Grant and Danny

Who Needs to Breakout for a Commanders Win?

1:00- Grant & Danny continue their look ahead to Monday Night Football and try to predict who needs to breakout for the Commanders in order for them to upset the Bengals in Cincinnati

Broadcast on:
23 Sep 2024
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phone lines open at eight hundred six three six one oh six seven who do we think breaks out tonight who's going to have a big game for Washington so I'm going to start on the offensive side if it happens I could see this being that Noah Brown how about this story Noah Brown also Ohio State coming back to where he uh his roots he was the highest high as touted recruiting member the recruiting class of urban Myers group that includes multiple NFL players right he could have a huge huge huge game if a lot of attention is being paid underneath the Earth's and Echler and McClellan and Brian Robinson and company maybe no Brown catches that home run ball maybe he gets loose in the secondary with a little freight train or or a shimmy shingle and getting himself down the football field for a long touchdown I could see Noah Brown having a big one yeah I could see that as well because we saw at the very end of the second game of the season his season debut going back to the home game and the win against the Giants now on eight days ago Noah Brown became the guy that Jaden Daniels was confident in feeding on those in-breakers in the second half the game so why not go back to him with his size especially if the Bengals plan like we've seen over the last couple weeks is to make sure that Terry McClellan doesn't get going if you're trying to take him away which I think the Giants largely did the only way he was really involved at all was underneath at or around the line of scrimmage behind the line of scrimmage then that means someone should come free and I think Noah Brown could be that guy right so number one I would say I'm with you on Noah Brown because I've already seen him start to emerge I'll throw out a bit of a wild card where's the on me Brown bin we saw him have a couple of nice catches on screens early against the Giants set up a first down I think both of his grabs were on the first two drives of the game remember when Diami Brown was a big thing in the preseason he was the most targeted player that the leader with catches in terms of their first team offense this is a annual tradition now where he has these great training camps he has these impressive preseason's we're told this time is gonna be different and then the regular season starts and he doesn't really do much there's really no reason for it this year there's nobody that's been blocking him and maybe he gets supplanted by Brown on the depth chart but if they're gonna line up and spread to help protect their offensive line a little bit to help ID some things for Jayden Daniels who knows where pressure's coming from and they're gonna screen people to death and throw the ball around the line of scrimmage which Daniels has done it about a four to one rate over the average NFL quarterback on targets of wide receivers behind the line of scrimmage how is the army Brown not more involved that is something that he does pretty well yeah I think the you already said it I think he's been supplanted already I was looking trying to look up just now what a snap counts were from weeks one to weeks two and my guess is that you know he's now at six to three percent give or take on the field second to guys like Maclorn and company but I bet you that's trending downwards where it comes to certain packages and you know maybe three receiver looks of different kinds of varieties a lot of these guys are interchangeable but don't you agree that with him it takes one play to impact the game I mean he runs a lot of vertical stuff he does like he had the 75 yard touchdown catch in his breakout game that was never replicated again with with Carson Lance the game yeah two catches for 30 plus two touchdowns like it you don't have to run 40 plays I mean just do something what where are you if you I mean do you I always I mean I joke about this but I sort of think there's some truth to it I think he just has the rep is a deep threat because that's what he did at North Carolina I don't know that he's actually that great of a deep threat you know I think they probably think we've got a better version of that because you know obviously you saw him in the preseason win vertically and make that great catch on the on the Jaden Daniels audible at the line but I don't know I don't know that they view him that way like I did now I always use and I know people are sick of it if they've ever listened to the show but I forget I was running around the track upstairs during GW's basketball practice and Tom Penders stopped the practice and said to this one guy I don't know who told you you were a shooter but shooters make shots you're just a guy that takes shots you have to do something else in order to play for me right and that's what I think of where we just say down me around the deep threat well I know we caught that deep pass that time but maybe he's got got to do better it's other stuff maybe it's as a blocker maybe it's as a a guy that you're talking about with some screens or some some shorter things got to improve that part of his game to maybe get on the field I don't know just a thought I don't mean to pick on the analogy because I know you know that's not the point but I think it kind of makes my point shooting is not dependent you just shooting you make the shot or you don't the army Brown catching a deep pass takes so much and I think that's where it's complicated right of course it is we don't know how often he gets open how often he runs the perfect route how often they should have thrown it to him and they elected not to how often he's been open and was targeted and for whatever reason the ball didn't get there yep how often he wasn't targeted so I think the