The Todd Herman Show

Do UK “Police Officers” KNOW They Are Persecuting Jesus Christ? PBS News Told The BIGGEST Lie About Kamala Ep-1858

Do UK cops, if you want to call them cops, know that they're persecuting Jesus Christ? They should probably figure that out. PBS News told the biggest funniest lie about Kamala Harris, even as they wrapped it in a tiny little truth. And what to do when the FBI visits your home because they didn't like a social media post.

What Does God’s Word Say
John 15:18-25 NIV
The World Hates the Disciples
18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’
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Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
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And what to do when the FBI visits your home because they didn't like a social media post? We'll get started with the help of God Almighty. [MUSIC PLAYING] The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by Big Pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. No. From the high mountains of free America, here's the end-old city excite. Todd Herman. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times to which the Lord has decided who should live. Wait, I always say, God, how come I said the Lord? How come that happened? Why did he let that occur? The UK is a fallen country. I mean, it's very, very clear that it's further along in being forced through the cultural revolution than we are. And thank God, there are people in the UK who are being getting to wake up to this. It's resulting in a lot of people who've never, ever politically protested anything, first of all, showing up to protest, and secondly, seeing the disparate treatment between they and the newcomers. Some of that's resulted in vandalism and violence against objects, not yet violence against cops, thank God. Well, not in any large degree. The UK will not tolerate any statements against the newcomers. They will embrace the newcomers at the costs of everybody who's ever lived there. It's same thing as happening in the United States. None of it is accidental. None of it is incidental. None of it is organic. All of it is top down, bottom up, squeeze the middle. All of it's about a cultural revolution. All of it is about dividing these nations so that they can be more easily ruled from the top. All of it, every single bit of it. And it's not helpful to the so-called newcomers because you set up situations where they are evidently given privilege above everybody else and access to benefits no one else gets and it is going to engender the sin problem of coveting and jealousy. Because it's being driven by the sin problem of coveting and jealousy and a desire to be God. But in the UK, cops have been put into a position I don't think they understand and this is easy enough to prove, and they have a lot of better things to do. Talk about the better things to do and give you an instance of cops quite literally persecuting Jesus Christ. And you can say, you don't mean literally, you mean figuratively, no, I do not. I mean literally and we can go to the Bible for that. The studio that I sit in is not a place I can get up and jump around and move around and I don't do push-ups or things in here. So there's very little I can do to work on my fitness except I'm working on it right now. Even as I speak with you. In my bloodstream are the results of mass zymes. Mass zymes are really powerful digestive enzymes that went through 243 experiments before bi-optimizers would put the breakthrough label on them. They're very fistidious about this. These enzymes, mass zymes went through a test at Berkshire University in Bosnia side-by-side. People who took mass zymes, people who did not. People who took mass zymes saw a 1,200% increase in the presence of amino acids in their blood. That means more muscle sustaining, aminos, more muscle building aminos. If you've been through any form of restrictive weight loss or you're going into it or you just wanna reserve and have the muscle that you have and experienced digestive comfort, easy, easy. Go right now to You'll get 10% off mass zymes in all their products at bi-optimizers. Don't let poor digestion slow you down from reaching your goals in your full potential. It's Cops in London have a lot to do. It happens that there is a rape reported every single hour in London and it's weird. It went up from 7,643 per day to 10,991 in other acts of sexual violence. Rape cases went up to 8,852. They're at a high of 9,334 again up from 7,643. What changed? What was it about the time that the UK was introduced to the fact that they had to welcome illegal immigrants in mass? Now, illegal immigrants don't mean rapists. That's not what that means. But Middle Eastern men from terrorist supporting countries of military age who've been brought up to believe that sexual conquests is part and parcel of Islam. Well, they do rape people and they do consider it their right. So it's not illegal immigration. I mean, that's bad and it destroys countries and it's unfair and it's lording power over others and it's coveting and it's jealousy and it's lying, et cetera. But it doesn't equal rape unless the population of men you're bringing in have been brought up in that way. So the UK cops could be focusing on that, but they have a lot of other things to do. Some things that are very, very important. For instance, this guy named Adam Smith-Conner was in the UK and he got approached by some kind police officers, very, very reflexively British polite even as their stealing is right. But there are