a droid i used to make fun of iphone people This was probably a decade ago The second you dropped your phone doesn't matter if you dropped it On just a big foam pillow and the phone had three covers on it. It was gonna break it cracked. Yeah iPhones more durable now i'm proof of this The because it used to be you had to have that like otterbox thing Like the phone itself weighed not that much But it weighs four times as much because it's got like this four knocks Thing around it just to prevent dolts like me from dropping it. I carry my iphone like i'm tiki barber Without a cover just high and tight still fine Darris the iphone 16 is out you had something on there Well, I was just gonna say that I get joned on so hard because I still have an iphone 8 Which is I mean What maybe like eight years ago now at this point probably more than that right? You got or have you gotten a new one since and stuck with the eight? I have the same phone that I've had once since I purchased it so many years ago I wish I was more of an iphone guy to even be able to like enjoy the What this conversation is what an eight is versus a 16 versus a 12 versus a four I have no idea. I at my heart really i'm still a droid guy I just have an iphone so that I can FaceTime my kids when i'm away in Cincinnati with danny Pretty much the whole reason and not turn the chat green Like they're not ruined the chat I used to think that was outrageous that everyone cared about that and now as an iphone guy I've become snobby about that too. It doesn't furyate me when I can't name my group chat and post a picture But they're changing all those rules. You know that yeah this the the crossovers coming This is I mean if I can say this sony and microsoft working it out for cross-platform play Willy built the bridge here so that rival companies can acknowledge okay fine everybody still text each other Well, I don't know why this was important enough to care about and I won't dare name the senator Who I saw complaining about this. Oh because it might be someone people don't like but keep in mind We're on your team. Yeah, whatever you think I think we agree with you I'm outraged by that outrageous thing in fact your opinion on that senator is one I share Yes, I am. I don't think who it is totally we're in lockstep on that senator. Yep, but anyway I saw like a commercial about it about like I almost did an impression of that senator, but I would never impression of that senator But the point of the dude story is danny. Uh-huh that Senator, what was it center? It's not important. Okay What state I think danny. We're not going to talk about the okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, but I do now agree like it's at a point where I will not include someone on a text group Who might give a little more to the text group that might be fun to have in the group If everyone else is blue. Yeah, because now I can't name it. I can't drag it to the top of my phone with a picture It's just it's an annoying like eight. You know, it's just their initials. Totally. It's awful. It's awful Yeah, we we've been beating this drum to you for years and and you finally covered this is my point about the senator Uh-huh. It's it's not their fault It's apples fault and it's iphones fault that more than anything else in my opinion because what they're getting rid of is like the Oh, that there you droid will have a different color. You can't interact with us. They're like, this is stupid You're just making people do your thing by not adjusting and having the same technology and abilities as everybody else So you're you're basically shaming yes droid users. That's right and like legally. I could be making this up a little bit Industry term legal shaming. That's real legal jargon But I mean like legally they're they're going to the company and be like you can't do this anymore You have to it has to operate with everyone so that green bubble people don't get excluded from conversations That's what's happening. I know it's pretty crazy. Like it is nothing. It's gotten that level by the way Maybe the senator should focus on something else like maybe again. I agree with you on the senator I mean, I'm with you. We're both with you But that green bubble struggle right there did that's what it is It seems like it's not that it gets a funny thing to talk about. Yeah, probably not that big of a deal really Like like it's it's it's on a list but the list is really long You need to have 200 items on that list of things that need to be fixed in your life before There should be no green and blue text messages. It's a minor giving it's like there's like there's like a there's like a neighborhood group Right role our kids are around the same age or whatever And so it's annoying when you think there's new information in the group and it's simply just one of these green Chat people that they liked something or they laughed at something from like six months ago and finally just got to the chat and so it's like then it repeats the message over again, so instead of like with when you have the correct iPhone and Like say dairus hearts something we thumbs up something. It just shows the message with a little thumb up saying oh dairus did it dairus liked it The green folks what they do is it somehow repeats the whole message. Yeah, and it's like Steve liked this and then the whole thing repeats itself. It's so you're it's aesthetically gross It's so gross and I have some type of disorder Probably like an OCD or something But like the aesthetics of things really a matter to me. Yeah, so on twitter as an example. I hate the quote retweet I think it looks terrible, right? So I will often just like either retweet or Credit with a thought like it just saw this from so-and-so and but I think that the look just ruins the feed Same with like posting a video. I'll do the thing where you just like grab the video Then you can repost it. It gives them the credit on the bottom or whatever, but it just looks cleaner. You see what I'm saying? Yes, I do I don't want you ruining my feed with your weird, uh, danny Accentuated your text or whatever the hell the words like what does that mean also enough with that response I hate that when people do that like hey, man. I'll be there in five minutes the confirmed Two exclamation point the heart button use words Got it Confirmed. Oh, you know you don't see you don't like the thumbs up like hey, I got it. So I got you that 10-4 Bet that's probably the hip one the cool one. Oh, so my six-year-old says now. I told him this morning No, yeah, I said I said hey, but it's time to brush those teeth. Let's get those teafees Like, you know, you're trying to just encourage him to get up. Yeah, the teafees. Yeah, and he goes bet Okay Okay, um, I don't know if I'm ready for that sir. How old's your kid six? This is what I would have done Sitting at the table. Uh-huh. I'm looking over it. Is it where we're talking bill or buyer? Byron says bet. I would have looked at him. I'd opened my mouth and I would have belted out And he would have been like man. I miss you brian peck Anybody sweet sweet boy brian peck miss that guy. I phoned eight by the way was from 2017 So that's all that bad. That's not that old. I would have said it's like Robert Griffin's rookie. So by the way, that means in seven years. We've had eight new iPhones. Yeah, that's an outrageous pace That's ridiculous again. That is that's that's uncold for like more than marvel films That is unnecessary So if you're keeping up with the benjamins on an average of more than once per year, you need the latest thing Now most people probably are not going to get the newest latest iphone. I would imagine But I see those lines. Yeah, I see the local news doing the same bit every eight months where they're like Frederick just walked out of the store in Frederick no less That's fun Frederick would you think of the new iphone? He's like I just bought it. I'll tell you in a few minutes I haven't opened it yet. She's like, but give us your thoughts. He's like, yeah, again I haven't opened it yet, but how