Grant and Danny

Full Show- Thursday, September 12th, 2024

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12 Sep 2024
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Thursday, September 12th, 2024. Welcome into Grant and Danny live on the fan. We'll take you all the way up to 6 15. And that's pregame tonight. I'm excited to get back over to that's park for the first time in a couple of weeks it feels like. So I will see you at the ballpark if you're headed over there this evening. Danny, how are you? I'm very well had one weird thing happen to me that everyone is looking at me and telling me that I'm stupid. I'll tell you what it is super quick. My wife and I swapped cars. She has a lot of shuttling to do with the kids and sports equipment and stuff, whatever. So I'm driving her car. I got a little indicator that says your key fob is out of battery. I have that's never happened to me before. I've had so many cars. I've had leases for three years at a time. I've owned cars that is I've never seen that. I'm and I'm near panic. Like, what does that mean? Is the car is not going to start now? Because now you can't just plug a key into the ignition and turn it. It's is it detected? You push the start, whatever. So in a in like a panic that like the car is just going to not run anymore, I get to a CVS and they have these little stupid circle batteries that I've kind of never seen. I've never used it for anything possible that you've never seen those. I've never watched there. But they're tiny. I changed a tiny wristwatch battery at some kiosk in them all before. And like it ended up being fairly routine. But I was like thrown by this and everyone's doing exactly what you're doing. You're going, yeah, it's the most routine thing ever. I've never heard of that. Well, as you know, I am incapable of any time anything, really. And I have no skills that I'm not really a man or a person. We both know that right. We're saying having said that. What you're describing is something that is 100 level for me. And I'm not trying to zone your key Bob is running a battery many times 15 times really. Oh, yeah, constant. It has. I have never see. I didn't know it was like if you would ask me yesterday, all of the money. Yes, all of it right now, you could double it or or be indigent. Does a key can a key fiber on a batteries? Give me double my money immediately. I would have said no, if I may. And this we're treading on. I hope I'm not going to insult you territory. I'm quite prepared to be insulted on this because I'm the weird one. This is a white collar issue because you you have cars for like eight months at a time and then trade them back in and get something else cool. If you have a car for an extended period of time, this is a Wednesday occurrence. I promise you. I've done everything. I'm much older than you. Yeah, I've at least vehicles for the full three years. Never in those three years has a battery expired to the point that I have to replace. That's interesting. I've owned cars for longer than that. Never. Now granted, that was kind of the time before time when it was still plug and play, but still the remote part of it probably requires some kind of power at some point, right? That has never happened. I've never heard of it. Well, I'm glad you got it sorted out. I did it myself. Winter, winter chicken dinner fixed it while I'm bragging about how I can do so many things. Yeah, you're a very accomplished guy. I'm Mr. Fixer, boy. You know that about me. My air conditioning stopped working. Oh, no. So I called someone my dad. Right. I'm 36. I called my dad. I'm like, Hey, what do I do? What am I supposed to do? So he's like trying to walk me through it on the phone, do this, check this, check that. So we didn't get anywhere. Right. He did his best. He's using words like coolant. He gave me instructions. Didn't really work. But what we came to an agreement on was I have to open this latch. I have to pull this like lever. Oh, come on. I'm not even joking. Pull like a lever out. Flip it. The word inverse was used, which I've only ever heard with like an airplane that flips upside down like top gun and we were inverted. Flip the lever and then go into the off position, plug it in and then plug, invert it again and go back into the on position. And then it was supposed to turn on. And it did. And I followed a million bucks, except that the fan didn't work. Oh, so I realized in that moment, so the one of six seven didn't work. Right. So my air conditioning was broken. Okay. So this is the end of the road now where I've done all the stuff I can do. So I called a person and the person came out today. And they said, well, it's going to be one of two things will either be that your capacitor needs to be replaced, which is really cheap or your capacitor. Your air fan engine motor needs to be replaced. And that's not as cheap. And I was, what's going to be that one? Because that's just how things go for your boys sometimes. And it was that one. But they could have been better. They couldn't have been more awesome. Everything about the situation was fine. I tell you this just to tell you, I felt like such a dude. I get why people do it. He came around the back of my house and I'm leading him to the place where I've been working hard and getting my hands. Yeah. I mean, you get your hands are in it. I mean, look at the shot of the cows on the YouTube page. Look at that. Look at these hands. Look at that. These aren't keyboard hands here. So I say to the guy, I'm like, so I've been looking at this and what I've kind of figured is. Well, I did the bit and I told them all about how I did it. But then I also called my brother-in-law who's like a very manly guy. And he said it's either your capacitor or your motor. And I told him, best I could tell it's either the capacitor or the motor. And like, we're walking around. And we got there and he's like, dude, thank you for the breakdown. He's like, you just saved me 30 minutes of tests. He's like, that's awesome. And I was like, are you serious? Wait, really? I helped. And he's like, yeah, like, just you being able to do that is like, this will make this process so much easier. Now, first I thought he was joking because no way I was right. Right. And he was dead serious. And I just felt silly. I'm like, yeah, all those other people whose houses you go to. You go to some rank amateur's house. No, no, no, no. I was literally repeating the thing that my brother-in-law had said to me on the phone like an hour ago. But I felt sick. You go to my co-host house. You don't know which ways I've done. It was bought from his elbow. I just felt great. Also, power of smell, big deal. Wanted to bring this up. Power of smell brings back memories, brings you back to a certain time. So you know that two times this week, the first two times probably in our 10 years together, I've brown-bagged my lunch. I don't know if you've seen this, but I've packed a sandwich. I've noticed it at home. Packed it like I put him and turkey on it. Like you did it. White bread with cheese and mustard and mayonnaise. And I've just put it in a brown bag. And long story short, today I was going in to get my laptop cord. Okay. And I was like digging in my book bag. And I had that smell of like brown bag sandwich in a book bag smell. And I was back in third grade. Like packing a bunch. Right on the bus. Yeah. I swear to God, I felt like I was going on a field trip. I'm like, are we going to Jamestown today? What is this smell in my book bag? But the power of smell is unbelievable. It's the strongest inside the memory. There's a perfume every now and then I get. And there's a person I remember from like 27 years ago that were that. I mean, it is crazy to me how smell works 100% of thing. Like the other day, this is totally true. I was at, I don't remember where it was, or some restaurant or some kind of place, some diner. And the way they were cooking the eggs, I was instantly back in my grandparents cabin in West Virginia where my southern grandmother made the best eggs I've ever had still to this day. She did some kind of thing where she whipped them up and there was a whole buttermilk situation. It's very whole thing was very southern. But I smelled the eggs smell, not regular eggs, but like something they were doing with their eggs. And I went, I'm 10 years old. It's Thanksgiving. She's got to make a whole meal, but she's going to stop because her grandson is hungy. I love that. You know, the best. Oh, that's so good. What did she do with the eggs? She whipped them. So when do you decide to put an H before a W? I don't. I just I mess around. I mean, there are people that do that. Well, no, it's because it's a family guy bit. I know you're not familiar because you don't watch the show. But one of the most famous bits here is Stewie talking to Brian, right, the baby talking to the dog. And he says, could whip. Why are you saying the H that way? Why am I saying quote, what way? Say cool, cool, say whip, quip, quip, quip. Like he does this whole bit. But you know, that's a thing. I didn't. Oh, for sure. One of my best buddies, dads said, like the Chicago white socks, that terrible team, the white socks in the American center. Yeah, they are the white, you know, and it's what, like, what's going on over there? No, quat and whale. So I didn't know if you were just know going for a H.W. on it's a little bit. Okay, a little bit of a bit a little bit H.W. over there. All right, we've got to fire up Ryan's theme music before we get into the show. We are busy this morning. We are not this morning. I'm sure there's a lot of things we've got to tend to before we can even talk about Thursday night football or the commanders, the nationals tonight, all the other stuff on the docket. So Rhino texted the show chat and said he had a guessing game for us. We said, what do you mean? And this has happened occasionally. I had one of these. Yep. You've had a couple of them. I've had a couple. Yeah. And Clary had one today where I believe you're claiming that you bumped into in the wild a DC sports celebrity. Yes, I did. I was on a run this morning and I saw this famous DC athlete out in the wild. Okay. And this is not just a story you made up to let us know that you run a run. Correct. No. Okay. This is not. Yeah. That's what I did. I did. I didn't want people to know that I was on a run Obama style. Let me be clear. Let me be clear. So this did happen. Not you. You could have just said guys, I went for a run and then we could have just done the show. You're not making a thing. Well, we were proud of you for going on a run. Let's start with that. Do we get yes or no questions? Or do we have to do the thing Danny made us do? Or we just have to guess right away without any. No, I say yes or no questions. Go for it. Okay. Was this person also doing exercise on said trail? No. Is this a current DC athlete or a former DC athlete? I guess current DC athlete. Yes. Current. Current. Current. Were they sitting somewhere? No. Does this person play hockey? Yes. Alex Ovechkin. No. Tom Wilson. Ding Ding Ding. Boom goes to Tom. I botched it. So Arlington guys are Larry Arlington, bro. Tom Wilson makes perfect sense. Yes. So I never stopped and like I would have or anything. I did not want to, but I kind of put two and two together because he was walking out of a boxing gym, I believe. So is it bash the one he like cones? Maybe. Yeah. I saw it like it was a boxing. It's very he polishes up his fighting skills so that he can go whip somebody's ass in October. Yeah. So I saw him this morning. I immediately texted like my Rangers friends and they all hated it. But man, it was really cool. He's a big guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Small digit. Like I felt so small. And we little boy throwing his weight around out there knocking all those guys over like I did like the double take where it's like I was already past them and like turned around and I was like, Oh my God. What was he wearing? White shirt. Great pants. Sweaty. Uh, no, it looks like he just showered. Okay. Hatter. No hat. No hat. So you're saying how big he was. Were you at all taken aback by how handsome he was? Or was that not? I did the double like I like so far away. Were you close enough to be like, even if it wasn't Tom Wilson, you'd be like, Oh my God, that's a good looking guy. Oh, 100% like you just look at him and be like, first off, he's huge. And second off, Oh my God, this guy's handsome Taylor Pischke lucky lady. Oh my God. No doubt about that. That's a father. Tom Wilson seen Tom Wilson in the wild would be pretty. He's now got two kids because he's been the father of the Newark Rangers for a long while. Hello there. And now he's got an actual baby child. So that's two kids. He was having a good time. I think so you could have. It was just you and him. It will. No. So it was like basically in the middle of Roslyn. I mean, it was probably like at 9 a.m. this morning, maybe. I mean, people were out there walking to work and you were on your run. I was on a run. I was where I was not walking. I was running. And I saw him walk out. Nobody was like stopping him or anything. Like I was like turning around kind of like backwards pedaling. He was like, Oh my God, two things on that one hockey players more than any other famous players in any sport get to just live their lives. A lot of them have just like normal cars and just go to restaurant. I mean, they're just normal dudes that by far the most, not to say others aren't down to earth, but they're just they're a little bit more innocuous. The part of it is the money, even though he's got a big contract, they're just very, very down to earth, normal grounded guys. Like there's a lot of dudes, especially in the Clarendon, Roslyn, Balston region that are between 511 and 62 and way right around 200 pounds. Like some of them playing the NHL. The problem right now, he's a little bit bigger. Obviously more handsome. Tom Wilson ain't blending in at Whitlow's. Well, like it's hard for a basketball player to blend in where you just go, I don't even even know who that dude is. He's six, eight. Like they're just not many of those dudes, just just around, you know, football players to just, you know, you can, if you're a kind of like, you know, maybe some wide outs, but like a running back here in there in street clothes, you may or may not know, but again, some 330 pound lineman, we're just like that person stands out. I bet you they do something. If you're a member of the Washington wide receiver room, you're just very normal size, regular size, so you're not going to stand out. But a lot of players to your point will. But the other thing is in Arlington, I also think people are so used to seeing Tom Wilson and capitals, because he's out with his wife and his kid and he's walking and TJ, oh, she all these guys live there that it's almost like celebrities in LA. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, sure. I remember the first time I went to LA, I saw a couple of not even high-end celebrities. We're talking about like, low-rend sea level, d-level celebrities, and I was psyched. We were on this, my father and I were walking in this like outdoor mall, and Kevin Nealon like walked by. And I'm like, that's Kevin Nealon. That's Kevin Nealon. My dad's like, okay. All right. I'm like, I want to go get a picture. And he's like, yeah, let's just keep walking. Let's, let's let him do his thing. We'll do our thing. David just not impressed. Nobody cares about Kevin Nealon in LA. You know what I'm saying? It's just, it's just their Wednesday. I think it's kind of like that with the caps in Arlington. But at a boy, Clary, that I like that. That's a good little guessing game to get today. Good signing on Grant and Danny. I botched it with my OV guess. You did better than me. I think it was a botch. That's a pretty reasonable guess. He's in Arlington. Tom Wilson, mayor of Arlington, I'm pretty sure. I think he's the two-time mayor. Uh-huh. It's been voted a couple times. Like incumbent mayoral. You ready for a little Thursday night football? Dude, it's signed. A rare, excellent matchup too. As good a matchup on Thursday night as you're going to get. Bills, dolphins, both these teams, mostly healthy. Both these teams think they can win the division. I love what Mike McDaniel, the head coach of Miami said as they get ready for a second home game to start their season in as many opportunities here. He said the bills are the best team in the division until somebody knocks them off. They wear the crown. There's no reason to pretend like we're something we aren't. This is Buffalo's division until somebody else wins the thing. I like when coaches don't hide from it and he has an all-off season and they're going on like 24 years without a playoff win. So he starts all their meetings at 24 after the hour and everything they do is based on the number 24. He is trying to dangle in front of them the you haven't earned anything yet and they haven't. They've been good in the regular season and have done nothing in the playoff. Yeah. So the next step is, is that, right? It went from nice story where they were tanking and couldn't get right and, you know, the coach was suing the team and the owner was allegedly telling the coach to try to lose games and everything was awful. They've, they've come a long way. They've been pretty decent here for the last few seasons. Well, that's nice. Now everybody's ready for the next step, ready for the ascension, right? It's kind of the same thing that Baltimore's gone through where he got some great regular seasons and now we're looking at their watch going, okay, when do you do it? When do you get to the Super Bowl? When do you do the, the next big deal, right? So people are looking at Miami saying, I don't trust you yet, which I get because I don't trust him either. I'm, I'm part of that big giant team in September and October. I think I know who they are. I also got a good feeling in November, December, where I feel like there they'd be the level of play goes down a little bit. I think tonight is going to be telling just because styles make fights in a way. The bills aren't really equipped for shootout, in my opinion. So if Miami can make enough plays offensively and score a bunch of points, I don't see how Buffalo life after Stefan Diggs and Gabe Davis in week two is ready to do that yet. They've got to run the football, which is a new thing for them in 2024. They did that last week with James Cook. They need Josh Allen to be successful on the ground as well. He's big and physical and one of the giants position so he can take on more contact in the average bear, but it's going to be a different look for them. Their leading receiver last week was Keon Coleman in his first ever game, four grabs for 50 yards. So they need a game that's like 24 20 in the 27 23. Miami probably wants a game where if they can get into the 30s, it's going to be hard for Buffalo to get there. But kickoff is slated for about six hours out, 8 15 East time. We'll get you a bunch of details and a preview on the game as we get closer. Quickly, we should congratulate Jaden Daniels news out of Ashburn today. Daniels off of 88 rushing yards and two touchdowns on the ground was named the NFL's player of the week for week one in his first ever week in the national football league. So congrats to him. This was something that was a staple throughout Robert Griffin's rookie year. I don't remember if he won three of these or four of these, but there's no doubt that Jaden Daniels outperformed Caleb Williams who was bad, Bo Nix who was bad. The only guy that would have an argument here that might enter the chat and say, sorry, but I had a great week too is Xavier Worthy who scored the two touchdowns for the Chiefs, but Daniels number two overall pick. I think perfectly deserving and congrats to him. Pretty cool honor. Yeah, it's it is neat. You don't take anything away, but this also wasn't the most banner week for rookie performances, right? I mean, I'm sure maybe a lineman somewhere was awesome and grade worthy, but we all kind of know how these awards work, right? People were wow by the what could have been multiple rushing touchdowns and then, you know, nearly 90 rushing yards and some of the plays that are highlight worthy, right? Where's getting out of the pocket, making people miss and flying around the field. So yeah, it's a neat thing, but it's also, you know, context is important. We talked about this years ago with chase young winning defensive rookie of the year. Some years you wouldn't want it that year. You did. You don't take it away, but you just acknowledge the circumstances. Grant and Danny live on the fan. You can watch us. We are streaming on video on the one oh six, seven, the fan YouTube page as we do each and every day. Both the offense and the defense were disappointments and week one against Tampa. If you would have bet on one side of the ball to break out and bounce back in week two against an inferior Giants group compared to Tampa Bay, which side of the ball would you put your money on? We'll get into that next on G and D on the fan. [BLANK_AUDIO] Cliff Kingsbury spoke with the media today and said a few things that we want to play and react to that I think you guys will