some details that really matter and I'll give you the details after we go through this interaction. - We just wanted to sort of come over to (indistinct) also just (indistinct) - Well, I'm praying. - Just for awareness, you are in an area which is governed by a public space protection. - I am aware. - I am aware. - A public space protection address. - This is a public space protection or you're in an A, this governed by this. Just so you're aware. - They also call it a safe zone. There are signs located in the area just to make you aware of the area where certain activities are. - Sure. - Yes. - And in terms of that, can I ask what is the nature of your prayer today? - In terms of that, let me ask what is the nature of your prayer today? What were you saying privately to God? - What is the nature of God? - I'm praying for my son. - I don't want to pray, but I don't want to say of my attitude. - Yeah. - At the same time, we're used to being sort of not actually what is in the area of activity. - Sure. - In terms of that, there is good news within the public space protection. - Within that, there's a clause within the public protection safety. - I think we're going to move around. - Around prayer? - Yes. - And around disapproved around the activities. - We will move around the activities the clinic then. - Right. - And being abortion, by the way. - As I said, I don't want to pray as to the reasons that you're being raised in a different position. - It's perhaps not the end. - I don't want to pry into the reasons you're praying for your son, but perhaps as pertinent to the A.E. in. - Praying for my son who's deceased. And they still stand there. The male cop is simply looking at him threateningly. Oh, I don't mean to gender him. I'm sorry, maybe he's a woman. - I'm sorry, that's all right. - Okay. - Very sorry. - So, again, I'm sorry for your loss. - I was sorry for your loss, but. - But, ultimately, I have to go. I think I have the most potential done. - Right. - And they'll say that we are in the belief, therefore, that you are in breach with the success. I've got prayer, and also acts of disapproval. - I'm just standing praying. - I understand that. But the P.S.P.O. is in place for a reason. - Did the P.S.P.O. is in place for a reason? - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for your loss. - Here's the details. That guy was about 50 to 75 meters away from the abortion clinic. That's almost an entire football field. He was standing behind a tree, so that he wasn't in the direct line of sight of the abortion clinic. He had his back turned to the abortion clinic. In John chapter 15 verses 18 through 25, I will make my case that they are, quite literally, persecuting the Lord Jesus. After all, the apostle Paul was told he did that. When he was still saw going about the world killing Christians, Jesus didn't come to him and saying, "Hey, you're persecuting my people. "You're persecuting my children." He said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting." If the world hates you, keep in mind they hated me first. This is the Lord Jesus speaking in John 15, chapter verses 18 through 25. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I've chosen you out of the world. That's why the world hates you. Remember what I told you? A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they've obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours. She's speaking here to the apostles. They would treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. And by the way, departing from the Bible for a second, the Lord Jesus has spoken to everybody. Everybody who's heard his word, and certainly they're tribal people, and other people have not yet heard that, but that day will come. The people in the UK have heard the word. Whoever hates me hates my father as well. If I'd not done among them works, no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen and yet they have hated both me and my father, but this is to feel what is written in the law. In their law, he says, they hated me without reason. The cops that are enforcing that, well, order are quite literally persecuting Jesus. You can replace that man with Jesus. No, you can do the same thing. When you think of as you treat the least of these, so you treat me, you can do that with the so-called migrants, the newcomers. We can't hate them because we're to love our neighbors, even love our enemies, and many of these newcomers are enemies of the UK and enemies of our nation. And we have to love them, or we persecute Jesus. As you treat the least of these, so you treat me, but remember this, Jesus followed the law up to the point of the cross. From the cross, he said, forgive them father, they know not what they do, about people who had whipped him and beaten him and come very, very close to killing them, ultimately would kill his body for three days. But there is a time, and it's coming, where that forgiveness is over, where redemption is no longer available. And I want you to think about these cops, so-called officers, on Judgment Day, when they sit, in fact, kneel at the foot of Jesus. And he says, when I was praying outside that abortion clinic, you persecuted me. If their time had come, and they had not repented, is that something God's gonna forgive on the spot? On the day of Judgment, I can't begin to judge God's actions on that day, but we can look at some patterns. We are told, we are eternal souls, and there are two places we will go. And even in the Bible, we're told that people will come to the Lord Jesus and say, wait a