Grant and Danny

Jayden Daniels Blossoms Before Our Eyes; Handing Out 'Atta Boy' Awards from Commanders Week 3 Win

9.24.24 Hour 4

1:00- Grant & Danny continue taking your calls on what impressed you most about Jayden Daniels' Monday Night Football performance.

20:00- Grant & Danny and callers hand out "Atta Boy" Awards for some of the other best performances from the Commanders victory on Monday.

34:00- We get you ready for Nats baseball with the starting lineups as they open up their final homestand of the year with the Kansas City Royals, plus final thoughts from our trip to Cincinnati... and Kentucky... and Indiana.

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
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No, but like we were going to go, yeah so sometimes we just look for the yard market to go but he definitely wanted to for sure so I was certainly not going to give him that win he's got a lot of others but you know that was a shot that we said hey on the other side we know how good this group is to so like if we got a shot and we can go take it let's go take it and so that's where the decision came for on that one at the end to try to go basically that you're trying to go win the game right there and it takes you know some space to go there because Jayden and Terri have really put in a lot of work together although we may have not seen that come to fruition you know in the first two weeks but those of us you know who've been back in Ashburn we've seen that and so I think when you put the work in you have confidence that alright if the moment comes we're going to go take our shot Dan Quinn on a hall of notes triumphant Tuesday we're Grant and Danny listening to the fan so I found that funny post game he got somebody asking like they want one more Jayden Daniels is awesome anecdote the crowbar into that column like so he made you stay on the field right Dan he looked over at you and said I'm not coming off the field right coach he definitely is the reason why he went for the fourth down right he's the best quarterback to ever play yeah and Dan Quinn's like well look he had a great night but I'll take a little bit of credit I was going to go for the fourth down anyway but to that point I love the demeanor by Daniels I call it Lamar like because he's the guy I've seen the most in these primetime games over the years who's Adam and we've seen it if we sit at once I'd say 50 times where he and John Harbaugh either on the sideline and the timeout go back and forth or he just does the Daniels yesterday where he looks over there zooming in you see him through the face mask high definition 5k cameras and he's like come on let's go let's go let's go and that's what Daniels wanted to do but Dan Quinn had already made up his mind we even saw it on the telecast a couple of times we're on second down he'd be talking to Cliff Kingsbury they went for three fourth downs and they got all three in the game a really really strong game in that regard for Quinn fourth and two on the first drive of the 34 if you decide to kick a 52 yard field goal there and miss and it's now seven nothing Cincinnati they're getting the ball back after you miss the field goal what a different momentum scenario that is absolutely right later in the game fourth and one at the 33 a much easier decision I would say you know right in that it's one yard to go but that could have been a 51 yard field goal Daniels second half plows forward with his shoulders down lower in the shoulders for a first down he's got more first down scrambles in any quarterback in the NFL this season and then on fourth and four at the 39 they decided to go for it with 430 to play I thought that was a no brainer it's no man's land there's almost no reason to punt there you definitely aren't kicking a 57 yard field goal with a kicker you barely know and they don't punt anyway so at that point I thought that was the easiest one and Earth's ended up make some right nine yard completion but really there was only one time maybe where they could have kicked the field goal but the fact that they were three for three it was no hesitation he went for all three I thought that was very very good trust from Quinn that's the word is trust right because I've seen they're up eight at that point right where he opted not to kick the field goal on the fourth and fourth from the Sensi 39 you touched on it that's a 56 yarder a lot of coaches would go that's a pretty conventional play I go up two scores even if I don't get it I'm still up a touchdown and a two point conversion with the football so I'm you know meaning if the other team goes down and scores then I still get the ball back with a chance to go win it that's I could see him being the defense first you know a little bit more conservative approach there but he's like no no no this is who we are we're going to go win the game there right to go up two scores to go up two touchdowns and that's ultimately what happened obviously is they converted just calm clears day to to arts for the for the nine yards and you know a couple plays later on a third and seven all I blitz touch down to McLaurin think of beauty Grant and Danny from the Cincinnati area we're in Lawrenceburg today