Grant and Danny

Recapping The Cincinnati Trip, Was The Commanders Win Fun OR For Real?

9.25.24 Hour 1

1:00- We recap the Cincinnati trip as the boys brought back a W on Monday Night Football.

18:30- As we put a bow on the huge MNF win, do we believe that the Commanders win was just a fun one or is this team for real?

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Good Wednesday afternoon and welcome in to Grant and Danny. You are listening to the fan September 25th 2024 we will take you all the way up to 6 15 ahead of pregame of Nat's baseball They are in action tonight right here on the fan at 6 45 Ladies and gentlemen live from our half street studios back in DC after a late night flight Danny, Ruya, hey, dude Felt weird to just do normal life stuff today You know like got got up in the morning got the kids to school and you know putts and around the house, etc I was like but but just 36 hours ago. I watched a Daniels destroyed the universe and that was way cooler You know I was on the road with no responsibilities. Nobody asked me for anything You know what that's like we're like no one's like dad. I need this no one said that one time I want to go back on that trip. Can we do the trip again? What a great trip. It was awesome The trip is made by the game though if they would have gone out and got embarrassed We would have had some fun moments and some good memories and some shtick and some skits and bits to talk about But the game itself is what's gonna make that one memorable for years to come when we went out to New Orleans We still talk about all the food you ate. Yes, we still talk about our guy Christian taking such good care of us on the road Hopefully we'll be back in New Orleans seeing old friends again this year But Danny the game one of the great recent games in Washington football history the best game Since they've become the commanders a top 10 game by almost any measure in the 2000s and we went through them yesterday We ranked them all probably the most exciting Hope inducing game this team has played since week one of 2012 12 years ago You just couldn't believe it was happening while it was happening Right and the number of times we were we were sitting like seated like a you know Kind of a half section a couple rows behind our crew from Condorion Mora that took us out there And you know they'd look back at us like after a big play or something like that and all three of us you mean daris are all going What so true? What is this we kept making eye contact every commander's fan will understand this the response was yes Some cheers and some excitement, but also like how is this happening? Yeah, like daris had more like let's go Like doing like that like the cheering moments, right? I didn't have those not because I'm not happy I'm watching this thing happen, and this is what I'm rooting for how much of your silence was you didn't know What to do at an NFL stadium and how much of it was pure shock? 98 the second one. Okay. Yeah, two. It's all more rusty But the I'm just in order disbelief fourth downs like nothing passes being converted just offense walking up and down the field Again, trust trust way has basically punted what a couple times in September. It was great Yesterday talk about not punting by the way if you missed that interview when we're done You should go listen to it. He's always hilarious. It was fantastic the fan DC calm Grant and Danny calm slash audio lay the land today We will blitz the east and five you know that division the commanders are leading those poor cowboys looking up at Washington Those nubby giants who don't know what they would do if they were the commanders for a day And even the eagles who while they have the same record are looking up at Washington in the division by way of a tiebreaker We will blitz the NFC East coming up at five o'clock right here on the fan Got to give some credit to and love to Jaden Daniels today as he has been honored as the NFC Offensive player of the week the NFL dawling out those awards as they always do on Wednesday So we already want a rookie of the week award indeed back in Week one of the NFL season. This one's different though This is the overall player of the week offensively of all the veterans of every offensive player in the NFC Jaden Daniels the first Washington player to win NFC player of the week honors since Adrian Peterson did so halfway through the 2018 season in week eight He's the first quarterback for the team to win the award since Kirk O chain's back in 2017 and he's the first Washington rookie to win the award since Robert Griffin the third Twelve years ago. Yeah, rightly so he was Unbelievable. There are other great performances this week too by the way But when you start talking about first time someone's done this since then the first time that somebody's had this completion percentage You know this this efficient this number of yards Monday night football prime time against a what people still think of as a pretty decent Opponent that was beyond hungry for a W. Yeah, that makes sense. He should have gotten the award this week That's awesome. I've got a good update for you. Please My bag is on the way. Oh to Virginia That's what I wanted to do to start the show is to ask you about what happened So a little story for people. Yeah from our flight back last