minute, didn't we cast out demons in your names? Didn't we do miracle in your name? And the Lord's going to look at them and say, depart from me, I never knew you. If that standard stands for people who preach in his name, it should terrify all of us. I never knew you. Did those cops look like they know Jesus? Are they even aware of the fact that they are quite literally persecuting him? Our job is to pray for them, as hard as that is, that is our job, and so we should. Story number two. Previous news took a kernel of truth about Kamala Harris, and they wrapped it up in one of the biggest lies you'll ever hear about Kamala, and it's almost subtle. And this came just before this recent interview she did where she sat down with Stephanie Rule. Now, you remember that Stephanie Rule, Stephanie Rule had said that Kamala shouldn't go out and do interviews. She defended her decision to not do interviews, and then Kamala wouldn't did an interview with her. Stephanie Rule has effectively endorsed Kamala, so it would be like President Trump coming in here with me because I'm going to vote for President Trump in a heartbeat. Now, I probably have some tougher questions for President Trump. Then Stephanie Rule had for Kamala Harris, I would look President Trump in the eye and say, I understand that you brought RFK Jr. on, and he's going to look into the three letter agencies and the CDC. I see that Robert Redfield has endorsed you, sir, because he thinks you're the person who can right-size the country and, in fact, so-called public health. But let me please ask you this. Will you promise on this program to let RFK Jr. have a full access to all the data around the injections? And if it's proven that they knew this stuff would kill people, will you back a criminal charge against everybody involved, including Tony Fauci? Now, I don't know what President Trump would say to that, but it would be a different interview than Kamala Harris went through with Stephanie Rule. Stephanie Rule asked Kamala Harris if people can trust her. Now, this is really helpful to have the video version of the show, for those who don't, all describe it. Can we trust you? Yes. Yes. I am not-- So look, she nods her head, yes, yes. And then subconsciously starts to shake her head, no, no. Pick. But I will tell you, I'm always going to put the needs of the people first. I'm always going to put the needs of the people first, such as when I stole their votes, such as when I seized the nomination from Joe Biden, such as when I refused to have an open convention and an open conversation, an open voting period, such as when I made people, except me, having been shoved down their throats, I'm always going to put the needs of the people first, such as the open borders, such as allowing drug cartels to run wild in the country, such as, and so on. And she's shaking her head subconsciously, because she knows she can't be trusted. Prior to her doing this, they sent out Doug Emhoff, her husband, to go make a strong case in a very, very difficult interview on ABC. There's still a lot of vote of that there that said, we need to know more about Vice President Harris. What do you say to them about who she is? In my DNC speech, I cultured the joyful warrior. So it's the joyful part. My wife, the one who's there for our family is going to be there for your families. But she's also the warrior. And I think Donald Trump got the warrior part up on that debate stage. She's somebody who spent her entire life for the people. Donald Trump has spent his entire life for himself. 60 days ago, President Biden made the decision step aside. And you're-- Did you hear that? President Biden made the decision to step aside. He has said, effectively, members of his party forced him out. Nancy Pelosi has admitted she did what she had to do. She forced him out. That's not the biggest lie. It's a big one. The bigger one came from PBS. Joe Biden did not make the decision to stand down. And that continued. The conversation with Doug Emhoff continued. Even a brighter spotlight than you were before. So how would things change for you in the past two months? Not how much, you know. No, it's been a whirlwind. That day, when President Biden decided to step aside on the campaign-- OK, pause. Right there, he's repeating a talking point given him by the ABC Good Morning America host. When President Biden made the decision to stand aside, then again, he was forced out to listen to Emhoff. She got up there and stepped up. Like, we needed a leader, and she stepped into the breach. And it's just the best or most badass version of the Kamala Harris, you know. And I love very much. Yeah, she just stepped up. She was shocked and stunned. She was neither shocked nor stunned because she was part of the conversation. When it was convenient for her to pretend that the man was mentally crisp and mentally adept, that's what she did. And when it came time to force him out through blackmail, it seems, with the 25th Amendment, Seymour Hirsch wrote about this. Long-time investigative reporter in DC wrote about this. It was Barack Hussein Obama who made the phone call to Biden, according to Hirsch, to say, Joe, you either step aside or we invoke the 25th Amendment and you lose the presidency and come all it takes out of her. So perhaps Emhoff is right. Perhaps she is warrior. Well, except warriors fight in public. I mean, they declare war. Sure, they're secret missions, but they declare war. That's not being a warrior. It's being an assassin. When you look at that level of corruption, and we'll get to the PBS