find interesting notably one of his play calls or Jaden Daniels ran and took a hit. He said was the worst play call he's ever made. So we'll play that audio for you. He also when talking about Jaden Daniels gave some reasons why maybe Daniels ran as much as he did. And at one point said and I'm paraphrasing, but hey Lamar Jackson ran that many times as well. So is it really the biggest deal? And again, that's my words, not his, but we'll play all the clips and let you guys make up some of your own decisions on how Kingsbury felt about week one. That's coming up at three o'clock here on Grant and Danny. So you want to be listening then. The commanders are getting ready for the Giants were three days away. I was told by the way that they have now sold out. Yes. I've not seen an official announcement, either that's coming or they won't be making one. Maybe I've already missed it, but I was told from somebody with the team that they are in fact sold out. Yeah. So we discussed that yesterday that last year at this point, they had been sold out for several days. There was a big push, a big announcement, a big look what's going on. Not only this game, the home opener, because last year was week one, but beyond that, you know, weeks out in advance, they were letting people know, hey, this is working. This is happening. You're part of something. We're building. We haven't had that same energy, same excitement, but to their credit, they've sold out week one. So that's a good thing. Last year was the Cardinals who didn't travel. So you know, it was all commanders fans this year. It's the Giants. They've got fans in the area and we'll come down 95. So I will be curious to see the breakdown of the fans in the stands, but we can get into that more detail after Sunday when we get to see some of the optics at the stadium. But if one of the two sides of the ball bounces back, who are you more confident in doing so after the clunker for the offense and the dud for the defense? We'll open up the MGM National Harbor listener lines on this at 800-636-1067 now. This is an easy one for me, the defense. Not because the defense is good and I don't expect it to be good, but because the Giants are that bad. The Giants offense is a worse version of Washington's offense. They don't have anything. They don't have the ability to do anything. They are low ceiling, even lower floor. They are turnover prone. They can't run it. They can't throw it. There's very little they're capable of doing. They're going to make a lot of teams look like the 85 bears. Minnesota expect to give up a bleep ton of points this year. I don't think that defense will be particularly good. They looked in the 2000 Ravens called and then what their stat line back. So the defense this week has an opportunity just by being in uniform to have themselves a pretty decent day. I definitely agree that it's a great matchup for the defense and that they should be a lot better than they were. You're not dealing with Mike Evans and Chris Godwin. And I think when you're dealing with really good wide receivers with Washington secondary on the field, they're going to get exposed. But I do think potentially the best weapon on the outside in the game is Malik Nape. I grew up in neighbors is going to be sexy all year long to watch. And he is a blast first down in the touchdown type talent. And again, five for 60 and change in his debut. But I'm going to go with the other side of the ball, actually, and Washington's offense. And it's a similar reason for me. I thought the Giants defensively were putrid in their secondary and against the pass. They did an okay job actually getting pressure on Sam Darnold at times. But Sam Darnold always had outlets. He was able to get the ball out, whether it was checking it down or in the intermediate area. He was able to push the ball down the field at times. And by the way, Darnold, I thought was dynamite. If you guys didn't see his first game with the Vikings, you know, it's his last chance, maybe as a starter in this league. And it's not even going to be in Minnesota long term after they drafted JJ McCarthy. But it's a pretty good situation for him with Kevin O'Connell and Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison and Brian Flores led defense that at least against the Giants looked very good in week one. But I thought that the Giants secondary, which Chris Bizignano, the Giants insider who joined us yesterday on blitzing, he said, is just flat out bad. Looked putrid when I went back and rewatched the game. I could not believe, and this is not to take away from Sam Darnold, who did a nice job. I mean, he was, I want to say 14 for 14 or something like that. Sure at the game, yeah. To start that game, he petered off a little bit as the game went. But he was just throwing to open receivers often in the first couple of quarters. They finished week one 30th in yards per play defensively, dead last in a couple categories and 29th against the past. They gave up about 5.6 yards per play. They could not get off the field and they were 32nd in sacks per pass attempt. So you look at some of those things, you know, from last year, those numbers carried over into 2024 where they were 28th against the pass and 28th against the run and 28th in yards per play and 26th in sacks per pass attempt. It's not just week one. It's last year's numbers too. This is not a good defense. And specifically, it's not a good secondary. And I think it's just with the doctor ordered for some open receivers, throwing the ball into space into bigger windows for Jaden Daniels, and maybe getting these receivers going a little bit. If it's going to happen, this is the week it's going to happen. You know what I mean? Like, you're not going to have many better opportunities than this one. I don't think they have that card to play. I don't think they've got that waiting where they're good enough to take advantage of bad. Like we talked about that a lot. Remembering possible. Remembering Rivera's first year that that weird 2020 year, we all know what happened. But they got a chance to beat up on some bad quarterbacks teams that were reeling and they were just good enough to take advantage of bad. That's a threshold. I know that sounds trivial, and we should frankly expect a lot more. But there is a baseline. In other words, if you're not any good, you're finding yourself down in the muck with another team. It's not very good. And it's a rock fight. If you're decent, if you're part of that middle bucket and you play a terrible team, see the Saints and Panthers this weekend. The Saints aren't, they're not going anywhere, not special about them. 789 wins-ish. But they beat the brakes off of that hapless group of zilches down there. And if you're good enough, you can do that. If this unit is good enough at all to do anything at any point in time, this is the week. Yeah, I don't know what Washington is yet, and I don't want to sit here and pretend to know. I've got one game, which isn't enough, especially when you don't take the preseason seriously. And that's not a knock on how they did it, although it's not how I would do it. But it's not on how the league does it. Sure. And enough with the argument that we've had for years as an industry, not UNI specifically, but football fans and media have had about not needing the preseason and look at the Rams. The product is worse in week one than it is in week 10 bar none, passing offenses statistically way down. People pay for not playing their starters every single year in the preseason, and we pretend like they don't, which is fine if your point is just to keep guys healthy and you'll wear it for a week or two. Okay, but let's just acknowledge what it is. So I think it's important to say we don't really know what's going to be good, what's going to be bad from this operation yet. We've got one game and in a week to week league, it could be completely misleading. But a lot of our priors got confirmed, and I think that's where some of our confidence is coming from, which isn't always fair. But I will just say that if we're saying which side of the ball is going to improve, both of them have a great chance to. It's your best shot for a while as bad as the Giants are, though, they're doing the exact same thing there about Washington, just so everybody knows. And I'm not just saying that. I mean, I actually listened to their radio, WFAN, a couple of days back. And after their game, they were referencing the potential of Daniel Jones being on the hot seat and going to the backup quarterback and what other changes could they make. And the idea was, well, look, they've got Washington this weekend is your get right game. They've got a chance to break out on offense, to play a lot better, look a lot better on defense against the rookie quarterback and receivers that they don't worry about, right? It's the same thing we're talking about. So it's an even game in a lot of ways. Like Washington is a narrow favorite. I think the line opened at three. It's down to one and a half in a lot of places. You get two for being at home. So by definition, the odds makers actually think the Giants are probably a half point better or so than Washington. It's a toss up type game. But both sides of the ball should be able to look way, way, way, way, way better than they did last week. And there's only a couple games like this on the schedule. Like this one in the Panthers where you go in and go, Hey, let's get right on both sides of the ball. And it's a plausible thing. It could absolutely happen. Indeed. And there might be other opportunities as the year progresses with with injuries or how a team is playing, et cetera. But remember, going into this season, there was only one game. This is from Mike Clay with the SPN where Washington was the prohibitive odds on favorite to win this week, two game against the Giants. And I think the Panthers was closer to 50 50. I think I would change those odds now, but that's just me talking. So yeah, there is an opportunity here, right? Week one, the thing that has frustrated me a little bit is everyone's now kind of saying, well, Tampa's really good. They've made Tampa into some world beater. They might win that garbage NFC South, but so what? They're not going anywhere. And if they do, I'll eat my hat. But this is another team that's down bad for a different reason, right? This is the beginning of a build, even though they won't say it. I'm happy to say it, by the way, this is the beginning of a build. They're trying to start something here. And I give them credit. There's going to be some pain and some growing pains dealing with it. New York is in a very different place. They had a choice and they paid their quarterback a lot of money, not as not the top end of the market, but not the bottom either. That's a lot. They moved on from certain players going, we can't afford to keep both, say, Juan Barkley and this guy, we can't afford this. They were acting like they're supposed to be pretty decent. Like they thought they were going to be competitive. At least that's what it looked like to me with some of their moves and with that off-season hard docs. There weren't different spaces, right? But both teams come in probably needing some validation. And it's not a must win for any kind of football sense because it's a must win if you're trying to get to the playoffs or trying to do something special this year. I don't think that's in the cards. Maybe some fans did, but I don't. To me, this is a must show better for both organizations must be much better than you were in week number one, which was a massive letdown for a lot of people. So Danny thinks that the defense is going to look a lot better than it did against the box. I'm going to go with the offense and roll the dice on them taking advantage of a bad giant secondary. Which side of the ball do you have more confidence in having a week two Renaissance here and a bounce back effort? 806361067. Also, it looks like the commander's fans in attendance this week are going to be given a pretty funny and pretty cool gift for going to the game. Let's get into that next on G and D right here on the fan. a lot of people are going to be able to get a good chance to get a good chance to get a good chance. [silence] Wait till you hear what the commanders are going to be giving away to fans making their way into Northwest Stadium in Landover Maryland this weekend for the team's home opener. I'll tell you in just a couple of minutes and it should be pointed out that this has never been given away at a sporting event that I'm aware of before. It's pretty funny. Are you listening to G and D on the fan? Question is offense or defense? Where are you putting your money down? Who's going to play better this weekend? Who has a bounce back game? The Giants are bad at least according to week one on both sides of the ball and frankly they weren't a whole lot better on either sides of the ball last year. So who do you like to get right? The offense or the defense? Go to Brandon and Richmond on G and D. What's up Brandon? Hey fellas. Hey man, Daniel Doge has a best game against us. Our offense has to do it. I mean our defense has always been a stiff. I mean what's last time we had a good corner Sean Springs. I mean come on now. We've been terrible on the back side for a long time. I like the Sean Springs reference a good pull. I saw him at a practice in Ashburn like 12 years since he last played or whatever it was a couple of weeks back. So it's funny to think of him being potentially the last good corner. Although obviously that's a little bit stick but a lot funny. Daniel Jones is 27. He has had his best games of his career against Washington. Not anecdotal statistical. Just a fact. He is in eight games against Washington. Lift them up to the effect that the Giants are six one and one in those games. And just as an example against the Eagles over that same stretch with Daniel Jones at quarterback, they're one in seven. Jones has played way, way, way better against the commanders. And if you basically listed all of the best games of his career like one to ten, I think seven of them, six of them maybe are games against Washington right at the top of the list or near it. His playoff game against the Vikings might actually be his number one game but where I worry a little bit about him as bad as he looked 52% complete two interceptions, no touchdowns, 186 yards and a blowout loss is the mobility. They did not rush with vision against Baker Mayfield and Baker Mayfield was able to avoid sacks even when they got some pressure. He would get out of the pocket and slide around and move around and reset and throw the football like I love. Daniel Jones might just pull the ball down and do the Jay Young Daniel's thing where he just takes off for that backbreaker on third down the 13 15 yard run. That worries me. If they don't rush with better vision and stay more assignment sound in their lanes as Russia's, I could see him scramble in seven or eight times for 70 yards. Yeah. And you wonder if that dictates what kind of coverage they might want to play. You know, I'm thinking about, you know, in week number one, well, I'm like a tight balls. Thank you. Good gracious. tight balls has this, you know, he's blitzing from every different angle all the time. It's what he loves. If I'm the giants, you don't have wing Martindale anymore. I don't know that I would do that necessarily. I might think about playing coverage and sort of saying, let's just keep Jay Daniels in the pocket and see what happens. One of that might be the game plan, honestly, for Washington here is to say, let's let's dare Daniel Jones to throw because he's gone for over 300 yards by far his career high against any team against Washington on the ground with a touchdown. Russia at over six, seven yards per carry. That's over the, you know, half a decade now of matchups in addition to some prolific throwing, but I would challenge him to, I would say you're not getting out of the pocket to beat us. Even if it means Bobby Wagner sitting there, hovering around. If it means I'm playing a ton of zone, just to sort of mix and match, but I can't have those back breaking, nothing's happening in the offense. So he scrambles out and gets out of a third nine, third and 10 type thing. I'm going to challenge him to pick me apart for an entire game on defense. His career high and passing 402 yards against the Saints, but he did have a 352 yard five touchdown game against Washington. And that is still one of the best of his career. Let's go to Doug and Arlington on GND. How are you? Hey, I'm good. How you guys doing? Uh, yeah. So, uh, really honestly, I think the offense is going to outperform last week. Seems like the Giants defense is full, full of holes that Sam Darnold was able to tackle. We have less, you know, wide receivers than Minnesota does, but I think the run game could be really important. Um, I also think that our offense is going to be really important in controlling the clock, which I think is hopefully what will help dictate the game. Just like just running the ball, throwing the line of scrimmage and, yeah, controlling the clock. Good call. Thanks, buddy. I will say that there's better talent on the Giants defense, probably overall than on the offense. Dexter Lawrence, their nose, their detackle is one of the best players in the NFL, this position. They brought in Ryan Burns, who's an edge rusher who could go for 12 or 14 sacks this year. Nobody would bat an eye. I still really like in the matchup against Washington, he's, he's tormented them. He had a bad week one and grilled by the media all week long cave on Tippito. Yep. They're defensive. He's very comfortable against Washington. He's done a really good job. He won that matchup with Charles Leno, a bunch, seem like a bad matchup for Leno, but we'll see what it looks like with a different tackle group this time. Uh, and then Bobby O'Kareke, the linebacker also has been a problem at times for Washington is a really good football player. So as far as I'm concerned, there's just more defensive talent in that front seven for the Giants. Uh, then there is maybe on the other side of the ball, which is ominous in terms of pass rush and protecting Jaden Daniels. Yeah. I don't know how much running room is going to be, especially in the interior. You want to play bash with, uh, you know, Brian Robinson. Good luck growing up against, you know, pro bowl caliber player, Dexter Lawrence there in the middle and a couple of those other guys. I mean, to me, you know, you can, you can miss direction here and there a little bit. Maybe you'd be vulnerable in some quick game where a guy misses a tackle or two and, uh, you know, getting the ball out of space to me is at a premium. I want to challenge this secondary. I don't think we can do that throwing the football in a traditional sense, but I want to challenge a secondary to tackle Austin Echler with a head full esteem. I want to challenge a secondary to deal with Brian Robinson, again, same thing, head full esteem, et cetera. Challenge those guys that way, they get sick of it. Then maybe I can get something easier over the top. But to me, you're not, you're not winning a pushing contest up front against that group. The defenses, chances of bouncing back are going to have to happen without one of their starters because of some breaking injury news right now on Grant and Danny. So let's get to that. All of our breaking news on the fans brought to you by BetqL. Smarter bets start with BetqL. Get three free days of BetqL access. Download the BetqL app or visit, seeing this first via Nikki Javala of the Washington Post, commander's corner, Emmanuel Forbes will be undergoing surgery tomorrow to repair a torn UCL in his thumb, a source has confirmed. So this was reported elsewhere initially, but locally being confirmed by Nikki Javala. Again, Emmanuel Forbes to have surgery on the UCL in his thumb, no timetable given on his return. So we can get into this in more detail coming up in just a few minutes, Danny, but your initial reaction. I just feel for the kid. I mean, listen, I don't think he's any good. I don't think that's really what's at issue here. He's trying to get himself on track, right? With a second go around with the second regime. And week one was in auspicious and he's trying to climb out of this pit. And that's a pretty big setback. So that's a bummer, man. I feel for the guy. I know the average listener doesn't care about this kind of stuff, but I guess it looks like rap sheet had that first about six minutes ago. Emmanuel Forbes undergoing surgery to murder a paratorn UCL in the thumb, a blow to the secondary for the former first round pick. Having the procedure now, Forbes will fix an issue that would have been a problem all season. So goes without saying he's not going to play this weekend. Now, what the timeline looks like soon thereafter, I'm not sure you would think in the secondary, you could actually wrap that, put a club on it, whatever and play football, just not going to be able to catch the football the same way, but he's never had an interception in his career anyway. So ideally, you could go out there, you could cover whatever, but it's not like that has been a strength to your point. I do. I feel for him because he takes a beating. I mean, just absolutely gets crushed, not to say that it's undeserving. But when you're a first round pick, the expectations are very high. He is not performed and he has become kind of enemy of the state number one with the fan base for the issues in the secondary and defensively. And now you're getting off to a slow start with your performance. Then you get hurt. Now you're going to be out, it sounds like. So we'll have more details on this injury next. Plus, I'll tell you what fans will be getting when they go to the game this weekend. You're listening to Grant and Danny on the fan. All over the DMV. 1067 enrichment. Now for the next three hours, am nine 10 FM one, oh five, one. And if you want to watch us, you can stream us on YouTube one, oh six, seven, the fans YouTube page. 