broadcasting live on the fan art road trip continues we'll be back in the saddle in our half street studios tomorrow on G&D we're flying back tonight but the commanders look like they've got a bright future and you should think about your future as well the exclusive sponsor of our shows the law firm kind of or in my other ones that brought us out here on this awesome trip they want to take care of you and your family schedule a consultation with our state planning attorneys visit km lawyers dot com be sure to tell them G&D sent you that's km lawyers dot com what impressed you most about Jaden Daniels and his incredible outing he has been the talk of the country today every sports show we're watching on all the big screens here in this book it's nothing but Daniels highlights kyron questions about him Washington's offense a star was born last night let's go to the phones we'll start with Vince and Akkeke on Grant and Danny what's up Vince how are you what's up guys hey buddy um I got a chance to go out there and enjoy the trip you know now y'all have as much trauma with this thing is me best of you Grant not so much you Danny cuz you got to see some super goes but for me the most impressive things from Jaden yesterday I'm kind of like what Danny talked about yet it's just amazing decision making was good and very impressive but the poise and that's so much the poise it was the full quarter one on the on the last drive when we went to win the game I'm lost in the game and then and then the screen like locked in on his ass and I said oh my God like he wasn't smiling no more it wasn't like it wasn't like the kid who was just in the backyard playing no more it was almost like the game he finally felt like the game actually started and the look at his ass was like this is what I this is what I work for this is what I'm built for like I'm humbled but this is the confidence that they send me like I don't plan on losing this tonight that was the thing that was a present to me thanks Vince appreciate you buddy so I'm not really a body language guy in that sense or like how someone looks or whether what is their demeanor I'll say this though last night when it was so crazy at the start of the game on the first drive he had a scramble to the would have been the near sideline on the telecast it was away from us where we were sitting and he goes and he picks up a handful yards and I remember like right after the play he kind of dapped up the defender and they kind of tapped helmets and you could tell like just where even from across the field if they're kind of chuckling and having a moment and I remember thinking to myself this guy is just so at at peace you know what I mean like he's so that's a relaxing it's just a dude on a playground like all I could think about I'm recording him before the game is he's warming up and there's 68,000 people making noise and the whole country's going to be watching I'm like I wonder if he's tight right now I wonder what it's feeling like how nervous he is and five minutes later he's down seven and then ten minutes later he's on the field and I'm seeing this and I'm going man I mean this guy really it's just it's just bald at him that was comforting in a way sitting there going I bet she's okay I bet she's not that nervous so I just opposite you I am a body language guy like now you can be wrong you could say the guy the guy looks terrified he looks nervous and then he goes out and makes the shot or throws the pass or whatever but I'm interested in that sort of thing right and it he looked as if this whole like this is just a seven on seven it's just a throw around exactly I'm in the spring I'm hanging out with the way that the Bengals played it was a seven on seven oh thank you am I right oh thank you but like you in that that's do you want to know what's going on? that's doing that in a fake way which a lot of times you see a young hot shot quarterback kind of come up and and try to do that thing it's like they've read a book on how to do it so they're trying to implement it and it's not natural and eventually guys see through that when it's genuine when you have that real charisma like that you know how famous show Montana was saying oh look it's John Candy and they go 92 yards and win the Super Bowl like that's sort of real ease and comfort it legitimately matters and helps people you know perform their best Jay and DC on Grant and Danny what was impressive to you about Daniels last night what have you ever had two things before Daniel most importantly did you actually really honestly feed Trezway in a car court I wish I had I did not leave the court and I love you guys but I hated it last two weeks with the Terry and it came very tough for a listener like you guys are like a super drag only two weeks with a Q with a QB worker what did you be it's not just two weeks Jay it's not just two weeks I mean Terry has not it is it is only two weeks because you know you have no idea and one shot said that you have no idea what he's talking talking to with Jane Daniels and what you need and what like man how he wants to progress and because he could prove you completely wrong next week but in just but just to get just to my point because I know you got