Grant and Danny

Dan Duggan Scouts The Giants, Commanders Over/Under Props, Winning Off The Field

9.13.24 Hour 2

1:00- Dan Duggan, covers the Giants for The Athletic, joins G&D to discuss the Giants-Commanders matchup and gets into what we should look for with the Giants.

20:20- We get our Commanders player props, will they go over or under for the Giants game?

34:50- It's time for Winning off the field, what's been going right for you off the field?

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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Grant and Danny live right now in DC on our flagship one oh six seven and Richmond. Am nine 10 FM one oh five one wherever you are crystal clear all to see app available and free all over the country and we are streaming video live YouTube one oh six seven the fans YouTube page. Thank you for checking us out there if you are doing so. Plenty of ways to track down the show. The sponsor of this program is kindorian Murad that's a law firm that's going to guide you and your family. In the right direction. Condorian Murad are going to take care of you by helping you to draft a will set up a trust create a health care power of attorney schedule a free consultation with our estate planning attorneys at am lawyers. Dot com and be sure to tell them we sent you that way you can get a discount. K M lawyers dot com. It is time to get the latest on the Giants. Let's scout the opponent. And help us preview Sunday's game we've got Dan Duggan senior writer for the athletic who covers the Giants. So Dan why don't we begin with how loud the noise is surrounding Daniel Jones going into week two. I don't mean literally because the boost started after the second play of the opening drive so it was pretty loud to be on Sunday but I think that kind of sums up how ugly things and how toxic things really have been around him and the team. And it's only continued through the week. The one thing that's always the kind of stood out about Daniel Jones is kind of remarkable. There's lots of bad quarterbacks. There's lots of overpaid players. Nobody seems to take as many shots from other players, whether be current or former than Jones. And I think that's ratcheted up already here where Vikings had a linebacker say he felt bad for Jones at points during the game when the crowd is doing it. But you just never really hear players talk that way about opponents. So that's the rhythm the outside. And then you know around the team, the fan base here is like done. You know it's one game into year six and everyone just feel like they're ready to move on. You know further inside the wall. I mean the team is around him. But you can't imagine there'll be a very long leash if he performs like he did in the opener. You know it could honestly be like Sunday could be make a break for him because he goes up and does not play well against the Washington defense. Just gave up 37 points to Baker Mayfield. I think that's a really probably considered making a change. Yeah I mean whether he's good or not is a whole nother conversation to your point. But why you see such a punching bag as you put it. I always say with quarterbacks you're either in the cool kids club or you're not. But you get the jacket where I mean Baker Mayfield is stunk for a long time. He's now played a lot better here since last year in Tampa. But like he was a dog though and guys liked him and rallied around him. I mean Daniel Jones just never had that cologne. I don't know if he went to Duke or he's nerdy or he's just quiet. Like what is it about him that makes him such a target. Yeah I don't know it's not like a sociological experiment to do. He has like the kind of comes from that sort of privilege background. A Duke guy and I think you know this probably he came into the Giants and you know everyone thought he was going to be the next Eli Manning. And he was just sort of like put on a pedestal maybe he didn't deserve. But I mean you go back he got booed by Giants fans on draft night when that pick on and out. So he didn't have a very long runway. And then even funnier type of Baker Mayfield come up near the first two answers. He took a shot at him in a GQ interview before Jones even played a game saying basically like he was saying how teams don't know how to draft quarterbacks. And he used Joe as an example of like this guy's never won and you know team took him to the top 10. So yeah I don't know what is exactly. He just sort of has that aura bottom where people don't really like him and don't give him the doubt. And you know that his play has certainly not helped quiet that down. And it's obviously you know had the one stretch there in 2022 where you know they thought maybe he could be the guy. And then since then it's been just an absolute disaster. Basically since the since the ink dried on that contract it's been all downhill from them for there from there. The athletic stand dug in with this here on Grant and Danny. So Dan this is tough to quantify but just want to get your sense of this. My neighbor buddy mine is a Giants fan. And this is what he said to me. I actually hope he doesn't play well this weekend because I don't want anyone to have any kind of excuses. Like how common do you think that sentiment is among Giants fans almost like actively rooting against him to force some kind of change versus just booing because they're frustrated. No I think that's real. I think there's a lot of Giants fans just done with him. You know they you know they didn't love the contract but they feel like all right you know maybe that playoff season was a start or something obviously last year was a disaster. You know a lot of fans want to move on in the draft you know we saw hard knocks that you know Shane and the Giants wanted to move on with that ad sort of a backdrop. I think it kind of takes a little bit of safety in that way is where like the team can't shield him and say oh we love Daniel. Like now we saw very clearly that you were willing to trade up. I mean Brian Dabel in Hardknock saying he'd be willing to trade up for Jayden Daniel. So that just kind of makes for an awkward backdrop to a lot of this stuff like this week Brian Dabel has answered questions about