The Todd Herman Show

A Baptist Convention Speaker Seemed To Call For Trump’s Murder Three Days Before The Last Assassination Attempt Ep-1860

So a Baptist convention speaker pretty much seemed to call for the murder of President Trump three days before, you know, the last attempt at murder. Plus suddenly in our election system it’s once again okay to have foreign interference? And then, why is the Left actually persecuting and prosecuting Mayor Eric Adams? 
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Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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- Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. - Communications on the Presidential Campaign Trail and explosive communications for Hezbollah in Lebanon. There's a new hybrid warfare at home and out of town, and we're gonna explain exactly how that works. (air whooshing) - Author, columnist, managing editor of Podcast host and conservative policy advocate. - Dismiss history at our peril. - Liberty Nation with Mark Angelides. (air whooshing) ♪ You spent it over here ♪ - Now at T-Mobile, get four 5G phones on us and four lines for $25 a line per month when you switch with eligible traders. All on America's largest 5G network. - Minimum of four lines for $25 per line per month with Autopaid Discount using Devit or Bank account. $5 more per line without Autopaid, plus taxes and fees and $10 device connection charge. Phones will be a 24-monthly bill credits for well-qualified customers. Contact us before canceling entire accounts to continue bill credits or credit stop and balance on a required finance agreement too. No credit to end if you pay off devices early. - Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman show. So a Baptist convention speaker pretty much seemed to call for the murder of President Trump three days before the last attempted murder and there's suddenly in our election system which goes back and forth from safe and secure to horribly risky. It's now once again okay to have foreign interference. Good to know, keep in track of that. And then why is the left actually and for real, persecuting and prosecuting Mayor Eric Adams? We'll talk about all of this with the help of bulwark capital management and of course with God almighty. (upbeat music) ♪ The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved ♪ ♪ By big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere ♪ ♪ Now ♪ ♪ From the high mountains of free America ♪ ♪ Here's the Emerald City outside ♪ ♪ Todd Herman ♪ - You have to take pictures of me and it'd be just a perfect intro. Christopher Paul, Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times through which God has decided we shall live. This woman's name is Sharon Wilson. Such a dear lady. She, I'll tell you about what she does for a living in a second here, but she kind of represents a lot of what has gone wrong with some of the Baptist conventions. This is the National Baptist Convention of America and CBA. And there has been institutional capture of Christian groups, just like there has been of every other group. This is one of the reasons I beg people to pay very careful attention to their churches. Very, very careful because this stuff happens often by degree, I mean, that's the design. First thing that happens is they'll start bringing in alternative doctrine, but they mask it really well. We had a church in Seattle, Seattle, that we attended, well, since, gosh, before my wife and I were married. And in fact, one of the pastors there performed our wedding Ron. And by degree, I started to notice that one of the pastors, there were three pastors there. One of them, every time he spoke, somehow included something about the environment. And it started with God's world and mentioned to the Garden of Eden. And then it started to work into climate, at the time it was global warming before it became climate change and then climate catastrophe and then acid rain. Oh, it acid rain was a while ago. And then he did a full sermon that had not a single reference to the Lord Jesus or to scripture, not one. And it was around a day, I don't think it was Earth Day, but it was something like recycling day. And yes, we are to steward the world well. This is the home God gave us. And so of course we're to steward it well, this isn't our place. It's like you go stay at a VRBO. I just saw the review, this guy wrote, when I was down in California, wrote a very nice review of me as a guest, left the place clean, did extra work, washed the towels, washed the sheets and that's all the stuff that we require. And so yeah, you take a place like that, you treat it like your own or like the bosses. Like if your boss said, hey, you can stay at my lake house, are you gonna trash the jerk? So no, of course we're to steward the Earth well. And when we're worshiping the Lord, that should involve his word. So this whole series of institutional captures and this lady is, man, a great example of that, but there's also this guy named Soon Chan Ra. He's the Robert Boyd Munger Professor of Evangelism at the Fuller Theological Seminary. And he wants to pretend to be confused about why Christians do not care for diversity, exclusion and insanity or DEI. So I wanna start with this chair and Wilson and I'll tell you what she does for a living and that matters, let me just tell you this quickly. Everything in your life revolves around your ability to deal, okay, post-seal fit. I made this decision to go and embrace the entire seal fit catalog for mental toughness, overcoming challenges and all of it, every drop. Because I'm pretty much 90% committed. Now I'm 95% emotionally committed to