lie, understand this, that it is tied strictly in to our financial system. If you are watching this and are listening to it on Thursday the 26th of 2024, this afternoon at 330 Pacific, there is a free live webinar with my friend, Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer, Bullwork Capital Management. And Zach is taking this free live webinar and he is dedicating it to analyzing how current events are affecting people's retirement portfolios today. That's happened over the past quarters or two and how it might fall out in the future. Your retirement was created during a time of the rules. Those rules are gone. Has your retirement account been adjusted for that? At Bullwork Capital Management, they're obsessed with risk management and they do that by actively managing every portfolio which can reduce risk and volatility. Zach will explain this during this free live webinar. He always leaves time for questions. So if you can still get in due, you have to register to attend. It's a free event, but you have to register. Go to, that's K-N-O-W, And from our friends in the government, I have to have my friend Russ Simber tell you this. - Investment Advisory Services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results Trek 24308. - Jonathan Capehart and fake conservative David Brooks were having a conversation on PBS. And of course the topic of the great Kamala Harris came up, that woman who stepped into the breach. She was just shocked. Whoa, wow, Joe made the decision to stand aside finally after six months of pressuring him. Made the decision to stand down so she could carry out her plan engineered by the people who run her. On PBS, they took a kernel of truth about her and wrapped it up in a huge lie. - But you wrote right now, I'd say Kamala Harris is benefiting from the beginning of a cultural shift and is beginning to have the cultural wins at her back. Donald Trump is beginning to be slapped in the face by those wins. Tell me more. (all laughing) - It's opening. - You should do that every week. I've been traveling a lot. I've been in 13 or 14 states in the last two weeks. Some red like Nebraska and Kansas, some blue like Colorado and New York and California. And one thing I've noticed is people talking about negativity. They're just tired of the negativity of our public life. And there's this periods where you go through periods of indignation, where people are really angry. But then they, you can only be angry for so long. - Has he seen the pro-abortion protests with the guitines? You know, this happened outside the Supreme Court Justice's homes. That was illegal, of course. Mark Garla did nothing about that. Has he seen the toppling of statues in colleges? Did he watch, as janitors were taken captive for a couple of days in elite universities by trust fund babies? Did he see the recent seizure of the New York City subway system by people who were wearing Palestinian and Pro-humos gear? Did he watch any of that? Because the anger and frustration is only on the right in the world of that man. Whereas Kamala Harris, of course, she has nothing disparaging to say about America. It's all hope and joy, 'cause she's a very joyful person. - And Donald Trump won, 'cause people were really indignant. But my sense is that they've had enough of it. In the 1960s, in the early 1970s, there were 4,000 bombings on American college campuses. It was a days of rage, it was called. By 1974, they're into est and crystal and new age stuff. And so people eventually get tired of all the negativity. And I think that cultural pivot is happening right now at a time when Kamala Harris, and she's not because she's reading it, it's just who she is, is cheerful and joyful, and let's not be negative all the time, and let's have a good time as a country. - That, keep that in mind, let's have a good time as a country. The Democrats are the party of free cake, and this isn't mine, this came from Red State years ago, and it's a great, great metaphor. The Democrats offer free cake for everybody. All too often the Republicans are playing it and they're saying, "You can't have any cake." Right now, the Democrats in the left and Mitch McConnell and the people at the Chamber of Commerce and the people at the CEO round table are saying to illegal immigrants, "Free cake." Just come and get it. Which puts Republicans in the position of saying, "No, you can't have any cake." When the truth is, there is no cake. We are a bankrupt nation. These things are facts. We are structurally bankrupt. We are also being structurally and purposely crushed by this joyful woman who's saying, "Let's go out and have a good time." We're not even two of the big lie yet. - And so I think she's benefiting from the cultural pivot. Is it enough to candor the White House? No, but it helps. - Jonathan, that word, joy. Kamala Harris, Vice President Harris. - This was an invented talking point, and it was put in place because Kamala Harris is awkward. She is not sure of herself. She knows she's an imposter. That laugh is not a laugh of a secure person. It is a giggle of an immature teenage girl who knows she doesn't belong in this position. Even CNN admitted this in a long six-minute piece that she was a deficit to Biden because of the way she speaks and the way she laughs. So they've rebranded it joy. Amhoff knows this, Brooks knows this, Kpart knows this, the PBS host knows this. - I sat down with the three reporters from the National Association of Black Journalists today. One of the master about how she views attacks on her joyful warrior approach, and she