long did you wait out front? He's like, I actually just walked up There was no line, but give us a better answer and he's like, I had two hours She's that'll work back to you back to you the same thing every time. Yeah, that's that story writes itself And they love telling it by the way lock. I promise you you're gonna see this tonight tonight for the iphone It's gonna be like snow coverage. Mm-hmm. No, I believe it actually came out last thursday And I saw the apple store in clairndon It was like wrapped around the side of the building like it was insane They had like little ropes there to cross all that all the money all the tv cameras were set up doing stand-ups right outside Did you see any cameras out front? I did not see any cameras out front I mean it was the middle of the day like on a weekday So like people should be working, but they weren't it was literally a block long line So how long till danny who has the 16 does I feel like you you update your file on these iphone? Yeah, I don't have the I've got to get the newest one right away thing I have buddies to do. I'm not like is I just I am not as much of a sickleball racket Then I need that but I'm not as much of I need my iphone to work Like in other words and as long as it's working and I don't have too many conveniences Like the reason I finally got rid of my last one It was like every time over to do anything. It's like hey man, you're out of memory Hey, you right there pudgy zilch you're out of memory You're not athletic anymore and your metabolism sucks right of memory So like fine. I just never want to see that again. So I upgraded to a just delete something Yeah, but it's I every time I want to take a picture of my kid who's doing something I got to go in and find something else. I'm gonna delete and it's a pain in the butt You can't like knock it down by half the gigs or whatever to do not have that problem Yeah, but you're doing that all the time and it's so annoying and you got to upload Photos to your computer to keep them and then you're not sure if you got a brand new phone instead Yeah to never see that again because it's unbelievable pain in the butt So that's why I got one with I go give me the most memory you can get So I never want to deal with that crap again. I don't have that problem I don't have the problem. I'm not close to that. I imagine the new joints have like better cameras That's always the thing right and that's the next I don't care about that. I care so much about that That's that's where you can get me right. I love a good camera. There's these cameras now I don't think it's an iphone versus a droid thing. I think it could be both. I don't really know But where you use you can zoom in For miles Like you're like you're the American sniper or something like you are sitting on a building and you just keep going You know you do the move like Danny does on instagram when he's looking at certainly not models But whatever it is that you look at on instagram it would not be any more It's influenced people But you do the thumb and the pointer finger and you pull them apart while touching the screen to zoom To really gonna go look at the fitness and all of the it's like the workout that they're doing Yeah In the pickleball playing but anyway You zoom in on that 10 times you just keep going and going and going Like true story danny zoomed in on our hotel Insince and adi from his house today and you can just see like people walking around Just from your camera while you're about to take a picture from the camera I think that's probably the difference, but maybe there's other stuff. I don't know Yeah, they're always trying to like Do different things to try to make you need to know because remember it's it's like with tv's like tv's have gotten so good That remember a couple years ago. They're like, you know what you need a curved television If you don't have a curved television, you don't have a tv I almost I was almost a sucker. Yeah, I was this close to buying a curved tv for my basement Because that's the now that's gonna be the next thing It's like you don't do you have 4k tracking your tv doesn't have 4k tracking You might even not have not even watch the game. Yeah, do you have dynamic read? Did I make that one up or is that real? You don't know like they always because tv's are now so good And they're so easy to produce that you know You get an awesome one for whatever it's five six hundred seven hundred bucks Yep, and they need to get you to buy new tv's so they got to come up with like the latest gimmick It's the same thing with phones any kind of tech Austin Echler is not gonna play against the Cardinals He's already been ruled out how damaging a loss will that be for washington's offense and how will they Operate as effectively as they have been without him. What's the game plan going to be to replace him? That's next on gnd You You You Yeah, will be Austin won't make it you know for the game and it's the right call for him not On our short week to go a little of a chance to see what next week looks like then But we have do have a lot of confidence It's uh one of the the groups that we have a deep crew that can roll strong and so when called upon We're certainly ready to do that and we're also excited for for jaymak He's somebody you know hasn't got a lot of touches a lot of opportunities But I do know that he is somebody when given those chances. He does not miss his ops Dan quinn announcing that austin echler would not Play for the commander's sunday in arizona No wasting time with that announcement already comes down the pike on wednesday My guess is they're not even going to fly him out there then no reason right? I mean why would he even join the team He will join this show though on friday at five p.m So he'll be in virginia presumably when we talk to him and get ready for the commanders and the cardinals On a football friday here on grant and danny. He mentioned jaymak. That's german mc nickels He barely played it all in san francisco last year a couple of snaps on special teams never touched the football He's already had one more run here in washington than he had with the niners That was on monday night filling in for echler But he had two seasons in a row in tennessee in 2020 and 2021 We had over 40 carries the average 4.3 yards per carry in 2020 3.8 yards per carry in 2021 I think they'll use him quite a bit actually in the echler role Not as many snaps as austin would get but on those important downs with past protection He had a monster Blitz pick up with a deque leader against the line backer Actually on the play where jayden took the shot and threw the touchdown to tarry mclaurin to win the game I think they trust him in past pro he can catch the football a little bit You know he can run it because it's what he's done his entire career and his entire life So for all those reasons danny, I think he's gonna play plenty but this will be the brian robinson show to me You maybe don't use him on third down. You're gonna try to spell him Obviously you're gonna have him thump on early downs But i'll bet you robinson if they stay ahead of schedule and game script is how they want their closer leading He's gonna be close to 20 rushes probably five or six catches. Yeah, I would think 20 touches in the cards. I think I'll take the overall. I mean carries. I think he'll be over 20 close to 20 carries over 20 touches from me close to 25 Maybe I think it's gonna be a big time be robbed. Yeah, if they're successful They're standing on the field as they have been if they're standing ahead of the chains Um, there wasn't a lot of early down running success for the for washington Uh, this this past week, um, you know robinson only I think to the tune of like two and change per carry Uh, you know hard yards though in a lot of ways right and those are necessary to kind of set up everything else But I think you're gonna see a steady diet of brian robinson early and often and I was surprised He didn't catch a ton of passes once ekler went out. I thought you'd see a couple of those things Those