returning and this time completing that program. And so I'm going to give myself to the program. Now you do that in a way that works for you. Here's something you can do for yourself today and it doesn't involve a lot of effort. It is about getting more food for your money, more nutrition from every single bite of food that you get every single time. And this will happens with bi-optimizers and mass-simes. This is what it does, it increases your body's ability to digest food at an impressive degree. It attests at Birch International University study. They found that people who consume mass-simes see a 1200% 1,200% increase in the amount of amino acids in their bodies. That sustains muscle and it's known to grow muscle, help grow muscle. It also provides you great digestive comfort. So all those food costs that have gone up, hack the system, get more nutrition for your dollar. Go to, you get 10% off mass-simes and all of their products there. That's, stop letting poor digestion, screw up your way of getting to what you ultimately are designed to be by God. It's So this is Sharon Wilson, her job matters. She's speaking at the National Baptist Convention of America. - You know, we laughed about this cat and dog stuff and people marking their pets safe, okay, on social media. But y'all, when you think about it, it ain't funny. He didn't say Latino immigrants was doing that, although he don't like them either, okay? He did not say European immigrants like Melania were doing it. He picked Haitian immigrants, okay? Haitian immigrants. What do we have in common with Haitian immigrants? Our dark brown skin, okay? But why Haitian immigrants? Because they had Haiti had the strength to stand up and fight for their independence. And any time a black man stands up and declares his God-given right, a racist is not happy. And I learned last night from brother, Reverend Jackson is gonna take a black person to chop off the head of the racist. In this country. So I'm just like, what more do you need from this man to know that he does not have our interest at heart? - I didn't hear what Reverend Jackson said. I heard what she said. So chop the head off the snake, okay, metaphorical. Spoken about a guy that there's been two attempts to murder. And there's something else about the Haitian immigrants. In Haiti, they eat cats. It's an utterly spiritually captured, satanically crushed, country that was, yeah, you wanna talk about abuse in the wake of a massive natural disaster there. The Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation stepped in and we're funneling phone calls to Hillary that were B.O.F., or probably F.O.B. friends of Bill, getting them to the top of her callback list. Wanna know why? Because they were in a race to provide for the people of Haiti. The things that the people of Haiti most needed as cannibalistic gangs were once again, roaming the streets, controlling things. As people had no food, hence the eating of cats and dogs. They came in with a Wi-Fi network. That's what the big donors wanted to build for Haiti. I would suggest that giving a army corps of engineers an ability to set up a club system would be a better use of dollars. She is apparently a judge. She's an appeals court judge. Do you think she can have any form of independent thought when it comes to a Trump supporter or a conservative cause or a conservative? This goes down to this unbelievably clever method that Satan has used to destroy race. Black ain't a race. White is not a race. It's a pigment. In this, this lady has lived in Haiti and grown up in that environment. She doesn't have much in common with the people of Haiti aside from melanin level. And President Trump does not go out calling out races. He talks about behaviors of people and the people that are being used to drive the invasion of our country are people who often do not have our best interests at heart. You can put aside the discussion of cats and dogs being eaten and in doing so, tell the people in Springfield, Ohio who said it happened to them to sit down and shut up. You could do that. Or you could look at what is happening that no one questions. The fraudulent decision to advertise jobs to these people that no one else got to see. The citizens of Springfield didn't get to see that. The ability to hire these people at 40% less than you would hire an American citizen because they're getting all these actions. That's undoubtedly happening. No one argues otherwise. Or the massive series of car crashes that are going on 'cause these people don't know how to drive. That's not because they have high melanin levels. I'm pretty sure black people drive and drive well. And some of them don't drive well and some white people are whack. The color as race works with people like this because they have to have something like this. Now she's speaking at a Baptist convention. And to me, and maybe this is me being cynical, it sounds like she wants someone to take a shot at Trump three days later it happened. And I mean literally a shot at killing him because he's the head racist of the country. Not say, for instance, the NAACP which is literally a race based organization or la la la la la la la la la la la la la. You know what that means? The race, a race based organization. Now she's not a theologian. And I don't think that she's a pastor. Maybe she's an elder. I don't know what their setup is there. Soon, Chan Ra is the Robert Boyd Munger Professor of Evangelism at the Forward Theological Seminary. And four recently announced, I guess this was about six or seven months ago that they're going to let people attend this Christian University and come in without any actual belief in Christian