one disagree with me also also for Danny like don't go don't call Terry flow and say you see him catch the ball like better and fall down catch a fall second catch a fall guy anyway Jay Jay has impressed me with progression from game one to not literally not going to anyone going through his progression like five seconds to literally laying that ball out for for Terry at the end of the game yesterday like his progression is what should get fans the most excited the like every game constantly getting better I know we don't have some bad games but I know for a fact every little game you're gonna have a little spark that says he's getting a little bit better and that's that's what I love about him yeah so and you look at it's a staircase right now right thanks Jay for the call so game one was your you know was whatever it was it was the run round fest right it was the party where he ran 20 times game two second half specifically was better than game one and then game three was this masterpiece last night that was incredible and so it has been foundation better than next week better than next week and as I always say it's not going to be linear but yeah totally the fact that he keeps getting better why I was encouraged coming out of the giant second half better than the first half second half best half he played first half against the bingles last night was the best half he played then the second half was probably the best half he's played so he's basically stacked now like each half has been better than the one before it frankly and that's awesome I mean that that's you just go that way usually there's some there's a there's a down in the stock market then it goes back up a little bit then you end up in a better place this is just a rocket ship basically concrete style specific to mcclorn and in Kingsbury answer that point you know I would be surprised if fans didn't get bothered sometimes when we have conversations about the players that they love I understand that was jerseys that they wear that's perfectly okay you are allowed to disagree and you're allowed to not like things you hear but it is not you know why don't really have conversations based on tiny samples so this was not about one week where you didn't catch passes or two weeks where you had small numbers you look up the explosive numbers that the yards after catch stuff over now a four or three year trend it's going in the other direction the point I made last week was where I still trust him implicitly over some of the X's and some of the elite receivers in the league is on the stuff they asked him to do last night the contested catches got a guy draped over your back making an unbelievable catch you know even on those plays it's not like he's running free he beat can't tell her brit with a move and tell her brit kind of caught him and he stacked him up behind his back and then tracked the football because mcclorn's elite at that the other catch was just hall of fame all time like impressive football play with a guy right behind him and he needed a perfect throw and he made it but but the point I think I we were making or I'll speak for myself last week was watch Malik neighbors you don't have that here they're just guys around the league that do it differently doesn't mean anybody is down on 29 year old Terry mcclorn it's just it's a different kind of thing and they've got to scheme him some open looks occasionally the vertical shots in the regard that they were last night I think will be there it's just a lot harder to hit them it took the perfect pass 60 yards down field and the perfect play by mcclorn to set up first and goal inside the five he made the play because he's awesome and Jaden made the throw because he had an all time night and maybe he's going to be special the touchdown throw had a 10% chance of being caught via next gen stats 10% 10 out of a hundred times though they'll make it work but Kingsbury's just been great from really the moment one is a play caller where I'm coming around on him a little bit is the design seeing it in person now the last two weeks the spacing he uses Logan talked about this with us a little bit yesterday it is less motion than I like it's less under center than I like it's less play action all those things but he still gets some of the stuff you need figured out with how he lines guys up and this is something Logan Paulson's been harping on for a few weeks and like yesterday the amount of times where they would either go empty or they'd have a guy in the backfield Danny and you got the receivers and tight ends and everything spread around where they're still getting the match ups they like like you and I are like oh look they got this weird alignment they had a gun formation with like a power eye next to Jaden Robinson was in front and Ecuador's almost like hiding behind him really cool just different concepts so I give him a lot of credit for that I still think offense should be under center and you should use play action and you should use motion I just think that's how the league works and that's how most of the good offenses are but you gotta Kingsbury unbelievable credit so far So let me make my quick term a corn point my now Joe is like to use with this is