kind of swing passes are kind of keeping easy stuff on early downs instead of trying to thump down the middle But there was a plan the method to that mad to certainly I'd like to see them spread Arizona out And still have that short passing game going even without ekler when not with b rober mc nickels Involving the tight ends a little more like maybe this has been senate remember. Let's not forget senate's got some h back to him He is a tight end, but he also can play that full back role a little bit You could go split eye and get him into the flat larry center style You could have him in motion and then align behind the tackle like a wing or whatever Yeah, some of those eye formation and kind of shuffles and looks like it's a lead block But it's not and you know, you work off the different looks There's a lot of different ways. I think that they could get him out into space. He has not caught a pass yet He's been open plenty Including in this game early in the game and we talked about this yesterday chadon daniels because he picks up a handful every time he runs where occasionally we'll throw it elsewhere and Pretty much all the plays that he made and they made worked out It didn't matter that he missed senate on a couple of occasions way down the field I think aikman even on the broadcast showed a couple of them and said Hey, I know this guy hasn't doing anything yet and commanders fans are kind of wondering where he is But just know on the tape he's open more often than you think i was saying the same thing last Week at this time about Luke McCaffrey. Yeah, he was number three among all wide receivers via pff in separation score And he popped one for 40 on a fourth and two which was a great play by daniels That was not the design of that play by the way to find him was awesome And he had another catch later in the game again where he kind of got some separation But I think we could see senate without echler having two or three catches for the first time And they could use him a little more in that h-back full-back role as a pass catcher Someone's got to make up for those echler touches, right? And it could be the do we force feed for the sake of our good? We we feed robinson more do we feed mcclorn more no a brown more or do we kind of go against type something? We haven't shown just yet Which you just saw this past week and if there are more tricks in the bag The easy button is having lost an echler do it, right? Like so there's two ways that I think of offense as easy and I put that in quotes Easy is you've got a home run threat where you throw it as far as you can and the Sean Jackson goes and catches it That's easy, right? Tyree kill makes offense easy for teams because defense is a threatened He could either take it to the house or the threat of him doing so open stuff up Then there's the my two-yard dumpoff goes for eight My checkdown goes for 14, right? That's what echler does and that's almost it as valuable but close to me, right? I'm standing ahead of the chains. It's those hidden yards There's nothing sexy about austin echler catching a screen and going for 14 Well, those are Huge drive sustaining plays that are afterthoughts in a game where we saw the throws to terra michlorin And you know some of those four pounds and this and that that a second and ten becomes a first down because echler Wiggled his way through 17 different people broke a tackle carried two dudes forward and gets a first down Yeah, just right in the middle of the field like those kinds of hidden plays Makes everybody look smart. Neat. That's the easy offense the first drive of the game was the echler show Seven-yard plus probably closer to eight run on first down catch for the First down getting play on second and short Back-to-back plays 10 plus yards chains moved and now you're almost at midfield That's the other funny thing with this new kickoff rule when you start at the 30 We were talking about this you get one 14 or so yard completion in the middle of the field You're basically at midfield in one play. It doesn't feel like the five-yard Closer to midfield rule change would make a big difference But it absolutely has but then the screen to echler later on that drive that you're referencing was huge And then you have the 24-yard touchdown later in the half. I mean every two drives are basically his so here's your opening drive You referenced this but here's the specifics echler right tackle eight yards to start the game echler Short right pass to the same side for eight yards There's your 16 and all of a sudden you to your point you're just shy of midfield first and 10 at the 46 First and 10 at the 46 brian Roberts in no game. That was a theme of the day They tried to thump him inside and there was not much happening there. So now you're second and 10 again that those are difficult situations for any offense to be in let alone One with a rookie quarterback and the whole yin and the yang and the blah blah blah You need four there to feel like third down is manageable. How about 14 lost an echler Little hitch little screen pass it above what we ever want to call it call to smoke I don't care but he turned he passed at the line of scrimmage into a 14-yard first down with now you're in city territory Miss. Yes, didn't play you're talking about and now you're first and 10 from the bangles side of the field And where were they there? It was like they're 45. They're 40 They're 40. Yeah, so I mean we're talking you're basically five yards away from field goal range on three echler plays to start the game And you've asked very little to nothing from your quarterback yet He's thrown two balls behind the line of scrimmage to run back and handed the ball off And you are now in field goal range almost and it it came that easily for much of the night But the easy button goes away in Arizona with no austin echler I think b-rob can do some of that remember he had the 30-yard catch and run to the goal line In tamper so he's got that club in the bag still I think as a pass catcher And I won't pretend to know what mcnickel's is capable of because he just haven't seen enough of him We haven't seen really any of them in that regard in this offense Next on grant and danny let's put the east we'll check in on the other teams in the division I still want to play that erin roger's audio on jade and daniels. He was immensely impressed by the young quarterback We'll let you hear what one of the best quarterbacks ever lives at about daniels at 525 today coming up in a half hour And this is the fan You You You You You You You You You You The dmv's football Operations got a bright future and it's time for you to plan your own the exclusive sponsor of our show Is the law firm kendorian moron? They're going to help you update your last will and testament They're going to help you to set up a trust for you or your family schedule a free consultation with their estate planning attorneys At km tell them we sent you you'll get a discount We had such a great trip with those guys the whole crew was a lot of fun And uh just good to Really I think kick it with people who have been good to our show that we've gotten to know with different events over Lot of fun man. It's really cool But uh make some memories with them was very very good. We appreciate all that they do for our show So If you dig the program take care of them km lawyers Dot com it is time to blitz the east Each and every week we spin you around the division get you the latest on each team In the east so to do that right now we begin with the dallas cowboys on grant and danny and to do a deep dive on dallas Kevin Ackland mid days 105 3 the fan in dallas joining us On our blitz of the division The second half against the ravens kevin was very very different dallas looked like they had a chance But man did they get annihilated in the first 30 minutes? No freaking kidding and I would actually I would argue it was closer to 40 to 42 minutes But yeah, that team looked terrible. They looked terrible against the saints. I understand why people are concerned going up against