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And it feels a little bit mean to pile on Emmanuel Forbes, but it's just kind of my way of example. Because you're sort of stuck, this is the first round pick. You're not just going to cut him. You're not just going to move on from him. He's got three potentially four years left. If somehow he gets to the point where you'd pick up his option, I don't think that was ever going to happen, but maybe it could, where it's cost prohibitive to move on. It's cost prohibitive to go find, you know, whoever, a free agent corner that you think would be an upgrade, right? So you go bargain shopping, you go with guys that, you know, the egg monogonies, the Mike Davises of the world, you find guys that are available on the fairly cheap and you plug them in to try to implement your culture. But you're going to see if a first round pick from last year can play. You're going to do that. That's that's elementary. That's routine. But it also means it's prohibitive of this Renaissance transformation where they're going to jump up and start beating everybody each and every week. I just don't see the path there. So, but for him personally, that's just such a bummer. I mean, you know what I mean? Like as you said before with the break, everything's been piled on him. It's just somehow it's his fault that he was drafted that high star. He needed it and get it. The opposite has happened. He had a bad game. Really, it was a play that made him kind of the butt of jokes where he got two 15 yard penalties I've never seen before. The PI in the face mask. And now you add to that that you got hurt bench slash hurt both different points during the game. And now he's not going to be available for the short term. And I'm how long moving forward he'll be out. But speaking of feeling bad piling on, I don't this does not make them worse. The lack of depth hurts. And clearly you probably now have to elevate a corner off of the scrap heap. I don't know who plays that, you know, would not have been available because of an activation or maybe you elevate a corner from your own practice squad or something. But playing if Michael Davis, let's say, is healthy and available and ready, getting him into the lineup or seeing Noah Igane more. Maybe this means that we actually get to see more Mikey Sanra still outside or Quan Martin covering more. You just can't convince me that this is like a deal breaking setback for this defense the way that he has played. And he was their lowest-graded player this past week. So hopefully he gets healthy because the only way for him to continue to get better and to develop and frankly to become a rosterable, startable contributor is for him to just continue to improve. And that's not going to happen while you're rehabbing from this thumb injury, obviously. But I don't think this is a damaging loss from a personnel standpoint, the way he's been playing in any way. I think that's very well said. And again, there's there's no way to separate it. I do feel bad for him personally, but we're talking about football and football production. And I don't think he's very capable right now producing an awful lot. So replacement level player would be more than welcome. Here's where I think people are wrong though. So I just got a tweet from someone named Todd appreciate you listening in and hitting me up at Grand H. Paulson on Twitter and Instagram. Danny's at Funny Danny. He said they should have cut him during training camp. No, they shouldn't have. Why wouldn't you do that? He was a first round pick last year who let's just say he was a fourth round pick last year. And at that point, you're on the roster bubble who knows maybe he gets cut. I bet he doesn't because he actually won a starting job at training camp. Hey, they don't have good cornerbacks. It's not like there's three really good corners that don't get to play because they're busy playing a manual Forbes. They don't have depth of proven legitimate players at that position. Their other starter is a third round pick that they had here who I like a little bit, but it was also really struggled and not really had a whole lot to show for his couple of seasons on the grass after being drafted by the previous regime either. So that's number one. Number two, he did in college use differently, obviously show that he had an elite trait. And that was his ball hawking skills. That was his playmaking ability. He broke the record for pick sixes. When you get the ball in his hands, which hasn't happened yet, obviously, and he's in space, he has a knack for making plays after the reception, so to speak. So it's not like there's nothing redeemable about this guy. He has ball skills, and he has the ability to do something after he picks off a pass. Now, we haven't gotten to that point yet, but this idea that he should have been cut is just silly to me, whether he should be starting or not, definite conversation, whether you would bet on him ever becoming a first round caliber player, of course, sure. But I feel the same way about him as I did, Jim and Davis a couple years ago. It shouldn't have cut Jim and Davis who's fast and physical and find a way to use this person. That's what coaching is. Find a way to take this SEC athlete who was exceptional at an SEC program and did something no one had ever done before in college football and find a way to make him rosterable. That's the job. And oh, by the way, I've been told what geniuses we have in terms of coaching up the secondary and making DB coaches, DB is better with their coaching. And now the last group was so terrible at it. So figure out a way to make this guy not terrible. That's the gig. So I take a different tact and get to the same conclusion. To me, it's about salary cap. There's nothing to be gained by moving on from all start with Jim and Davis. You would have, you would have owed him $4.5 million just for the vector's name is Damon Davis. Cut him, don't cut him, whatever. If you want to keep him, you don't think he can play linebacker for you, have him on special teams. Find something from the deal. He can be the backup holder. He can be the guy that holds the clipboard. He can be the guy that claps the loudest when good things happen. But there's no reason to cut him. 4.5 million dollars, whether he plays or doesn't. That's number one. And then you go to Forbes, you've got three years left. You would have owed him $12.6 million of dead cap money. For what? To prove some point? No, there's no reason to do that. You take your time. You see for sure, I've already got my mind made up by the way. I don't think he can play at this level. I don't think he can be effective. Maybe I'll be wrong on a second or third stop. But there's no there's no upside in that. Just the realistic way that rosters are constructed. It would be a pointless, futile act of a temper tantrum, just to kick a guy because he didn't play well. He's got some athletic traits, some skill set. Maybe the next regime could find it or the next place can find it. I don't know that anybody here is going to, but you would you owe so much money. It's worth trying to figure that out. The outside corner rotation with him injured and we'll find out probably based on whether he's I art or not, the length of the recovery, but St. Juice, who maybe travels. I don't know. Maybe you have him run around with Malik neighbors, who seems like a guy you should probably be starting on your fantasy story about him. Noah Igani, who played a little bit outside on the boundary for Forbes this past week. And then Michael Davis, who somehow didn't play, who was one of their additions who played a lot of training camp on the outside. But those are the guys initially, the good news is outside of neighbors, there's just nobody on the Giants who worries. Yeah. One Dale Robbins, he got 12 targets and I think about eight yards in week number one. He really had 12 targets, by the way. Yeah. Good God. I wonder how many of those were like he was the guy when they threw it at a balance, but still that's for Boston. I'm not even doing it. It bought me. But yeah, that's gross. And that team from a weaponry standpoint has been bad for a long time. And outside of neighbors with Barkley now and Philly still is. So thank God you're not playing a team that like the Vikings or the dolphins or something this week where you know, you've got Hill and Waddle and just wide receivers out the wazoo. Here's what I kept teasing though, and we didn't get to because of the breaking Forbes news. They're giving away something I've never seen given away at games before that is specific to Jaden Daniels at the stadium this week. The commanders are going to be giving out boxes of waffle mix at Northwest stadium and you go, wait, I'm sorry. Did you say waffle mix? I did. It turns out Jaden Daniels loves waffles and his pregame routine is to eat not one, but two. They were very careful in specifying that. He doesn't just eat one waffle Danny. He eats two waffles before every game. So for the fans and attendance via this quick, you were going to be getting a like a football themed box of waffle mix for attending the game so that you can be Jaden Daniels and eat your two waffles on an upcoming football Sunday. So I've seen Ben Stanek who had had this. I have attended one else and anything about it. Apparently they passed out some information in the media room today to let the media know that they were doing it. So I guess my point is I believe it. I'm just going to say if this is the case and it sounds like it is, this is fantastic. I think it's a great bit. This is fantastic. Yes. Whoever's in charge. Let them know that I'm saying fantastic. Yes. Yes to this. This is splendid. This is not some kitschy thing that you're going to chuck in the trash or some, you know, piece of plastic that's going to break or some sort of, you know, shottly made toy. This is now. It may not be the most fun thing to carry around all day. I wonder if you get it when you leave. I don't know the deal. I would say there's no way they're going to give it to you when you walk in because then a lot of them are going to end up on the field. Yeah. Normally you get this kind of thing. Oh, good thought. You get them when you walk out. Yeah. It's like 17, three giants in the fourth and on the side of this quick on the field. See cushion. The seat cushion game. Yeah. This will be the best quick game, the best quick waffle box game. Right. So yeah, you get this kind of thing when you leave. I am so in favor of this. This is fantastic. This is fun. This is no one's harmed here. This is a nice cross promotion. I am a fan of this. Good job. Yeah. It's good for two reasons for me. The first reason is it's a present. It's a gift. It's something you don't have to do. Football doesn't do as many of the giveaways as say they do in baseball where the nats are giving out these 19 24 world champion Washington senators. I'll show it off here on our one oh six seven the fan YouTube stream. You're smagging around there. That's good. Yeah. So that you guys can see it on YouTube. So they sent these over to the station and I snagged one of them. But like in baseball, they give these away all the time. Bobblehead something cool something fun gets you in the ballpark. Football doesn't really need to accept the teams that need to do need to and Washington is one of those teams. But they have not really been in the business of cool giveaways. They might do a little rally towel here something small there. But I just think this is funny number one. And in addition to just being a gift, the old give them a pickle thing that I always talk about like make your consumer happy extend the olive branch. It's also on brand for Jaden Daniels. I didn't know this about J.D. I had no idea it was a waffle mark and he eats two before every game. But apparently it's a thing and it teaches you a little bit out your player opens up, you know, the visor so to speak for Daniels and you learn a little bit more about your franchise quarterback and it's kind of it's an on brand gift that is like playing up something fun about one of the faces and frankly the face of the franchise. So what's not to like? Good job. Nobody's hurt. I mean, you might get one person yelling about gluten or something like that. But they probably sure. Yeah. Well, they probably shouldn't be outside anyway. Today's day and age they'll get sued because you need to provide something for me as a what would the vegan is this vegan or I don't know who knows like the Nats remember when they were doing their fun little thing. The Nats were like, hey, if you're under the age of 35 young professional deal, come on over to Nats Park, single game tickets at this rate. And some guy who was 40 sued them was like actually that's age discrimination. That's ageist. Yeah. So I'm sure like the big, you know, big French toast is going to be pissed and they're going to sue because they're doing waffle. I actually enjoy pancakes more than waffles. Where do I get? The pancake is going to be so salty about the pancakes a great bet. This is this is fantastic. I think you touched on both reasons. Why? Hey, again, this is a I mean, it costs a little bit of money, but this is one of those low. It's not like you had to go to a production line somewhere. This quick already made it for you. You're amazing. Just make sure the boxes are available. It promotes your guy. It's a nice thing for the fans that have bought in. That's all that I think season ticket holders and people that, you know, I've given up going on every again, but the people that still do it to themselves are like, are they're trying to decide every time? There's an easy answer. Sometimes the answer is no, I'm not going to. You make them feel good. You make them happy. You give them a nice thing just for just for signing up to this. This is more ironic, funny. Like this is not a feel good present. I don't think in the sense that like walking out with a grocery item is kind of random, but I think the point is it's good stick. It's it's in bits. The guy eats pancakes. You can be like, Jay, need a pancake. There you go. Box looks like a football. I hope they do a breakfast theme where like next week Luke McCaffrey likes pancakes. They do two of those for you or like the week after that, you know, with Johnny Newton loves Johnny Newton loves sausage links. Yeah, I was oatmeal. So you get a little insulin. So by the end of the season, you get two eggs for, you know, Mike Sandriss still day. And at the end of the year, you put everything in the fridge. You can make a breakfast on your way to the last game based on what everybody likes for breakfast. But yeah, good enough and cool that they're giving something out. Fun idea. Good job. We'll get to know Jayden Daniels. Speaking of Jayden Daniels, his offensive coordinator had a lot to say about his first game when he met with the media today, Cliff Kingsbury. So let's go through some of these comments from Kingsbury, from his session today, starting with what he learned about Jayden Daniels from his performance in week one. This was just this afternoon, the very deep voice of Cliff Kingsbury, the competitive spirit, I think just to watch how he continued to fight, especially at the end, you know, I called one of the worst plays I've ever called in my entire career. And he just took the ball and ran into the end zone, you know, and it's like he was not going to be denied there on the goal line. And this has a lot about him in that situation. A lot of people would not have taken that opportunity to drive that ball down and then put him in the end zone. And he wanted the ball in his hands and wanted to score. So that was exciting to see. I think every day he gains more and more credibility in the locker room with his, you know, work ethic, his attention detail, and then the competitive spirit is as good as I've ever been around. So you heard like I did there. He said it was one of the worst calls he'd ever had. And I thought he meant I shouldn't be calling goal line stuff and him taking hits at the end of a game where we've already lost. Like, frankly, I thought he would come out or should come out and say that was probably a mistake. He did the moment wasn't really thinking from a 10,000 foot view. That's not really what he meant as you hear him elaborate here on why it was the worst call. He was more annoyed that he didn't give him the option to get out of it if he had a bad look, bad front that he was going to run into less about the health of his quarterback or taking the shot. This was Kingsbury. Basically, I didn't give him a check to get out of it. So they didn't bump with emotion. There was about three guys outside on the option. And so he saw that and he ran it anyways and just stuck his foot on the ground and cut back and ran a couple guys over and got in the end zone. So with that look, he needs a play to check out of and he just said, snap it and said, I got you coach got in the end zone. But yeah, if I had that one back, I would rather him not get hit like that. So he does acknowledge at the end. He doesn't want him getting hit. But I guess my point when he first said that was, I thought, oh good, there's an acknowledgement they should not have been running the ball down there. And that really wasn't at all what he was saying as much as the secondary effect of it. Exactly. Like we shouldn't be running the ball into that look. And whenever I call that play in that situation, I need to give him another play that he could go to if the defense is aligning in a way where it's not going to work. He basically commended Daniels for making it work because he's an athlete. Yeah, which you can go to the well sometimes, right? I mean, in a tie game in the fourth quarter against the Giants this week. All right, bowl them over and let's get that touchdown. But we're going to hold on our breath while it happens down 23 with, you know, a matter of seconds left may not be the best time to ram it in there. Grant and Danny on the fan. Now you are team pancake, not team waffle. All right, that's all great. Just different delivery methods, but pancakes the ones again. One to 10. Pancake. Yep. Pancakes 10. It's in my five favorite four nine point four. Wow, you love a lot. I love the natural cups for the both the butter and the syrup and then your fruit topping. You want to go French toast 88. Oh, really disrespectful. No, it's actually French toast. Really, really good. So as you know, I found out on my little mini vacation this summer that I actually do like pancakes, which is a really nice thing. The revelation for you. French toast is a nine point nine seven pancakes are in eight point one. And waffles are going to be like a seven point nine six. They're all I'll eat them all. Sure. I'll have them all. But it's French toast first and second. Oh, maybe third. And if I got more time, we'll try something else. But you're forgetting about how good French toast is. I remember it. But the difference is like you got batter for the best ones, the batter, which is like what we're getting here. Like this is the waffle batter, the waffle batter versus just a piece of toast. That's like dressed really well. You're forgetting that egg. See, the difference is, well, I remember the whole thing. There's the little extract and cinnamon. It's all good. Getting a little cinnamon. You could put me in a tuxedo. I'd rather have Tom Wilson and tuxedo. See what I'm saying? Just a piece of toast over here. You're forgetting syrup. Tom Wilson's the batter. Seer. It goes on all of those things, though. It's it's not exclusive. The syrup's not exclusive to your French toast. Oh, but it makes it that much better. A little syrup, a little butter with the batter, a little crispy toast. All those things with this. It's not crispy anymore. It's wet. It's been cooked. It's wet. It's sweet. It's very good. It's very good. You know what you're forgetting? What's up? How good French toast is? I remember very well. Just toast all dressed up. Maybe that'll be week four. Someone likes French toast. Who likes French toast? We take croak monchers, everybody. Grant Danny on the fan. Next, more from Cliff Kingsbury on Jayden Daniels running as much as he did. What does he think about that? Why did he run so much? Is that going to be something we see more of? His answer was surprising. This is G and D. [BLANK_AUDIO] Grant and Danny on the fan taking you up to 615 tonight. That's when Nat's