Ryan Carrigan everybody properly categorized and was correct about what Ryan Carrigan was just a really good player nothing wrong with Ryan Carrigan saying that Ryan Carrigan is not von Miller in his prime doesn't mean he's not good and my point was I think a lot of people had been going with Terry he's the von Miller equivalent he's as good as AJ Brown or some of these other superstars in this league When we know he's probably closer to a Ryan Carrigan a Pro Bowl caliber player who's really good there's nothing wrong with being really good my point was always maybe we've overestimated kind of working back from a why are we at 39 yards through two games Why is our production sort of steadily going downhill I understand we've had bad quarterback bad offensive coordinator etc. Still in a lot of those situations in other cities you get disasters where Demont Adams goes for 1100 yards and eight touchdowns You get disasters where name that wide receiver is doing special things still we weren't seeing that trying to work back from a result so I can understand if you bristle because you like the guy we like him too I would also point out that you know part of the discussion with him on this show will always be the quarterback he's played with 100% and he's caught passes with McCoy, Alex Smith, Keith Keenum, Don't, the late Dwayne Haskins, Kyle Allen, Taylor Heineke, Garrett Gilbert, Carson Wentz, Sam Howell, Jacobi Brissette, I mean it is a disgusting list you know it is a like a pimple bean popped that like accidentally some of the liquid gets on your nose disgusting It's an episode of Dr. Pimple Copper, TLC It is a really nasty like some show that Tom watches on TLC where like the doctors have to tell people they're about to die or something and then they get married and then for some reason they have their first kiss awkwardly right before the death It is a very gross list to be clear but it just doesn't change the fact that like there are guys that are just going to get open and then there are guys that you have to figure out a way to get them open Which list is each receiver on? I think that was kind of the conversation we were having last week, 800-636-1067 is the number one to get back to Jayden Daniels who was exceptional Also let's give out some attaboys, we don't get to do this very often but one of our favorite segments after big wins Who do you want to give your attaboy to? We'll do that next on GND He's a really cool customer and he's got like real poise about him I thought going in we knew the importance of the ball and you know the decision making for that We just couldn't give them short fields and chances to go so his ability to know when to, when not to, when to make a play with his legs I thought we've seen a lot of this at practice and now it's carrying over into the games where the decision making, sliding, going, taking your shot But I thought it was a really strong performance tonight by him Dan Quinn on the Jayden Daniels gem last night in prime time the commanders beat the Bengals with very few expecting them to Final score 38-33 Washington scores on every one of its drives They have now gone two consecutive games without punting And in fact have scored on double digit drives in a row They got to go back two football games since they last started a drive that didn't result in points other than when they were kneeling down If you look at their drives last night 10 play 70 yards touchdown 7 play 62 yards touchdown 6 plays 75 yards touchdown end of the half Then only drive of the third quarter 9 plays 28 yards touchdown 12 plays 46 yards field goal 12 plays 80 yards touchdown And that is a ball game get back to the phones in a second 800 6361067 that's 800 6361067 Danny I'll tell you This assignment was provided I'm sure and assigned before yesterday Not a whole lot of respect just yet for the commanders They're going to the Cardinals as you know, kick off in the four o'clock window on Sunday The broadcast crew on that game for Fox The D team, mmm, it's a Chris Myers situation Never the way we draw it up, you've got Myers Mark Schlerath run the ball Stop the run Physicality and Jen Hale on the sidelines So Chris Myers, Mark Schlerath on the call You get a big head shake from Darris It'll be one of those Sundays Oh, it's fine How many names will be said in a way you don't recognize them That's the big question 800 6361067, let's get to the phones And start with Will and Stafford on line 5 What's up Will? Hey, who is? Hey guys, thanks. Hey, my call Got it I just want to say, I want to say I'll give a quick out of boy to Nick Algrady for basically saving the game Hell yeah And that fumble I think that was a great play But I'll say on Jay Daniels Just his body control The one juke move on Shaka Hayward The slide that everyone like I mean it was a perfect form slide The slide was choice, Will It was so nice Yeah, he's got this body control If you remember, RG3 ran real upright It's kind of like Steven Davis on the olympic You know, he was just real stiff And Jayden just smooth, man He's like Trey Turner sliding across home plate He's got a juice and a smoothness to him I'm glad you brought up the slide I forgot about it We didn't talk about that We're smacking