that. It's just kind of awkward. So he knows the team doesn't really have his back but so yeah you're asking about the fans. No I definitely think that's a sentiment that exists because listen I think what the most likely outcome is is you know Daniel Jones goes out on Sunday. Play is okay you know it's a throw for 200 yards two touchdowns. They win 20 to 13. So it kind of quiets down the bench Daniel Jones chatter but where did they get the team you know I mean they're going to be one in one. Then they play at Cleveland and they got Dallas on a Thursday night so probably right back where we are you know right now in a couple of weeks. So I can see fans just saying I'm going to rip the band-aid off go out and think in Washington. There'll be no excuses they'll have to make a change because listen I don't think Drew Locke can perform any better necessarily. But I can at least sympathize with fans who just want something different and I think that's where a lot of fans are at. I was actually going to say is well where does it get them if they play Drew Locke or Tommy DeVito. I don't know that that gets them anywhere either. Our guest is Dan Duggan covers the Giants for the athletic. How about the rest of the offense. Where's the offensive line at in its build. I know that was a big emphasis watching their off season hard knocks they were terrible last season gave up a record number of sex. And what about the weaponry and how it's coming along the league neighbors being the key ingredient. Yeah and listen if it was just Daniel Jones playing bad in the opener I think it would be a lot easier to stomach but nobody really played well in that game. Again he's the focal point and you know if he played better I think it would help other guys but nobody really had a good game for the Giants. The offensive line was certainly not the disaster it was last year which I mean I was historically bad and it was just I mean they were just putting guys out there that weren't even NFL players. They're much better than that but I think the ceiling for this group is like league average. And again that was that I can't understate that would be a huge improvement for the Giants but it's still not going to be a great line. You have Andrew Thomas that left tackle who's a great player everyone else is kind of journeyman vets or John Douglas Smith is a second year guy who didn't really show a lot of rookie. So they're just hoping that's a passable group and I would say in the opener they were and the run blocking wasn't very good. Even look at the box score five sacks one of those was Jones trying to try to scramble and he got caught like at the line of scrimmage a couple he kind of I think I think the protection was fine. He either held the ball too long or scrambled into sacks so the whole line was fine wasn't great but it was fine and then yeah the weaponry. Obviously you know they want to take on Barclays score three touchdowns last Friday night and then you know I think they know there's a downgrade there but certainly Devin Singletary and none of those young backs really distinguish themselves. So yeah because neighbors is the guy I mean he was awesome in training camp even last week you know the first game was quiet game you know the offense they didn't do much doing four catches for 60 some on guard so like if that's going to be a bad game as a rookie. I think it kind of tells you you know the impact he could have but aside from him nobody made any plays like I mean it was just a really depressing effort and scored six points both of them came on short fields have to turn over so it wasn't as if they even had like one really good drive. It just they just did not play well. I mean obviously said started the quarterback but nobody had a great game for the Giants. Dan you've you've chronicled this thing for a while and we're talking about sort of the state of the Union for the Giants here regardless of what's been going on over the last several years. The Giants have just owned Washington eight three and one over their last twelve matchups. I know neither team was particularly good but that's like chiefs over the Raiders kind of stuff you know what I mean like what do your best quantified how's that happened how's it been that way. No it's crazy and that's why I'm like you know if you're Daniel Jones and you have to have kind of a make or break game he couldn't have picked a better opponent. You know this is certainly the team that he he has to feel confident going at now. I know it's kind of like silly for us to say that because you go back to some of those wins that's like two or three coaching staff to go for the Giants and probably for the commanders you know as I think about it but. It is there is still something goes in that building he certainly feels comfortable. You know some of the players obviously have been there for a while but yeah I mean I do think there is a difference where I think he allows his success. You know I guess Jack Del Rio defenses so you know and he did not have much success against the equipment defenses the last three years now again I know the personnel in Dallas much different than what you guys have in Washington right now. But that might be a little bit of an equalizer where you know I think that they had they were very comfortable going against that defense the last couple of years. So I think at least schematically you know it'll probably be more of a challenge this week you know again I don't know if Washington's personnel is you know kind of. Up to par but yeah I mean listen if you're the Giants there's nobody watching on the schedule more this Sunday for you know things are already looking pretty bleak here. So if you're trying to turn things around in Washington schedule has to be kind of the best case scenario for them. Dan Duggan covers the Giants for the athletic in New York on Grant and Danny. Am I wrong in assuming neighbors is the only guy really who can dominate Washington secondary which is a real poor spot for this defense. But I don't worry about anybody other than Malik neighbors. Yeah I mean listen I would say this like the Giants strength of their offense has to be their receivers. But yeah it's a lot of it is kind