doctrine when it relates to topics of sexual. So you can come in and say, hey, Jesus said that two men should be married. And you get to go to this Christian Theological Seminary. Right? See, this is the other way they do this. Is they will stop talking about the so-called social issues. And this is the way it happens in a lot of these churches. It is the elders or church leadership, whatever you call it, get together and say, hey, look, look, we got to get, we got to get putts in the seat. You know, we have to have people come to the church. We're not seeing the tithing of the nations that we need. But can we just stop talking about social issues? You know, and they'll pitch it this way. But look, let's talk about the loving Jesus, the redeeming Jesus. And that way we'll bring everybody in. Let's just, let's avoid that controversy, but not talk about, we're not going to sponsor it. We're not going to sponsor sin. We're not, but let's not talk about sin. And then it becomes, well, let's accept it because look, everybody here. And then they'll try to find ways to bring that into doctrine. In other words, to sprinkle Jesus on top of their sin or of their sponsoring of sin. And I will say this every time because it's incumbent upon Christian men to say this, it is. The acts of engaging in same-sex activity is not a special sexual sin. So is imagining having sex with someone, not your partner, not your husband or wife. That's mental fornication, which is fornication. It's mental adultery if you're married, which is in the eyes of the Lord Jesus' actual adultery. That's what it is. So soon, Sean Raugh is speaking to a group of theologians and is a professor of evangelism at the Fulbert Theological Seminary. And this is his take on DEI. - Is it the concern that it's critical or that it's theory? - A critical race theory, part of DEI. - I think the concern is that it talks about race and that that's our anxiety around this. Not that it's critical or that it's a theory, but that the topic is race. And for so many of us, the topic of race makes us so uncomfortable, so anxious that we want to avoid it altogether, make it into a strong man that would easily defeat when talking about race is complicated. Talking about race and conversations about race are difficult. - The gaze of the dominant culture defines the black community so that the rest of us have to play along. When the white male looks at the black male, the black male is either a pet or a threat. The gaze of the white dominant culture looks at the Asian male and says you are a pet or a threat. We will trot you out there, our pet, and say look, why can't you be like our pet, the model minority on the gendered side as well. Bell Hook says that when the white male gazes upon the black female, he categorizes the black female in two ways, the Jezebel or the Mami. Man, that's some nuance. I mean, I gotta give him credit. It says, soon, Sean Rob, he said, talking about race is complicated and he really dug in. Now, that's a cherry-picked clip, of course. Let's be fair to him. But man, he dug into that nuance, that white people, let's go through the nuance. White people think that black men are either pet or threat. That's what white people think, white people. So the way this works in the mind, apparently, of soon, Sean Rob, is you have like, oh, this is perfect. So I went in and I'll be, man, I'm gonna disclose some things here. Okay, I decided to tan for seal fit because people gave me this feedback of, hey, you know, if you go through that whole program, you're gonna be in the sun 12 hours a day. And I found out that they actually do give you sunscreen, they actually don't want you sunburned, they give you sunscreen number four or five hours. I didn't know that, but going in, I decided to tan to get a base of tan, so I'm harder to burn. And then here's the confessional part, is I looked at myself and I got very prideful. Hey, I look better tan. Well, I guess people look better tan. I've never been tan. So that's just, and then I'm tanning in the backyard and my daughter's like, why are you doing that? I'll seal fit, no, you're not. (laughs) Liar, liar, okay, you caught me. I guess I like looking better tan. I've noticed that as I'm losing my tan, it's really weird, but the less tan I get, the more I just start hating the blacks. And I said, what's, you know, when I was really tan, I loved black people. And I would seek out black people like, you know, the tanner I got, I said, where can I find some blacks? I need to go hang out with the blacks. I just crave in relationships with the blacks. And in fact, you know what? When I was on the, in the airport, getting ready to fly down to California, a black guy and I got into a conversation. I can't even believe I noticed this. We exchanged numbers and we've actually texted each other and we're gonna have lunch next week when he's back up here, except now I don't think I want to, because I've kind of losing my tan. So now I'm kind of noticing he's pretty black and I just figured it out. It's 'cause my melanin level's going down. The more my tan goes away, the more I think, I don't, I can't have lunch with a black dude, he's black. He's a pet or a threat. Of course, it's gibberish. It's old gibberish. For this soon, Sean Ra to say we are uncomfortable talking about race because we can't talk about the nuance of it and then to say, here's what white people think of black women, white men's gaze sees black women as Jezebel or, what did he say? He didn't say Aunt Jemima, but he said something like that. Really? That's what white men think. There's no nuance to that. Again, color is not race and race is made up of real factors, things