Grant and Danny

Beltway Blitz, Kingsbury On Jayden Daniels Game Plan, Commanders Wearing Gold Pants

9.12.24 Hour 3

1:00- NFL- Nate Davis, Commanders- Johnny "Cakes" Auville, Waffles- Ben Standig

19:20- Kliff Kinsgbury addressed Jayden Daniels' game plan for Sunday, and ran the ball 16 times.

33:00- The Commanders are bringing back the gold pants this weekend!

Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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Our people have gotten in touch with Ben standing he will have to answer for what he's done Right here on Grant and Danny in ten minutes. Yeah, when you tell us we get waffles. We There's no waffling on waffles no waffle The exclusive sponsor of the Grant and Danny programs the law firm Condoria and Murad They'll guide you in your family in the right direction help you to draft a will set up a trust create a health care power of attorney Schedule a free consultation with their estate planning attorneys at km be sure to tell them G&D sent you to get a discount km gonna be a short blitz Because the very very pressing waffle gate has to be addressed with standing coming up here in just a few minutes So let's get to it Nate Davis USA today to spin us around the National Football League Nate what do you think of Aaron Rogers in his first game and over a year and change with the New York Jets? Trustee, I thought, you know for a guy who is a you know apex game is kind of built around his Prison passing. I mean I think that was always always has been Aaron Rogers best Attribute you can see on some of those passes that they probably weren't quite where he wanted them I mean he said as much after the game Yeah, particularly with with Garrett Wilson, but you know, hey, he got through it You don't knock that rust off and you know, Robert saw said I think Jeff so in one with with Rogers or much better off than Jeff want to know without him big one tonight in the AFC East How do you see it going? Yeah, I think probably, you know, Miami Danny and being that I think full-playing this out for the heat in September Does the does the bills no favors and it hasn't there for? You know a couple years both teams have some some injury issues, you know, Buffalo I think was there's not a top slot corner in Toronto Johnson and Dolphins obviously with some with some running back issues, but Overall, I kind of like that matchup the way it goes. I think with with Miami and you know They'll still kind of feeling it out with with this new look offense and defense really so I'll give this to the fence on this one What did you make of the Packers and Jordan love struggling the way they did with the Eagles? I was ready to kind of just dismiss that as a weird game sloppy surface international odd travel but then love goes down and Hasn't practiced probably gonna miss some time and it just feels like it's a a devastating start for Green Bay Yeah, well, you're now for did say yesterday. It sounds like, you know, they haven't necessarily ruled out that he might play this weekend I mean, that's probably more coach Jamesmanship given that we've kind of heard multiple weeks and he didn't practice and It'd be it'd be a shocker if you saw him out there against the Colts Of course, we see jockers like Kristen McCaffery and we're not all ready to season But you know, I think it's a setback grand, you know, it may be enough of a setback that that ultimately this this community The first quick competing for the NFC North and maybe be in back in that wildcard slot But you know it is week one Like you said, I think the travel add to some wonkiness there, you know, you're building in some some big time free agents Which isn't necessarily usually what they do with Josh Jacobs who's banged up and See if you're mccainey, but but also you've got a new philosophy on defense. So, you know I think we've kind of learned that this September and in week one specifically Precedive for a lot of teams. So I wouldn't make too much out of this particularly if Jordan was only out like a, you know Let's take two or three games. Nate Cincinnati's got Kansas City this week and even if they were playing well That's still a tough batch up for anybody, right? That's the defending champs who seem primed to be hit the ground run and you know, just based on week one They're they very reasonably could be an own two-hole your thoughts there Yeah, I mean, I think they probably very recently will be I mean I think probably the one saving grace is that we had a remote seems to do things the Bengals fence a coordinator That seemed to specifically frustrated Patrick Mahomes I mean he kind of talked about what would a bad match up we ran a remote can be for Emma times and we've seen the Bengals give the Chiefs Collectively some really good games. Well, I mean, you know, bro, I had all that other stuff the last couple years But but yeah, I'm kind of concerned about the personnel wise. I mean t Higgins is still banged up Some our cases issues continue and whether or not those are translating the field or not. I don't think it's