the giant What's going on? Why all of a sudden or they are the I mean the new world's game took me by total surprise kevin But why are they coming out so flat and struggled so much especially on the defensive side of the ball? Yeah, so I think you can make an argument and look we've talked with jerry and steven about this and they feverishly disagree that I kind of wonder just a little bit if like the scheme and the game has maybe passed mike zimmer by like I know he's done Unbelievable stuff in his football career, but you look at the last couple of years He was in charge of the defense with minnesota It was not good and it feels like they're trying to fit personnel into a scheme that they're not really set up for And it's been a disaster the first three weeks They can't stop the run. I mean that to me is is the most alarming thing. They're giving up 185 a game 30 second of 32 teams They're giving up 5.4 yards per play like that's one of those things I don't want to pretend like that you can't fix it's a small sample through three weeks But it's easy to take advantage of but you just ground and pound them if washington was playing this week I feel pretty good about the ability to just get downhill on them I'm sure that's what the giants will try to do a single terry. Is there a fix there? Is that just a weird couple of week thing or is the personnel suggest that's going to be an all-year problem? I don't think there's a quick fix because one of the people that you were hoping could contribute to that quick fix was last year's first round pick Mazzi smith and he looked good in the fourth quarter against the ravens But then again, so did most of the cowboys, but like everybody else on the team He struggled mightily in the first three quarters. He's still really getting pushed off the ball Demarion over shown who is a player that I really like He is also an undersized linebacker so he can get pushed off the block Probably easier than you would like and so I wish I could tell you it was a quick fix But your audience will probably be glad to know I do not believe it is Cowboys dominated the Browns in week one 33 17 But we now know feels like a little bit more about cleveland They have since been walloped by the saints 44 19 and beaten by the ravens 28 25 in a game that for much of the day wasn't that close as you've heard kevin mentioned They're at the giants thursday night football tomorrow and then the Steelers and lions after that Oh, wow. I didn't even look at this after the by then san francisco in atlanta. What a brutal schedule coming up too Yeah, I mean look and it's weird because I think you can make a really strong argument Pittsburgh is easily the worst three no team in the league and then you can make another argument that san francisco is Going to end up being significantly better than their record looks right now But it is a tough road ahead and you're talking about the rush defense I'll encapsulate the problems with the rush defense and offense with one specific stat The cowboys have run for ten or more yards three times this season twice by cd lamb Their opponents have run for ten or more yards 16 times this season. So that really shows not only it's the run defense But it's the run offense as well that is just been poor So kevin you mentioned cd lamb overall numbers are are fine 13 catches 218 yards top 10 in the league in terms of yards And uh, you know, they catch and touchdown, but that's not what we're used to that dude is capable of you know 2 000 yards this year and a hundred samad catches It's so it's weird to say because it's been fine But it's kind of not what we're used to is it the is it a case of people are trying to take him away Is it a case of that guy's looked for him yet where we at with cd lamb? I honestly think it's a case of this is kind of his training camp Which I like I realized by now he's a veteran and you'd think you could just like plug and play but it doesn't necessarily work like that Like against the saints there is one specific play where he broke to the left When the throw was to break to the right and you saw a wide open target headed towards the end zone Just completely missed and cd lamb is like look that's on me. I should have known that and that's another frustrating part about You know he was out all this time because the cab was like to drag their feet on contract negotiations and You know, maybe if he was at training camp, they complete that touchdown passes I mean, they beat the saints probably not, but that would have helped along the way If they beat the giants it goes without saying if two and two everyone will calm down a bit If they were to lose to new york on thursday night with the extra time going into the weekend Like what is this story going to be in town? And are we too soon to start talking about not wanting to be mike mccarthy No, I don't think you're too soon. And I think it would take like an epic embarrassment for that To happen immediately, you know, like 37 to three or something like that But I think I said this morning on a knc master piece that it's a lot more interesting if the cowboys lose this game than if they win Obviously, I hope they win, but if they win you would have beaten what looks like a terrible cleveland team What looks like a terrible giants team and then the two good teams you played you got smoked by them And it's just going to be kind of same old same old but if they lose Then the jones family talking about we like our personnel. We like our personnel. You're going to have to revisit that and be like do you Kevin the other thought on that is I don't think this division is particularly good, right? I mean washington has one of the worst events has ever assembled philadelphia's two and one but it's not like this Impossible jug or not two and one, you know, like they probably should have lost your oil and share that this past week So even though you know dallas may be hasn't gotten right yet. There's still a pretty good opportunity here for them to make some hay Yeah, well, I mean wouldn't you argue like i'm not saying this will be the case for sure But if I told you to 10 and 17 wins this division Yeah, wouldn't you be like I could probably see that for sure for sure. I could And so But I know cowboys fans aren't known for their patience and and sort of big picture viewing in that way But is is that something that you maybe like that there's a pulse of that out there where they go? No matter what happens here early. This is still a winnable division or is that not even on the radar? No, I I really I really think it is but I I think that is mistaken thinking Because if you look at when this team like if they were to lose to the Giants They'd be one in three like y'all said But if you look at this team the last three years when they've been really good in the regular season Their third losses have come when they were five and three six and three and seven and three And so they've got way further down the road and usually struggle like towards the back half Of the season as opposed to early in the season. This is usually when they do really well So I think i'm actually more panicked not about the division But like that this is a sign of what this season is going to be I think thursday is going to be pretty talented for sure a kevin. Thank you. I appreciate you buddy No problem y'all go cowboys. Thanks Kevin aglin mid days No five three. That's me every time with it man in dallas I tried to get him cut off right before that, but I didn't have a quick enough I tried to talk over him with the thanks kevin, but he still got it. Uh, let's talk about the new yorkers Patricia trainer. We love having patricia on grant and danny here on our blitzing of the east Always such good insight on the new york football giants We were just breaking this match up down from the dallas perspective. How about the g-men? They got right They almost beat washington couldn't pull it off Then they go to cleveland. They look better than the score 21 15 you guys got malignant neighbors cooking daniel jones playing