night. We got delayed a couple of times But while we were at the airport. I don't know how this happened. This is the ultimate amateur hour move I want everyone to know rookie mistake. I'm raising my hand. I'm telling you this one's on me I threw a ball into double coverage. I didn't see the zoning linebacker Just a throw you can't make went to the wide side of the field left in inside for the DB for a pick six So I didn't check my bag I normally do but I didn't this time I didn't have enough stuff that I had to check anything and it was just more convenient and easy not to so because of that I Go through security with my book bag and a small rollie suitcase When we were ready to board the plane some almost three hours later because of three delays as They're finally calling our flight to line up and our group is boarding. I look at Danny and Daris and I go Wait a second. Where's my suitcase? Everyone starts looking at each other We've sat in the same spot for a couple of hours. It's not there The only thing I did was go and get some graders ice cream because a couple people told me on Instagram live He can't leave Cincinnati gotta do without eating some of that ice cream And I thought it was just a message from the good Lord above that there was one 20 yards away while they had told me that It's okay. I'll see what it's all about and by the way. They were right. Mm. That was the best chocolate ice cream I've had in a long long time But the bag wasn't there either and so I'm going it's one of two places It's either at the bar that Daris and I sat at to get a water no food because I wouldn't let us because it was 650 And they'd already closed by the way Least friendly bar in America, you know what they were not excited about having you guys Patronize their establishment Daris there were two employees in that bar How many of them yelled at us at different points before we left? We count one it's two employees. Yeah, I did it Yeah, so what I realized after the fact is they were treating us like we walked in one minute before closing at 1059 at night, you know how you just if you've ever worked in a restaurant and that guy was in the movie waiting, you know, like, you know They were doing that but apparently they closed at seven and we walked in at 656 or whatever and they're like we're not doing food I said, okay. I don't want any food You got to sit at the bar. You can't sit anywhere else. I Don't mind sitting at the bar. They were just so upset so That restaurant was long-closed lights turned off. It was dark. There was a gate across it like a mall after hours, right? I said maybe my bags in there I'll never know the only other place it could have been was coming through security If I just picked up my book bag out of the bin put my shoes on and then didn't grab my rollie bag One way or the other it was at one of those two locations, but and I wasn't gonna stay in Cincinnati while you guys flew away to find out All I had in the bag was clothes for a few days a couple of pairs of khaki pants a couple polos some jeans toiletries But they can be replaced. Yeah, I'm not worried about the toothbrush or the you know the hair gel I got from Floyd's 99 mm-hmm, so I said, you know what this is not worth the stress of the anxiety We're leaving this bag here. We are on to Washington DC When I landed I had to do some paperwork a little bit of a process. I got an email today They have located my bag. No way. Oh, yeah, so I'm betting it was at the restaurant. No idea I'll never know. Oh, it's either the restaurant or security. So here's what I thought happened You left it at the restaurant because they were just us they were just so excited for you not to be there anymore and The idea normally you would say hey somebody left this behind I is a regular human being with like concerns and and you know just empathy would try to find the owner thinking They're probably in this section of the airport or only four gates are active, right? There's nothing that is a great point It was a small enough airport and it was even though it was not late at night It was late enough seemingly in the airport's business hours that there were total Maybe of three flights and like 80 people in the entire way So they were all with everybody that was going to fly was within a hundred yards of that entrance totally But there's still now and you guys know this like let's say you pick up a wallet you pick up somebody's Whatever that's left behind once you start to go Hey, is this anyone's you now have ownership of that and you need to see that through Well, you're not going to do is just leave it back on the ground where you found it and say time to go about my day So nobody in there because they wanted to go home so badly was going to start taking ownership of the suitcase going Is there anybody is that that's not anybody? Can you make it up turned off the lights and lock the door and some will deal with it in the morning? Yes, it's very possible I think that's exactly what happened because if someone went oh my god They love to bag. Well, dude, don't don't say anything because now we've got to stay until they find it now I've never left a bag at security, but I hear the announcements over the speakers all the time. Yes where they go There's somebody leave a laptop. Uh, please report to TSA somebody left their