a plus by any stretch And didn't really see the run game out of them with that with I mean in that particular game Well, we saw Joe mixed and do with Texas. So Some some questions there Thanks for sure and and with the Chiefs going into that game with them days off are hard to really like to bring those chances Nate, we always appreciate catching up, buddy. Thank you for hopping aboard. All right, I'm almost standing We will don't you worry about that Let's go to the local football outfit Commanders with cakes all though. What's better than that our pal Johnny cakes cake C Did you have any of the same concerns your guys g&d did about the Kingsbury offense coming out of week one? Are you referencing the the lack of motion that whole bit lack of motion lack of Terry Maclaurin lack of throwing the football Forward in the air any of those things. Yeah, I think the biggest one is what you just hit on their grant is It's just inexcusable that Terry Maclaurin isn't involved until the second half I'm less concerned about the lack of motion. I mean, that's just something that I think you have to deal with if you know Kingsbury is running your offense But you know for your top wide out to not touch the ball until the second half I mean, that's just that's like wrong level of incompetence. I mean not to eat more dirt on Ron Actually, I don't mind doing it. He was a terrible coach and maybe even worse personnel guy But yeah, that can't happen again. I would hope that the first ball that Jayden Daniels throws this weekend Is to one Terry Maclaurin and hey, this is a crazy concept target your best wide receiver. Maybe I don't know 10 11 baby even 12 times. Well, I know it's wild. It's it's a crazy concept. That is crazy stuff So as you know Grant this week cakes and I are sworn enemies. We're matching up in the homies league So we're gonna lift the cone of silence Yeah, and be and come to the table in truce neutral then as soon as the interviews over we will go back to being directly at war Do you expect the defense this week flake see to get right against a terrible Giants offense that's made from sadness and broken dreams? I don't know if they can get right, but if there's a team to do it against it would be the New York Giants I mean Malik neighbors just went on the injury report with a with a knee injury was limited in practice today if you look at the advanced metrics last week against the Vikings the only positive plays in the entire game were balls that were thrown into Malik neighbors So anytime that Daniel Jones went anywhere else with the ball to one Dale Robinson or if he threw the ball in Devin Singletary or Devin Singletary rushed out of the backfield all of those plays were negative the only positive plays Went to Malik neighbors So jobs one two and three for Joe with junior are to somehow limit Malik neighbors from getting the ball And hopefully this defense will look better than they did last week I mean last week they had to cover a Hall of Famer in Mike Evans They had to cover a guy who's really good in the slot in Chris Godwin and a rookie who should have had two touchdowns in McMillan, so that was a just a really bad matchup. This one should be a little softer for the defense Cakes we'll let you out on this one. What'd you like? Give us some positive something you took away from the performance that you were encouraged by Well, clearly loved the electrifying runs of Jayden Daniels. Do you want to do it 16 times? Of course not I'd love to see it eight to ten times and incorporate some more as you guys like to say forward passing of the football I'm a big fan of that. I'd like to see more Austin Echler. Austin Echler looked great in the opener I thought but only six touches. Let's up that to about 10 or 12 touches, so there are some positives and I hate to pile on the guy a positive that Forbes isn't playing because he's undergoing surgery So that's another positive for the commanders heading into Sunday kicks it quick when any concern or irritation that Two of the three-second rounders basically either didn't play because of an egging injury or weren't really involved in the game plan I'm not that concerned with it at this point. I mean you want to see the young talent out in the field as much as possible I'm gonna. I'm gonna put that as a minor concern through one week. You know what I'm more concerned about Danny My matchup of quarterbacks in the home easily against your quarterbacks because I believe you're trying out jail and hurts and Anthony Richardson And I'm starting Grant. Listen to this listen to this nightmare Justin Fields and Derek Carr I mean, I'm gonna get beat by a hundred points Grant will you please tell on mr. Allville. Thank you for coming on and the Kona sounds is back on. Okay, Danny says Thank you for joining us and don't talk to him again until after the game Thank you boys for having me. There'll be no communication between me and one Danny who hey until Probably Monday at a boy cake. See. Thank you, sir. Thank you buddy. Thank you, fellas That is your beltway blitz on Grant and