better and a chance to get back to 500 patricia Yeah, big game for the giants. I mean the cowboys are really coming off a two-game losing streak At both at home Including one which they got blown out. I mean if the giants can't snap the cowboys hold over them this week I don't know when they're gonna do it. So what's the feel I come into the season patricia Just you know full disclosure. I thought the giants were really gonna struggle and be you know picking top five and Uh, you know, we're gonna have kind of a disaster Playing crashing in the mountain kind of season but i'm in the case they easily could be two and one as grant kind of mentioned With an opportunity here on thursday, what's sort of the pulse among Fans and and people kind of covering the team. Is it better than expected? Is it about the same? Give me your thoughts there Yeah, I think if you look at their walks washington if you think about it, they're really, you know, if they had a kicker They probably win that's right. Yeah, so, you know, I I feel that, you know, the first game I live this way the first game that they played the starters hadn't played in over a month because of the way Friday able distributed the uh the staff so they they look like they hadn't played in over a month And the fact that they have gradually gotten better week by week by week is certainly encouraging The fact that you know that they're not out of the playoff race despite what some people would have you think this early in the season That's been encouraging in the locker room and here's the other thing the guys in the locker room They've gotten angry over, you know, what has happened to them So, you know, sometimes when you get angry, you do one of two things You need to throw a temper tantrum and you take your ball and you go home Or you go out there and you and you start throwing fist cuffs and and start, you know fighting for what's yours And that's what the giants have done. They have taken that fight That fight approach and and you know, whatever happens happens I want to go back to malignant neighbors because i'm obsessed with him. He has 130 catches He's on pace for 1500 30 yards. He was my favorite receiver coming out in this draft I just loved watching him with daniels at lsu How good is he do you think? He is something else. I I mean I need this comparison that I know I caught a little heat for it because it's still early But I think he's better than Odell that the junior was when he first broke onto the scene I mean malignant neighbors is physical He's a physical receiver, which makes him so tough to cover He will fight you for the ball And I think he's also the type who was never satisfied with his performance You know, he spoke this week to the beauty about his performance And you know, he by all accounts. He had a great game against cleveland, right? He wasn't happy with it. He's like I could have made better catches. I could have done this I could have done that and that's what you want to see in the in a competitor You want to see somebody who has never satisfied who's always working to get even better Even when that person is maybe better than 90 percent of his competition How's the defense at this point the sack totals have been pretty substantial I would say through it through a few weeks, but it's still tough to get a feel for how good this defense is Yeah, I mean that the path rush finally woke up. I mean now the critics will say well. It was against a banged up Uh cleveland brown's offensive line the down top was lying If i'm not they're not quite the world beaters They once were a few years ago when that when nobody was getting Into the backfield on them But the big thing with the giant's defense right now is still the run defense that needs to be cleaned up There's too many missed tackles happening. The run fits aren't there guys are getting caught up in the wash So if they can just tighten that up a little bit and play a little bit better in that regard, I think they'll have something Four touchdowns without a pick for daniel jones the last couple of weeks As is generally the case the commander seemed to have jumped started daniel jones Funny looked really good against the brown's 235 and a pair through the air It's only sack twice. I think three sacks the last couple games seems like they're protecting him better And he's playing better is the heat off of him for now For now, I would say is that the heat's been turned down to maybe a very low simmer I mean you're always going to have people who are going to question whether or not he's the guy moving forward But certainly you don't hear 50 million people coming at him and saying, you know, hey, you know, you're no good You know design study draft cam ward or the or should do her sanders or you know pick your quarterback So I think the heat is definitely turned down And as long as they you know, I think they're competitive and they win and he's not making stupid mistakes and you know Like he was in the preseason and then first game against The Vikings where he just made some mistakes to just let you say what is he doing man? This is year six I think the heat will probably stay at a low simmer with with him Patricia. Thank you as always my pleasure talk to you soon hit that eagle sounder Ed crass joins us to break down of those eagles ed there's some good clock management away from being three and oh, but it doesn't feel that good, huh? Uh, well the defense, I think you have to be encouraged by the defense, you know, they were just dreadful at stop in the run first two games They managed to beat the Packers uh despite giving up a lot of yards on the ground and uh, they gave up a lot to the to the Falcons be John Robinson almost at 100 on them So, you know, they could end in the world and they you know, they stopped this high powered saints offense averaging 45 points a game over 400 yards Of offense and you know, they do a good job. They only give up 219 yards in total offense And of course they hold them to 12 points one touchdown Uh, so, you know, that is something that is certainly encouraging for uh from the eagle standpoint The eagles are fascinating because they could so easily be three and oh Based on how the falcons game ended, but I could also really easily see them. Oh and three obviously And there was this uh topic. I heard I tuned into philly sports radio on our odyssey app and they were arguing And the question was just like is this team good? And they didn't know the answers. I'll ask you that question. Is this eagles team any good Well, listen three weeks in if there was one word I would use to describe them. It's growing You know, they have a whole new coaching staff on, you know, both coordinators and they were just like they were last year They were 10 and one last year. So, you know to face some adversity and be you know that the one loss and You know, you haven't played with aj brown, you know, they're star receiver for just that one game They've been without him now they're going to be without the botte smith on sunday So you're two top wide receivers are out Um, and and I think to have this kind of adversity early in the years Probably a good thing in the long run for this team because like I said, they got the 10 and one last year Overcame some stuff, you know, once in close games But you know, they're learning how to handle adversity and I don't think that's a bad thing But I would say this team's growing, you know, they're very young on defense, you know, they're counting on, you know, two You know, 22 or 23 year old defensive tackles and Jalen Carter and Jordan Davis and Um, you know, they're young on the outside. They're starting a rookie cornerback when you're on mitral Um, so I think they're growing and you know, it's not going to be pretty You know, there's going to be some moments where it doesn't look good But I think as the season goes on, you begin to iron it out and then maybe ask me that again And I'll let you know whether they're good or not, but right now I think it's too early to say yeah, they're good or not. They're good