laptop Nothing like that and we were there for I'm not exaggerating because of the delays like two ish hours Yeah, it was funny because as we were about to board the plane And I realized I didn't have a bag and now that we're in this super time crunch of can I run back to TSA? And maybe miss the flight. I said if only we could have a delay I could use a couple more minutes I could use a few but I just sat around so calm for hours And then realized I didn't have my bag at the very end right before it was time to board the plane But it didn't matter because when I told the lady that was at the counter about my situation She said oh Well, they're closed. Yeah, I said who's closed. It's like TSA's closed Again, it's 752 p.m. Like what do you mean they're closed? She's like, yeah, I can't call them. There's no one there Yes, it's not like Christmas. You know what I mean? It's not like the high so high holidays. Yeah, by the way, you're like, oh, it's kentucky It's a tiny airport. Not really Cincinnati airport. It's kentucky and it's indiana. It's ohio It's a tristate area. It's a Tuesday night. Yeah People are flying There's a I actually saw the schedule for the theater that's there They have like an indoor theater where they do some minor league hockey Bill Maher and some other people are there this week like you would think there's some people coming in and out of there There are events there are games. Yeah, the the Reds are done But the the bangles have other home games someone might be flying a little bit overwhelmed by some of these things But it was my fault And the bag is on the way. I've got to pay the shipping of course $70 to get it back But there that's your tax for forgetting. I mean, that's that's a similar mistake I will I will pay gladly for so you may not see me in my best jeans for a couple of days That's fine But otherwise it's fine Everything's gonna be okay Dude, we need to we need to remind ourselves to comment on Grant's jeans when he comes in tomorrow Those are my number two. Those are my jeans. These are my jeff driscoll jeans That's not the game. Those are your heartmans. Those are my mariotas right there So let's not comment on the mariotas. We're just trying to get by for a day or two Nice jeans Marcus The best thing about it though was my wife didn't in any way making an indictment overall about my Adult capabilities my travel skills Or how badly Off I would be without her. She did not in any way make it. She didn't seize an opportunity. No interesting Actually, she was great about it because I was a little nervous when I told her like hey, you won't believe what happened Rookie mistake here. This like I thought she might I take a chance to really go after me about how like You know, you're not good at things. Yeah, you're an idiot. Thank god. You have me She didn't do any of those things this has this is shocking because there's no reflection on you at all You are so good. I'll bet somebody else screwed up. I think that was the quote What an isolated incident Because the thing I like you make fun of me all the time for about a million things rightfully so But what annoys me in general, I'm not happy this happened to you So this is gonna it's gonna sound conflicting. Oh, no, but you are so that's gonna work out Like you're you're attitude when it comes to travel and logistics and those sorts of things Now forget like setting up for shows and things like that Like I actually I had the same concern. I like this to be hardwired and let's please like have this already But like in terms of travel, it's like the flight leads to 745 and it's like 710 You're like it'll be fine. I'll get through security. It'll be fine It'll be fine and it always seems to work out for you Right, you know what I mean? So it's it's I think Ultimately good that this is only a $70 a little tax It doesn't sound like you're not happy about i'm not it's not i'm not happy But there is a there's a there's a blessing here, right? There's a potential lesson. It's a growth a teachable moment growth opportunity growth opportunity where Maybe it's not just gonna work itself out. Maybe things have to happen for it to work out Maybe maybe maybe that's the less maybe that's takeaway in other words If I keep getting away with these throws, yeah, and they just fall safely to the ground or these picks gets dropped These turnover worthy plays at pff aren't interceptions. They're interceptions When do I stop making the throw maybe in a game that you've already lost? Maybe it's a it's a it's a multiple delayed flight. You're already kind of wearing it It's a 30 point l you're gonna lose anyway if you complete the past or not now you you through the interception now Ah the light bulb goes off. So my number one priority at the airport was doing some instagram lives Where I just showed everyone danny stewing and worrying that we were never gonna fly out because he was convinced I was convinced I was wrong the moment We had a 25-minute delay the first time and you were correct and saying there's gonna be a couple more of these But it was about an hour total. It was not a big deal. Some very small delays Normal, but danny was 100 convinced we were gonna be in some random airport hotel in Whatever area of kentucky. We were overnight at the best western or whatever because you're after the first