Danny We have tracked down our good pal Ben standing who's out in Ashburn today to get to the bottom of this whole waffle situation Benjamin, how are you? Yep, feel feel concerned at the moment, but I am doing all right. What are you concerned about? Look man, I you know, there's nothing worse for a reporter than when you're putting the news out there and getting it wrong and You know, it's not really I mean if we're being honest like you didn't report as I said earlier It's not like they signed a guy that they didn't or they traded someone or they cut someone a little confusion with the waffles But this is why it's funny on our end so Somebody with the team just said to me, you know, there's gonna be some eight-year-old show up yet the game now thinking Some waffle mix. Oh, you're gonna. You're gonna get a crying from my aggregate That will definitely happen inevitably. So hopefully you don't lose sleep about all the people including myself and Daris going to the game We're excited about the waffles, but no what happened was so standing tweets out the waffle thing Which was basically you're gonna get waffles if you come to the game It's very random like minor league baseball Esc that you would give out a box of waffle mix. So I'm going I haven't seen anyone else tweet this I call up standing a little Peel back the curtain and he's busy and it's very quick and I'm gonna break and I'm like Is this a real thing or did other people get this and he's like, oh, yeah? We got this out here right now like it's a thing and I'm like, all right cool So then we talk about it on air Ben and we do this whole segment about how the new Harris ownership group gets it These guys are giving out presence. What this is genius so innovative This is genius these guys, you know, they're giving their consumer a pickle They really know how to get to their fans through their the bellies and in all this nonsense mitch rails his idea I guarantee it. He's just a man of the people and Only to find out they're actually not giving out waffles Yeah, you know, like this is that reading you know reading one-on-one actually the key point is to read and comprehend And I only did sort of one of those things and it says that it is technically like a With the raffle, I'm afraid to say what it is, but again, you know that Jane Daniels IG people will get picked and they'll win and And whatever But but I knew something was awful and PR started texting me. Hey, where'd you get this waffle story? I was like wait a minute what oh no that was the town. Oh, no, you're like, yeah, I was from you guys. I thought right Well, I knew it was like an outside thing like you got clearly have a sponsorship with this quick I guess so I knew it was from that but you know, you typically these things are Orchestrated coordinated what have you and so when I'm getting the message. Hey, I've heard that this was like, oh boy And then I look a little bit closer like now. I bet I better fix this Scott has a question here He says ask Ben is there a specific gate we need to exit from Northwest Stadium to get our free waffles Yeah, I would assume the W gate right I mean, right that would make the most sense whatever's closest to a little supermarket The next angle was and again This is our own fault because we just you give us an inch we're gonna take a mile So we started talking about how we should figure out what Luke McCaffrey's favorite breakfast food is and maybe they could give out Like pancake mix two weeks from now at the home game. We had this whole plan for breakfast all season long It just it went off the rails a little bit. Yep, so We'll throw ourselves under the boss, but if you want to you you can come with us. I mean Definitely text to my wife. I want breakfast or dinner tonight well like my my favorite part of the of this is actually there My favorite part is it says Jayden Daniel like not just one wobble for breakfast, but he's all caps to wobble That is incredible. I was like if you said like you want to like five or five or two. That's not like a Pretty standard scenario, but I guess I'm out. Um, but but I also knew something was going on because my buddy John just texted me a few minutes ago He's like are you couldn't know a degree in danger right now? I'm like why because well, they're like they're like message you about this pit is a waffle thing. I'm like, oh boy Really go off the rail never it was always fun there. Yeah, it's why because we look see here's the thing Ben Nobody ran harder with it than us. We're like when Mark Sanchez handed off the Adrian Peterson He went like 90 yards against eagles. We're sitting there going whoever's responsible Give him a raise. Let's get him on a horn a compliment. What a genius thing to do like we we instead of like a footnote We spent 10 minutes waxing poetic with each other about how important this was Look look no further than how different everything is the time of the times Dan would have never done this and all those types of things all the research that we did to find out that Nobody's ever given away waffles at