or bad You mentioned the top two wide receivers are out Obviously jahan dotson's next man up We have some interest in him here in dc The eagles traded a third round pick to washington to get him and it doesn't look like he's done a whole lot Catch here or there over the first Few games of the season would he be their top option at wide receiver going into this game or Is this kind of an hour never situation to get him involved? What would you say there? Well, see again, I think like last year they didn't have any injuries to brown and smith So they never developed another option and when brown went out and didn't play in that playoff game Now, you know the wheels were off the eagle season by that point, but still they didn't have brown And they got tuned up and tamper in the playoff game So I think learning to play without these guys It's going to give dots in the opportunity and you know, Nick saryani will say well, hey He wasn't here the whole summer. So we're still kind of getting him up the speed Um, but each week I can see his role growing and they have a rookie johnny wilson But there's gonna be a lot of new faces in the huddle on sunday. That's for sure at that receiver spot Um, you know, but they still have dallas gutter who had a monster game, you know the play then they couldn't guard him 10 catches 170 yards First time in eagles history had played ended that since 1965 what pete rhett's left at it and they still have to take one barclay who's leading the league in rushing with 351 yards And you know, he's clearly a difference maker, you know, you could say they might be elin three if they didn't have sake one barclay on the steam I mean, that's how good this guy's been he's tied for the league lead and rushing touchdowns He's leading the league and first down Uh picking up first downs and he's leading the league in rushing. So even though you don't have these receivers you're gonna Yeah, you're gonna have a role for dotson Uh, you know, but you're still going to go to gutter. You're still about barclay Uh, they just have so many weapons and that's where I think general manager how he rosman gets a lot of credit for building this team And kind of has made it Full proof against some of these questionable decisions nik siryani is making whether to kick a field goal or go forward on fourth down Because there is so much talent on this team. It's just a matter of kind of getting it all on the same page And you cover my what the question was about to ask about saquon bark and how incredible he's been Uh jailin hurts. There's you know a couple turnovers here and there, but it looks Better than last year being not quite as good as when he was an mvp candidate where we where is he through three weeks Yeah, I mean he's doing a better job I guess the offense in general is doing a better job against picking up the blitz It was something they struggled with last year, but hurts is completing 71 of percent of his passes against the blitz And now they play tampa who really befuddled him the last few times they've played it seems like they play tampa every year It's almost like they're an nfc east team Um, but they always be fuddle hurts with the blitz So we'll see if you know he has taken that step and you mentioned the turnovers They you know, listen the guy's been in the league now five years. He's got to eliminate Some of these careless decisions and some of these late throws because he's had an interception in seven straight games To his credit he responds well to him and the eagles are only three and four in those games, but it could be you know One in six or two and five whatever, but you know, you got to straighten that out and he's like I said He's been in the league such a long time Not all the interceptions are his fault you could blame a receiver for not running the right pattern or fighting for the ball But they go on his side of the ledger and it's something he needs to clean up Eagles at bucks one o'clock second straight road game For the eagles is they go into a by on the other side of this tampa game Good time for that with their receiver room and shambles. Uh, edway appreciate you buddy. Thank you Hey, my pleasure guys. Thanks. Thanks. Yeah, you get that early by typically danny You know week five you go. Oh, that's you don't love that It's too early. We don't want that but now you fast forward to week five if you're the eagles And you got one fewer game you got to play without your top two receivers They come back with the browns giants bangles jaguars That's a chance to maybe rip off three out of four right out of the by so if they could win this game They'll be in really really good shape if they're two and two Not ideal, but as long as you handle your business on the other side you should be okay He's kind of touched on it's why I picked him to win the division I thought their their schedule lined up pretty favorably for them And I thought maybe last year's demise and how terrible it was down the stretch was a bit overstated In terms of how terrible it really was and they bounce back and be fun Nothing terrible about jade and daniels and terry mcclaurin hooking up for a couple of Unbelievable throw and catch combinations in big plays for the commanders on monday night Aaron roger said thoughts on those jade and daniels throws you'll hear from the greatest quarterback Perhaps in packers history next on the fan You You You You With dani I'm grant. This is the fan. Thank you for listening to the program today and every day We are available to you all over dc on the flagship 10067 and richmond Am 910 fm 1005 1 wherever you are coast-to-coast on the odyssey app And remember you can always watch the show if you're at home You want to stream on the smart tv you can watch us via the 10067 the fan youtube channel Aaron roger's was on the mackephie show for his weekly appointment Yesterday and they got into monday night football They were breaking down the commanders getting a big win for whatever reason kind of going through Some of the big plays of the game and he was ultra impressed with jade and daniels He had a lot of love for terry mcclaurin as well. I just like when guys around the league Are talking about washing and positively. I like that and especially some of the best players in the league Instead of having to do the uh, i'm trying to remember who was was it was it sauce carter Or somebody like trying to say something nice about daniel jones, right where he's just like, uh, you know he uh I don't know man. Like, you know, trying to like That's up cop battery. Hey, well, what about daniel jones makes it hard to defend him. He's like He isn't the league, you know Yeah, he's playing it's only 32 of those guys. So he's he could beat you on a given sunday Yeah, it's just nice and all over the league people coming out of the woodwork the monty adam seeping praise On jade and daniels erin rogers doing the same. Uh, this was rogers with mackephie yesterday The rarity is the kid last night unbelievable performance. I mean, uh, daniels played You know, incredible. We got the same at train camp again joint practice with him And I was impressed by the way through the ball. I actually did watch a decent amount of filming him because we were looking at Uh both their stud receivers, um You know, we thought there'd be a chance to pick either those two guys. So in the process of watching those guys you got to see daniels play and he was very impressive what I loved about him is that he played from the pocket uh on time and When you can do that you can stick around the league for a long time Because he also has that extra skill set that we saw last night that he can run. I mean he can really really run Uh, and he is fast and athletic and elusive But the key to sticking around the league is playing from the pocket fact That is how daniels is going to be continually winning people over This to me is I won't even call it a secret sauce, but the whole ball game for him The whole point is going to be does he win from the pocket? Does he want to be in the pocket and does he stay on