delay You're watching 25 people just stand by the counter in line. What are they in line for? What are they doing? I think they knew in my mind. I'm going they already know So it did look like people were getting their hotels like divvied out It was that kind of a line but I went up to a guy at one point who happens to be a listener so if he's listening what's goody And he uh he's wearing his commander's gear and I'm like, why is everybody in line? um And he goes Honestly, I'm not sure. I thought we were boarding And then I pointed outside the window. I'm like, yeah, but there's no plane Such a key element of flying. It's such an important part I was like, well, but there's no plane and he's like, yeah, I know that's a good point Like I don't know why we're in line It's like one of the times where it's like your the flight's been delayed or whatever Like I can't remember which announcement, but they go, you know the flights should be boarding in 15 minutes It's like I bet you it doesn't you're like, what do you mean? I was like, there's no airplane Such a huge part there are no airplanes coming or going from this airport There's a weather warning the whole thing is a hot mess It's a lot harder to fly. Yeah without the plane. It's such a key ingredient Not impossible, but harder close really close. Yep Today is not Tuesday. You're going to be confused. Follow us. It's Wednesday. Yeah But normally on Tuesday because it's two days after the game, right? We do commander's survivor. Oh today's two days after the game. Yep If so fact though, it's a commander's survivor Wednesday You call the shots at right now Somebody is getting immunity. Somebody is getting sent home Daris, who has immunity this week? Who is safe? Come on now. You know it's the the NFC special teams player of the week last week Austin Cybertron, man Austin Cybert doesn't need immunity. He doesn't have to worry about it He was one for one and five for five field goals and extra points Got his uh workout in kicking all those extra points with jade and dangles on the offense humming That was the only time we got to see old trestler. The holder for the commanders was when Austin Cybert's number got called the booth of ball through the uprights So kick somebody off the island that didn't play well and give somebody immunity for this week three gem against the bangles. Next speaking of Washington and Cincinnati will put a bow on the game today was Monday nights Strong showing fun Or for real. Was that just a good night? When we look back at it or is this what this team's going to start becoming We're great and danny on the fan You You You You I think it also goes to like I don't think you saw it on the the sideline It's got but like the the way they were pulling for one another You know the next group supporting the next group supporting the next group So as important as confidence is when you have all three phases that are absolutely Pulling for one another to go toughness and brotherhood can get you a long way And the team is moving up into that to where That has to become our superpower where Their ability to look after one another support one another go hard for one another That's where true confidence comes from from At stan queen we're grant and danny you are listening to the fan Welcome back on this Survivor wednesday you're going to to vote a Commander off the island and to vote one of the players immune going into week four next up a sunday game in Arizona against the cardinals the commanders are already there In fact, they flew directly from Cincinnati to Arizona They spent a couple extra hours in the locker room soaking up the wind celebrating They got to the airport they flew overnight got some sleep on the bird And then landed got some more sleep and they'll be back on the practice field Moving forward now midweek into sunday. I think it's really smart actually for two reasons The first is obvious. I think it's better on their bodies and it takes five minutes Talking to whatever the team's sleep doctor and psychologist is Hey, what's best for us that they vote on it and then the coach does whatever they say And clearly it's travel a lot of teams don't do it for a bit of reasons one of which is it is pretty expensive And it's a lot of money that you're shelling out and there's no real proven way to say this is helpful So the ROI when you convince somebody to spend that money can be complicated But the thing I didn't consider that I saw in Dan Quinn's transcript from yesterday's press conference He thinks this is going to be helpful because they're not coming home after this giant win To their families to their friends to spend time around all of their loved ones and buddies Who are going to tell them how amazing monday was and how awesome they are And I didn't really think about that but I actually think there's something to that Like over the years this team when they've had a win like this There haven't been many of them But these stunningly impressive awesome nighttime prime time performances You read your press clippings a little bit and they almost always the next week come back to earth And maybe that happens. I don't know what happens yet in Arizona But don't you think there's something to again quince point was we don't have any time to go back home And for anyone to basically pump our tires. We