a stadium before we had daris on that hours and hours to find out it is innovative thing We know that they've changed they've upgraded some of their food options And who knows maybe by the time they're back for another home game waffles is on the menu. You never know I actually think that and you're first on the scene. Yeah lean into that tailgate Ted just said wait What I'm not getting waffles on Sunday? Oh, no. Oh, no my concern is the people that turned off their radio So there's one guy tweeted us a picture of a conversation he had I mean you just can't make this up This dude Joe says at Grand H. Paulson. You've made me look foolish Stating this was the actual text combo with his buddy He was probably like at a big boy job. He goes nothing like 106 seven during football season just learned they're giving out a box a waffle mix to us at the game on Sunday Because jade needs waffles before every game his buddy goes LM. Oh, that's unreal and he goes apparently it was a false report shaking my head Apparently it's a false report great and Danny screwed us again. Oh god Anyway, no waffles just to be clear, but there are waffles on his Instagram account, right? Isn't that a thing? I? Believe that is a Double-check the play your sources, but I believe tomorrow at some point in the morning It will be some sort of giveaway on a day to day into the Instagram for waffle mix But the box is creative sure so we're not half fun. Go. Go get some waffles I think by just by nature how this whole thing unfolded you're gonna have to be all over it like what like you're gonna have to Report on this like it's a real thing. Are you you know, I mean Ben like nature? Are you a waffle guy Ben? Are you more of a pancake French toast guy? I know it's one of those deals of I got the third pick. I'm good I can go for any if you made me pick I'd probably go pancakes, but honestly, I you know, those are uh, yeah It's like Charlie's ain't those just give me whichever one I'm probably good This is so funny. This guy just tweeted standing me and you and he goes can't wait for this little one's first ever commander's game He's And it's the kiddos kid I've ever seen with a one D that's just born into this and burgundy and gold Oh, that's great. I saw somebody somebody tweeted I Danny tweeted about this and uh they tweeted at him and me With they took my uh twitter avatar where I'm standing at the paint manny with my mic They swapped that paint manning for a waffle house. Yep. They said they want this to be my avatar now my I might have to do it I think you do it. I think the reason it's great and shtick aside I mean, I'm not just pumping Ben's tires because he's on with us as I said earlier a couple when we Found out about the the waffle Situation uh at hand. We'll say we'll call it waffle situation Like thorough Investigator uh doesn't miss batting average bat in a thousand dots the eyes cross the T This is what he does. This is he is in his element in week two Waffles are waffles. We're not going to worry too much about waffles But I did want to get you on just to figure out exactly Uh, what was going on because I knew you would you would have this for us So to be clear no waffles at the game or waffles at the game Um No, my understanding there will be no waffles at the game. Hopefully, you know, no math either I'm not good at either of these things apparently. Oh my god. So good. All right, Ben Thank you very soon. I will see you at northwest stadium. Mm-hmm on sunday Look forward to it He's a good egg Ben standing of the athletic go follow him there and and check out his work You should already be following him on social media Grant and danny with you on the fan that beats a cliff kingsbury conversation anytime With all the respect to cliff kings, but respectfully although we do have to hear what he said about 16 carries. We'll do that next You With danny i'm grant this is the fan taking up to 615 and that's pregame eventually first pitch at 645 We'll get you nats weather and starting lineups before we get out of here today on the fan cliff kingsbury met with reporters discussed jayden daniels debut That's a debut that netted him the rookie of the week Award in the national football. He's the first of 17 rookie of the week award winners For week one with the 88 rushing yards and the two rushing touchdowns But we hadn't yet gotten into kingsbury on the number of rushing attempts. I want to do that here He was talking on cut seven darras about jayden daniels running the ball 16 times This was king's berry with reporters today There's a couple calls, you know where we thought we had premier looks that ended up hitting inside that you'd like to have back You know if he walks in then it looks really good, but um a lot of those he did a great job I'm not sure how many actually got contacted and taken to the ground on but he does a great job Finally saw spot finding out of bounds Um, but we understand like he he has to take care of himself and and we want him to continue to grow And you can't do that if you're banging up and on the sideline So my