of potential or young guys who haven't really you know made their marks yet. But so obviously neighbors is that guy who I think you know if someone got a game you know a game breaking performance to be him. You have Wanda Robinson who you know he's kind of an underneath guy sort of a slot gadgety guy. So you know he'll have the ball in the stands a lot so you know maybe he makes a big play. Darius Layton is kind of like old reliable here where you know no one ever like seems to want him and then by the end of the year you look up and you leave the team receiving. And then Jalen Hyatt is kind of a wild card he really didn't play a lot in the opener. But a guy that traded up for the third round last year I believe against Washington the game here last year he had a long catcher too. Like he'll do that like he you know if you leave him one on the outside he's a threat to you know have a four yard catch down the sideline. The problem and why he didn't play a lot is he hasn't really developed much of anything else. But I mean that's four guys there that at least bring something to the table. So again if Daniel Jones is going to have a bonfire performance it's going to be because of those guys downfield and chiefly neighbors. I mean he is definitely the guy who has that ability to really be a kind of a game changing presence. Dan you mentioned the hard knocks off season it was great theater for us. I can't imagine it was you know but anything less than that for you guys up there especially you know just the the access is just unbelievable what we got a lot of insight. But I wonder what the feeling was after that or kind of even during for Brian Dable and Joe Shane respectively. Just to me I wouldn't be inspired if I was watching that as a Giants fan going. They're talking about players the way like me and my fantasy buddies talk about together. Did you have a good year this year? I was kind of slowed down as a running backer. It was just it was like this surface level conversation making these multi-million dollar decisions. What's the big picture thought right now on Dable and Shane? No I'm with you I definitely had that impression too like really that's that's why you made these decisions. I mean listen we have to at least acknowledge that you know they're in these buildings 16-18 hours a day and we're getting snippets of conversation. I'm sure some of maybe the real granular stuff either HBO edits out or the Giants didn't want out because of competitive reasons they don't want to get into there. They're analytical breakdowns of certain players but yeah some of those conversations definitely came across very surface level. I mean I think what happens a lot of times with the you know how these regimes are evaluated. The coach is kind of the wanders in the firing line. He talks to the media every day you see him on the sideline every Sunday. But I think Dable has probably done a better job in his two years and listen that's not saying much based on where they are right now. But if you look in the totality of it you know one coach of the year in 2022 because it got a pretty weak roster to the playoffs. No one thought that coming won a playoff game. You know Shane came in obviously inherited a bad situation like every every new GM does you know not too many GMs win the Super Bowl and then right off into the sunset. So he had a you know had a bad roster bad cap situation. Now we're in year three. This is the time when you want to see that that first draft class you have two top 10 picks came on Thibodeau Evanil and that first draft class. You want to start seeing those guys making strides. You want to see them free agent additions the trades all these things he's done really start to get your team you know over the hump. And it feels like they had best they're running in place so I mean I think that this is a big year for both of those guys again usually the GM he has like more grace. But I mean I just look at this roster right now and man for year three this is a lot of holes and you know the biggest one being quarterback you've been here three years and haven't addressed it. You know they obviously doubled down on Daniel Jones after one year. So now you're going to go into next off season if we fast forward and things don't change still needing to fill the most important position on the field and then not feeling like at least the rest of the rosters in great shape. Yeah it's like I said you can probably hear it in my answer to things are pretty bleak around the team right now and I know it's only one week and things can change but it was very discouraging start. That's relatable content I will say Dan. Although with year one of a new quarterback and a new coach we're going to be a lot more patient but I think people are expecting a lot more than we saw in that first game something you guys know all about. Speaking of expectations though the one area of the Giants that I feel like just needs to be good because the talent is there is getting to the quarterback. They trade for Brian Burns. They still have a cave on Thibodeau who only had one pressure last week but his own to Washington. Dexter Lawrence is one of the best players in the league at the position. So I guess number one how do they do against Minnesota I know Sam Darnold lit it up. Just getting home and then secondly is there any reason to believe they shouldn't be able to win the line of scrimmage up front against Washington this week. Yeah no so Minnesota disappointed I said all the way around the only guy that you could probably say showed up was Dexter Lawrence. I mean he is just a monster like he really is at that point now where he could maybe take the mantle from you know Aaron Donald being retired and you know Chris Jones is still kind of the top of his game but he's going to be in that conversation I think this year. I mean he just he just dominates guys it's crazy and I assume you'll see it again on Sunday and Washington's in tears maybe better than their tackles but I mean I don't think anybody there is going to be able to match up with Dexter Lawrence one on one and he'd be double team. So it's like he's he's just a problem week in week out but the edges were were a disappointment