are on to the next we're going to be insulated We're not going to be seeing tv or reading anything. We're going to be at the team hotel I'm keeping the guys busy and we are focusing on the cardinals. I actually think that could be really beneficial And there's something to that. I mean to me it's more what I thought of was they don't have a go away training a camp They they they all go to their homes every night when they're in ashburn, right? So this is almost like a de facto training camp where you're away from home for a couple of weeks Doing nothing with football living breathing eating sleeping You know trying to go in football games I mean with that axiom though where you go you play well a couple times Let's say they play well this week and win which would be awesome You eventually do have to come home and you have to venture have to see your loved ones and see some of those press clippings But I understand it to a degree where for a team that isn't used to dealing with the one thing we always talk about is they don't handle prosperity very well This organization just simply hasn't going all the way back to the beginning of snider Anytime something good happened you knew that the other shoe was about to drop You knew that the the you know The ice was going to give way or whatever and everything was going to go back to being terrible and maybe worse than it was before So I understand that to a degree for a group that's trying to prove itself and establish something that this might be coming at the right time We're opening up the mgm national harbor listener lines for the first time today right now on grant and danny The question is was monday night? Fun or was it for real? How sustainable was that the party is continuing and I fully get it our bit that we like to do on this show Generally our routine to to lay out you know our weekday schedules is We normally chop up the game from all angles for a day We give ourselves if it's really bad a day to beat up on the team or or yesterday to just throw ourselves a party As fans of the team you guys have earned it. It's going to be fun But at some point there are real conversations larger conversations in wins or losses That are much beyond 60 minutes of football and four quarters and a tiny sample And while we're going to continue the party to some extent today I think there are some opportunities to figure out what was legit and what was just the stars aligning. You know what was sustainable and authentic to what this team's going to be versus No penalties no turnovers some good fortune with the bingles kicker That never misses missing a field goal. No passing interference in the end zone on a two-blank conversion That doesn't get called. You know some things like that going your way 806361067. So how much would you say was for real versus fun? So obviously it was fun. It's the most fun you could have um, but I'd say a lot of it's for real Now the things you mentioned specifically are not right But if you told me a big picture an offense that can take advantage of a bad defense A quarterback that's dynamic a group that can move the football with a pretty good plan from the offensive coordinator I do think that's for real. I also think it's real. They're going to give up a million yards and points I also think it's for real that that defense can't stop anybody So they're going to have some games like that now. I don't think you're having that against baltimore You're probably not doing that against pittsburgh Uh, or maybe some of the other teams right there They'll they'll have something to say about on that side of the ball So you might get stuff there, but if you play a team that's bad on defense You're going to see some special stuff here in there with a quarterback that's dynamic So to me there's a lot of it big picture that's for real again the specifics you mentioned You couldn't have been more fortunate on on a million different fronts and that's what that's football that happens I'm not taking anything away from that performance. It was amazing But there'll be a fourth penalty, you know in a couple of weeks that's going to happen There will not be another game I don't think that they play where they are so constantly for almost three quarters Ahead of the chains in really opportune situations For play calling and play making and it's just not going to happen So it was the ultimate kind of 72 and sunny environment in that way Shouldn't have been because it was so loud and the crowd was so into the game for Probably two and a half quarters I would say and then things really dissipated in house where fans were leaving and getting Disenfranchised and based on three games not just one We're starting to get angry and turn on the bangles and started building right around half time But I think what was for real to me was I think that is as good as it gets for cliff kingsberry but The offensive design and getting guys open and and when he wasn't right jayden daniels made him right Occasionally he made life easy on daniels like I think that's the apex of what they can be I don't think they'll have another game like that like to me That's going to be kingsberry's best game as a oc That will probably be daniels his best game of the season as a quarterback So just because it's the ceiling performance doesn't mean it's