translation there from kingsbury is 16 attempts is not too many that wasn't the problem The problem is are you taking hits are you in harm's way and his point is he mostly wasn't he did a good job avoiding Contact or getting to the sideline. He said there were a couple he wants back Which include the goal one runs at the end? I think when he got walloped a couple times Yep, maybe one of those powers if I had to guess where they thought they had looks defensively where they were going to catch him with that draw It was basically like direct snap. They pull a guard. They get him going with power a draw look and They played it really well and they stuffed him at the line of scrimmage He probably thought he'd fly through there into space and be able to fall forward They found some sort of design flaw. They'd be able to get something big but You and I went back through the 16 runs before the show today One of them is considered a run on that pass on the first play of the game for minus 15 yards Because it was backwards. It was a fumble. So it's a rush attempt another was the kneel down before the half So really now we're down to 14 runs Of which Seven were true scrambles and seven in quotes were designs when you count the read option that he could have kept or could have handed off Um, which I don't know if that makes you feel a lot better but still 14 instead of 16 is a truer way to talk about it and then there were only You know seven designed run so to speak, but he did not seem regretful of how many runs there were I didn't think I didn't either. It's the it's one of those things where I think of a basketball coach, right like you got a really good player a guy that can really score And if he makes the shot even if it's a difficult one for everybody else you go like we got to live with that Like he's got to shoot it Versus if he misses it, yeah, when he better shots than that like it's an after-the-fact coaching point I'm not criticizing him. I'm just saying this is human nature Right where it's a good shot if it goes in it's a bad shot if it does you agree with my logic Which I think is kind of what you were just alluding to Which I've been saying since you drafted him, which is You drafted jaden daniels. Don't be surprised when he shows up jaden daniels is coming to dc That's a good thing by the way. Not a bad thing, but he's gonna run You if you don't want this guy to run if someone's going man, he ran a lot You shouldn't have drafted him if you're bothered by that. He should run. It's what he does brilliantly It's what he does amazingly. Well, it is his elite trait You know if you're a hitter in major league baseball and the thing you do really really well Is hit home runs and you're trying to bunt all the time That's a poor use of your skills. Mm-hmm for me in radio or you in radio or stand-up comedy If you go away from the your best bullet on the stage is is probably impressions and barkly If you never use those that would be silly. You don't Go do a set or bring Danny ruea yin and tell him hey, don't do any impressions tonight, right? Why have him that's happened before by the way, but yeah, but it's seriously. Yeah, it's it's a thing I'll tell you about uh during the break, but The the point is obvious. I mean to me like you're the the the player that's here You're trying to work the faders fader number one is you know Making plays when nothing is there fader number two is just straight up runs fader number three is the passing game intermediate short passing game You're trying to work all these faders to get the biggest total number to try to get the best balanced the best everything so fader number one for week number one was When all hell breaks loose run design runs also So it's like a third of the offense basically was jade daniel's running in terms of number of plays run and executed And I think we'd all probably agree that's that maybe a bit much that's probably not sustainable Just in terms of number of hits and impacts and you know, you need something else You can't just ask ask the rookie quarterback in this first month of football to be the hero on every single play every time but That's the struggle. That's that's the balance we're trying to find right and that's why there's no one core singular Set of it's not a recipe right if it was you needed to follow it you go this guy's not following the recipe fire him There's no tried and true way to do this the best way to develop a passer with it for a kid that's got this unbelievable skill set also Right. I mean most of the time if you throw the ball at jade daniel's you are a first round traffic and You know, we'll see what happens You know, you're you're patting the ball in the pocket and you're doing this hitch and this read and this thing and this whatever Well, you had in the fact that the sky ran for a thousand yards and double digit touchdowns And could do something that only a handful of people ever to play the game can do That's a tough balance to figure out what's best. You know, I've disagreed about that and I think that's reasonable