you know I mean they said they made all that. Investment in Brian Burns was a trade and the huge contract and I said I touched on Thibodeau number five pick a couple years ago like they have built this team and this defense if they're going to win it's because the pass rush is going to dominate games I mean the secondaries young it's a proven so it needs to be you know that front four just getting after the quarterback did not happen. Sam Donald completed his first twelve passes was never really in trouble just kind of picked them apart methodically. You know that obviously that's why you lose games twenty eight to six they just couldn't impact the game enough now you fast forward to Washington. The one thing Minnesota has is really good tackles I look at Washington tackles they're certainly not in that class and if Brian Burns and came on Thibodeau don't you know kind of dominate this game or have a you know big impact on this game. That would be alarming because I mean you again you just look at the talent you're going against and what the Giants have invested in these guys they need to take this game over. I mean I guess with Jane Daniels maybe you're not going to get me sacked because you know he's obviously elusive and he's going to take off but they need to be chasing him out of that pocket and making life hard for him because again that's how this defense is built to win. It's not going to be because they're this great secondary it has to be the guys up front taking control of the game. Dan any key injuries or maybe like half a dozen guys that probably seem to rest to give Washington a good chance and then give me your prediction. Yeah I mean the only one that's a little bit concerned is Malik neighbors popped up on the injury report yesterday limited with it says just like niche soreness and you know Dabel said he's fine. He's listed as a full participant not questionable but you know we only got to see a little bit of practice today but he you know he doesn't look like a guy is a hundred percent so I mean listen if that knee doesn't feel great. You know I think that could help Washington for sure because again it's touched on he's kind of the engine that's going to make this thing go. But again they're saying there's no concern so you know I guess we'll just see him. He kind of played every snap in his first game as a rookie so they're certainly going to lean on him so if his workload is limited that'll be noteworthy. And as far as prediction I put it in print this morning so I don't want to contradict myself. I think I said like Giants 23 to 16 like I think it'll be a typical Giants commander's game certainly not the most beautiful aesthetically pleasing game. I think you know Daniel Jones will find a little bit of that magic to do enough to kind of like save his job for a week. And you know again like I just think if this defense can't control this game like I don't know you know that I don't know who they're going to stop because it needs to be a lot better than it was last week against McDonald. Dan thank you for the time and all the insight helping us scout the Giants we appreciate it. Yeah you got a guy appreciate what Dan's work in the athletic Dan Duggan on Grant and Danny here on the fan. Danny it's hilarious to me that the conversations are so similar in the two markets. I mean it really is amazing. I cannot tell you listening right after their game on Tuesday to New York radio about how disappointing week one was thank God you've got disappointed in week two. You need to look better on both sides of the ball and you know going into this game. If not this game then when it's like the Spider-Man mean. I mean these teams are both looking at each other just pointing at each other. The difference and Dan pointed this out if we're still here in year three like they are of this Shane day bowl thing. Oh I believe it. Oh I believe it. I mean oh my God I blood pressure medication a padded room like I won't be able to handle it. So that's the only saving grace to me is that this is year one cleaning up the you know the poltergeist from Ron and the Marty party. We're still trying to do that more so that we are building towards the future I think. So maybe we need to be more patient but I don't have three years of patience to tell you that. Let's look at some of the fandal projections for how the game is going to play out. What do we think Jaden Daniels Terry McLaurin Brian Robinson Austin Echler having stored for the Giants. We'll do some over under us with the stats next on Grant and Danny here on the fan. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] Thanks to Toby for the update. Welcome back to Grant and Danny on the fan. I heard him talking about Maryland Virginia as part of the college slate this weekend. Used to be the ACC rivalry. I remember that. We would get that one every year. Here's what I don't understand though. How is Maryland a two and a half point favorite only on Virginia? Uh. Maryland came into the season way different conversation than the Cavaliers obviously. The look ahead line I saw last week on that game was almost 10 points. Now I know that Maryland lost in Virginia won this past week. And in pretty impressive fashion Virginia came back to stun Wake Forest 31-30. And it threw the ball for like 357 and three through the air. But still two and a half points separating Maryland and Virginia. Even though the games in Charlottesville makes no sense. That seems a little light. That's not a good sign if you're the Terps. No it is not. Coming off of their 27-24 dud where they lost Michigan State. Which was a dagger because everything was aligning for them to get off to a strong start again this year. If you were my best buddies went to UVA and after I think, I think they lost week one this year. I can't remember when this was but there was a funny text chain that roll on where they were sending fake headlines. Like fake editorials where it's like column. Sure Virginia canceled its football program column. Should they take all the money it was going to be for football and put it into a volleyball. Like just like stuff like that because it's gotten so bad. So that's not a great sign for the for the Terps being for