Grant and Danny

Commanders Survivor, Nats-Braves Preview

1:00- We have our Commanders Survivor results for week 1 against the Bucs! We then preview the Nats-Braves game tonight at Nats Park.

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
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Danny one of the biggest stories in football over the weekend and on sunday had nothing to do with anything going on on the field. It was that as fans were driving to the game. They were noticing next to the stadium on the ground wide receiver Tyree Kill being cuffed by police officers. We have since now seen video come out of the arrest of Tyree Kill based on the cameras that are being worn by the police officers who arrested him. And here is a snippet of the audio of what was a longer exchange between the wide receiver of the Miami Dolphins and the police officers. It starts with them going up and tapping on Tyree Kill's window. Hey, you have your seatbelt on. Why don't you have your seatbelt on? Why don't you have your seatbelt on? What? Hey, keep your window down. Keep your window down. I'm gonna get you out of the car. As a matter of fact get out of the car. Give me that. Get out of the car. Get out of the car right now. Put your plane this way. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. What part of problem do you understand? I do. I do. I'm getting arrested, dude. I'm getting arrested. That was Hill talking to his agent true Rosenhouse, but I guess was on the phone as it was put on the ground. Obviously not easy to listen to that. That's pretty dramatic and an awful situation for everyone involved, including Tyree Kill. As you hear that audio here on 106-7 the fan. But what we now know is that at least one of those officers was initially suspended. They're looking into this. The agent through Rosenhouse has come out and called for the firing of those police officers since. But you've seen the entire video now or at least the three and a half minutes or so that's relevant to the discourse. What are your thoughts? A couple of things. Number one, thank goodness. It didn't escalate much beyond that. Thank goodness. There's nothing tragic here in terms of loss of life or serious injury or anything else. Number two, there's nothing good here. There's no real great positive to take out. If you have a preconceived notion, if you've got an agenda or if you've got a worldview, you saw it there in that specific case. I don't like to ascribe larger things to be able to champion some cause or some feeling that I've got in general about near anything. I don't like to take everything through a certain lens. I know watching that video makes my skin crawl. I don't quite understand how we got there. With everybody. I don't understand why the window went back up. That's never something that's intuitive to me when an officer in the law tells me to do something. I don't get any kind of resistance there. In that regard, I also don't get the unbelievable escalation for certain moments. Whether it was the second guy or whoever, so I don't know all the names of everybody involved. But there's nothing about it that where I go, oh, that went fine. You know, as the video progresses, you can see another player who's obviously concerned for their teammate coming up and the officers then, you know, yelling at this guy, parading him about his ID and this and I'm just going, whoa, yeah, whoa, it's still traffic stop, right? But, you know, I offer a more grace maybe than the average person. I have friends in law enforcement on multiple agencies and nobody feels sorry for them. They sign up to do a really dangerous job. But with that, part and parcel, there are things that have to be done to make sure they're protected, the way that they approach a vehicle or enter some a home or different things like that. They encounter danger way more often than a regular person is used to. And they sign up for that and I understand all that. But so again, there's a lot to that. Not much that makes me feel good about it is the way I would say it. Yeah, I mean, so I think a lot of times with these situations, people want to pick a side. Who was wrong? The police officer or tirey kill? Are you team the cops who arrested him or tirey kill who says he was in a wrongfully cuffed and was treated poorly? So I think two things can be true. I think we need to work in the gray areas more often than we do in the country, generally. And I think nuance is not only the right way to approach big conversations, but it's necessary. So people will hear whatever they want to. I've got two thoughts here. The first thought is I thought that the police officer after watching is absolutely was unnecessarily way over the top and overzealous. And I thought that a calmer demeanor and a better tact, if you will, same way I would say with a doctor or nurse or something, like some bedside manner would be nice in this situation. Somebody who is dealing with someone who just got pulled over, I think sometimes like you said the right thing, we forget that cops are dealing with bad guys all day long, a lot of the time or criminals, or they feel like they are constantly, their life is on the line every time they pull someone over, which is probably true. I think that that's factual and correct. The other side is I know when I get pulled over, my heart's beating a million miles an hour. I'm very nervous. I am not comfortable in any way. That's not a comfortable situation. So I would just ask for a little grace if I'm kind of fumbling with my ID or you know what I'm saying? I think both things can be true. So to me, that officer watching that is ridiculous for how he acted and I hope he learns a lesson from this. But I also do think that I'll just speak for myself. That's all I can do. I would not immediately start yelling, don't knock on my window like that when someone taps on my window. I wouldn't immediately put my window up when they've asked me not to put my window up. Why am I bringing any more unnecessary strife or angst to this situation that is already not fun for anybody? I'm going to do exactly what I'm told to do. Show me your ID. I'm going to try to find my ID. That wasn't the case. Get out of the car. I'll try to get out of the car as quickly as possible. That wasn't the case. So my point is not to say Tyree kill was not mistreated. I think that what happened was fairly ridiculous. But I think that there's some both sides to this that we all want to just dispute whatever we disagree with and confirm our prior, if that makes sense. And I don't