but for I There's a process part of this that I feel like this coaching staff Is sort of glossing over like Dan quins again as helmet falls off sometimes and yeah, we'll teach them to stop we're going to national out there They don't have the right level of concern for me Maybe that's my my issue because I live through what we all live through here as fans of teams in this town But to me there needs to be a little bit more process concern You might get hurt in the pocket make it hurt somewhere else, but there needs to be more of a we're going to do the best practice Not just sort of joke about it and say oh shucks. He's a dog. I can't have that Yeah, I agree with that part a lot for sure like wholeheartedly and cosigned verbal retweet whatever you want there all i'm saying is I am hearing some rhetoric already from not only fans, but I just think Media might be too strong about people that are that are kind of around they cover the team or whatever and the idea is Man, you can't just have this guy running all over the place and to that I would say why now My caveat is If you're throwing the ball successfully you can't be running at the expense of passing You cannot have games where all you've got is him scrambling and there is nothing in the passing game Partially because he's just taking the ball pulling it down running when there's something there through the air But I I guess I would say a everybody relax. It's been one game and b also It's never going to be just a he's not going to stand in the pocket and just throw all the time And he shouldn't exactly that's the point like don't draft him if that's what you want You drafted a dude who runs a 439 probably you drafted one of the great athletes on planet earth Like let him be superman let him put the cape on And I do feel that way about jade and daniels let's go to Cut number 10 This is cliff kingsbury with reporters today on some of the design inside runs Those were the the powers where he went between the tackles and got stacked up one of those were vida vaya The big 330 pound d tackle falls on him from behind uh cliff kingsbury was asked about those we thought we had pretty rare looks really like the scheme thought it would Hit in a different way and ended up um forcing him inside and they have a really good front Collapse it and and so second guessing it would not have wanted him to get hit inside like that But learning experience for all of us and we gotta be smarter. I gotta be a better coach from the forward What you just addressed which was wanting to hear more rhetoric that was anti Running as much as he did like hey, that's not what we want to major in let's make sure that's not a weekly occurrence I think this is maybe the comment that when you hear this will bother you where he Essentially compares him to lamar jacks and as if to say Other guys are doing this too. Why do you guys care about jade? So let let's listen to this one. I mean, I I don't think the first game with the reigning indepia league had the same amount of rushes, right? And i'm not saying he's the same guy, but um Your first game was a rookie you're gonna have some survival mode fight or flight going on and he got out Like I said didn't get hit a ton um and made some big plays with his feet so She got to walk that line. I've had a bunch of guys who could run and extend plays and you walk that line of When to pull back and we're not to and I think as he plays he'll get Uh better comfort level and i'll get a better feel for him and and we'll just progress together Which I think is totally fair and true. I guess my rebuttal to that one would be Wait a second Is the goal lamar jacksen who is a running quarterback, right? Like And maybe that's where we're headed to me what I liked about jade and daniels is a prospect And I obviously everyone knows i was a big drake maymark But that when you watch jade and daniels what gives me hope and excites me about him is I think he's a better thrower coming out than lamar was and and what i'm hoping for is that he majors in that part of it that The running is there when you need it, but not that it's what you major in and it's not like The first thing about your game, which is how it's trended with lamar in a lot of ways where doesn't matter what receivers are there through the years They're basically useless If we're going in that route and just let me know and then let's let's go all the way in with that let's go get a 300 pound full back like patrick or card and let's jumble everything up and and let him run off the edges and do all that but To me, that's not really what they're aiming for and especially two weeks in shouldn't be the coaching point that a lamar runs 16 times So it's okay if you do let's develop him to throw the football. Yeah, like do I get to do well For the sake of argument pat my homus threw it 50 times. He didn't but like so let's do that like that I guess for I'm not rippin clif Kingsbury here This he's just answering a question he's trying to offer Explanation and provide some color and he's got a lot of work to do what