each other And thanks Will as always, buddy We'll look smacking each other Since we do, do, do, do, do It was, the first down was achieved There's three guys closing in I slide and it's harmless It was perfect Have you seen any of the telecast yet? No Other than highlights, yeah So last night when we got back to the hotel A couple of us got together in the room And re-watched the game They showed the funniest stat I've ever seen On the broadcast after that The stat showed 34 runs One slide It was just a hilarious thing to post They put that on the ESPN screen It said 34 rushing attempts One slide It was his first of the year But it was so natural It was beautiful It looked like He would tell a baseball player to do As they're coming into third base For a triple, man Not even breaking up a double play slide They're not kicking up any feet Or going at for someone's calf Just a natural, nice little pop slide At a boy To Austin Echler I feel for you, brother We should have been talking to him 20 minutes ago on this show Every Tuesday at 5 o'clock all season We're going to have to push that interview This week to later in the week Because he's still in the concussion Protocol The numbers don't look that big But remember, they all came in one half of football Three carries 35 yards and a touchdown All of those really early Two catches 22 yards So it was five touches For 57 yards And a monstrous kick off return as well At a boy, he's just giving them such a jolt He is so damn good At a boy, Luke McCaffrey We read stats last week about Luke McCaffrey's actually getting open Probably wasn't necessarily part of the plan Or what Daniel was supposed to be looking for Or who knows what was coached for, wasn't But you got rewarded a little bit this week Including a couple big plays to move the chains So look McCaffrey, at a boy At a boy, Jamart Chase Who dropped a third down throw in the red zone In fact, inside the ten, gold to go From burrow And made a kick field goal, if you remember He was like sliding just past the marker It was a low throw, it would have been a nice catch But he makes it 90% of the time And I thought that was a big break At a boy, Evan McPherson speaking of breaks He'd made 20-some straight kicks I believe From that distance, it was 48 yard field goal They call him Money McPherson here He is like automatic Everybody loves him, his jerseys are being worn In the crowd there, like people He came out, he got a mark wrestler Or some face running out and yelling about The local football team They love him, and then he missed the field goal That I thought was a chippy for him That was a pretty good break And then at a boy, this was a good call But Terry made a move with the line of scrimmage And got grabbed up around the face mask A hands to the face negated what would have been A third and eight, like a huge behind the chain spot On the first drive of the second half Penalty was called at that point It was like a five to zero penalty discrepancy Against the Bengals versus Washington At a boy referee's letting the guys play There really weren't a lot of flags all night long And certainly not against the commanders But I thought that was another good fortune moment Where instead of a third and eight They got an automatic first down And scored a couple of plays later A couple I throw and won to the entire team As you mentioned, for not committing very many penalties At all, and last week they committed more than they did The whole game just in their offensive red zone drives Yeah, to sabotage themselves That was very clean as far as those things go Let me ask you this Danny Please, of the turnovers so far by Washington's offense this year If you had to pick the one that was like the most Demoralizing that did the most damage to them But you just think it was the least excusable Which one would you say? God, it's hard to think of any You know what I mean? Has there been one that's been devastating or demoralizing Or contributed to anything at all? No, I don't think there's been one Well, let me just, jog your memory I'm going to list all of the turnovers this season Yeah, through 12 quarters of football Go ahead, yeah, yeah Three games by the commanders offense Okay, go. So don't forget the one that was the Didn't say anything So I'm enlisting all the turnovers Yeah, every time they've thrown a pick I'm waiting for it Or lost a fumble Right, I think everyone gets it We know what a turnover is What are the turnovers? Sorry, here they are Yeah Are you gonna That was it? That was the list Oh, oh, so is it You know, there aren't any They've had some good fortune with getting their own fumbles Yeah, that is happening That does not continue But they've also just by and large protected the football too And that's what winners do I want winners We throw one more Quick out of the way, if I can Sure Mikey Sandrich still, who played outside The whole game pretty much I know you're going to say Oh, you're going to be a bunch of more chase You know, I was going to be a bunch of more chase The entire NFL pretty much On that round single covered With a whole bunch of space on that side He was tough, he was physical He broke up one of those Short little passes by That's a strain