defended it. And she said, "People will try to sometimes use your best asset against you." What do you make of that and this notion that she's benefiting from a cultural wave? - I don't think she's benefiting from a cultural... Yes, she is, and I read your column, David. It's not so much that she's riding. She's like, "See this wave coming," and she's riding. No, she is part of the culture. And that's why I think when she became the top of the ticket, everyone marveled at how quickly the light flipped. - Pause. She is part of the culture. Kamala Harris is whatever leftist culture tells her she must be. She is a Kamala bot, completely programmable. No one believes that she is not a creation of billions of dollars in free media. This is a woman who is and was the borders are. Our border does not exist. It's been purposely overrun. It's being purposely used in the cultural revolution against us. She is and was. The Woman in Charge of the Rural Broadband Initiative, which has delivered zero broadband at the cost of many, many billions of dollars. She is and was the woman in charge of that. And when Elon Musk had been awarded a bid, his bid had been rewarded to offer that she is Starlink to Holmes. After he spoke in favor of President Trump, that bid was taken away. It was stolen from him. And they started choosing companies that will do this at 10 to 100 times the cost, which is still not bringing a broadband to Holmes. She is and was the last person in the room when Joe Biden made the decision to have a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan if Biden in fact made that decision. Someone did, probably not him. When the billions of dollars of free media poured in, it came in with a new brand. She's a joyful warrior. They're talking about this here. None of this was organic. And it's a massive lie for him to say everyone was astonished. When you take the most powerful media organizations in the world and you aim your guns at rebranding her as a joyful warrior, even as you brand President Trump as very literally Hitler himself, the orange, were astonished? No, Jonathan Capehart, you're lying. Light switch flipped. That can, and it happened so organically. Organically, that's the big lie. This was organic. A woman who couldn't get 1% in Iowa in the previous election, a woman who was a drag on the ticket according to her paymasters at CNN, or at least her partners at CNN, a woman who couldn't win a single vote. So they shoved her down the throat of people. This came about organically. People were told in a country where there's only two choices. This is your new choice. And there was a sense of relief of people going, "Oh my gosh, at least it's not Biden." But this was organic joy and adopting the new dear leader. Now listen to more of this. That to me says, you can't manufacture that. And if you, she was able to do that because she is the culture. She is part of the culture. She's part of, she's part of what's driving this, this culture that I think you said, will slap Donald Trump in the face. It's slapping him in the face now, which is why I think he's so discombobulated. How do they view Trump and how do they know he's discombobulated? They don't. She is the culture. Remember the thing about, let's go have a good time, America. Hey, if you're in kindergarten, here's how to masturbate with a vegetable. Have a good time. If you're in ninth grade, here's how to go have sex orgies. Have a good time. She is culture. Hey, if you are a female boxer, enjoy getting your face beat in. I mean, lay back and enjoy it, so to speak. Let's have a good time. She is culture. And right now on the left, culture is all about what? The thrill of the flesh, period, period. Kamala Harris is the culture, and the culture is what's allowing the people forcing the cultural revolution down our throats to succeed. So they took a truth. She is the culture. And around that, they wrapped it around this lie that this was all organic, 'cause they know exactly what they're doing at PBS. Story number three. So you're at home and the FBI knocks at the door. Well, that can't happen because you're not committing any crimes. But what if the FBI came along because you had a social media post? Well, if you threatened to kill the president of the United States, or even figurehead Biden, or figurehead Harris, you could expect to get arrested, and that's illegal, and we should equally apply these laws. Now, if you threatened to kill President Trump, well, come on, I mean, it's just Trump. You can do that time and again, and they'll wait about a year to arrest you. They finally did arrest a guy, by the way, who'd been making a series of threats against President Trump, and they finally did arrest him, 'cause I think he went down there. And in the case of you, if you're not threatening, if you're not threatening to kill federal officials, you're not really gonna get a knock at the door. Are you? Yes, you are. Now, I'm not saying you will, but people have. We're in a country right now where they are pushing and pushing and pushing to normalize and normalize and normalize, putting people in prison for speech, Douglas Mackie. They want him in prison because of a meme he forwarded, he retweeted, simply pretending that you could vote for Hillary Clinton via text message. He is facing prison time. Orange Shah, who works with or for Alex Jones, just got out of jail for this. You have, of course, Steve Bannon, who is gonna be walking out of a prison selling about 28 days. He's in there for speech. They wanted to put President Trump in prison for