that are actually interesting. I ran into this woman in the airport and I'm someone who talks to people and I noticed she just got on this plane. I see that she's holding a selfie stick and I can see that she has a live chat going and there's a guy following her and he's wearing a shoulder mounted camera and there's a big dude following her and they actually got in my way and they were slowing down and they noticed that and this lady was very sweet and very polite. She was, "Oh, sir, I'm so sorry." I said, "No, that's okay, you're working. "I see you're working, I do the same thing." She goes, "Wait, you're a live streamer?" I said, "Yeah, I do live streams, not like you, "I'm not on Twitch, I'm guessing." And she said, "Yeah, we're on Twitch and we're on Twitch." I said, "I'm old, I'm not allowed on Twitch." She said, "Oh, come on, you're allowed." And then I got her card and she asked me about my program and what I do. I said, "God at the center, politics at the edges." And she goes, "Pardon?" I said, "God at the center, politics at the edges." So baby, we ignore, we stay away from that. I said, "Smart decision." She was from the Miami club scene. She became famous as a DJ. She lives in Miami and she travels around and people watch her eat food because most people have never had the experiences that she had. She'd always wanted to do this because she grew up around Latin music and that Latin music meant something to her. It reminded her of her grandma and grandpa and her neighborhood. It has caused her to want to read about the music that she reviews. And then as she eats these food, she's really, really fascinated and how did this food end up this way? What were the spices? What were the combinations of factors that caused people to cook these foods? Was it availability? We had this brief conversation and in that brief conversation, I learned more about her culture in the underpinnings than soon Ron or soon, Sean Raw is able to give us 'cause he wants to pretend that white is a race. It's a color. And just because he, apparently at some point or another, had something to do with the Christian faith, in the Lord Jesus' eyes and the body of Christ, there's neither Greek nor Jew, servant nor master, male nor woman. We are one body, professor, one body. Institutional capture, man. Watch it and watch for it. Know the signs. The first sign is there's a whole lot of talk during our sermons that don't contain any of the word. And there's sort of a now disappearing nature of talking about sexual sin. Know the signs. Follow the reading material and then follow the Bible. Approach your pastor one to one and have a discussion. And if that doesn't work, then approach the elders and have a discussion. And if that doesn't work, then call a meeting and do it respectfully within biblical realms. Story number two. It happens, I guess, earlier this week, this weekend, and maybe it's old news, but there's a real interesting way to look at the ups and downs of what's good in election policy in the United States. Because everything is convenient. Everything is convenient. This has to do with the use of US military resources to campaign for Kamala Harris. And it's filthy and it happens, but it is more serious than that because it is now an applauding of something we were told was the very reason that Donald John Trump should never be in the White House, the Articles of Impeachment written before he took office. The guy who wrote those, by the way, Norm Ison, he was the guy who pushed this. He is a full on deep state, sweethearts, vaccines, cleaner assassin dude. I'm not saying physical assassin, character assassin, career assassin, Norm Ison. He wrote the Articles of Impeachment. He's one of the big authors, it seems, of the Color Revolution, Revolver.News, talks about this a lot with Ison. Do you know what he recently said? He recently came out and said that we must create, I think, five rules to make sure that we don't have an autocratic president. (laughs) And that he can't use law fair. He actually wrote a piece saying we need to prevent presidents from using law fair, the guy who wrote the Articles of Impeachment before President Trump was elected. So we gotta avoid law fair. We have to make sure that presidents can't do these things. The very thing they've been doing when rules are fungible that way and elastic, I just have a feeling they're not actually rules. They're kind of things you say sometimes. And sometimes you don't say them. Can't live this way, you can't. You have to have moral principles. And for me at least, and I hope it's for you, it's the solid rock of God because those moral principles cannot change. They haven't and they cannot because God himself is not changeable. So those moral principles need to extend into lifestyle and how we live. If you do a quick moral inventory of something absolutely simple in your house, do a quick moral inventory. The next time you open a box of soap, look at it and regard the company. Do they believe all lives matter? Do they support the causes you believe in? Do they contribute more to society than simply soap? Is the soap all natural? Is it made in America? Is it made by a family with three generations of soap making expertise? And who's making the soap? Do you know? Is its veritable slave labor in China? Is its Haitian immigrants working at 40% discount? So what American workers are able to use or to get paid? What is it? Who works there? And then think about Alan soaps, family run. A mission company, the soap is incredible. It's all natural made in America, absolutely gentle on the body. Unique fragrances are no fragrances. They exist to employ people like Alan who