pregame starts. They got the Marlins in town, 645 first pitch. Charlie Sloughs, Dave Jaggler on the call. Down the stretch, then that's come. Will Brinson of CBS joins us to go around the NFL at five? We'll be busy for the duration of the program. Right now though, Cliff Kingsbury met with the media. Got a lot of answers from the OC on what was a pretty ugly passing performance in week one for the commanders and just offensively not what we drew up around here in the off season. Although Jayden Daniels did show off the legs was named the player of the week among rookies in the NFL for his 88 yards and two touchdowns this past weekend. This was Cliff Kingsbury on what's going to get Jayden Daniels to a point where he can go through his progressions and develop as a passer. This is what he had to say this afternoon. Just playing, you know, that you have to play to even come close and simulate what a live NFL game is in season on Sundays. And I felt like I said, his operation to not have any pre snap penalties. I don't have two penalties overall. One of them probably should have been a penalty was really good. No play clock violations. I funny hand himself well and as he plays the game, we'll continue to slow down thoughts. It's an interesting there was the one time out at the start of the second half that I couldn't stand on a third and 10. I mean, that to me is a coaching point that there needs to be a hey, we're not getting that first down. I've ended up getting it via very fortunate penalty. They got bailed out, but we're not getting that. That's probably not worth burning in a game that we think we're going to be close and we hope to be that second half time outs do precious to waste nine seconds in on a third and long. But in general, I think it's a good point, honestly, is we always have to remember that practice is one thing, even preseason games are one thing. But now in an NFL game, there's no higher love. There's no getting called up to the next show. This is it. Everything's going to be racing a little bit faster and to not have those kind of penalties of I'm too overwhelmed and some of the mechanics of getting out of the huddle and those sorts of deals actually is something we shouldn't take for granted. I have two takeaways on that answer. The first is I agree with them completely and everyone needs to settle down. It has been one game in this guy's career. One, the idea that that performance was gospel or that, you know, his issues in that game are the issues 11, five years. Everybody relax, please. It takes time. Now, I'm not saying in week 14 or even week seven that we have to have the exact same conversation, but in one game, in an era where nobody cares about the preseason, you don't get to play very much and where other than really the joint practices, you knew what the defense was doing throughout practice constantly. So let's just all settle down a little bit with these big picture takeaways on Jaden Daniels. And this is where going back to Monday, my point was we are going to analyze this game and we are going to talk about these 60 minutes of football as an individual entity takeaways from that game are not the same as takeaways for a guy's career, right? So I think that's important. Second takeaway, though, I had from what Cliff Kingsbury said is he needs to play. This is why I wish teams, including this one, did not pretend like the preseason is an inconvenience. They treat the preseason like a damn inconvenience and it infuriates me when after he has a game like that where he's not comfortable and you're not going to be comfortable even if you played 12 quarters in the preseason, but you'd be hell of a lot more comfortable. And Cliff Kingsbury's answer is, well, he just needs to play. He needs time on the grass. He needs to see things. Was there any opportunity for that? If only you didn't elect not to give him almost any in the month where you're allotted this. Now, there are people listening who are going to say the juice isn't worth to squeeze. The risk of getting him injured is not worth him getting off to a better start as a passer in week one. And that's a reasonable enough conversation. We can be on both sides of that. I'll disagree with you, but it is maddening to me that the preseason is viewed as an inconvenience when then after a game, you're going to say, yeah, we just need more time. He just needs to play. You had 12 quarters of football where you could have reasonably had him play five of them if you wanted to. They chose to have him play like three drives or whatever it was. I mean, it was minuscule. It was a nothing burger. So my retort to that is, and you and I have argued about the preseason forever, we don't have to. My point is, what about all the reps you wasted pretending it was a competition? What about those? Could those have helped? Sure. We had a lot of time where we had to pretend that it might be Marcus Marioda or something or he had to earn it. And if you want him on the grass, you know, controls that as a coaching staff. You put him right there on that grass with the lines that govern where the field to play is. And you say, you got to play. Now, is that the same as a regular season game? No, same argument for preseason. All the reps that went to Marcus Marioda, who was an actor for week one, I would love to have those back. I would have loved to have good on the Jayden Daniels, but that's another hill to down at a different time. But the big picture point, though, from Kingsbury is correct. There is there is no need to annoy, no need to bury, no need to slam the gavel one way or the other. This is a beginning to hopefully something that's going to happen for a, or it's going to be good for a very, very long time. And this is the first step. And then that first step, by the way, one rookie of the week, and then throw it great. But I think there's plenty of growth to be had there. And this is a growing process for everybody. So this is one of the things I talk about all the time with, when it comes to quarterbacks, sometimes patience is not rewarded. Sometimes you're patient with somebody turns out they can't do it. Other times it's Josh Allen. You know what I mean? Like, the whole point is no, the guy's under contract for four, probably five years. Let's use that time until we are sure one way or the other, and we can act react accordingly. He's Danny. I'm Grant. This is the fan. We'll get back into Cliff Kingsbury's thoughts on Jayden Daniels debut in just a moment. Daniels, you found out on this show today, because we're investigative journalists likes waffles. And he loves waffles so much that Ben standard reported that you would be able to get some waffles potentially going into the game on Sunday. It turns out I've got some birdies chirping at me. This is not a thing. Oh no. So it's not a completely incorrect anecdote from out in Ashburn, but there's a little confusion, it seems like apparently Jayden Daniels marketing team is doing a deal with Bisquick, where fans will be able to get their hands on special boxes of Bisquick pancakes with Jayden Daniels, like face on them that are like, look like a football. And there's a deal they're doing with him because he likes waffles. That is different than giving them away at the game, which is not a thing that is happening. So if you're going to stand here and you're asking, where are my waffles? Grant and Danny told me there'd be waffles. There's no waffles. So you know how many people are going to be doing this? Hey, I listened to Grant and Danny. They told me I'm getting waffles. Where are my waffles? Because there's a lot of people that aren't listening anymore that were then. Just tell them, find them and tell them there's no waffle. No waffle for you. You will not be getting waffles. Listen to the audible here. My guy Ben standings the best. I don't think anybody grinds harder on that beat. Like he is always working, but the audible was turns out Jayden Daniels digs pregame waffles. Fans attending the home opener will receive waffle mix before Sunday's game griddle up. Seems pretty intuitive. Like, oh, you're going to the game, you get waffles. Turns out Jayden Daniels digs pregame waffles and fans will have a chance to receive one of these waffle mix boxes via the rookie's Instagram page. Griddle up. Very, very different. So I wonder if you follow Jayden Daniels on Instagram and you watch his Instagram lives, maybe you can get some waffles. So on that, I'm not joining. I'm trying to offer comparison here. Yeah. Who was the wide receiver when you were on the beat where you go? This guy's on the roster. It's happening. It's a done deal. He's going to get signed and then he didn't. Eddie Royal. Eddie Royal. Thank you. Went to Virginia Tech. Yes. Every ever report said the same and then it didn't happen. Yeah. And you've said a million times. You still think about that one sometimes. Uh, it's the only thing I ever reported that was ended up being categorically wrong. Is this Ben Stan x Eddie Royal? No, no, of course not. I mean, this is he got an email from a marketing person probably and looked at it quickly and thought they're going to be giving these away at the stadium and it turns out you can get them on Instagram. I mean, it's again, that's so different. It's like, I'm not you're killing Ben right now. I'm not. I'm saying that's a castle and I'm Jeremy Mackler over here for God's sakes. Let's talk who's here. Tell me I've never messed up. What I think is hilarious though is like you and I like praising this new ownership. Hey, this is genius. Who's the charge of marketing over there? Get him on the horn because that's brilliant. This new marketing team. They know what they're doing that way to a commander's heart is through their throat with. Yeah, they do. Shut up. We're talking. Can we have one conversation once? How do you do that? Unbelievable. God, it's a bounce. No. No. Is this a win for Jason? Right. Eight hundred six three six. What would you like to see next? You want to do biking in week five? What do you want? You want him to do syrup with it? I mean, I was steamed up. Oh God. What a horse is outside. I was going to have to walk down to the fan entrance just to grab myself some waffles. Just congratulate everybody over there. Can you imagine? And I'm so fat too. So think about that. Like the fat guy walks up like where's my waffles? I was told they'd be waffles. I've been standing. I'll show them the tweet. I show them like a standard, except they're like, I don't know anything about that, sir. I don't care if you don't know there. I have receipts. Benjamin is a credible reporter. Where's my waffles? Do we need to get standing on to break down what happened here with the waffles? This is tough. So to be let me be clear. Let me be clear. My daughters go to sit well friends. You will not be getting waffles. There's no waffles at the stadium. No waffles. You will potentially get waffles if you follow Jaden Daniels on Instagram. Man, that couldn't be more and there's a lot of like random Instagram lives where you're just kind of like looking there and like responding to a couple comments. So enjoy those and possibly get your waffles. You might get to meet Brandon. Are you going to live and you might get waffles on the live? Here we go. It's right now. There are no waffles given out of this game. Maybe like they have some kind of brunch and one of the sweets or something here and there. I don't know. I don't know what the score there. I think we've cleaned it up pretty well, but let's go around the horn really quickly just to really drive this point home. Our producer is Daris Dameron. Daris, you're going to the game on Sunday. Yes. When I walked out there in the last break, you high five me and said, and I quote, I can't believe I'm getting waffles. You now understand that you will not be getting waffles. Wait, I'm not getting waffles? I thought we were getting one. Nope. See the confusion. See it? Ah, damn it. See it. So it's not hitting home. There will be no waffles. Daniel Day Lewis starred in a movie. It's called There Will Be No Waffles. Do you understand? I take your waffles. Ryan, you're not going to the game. I'm not. No, but in a world where you were, do you think you get waffles? I do because I mean, and tweeted about it. It did wrong. Are we sure? No, look at his account. It says riddle up. Follow Instagram. You could get them on Instagram. That's what it says, but it also says you can get waffles, but not at the game. Are we sure? Yeah, that's why you have the edit feature. That's why I have the edit button. So no waffles to be clear. So can we read your rankings now? Can we go French toast since waffles screwed you over a little bit here? Waffles kind of screwed me. Waffles screwed me a little bit. I'm knocking them down. Pancakes number one. Pancake still 10. Waffle 9.0. Okay. The frost, the French toast. 877. Oh, closing in. Closing the gap. 877 cars for kids, I think. It's like a NASCAR race where you're seeing the gap dissipate. It's like, oh, last lap, we were back by a half second. Do an F1 bit. Okay, waffles push, push, push, push. Everybody gets it, right? We don't need to have people calling and make sure they understand one at a time that you're not getting waffles. There will be no waffles. Grant and Danny on the fan. I got more cliff Kingsbury thoughts. That was supposed to have been a detailed breakdown on everything Kingsbury said today at the podium. But what if you addressed the waffle situation at the podium with his deep voice back to the podium right now? I was like, I have one more thing. I just want to make it clear. Jaden does like waffles, but we won't be giving those away at the game. I think James still likes them. I'm sure he does. That part's true. Possibly. What if he hates waffles? What if the story is like? We find out Jane Daniels is allergic to waffles. Oh my God. That would be tough. Oh, man. Let's hope he's not allergic to waffles. Waffles, Colin, Jaden Daniels, lobster, Colin, Darrus, Dameron. That's like a SAT style analogy bit. That's right. Double play is next to what's going on in your lives. Nothing to do with sports. We're Grant and Danny on the fan. [BLANK_AUDIO] We're Grant and Danny. This is the fan. Some great tweets are coming in at Grand H. Paulson at Funnydanny. Joe said, you guys have made me look foolish. It's a screen grab of a text conversation with his buddy. He texts his buddy, Jack, he says, nothing like 10067 during football season. And his buddy on an iPhone, like used the two exclamation points. Uh-huh. Yeah, you ain't kidding, man. Because we're awesome like that. And then he says, I just learned they're giving out a box of waffle mixed everyone who goes Sunday, because Jaden eats waffles before every game. And his buddy goes, LMAO, that's unreal. Next text, apparently it was a false report shaking my head. But he sends me the screen grab. And he goes, you guys made me look foolish. Sorry, bro. Yeah, we did. Yep. It's true. Blessed in the DMV asks, so how do we get these waffles again? Again, I actually don't know the answer. It's really funny. And I'm sorry that I don't know. I don't think he really wants to know. I think he's joning. Oh, I think it's a zang. Well, someone genuinely wants the waffles. I can't help you. I don't know what to do. I got to be honest. I have been made to look like too much of a fool. I'm now out on the whole thing. I can't be the waffle guy anymore. I'm not going to be the liaison between the J Daniel's Instagram and the waffles. Something to do with his Instagram account. Go look there. That's as much as I can help. I think that's fair. I could tell you where the waffles will not be. Let's sort of list. Ready? Go. Northwest Stadium. Great list. There will be no waffles. They might have waffles available to you. This is the tricky part. The concession stand. I almost said confession stand. Would that be weird? A priest is sitting in. Last Father for I have sinned. Here's your waffle, my son. What the hell? It has been several months since my last waffle. This is tough all around. Like nobody wins here, right? It's if there's never been the promise of waffles, then I don't think anybody would be frustrated or sad or ticked off. I don't think anybody is frustrated or sad. Well, I think everyone's going to be fine. If you promised waffles or you don't get any, they said I'm saying it's the promising. What if you were never promised waffles? If I'm just driving around, minding my business. Grant and Danny, if I can say trusted afternoon drive gentleman here on 1-6-7 the family. Yeah, I trust it. We had a slogan for a long time. Grant and Danny on your side. Yeah, investigative journalists. Like so much is going to die in the dark. Grant and Danny. You know what I mean? That's kind of our thing. And we're telling you how great is this? The PR folks should be congratulated. The marketing team is like, this is a win for everyone involved with the Harris owners. I use this give them the pickle analogy all the time. And they're giving people a pickle. This is why I love Mitch rails. When people, you know what I mean? Like, I bet you this is Mitch's idea. Season ticket holders are looking for a reason to come back. People who are making the decision every week, whether or not they want in or not. And now you're doing something for them. Fantastic. This is what we've been saying. It is time for our double play driven by your local Washington area, haunted dealers. Stop in for a great deal on the rugged and capable Honda pilot. Contact your local Washington area, haunted dealers today. Somehow a television show on Netflix with characters based on a 1980s movie has gone more than six seasons. And I've watched every episode. I don't know how this show does it GP, but Cobra Kai remains a light, fun entertainment. It doesn't take itself too seriously. It's got the exact right tone of kind of eighties over the top movie villain stuff where, you know, Jason once again, puts his hand through the earth and comes back and torments people. Oh, it's not a horror movie, but you know what I mean? It's that same thing where the, the unkillable, you can't get rid of them and the bad guys always around and somehow gets through stuff. And even though it was wanted by all the law enforcement, federal, state, local, whatever, he's still just kind of emerges at a karate tournament. Nobody's thinking, Hey, I see this wanted felon here. Let me just call the police and have him cut and stuff, but whatever. It's teenagers doing karate and somehow I have ripped through all six seasons again. This is not Oscar stuff. This is not an Emmy award winner. This is not something that's special. You're not going to go, I can't wait till my kids rolled out if I could show them Breaking Bad or I want, I want them to sit down with me and watch the wire or the sopranos or one of these prestige television shows. I can't wait till my son is in his 20s. He can appreciate mad men. No, it's not that it's bubblegum. It's fluff, but I'm telling you, I've watched every episode. I can't stop. All right. If we're just going to make this double play about what we're watching, I started up myself a program last night. What kind of show do I love? There can't be too many episodes. Yeah. Well, I don't mean like what are the requirements I'm going to get there. What genre of show do I love? I'm going to I'm going to give you all of it. There can't be too many episodes. Yeah. There can't be too many people talking about it. There's got to be just enough. I discovered this. I invented it. I deserve credit. But most of all, my guy, Grand Harrison Paulson, he wants one thing. Who done it? That's what he wants. He doesn't know. Let's go. He doesn't know who did it and he wants to know. This is my guy knows the thing or two about his got it. So it's either hard knocks like access sports programming, or it's a who done it. You don't know what I what I stubbed my toe into last night, brand new on Netflix. I don't know. I got myself a little who done it. I am steamed, cranked out two episodes. I thought I sat there and I said, do I want to get a little bit of abuse tomorrow morning from the wife for coming to bed super late and, you know, sleeping in really like you. I decided to go to bed. But as soon as I'm done at that's park and with Thursday night football tonight, we're gonna do the perfect couple, a life to kill for. You know about this? Is that the Lacey Peterson bit? No, no, no, no. That's a that's another one. I know who did that one. That one's pretty easy. I do that one about 20 or something. I don't know. Oh, I think he's in prison. I don't know who's where. Okay. I can tell you where he is. Okay. He's in prison. Nicole Kidman. Oh, Liam Schreiber. Ever heard of him? Is he narrating this or is he acting? Some other gorgeous actresses who are incredibly talented. Eve Hewson and Megan Faehey among them. Not to be confused with former Baltimore Orioles, mediocre infielder, Brandon Faehey. Brandon Faehey. This show is about a super rich family. The mom is a renowned author. They live in. It's like Cape Codi type deal, but just all of the nicest things. And I'm only a couple episodes in. There's this big wedding party that got together. Somebody ends up dead and we're trying to figure out who did it. We're getting to the bottom of it. You know what kind of show it is? It's who done it. It's who done it. Let's go. I am so. It's getting decent scores on the old usual outlets, right? Your rottens and your IMDBs and whatever. Can I get here? Here's what I'll give you. I'm going to get a rapid reaction, Danny Rueger from the synopsis. Go when one lavish wedding ends in disaster before it can even begin with a body discovered in Nantucket Harbor just hours before the ceremony. Everyone in the wedding party is suddenly a suspect. What do you think? It's a it's bait and hook. I'm I'm sitting and gulping a little bit. I'm swimming around near the hook. Now my wife not going to like this because there's basic things. She did like violence, the idea of a death. Like she just not in. I think the ruees could enjoy this though. I do. I bet you. It's it's like this. I think you're in a good spot with this. So go ahead and dangle this one in front of the wife, see what she thinks. Nicole Kidman is like the this unlikable mom. There's a there's a lot of moving parts and we got ourselves a real mystery unfolding in front of us here. It's exactly what I'm looking for. She will house. I think it's what Danny's looking for sometimes more so than he even knows. I like I like a hoot done at fine. Like but you're obsessed. You love them. It's great. Like your TV show like there was an actual TV show like regular television. It's still cable. But you're going, Oh, new first 48. Like I wouldn't do that. But you love that. I do love the first 48. Still to come on G and D in the hour ahead. I want to get back into Kingsbury's comments on how many times Jaden Daniels ran. Is that something we can expect plus the Giants are bad on defense is Washington's offense going to be able to take advantage. You're listening to the fan. Let's get your blitz next. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] Our people have gotten in touch with Ben standing. He will have to answer for what he's done. Right here on Grant and Danny in 10 minutes. When you tell us we get waffles. There's no waffling on waffles. The exclusive sponsor of the Grant and Danny programs the law firm Condorian Muron will guide you in your family in the right direction, help you to draft the will, set up a trust, create a health care power of attorney, schedule a free consultation with their estate planning attorneys at Be sure to tell them G and D sent you to get a discount. going to be a short blitz because the very, very pressing waffle gate has to be addressed with standing coming up here in just a few minutes. So let's get to it. Nate Davis USA today to spin us around the National Football League. Nate, what do you think of Aaron Rodgers in his first game and over a year and change with the New York Jets? Rusty, I thought for a guy who is, you know, Apex game is kind of built around his position passing. I mean, I think that always has been Aaron Rodgers best attribute. You can see on some of those passes that they probably weren't quite where he wanted them. I mean, he said as much as the game, particularly with with Gary Wilson. But, yeah, hey, he got through it. He's knocked that rust off. And you know, Robert saw said, I think Jeff, so in one with with Rodgers or much better off than Jeff want to know without him. Big one tonight in the AFC East, how do you see it going? Yeah, I think probably, you know, Miami, Danny and being, I think, I think, pull playing the South Florida Heat in September does the, does the bills, no favors and it hasn't there for, you know, a couple of years. Both teams have some some injury issues. You know, Buffalo, I think there's not a top slot corner in Toronto, Johnson and dolphins, obviously, with some with some running back issues. But overall, I kind of like that matchup the way it goes. I think with with Miami and, you know, they'll still kind of fill in that with this new look offense and defense really. So I'll give this to the fence on this one. What did you make of the Packers and Jordan loves struggling the way they did with the Eagles? I was ready to kind of just dismiss that as a weird game, sloppy surface, international, odd travel, but then love goes down and hasn't practiced probably going to miss some time. And it just feels like it's a devastating start for Green Bay. Yeah, well, you moutle Florida today. It sounds like, you know, they haven't necessarily ruled out that he might play this weekend. I mean, that's probably more coach Jamesmanship, given that we've kind of heard multiple weeks and he didn't practice. And it'd be a shocker if you saw him out there against the Colts. Of course, we see shockers like Kristen McCaffery and we're not all ready to season. But, you know, I think it's a setback grant. You know, it may be enough of a setback that ultimately this committed to be the difference between competing for the NFC North and maybe be back in that wildcard slot. But, you know, it is week one. Like you said, I think the travel adds to some wonkiness there. You know, you're building in some big time free agents, which isn't necessarily usually what they do with Josh Jacobs, who's banged up and Xavier McKinney, but also you've got a new philosophy on defense. So, you know, I think we've kind of learned that this September and week one specifically, it's pretty decent for a lot of teams. So I wouldn't make too much out of this, particularly toward and those only out like, you know, let's take two or three games. Nate Cincinnati's got Kansas City this week. And even if they were playing well, that's still a tough batch up for anybody, right? That's the defending champs who seem prime to be hit the ground run. And, you know, just based on week one, they're they very reasonably could be an own two hole. Your thoughts there? Yeah, I mean, I think they probably very recently will be. I mean, I think probably the one saving grace is that we had a remote seems to do things. The Bengals fence coordinator that seemed to specifically frustrate Patrick Mahomes. I mean, he kind of talked about what would a bad mashup we ran a remote can be for Emmet Times. And we've seen the Bengals give the Chiefs collectively some really good games. Well, I mean, you know, bro, I had all that other stuff the last couple of years. But yeah, I'm kind of concerned about the personnel wise. I mean, T Higgins is still banged up. Some market issues continue, whether or not those are translating the field or not. I don't think it's a plus by any stretch. And didn't really see the run game out of them with that with, I mean, particularly given what we saw Joe mixed and do with Texas. So some questions there. It's a thank for sure. And with the Chiefs going into that game with 10 days off, are hard to really like to bring those chances. Nate, we always appreciate catching up, buddy. Thank you for hopping aboard. All right, I'm almost standing. Yeah, we will. Don't you worry about that. Let's go to the local football outfit. Commanders with cakes, although what's better than that? Our pal Johnny cakes cake. See, did you have any of the same concerns your guys G and D did about the Kingsbury offense coming out of week one? Are you referencing the lack of motion? Did that whole bit lack of motion, lack of Terry McClellan, lack of throwing the football forward in the air? Any of those things? Yeah, I think the biggest one is what you just hit on there, Grant is it's just inexcusable that Terry McClellan isn't involved until the second half. I'm less concerned about the lack of motion. I mean, that's just something that I think you have to deal with if, you know, Kingsbury is running your offense. But, you know, for your top wide out to not touch the ball until the second half, I mean, that's just, that's like Ron level of incompetence. I mean, not to eat more dirt on Ron. Actually, I don't mind doing it. He was a terrible coach and maybe even worse person L got. But, yeah, that can't happen again. I would hope that the first ball that Jayden Daniels throws this weekend is to one Terry McClellan. And hey, this is a crazy concept, target your best wide receiver. Maybe, I don't know, 10, 11, maybe even 12 times. I know it's wild. It's a crazy concept. That is crazy, Doug. So, as you know, Grant, this week, Cakes and I are sworn enemies. We're matching up in the homies league. So, we're going to lift the cone of silence and be and come to the table in truce, neutral. Then as soon as the interview is over, we will go back to being directly at war. Do you expect the defense this week, Flakesy, to get right against a terrible Giants offense that's made from sadness and broken dreams? I don't know if they can get right. But if there's a team to do it against, it would be the New York Giants. I mean, Malik neighbors just went on the injury report with a with a knee injury was limited in practice today. If you look at the advanced metrics last week against the Vikings, the only positive plays in the entire game were balls that were thrown into Malik neighbors. So, any time that Daniel Jones went anywhere else with the ball, to Wandale Robinson, or if he threw the ball in Devin Singletary or Devin Singletary rushed out of the backfield, all of those plays were negative. The only positive plays went to Malik neighbors. So, Jobs 1, 2, and 3 for Joe Wood Jr. are to somehow limit Malik neighbors from getting the ball. And hopefully, this defense will look better than they did last week. I mean, last week, they had to cover Hall of Famer in Mike Evans. They had to cover a guy who's really good in the slot in Chris Godwin and a rookie who should have had two touchdowns in McMillan. So, that was just a really bad matchup. This one should be a little softer for the defense. Cakes, we'll let you out on this one. What'd you like? Give us some positive something you took away from the performance that you were encouraged by. Well, clearly loved the electrifying runs of Jayden Daniels. Do you want to do it 16 times? Of course not. I'd love to see it eight to 10 times and incorporate some more, as you guys like to say, forward passing of the football. I'm a big fan of that. I'd like to see more Austin Echler. Austin Echler looked great in the opener, I thought. But only six touches. Let's up that to about 10 or 12 touches. So, there are some positives, and I hate to pile on the guy, a positive that Forbes isn't playing because he's undergoing surgery. So, that's another positive for the commanders heading into Sunday. Kixie, quick, when any concern or irritation that two of the three second rounders basically either didn't play because of nagging injury or weren't really involved in the game plan? I'm not that concerned with it at this point. I mean, you want to see the young talent out in the field as much as possible. I'm going to put that as a minor concern through one week. You know what I'm more concerned about, Danny? My matchup of quarterbacks in the home easily against your quarterbacks because I believe you're trotting out Jalen Hertz and Anthony Richardson. And I'm starting, Grant, listen to this, listen to this nightmare, Justin Fields and Derek Carr. I mean, I'm going to get beat by a hundred points. Grant, will you please tell Mr. Arville, thank you for coming on and the cone of silence is back on. Oh, okay. Danny says, thank you for joining us and don't talk to him again until after the game. Thank you, boys, for having me. There will be no communication between me and one, Danny Hoohey until probably Monday. Attaboy, Kixie. Thank you, sir. Thank you, buddy. Thank you, fellas. That is your beltway blitz on Grant and Danny. We have tracked down our good pal, Ben. Standing goes out in Ashburn today to get to the bottom of this whole waffle situation. Benjamin, how are you? Feel concerned at the moment, but I am doing all right. What are you concerned about? Look, man, I, you know, there's nothing worse for a reporter than when you're putting the news out there and getting it wrong. And, you know, it's not really news. I mean, if we're being honest, like you didn't report as I said earlier, it's not like they signed a guy that they didn't or they traded someone or they cut someone in a little confusion with the waffles, but this is why it's funny on our end. So as somebody with the team just said to me, you know, there's going to be some eight-year-old show up at the game now thinking they're going to get some waffle mix. You're going to get them crying from my heart, right? That will definitely happen inevitably. So hopefully you don't lose sleep about all the people, including myself and Derris going to the game. We're excited about the waffles. But no, what happened was so standing tweets out the waffle thing, which was basically you're going to get waffles if you come to the game. It's very random, like minor league baseball esque that you would give out a box of waffle mix. So I'm going, I haven't seen anyone else tweet this. I call up standing a little peel back the curtain and he's busy and it's very quick and I'm going to break. And I'm like, is this a real thing or did other people get this? And he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, we got this out here right now. Like, it's a thing. And I'm like, all right, cool. So then we talk about it on air, Ben, and we do this whole segment about how the new Harris ownership group gets it. These guys are giving out presence. What this is genius. So innovative. This is genius. These guys, you know, they're giving their consumer a pickle. They really know how to get to their fans through their the bellies and in all this nonsense, Mitch rails his idea, I guarantee it. He's just a man of the people. And only to find out they're actually not giving out waffles. Yeah, you know, like this is a reading, you know, reading one-on-one, actually the key point is to read and comprehend. And I only did sort of one of those things. And it says that it is technically like a, I don't know if it's a raffle. I'm afraid to say what it is. But again, you know, Jamie Daniels, IG, people will get picked in the win and whatever. But I knew something was awful and PR started texting me. Hey, where'd you get this waffle story? I was like, wait a minute. What? Oh, no. That was the tell. Oh, no. I was from you guys, I thought, right? Well, I knew it was like an outside thing. Like you got clearly has a sponsorship with this quick, I guess. So I knew it was from that. But you know, you typically these things are orchestrated, coordinated, what have you. And so when I'm getting the message, Hey, I've heard that this was like, oh boy. And then I looked a little bit closer, like, I bet I better fix this. Scott has a question here. He says, ask Ben, is there a specific gate we need to exit from Northwest Stadium to get our free waffles on? Yeah, I would say I assume the W gate, right? I mean, right? That would make the most sense. Whatever's closest to a little supermarket is that the next angle was. And again, this is our own fault. Because we just, you give us an inch, we're going to take a mile. So we started talking about how we should figure out what Luke McCaffrey's favorite breakfast food is. And maybe they could give out like pancake mix. Two weeks from now at the home game, we had this whole plan for breakfast all season long. It just, it went off the rails a little bit. So we'll throw ourselves under the bus. But if you want to, you can come with us. I mean, I definitely texted my wife at what breakfast or dinner night, however you want to do this. Well, like my favorite part of the of this is actually there. My favorite part is it says Jane Daniel, like, not just one waffle for breakfast, but it all caps two waffles. That is. I was like, if you said, like you want to like five or five or two, that's not like, a pretty standard scenario, but I guess you're right about. But but I also knew something was going on because my buddy, John just texted me a few minutes ago. He's like, are you couldn't know it with grand dandy right now? I'm like, why? Because all they're like, they're like messing with you about this pit is this waffle thing. I was like, Oh, boy. So that's what I need to really go off the rail. Never. It was always fun. Yeah. It's why, because because we look, see, here's the thing, Ben. Nobody ran harder with it than us. We're like when Mark Sanchez handled off the Adrian Peterson, he went like 90 yards against the Eagles. We're sitting there going, whoever's responsible, give him a raise. Let's get him on a hold of compliment him. What a genius thing to do. Like we instead of like a footnote, we spent 10 minutes waxing poetic with each other about how important this was for fan outreach. Yeah. This look no further than how different everything is sign of the times Dan would have never done this and all those types of things. All the research that we did to find out that nobody's ever given away waffles at a stadium before, we had daris on that hours and hours to find out it is an unprenivative thing. We know that they've changed. They've upgraded some of their food options and who knows? Maybe by the time they're back for another home game, waffles is on the menu. You never know. I actually think that and you're first on the scene. Yeah, lean into that tailgate. Ted just said, wait, what? I'm not getting waffles on Sunday. Oh, no. My concern is the people that turned off their radio. So there's one guy tweeted us a picture of a conversation he had. I mean, you just can't make this up. This dude Joe says at Grand H. Paulson, you've made me look foolish. Stating this was the actual text combo with his buddy was probably like at a big boy job. He goes nothing like one oh six seven during football season just learned they're giving out a box of waffle mixed to us at the game on Sunday because Jaden meets waffles before every game. His buddy goes LMAO. That's unreal. And he goes, apparently it was a false report shaking my head. Apparently it's a false report. Great. And Danny screwed us again. Oh God. Anyway, no waffles just to be clear. But there are waffles on his Instagram account, right? Isn't that a thing? I believe that is a double check for your sources. But I believe tomorrow at some point in the morning, there will be something to give away on the ding dongle Instagram for waffle mix. But the box is creative. Sarah, we're not half fun. Go get some waffles. I think by just by nature of how this whole thing unfolded, you're going to have to be all over it. Like what like you're going to have to report on this like it's a real thing. Are you know what I mean, Ben? Like nature, are you a waffle guy, Ben? Are you more of a pancake French toast guy? I know it's one of those deals of I got the third pick. I'm good. I can go for any of you made me pick a probably go pancakes. But honestly, you know, those are, you know, like Charlie's they don't give me whichever one I'm probably going to. This is so funny. This guy just tweeted standing me and you. And he goes, can't wait for this little one's first ever commander's game. He's especially looking for. And it's the cutest kid I've ever seen with a one D that's just born into this and burgundy and gold. Oh God. That's great. I saw somebody somebody tweeted that Danny tweeted about this and they tweeted at him and me with they took my Twitter avatar where I'm standing at the paint manny with my mic. They swapped that paint manning for a waffle house. Yep. They said they want this to be my avatar now. I might have to do it. I think you do it. I think the reason it's great and stick aside, I mean, I'm not just pumping Ben's tires because he's on with us. As I said earlier, when we found out about the the waffle situation at hand, we'll say we'll call it waffle situation. Like thorough investigator doesn't miss batting average bat in a thousand. The eyes cross the tee. This is what he does. This is he is in his element in week two. Waffles are waffles. We're not going to worry too much about waffles. But I did want to get you on just to figure out exactly what was going on because I knew you would you would have this for us. So to be clear, no waffles at the game or waffles at the game. Um, no, my understanding, there'll be no waffles at the game. Hopefully, no math either. I'm not going to either of these things apparently. Oh my God. So good. All right, Ben, we'll catch up very soon. I will see you at Northwest Stadium on Sunday. Look forward to it. I'll see you. He's a good egg. Ben standing up the athletic. Go follow him there and check out his work. You should already be following him on social media. Grant and Danny with you on the fan. That beats a Cliff Kingsbury conversation anytime with all the respect to Cliff Kingsbury. Respectfully. Although we do have to hear what he said about 16 carries. We'll do that next. [inaudible] With Danny, I'm Grant. This is the fan taking up to 6 15. And that's pregame eventually. First pitch at 6 45. We'll get you that's weather and starting lineups before we get out of here today on the fan. Cliff Kingsbury met with reporters, discussed Jaden Daniels debut. That's a debut that netted him the rookie of the week award in the national football. He's the first of 17 rookie of the week award winners for week one with the 88 rushing yards and the two rushing touchdowns. But we