speech. So they'll do it. So how do you interact with feds when they come to the door? I wanna give you an example of how to do this. This is a guy named Jeremy Kaufman, who did this. We'll get to that after I invite you to change a habit that could be harming our country. The people at the top, they really rely on us to be habitual. They really rely on the what else you're gonna do thing. When you walk into a store, are you mindful? I am. I walk into a grocery store. The first thing I know is there's nothing for me on the inside aisles. There's absolutely nothing there. I shut up the outside aisles. Now they're starting to catch on to that a little bit. I'm just starting to put some products that are truly bad for you. Sugar bays, processed foods, outside as well. They're hip to that. But it's still a pretty safe way to shop. The other thing I do is I look for products that look like they did in nature. That you could look at and say, that's an apple. The less like nature it appears to be, the less good it will be for you. Well, that's all what we eat. You have a habit of buying soap. It's probably the same brand. You probably do it reflexively. You probably walk through the grocery store or the drug store where if you buy your soap and you probably just reach for it, it's ivory, it's dove or any of those things. Could you make a change that can help the country you can? You can purchase Alan Soaps, which is all natural, made in America. It's created by a family with three generations of soap making expertise and their mission is greater than the product as great as the product is. Years ago, they were created to give people like Alan a place to work because the people at the top would rather have seen Alan dead. In fact, they offered to kill him for his parents because they saw he was going to have these structural health problems. He's still effectively nonverbal for autism. He was employee number one as the chief soap officer and he invents many of the fragrances. His brother Ian was employee number two. Ian inspired the liquid soap, which is perfect for you to have in your business place or your church or your Airbnb or your VRBO to tell the story of Alan's. Now, there's a third employee working at Alan's who also would have been the choice of the party that she just be shuttled off into a box to be stored. So how about changing a habit? Go to to get 10% off all their products there. And it is a place where you're absolutely approving that to you, all lives matter. It's Jeremy Kaufman was visited by the FBI. They're walking up from their car. - Hey there, do you hear me? - Yeah, you hear me? - How are you? - How are you? I'm Agent O'Donnell with the FBI. - I'm Agent O'Donnell with the FBI. - I'm Agent O'Donnell with the FBI. - Is that sufficient to identify? Is there only one O'Donnell affiliated with the FBI? - The New Hampshire, yeah. - The New Hampshire, yes. - Could you please take your full name, sir? - Could you please stop recording? - No, it's first minute, all right. - Okay. - What's your name, sir? - Could you stop recording? - Absolutely not. - Okay, so step one, he's aware of his rights. He's correct. He has a right to film. This has been through a court case. The agents know this. They're just going to try to use a pressure tactic to get him to stop because most people are going to be polite. Having your rights extinguished is not being polite. It's having your rights extinguished. You can say this in polite ways or at least congenial ways. And Jeremy does, for the most part. - You can show me your name and identification, or I'm going to go back and set my house. - Okay. - I don't really want to broadcast my-- - Oh, this is going out right after you guys walk away. So you can show me your name, or I do, you can walk away. - We just want to talk to you. - We just want to talk to you. - I'm not going to talk to people who claim to be federal agents unless they can show me identification. - You see our badges. - I need to see-- is your full name on that badge? - No. - I'd like to see something with your full name, or I'm not going to talk to you. - They're free, not to broadcast. - This will be going online as soon as you walk away. - All I want to do is talk to you about a post that was made. And if you happen to be the one that made the-- - I want to talk to you about you guys coming here. - Okay, so here's great, great technique. They right now would like to lay a perjury trap for him. Okay, this is what I think. They want to talk to you about the social media post. Are you the one who made it? He's risking a problem here, and that he continues to talk with them, but he shifts, he's talking at them. Never respond to a question, ever. If you have any questions about this, tap an attorney. Never, ever speak to the police. Now, of course, if a cop comes to take a report at your home, you see a traffic accident, we need to be helpful citizens, we need to be polite. But when it's the feds, and it's the FBI, never answer a question. And Jeremy Kaufman decides not to, because any time you answer a question, they can find a way to twist it into perjuring yourself or lying to a federal officer. The most famous incident this was Bobby Mueller, who wanted to pin something on a former agent. So he went through this questioning, this guy had been questioned, and Mueller went through, and he found perjury. You know what he found? One of the agents asked this guy what color was the car, and the guy said Brown. So Bobby Mueller went and found that vehicle, went to the manufacturer's website, looked up the name of the paint. It wasn't Brown, it was something like caramel joy. There you go, lied to a federal official. Say you make a salary of, I don't know what, low 100k? You guys making six figures? Factor in 50% expenses, overhead, maybe 100% expenses? Talk about burning a couple hundred dollars an hour, just here, let alone all the time you guys are spending, to investigate something that you know is not against the law, right? Like you're familiar with. Okay, that's great. You know it's not against the law, we're not saying it is. You have no, no just cause to be here. No reasonable cause at all. That's a great thing he just established through their own words. We know you didn't break the law. So then why would you come? 