the questions really good I don't have a good answer for you I think the point though and and all it matters is it doesn't matter if he is or is not a deep threat if he's not catching passes and we could say is he good at it is he not in it maybe he's the best at it when you have done it once ever it doesn't really matter you could be the best at something I want to they have not found a way for that to translate to games but I'm not saying it has to be a home run I just would like to see him do something tonight that benefits them that helps them because again we heard something all off-season you know he had this hour-long YouTube that he put out the the open of it is like Rick Snyder talking about him for like 15 seconds and some production team made this like hour-long feature on him there was just so much hype just a couple weeks ago and now a guy who's been here for three hours it was cut by the Texans as moved ahead of him on the depth chart and I'm watching Jameson Crowder and Alameda Zacchaeus you know out target him I just I'm curious where he is the running backs have both broken out already so you can't say that they're gonna have a bigger night than they have in the case of Brian Robinson and Austin Echler anybody else though outside of the two receivers you and I have chosen to say tonight could be the night we've seen almost nothing from Ben Senate he's mostly been used as a blocker if Earth's is healthy you know he's gonna be featured I think he'll be their leading targeted pass catcher their leader and catches probably again tonight that the offense seems to go through him especially down the field but what about somebody else Senate or other look McCaffrey's the name that comes to mind right as a guy that we saw last week hey he's been open a bunch and that's not anecdotal that is according to you know next-gen stats and pro football folks and people that chart these sorts of things I bet you that the really smart folks that you know are running things here notice that too right whether it was a Daniels problem a Kingsbury problem whether it was you know a to get a pitcher whoever along the line wasn't necessarily saying hey we should target this player and I don't know if Daniels missed him eight times I don't know if we we won't know right so Peter Pritchard catch an astray we have no ideal quarterbacks coach we have no idea if it was hey look for this if it's not there do X we don't know but I think that goes that gets noticed when a guy is winning and doesn't get targeted where you go well maybe we should target him sometimes give him a chance because he is winning he is doing what we're asking him to do and we haven't gotten the football yet maybe that's an advantage maybe that's a way to open other things up as well so that could be somebody that goes from having not much to a few targets defensive side of the ball commanders bangles tonight given some thoughts and players that we think have a chance to break out for Washington pending this match up and base maybe on you know who's on the field on the other side of the ball you can call us at eight hundred six three six one oh six seven you want to hop in on the MGM national harbor listener lines it's about time that john alan or deron pain do something now I am not going to sit here and pretend like they haven't been playing hard and playing well they both got chipped a lot doubled a lot last week it seemed like the plan for the Giants was let's not let Washington's interior rush beat us let's make their edges get home and mostly cleal and feral despite two sacks through two games has not really mounted much of a pass rush at all both of those sacks were huge plays by pain where the quarterback kind of tried to avoid him and ran into feral haven't noticed on tape valor much jimmy davis wasn't even active last week so clearly the edge has been a problem but i do think it's time and and i don't mean like where you guys add as much as there's a a number that they're going to get to and it's kind of almost like a regression of the mean positively in this case i think it's time that we see a sack for alan or pain or a couple of big time pressure some tfl's like those guys are playing at a decent enough level that being blanked on the statute other than tackles just isn't going to sustain so i would not be surprised at all if they combined tonight like a sack and a half couple tfl's there's only a matter of time before they start to put up some numbers i would agree with that yeah i mean that it's we always think about pass rush in terms of sacks and and you know some of the quantifiable stats we've got now but i always view it as waves crashing on the shore it's not one wave that made the sander road right it's not one wave that that you know got rid of the beach town it's that constant pressure that process of pressure that eventually leads to the good results right and you know there were years and i i point this out all the bleep and time especially when it comes to john alan every metric other than sachs he had a great season end up i think it was two and a half sachs one year and everyone went what's wrong with john alan and i said beat this drum if you replay that season with those same metrics he would have eight or nine sacks and he had nine sacks the following season because that's who he is we're in that with the valley moment right now for him right where he's going to keep crashing on the shore he'll have his two sack game he'll have his one and a half and a tfl and you know a pass batted down something like that two bit of a player not to make an impact and they haven't made a statistical counting impact yet but we're talking about alan and pain i do think that's coming i and i hope it's tonight yeah the metrics you're referencing are like the precursors right like in baseball if you're not allowed to see someone's home runs the best thing you could probably do is to say okay i want to look at their exit velocity and launch