it's not authentic It's for real. It's just not going to be the norm if that makes sense It does it's like a you know a sharpshooter and basketball Who has that in his bag where you know he can go out and shoot the lights out and hang 40 But more often than not he's going to miss some of those open looks and he's going to have 27 or 28 Which is still really good too. So I I think it was for real in that Terry mcclaurin Didn't do anything he can't normally do daniels didn't necessarily do anything that was Outside of his skill set, but I just think a lot of guys collectively specifically offensively Had the best version of their games at the same time and you put all that together with the perfect Situation of ahead of the chains. No penalties. No turnovers and you get a pretty nasty outcome And that that's what we saw. Yeah, that's what happened. Uh, what is not for real. Maybe you know, what is more fun. I would say It's just some of the Really odd game sequence stuff like the penalties. They haven't turned the ball over all year There's going to be a game where they turn it over twice in the first half You know, if you're in Arizona, maybe this weekend or at some point Maybe it's home against the Browns in a couple of weeks The first drive you're going to have a second and 19 or a 10 yard hold that sets up You know after a run or something like a second and 16 And then a third and 14 or whatever That's coming and those don't get converted but at a 15 or 10 clip or whatever. We didn't really see any of that. So I think a lot of it was for real too, man It was a good offense a bad defense. That's probably what this is going to be moving forward for the most part It's not going to be that good offensively And hopefully it's not that that bad defensively And the truth somewhere in the middle is is not that different from an outcome standpoint Yeah, I think it's a good way to think about it, right? I mean, I'm looking at it more less specific of of what happened. That's When when you start going this has never happened since 1940, right? We're talking about Um, uh, you know All the the no turnovers, no penalties for however long and uh, this number of points consecutive drives without punting These are rarefied air moments. There's going to be a three and out There's going to be like a muff snap but just normal football adversity stuff happens Uh, and you know This ride has been amazing these last couple weeks have been you know Just delightful so much fun offense of football and the growth of daniels and everything that comes with that But this there's no higher league than this there's going to be adversity a team Which you don't expect to jump up and punch you in the mouth is going to do that I mean, look at this past week carolina couldn't They couldn't do anything offensively defensive they could barely get the teams to the game At this point and then they went out and put up a million points on the raiders Right? They looked incredible like one of the best teams in the league and any Dalton is having a renaissance moment Unexpected stuff happens dude. These are pros all around the league So there's going to be some some top moments kind of to your point But big picture to me what's sustainable is An offense that's hard to defend because anything that you shut off There's a bit of a counter and there's kind of that wild card of having a quarterback that can be wrong and still get positive yards This is why teams are in love with running quarterback. Yes, by the way I was texting with Logan Paulson a little bit last night Um when I landed and was driving home and and he uh had watched the film And he said, you know, there's a few plays where Basically the play is dead There's just nothing there and jadon scrambles for five or six or seven Which by all accounts is a great football play A five plus yard play is really good. No, not if it's 39, but it wasn't it's first and 10 It's second and eight, you know and you're just moving the chains closer and setting yourself up fortuitously and that Floor raising skill is why all the teams want the quarterback That can run that's right. It's still like it's never been my proclivity Because I have not to this point really found the guy that is Super comfortable doing that and wants to do it all the time who's also the excellent pocket passer and hopefully ganules can become that guy I like the you know Throwing quarterback the guy that majors in passing who's an athlete like an allen or um, you know Somebody more traditional like what de chan watson was frankly in houston what um You know what you see sometimes with guys that are Able to run when they have to but don't prefer it like early career russell wilson type athlete slippery that kind of guy Then just the guy that runs a lot But what was so awesome about daniels on monday night was for the first time in three weeks When he left the pocket he kept his eyes downfield and he still was not thinking run run run He was thinking do I have anything to throw that was the first time i've seen him do that really in three weeks And it's only taking three weeks if that's the norm now That's a huge development. We'll just have to see if it is birds in dc on grant and danny was that for real or was that just fun Well One of the reasons i don't think it's necessarily for real is because