real or them being back or big back or he a Terp or whatever. We're supposed to be doing Virginia is to know they just destroyed Richmond in the first. Last year and then they beat Wake Forest. Yeah, but regardless I was very surprised. I thought that'd be six and a half seven point line. Basically, you know, it's four points separate the two teams with the home field advantage or whatever baked into that line. All right, let's bring producer Darrus on to the show so that we can go through some projections for the commanders players. We'll use my beloved Fandal Sportsbook app to get some of the numbers. We're looking at their individual props. So these are the yards they're projecting for various players. You and I will play a little over under here. Well, hello there, Grant and Danny. Hi, there's Jaden Daniels. Let's start with QB one of the Washington commanders. His passing total is set at 197 and a half over or under as an under situation. I don't believe in their passing game. I don't think it's dynamic enough. I don't think they've got that tool in the bag just yet. I'll say over. That's a low total in the 100s and it's a game. Really, there's either way the game script plays out. You should be able to get there. You should either be able to get to 200 because you're balanced and it's the giants and you're making plays and that's why you win. Or if you're chasing the game and you're trailing, then it's really hard not to throw for 200 yards and it come from behind fashion if you're on the field for four quarters. So if it was 235 or something, I'd feel very, very different. But in the 190s plus all week long, Jaden Daniels has been hearing that he ran too much, that he didn't throw the ball enough. I think he makes a point. He stands in the pocket. He makes some throws down field. Remember, they almost hit on a 70 yard touchdown. Yep. This past week, Rotary McCorma's wide open. That gets you a third of the way to that total or more. That's like 35%, 40% of that total. So I will, I'll say they get there this week. The reigning rookie of the week here in 2024, Jaden Daniels has his rushing total set at 51 and a half rushing yards after rushing for 88 last week. That's an over. The weight was low considering it was 14 attempts, like true attempts when you take away the kneel down and the rushing attempt they gave him that was on an errant pass behind the line of scrimmage. So it's really like 14 for 88, but there's not a explosive like 38 yarder in there, which is coming. You know, maybe it's a 50 yarder. Maybe it's a 70 yard touchdown and that's not out of the realm of possibility. We're going to get a couple of those, I think this year with Jaden Daniels. So I'm going to say over 50 plus yards you saw it like I did. He wants to run. He is here to chew bubblegum and make plays with his feet and he might be out of bubblegum. I just hope they incorporate more of the passing game with it, but this is the superpower. Let them wear the cape. Let's do this thing. I'm hoping for like a seven, eight carry performance where he's in the sixties or seventies rushing. And I think he'll get there. This is what the offense can do. He is going over that total that that's going to be my sort of stance here until for the notice until proven otherwise until defense is taken away until this offense adjusts and shows me signs of life, I'm going to hammer that over. Let's keep it with the running game. Brian Robinson said at 52 and a half rushing yards is what's a little trick here. I actually like this giant's front better than Tampa's front. I know they were a little bit banged up talking about last week. I think the giant server smart enough to go. We can't allow this. We're going to make them beat us through the air. So I think they actually bottle up Brian Robinson this week. I think got a slight under right around 49 50 yards. I think total over for me for B Rob watching them in the Vikings, they didn't do a very good job on Minnesota's running game, particularly in the part of the game where Minnesota wasn't obviously running because they were ahead by a million points early on with balance. Aaron Jones ripped off a 19 yarder average 6.7 a pop. There was just a lot of space to be had there. The Vikings did the correct thing with the smart offensive minded head coach who I love and admire in Kevin O'Connell. They came out throwing the football to set up the run and it worked very well. But I think there's going to be enough room there. Robinson's going to run for over that total and we'll close out the rushing totals with Austin Eckler, our weekly guest on Tuesdays at five o'clock on grand day. Of course, 18 and a half rushing yards under and I'm going to order about it. They're not going to give him the football enough. I'm going to scream and yell on Monday about his usage. I just don't see them seeing the clearest day obvious fact that he needs the football more. I'll go under as well. I think he's going to be way more involved this week. I've got to imagine that they saw what I saw when they watched back and saw that he was shifting, had some wiggle in the open field and just did a lot of things well. But I think they're going to prioritize getting the football through the air would not surprise me. Honestly, if he had like four or five carries out of the shotgun, and if he does, I think that's over 20. So in fact, I'm kind of talking myself into the over here. You just did. Just live right there. Not too late. I'll say over five carries, like 24 yards, but I do think it's going to be like a six catch game for him for somewhere around 60 yards or so. I think it's going to be a very productive Austin Eckler game. I think he and Robinson will be the big producers in their offense for Daniels. If the commanders are going to get the air game going, they've got to get Terry McClure and going. They have his receiving total set at 40, eight and a half. That is just so sad, by the way, wide receiver one NFL offense, 48 and a half is the over under 23 million dollar man or whatever he is. I mean, oh my God, neighbors just by way of example, 66 and a half in this game. That's his over under. That's the, Hey, people are going to be on both sides of this people on