the world would have shut up in a box. They tried to kill him when he was a little boy. Well, when he was pre-born, they tried to kill him. They wanted him dead because they could tell they'd have these structural health issues and he's non-verbal with autism. Now there's three young people. Working at Alan's not just one because of you. So take a moral inventory and then decide. You want to keep buying the amoral company soap, okay? Or go right now and skip a step. Go to, make the commitment and sign up for soap delivery. It's So it is once again this thing we say that Ford interference in our election is an awesome thing. Praise God that Zelensky came to town. We're starting to visit to the United States. And I wonder if this is when he's on his military planer ours because the figurehead was caused to let him fly around in one of our military jets. We're not flying to Pennsylvania, a special visit. Then New York, Washington, now listen to this, listen to this. It is this fall that will decide what will happen next in this war. Oh, that's subtle. Gosh, is there something happening this fall into which Pennsylvania will play a key role? (speaking in foreign language) Together with our partners, we can strengthen our positions. (speaking in foreign language) And as necessary for our victory, our common victory, for a truly just peace says a man who shuts down media facilities. Says a man who bans opposition parties. Says a man who bans certain churches and certain faiths. Says a man who is at least close to a billionaire if not a billionaire while his country's suffering. Says a man who is in office as the result of a coup of the United States engineered right next door to Russia, knowing it would cause Putin to become militaristically belligerent. (speaking in foreign language) Ukraine will present the United States victory plan, no, Ukraine will present the victory plan in the United States. (speaking in foreign language) And the president of the United States will be the first to see it in full. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Who, like president Biden, are leaders of the world. (speaking in foreign language) And can become leaders of peace by helping us with the victory plan. He flew into Pennsylvania on a military jets, and the statement about this fall is not a statement about the battlefield. It is a statement about this election. That's why they chose Pennsylvania. But foreign involvement in elections is a very, very good thing. We're thankful for this. President Trump was the victim of a black ops folder of lies concocted by Fusion GPS and a disgraced law firm, Perkins Cooey helped launder the money for that, my judgment, my judgment is money laundering. And that was used to lie to the FISA court, which is actually the most powerful court in the nation. Don't think for a second it's Supreme Court. Supreme Court gets to, is observed. We get to watch their processes. The FISA court is a secret court uniquely un-American in nature. It was used to lie to them. It was used to destroy President Trump's reputation with 50% of the electorate forever. And it has driven an assassination attempt. Do you really think this guy, who this latest guy to try to take Trump out, obsessed with Ukraine as he is, is this $150,000 bounty he was talking about? Do you think Zelensky would have a problem paying that? No. Do I have proof that he did that? No. But look at the media. Look at the media. This is the Associated Press. Representative Matt Cartwright's Democrat Pennsylvania. And they're showing the motorcade of the great man, Zelensky. Scranton police. It was surreal to have Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky come here and express his thanks and support for the effort that we're engaged in here. It was off the charts in terms of the kind of spine tingling surreality that I've ever experienced. It's a recognition of the hard work that these machinist union people are engaged in to create the shells that Ukraine is lobbing back at the Russians on the eastern side of Ukraine, right? There is such a thing as a just war. That's real. Obviously, I just come back from paying a lot of money to be pre-treated, some would say poorly by Navy SEALs. And certainly, they're rough on you, but they're there to harden you and they're doing their jobs and they do it very, very well. So clearly, I adore SEAL culture. Couldn't have ever been a SEAL, but I adore the culture. This guy is talking about a thrill down his pant alone ice because a dictator came to town. Zelensky is a dictator. Putin is a dictator. Putin bans opposition parties and Linsky bans him. Putin's a kleptocrat who's stolen billions of dollars from the Russian people and amassed a wealth of a billion billions of dollars. Zelensky is a kleptocrat who's amass all this wealth. Putin is sponsored by and partners with the Chinese Communist Party in Iran. Zelensky partners with us. So he's our bad guy who we placed into power. Well, effectively did because of the coup that Joe Biden warned us would lead to this military belligerent action by Putin. And now we have us on the doorstep of war, real war. We're talking about lobbying missiles well, well, well in to highly populated Russian cities. And the guy who wants to do that is here campaigning in Pennsylvania, corrupt Democrat Josh Shapiro, with the party of peace here. Remember that they are the party of peace. This is in the artillery plant. Josh Shapiro is signing artillery shells that are going to be lobbed in to Russian cities. And behind them are a bunch of Democrats and glad-handing China model fake company heads, really just government, big government and big companies are one, big