the first thing is You gotta find somebody that can produce what what what allson is going to produce He was a spark that stored this third that whole drink the other night. Yeah, um every time every time he steps on the field He's got a different here that nobody had brian roberson doesn't even have that gear And if you can't replace that output We're gonna find out that it frauds went off the break because he was the running game brian roberson did nothing last week Not taking anything from week before But agular has never touched the ball since he's been with us and not had a spark in any game even the one we lost And then for as far as mccornis and less mccorn is going to beat everybody on a go route every week That's the only route he showed us that he could actually get open on his a go route Appreciate you. Yeah, there's still some questions to be answered on route tree stuff But i'll say this for a week I'm not going to beat the wide receiver drum because after two weeks of mostly being uninvolved Those guys were what they majored in in the passing game and everybody had a hand McCaffery made plays no a brown made plays right mcclorn at a monster hundred yard game Down me brown even um who we can poke fun at not being a couple of much moments In a couple of huge catches on that final drive to go set up. What was the game winner to mcclorn on some screens So everybody did their part, but i will drill down on the echler point austin echler's been marvelous Yes, and he is he's right. He looks like he shot out of a cannon Like it is stunning to me how quick he is it just looks like he's not faster than everybody else like he's moving He gets top speed way quicker than ever else. Yeah, that's what it is It's like zero to 60 like his burst is back and it's so obvious if you watch now We don't know that he's not going to play in arizona It seems like it would trend that way because it's a short week You got a concussion on monday night. He didn't fly with the team you're in ashburn presumably still at this moment So hopefully he only misses one game if he's got to miss the cardinals, but that does feel like a pretty big loss It's massive and and he's the you know They they came up with some really creative designs to have them both on the field at the same time that weird little Austin hiding behind pryan robinson formation and that kind of offset i out of a pistol That was awesome, which was really neat. Daniel's was in the gun basically Directly behind center and then if he could picture it directly at his hip to his right Was an i formation one behind the other by about a yard or two of both of his running backs So the shape almost looked like you know Center come back five yards to daniels and then to his right he taps the helmet of like the first of two backs It was it was a weird formation, but you're going the defense has to go. Okay. What is this? What are we doing? What are we looking at? What are we keeping on? Right and echler kind of sprays out to the left in a passport just delightful That's the kind of thing I want i'm telling you echler is their best offensive player Right, like that you can't overuse it because of indram and you've already seen it now He's you know wish him the best obviously, but he's can cost and so they don't want to wear him down But you saw in that touchdown he's everyone's flat-footed and he's already burst through the secondary and he's got to make one guy miss It does for it for a touchdown the little swing pass to the right on a screen There's a lot of traffic there another running back probably it's tackled He does not because he's you know bursting through falling forward for 16 What was for real about monday night football and what are you worried was just a fun one off? We're granting danny on the fan 7-5 Good protection aired out McCorran He's got it first in goal inside the five and a beauty from the rookie jayden taniels for 56 What a throw that was Deep downfield first time in the young season they hit a long ball to mclorran It won't qualify as a home run on the game winner, but that was even a better throw I still cannot stop watching that throw Because there's so many elements to it that make it incredible I was talking yesterday danny about how there was a 10 percent chance At the time of release via next gen stats That the game ceiling touchdown in the corner of the end zone of mclorran got completed He threw it before he had gotten to the defensive back You call that play thinking you get man press coverage. They didn't they didn't you you would theoretically Oftentimes get out of that play or bury that part of the play You know that read just based on the look but this was a hey if they play it that way I'm gonna win anyway kind of thing Let's let terry try to put the game on ice. Let's let him call game So they ran it anyway But to throw that ball when he did before mclorran had gotten even with the defender It's about three yards separation at that point. So mclorran hasn't just to give people the visual um McCorn has is running towards that corner of the end zone. The defender has a three plus yard head start Sort of realizes hey This might be something that's going over my head and is now beginning to turn and run, but it doesn't matter Through it basically act the the stutter and the stop and go kind of