he wants to get back to doing it Talking to us is the last thing he probably is into so i'm not really ripping him apart from this He gives off a i'm just here so I don't get fined vibe. Yeah when he's at the mic, which is fine by me And he's got a silly deep voice. Yes, he does all those things are true But this isn't me you necessarily addressing him, but it's it's a window into comments because we've gotten that that's come back Our way when we've gone. Hey, i'm a little concerned here He got his helmet came off a couple times it negated a touchdown on one play and are we concerned at all? He's getting hit a lot now no problem because we've lived through this and everyone's telling us that it's overblown And then they point to Lamar Jackson a my response is always The guy's been heard a lot talking about Lamar Jackson So I don't want to sign up for that But the second part is if we're doing that if we're going to do Lamar I don't have a better way to say it than that if we're if we're signing up for a Lamar Jackson type thing Then let's revisit what we did this off season Then then let's build a team that way Where's my mark Andrews? Am I as a a likely? Where's where's all of my? As you said extra offensive lineman to go jumbo to you know when we're running power this and power that all the time Yeah, where's my full back and you know You would build it the whole team differently if that's what you're doing the whole point of him Talking about Jane Daniels was you've got if Lamar's a 10 out of 10 as as a runner Which I would say he is as a quarterback at him Michael Vick and maybe I'd say jaden is too by the way feels I would say slightly less than that like a nine and a half But still really good one of the one of the greats of all time in that regard The whole point of Jane Daniels to me wasn't that we're just doing that The whole point was this is also a prolific thrower Not quite to the joe burrow level coming out of LSU, but closer to that then Then then he's shuler back in the day was an option quarterback in Tennessee You know what I mean? Like the whole point was we had this extra bit too where he was prolific in the passing game We want the best of both worlds if we're just doing a Dude we can we can do it just the field's offense right now when it games Fine But that's not what we signed up to that's not what we wanted That's not what we were supposed to be doing It's too early to really go elbow deep into this conversation because it's only one game And I it could have just been the way the game played out and it's not their designer their idea at all When you add it though to those comp a comment where he goes guys the mvp of the league did the same thing this week So it's okay Not my favorite, but let's I'm gonna let's give it a few games before we really dive into You know a discussion on whether or not maybe that's the vision And we just didn't know it But my guess is they come out they look way more traditional in how they throw the football Daniels is way more patient in the pocket doesn't leave us quickly and they try to get the air game going against a horrific secondary This weekend will brenton's going to join us to go around the nfl at five o'clock here on grant and danny Is washington going to take advantage of some of the giant's issues? We'll get into that next right here on the fan [no audio] Grant and danny on the fan welcome back and thank you for listening to the program We'll talk to will brenton of cbs coming up at five go around the nfl as we get ready We're a week two to kick off tonight the bills and the dolphins From miami on thursday night football and I see the gold pants make their official return this weekend I've seen that. Yes, the team I tweeted that out and and it was met with great excitement among many fans at risk of being slapped away like you're de kimme mitombo and i'm headed to the rim I know you're not a fan of the uniform discussion. Mm-hmm, but the gold pants are In a lot of ways an olive branch To the fans that are upset about the new colors and the new look in the new gear And this ownership group made that pretty clear when josh arris went to the podium And talked to reporters and took questions something dansnighter Didn't do for decades Just before the kickoff of the season at the last pre-season game and he said that going to those gold pants was an effort to just show that they are trying to Do as much as they can to bridge the past to the current operation and the fans that feel Disenfranchised. Mm-hmm. Now. Hopefully see that they are trying to reach out to them People want the the name change people want all kinds of different things they'll make all their demands But I think that's a nice step if nothing else it's a no it is and i'm not angry I'm not gonna think they can control precisely. I'm not gonna throw some temper tantrum and say i'm not watching them I personally just see bruce see in here bruce allen again And I think of that era because he was doing that he was like What what are we known as the burgundy and gold gold pants? And he