hadn't yet gotten into Kingsbury on the number of rushing attempts. I want to do that here. He was talking on cut seven, Derris, about Jaden Daniels running the ball 16 times. This was Kingsbury with reporters today. There's a couple calls, you know, where we thought we had premier looks that ended up hitting inside that you'd like to have back, you know, if he walks in, then it looks really good. But a lot of those he did a great job. I'm not sure how many actually got contacted and taken to the ground on, but he does a great job of finding the saw spot, finding out of bounds. But we understand like he has to take care of himself and we want him to continue to grow and you can't do that if you're banged up and on the sideline. So my translation there from Kingsbury is 16 attempts is not too many. That wasn't the problem. The problem is, are you taking hits? Are you in harm's way? And his point is he mostly wasn't. He did a good job of winning contact or getting to the sideline. He said there were a couple he wants back, which include the goal one runs at the end, I think, when he got walloped a couple times, maybe one of those powers, if I had to guess where they thought they had looks defensively, where they were going to catch him with that draw. It was basically like direct snap, they pull a guard, they get him going with power, a draw look, and they played it really well and they stuffed him at the line of scrimmage. He probably thought he'd fly through there into space and be able to fall forward. They found some sort of design flaw. They'd be able to get something big. But you and I went back through the 16 runs before the show today. One of them is considered a run on that pass on the first play of the game for minus 15 yards because it was backwards. It was a fumble. So it's a rush attempt. Another was the kneel down before the half. So really now we're down to 14 runs of which seven were true scrambles and seven in quotes were designs when you count the read option that he could have kept or could have handed off, which I don't know if that makes you feel a lot better, but still 14 instead of 16 is a truer way to talk about it. And then there were only seven designed runs, so to speak. But he did not seem regretful of how many runs there were. I didn't think. I didn't either. It's the it's one of those things where I think of a basketball coach, right? Like you got a really good player, a guy that can really score. And if he makes the shot, even if it's a difficult one for everybody else, you go like, we got to live with that. Like he's got to shoot it versus if he misses it, yeah, when he better shots than that. Like, it's an after the fact coaching point. I'm not criticizing him. I'm just saying this is human nature, right? Where it's a good shot. If it goes in, it's a bad shot. If it does, you agree with my logic, which I think is kind of what you were just alluding to, which I've been saying since he drafted him, which is you drafted Jaden Daniels. Don't be surprised when he shows up. Jaden Daniels is coming to DC. That's a good thing, by the way, not a bad thing, but he's gonna run. If you don't want this guy to run, if someone's going, man, he ran a lot. You shouldn't have drafted him if you're bothered by that. He should run. It's what he does brilliantly. It's what he does amazingly well. It is his elite trait. You know, if you're a hitter in Major League Baseball, and the thing you do really, really well is hit home runs and you're trying to bunt all the time, that's a poor use of your skills. For me in radio or you in radio or stand up comedy, if you go away from that, your best bullet on the stage is probably impressions and barkly. If you never use those, that would be silly. You don't go do a set or bring Danny Ruoye in and tell him, hey, don't do any impressions tonight. Why have him? That's happened before, by the way. But yeah, but seriously, yeah, it's a thing I'll tell you about during the break. But the point is obvious. I mean, to me, like the player that's here, you're trying to work the faders. Fader number one is, you know, making plays when nothing is there. Fader number two is just straight up runs. Fader number three is the passing game intermediate, short passing game. You're trying to work all these faders to get the biggest total number to try to get the best balanced the best everything. So fader number one for week number one was when all hell breaks loose run, design runs also. So like a third of the offense, basically, was Jay Daniels running in terms of number of plays around and executed. And I think we'd all probably agree that that maybe a bit much that's probably not sustainable. Just in terms of number of hits and impacts and, you know, you need something else, you can't just ask, ask the rookie quarterback in this first month of football to be the hero on every single play every time. But that's the struggle. That's that's the balance we're trying to find, right? And that's why there's no one core singular set of it's not a recipe, right? If it was, you needed to follow it, you'd go, this guy's not following the recipe, fire him. There's no tried and true way to do this, the best way to develop a passer with it for a kid that's got this unbelievable skill set also, right? I mean, most of the time, if you throw the ball at Jay Daniels, you are a first round traffic. And, you know, we'll see what happens. You know, you're you're patting the ball in the pocket and you're doing this hitch and this read and this thing and this, whatever. Well, you had in the fact that this guy ran for a thousand yards and double digit touchdowns and could do something that only a handful of people ever to play the game can do. That's a tough balance to figure out what's best. You know, I've disagreed about that. I think that's reasonable. But for I, there's a process part of this that I feel like this coaching staff is sort of glossing over like Dan Quins. Again, his helmet falls off sometimes and we'll teach him a style. We've got a national out there. They don't have the right level of concern for me. Maybe that's my, my issue because I live through what we all live through here as fans of teams in this town. But to me, there needs to be a little bit more process concern. You might get hurt in the pocket, make it hurt somewhere else. But there needs to be more of a, we're going to do the best practice. Not just sort of joke about it and say, Oh, shucks, he's a dog. I can't have that. Yeah, I agree with that part a lot for sure. Like wholeheartedly and cosigned. Verbal retweet, whatever you want there. All I'm saying is I am hearing some rhetoric already from not only fans, but I just think media might be too strong about people that are kind of around the cover the team or whatever. And the idea is man, you can't just have this guy running all over the place. And to that, I would say why? Now, my caveat is if you're throwing the ball successfully, you can't be running at the expense of passing. You cannot have games where all you've got is him scrambling and there is nothing in the passing game, partially because he's just taking the ball, pulling it down, running when there's something there through the air. But I guess I would say a, everybody relax. It's been one game. And B also, it's never going to be just a, he's not going to stand in the pocket and just throw all the time. And he shouldn't. Exactly. That's the point. Like don't draft him if that's what you want. You drafted a dude who runs a 439 probably. You drafted one of the great athletes on planet Earth, like let him be Superman. Let him put the cape on. And I do feel that way about Jaden Daniels. Let's go to cut number 10. This is Cliff Kingsbury with reporters today on some of the design inside runs. Those were the powers where he went between the tackles and got stacked up. One of those were Vida Vaya, the big 330 poundi tackle falls on him from behind. Cliff Kingsbury was asked about those. We thought we had pretty rare looks really like the scheme, thought it would hit in a different way and ended up forcing him inside. And they have a really good front and kind of collapsed it. And so second, guessing it would not have wanted him to get hit inside like that, but learning experience for all of us and we got to be smarter. I got to be a better coach from the forward. What you just addressed, which was wanting to hear more rhetoric that was anti running as much as he did. Like, hey, it's not what we want to major in. Let's make sure that's not a weekly occurrence. I think this is maybe the comment that when you hear this will bother you where he essentially compares him to Lamar Jackson as if to say, other guys are doing this too. Why do you guys care about Jaden? So let's listen to this one. I mean, I don't think the first game with the reigning NDP of the league had the same amount of rushes, right? And I'm not saying he's the same guy, but your first game was a rookie. You're going to have some survival mode, fight or flight going on. And he got out. Like I said, didn't get hit a ton and made some big plays with his feet. So you got to walk that line. I've had a bunch of guys who could run and extend plays and you walk that line of when to pull back and we're not to. And I think as he plays, he'll get a better comfort level and I'll get a better feel for him and we'll just progress together, which I think is totally fair and true. I guess my rebuttal to that one would be. Wait a second. Is the goal Lamar Jackson, who is a running quarterback, right? Like, and maybe that's where we're headed to me. What I liked about Jaden Daniels is a prospect and obviously everyone knows I was a big Drake main mark, but when you watch Jaden Daniels, what gives me hope and excites me about him is, I think he's a better thrower coming out than Lamar was. And what I'm hoping for is that he majors in that part of it that the running is there when you need it, but not that it's what you major in and it's not like the first thing about your game, which is how it's trended with Lamar in a lot of ways where that matter what receivers are there through the years, they're basically useless. If we're going in that route, just let me know. And then let's let's go all the way in with that. Let's go get a 300 pound full back like Patrick or Card and let's jumble everything up and and let him run off the edges and do all that. But to me, that's not really what they're aiming for. And especially two weeks in shouldn't be the coaching point that a Lamar runs 16 times, so it's okay if you do, let's develop him to throw the football. Yeah, like, do I get to do well for the sake of argument? Pat Holmes threw it 50 times he didn't, but like, so let's do that. I guess for, I'm not ripping Cliff Kingsbury here. He's just answering a question. He's trying to offer explanation and provide some color and he's got a lot of work to do when he wants to get back to doing it. Talking to us is the last thing you probably is into. So I'm not really ripping him apart. He gives off a, I'm just here so I don't get fined vibe when he's at the mic, which is fine by me. And he's got a silly, deep voice. Yes, he does. All those things are true. But this isn't me necessarily addressing him, but it's a it's a window into comments because we've gotten that that's come back our way when we've gone. Hey, I'm a little concerned here. He got his helmet came off a couple of times that negated a touchdown on one play. And are we concerned at all? He's getting hit a lot. No problem because we've lived through this and everyone's telling us that it's overblown. And then they point to Lamar Jackson. Hey, my response is always the guy's been hurt a lot talking about Lamar Jackson. So I don't want to sign up for that. But the second part is if we're doing that, if we're going to do Lamar, I don't have a better way to say it than that. If we're if we're signing up for a Lamar Jackson type thing, then let's revisit what we did this off season. Then then let's build the team that way. Where's my Mark Andrews and my Isaiah likely? Where's where's all of my, as you said, extra offensive lineman to go jumbo to, you know, when we're running power this and power that all the time, yeah, where's my full back? And, you know, you would build it the whole team differently. If that's what you're doing. The whole point of him, talking about Jayden Daniels was you've got if Lamar's a 10 out of 10 as a runner, which I would say he is as a quarterback, Tim, Michael Vick, and maybe I'd say Jayden is too, by the way, feels I would say slightly less than that, like a nine and a half, but still really good. One of the, one of the greats of all time in that regard, the whole point of Jayden Daniels to me wasn't that we're just doing that. The whole point was this is also a prolific thrower, not quite to the Joe Burl level coming out LSU, but closer to that, then, then heat Schuler back in the day was an option quarterback in Tennessee. You know what I mean? Like the whole point was we had this extra bit too, where he was prolific in the passing game. We want the best of both worlds. If we're just doing a, dude, we can, we can do it just the field's offense right now and win eight games. Fine, but that's not what we signed up to. That's not, that's not what we wanted. That's not what we were supposed to be doing. And it's too early to really go elbow deep into this conversation because it's only one game. And I, it could have just been the way the game played out and it's not their designer, their idea at all. When you add it though to those comment, a comment where he goes, guys, the MVP of the league did the same thing this week. So it's okay. Not my favorite, but let's, I'm gonna, let's give it a few games before we really dive into, you know, a discussion on whether or not maybe that's the vision. And we just didn't know it. But my guess is they come out, they look way more traditional on how they throw the football. Daniel's is way more patient in the pocket, doesn't leave us quickly. And they try to get the air game going against a horrific secondary this weekend. Will Branson's going to join us to go around the NFL at five o'clock here on Grant and Danny is Washington going to take advantage of some of the giant's issues. We'll get into that next right here on the fan. Grant and Danny on the fan. Welcome back. And thank you for listening to the program. We'll talk to Will Branson of CVS coming up at five, go around the NFL as we get ready for week two to kick off tonight. The bills and the dolphins from Miami on Thursday night football. Did I see the gold pants make their official return this weekend? I've seen that. Yes, the team tweeted that out and it was met with great excitement among many fans at risk of being slapped away like you're to Kim and Matumbo and I'm headed to the rim. I know you're not a fan of the uniform discussion, but the gold pants are in a lot of ways an olive branch to the fans that are upset about the new colors and the new look in the new gear. And this ownership group made that pretty clear when Josh Harris went to the podium and talked to reporters and took questions, something Dan Snyder didn't do for decades just before the kickoff of the season at the last preseason game. And he said that going to those gold pants was an effort to just show that they are trying to do as much as they can to bridge the past to the current operation and the fans that feel disenfranchised. Now, hopefully see that they are trying to reach out to them. People want the name change. People want all kinds of different things. They'll make all their demands, but I think that's a nice step. If nothing else, it's a good attempt. No, it is. And I'm not angry. I'm not going to find many things they can control. Precisely. I'm not going to throw some temper tantrum and say I'm not watching them. I personally just see Bruce seeing here, Bruce Allen again, and I think of that era, because he was doing that. He was like, what are we known as the burgundy and gold, gold pants? And he thought he was so proud of himself and he'd walk around like he invented fire. And that drove me crazy. So the name I hear Dan talking to me and the gold pants I see Bruce as his mouthpiece, not everyone sees that. So again, I'm not like the gold pants are pre-brews. Totally. And I'm not, I'm not knocking this one. I'm just simply saying for me, I'm not really that interested in or into it. And I also, you already mentioned it for uniform stuff. Anyway, unless it's, this is what we wore in the 80s and 90s. Joe Gibbs said we were white at home or we're going to do that exact thing. Then I'm interested. If you don't do that, then it's for someone else. So I'm not upset. I like the pants. I've always liked the pants. I think it's a good look. This is an aside and doesn't matter, but it is kind of funny to me. They're not gold. We call them gold. They're, they're mustard yellow basically. Now, they are essentially the colors of the uniform and they've been part of the uniform for a long time. But gold to me is like what the 49ers wear, right? That metallic, you know what gold looks like when you see it. Sure. The commander's pants are like that brighter, like yellow that we call gold. Yep. Just, just a throwaway comment and nothing better. Not a Thurman. But I've always found that interesting. Like go back when I was on the beat. People were like, they were in their gold pants today and I'd wait till Nick Sunberg would run out of the tunnel. I'd be like, it's gold pants today. And everyone's like, yeah, gold pants. When really it's, it's like the mustard yellow pants. It doesn't mean anything. I'm just saying that. It's like that. It's like the ballpark French is mustard yellow, right? Yes. Yeah. Exactly. Right. Gold feels different. Gold feels you're right. 49ers is the best one. That red and gold iconic thing. Absolutely. You know exactly what it is. That that garrison hearse like 49ers. Oh, yeah. Padded pant look. Just just. Maybe as we're in those, you know, when they wear gold, honestly, is when they wear the weird throwbacks from the Griffin cousins era on homecoming day with like the brown helmet that was supposed to be leather. And like, I thought that was a fire kit, by the way. I used to love it. But they would have like the very basic burgundy jersey with actual kind of metallic gold, like 49ers like pants. That's the only time I really remember them wearing true gold. Otherwise, the burgundy and gold is more like USC yellow in a way. Arizona State yellow. Look out. Arizona State place. I got a QB that started a career there. That's right. I drafted number two overall. The question at hand though, and you said earlier, you're worried about is, you know, are they going to be able to take advantage of how bad the giants are? If they do take advantage of something, do you think it would be Daniel Jones has lit them up? You know, maybe a porous offensive line with their pass rush with Allen and Payne. Could it be on the other side of the ball for the Giants where their secondary's gross and maybe McCloring goes seven for a bill or they get a number two receiver? Maybe that's the keyest or Diami Brown. I don't even know who it would be. Who do I have confidence in? If it's not Noah Brown and we haven't seen yet, actually go going and getting the football. Maybe it's McCloring and Noah Brown who put up a combined, you know, 10 for 170 or something. Yeah, where where are the big plays in the passing game going to come from? I think that's going to be the our essential question weekend and week out for for now until, you know, something else changed or one of them as it pertains to Daniels, this offense, him running is probably the other biggest one. But to me, it's got to be something short or intermediate that gets broken. AKA in this horizontal type deal, you think of Brian Robertson, rumbling down the field, breaking tackles in space, running kind of a shallow crosser, but everyone else is out of there. So he's got a head full of steam and now he's taking something short and getting something big out of it. Right. Same thing with Austin Eckler taking a check down for 22 yards on his first touch. I think that's where their big plays are going to come from for the indefinite future. Maybe you hit one like the first play of the second half, missing McClellan by a yard or two overthrowing it. Maybe hit one of those at some point, but I think consistently the shorts going to have to become something that gets broken. And maybe that's the path this week against the Giants at 5 30. We should tackle the state of the secondary now that Emmanuel Forbes is out four to six weeks having surgery today on his thumb. That story broke in our first hour. If you missed that, you can grab our reaction at the fan But I will give you a detailed breakdown on what the corner and safety situation is going to look like as some shuffling is going to be done now with Forbes missing. Also speaking of Noah's no egg, going to help replace Forbes. Noah Brown is expected to make his debut. How impactful will he be? We'll get into that at 5 30 as well. Will Princeton joins us next to go around the NFL on Grant and Danny? [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] The Grant and Danny show is