Knockin' the snot out of somebody To get out of the way And then blew up the Would-be receiver He had six tackles Yesterday, a couple passes defended Good game for Mikey Sandrich still Yeah, I thought there was some really good moments And some young guy moments But the blowing up of the screen Was something I saw at training camp Five times in a few practices that I was out there He is so good downhill He's so physical And just willing to stick his nose in there So I thought that was a big deal To just see him translate that over to the game I thought the first touchdown I know he was trailing That's a single high safety Where the heck is Percy Butler going? He's the deep safety on that play I did not really understand What he was doing, in fact Jay Gruden texted me Right after that touchdown Like I hadn't been texting him out of the blue And he's just like What the hell is the free safety doing? That one to get his butt over You can't go single high against this team You'll get killed Like what if you'd walk down to the side Then just tap someone on the shoulder I'll let him know, Jay Great pulse it from the club level Now they mostly Ended up with two deep safeties They went to one safety look later in the game You know what happens A touchdown to Jamar Chase? Another deep touchdown to Jamar Chase Weird, huh? Maybe Jay was on to something there So Joe saw that and was like You know what I'm going with this ball? How about 100 yards combined between those two throws To Jamar Chase? Let's go to Derek who's in D.C. On Grant and Danny What's up Derek? How are you? Love you guys Thanks buddy Appreciate you Happy Tuesday I'm all in on the offensive line I think they're a major reason why they were so good last night They're doing the job There were question mark coming into the season And now They're great And they look good Because you know Jay was in the pocket Just hanging and throwing darts And you look confident and happy and comfortable That's not what's happening with the rest of these rookies No, a number of times They picked up Sorry, go ahead bud I said God bless him because he gives credit And that's another thing that he's such a good leader He's like this wasn't me and you know it's the team thing And so it was beautiful man And penalties-wise Coaching We got back to two penalties And only one of them was offensive line Yeah, and they both came at the end of the game Thanks for the call Appreciate it They did not have a single penalty at the midway point of the fourth quarter On the road And when the loudest stadiums I've ever been in I don't even know where to start To try to say how impressive that is But The O-line is not getting enough credit There's no doubt in my mind I've not looked up or dove into like the PFF numbers On pressures and whatnot But the number of blitz pickups Times were especially in the last couple of drives Where Cincinnati was sending that fifth guy like the dog Or six with the blitz And where they're sending someone downhill At Daniels heat seeking missile style You're like here they come And they don't penetrate Like Daniels is still flat footed with space Huge They were awesome all night And I've over talked about the third and fourth down time But like think about all those urch throws And those backbreaker moments where they move the chains Daniels was almost never on the run Not her ass there, yeah You know he just he had time Grant and Danny with you on the fan Taking you up to 615 Ahead of Nat's baseball top of the hour We've got our don't forget about items Next, let's talk about some unsung moments Gonna score some points tonight Daniels let's it go for the first down And plenty more McCaffrey Is short of the touchdown But the rookie got 30 yards on fourth and two A 40 yard catch and run by Luke McCaffrey Came into last night's game Ranking third in the NFL in separation percentage At the wide receiver position And he was open a bunch last night Couple of big catches And that catch and run on fourth And two set the tone for an opening drive For Washington that tied the game Deacon is on Twitter I'm at Grand H Paulson, Danny's at Funny Danny He says you guys are pros But you are leaving out the main reason For the big win For the commanders last night He said Danny was in the house Sounds like Deacon thinks you need to be At more games, Danny Deacon is respectfully incorrect Last time I went to one they lost by 200 So there's no trend here But that was years ago Sure, we have a great moment That was awesome During the Josh era era You are one and oh With the commanders when you're in the house We have correlation We do not have causation Let's test this thing Let's get you on a bird out to Phoenix We'll take the show on the road to Arizona Oh no We should do it the way Washington did it too Let's go straight there Let's change some flights I don't want to have to Adjust my time And have to deal with different beds I'm not going to go home to the Lorton area I'm just going to get on a plane here I'll go out to Phoenix So my sleep doctor wants me to do it I don't really have that many clothes But bleep it let's go Cleveland at home in two weeks Can I interest you in a trip To Northwest Stadium Oh where's that? Is that northwest