thought he was so proud of himself and he'd walk around like he invented fire and that drove me crazy So that's I so the name I hear dan talking to me and the gold pants I see bruce As his mouthpiece Not everyone sees that so again. I'm not like the gold pants are pretty bruce totally and i'm i'm not I'm not knocking this one. I'm just simply saying for me. I'm not really that interested in or into it And I also you already mentioned it for uniform stuff. Anyway, unless it's This is what we wore in the 80s and 90s. Joe Gibbs said we were white at home where we're going to do that exact thing Then i'm interested if you don't do that then it's it's for someone else. So i'm not upset I like the pants. I've always liked the pants. I think it's a good look This is an aside and doesn't matter, but it is kind of funny to me. They're not gold We call them gold They're they're mustard yellow basically now They are Essentially the colors of the uniform and they've been part of the uniform for a long time But gold to me is like what the 49ers wear Right that metallic, you know what gold looks like when you see it sure Commanders Are like that brighter like yellow that we call gold. Yep. Just just a throwaway comment Nothing not a Thurman, but i've always found that interesting like Go back when I was on the beat people like are they wearing their gold pants today? And I'd wait till Nick sunberg would run out of the tunnel I'd be like it's gold pants today and everyone's like yeah gold pants when really it's it's like the mustard yellow pants Doesn't mean anything. I'm just saying that it's like that. It's like the ballpark french is mustard yellow Right. Yeah Exactly right gold feels Different gold feels you're right 49ers is the best one that red and gold iconic thing Absolutely. You know exactly what it is that that garrison hearse like 49. Oh, yeah padded pant look Just just in the why she didn't maybe has worn those You know when they wear gold honestly is when they wear the the weird throwbacks from the griffin cousins era on um Homecoming day with like the brown helmet that was supposed to be leather and like I thought that was a fire kit by the way I used to love it, but they would have like the very basic Burgundy jersey with actual kind of metallic gold like 49ers like pants That's the only time I really remember them wearing true gold Otherwise the burgundy and gold is more like USC yellow in a way right Arizona state yellow look out Arizona state place. I got a qb that started a career there I drafted number two overall the question at hand though And you said earlier you're worried about is you know Are they going to be able to take advantage of how bad the giants are? If they do take advantage of something do you think it would be? Daniel jones has lit them up. No, maybe a porous offensive line with their pass rush with allen and pain Could it be on the other side of the ball for the giants where their secondaries gross and maybe McCloring goes seven for a bill or they get a number two receiver. Maybe that's the quies or deami brown I don't even know who it would be who do I have confidence in if it's not no a browner We haven't seen yet actually go go in and get in the football Maybe it's mcclorn and no a brown who put up a combined, you know 10 for 170 or something Yeah, where where are the big plays in the passing game going to come from? I think that's going to be the our essential question weekend and week out For now until you know something else changer or one of them as it pertains to to daniels This offense him running is probably the other biggest one But to me, it's got to be something short or intermediate that gets broken AKA in this horizontal type deal Uh, you think of brian robertson rumbling down the field breaking tackles in space running kind of a shallow crosser But everyone else is is out of there so he's got a head full esteem and now he's taking something short and getting something big out of it Right same thing with austin ekler taking a check down for 22 yards on his first touch I think that's where their big plays are going to come from for the indefinite future Maybe you hit one like the the first play of the second half missin mcclorn by uh, you know A yard or two overthrown it. Maybe you hit one of those it's at some point But I think consistently the shorts going to have to become something that gets broken And maybe that's the path this week against the giants at five 30 We should tackle the state of the secondary Now that a manual forbs is out four to six weeks Having surgery today on his thumb that story broken our first hour if you miss that you can grab our reaction at the fan But we'll give you a detailed breakdown on what the corner and safety situation is going to look like As some shuffling is going to be done now with forbs missing Also speaking of no is no egg benogany going to help replace forbs. Noah brown is expected to make his debut How impactful will he be? We'll get into that at five 30 as well Will brentson joins us next to go around the nfl on grant and danny