both sides of Terry McClure and sub 50 yards. Oh my God. Everyone should be so embarrassed under. He's a receiver. Please for watching them. I'll say over because it's very, very low. I don't feel great about it. I don't think he's going to go for a hundred or catch 10 balls, but 48 yards. I need him to get 51 on seven catches or something. Just falling forward a couple of times after screens. I will say he goes over that things are so rough. They don't even have another receiver listed with props here. So we're going to go to the running backs again, Brian Robinson said at 11 and a half receiving yards. Well, that's a easy over and I'll just skip ahead to Austin Echler. What's his at Austin Echler who you can listen to on Tuesdays with Grand Dany here on the first seven to five right there 19 and a half receiving yards for Austin Echler over for both. I mean, again, I think they are the keys to the offense. There is a, I'm watching Austin Echler miked up today. The commanders put out this like six minute video of him miked up in Tampa Bay and he's as you can imagine, as advertised, like so likable and just a good dude roaming around talking everybody, but at one point, like after, and we don't know what drive it was, but presumably one of the two good ones, Dan Quinn came over to him and Brian Robinson and he's like, there you go guys way to do it. That's who we are right there. Keep it up. And I don't know if he meant like he basically said something like you guys got it going. That's who we are. Like there was never really a driver. They ran it well with those two. So I'm guessing he means who we are is we're going to throw it to you two and you can matriculate the ball. I don't know. I don't know if there's enough context there, but I do think they're both going to catch a lot of passes this season and they're both going to go well over those totals. Yep. Over over respectively for Robinson and Echler. That is something I am going to probably maybe wait for some money on that because this they they're not wide receivers. This is where the offense is going. That's what they do. Still looking for prop on another wide receiver scan. I mean, Theo Johnson has a prop in this game. Who is Theo Johnson? They don't go under who's Theo Johnson right now if you're in your car. Who's Theo Johnson? Don't look it up. You feel so good about Theo Johnson being a nobody. I don't know who Theo Johnson is. This is my point. I have never heard the name Theo Johnson until I read it. That guy's got a prop on Fandal. All right. No other Washington wide out has a prop. Come on. It's early. Why do you sleep on the silly tight end from Penn State? What's going on? Come on. Theo Johnson. Theo Johnson. Zach Earths. They do have a prop for him at 22 and a half receiving yards. Whatever. Yeah. I'm shocked. He didn't do more last week or wasn't targeted. 30 some last week, right? He did. But a couple of those were on the final drive garbage time, a couple of little hitch routes. He needs to be more involved. There's no reason. I mean, if you're not going to throw to receivers by God, please throw to a tight end. I've got over there also. I think he can fall down three or four times. Just get past that marker. Oh, we'll do a couple of giants here just for food and Daniel Jones, they have his passing total set at two, oh, eight and a half. Two, oh, eight and a half. I am right there. I'll say over. I'm going to have him at like two, seventeen now. I think they run the ball pretty well in this game. That's my sneaky thought. I think this is a Devon single dairy game. But I think Malik neighbors goes for like 86 and Daniel Jones goes for about two, 15 or so. You know, he's going to have a big game. Theo Johnson. Theo Johnson. Now Destin have a great game every time, please, I'm begging you guys. Every time Theo Johnson gets a target, a catch is involved in any way, please tweet Danny until Danny. It's his fault. Yeah. Theo Johnson has a prop as all I'm saying, uh, over Daniel Jones is playing Washington. He goes for 246 and two scores. That's so tough. Uh, and then I believe you guys both already have the overs on Malik neighbors who set at 66 and a half. Well, I don't know that you've said anything yet, Danny, but I definitely do. I mean, Malik neighbors, I'm hard in the paint for him. You guys know my hot take was I liked him better than Marvin Harrison Jr. coming out. Um, now that'll end up probably looking foolish because Harrison's so refined and legit, but I love Malik neighbors. I thought he was the best receiver in America last year, big, big fan. I don't think they got a guy that can cover him, uh, the only hope in my opinion for him not having a really good game is that whatever this knee thing is, bothers him enough that he's not as explosive and, uh, as dynamic as he normally will be. That's where I'm going. I'm actually going to take the under on this one because I think his knee is bothering him. And I do think that a slight adjustment will be made this week where he'll be bracketed, blanketed. There'll be all sorts of attention paid to him because no one else could beat you. It wasn't the case at Tampa Bay last week where Macmillan could beat you. Godwin can beat you. We're shot right out of the backfield beat them. Everyone can. No one can do anything on that offense in New York. So I actually think neighbors will be limited. He's going to go for 60 yards. We need to put these together to kind of figure out who ended up hitting on more after each game rather than just throwing them out into the ether. I think that could be fun, but mainly as a reminder, I want you when Theo Johnson catches a pass to put down your waffle box that you got when you walked in, right, put that down under your seat, grab your phone and then tweet at funny to Annie and let him know that the great, the great Theo Johnson, Theo Johnson just made a play. You don't remember him at Penn State at all, huh? Not even a little bit. When was he there last year? So you're rookie? Yeah. Is he the seventh year? Like if you guys were like, he actually went to Hawaii, I wouldn't know the difference. Like a guy that I have never heard of until right now has a fan to a prop. Like no one's talking about