brought to you exclusively by the law firm Condoria and Murad. They'll guide you and your family in the right direction by helping you to draft a will. Set up a trust or create a health care power of attorney. Schedule a free consultation with their estate planning attorneys at Be sure to tell them that we sent you so that you can get a discount. That's In one half hour, we will get into the Noah's Igbonogany and Brown and their growing roles this weekend who might be able to help the commanders get off the Schneider against the Giants in week two. But right now on the bet QL guest hotline, we find our pal Will Princeton of CBS Sports to go around the NFL. Will, how was your week one? I was good, guys. I feel a rejuvenated sense of excitement for football this year. It feels like it's going to be a really, really good season. Very quickly, two things, one a plug and one thing to get off my chest. If you like to win money, check out the early edge pre-game show, leading up to all prime time games on our Sportsline YouTube channel. I'm hosting that every Monday, Thursday and Sunday. And then two, I'm matched up against my godson, Teddy Honeycutt, who's in the listening area for you guys in fantasy football this week. And I just want to let Teddy know publicly that he's going down. I'm going to destroy him and I'm going to break him and send him to 0 and 2 in the basement. See you, Teddy. Teddy, it's curtains. So I thought the shadow was going to be for your buddy, Zeke. So I'll do that for number three. Shut up, your friends. There you go. Oh, Zeke, son, Teddy. Yeah, Teddy's going to get worked this weekend. He's going to get put on, he's going to get put the body bag. We'll fact in the way, well, in the way, we'll back now. He's going to get these hands. All right, a couple of things you've been tweeting about that I am curious about. Starting with, I saw you had tweeted a little about the usage for the Falcons for Kirk cousins. I just saw a video of Kirk was here in DC for many years, like dropping back under center. And you just can't convince me he's okay. I mean, he does not. He said today, like the Achilles is fine. And we know this, this health versus actually healthy thing. Like, yes, he's not injured anymore. But he also isn't moving like he used to. What's your take after they had him in the pistol in the gun the entire game, which is obviously not his forte. He's a drop back, you know, play action assassin. They didn't do that one time. Oh, yeah, I think it's a major, major concern for this offense. And you look at, I mean, just the whole game, he was, I think he was under center one time. So they're running out of pistol. You know, you don't get the usage in the throws and the targets that you want for cow pit. He scored a touchdown, but you know, sort of a busted coverage. You don't get much straight from London. It's all Ray Ray McLeod and cousins operating in the pistol, which is just, it's not going to fly for this offense. Ironically, of course, it came against Arthur Smith, the old OC who was so bad there in Atlanta for a few years, or the old head coach there. You know, I think it's, it's pretty obvious too. If you go back and watch the Falcons in the Steelers game, there's the quickest throwing of his arm. And you can get away with that a little bit if you're Josh Allen or Patrick Ball, you know, but if you can't plant on your back leg because you're worried about your Achilles that you're coming back from as an elder quarterback, and you can't, you know, you're worried about dropping back from under center and running this play action. It's severely limits your playbook. It's severely limits your offense. And it does beg the question. If you want to be put a temporal hat on, you know, is this why the Falcons didn't play Michael Pinnock to their final preseason game? Because if cousins isn't healthy and you paid them all that money, I realize that he's the starter and he's the incumbent. But if your offense is potentially better with Michael Pinnock's, you should absolutely roll Pinnock's out there and let her cousins get healthy. I know the dynamics don't work like that in the NFL, but you're right. I mean, like they're out here force eating us videos of cousins doing dropbacks and it doesn't look natural. The whole thing is, is very concerning. If you're a Falcons fan or has a Falcons over win total this year, both the Colts and the Packers lost in week one, but different things are going on there. Obviously, right. Green Bay, maybe without Jordan Lava, there's this weird gamesmanship that maybe plays maybe doesn't. I don't know. The Colts, I thought were fairly impressive going wire, you know, toe to toe with Houston. Give me your thoughts on that match up on where each team goes from here. Yeah, very quick. What, uh, what sports book are we sponsoring here? Are we working with you? I don't want to get a little guy. Okay. Fatal. Fatal doesn't have the odds up yet. I'm, I like Fatal as well, but, um, they don't have the odds up for Malik Willis passing yard yet. I've seen it in some other places. Understands a hug. It's like, is it a whole number? Is it an integer? It's one 78 and a half. Um, I saw, I got a 177 and a half and I got that in and the juicer from 120 to 135. Well, it's better again. So that's good. Those are going to come crashing down. I don't think there's any chance sort of love plays this week that would be irresponsible by the Packers and, you know, for the long term, they just paid this guy. So Malik Willis is out there. I think it's a little crazy to suggest sprained NCL. He's going to come back in one or two weeks, but I think that timeline will be adjusted based on the outcome against the Colts. There are three point dogs at home. They have, you know, you have Matt LaFloor who's a really, is a really good coach. And I think there's a chance he can, you know, work some stuff up where they're, you know, running the clock down to absolute zero every time you see Josh Jacobs. You do a lot of Jayden Reed out of the backfield stuff and you just minimize the number of times that the Colts are on the field. The Colts like to play fast, by the way. And then, you know, also minimize the number of times Malik Willis throws to hope your defense steals one for you. So I think that's probably the timeline there for the Colts. It'll be interesting to see the evolution of Anthony Richardson. You know, they sold, Gus Bradley said they sold out to stop the path. And so Joe Nixon just obliterated them in the run game. And Anthony Richardson was like the number two fantasy quarterback, but completed nine passes. One of them, one of the best throws you'll ever see in your entire life down 60 yards on a rope falling backwards to Alec Pierce. I think you just, his evolution as a passer is what intrigues me about them. I think they can win without that. But yeah, I mean, this is, you know, this game probably determines how quickly Jordan Love comes back. Will Brinson on Grant and Danny, I'm going to start this question with the craziest status I've seen so far this season from NFL on CBS that you retweeted. Aaron Rodgers has not thrown for 300 pass yards in a game since week 14, 2021. To put in that in the context, Andy Dalton has done it three times since with three different teams. He's done it with the bears, saints and panthers weird since Rogers last did it. What did you make of the jets? It's really early. It was one game. They're playing against a potential Super Bowl team. So I'm sure too much is being made out of them struggling. But I don't even mean to lead you in that way as much as like, what were some of your takeaways from our first look at Rogers and Hackett and Wilson together in New York? No, I think on Rogers specifically, there was that one drive where he was, you know, the camera caught him like turning and smirking. He was like, yeah, what do you like ripped one in to Garrett Wilson? Breeze Hall's usage is through the roof. He looks like he's going to have a monster season as long as he stays healthy. I think he'll catch a ton of passes from Rogers this year and run the ball well. They should beat up on bad teams. My biggest concern and with Rogers, you know, I think if you take the cousins thing and sort of extrapolate it by a couple of, I think it was like eight weeks or something like that between their Achilles tears. You know, Rogers looks like he's about eight weeks further off in Kirk Cousins or at least had, you know, more time to regroup and to get healthy. You can sort of tell that. I think the bigger concern sneakily is that defense for the Jets. They, you know, Hassan Reddick's not in there. You know, they lose price off. You don't have as good a pass rush as you did. They got gashed by Jordan Mason, who's, I think it's a really good player. But, you know, if you, Chris, no, Chris McCaffer, you feel like you're going to stop the run. I think a lot of teams can really just eat with their running backs against. And that's why I think you can see you can win this week too, because they don't, you know, they have Hopkins and Ridley. But you can just like let these running backs and let these tight ends operate over the middle of the field, pound the football. And I'm just not sure the Jets are going to slow people down the way that they want unless you can force people into a situation where you're, you're throwing at those corners. So Rogers, probably a work in progress. Jeff defense, a bit of a red flag to me. I'm ready. We'll be with this here on GND. So we always offer all the caveats, right? Well, it's week one. Flooky stuff happens. You know, this isn't a gavel slam just because I have the preseason is going over the last few years, etc. Blah, blah, blah, usual caveats apply. That said, is there any team that you've changed your opinion on after their week one showing? Because I got one in mind. Yeah, I mean, the Falcons kind of come to mind who you have in mind. I thought Cleveland would be frisky and competitive and tough. And they were none of those things. No, I was, I was down on Cleveland. I actually, Pittsburgh by the team, I changed my mind on, I was down on them. I think, you know, they're just going to be Mike Tomlin and like find a way to nine wins once again. Cleveland, I was down on, I didn't believe in Watson and thought, you know, if you look at Jim Schwartz's defenses for whatever reason, and I like Jim Schwartz a lot, but if you look at his defenses, typically speaking, he was just like first year spike where they play really well. And then the second year, they can kind of fall off a little bit. They're also not very good on the road and great at home. They had a good score or a good record in one score games, point differential screen, you know, fall back to earth. You win, you make the playoffs and win 11 games with five different quarterbacks starting. I mean, there's just a lot of luck involved there. And I think this Watson thing off field and on the field is casting a shatter over that whole organization. I mean, it's, it's like, you make this, Baker, maybe it was lighting up the commanders down in Tampa. Oh, sorry guys. But you know, and then like Watson, you just have all this guaranteed money and you can't get out from under it unless you get some sort of, you know, like a Dussek Smock, you know, flying down from Roger Goodell that nullifies his contract, right? I mean, it's, it's a, it just feels like just bad vibes around the entire organization. All right. So rapid fire here. These are the toughest games for me to pick. I just want to get your thoughts on just straight up, right? And I'm not worried about the spread necessarily this week. I have a sneaky feeling the dolphins beat the bills at home tonight. What do you think of that? I like the bills. I like the over better. I think it really, really fun game tonight. All right. How about this one? Again, I think this is really hard to pick. We were just talking about the Browns Cleveland at Jacksonville. Yeah, Jacksonville is just a better team right now, I think. And then, like, lots of things good against the Generalers, but I'm not buying his arm, his shoulder's test, man. Is there any chance New England at home can get to two and oh, and just shove it on Seattle defensively? Yes. Good article in the Boston Herald today about how the Patriots have incorporated Mike McDonald's style stuff into their defense sort of a thing that Bill Belichick wouldn't do. I think that defense is going to be a problem in Seattle's offensive line, a big problem. All right. So you kind of like that upset a little bit. And then the last one would be, you were just talking about the Steelers in Pittsburgh. I would take them to beat the Broncos going away, but Steelers Broncos in Denver running with fields again. So there's not going to be a whole lot in the passing game there. Boatniks is at home, not on the road. I kind of think Denver gets to one in one maybe. What do you think there? Yeah, I got Denver. Sean Payton is not losing to a team with Russell Wilson on the roster. And Russ might put on shoulder pads and like an extra fair shoulder pads and a helmet and do wind sprint the entire time. We're going up to the game. I think I think you see a much better version of bone. They'll move around a bunch. And Denver gets a close one. And that one, particularly if you're getting three points of Denver, I think you have to deal with them in total. It's like 36 and a half bit on the spot here, Will, but is there an own one team where you kind of have circled where you're going? Man, they are under a lot of pressure this week. Otherwise, dot, dot, dot, take it wherever you want. I mean, I think it's not I mean, maybe a little more micro into the roster of it. But I think you could say the New York Giants, you know, this is the team. Malik gave us popped up on the injury report today. They looked just abysmal against Sam Darnell in the Viking. So Darnell was great. Don't get me wrong. But, you know, Saint Juan Park was incredible. Like the Eagles, Danny Dimes stinks. You know, it's probably all ownership fault for ordering him to go in a certain direction. But now I believe that it's the game in New York, right? I'm watching it, right? No, it's interesting. It's here. Oh, it's in DC. OK, OK, so you're not going to get the booze. I'm sorry. I'm kind of confused on that one. But yeah, it's I mean, like, watch it. Look, Washington's defense doesn't look good. I think we agree with that. The offensive line is a problem. Jay Daniels is going to be falling as hell and probably run all over the place. But if you're New York, I mean, you got to own two, and the Cowboys look good in other week. The Eagles look good in other week. And, you know, you lose with commanders. You're, I think the pressure gets real turned up on Dave Jones. I mean, this might be a figure job game and real, real turned up on Brian Dable and Joe Shane too. Yeah, for sure. What do we know about T. Hagen's status for week two? Not a great start to him trying to get a contract. OK, so I'm not, I don't want to, like, I'm not saying this isn't like live. I don't want to be like conspiratorial here and like say something I shouldn't. But I actually don't recall the exact moment when he got hurt in practice, which is like all of a sudden he had a hamstring, but nobody, it was like he showed up in the injury, injury reporter, the answering. I mean, I'm not saying he's not hurt. It's just Adam Schefter tweeted something about this or said something about this on ESPN or NFL live earlier, the offseason, like way early in the offseason, like April. I was like, if he isn't close to play, if he isn't completely healthy, watch, he won't go out there. Oh, that's a good point. I never said he got into like a fight with an analyst. And now that I've got it, I don't remember which player it was, but they were like yelling at each other a little bit. And they're like, oh, we've got a lost key, maybe. There's no way, there's no way he's going to sit and look, like the bagels. So you have Jamaar Chase and T Higgins. Higgins is like the first take of the second round, Jamaar Chase and top five pick or top 10 pick, whatever it was, you paid for all this money and you don't want to pay his weapons. They franchise tag T Higgins. It's clear they're doing the Jesse Bates thing where they draft his replacement and Jermaine Burton. And you know, you let him go after making the player franchise tag year. It seems to me like T Higgins is sort of doing a nah. I don't think so guys. And so if he's on the injury report at all on Wednesday or Thursday, I don't think you're going to see him on Sunday. And you know, it sounds like there's been rumbling. It's like week three might already be off the table. Wow. Are the Rams good? Yes, but right. They just put three offensive linemen at Puke and the crew on IR, which is a big problem. You know, they went out and revamped the offensive line to be a really good run team. I still think that they'll be fine defensively. They lose their dial. They're not going to be as good. Could see a shoot out with Arizona. That's one where, to me, the Rams are an easy pick. Sean McPhee's I think 12 and one and 11, two and one. The 12 and one straight up, 11, two and one against the spread against Arizona since he got to LA, which is just wild. And like Matthew Stafford with Cooper Cup, they still have some underrated guy. I think Colby Parkinson's really good. I think, um, uh, uh, wittington, the rookie is good, the anti-Johnson, then guys that could fill in Demarkis Robinson, they can make it work on the other pieces with Stafford. The offensive line is bigger concern for me because Stafford needs time back there. They need to go to run block for Kyron Williams. It's not going to be an issue this week. Arizona has nothing up front in terms of the pass rush, but moving forward, that offensive line, if it deteriorates any further, you do worry about stabbartating too many shots. What do you think of Jaden Daniels in week one? I think I thought that he was as advertised in the Cliff Kingsbury often. So you're not as, I mean, we're very skeptical Kingsbury guys ourselves, but you're not necessarily that was very, that was very, that was very skeptical. Like, I mean, you know, like, you see, I feel like I see 40 Cliff Kingsbury tweets a day and it's, you know, there's turning the car and spending 90% of his time on one side. There's not a bunch of pre snap motion. They're not running fast. They're trying to pound the ball. You don't have a great offensive line. And it really deteriorates into Jaden Daniels kind of running for his life. I mean, you know, it's sort of like, uh, you know, when Cliff was running Arizona with Tyler, you know, light where it's like, all right. Look, look, look, let's run. And I just don't know. I think if you're, I think to really, to really win games, there needs to be maybe a little more systematic, systematic approach, right, where you should have a structure of an offense versus simply the playground. Like the playground stuff is fun. And I'm sorry, I got to be fancy to play them all over the place. I think Jaden is a great talent. I think it's going to be fun to watch, but you know, you do worry about that a little bit, especially in, you know, a city where the last time you had a number two overall pick that ran too much, they didn't end up well. Well, thank you. As always, buddy. Enjoy the game tonight and this weekend. All right, guys. I'm great. We can see, pal. Love talking to our guy at Will Brinson on Grant and Danny does his work over at CBS. All right. To know us, Igani on defense, Brown on offense, the roles they'll play on Sunday, two of the big keys for the commanders against the Giants. You're listening to the fan. Grant and Danny on the fan. The news of the day was that a manual Forbes is having surgery on his thumb. He's going to miss four to six weeks in Washington secondary, so they're going to have to make some moves back into the roster, presumably in the defensive backfield. But in the meantime, they've got some depth to tap into Michael Davis. I was surprised to see didn't play it all defensively in week one. That's about to change. And Noah Igani, who has become the next man up at cornerback is going to start opposite Benjamin St. Juice. The only good news I'm going to give you is that the Giants don't really have receivers that are going to scare you a whole lot. And Malik neighbors was actually limited in practice today at no issue on the practice injury report yesterday. But what they need today was listed as limited. Something happened on the practice field yesterday, I guess. Yeah. So seeing some reports now, Jordan Renan has basically said it's a tweak and it's thought of as minor, but still it went from not a thing to, as you said, limited practice today, something to monitor here is the weak progressive receivers. Otherwise, Darius Slaton, former fifth round pick, Juan Del Robinson, who's been around, was their most targeted receiver in week one, Jalen Hyatt, who they drafted in the third round last year as a speedster that they haven't used much. And then Gunnar Olchweski, he's the guy that used to play for the Patriots, who's like a punt returner type. But I mean, there is nobody in that receiver room that should worry you at all other than neighbors. But that doesn't change the fact it was a tough first week for St. Juice. He said they didn't communicate enough. Nick Benogany is more of a nickel corner that's not going to be playing outside. And he has not been a starter in this league as over the last few years was a former first round pick that teams have moved on from because they didn't want to continue to ask him to do the thing that Washington's about to ask him to do. Yeah. So, you know, larger role for certain guys, I think that's, I don't think you're losing a ton as you've, as you've alluded to correctly, without Forbes being in there. But, you know, if there's the rare, you know, base defense, if that is even a thing in the year of our Lord 2024, we're only two quarterbacks on the field. Maybe it's Sandra still a little bit more often opposite Benjamin St. Juice. But you would, you would think he's such an important role there in the slot that he would sort of maintain that at a minimum. So, yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how they shuffle it up. Again, this is, it's such a transitional time in terms of the way secondaries are. It used to be, I've got a free safety and a strong safety. One guy was, you know, Merton Hanks. The other guy was Sam Shade. It looked like a linebacker that got lost at the went to the wrong meeting. I love Sam Shade. Of course you do. Just land. What are people? Sam Shade, where? 