angles give me a heart hit percentage launch angle everything else and i go i i bet you've entered this dude home how often do you hit a rocket in the air i got a pretty good way now to determine how many home runs you have and i'm not going to get it to the number obviously but you know you can get into the vicinity and when you look at alan and pain their pass rush win rates are really good even this year last week the story was man the giants really paid a lot of attention to these guys i don't know if that's an alan or pain thing or if that's an nfl thing i think teams are getting smarter we've talked so much about the changes in the league over the first couple weeks although it did seem like yesterday the things opened up a little numbers got back up with four three hundred yard passors i think we had eight or nine guys go for two fifty or more through the air so that was definitely a more traditional passing weekend around the having said that i do think on the other side with like d tackles if i'm a coordinator call in place i right now i'm probably prioritizing keeping everything clean in front of my quarterback on the interior than the edges because quarterbacks are getting so athletic so many of them can run so many of them can get out of the pocket there's only a few guys are immobile you know where they're going to be all the time i can run away from that pressure that comes from the side when you come right at me my first step is backwards now i'm panicking in the pocket and doing but you know breaking down the next thing you know i'm getting swallowed up like a surfer in a wave right i think that's what happened with the giants maybe it's that they just thought alan and pain are so much better than everyone else we got to pay them attention there's probably some of it because that's definitely the strength of washington's defense but i really do think this is something that's going to happen every week it's just the way the league is trending yeah i i mean you could you could pick your sport the let's try not to let the best player beat us that's pretty tried and true that's the thing you know we're always trying to look that way so if i'm a offensive coordinator i don't know of john alan and ron pain or as good as you know you pick Dexter Lawrence or you know what how good erin donald was or a number those guys and that's not the point but the point is they're better than klutland ferrell they're better than dante fowler they're better than javante john bat piece so that's where i'll focus my attention right if i if i've got to have a plan where i need to caution against something that's who i'm going to take care of first and second one and one a are those two guys once that's done i'll leave someone on an island against john bat east i'll leave somewhere in island against jammin davis if he's if he's active right i mean to me this is pretty standard and i do i'm with you i think we're going to expect it all season long we're live all over dcm one oh six seven we're live in richmen on am nine ten fm one oh five one of course wherever you're at on the audicy app and you can stream our show on video even out on the road as we're at thombs watch bar here we are streaming on youtube on the one oh six seven the fan youtube channel i'm looking in the youtube chat here first of all somebody loves your shirt danny yes that is the old uh john alan on the junkies tired of this bleep shirt yes yes it is uh million though on on the youtube chat says alan pain need to disrupt joe burrow tonight need to disrupt the bangles they just can't keep saying we're getting double teamed find a way there's something to that i agree with that you know like it's a little bit tough guy talk but at the same time like sorry that's what i struggle with though i hate the tough guy routine i hate that stick because it is it's not an excuse it is a reason it is not an excuse it is an explanation they're not tj watt i'm sorry they're not miles garret so if your retort is well tj watt miles garret get doubled yeah they're the best in the world they win dp oyowards these guys don't they're just pro bowlers they're just pretty good they're just very very solid but i also get that from a fan where you're going hey man i'm sorry about the occasional double team that you deal with as a several million dollar a year player who's the best player on my team but i lose if you can't do more so i need you to find a way to do more yeah and and i don't think the expectation is three sacks a week nobody's saying set an all-time record but you can't have zero like you know what i mean hit a quarterback yeah where's my tip pass like you get double teamed where where are two paws in the air i mean you're on pain one them a game last year doing that thing against Atlanta they probably should lose if he doesn't get his right pinky on a football for an interception at the goal line right i mean my point is where is my impact at all i'm with that so i i know again i i can't stand the like the the sentiment behind you might 20 million bucks a year dominate okay i understand why we're not getting that but at the same time you make 20 million bucks a year man you got to do something give me some impact if the point is i'd like to notice you right i'd like to see you change the game on one play doesn't have to be a pick doesn't have to be a sack fumble but you should be able to end a drive with a pressure where you're at burrows feet and he rushes and he throws an incompletion that doesn't look like a big deal but you forced a punt like give me one or two of those just be present and make it loud be part of the equation they definitely need those guys to do that tonight jayden daniel's first game in prime time next let's get into what we're expecting from the rookie former Heisman trophy winner last year at lsu as he makes his monday night football debut will predict jayden daniel's statline next on grant and danny here on the fan [BLANK_AUDIO]