the most important point. Everyone's making fun of me about this Theo Johnson thing, which is fine. Like I've screamed all off season. Washington needs more at receiver. There's no other receiver on their on the board here that's even got a prop worth investigating. You see what I'm saying? Like sure. Like the, the, the, the company that is in business to, to say, hey, we want, don't you want to wager on this guy? Don't you want to find out if he has more or less than this? There's nobody that even registers for a company that's in the business to make money. I understand you're pointing. I'm not upset. I'm just trying to let you know Theo Johnson was one of the big names in the draft. I mean, at tight end, he was like the athlete. Everybody thought would go high. He went a little later than was thought going round barely. He was just outside of the top 100. Yeah. He's their starting tight end. Well, we got bent Senate. It was on the field for 10 snaps last week. So in your face, I guess there have been Senate basically. Yeah. So we didn't play at all. I know you caught a ball for 18 yards. Look at that. So by the way, there's this over. There's this over. If he, if he gashes on a scene route for 18 yards and does that like, hey, it's a first down Friday means we went off the field. What little tiny thing made your day better, made you smile that nobody else would care about, will open up our phones so that you can cheer people up with a little wodif next 800 636 1067. We're blitzing coming up in 20 minutes on the fan. Time to figure out how you're winning off the field. So, on Grant and Danny. Welcome back. Thanks for making the show. Party your day. We'll take you up to 615 tonight. The question is what's gone right in your day that you feel good about that made you smile that nobody else would care about. These are tiny little mini moral victories. You can line up your calls now at 800 636 1067. I'll give you an example. I will be going to an NFL regular season football game in person. Well, for the first time in about eight months on Sunday and just the smell of that freshly cut grass and the tailgate seen in the parking lot as I'm walking up to the stadium and the fact that I am back at an NFL game is going to put me in a mood of both nostalgia and happiness and for those things I am winning off the field this morning, I was looking for a match to a sock. So you'll notice if you look up here, GP, I've got the same sock on like both feet. They're matching socks and that was in doubt. I'm looking around. I'm scrolling. I'm in the sock drawer. I find one of these socks. I'm like, what the hell happened to the other one? What's going on? And I'm going through and not trying to not unfold folded laundry to find that sock. You know what I mean? It's here somewhere. I'm not going to lose the sock. I become determined. Right? I got another dryer. I do the move where you touch the roof of the dryer, you spin the thing around. See, maybe it got stuck on one of the sides. I'm checking all over the place and wouldn't you know it? What had happened was I went back to the original scene of the crime to my room and I'd open up the dresser somehow. I don't know how I did this, but I did it. The matching sock had fallen out of the drawer and gone right behind me. After asking how that happened, I have no idea, but the long story short is I find the second sock. It's not like lost. I'm not like frustrated about it. It just took a little bit, but I found it there for him winning off the field. The world's an imperfect place. Socks fall out of drawers all the time, Danny. I have to ask you a question though. Do you normally fold your socks into like the firm ball? Yeah, I do the ball up. Are you the guy that just the top of the sock folded down? No, I do the ball up and I'm. I do too. So you have balls of socks. And every and every once in a while, like generally the way it works around the homes that is, like I hate all things laundry. Like if my wife didn't exist, I would pay to have my laundry done, folded and returned to me, whatever the cost. I hate it. There's nothing I hate more, but most of the time it's like, Hey, here's your stuff. You can fold it how you want, put it away as you want. Everyone saw my wife is like, I will do it for you, which is so sweet, so kind, so nice, so awesome. So she may have a different system sometimes of sock folded or ball up or kind of whatever. He's not a sock ball guy. I don't know that she is or isn't it? It's just sort of like she's trying to get through and get a ton, which I get. I'm not doing me a favor. I'm not going to question the favor. So in this case, it seems there wasn't a ball up or was there or wasn't a firm ball up. You follow me? When I wall it up, I have I could throw those pair together. So I think there's like three ways for your socks to be done. One is you just have loose socks in your drawer and you match them as you put them. Which is just insane to me. Those people are crazy. Two is what I do and it sounds like what you do, which is the sock ball. Yeah. You can play baseball with it. Yes. It's firm. You throw it. You would feel it. If it hits you. Yeah, it wouldn't hurt. But you'd feel it. It's it's you know, like a tape ball or something hitting you in the back. The third thing is just the fold down enough to keep them together. But then like the end, the other parts of the sock are also loose. So if you threw it, if there's something a ball apart, was it like that? I think it might have been like that. Because her focus is generally on folding shirts and things so meticulously to the point right ago. That's a big waste of time. That takes too long. But that's how she does it. Socks. She's just trying to get through. Let's get to the listening audience. See how they're winning off the field. Steve's in Warrington. Hello, Steve. I got you guys. How you doing? Everybody doing very well. Good. This morning, I was running a little a little late to work. I went to wait for breakfast burrito, left it in their microwave, left half. And then we didn't have enough time to stop for breakfast, but I got to work. The boss had bought donuts for everybody, so therefore I was winning off the field. It's a