of the city? I'm not really sure how that works No, never again But thank you for the invitation That's really nice of you But you had fun I had a great time Waiting Really enjoyable You want those awesome times to continue Wouldn't you? Yes I certainly would I know you had an awesome time Frank The whole city knows Hey you had an awesome time Try to ask Mitch here if he had an awesome time Tara Swit movie He's not no He doesn't But I will tell you what movie That would be old school That's right We're looking for old school Would have accepted Old school there Now we are at Tommy's watch bar When Tommy worked the program Tommy had seen some movies He knew some of the references We would make occasionally Yes, I needed a contribute Right? He would even occasionally Throw in a barber too Alright, we will get to Don't forget about Next segment We'll also get the weather Lined up for the Nationals game People are making their way down to Nets Park tonight 615 pregame 645 first pitch For Charlie and Dave How about trick Scott's celebration After the big man touchdown The first time Since Joe Jacoby in 1984 Had an offensive lineman Had an offensive lineman Has caught a touchdown pass For Washington He said it's a dance From his fraternity But it was funny As all the other linemen I guess knew that or didn't But they started doing it with him They're just like "Oh, this is fun Let's all do it together" Yeah, and I like the guys that Weren't quite as good Or didn't have as much practice Doing it I don't know if they were Emulating in real time Or trying to do Because they'd seen them do it I don't know But it was comical and fun You get yourself the fact I touched down It's all good I know we're still In a bit of a honeymoon face I'm in a glow I have a glow We woke up the morning After the wedding We're just looking each other In the eyes From profile Heads on pillows We're feeling good Yeah, about what we're seeing Danny, Arizona Cardinals Cardinals This coming Sunday in Phoenix Washington, gonna run this thing To three straight games What is your early Tuesday feel Right now After what we saw last night They absolutely have a shot They have a shot They have a shot To win that football game And before this weekend I wouldn't have said that On two fronts One, I thought Arizona was pretty good They really struggled against Detroit I mean, really struggled Now, I don't think Washington's defense Can make anybody struggle I don't think they can make a lot Of college teams struggle right now That's me being kind of semi-physicians But it's gonna be points That we scored in that game And we know Washington can do that now They could drive the football down in Arizona I don't think they could make a lot Of college teams struggle right now That's me being kind of semi-physicians But it's gonna be points That we scored in that game And we know Washington can do that now They could drive the football down in Arizona I don't think they could make a lot of College teams struggle right now And Washington can do that now They could drive the football down in Arizona And make some plays Cliff Kingsbury revenge game loading For Washington as they go to Arizona Let's go On Sunday If Jayden Daniels plays the way he did last night They will be in every single game And they will win the vast majority of them They would have beaten the Chiefs last night If he plays that game It's hard to lose It was that good of a performance It's time for the Nationals Starting lineups on Grant and Danny Right now as we get you ready for Nat's baseball Presented by the window man since 1989 The window man has been the educational window company Get your free no pressure In home estimates at the window Worth their Fairfax showroom Behind Mitch Parker When we go on pitch, Mitch Parker Lidding off playing right field Dilling crews, betting second to left field The James Wood at first base batting Third one, your PES, batting fourth At second there's a little bit of a lagging fifth Doing the catch and keep a Ruiz batting sixth Your D.H. Louise Garcia Junior, batting seventh center field Your guy, my guy, our guy, Jay Jones Young, batting eighth to third base trade Lipscomb and batting ninth at shortstop Naseem Nunez What position in the Nat's starting lineup Would Jayden Daniels play? I'm thinking I'm putting him in center field And letting him go track the baseball That's one, you could see him as one of those Rangy short stops too Definitely, kind of that new old-school Newt school guy CJ Abrams without the all-nighter Fender, you know what I mean? Like CJ Abrams, but like 30, home run, 30 stolen base CJ Abrams Like going home at appropriate times I'm gonna put McClure in it center field, perhaps Grant and Danny Coming your way next on the fan In the fast-paced world of attacking Speed is everything And that's where the Furon 7+ shines Engineered for accuracy and precision at a rapid pace It's your secret weapon on the pitch Experience overall comfort and precise striking Even in the game's fastest moments The nylon outsole with its V-shaped stud configuration Is designed for firm ground Giving you the grip you need to outmaneuver your opponents Step up your attacking game and learn more And purchase the Furon at