time and in the second half against the giants He lived in the pocket and in the entirety of this bangles game doesn't mean he's not going to run He should run as I I was the one screaming all off season. I want him to run a lot I still do by the way It's not there pull the ball down take off but I want your eyes downfield looking to throw before you get to the line of scrimmage and then continue to run forward, but the Really really good athletic quarterbacks in this league Win from the pocket the guys that are great runners who aren't consistent enough in the pocket don't win And a lot and on top of that you might win in the regular season But it's it's just hard to beat the really good teams that defend you properly come play off time that way and beyond that And more importantly You're just putting too much wear and tear on the body as roger said you want to have a long career You better be able to win on time in the pocket But the fact that they I forgot even about the joint practices before I had originally tried now clip It means so much more to me And I don't think this is the case But he I guess he could just be saying something nice and not really have noticed jade and daniels But he certainly made it sound like he was even ultra impressed in the couple of days when they had the joint workouts with how he operated it can Yeah, you saw him because you're watching tape of receivers from uh, you know his days at lsu And then you see him up close and personal with the joint practices and kind of confirm what your eyes saw there And now you see the showcase that was one of nine football So just the analogy I'm using a bunch too and again just talking about some of the dads that we we walk in the kids to school Ask me about jade and daniels otherwise great conversation sports come away at school Uh, i was talking to one not so it wasn't this week would have been last week But I said the whole point is might grizzly use an analogy years ago The trade turner remember former national trade turner now plays in filling which is a treat every time I see him But he's a baseball player who's really fast Billy hamilton was a really fast guy who tried to play baseball Yeah, he made it the major league so he did okay, but you know what i mean like the difference between trade turner and billy hamilton One is a 350 million dollar player named tray turner who happens to be able to fly and is also a great baseball player Then vice versa. You can't just run and be a quarterback You got to be a great quarterback who can run and that's kind of the ultimate design here for jade daniels And that's what rogers is talking about to me is that you can do something first second and third that make you Sustaining this league can be awesome. The extra secret sauce the mumbo sauce as it were to your game is When all hell breaks loose you turn it into a positive and instead of a 15 yard loss you get a five yard gain like happened this past week Yeah, I don't know where this will end up yet, you know, I certainly hope they got their guy for a long long time But here's what I do know You watch antony richardson as an example who is an electric athlete who can break your back run in the football Who's got a massively strong arm and it is a pretty gross watch from a quarterbacking standpoint By the way, he already has six interceptions this season he is completing 49 percent of his passes right now jade and daniels Is so much more polished Such a better passer. I'm not talking about 80 complete. I don't care about that They throw by the line of scrimmage a lot 91 percent when you weren't doing that by the way the other night was unbelievable That was incredible. I love that but just It's night and day. It's two different sports essentially and that's what i'm talking about like Richardson is this Best athlete on the field dude that they're going man if he could become a really good passer we've got a super bowl caliber team every year And daniels, maybe it's just because he played a ton more in college He's oh he's older despite being very younger in the league, right? Like he played a million more games all that stuff is a factor I'm sure in terms of the maturity and the prep and and whatnot But he's just a better prospect a better player And that's some of the examples I would use to juxtapose what you're talking about in terms of are you an athlete is trying to play quarterback? Are you a quarterback who happens to be athletic? This was rogers talking a little bit more about daniels and also mcclorin from monday night My daniels played so good last night He you know, it wasn't like he was everything was off schedule. You know, he it was He's okay touched on the terry touched on the terry last one. I mean he's Yeah, that wasn't yeah, it was awesome and he knew there was pressure and he had to get it up and he had a beautiful Stop and go on the outside You know, they're in a zero coverage here. He knows there's one extra guy He knows where he's going with the ball. He throws an absolute dime It's really hard to you got a guy Berlin down you you got to put enough air on terry on that ball So he can stutter go and then you got to expect Where he's going to be when he transitions out of this? I mean, he's throwing the ball as terry is stuttering. That's it's an incredible play So you got to give credit not just To jaden but cliff king's bear. I thought called a great game dan quinn, you know, anybody's been around dan loves him he's created a really good culture there And then, you know, the stuff that I heard from terry when we're talking about terry on the field because he came in I believe he had eight catches for 39 yards They they read us in the first two games terry mccorn's had a thousand yards but I saw on the thing last night like 10 different quarterbacks have thrown the ball before jade Um, but his humility in that moment. That's what you need from your star players You need your best players to be your best people and I give terry a lot of credit Obviously him to have a couple big plays was was awesome Last night I think he had four for a hundred or something like that Uh, which is you know, great for him But I have a ton of respect for terry and even more after just kind of hearing the commentary last night About how he's kind of gone about it and knows it's going to you know, I'm going to get it in in time I know i'm going to get mine But just the patience that we don't see A lot in this league from star players if it's not starting up right and I would say to those star players too It's long season it's 17 weeks, you know, you never know when you get hot get on a roll It is stretch of games where you place a certain type of defense and you get more long ones and you get opportunities um But uh, yeah, I was really impressed by the quarterback play from the two winning quarterbacks last night That was an awesome breakdown of that play From one of the great quarterbacks to do it in his era Really good insight into mcclaurin and daniels from rogers seems super plugged in by the way Yeah, i was going to say that tells you a lot about how much football he watches and how much he knows about other teams Although I I don't know was he working the game for some reason? Is he doing something with like westwood one? Not that I know of you know how they occasionally have larry fits jerelter Sure. Yeah, it's on your bi-weeks to go sit on the amazon set or something I don't mean that like every every year westwood one pays like a markey player To be like on their monday night football halftime show So if brady or it could be larry fits or somebody For like to me that almost seemed like rogers had to be so up on the games last night that he was working for somebody But I just thought that was impressive and I can't hear enough When the great players around the league are heaping praise on washington's players It's just it's fun because it's the opposite right it's either bite your tongue or some columnist as you know The only mention when it's all the rundown on pti on the right hand side It's like washington