good feeling. When you think you don't have breakfast, and then you do. Somebody has some extra, they say, would you like some and you say you bet. Brian and Reston, how are you? Hey, what's going on, guys? Brian. So, so, Grant, you were saying a couple of weeks ago that you went to an original bar and had a blast. Right? We did. We were in Richmond. We just stumbled in. Yeah. So, this weekend is a massive, massive game for Arsenal. It's the equivalent of Cowboys commanders, almost used the old term. Sure. But, first thing first, if you're going to be an Arsenal fan, you have to learn what do we think of Tottenham and what you reply to that. Okay. Anyway. Can we say it on the air? Oh, boy. Do it. Do it. Do it. I'm not playing the work. And, yeah, we don't like them at all. But I have two twin boys named Kieran and Declan, and I actually named them after Arsenal players, and I ordered new tips for them, and they just came in the mail with their names on the back and the level numbers. Therefore, I am winning off the field. There you go. Yeah. For those of you that missed the story, Danny and I had an event in Richmond. Mm-hmm. That was a lot of fun to kick off the football season with some of our listeners down there on AM 910 and FM 1010. One, the sports bar that I know down there that I used to go to all the time when I would go to Redskins training camp is called gusses. I walk in and there's an Arsenal game on TV and there's 700 Arsenal fans chanting and screaming and doing the whole thing every time anybody kicks a soccer ball. And by the end, I had just kind of fallen in love with the whole vibe and decided I needed to watch more games like that. Yeah. And I was there already somehow. Like, yes, that was also weird. I'm hanging on my buddy Brad. We got some time to kill before we had to be at the venue and he's like, there's a bar around the corner. You want to just go grab some wings. I'm saying, yeah, great. And we walked in and it's like, we are on our way to our song. I'm like, how does everyone know the words? What is this? Where are we? It's almost like a cheerleading routine where one of the cheerleaders just says a couple of words like aggressive and everyone's like be aggressive, be aggressive, be aggressive, be a GGR, SSI, be you know, whatever, you know, these guys from Richmond are singing with like, we're better shot, I'm saying, I don't know what this is, but like, I don't get it. Shout something and everyone knew it. And they knew immediately. Tony and Woodbridge. What's up? So nobody wanted the ticket that I was so graciously offering. I'm going to have to go to the game. But not all is lost. At least I get to see while they perform during the halftime. So therefore I am winning off the field now by way of nobody wanting your ticket. There you go. Silver linings. Playbook. Playbook. I think is what we're talking about. Beat me to it. Alex is in Woodbridge. Hi guys. Happy Friday. Come on. Tottenham fans. I have to say the Arsenal stand up, but we have stumbled into something here, by the way. Wow. Maybe I got to now watch a game at a Tottenham bar and I'll tell you. Are they isn't more fun than the Arsenal bars? The Irish Channel, the Irish Channel, right by where the caps and wizards play is a Tottenham bar. I am intrigued. Wow. Okay. So my dad is sick. He lives in North Carolina. I had to go visit him, help take care of him. And my teenage son plays high school football here in Northern Virginia. It's raining in North Carolina this morning and I'm driving back and I'm like, man, I do not have an inmate after dealing with my sick dad to sit through the rain to watch high school sports because, you know, this is the good time of year for the weather usually for watching your kid play sports. You're not too hot. You're not too cold. Just like in a crappy mood as I'm driving through North Carolina, I get to Richmond. Sunny blue skies. Attaboy. It's be a perfect night to watch high school football and I am therefore winning off the field. Winning off the field. Is your son play for? Is he a Viking? He plays he plays for James Madison High School in Vienna, Vienna. All right. The war off. Madison Warhawk Attaboy. All right. Well, thank you, Alex. We appreciate you and all the best to your father as well. Sorry to hear that. Vinnie and seat pleasant on Grant and Danny. What's up, Vinnie? Charlotte. How you doing today, man? How are you? I'm chilling. You too. Last night I went out to the movies with a close friend to the Alamo draft house got there a little late. They gave us a 15 minute grace period, but we missed it. They locked the doors and we couldn't get in. So we couldn't do anything about the refund because I got the tickets to a fan dango. What? On our way out. The manager quarters at the door gave us some free movie passes for tonight and some free movie snacks. So that's why I am winning off the field. All right. You're going to see. Vinnie. Beetlejuice. Okay. All right. I'd like to say I'm going to see that, but I'm not going to. You got no interest in that one? I just don't. I'm sorry. The original one came out before you were really like around or it seems weird the costume, the whole deal. It's just not for me. It is definitely weird. It's a Tim Burton weird movie, but the first one was great. You could stop at Tim Burton. All right. That's just not for you. Pretty much out. But here's the deal. Is there popcorn? Is there some Coke zero? You could probably trick me into it, but you'd have to work at it a little bit, but I just have zero interest, but I'll go to a movie that there's there's something else I could see. I'll go with you. I think I'll right now. Let's see. Beetlejuice. There isn't actually because I was just looking the other day and I was like, no, I don't want to see that. I don't want to see that. There's a couple of things I've already seen that were pretty good, but you could find something. But for me, we're down the depth chart a little ways. All right. There you go. Grant and Danny. Good round. Well done everybody. We appreciate you. Let's blitz next. The teams in town. You care the most about it. 525 tonight. What will you be saying if the commanders win as opposed to if they lose where Grant and