companies are big government. And there's the dictator Zelensky standing by and watching this. As Josh Shapiro takes in a nordin amount of time writing a note no one will ever read on to an artillery shell. Gleefully killing. I don't know that that communicates the way Lord Jesus would view war. I would guess that when the Lord Jesus sees a Jesus battle, and I was going to talk about this next week at just war and in this case, rhetorical war, that the creator of veggie tales is attacking Matt Walsh's faith. This guy says you can't believe in the Sermon on the Mount and pretends to be someone else when you're making a film. That you can't do that. In the Old Testament, there are wars after wars after wars that God sponsored. And the new covenant in the Lord Jesus turned to the cheek. There are times when evil is so pronounced and so perverse and the threat is so imminent to the lives of innocence that just war theory comes into play. And on judgment day, I could see someone sitting down kneeling before the Lord Jesus. Now, let's just go through this by degrees. Someone who fought a D day, and let's say this person was a rock star soldier and took out a pill box on a hill and killed 15 Nazi soldiers and then went up and killed five more in bayonet fighting. And on judgment day, the Lord Jesus said, you killed 20 of my children. Yes, Lord, yes, I repent for that. And I saved thousands and thousands of your children in the death camps. They were murdering your children in hundreds at a time in these gas chambers. And I still see the eyes of those men. I fought in that with the bayonets. I watched the life go out of them. Sometimes I wake up with nightmares. And I prayed to you about this and it seemed what had to be done. And I can see the Lord Jesus looking at that and saying, yeah, it hurts, it's sin problem. That's why I hate sin. And yeah, you did repent and I love you. Welcome home. Now, this is risky because thinking like God is really risky, but when Josh Shapiro is there in judgment day, Lord Jesus might ask him, what did you write? What did you write on that artillery shell? Why did you use the killing of my children for a political campaign? Why were you gleeful? Can you help me understand? The foreign intervention in our elections is one thing. The turning of the Democrat party, the party of peace into the party of war just shows this. Nothing matters in terms of moral structure to that party, nothing. It's their turn to be the party of war. Does that make it our turn to be the party piece? I think we always were because we've always been reluctant to use force. I don't know anybody who's jumping up and down to use force. Unless you're Lindsey Graham. And then again, he served his country as a lawyer, as a lawyer. Story number three, it's all about timing. And Eric Adams, I got to try to get some way to understand Eric Adams and his way of thinking, his construct of, I am going to step on the sacred button of Democrat politics. I'm going to step on the third rail. I'm going to jump up and down on the third rail and nothing's going to happen to me because I think that's what he did. And he did it for political survival. And he did it in light or in defiance of the fact that his party had signaled. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Those are the new special ones. Don't you dare criticize the special ones. So Eric Adams is being charged with corruption and taking bribes and the same activities that the figureheads Biden did and his family did, the same exact activities, but Eric Adams is being charged. Now, if I was a different cat, I might come along and say, Ooh. Let's see, Eric Adams has dark skin. He is a BIPOC Biden has white skin. He's a white man. He's an oppressor. Look at that. The oppressor is not being charged, but the oppressed is being charged. Hey, this is a race issue. You know what? I haven't heard that. I haven't heard that from anybody in the mockingbird media. There's a race issue to this, but I do want you to see part of at least Eric Adams statements and then part of why I think he is being put through this because it actually does matter at this layer of corruption. If you're seeing this on Friday, the 27th of 2024, September 27, 2024, you're watching it yesterday. Zach Abraham had another one of his very, very successful free live webinars. If you missed that, you weren't able to attend. Let me give you kind of a download. So Zach is now educating people about how current events, things like this are affecting retirement portfolios because they should be affecting your retirement portfolio. You get five, 10, 15 years from retirement. This stuff should be affecting it. The arrests or rather the charging of a major player in American politics that may ever do York should have an effect. A second assassination attempt against the Republican candidate for president should have an effect on the market. It's not. The consumer price index dropping, corporate confidence index dropping, consumer confidence index dropping precipitously. That should have an effect on your retirement account, but it's not. The overvalued of stocks by a trillion times should have an effect on your retirement account, but it's not. All those pressure points are building up. If you think of your retirement account as a roof over your future, you think of these things as snow. Eventually the roof begins to crack. It is a matter of time before the cracking occurs because just like the physics of a roof holding up now 20,000 pounds of snow on the 25th thousand pound, the cracks begin. That's physics. It's math. Math, eventually, this stuff will affect your retirement account. So get ready. But what