feel right and On top of that He had a defender Burling down on him ready to destroy him who did by the way Basically crown of the helmet right under the chin. Mm-hmm. Just wallop couldn't follow through a barrier nearly 200 pound quarterback. We're worried about taking shots in the pocket, right? Stands in takes the shot delivers The perfect throw you can't throw it any better In fact, I don't think this is overstating this. I honestly think if you take quarterbacks around the league out Onto a field in a practice setting Where it's just you know forget 11 on 11 Like there's a corner playing a wide receiver in a one-on-one drill and you have to complete that pass With someone running toward your face into the back of the end zone with no other pass rush or anything I would say that gets completed maybe half the time And look maybe if the next five times Daniels had to make that throw maybe it doesn't get completed I don't know but that one did with the game on the line and everybody watching on monday night football in prime time It was just breathtaking. Let's go to bruce and filly on gnd bruce What was sustainable and replicable out of what they had on monday night? And what do you worry was just kind of fun for an evening? Well, I'm gonna ask you a question. I think it was fun for four reasons One i'm getting to talk to grant and daddy for the first time. That's fun bruce. You're a good man listening on the odyssey app. Thank you Uh, and I really wasn't concerned or or even concerned with the defense and how porous they were Uh because all I wanted to do was watch the offense play. Um, that's where my focus was You got to wait a few minutes for me to get the ball back after a score, but don't get it back Well exactly right and and that was the whole uh, monday conversation with losing 31 to 28. We'd be happy with that uh The the third thing is that I really wanted to watch your holder friend get a lot of air time. So that was fun dress away and a great old is great holder. He's one of the best in the league so he does He catches the ball great hole when it's snapped to him all the fame holder the last two weeks And then he puts it down. He puts it right down right on the nose right down He'll spin the ball in one motion with the laces out. He's really good at it. Mm-hmm Yeah, new kicker and everything. So, you know, that's that's fantastic And then i've lived in philadelphia for the last just outside filly the last uh 26 years That hasn't been real fun for us up here and I got two boys uh, they're 18 to 24 right now and uh, I think the last time they were excited was the griffin year And and that's a singular year Um, you know, I told them as they were growing up. It was okay. If they want to be filly fans. It might be a lot easier Uh, but now they've hung tough and you know, my my youngest has a daniel stan uh Daniel shirt now and They're having a little bit of fun. So for all those reasons are fun And I got an observation and one prediction if you don't mind be real quick though We are up against the clock here. What do you got? The observation. Yeah, the observation was echo and looked a little bit like brian mitchell running that ball out for 50 yards Uh, he wears number 30. So that was cool I could see it and then the other and then the other prediction that I have is that we can probably give up 33 points With while without one of our interior lineman and I wonder if theaters might try to move either alan or pain We've talked about this. Thank you buddy. Thanks for the call Uh, it's something we will continue to discuss depending on where the team is as they get closer to the deadline If they're leading nfc east at halloween, you don't do that. You're not trading anybody Especially because on a bad defense you need all the reinforcements you can get Um, but I will say this. I think that those two guys are playing at a better level than the numbers probably dictate That can be true and it can still also be said that you need more out of them And that maybe they're not delivering on as much as peters would like but if they're not Looking like a team that is in playoff contention at the deadline It would be silly not to at least shop those guys to see what you can get For a long-term rebuild you traded jahan dotson away for a third round pick. They have already shown They are not just thinking about this year. They've got a one-year plan and a five-bit picture man for sure That's something that they'll have to consider as we get closer appreciate the phone call What else happened in week three? We have been locked in on the commanders rightfully so Let's stack up the jade and daniels performance against some of the other really good outings by quarterbacks And look around the nfl as we get ready for week four now just a day away right here on grant and danny In the fast-paced world of attacking speed is everything and that's where the furon seven plus shines Engineered for accuracy and precision at a rapid pace. It's you're a secret weapon on the pitch experience overall comfort and precise striking Even in the game's fastest moments the nylon outsole with its v-shaped stud configuration is designed for firm ground Giving you the grip you need to outmaneuver your opponents step up your attacking game and learn more and purchase the furan at new balance dot com