think that that's always the fairest way to go. Yeah, I mean, again, I don't have a better way to say it. I think you said it very well. The desire to make this microcosm of some sort of larger phenomenon and you're so you're going to wait for weeks and months to get a video that proves something. I'm not in the business of doing that. I think the whole thing is unfortunate. I don't love Drew Rosenhouse kind of coming off the top rope, by the way, and demanding firings. I don't think that creates the thing that we want. What do we want ultimately, right? What's our end game? We want this to be more adversarial between officers of the law and the community. That's not what I hear in general. I think people want the opposite of that. I don't think we want it to be as adversarial as it's been at times or has felt at times. So when there's a mistake and seems to be there clearly was, let's call it that. Now, now we're firing somebody. Now you force the police union to step in and they're going to resist that and nobody's going to be happy about it. Again, it's it's very unfortunate. You know, it doesn't feel good. I think that hopefully police officers who see that go. That's not how I would have handled that. He shouldn't handle it that way. And I'm not going to handle things that way. But similarly, I think if you're the member of the community, you, me, Ryan, the guy that's not the cop, you watch that and you go, here's a lesson. I'm not going to put up my window. I'm not going to yell that they tapped on my window too hard. And some of the things that, you know, Hill took issue with. And I think both of those things can be true. Darrus, let's get to commanders survivor on a Tuesday on GND. So with the verdict, the one producer back in studio today, Darrus Dameron has been tabulating the votes. What can you tell us? What I can tell you is that it was really, really close when it came to who was getting voted off. I'm just kidding. It's a manual forbs. You have been dismissed. You committed two penalties on the way off the island, too. A manual forbs. It took not even one full week of football because I think we already knew that was coming at about half time. It felt like so he is getting booted. Your time here is done, which brings us to immunity for week two, no matter how bad they play, they can't go home thanks to their week one performance. Who gets immunity? Your first. Oh, sorry, there's no before you got it. Oh, sorry. So for immunity, actually was relatively close here, but it goes to Brian Robinson. It was Brian Robinson. Jane Daniels is a close second, but B-Rob, he gets it immunity for week one. I'm stunned that it was not Jane Daniels. Are you? No, I think the people that saw Jane Daniels run and are excited about it voted. I think everyone else that kind of went, hey, there's some, there was some meat left on the bone there when it comes to throwing the football or some of the other things. The helmet coming off, otherwise recognize that Brian Robinson had a really good game. B-Rob will be around in week three. Everyone else will be playing for their commander's survivor lives in week two. So there you go. Every Tuesday on Grant and Danny, there will only be one commander to win in 2024. Doors take us to summers away or winter adventures and afternoon getaways. Your dedicated Fidelity advisor can help you open those doors by working with you on a comprehensive plan to help you reach your wealth's full potential because doors were meant to be opened. Visit Investment minimums apply Fidelity brokerage services LLC member NYSE SIPC. It is time for your national starting lineups and pitching match-ups presented by the window man. Since 1989, the window man's been the educational window company. Get your free no pressure in home estimate at the window man dot com or at their Fairfax showroom. Opposite old friend Rinaldo Lopez. Yes, that Rinaldo Lopez on the mound is McKenzie Gore for your Washington Nationals. Letting up my short steps. Check. Abrams batting second to left field. The James Wood batting third doing the catching came very Ruiz. That is not a misprint batting fourth. Your DH Andres Japarle batting fifth. The third base. Oh, that's it. Bending six. It's second base Louise Garcia batting seventh. The right field doing crews betting eight to first base Joey Gallo and betting ninth center field. You're gonna buy guy our guy Jacob Young. Attaboy JY. Let's do this thing. Here we go. McKenzie Gore on the bump. The 25 year old left. He looking to make it four straight quality starts. He's got his season back on track. He's a good outing away from leading this team and ERA among starting pitchers this season. Six innings, one run, six innings, two runs, six innings, one run with just one hit allowed nine strikeouts in a masterpiece last time out. Those are the last three starts for McKenzie Gore. How about our Nat's game day weather presented by Pepco storm seasons here. We know a little prep makes a big difference. Get storm informed at Pepco dot com slash storm prep. It has been absolutely beautiful out here in Ashburn today back in studio in DC. Darris, how are things at Nat's Park tonight? It is just as beautiful here in Southeast DC. Not a cloud in the sky. 85 degrees here. First pitch going to dip into the mid to low 70s as the game goes on will be a great night at Nat's Park. Let's get a win over the Braves. How about that? All out already. A lot of wins over the Braves this year. Am I right? The very right Nationals series victory over Atlanta. You just can't beat it. You did mention James Young and Dylan Cruz in that lineup tonight, Danny. Nice little reminder for people. We've got James Wood and Cruz gear in our one oh six seven the fan merch store. You can check out our Cruz wood 2024 shirts. You can grab a we've got wood hoodie for the fall. It's starting to get cooler or a Cruz missile t-shirt. Go to one oh six seven the fan shop dot com if you need any of that gear. What a day today for us here in Ashburn. It was a blast. We talked to Mark Rippin, which was cool. Steve Buckant stopped by. We did our first weekly hit with Austin Echler this season. If you missed any of that, the fan DC dot com. Grant and Danny dot com slash audio. Just a blast of a show out here in 1757. It was a blast, man. It's perfect weather out here in the 10th. Just gorgeous. What did that? For Danny and for Ryan on site for Daris back in studio. I'm Grant saying so long. Thank you for making the program part of your day. Enjoy Nat's baseball with Charlie and Dave. Thank you for coming.