capital management is engaged in risk management. That is Zach's obsession. He's the chief investment officer there. They do that through active management of portfolios, every single portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility. You can't. If you missed the free live webinar, okay, I'll give you one better, a one on one phone call or zoom or Google Meet or meeting in person in the saddle area with Zach. You and your spouse are just you, depending on your life circumstance. It's this easy column. Here's just phone number 866-779 risk. Just call and say, Hey, will you give me a consultation and let me know if my retirement plan is set up for risk management. It's that easy 866-779 risk. Let them know that you're part of the podcast, Todd Herman Show podcast, radio show family. There you go. Well, you could use the website, but you know what, call them 866-779 risk. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes, only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed past performance. Doesn't guarantee future results. Trek 24308. If you read the indictment papers, the full indictment of Eric Adams, he's effectively being indicted for what Joe Biden did and Hunter Biden did. And am I judgment Nancy Pelosi did? And many, many others in governments, high up in government to this day did. Eric Adams addressed the charges. My fellow New Yorkers, it is now my belief that the federal government intends to charge me with crimes. If so, these charges will be entirely false based on lies. But they would not be surprising. I always knew that if I stood my ground for all of you, that I would be a target and a target, I became for months, leaks and rumors have been aimed at me in an attempt to undermine my credibility and paint me as guilty. Just this past week, they searched the home of our new police commissioner looking for documents from 20 years ago. Looking for documents from 20 years ago. I remember a rape trial. No witnesses, no police report. The woman who made the charges became a big fan of the man, she says, assaulted her. She loved his TV show. She wanted to say rape is sexy. It was like 20 years ago. And then some billionaires came along, backed the lawsuit and he stood by Eric Adams and let it happen. I mean, he couldn't stop. He's the mayor. He's not the dictator. Well, no, I guess the governor of New York is their dictator. I don't think he said anything about that. 20 years, huh, that's interesting. Just one week after he joined my administration, enough I would fight these injustices with every ounce of my strength and my spirit. If I'm charged, I know I am innocent. I will be questing the media trials so the New Yorkers can hear the truth. New Yorkers know my story. They know where I come from. I have been fighting injustice my entire life. Well, no, in your city, a corrupt prosecutor went after President Trump on a paperwork violation. This would be akin to you and I mislabeling something in our checkbook back in the days where the checkbooks. It would be like us saying, okay, this was a payment for gasoline, when in fact, this was a payment for groceries. And then a prosecutor coming along and saying, I know that the statute of limitations as expired on that, but we're going to go ahead and turn this into 36 felonies. He stood by and let that happen. He said nothing about it. That same prosecutor had also magically turned felonies in the misdemeanors, violent felonies in the misdemeanors. So he could have his stated goal of equity. Meaning in that case, putting more violent criminals on the street. Eric Adams said nothing about that. That fight has continued as your mayor. No, it hasn't. Despite our police and the federal government did nothing as it's broken immigration policies overloaded our shelter system with no relief. I put the people of New York before party and politics. And that's the game. There are third rails in any closed system society. There are third rails. I was in the parking garage in Seattle, having a conversation with an investor in my internet radio network. And I came to learn that that particular investor was actually not. It wasn't actually his money he was using to invest, not his funds money. Another fund had given him the money, sat him on our board. And the reason I mentioned that is that was sort of an act of fraud. For which I've forgiven this guy and he came and apologized to me years later. It was a bad thing I did. I should have disclosed that it was wrong. And it actually cost me and and my partners, the actual employee owners of the company. It costs us a lot of money. But it was in this parking garage, just having this discussion with this guy. And I said something about the bubble, the tech bubble. I mean, this was during the dot com days. I said, Hey, you know what? How long does a bubble like this lasted? He said, Hey, hey, hey, he actually stopped me, put its hands on my chest. It's taught. We don't talk about bubbles. I said, no, it's just you and me goes even between us. Never let me hear you say that again. There's no bubble. This is all solid value. Never ever say that even privately. Why was he so insistent upon that? Shareholder lawsuits. If we knew we were dealing with a ridiculous bubble and we didn't go to our shareholders, the venture capitalists and the partners and everybody involved and say, this is a bubble. So it was a third rail for many years in Republican politics, immigration, illegal immigration was the third rail I've told you about being in meetings with the CEO roundtable and the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC and telling them, look, small business owners in people who support small businesses