'Cause we wanted to make sure that there weren't any... No, you're coming because... Any other threats? Pause. Threats? If he had threatened a federal official, it would be a crime. And he's very smart, Kaufman. Because he doesn't say there were no other threats, because that would be a tacit admission that there were some. He continues to talk at them. Good technique. You're part of a regime that does this kind of thing when you know laws aren't being broken. And that's an embarrassment, man. Didn't you guys read the Constitution? Do you not believe in America? Like how do you do your jobs and go home? We appreciate it. You're walking away. 'Cause nothing we did is against the law. And you guys are f***ed pets that try to act like bullies. And I hope you go home and aren't embarrassed. You can't even say your name on camera. 'Cause you know that what you're doing is embarrassing. You know Americans that believe in the Constitution think you're laughable. And you go home and you think about what you did today. Go home and think about it. You coward. Drive away. Drive away. Thank you for your attention. You're not welcome. You should be embarrassed. Embarrassing. And he's walking around to the back of the vehicle. And he's going to get a shot to the license plates for all of that's worth because it's almost certainly a rental car. Because they always use rental cars. And then the impolite shoes. Ah, it's sort of, I guess, like pouring tea into the harbor, the middle finger. He did a great job. He didn't give them anything that they could use to say he'd lied to a federal official. He was 99% polite except for the finger at the ends and some of the things we had to bleep out. And I get it. The adrenaline's high. You won. And a friend of mine who was a undercover cop for three years. And he was involved in breaking apart meth laps. And he had pretended to be a drug cooker for three years. And it addressed the role, had to have the hair of the role, had to drive a car or actually a truck that played to the role. He had to hang out with cartel members. He had to pretend to befriend them for three years. He did this in a deep cover role. I saw him during that period of time. I hadn't seen him in many, many years. And I sent him a note to him in town. Got to take you to lunch. I miss you. And he said, "Okay, let's do that." And he called me before he came. And he said, "Hey, look, I've been on an undercover project. I look like an absolute piece of filth." And I said, "Dear my dear friend, I don't care what you look like." And we were at the Coeur d'Alene resort in North Idaho. This pretty nice resort. And he came driving in and he parked this truck in their circular driveway. And he popped out. He comes walking to me and yep, he had the big mullets. And he had the beard. He had the fake earrings. He had fake tattoos. He's walking up to me. And a guy from the resort, this young kid, security guard came over to him and said, "You can't park there." And he pointed at my friend. And my friend said, "Yeah, I can park here." "No, you cannot. Move your truck." So my friend pulls out his badge and says, "I'm a police officer. This is a public street. I get to park here. Go away." And the kid did. Walked up and said, "I'm so sick of looking like a school mag. I wouldn't let me park there either." Why am I telling you this? Because about a year later, after he shut down his investigation and mapped out who was selling and cooking meth in our area, he was in a home executing a search warrant. They had everybody on the floor until my friend heard a crashing sound. And a guy kicked his way out of a false wall and put a shotgun to my friend's face. He heard his colleagues yell, "Gun, gun, gun." And then my friend heard, "Click." "Miss Fire." "Click." "Miss Fire." That's being a cop. He has trouble to this day with clicks, wouldn't you? These guys aren't cops. I don't know what you want to call them. You can call them bootlickers. You need to be right. But what if we call them what they really are? It's exactly what Jeremy Coffin called them. They're cowards. They know what they're doing is wrong, and they do it anyway because they've got a pension. There are things worse than losing your job. One of them is losing your honor. The other far worse than that is losing your soul. You're involved in a lie, a massive, massive lie, that the FBI is anything other than a strong arming organization against conservatives or people who stand against the party, such as Mayor Adams. Oh, I know they didn't go kick down his door. We should really think he's the only guy that could be prosecuted. He's being prosecuted because he stood up. So we need to learn how to stand up. Good job, Jeremy. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well. Be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (gentle music)