20? No. 30? No. 40. I, well, I should say that I'm not positive, but I remember him as 29. Daris, can I get a PFR? Sam Shade, research analysis, please? I remember him as 29. That was my guy. Well, I remember you couldn't see what his eyes look like because that advisor was dark. It was tinted. You know what I mean? Like, which way is you looking? You don't know. Got a visor on his name was awesome. Yeah, by the way, what do you got on Sam Shade? I've got from the Washington Redskins, number 29. Let's go. Good for you. You sleep on numbers. Yeah, I do. I remember a couple. Where was I? Oh, yeah. So now it's different. Now everybody's the same and everybody rotates and everybody's kind of in and out. And sometimes Quan Martin's a safety, but sometimes he kind of walks up and he's in the box, but he's also a corner. If they motion a certain way, more positionless, more amoeba means a little bit less like, who's the starting cornerback? Maybe your best player is another safety who could walk in and do some shots. Sure. And I'm not disagreeing, but you need to just have corners who can cover. Yeah. At some point, you do need that too. I'm not thinking you have zero corner. No, but what they kind of, it's not like our, our fantasy draft, we went zero running back until round 15. It's St. Houston and then what? I mean, at some point you need a corner back, but you just put out there and let cover a wide receiver and they don't really have that. No, at this point right now. No, they don't. But my question on Nick Benogany would be it feels like there's a pretty good chance the storyline is going to be that they got better without Forbes after this game, maybe because they did, but specifically because it's not Evans and Godwin. Do you get what I'm saying? Of course I do. Like you played the bucks, but if you're secondary, it's a terrible matchup. You're going to get torched fast forward to this week. Now you're playing the giant. Would you look at that? They look better much for fortuitous matchup. So you can prepare already for the man. They didn't get beaten nearly as much. Wow. Weird. When a manual Forbes isn't out there, you know, Baker Manning didn't throw for 300 yards and four touchdowns. You're playing Daniel Jones. You're playing a weaponless offense largely, depending on what happens with neighbors. But I think there's also some truth maybe to the fact that I just don't see it. Benogany being worse. You maybe he's also not effective, but they're not going to get worse at that position in my opinion. Yeah, it's also not as if they've got some star waiting in the wings that was just being blocked by some veteran who's overpaid, right, where you had to start him. There's no white knight. There's nobody riding through that door to be the crusader here. They're they're going to be average to blow average, probably more realistic at that positional year. What are you going to do about like coaching wise, right? How are you going to scheme it up so that it's the bleeding stops that you're even in some of these games? Because you can't just give up 37 points a week. That ain't going to fly. I don't care how good your offense is, right? What about the other Noah? Noah Brown, the wide receiver, Cliff Kingsbury's, offensive coordinator, trying to get balls to receivers, trying to make plays happen for this offense. What about Noah Brown and his involvement? Let's get to Kingsbury Dares from earlier today on Noah Brown and what the offensive coordinator said he might be able to provide for Washington. This was when he was meeting with the media this afternoon. This will be cut to from Cliff. We'll see with Noah. He's coming off a little bit of an injury. So we're easing him back in, but he's, you know, had some big games in a very talented player in this league. I'm excited to see what he can do. I'm excited to see what he can do also. Now again, he was, he was such a late signee, right? Where even even though he has some familiarity with some parts of, you know, system or offense or whatever, still a crash course, trying to get up to speed with all the different nuances, even though there's probably not much to learn in terms of motion, am I right? But even still all the terminology, it's like learning a brand new language. So it's probably unrealistic for him to be able to play in week number one and be able to know everything intuitively. So we'll see here for week number two. Do you know what an injury was? I didn't know that, actually. I didn't know what the injury was. Yeah, can we get a little more on that? I mean, they're not going to offer it, obviously. I don't, was there a follow up? Did he give any more detail? Listen to this again really quickly. We'll see with Noah. He's coming off a little bit of an injury. So we're easing him back in, but he's, you know, had some big game. That tells me the reason he didn't play, maybe it was what they said, you know, that like you just said, he wasn't completely up to speed with the offense, but a little bit of an injury could be a tweak or a pull or something. I'm sure maybe that was a factor then. Yeah, you combine one and two and you get, okay, let's have him an active week number one, but now we can unleash him full go later. But what's the stop? Noah Brown from being a guy this week that could go out and give him five for 60 or something like that? I think a couple things would get in the way of that, but I know what you mean, like they're passing game. The fact that they didn't throw to wide receivers, the fact that they're not very good. But I'm just saying, I don't think there's anybody standing between him and opportunities. Well, that's what it is cardio last week and didn't catch pass. Um, a lot of it is the key is after the whole camp and preseason being the featured guy that everybody loved. No, over and over again at the line of scrimmage, getting all the bubbles and the smokes and the screens. He had two targeted balls. He couldn't haul in and then he had the out route for 15 yards is only catch of the game and garbage time. Like those guys had a weak head start. Yeah. Look, McCaffrey on three different screens that you kind of alluded to. And you could still have him and then you'd have the biggest receiving core you've had here in years with McCaffrey in the slot and Noah Brown on the outside. Yeah, to me, Noah Brown is, is, is here not to do some of the slot stuff, not to do some of the short stuff, but to give them some semblance of a deep option. Even if you're not going to hit him, the idea that you might, I think is, is 90% of why he's here. Once, once a month, they'll take a shot, called up, dialed up, you know, at the right time, just dating, throw it as far as you can, Noah, run as straight and as fast as you can. I think the threat of him was probably more important than the actual player. What did you find, Clary? So, standing did say that he did miss some time this summer and he was with a shoulder injury. So, I don't know what that's telling me. Might be what Cliff Kings were talking about. So, he's, I mean, he even came here though in his practice since then. So, he's not necessarily saying it was a new injury or like anything that happened during practice here. Okay. Okay. That makes sense. Yeah. If he's saying he's coming back, he's trying to get fully back up to speed. And learn the offense. That's a nagging thing. No problem. Let's make him an active week one. But yeah, I don't know that his value is full route tree. He's better than the next guy. I think his replacement level in terms of, you know, working from 20 yards and in where he's exceptional is that being a big deep threat. Like to me, he's a much better version of down me Brown. Well, that's my point. I mean, he doesn't have to be particularly good to be better than what they've got. Right. Yami Brown had has never caught 15 balls in a season. You know, he did it in two weeks at one point last year, in a good offense in Houston. Why wouldn't he be able to just immediately slot in across from McLaurin in that formation? And, you know, when they go two or three receivers, again, the size of McCaffery in the slot with him on the outside, I kind of like, and then you have a physical, you know, ward daddy type and Terry, even though he's not as big as those other guys, but plays big. And that gives you, I think, a different dimension on offense that you haven't really had from a passing standpoint. Now, there's a whole another question, which you were kind of, I think, alluding to facetiously or maybe seriously, when you said, well, I'll tell you why it's not going to go five for 60 as the number two receiver, because Terry McLaurin can't do that as the number one receiver. Yeah, the game one's going five for 60, but your point, if the point is who's staying in the way of opportunity? No, but that's what I meant. Yeah, nobody. What is to stop him from being the number two receiver on Sunday? Absolutely nothing. And then he should be. And then he should be the guy that gets, if he's healthy and he knows the, assuming he knows the offense, he lets kick the tires. Yeah, I'm letting him up opposite Terry McLaurin, or maybe on the same side, God forbids that you have, well, I know where that's going to be. It'll be on the left. It'll be on the left. If you're scoring at home, it'll be on the left, but I'll send no Brown deep, and I'll send Terry McLaurin somewhere else. You know what I mean? Who helps more on Sunday? Well, that's, it's obviously agbonogony because he'll play more. So let's craft the question this way. Who do you think makes more helpful plays on Sunday and does a better job? Agbonogony or the other Noah? So I still think it's agbonogony, but if you asked me again in two weeks, it'll be no Brown. I still think there's some learning curve that has to happen here. I think it's too much to expect. You just got on campus less than a month ago, and you got to know everything and be as good as these guys that have been living this since, you know, the springtime. I think that's a tall ask against my better judgment. I'm going to go out on a limb and I'm going to say Noah Brown. I'm going to say that the Giants do a let's take Terry McLaurin out of the equation thing. And someone would you that would? Yeah, why wouldn't you? Of course. Someone else asked to beat us, which is to some extent, I think what the Bucks did. They didn't really have to because, you know, Kingsbury in the offense helped you take McLaurin out of the plan to, but nobody else stepped up. I think some of those balls to Zacchaeus early in the game that come back that was a little wide of him, maybe Brown with some catch radius holes that in. There was another play later. There was like a comeback for a first down, but three guys working on the left and a little stack. One to the right all by himself was a key us on a third and six. I think it was. He ran like a seven yard stop route and had a guy draped on his back. Couldn't make the catch. You know, with his size, I think if you use Brown in those situations, those are receptions just because he boxes defenders out. So I'll say he actually has a four or five catch day. I hope you're right. And it is really helpful and helps get some things going. What are you guys expecting? 800-636-1067 is the number on the MGM National Harbor listener lines here on Grant and Danny. And is there a chance that the Emmanuel Forbes injury ends up not hurting them despite losing last year's first round pick and a corner that starts an easy punching bag to say he hasn't been good, but there's a reason he's starting. It's not because he's worse than everybody else on the roster. What do you think of Igg Benogany and Davis playing more at corner where Grant and Danny on the fan. [silence] Taking you up to 6.15 a half hour from now on Grant and Danny, you are listening to the fan. We'll get you ready for Nat's baseball coming up before we get out of here and we'll hit all the headlines of the day at the top of the hour. Chris is in Hyatt'sville on the MGM National Harbor listener lines. Chris, do you think Noah Igg Benogany or Noah Brown makes more of an impact with the expanded role this weekend? I don't know a damn thing about either of those guys. All I care about is Jaden Daniels. I think we're going to get our first signature win this weekend in the Jaden Daniels era. In fact, he's going to score so many touchdowns. They're going to consider renaming the touchdown to Jaden. Giving out waffles when he gets into the end zone. Maybe they should rename the mascot from Major Tuddy, Major Jaden. First win of the Jaden Daniels era has got to come this weekend. Even if it doesn't, whatever, but we're in for a really long season. They got to look a lot better. That's my only. That's my thing. Must. My only demand is you cannot look like you did last weekend, but just so we're all on the same page. This is going to be a fun year, a competitive year. They're going to have a chance to go over six and a half wins. That was the market number in Vegas with the odds makers. This is one you got to win. I'm trying to say same thing, but a different way. If you'd like us to believe you anymore, when you try to sell something, who are you talking to? The organization in general, Gary Queen or somebody else? The football gentleman, local 53. Everyone from a sales guy who's not it's not his fault. But you're saying they got a winner. They got to play decent ball. You got to play us so much better. I agree. And it probably would result in the win and gets the team. It's pretty terrible. Unless the Giants go, we can revisit it. They go 14 and three from here on out. I don't see it, but let's say they do. I think the Giants are going to suck. If you don't show well, all the hype videos and all the Instagram posts and next time you tweet out, Hey, here's our schedule release. It's going to be nothing but trolls and goblins. The next time you're trying to convince people that this is different, it becomes harder to do so. This is a real important one just just so people believe you because everyone wants to buy in. It's not a must win game. I like the parlance of our buddy, Ben Raby, who's a hockey guy, and he goes with the auto win. You auto win this game. It's an auto win game not to be confused with Ottawa. Very different than Ottawa, but it's not a must win. It's an auto win. You're at home. You're playing a team that if worst case, someone could say is every bit as good as you. Don't care. You haven't won. It's week two. You're at home. You're debuting. You're rookie. It's sold out. You auto win this one against the bad Giants team. But if you don't, I need you to look good. That's the expectation. Let's go to Sean and DC. What's going on, buddy? Hey, guys. Thank you so much for taking my call. Hey, buddy. Can I give a word of advice to the last caller? You may check out the game last year Cincinnati Bengals against the Houston Texans. Nor Brown had 178 yards. We will feature Nor Brown. He will become Washington's number one target. Have a good day. Number one target. Terry McClellan would like a word. Well, here's how I could see it. Other teams go, not Terry, someone else. And then he beats him out by a couple of catches or a couple of looks or something like that. Noah Brown did have that game he referenced incense against the Bengals in a 30 to 27 win. The Houston offense was in a bad way. They had some injuries at wide receiver. Noah Brown's role was elevated. And he went out on eight targets and grabbed seven balls for 172 yards in that victory. But here's my problem with that. Come. C. J. Shroud, welcome through that door. Is Bobby Sloak, who's scheming him open in the Shanahan system. Coming with him to the nation's Capitol. I like that he had the game because I don't think Diami Brown's capable of that game with the Texans. I don't think Alama Deza Kias is capable of that game with the Texans. So that in and of itself is telling he had two huge games in a row by the way. The week before six Robuck 53 in a teddy. Exactly. Six targets, six grabs, 150 scored. That was against Tampa. You just watch them. That's a pretty good secondary. The Texans though hung 39. No, Stroud, no Sloak. It's a whole different deal. I saw somebody today kind of doing this thing where they were like, well, what about when this guy did this? And it was the same kind of deal where it's like, well, he did that with three MVPs around him and a different coaching staff. So I'm not sure if it's utterly relevant quite to what we're talking about here and now. But yeah, I mean, if the point is Noah Brown's got talent in his had huge games. He has some pelts on the wall in that regard. Fact can't deny that. But my confidence that he is that player is just not that high. The Texans probably don't let him walk if that was the case. Is he better than the guys they have other than McClorne? Very possibly. That's more indictment on them than endorsement of him. Agreed. But it's also why I'm giving him a chance to go catch a handful of balls this week. Yeah. I think if you gave this is, I was trying to quantify things like this in a different way. If you gave an NFL receiver, 100 targets in this offense, who would do the best? And you go down the list of the Tyree kill, Jamar Chase, Justin Jefferson, all the usual suspects, you'd go down for a little while, then you get the term of corn. You got to go down really, really far to get to anybody that Washington had that wasn't Noah Brown, where you take someone else, right? The same average 100 targets in this offense. And some of it would be fun to debate. But right now, Noah Brown is higher to me, at least, not having seen him play in Burgundy and gold pants, not having seen him play yet. I put him higher on that hierarchy than any of the guys they had previously of who would do the most with the same 100 targets. So I think the opportunity is there. Here was the, what I was thinking of. So it was actually Bob Papa on with B-Mitch and Finley, I think today here on 106, seven, the fan. Bob Papa is the Giants played by play broadcaster, New York guy. And he said, Dan Quinn is the defensive coordinator and Dallas went six and O against the Giants. Cool. Is Michael Parsons coming with him? Do we, do we get him or we don't? Like with all the respect to Dan Quinn's numbers as the coordinator of the Cowboys against the Giants, I'm not sure how that's relevant to now with this bad group that he's got here. Did anyone watch Dallas's defense this past weekend without him when they shoved it on the Browns number two in the NFL going into this week? He had some dudes on that defense that now Mike Zimmer has. And all of a sudden Mike Zimmer is going to be a hot head coach in Canada when he turns his hat backwards because he's the awesome defensive coordinator in the NFL with the top five defense generating all the takeaways. So I'm not pretending like Dan Quinn doesn't have an idea of how to stop the Giants. He obviously does. But do you have the horses to execute the plan? I mean, that's what we need to figure out. Yeah, Jack DeRio. It's a pretty good defensive track records. And all of a sudden he couldn't do it. I don't know. It just, it's interesting to me. That's all. But yeah, I mean, benefit that out still that there, that there will be improvement. I don't know how much. I think that's where the fun debate will be. Grant and Danny with you on the fan. We still got to get you ready for Nat's baseball, which we will do before we get out of here. We'll get you your weather report and your lineups coming up in just a few minutes. Also, some of the breaking news from around the NFL and sports today when we hit the headlines in just a few on G and D. The big story in town, a manual forbs out four to six weeks at his thumb operated on today. He will miss at least one month. You're listening to Grant and Danny on 106 seven, the fan.