embarrassment or sninder does it again or whatever the things we're used to It's just a lot of fun to bask in it doesn't it big picture who knows what it means? I know that i'm having fun this week Grant and danny on the fan chris collinsworth got paid Nice little extension for the analyst on nbc get into that as we continue next on the fan You Andrew marshon of the athletic broke this story today, so tip of the cap to him But chris collinsworth of nbc Sign a new extension to continue to call games with mike tareco is the lead nfl number one analyst on nbc through 2029 Five years out which means that every single booth in the nfl is now locked in Through at least the 2027 season of the a booths On nbc. You've got mike tareco chris collinsworth set through 2029 On espn for monday night football. You've got joebuck and troy akeman Akeman signed through 2027. They were staying at our hotel. They were different for than us in kentucky a cbs Jim nance and tony romo the a analyst and a play-by-play romo is signed through 2030 And fox as kevin burkhardt and tom brady locked in brady is signed through the 2033 season now i'm not sure what burkhardt's contract is but brady fox 2033 cbs romo 2030 espn akeman 2027 nbc collinsworth 2029 of those four broadcast crews which do you like best it's too early for for for brady just yet i mean people people have hammered him just i think just because He could be perfect and great and it would still hammer him. I think it's just because it's tom brady I don't think he's been exceptional. I didn't expect it. It's a hard job people don't understand It's a really difficult job. It's also one of the easiest gigs both play-by-play and color to poke fun at and make fun of and Say that you're doing this wrong or that wrong, but i actually think he's been pretty fine Like i think he for as early in the game as he is i think he's He's impressed me a little bit. I think he's been good. This is this is one of those weird persticated complaints But he also doesn't have a great voice I it's a little strained kind of i get that it sounds like it, but you're i mean It's like that sort of vocal fry a little bit where it's not very natural He doesn't really not a broadcast. Yeah, like which isn't to say you're talking about like the sound of his voice Which I understand but even still he he talking and broadcasting are two different things And I think he's still figuring that out. Mm-hmm. Um, I can't stand romo Um, so that's that's the bottom for me. So that kind of leaves You know I think tareco is so good and it's so masterful at it I don't love collinsworth. In fact, I didn't even said on the scale of love to hate It's probably closer to hate. I don't hate them at all, but i'm a little lower on console But it might be that team just because I think tareco is so perfect So you'd go nbc one. Yeah spn two. Yeah, you're already going bircart and brady over nance and roma I am yeah, I mean, that's I think it's great, but I just I can't with romo. I can't do it So bircart who i'm a big fan of and brady have to be four because I've seen a combined couple of games of them at this point I'll put nance and romo third as well I like eagle better than nance for cbs's top guys And romo while I don't think he's as bad as everybody else. I just think there's There's other better guys. I would probably go with Buck and aceman as my one seed. I like tareco Better than buck narrowly, but I think the combo of buck and aceman who have been working together for a long long time The presentation on espn, which is terrific. So is nbc's it's very close, but I would go buck aceman one Tareco colin's worth two and then probably cbs followed by fox just because they're in their infancy and brady's just trying to figure this thing out Yeah, and i can throw a fire hose right now. Right. I was gonna say I I think it will get better. I mean the Is there's a something I understand it's like you shared the locker room with a lot of these guys like moments ago They're your peers Like in the span of your life You know mere minutes before you start doing this gig. So it's hard to criticize somebody But it sounds like you picked it up this week. I mean we couldn't hear as much obviously because we were on the road Uh for you know for our weekend and our games with our buddies kundori and moron But I think that's something he'll grow into i mean jotch tim it was ravens cowboys You know the cowboys fan that we're with is yelling after every play I could barely hear That's a good point. You know we're eating pizza and doing bits and shit, but like the But I think about like kind of how these guys kind of start me john grewd never got around to doing it He didn't criticize anybody in his time on monday football for five years six years however long he was doing it Right, so it'll take a second to get to the point where you go. Hey, that was not a good play. Here's why That's fine You know like it takes a minute for you Be willing to do that to translate it to us audience members because you know how hard this thing is we're idiots We're supposed to you know generally be aware of how hard it is But we're gonna sit there looking a guy that made the NFL go he sucks because we need we need some of that stuff We need that translation looking at the wild card standings really quickly in major league baseball The nats are trying to play spoilers The royals are tied with the tigers for the second wild card two up on the twins So if they could get a win tonight and a win tomorrow in the matinee getaway game With patrick Corbin on the mound. That'd be pretty amazing that the royals could be on the outside looking into the playoffs Possibly that quickly as they're in dc, but more importantly in the nl The Mets are one half game up on the diamondbacks in the wild card race The braves are the first team out one half game out of the wild card and how crazy is this? I just feel so bad for the Mets and the braves Oh, this is terrible. I just You hate to see this for them. They got rained out today So they're gonna likely have to play a game The day after the season ends on monday The day before they have to play a playoff game if they make it to make up game 162 because of today's postponement now And Assuming the game is needed and right now both will probably need it to figure out because they're both within a half game of the diamondbacks In the last wild card. They would potentially be staring at Having to play game 162 on monday and then start your playoff series the next day Just just to back you up there. It's actually Yeah, today's game is rained out and tomorrow's game has already been postponed as well. So that'll be A postpone tomorrow because it's so there's a hurricane Happening down there's a carolina in there. Yeah. So yeah, so um, so it'll be a double header on monday Some of the 161 and 162 okay, so they play two games on monday And then have to play a playoff game on tuesday. That is a disaster This is what I would do by the way to major league baseball if they put me in charge I would go this is what we make wild card teams do the Braves and the Mets with weather Yeah, well specifically. I'll call it the Braves and Mets rule But this is what we do If you're one of these wild card teams versus someone that won 100 some odd games for however many months You play double headers and you got to play another game at 10 o'clock the next morning Then you can come see me in my place gnd on the family will get you ready for nats baseball We'll hit the headlines from the day that was in the NFL and in sports next on the fan In the fast paced world of attacking speed is everything and that's where the fear on seven plus shines engineered for accuracy and precision at a rapid pace It's you're a secret weapon on the pitch experience overall comfort and precise striking even in the game's fastest moments The nylon outsole with its v-shaped stud configuration is designed for firm ground giving you the grip You need to outmaneuver your opponents step up your attacking game and learn more and purchase the fear on at