hate illegal immigration, we can make a lot of headway if we'll go after illegal immigration and every single time we brought that up. It was no, no, no, no, no, no, shut up. We're not going to talk about that. The unions like it. We like it. We like the cheap labor. That was a third rail for the Democrats. The third rail is even bigger because there's so much win destabilizing American cities is a huge win for the cultural revolution because people will do anything to regain normal. Normality when things are going nuts, anything, please, someone come and control this. Please shut this down. Our cities are being ruined. Well, we're going to need to take away the guns. OK, take away the guns. The benefits of destroying the Electoral College system, the benefit of a business model, the Democrats have achieved brilliantly. We will force people to give you money to lower your costs. That's what they're doing with the Haitian immigrants and the other immigrants. There's so much win. So Eric Adams seeing how angry New Yorkers are watching his entire hotels are taken away. No longer can you have guests there. This is now for the newcomers seeing that these people are sacrosanct. It doesn't matter how many cops they try to kill. They're still turned around and let out. And New Yorkers of all races, by the way, are seeing this. Black people aren't thrilled about this. Hispanic people aren't thrilled. Why would they be? So this is why they're going after Eric Adams and there were meetings. Be prior to this, there were meetings when he started to say things like this. The New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an Indian tube. I don't see an Indian to this. I don't see an Indian to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City. Mass illegal marriage, 10,000 migrants a month. One time we were just in Venezuela. Now we can Ecuador. Now we can rest and speak and come into Mexico. Now we're in Western Africa. Now we get people from all over the globe that made their minds up that they're going to come through the southern part of the border and come into New York City. And everyone is saying it's New York City's problem. Every community in this city is going to be impacted. When he began speaking that way, he'd made the decision, I'm going all in. And there were conversations. I guarantee you there were conversations because he's a smart political player. He got on the phone and I would have been with Pelosi. It would have been with Chuck E. Schumer. And either got on the phone or had a private lunch discussion. And he said, I have got to push back against this. I am going to, I'm going to lose election. And they probably said to him, Eric, listen to me. We're going to take care of you. You'll be a senator. You'll be at the DOJ. It's a cabinet level position. We're going to take care of you, man. You just need to just be quiet on this issue. Like you can do things. You can do things quietly. Your cops can do a few things, let's list list list list and they can say this. Look, OK, listen, when people go out for cops, when immigrants go out for cops, that make a case of that, make, make them an example. And then that'll make people happy. That can be your bread and circuses, but you cannot criticize the policy. You can't do that. And he apparently didn't get what he needed in the way of assurances. Or perhaps, perhaps there's a little part of him, a tiny, little part that really does think this is completely unjust. Perhaps there's a little tiny bit of the corner of his soul. Where's he going to destroy my city? Maybe he really does love New York. Maybe this is the thing that took Eric Adams, the grifting politician who doesn't give a hoot about justice and push him into a corner and all of a sudden he's caring about justice. But I tend to think it's the other thing. I tend to think the meeting didn't go his way. And so he pushes all in. And we'll try this in the court of public opinion. Do I think he's taking bribes? Yes, why? Because he's a Democrat mayor of a major American city. That's why. Because the game is compromised. Do I think Nancy Pelosi is taking bribes? She is a walk and breathing bribe. We talked earlier today about Visa and her IPO participation in that. She pretends to not know what Steve Croft was talking about. Like, how'd you get to do that? We talked about her husband dumping half a million dollars in Visa stock just before Visa. Just before Visa was was sued by the DOJ. Of course, the Biden crime family. They went after him because he decided that he had power. That's it. And what they're showing him is Eric, we told you. We're the only ones with any real power to which I tell them. I'm looking in the eye of a tyrant who had the power to kill his body. The Lord Jesus looked at him and said, you have no power over me, but that which my father grants. DOJ, Merck Garland, you have no power. Save for that, which God is allowing you to have for our good. You may think you're crushing us. What you're doing is aiding God in whatever his plan is, which I know to be for our good and I'm guessing his plan is to continue to show how nakedly corrupt you are because as he does that and makes you reveal more and more of that, more and more people are coming to him through biblically observant churches who welcome him with open arms, put them into small groups and create connections for them. Thank you, God, for making that a reality. Thank you for always pursuing us. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC] Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance, request, maintenance, and communication. Sound complicated? 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