The Todd Herman Show

Kamala Harris Pretends Anti-Abortion Laws Killed a Woman; What Steve Ballmer CANNOT GET about Government Finances Ep-1856

Kamala Harris pretends anti-abortion laws killed a woman. Let’s look at what really happened. And, Steve Ballmer, my former boss's boss's boss, is trying to help with government spending, but he cannot understand one major thing about government finance. Plus, the WNBA made Caitlin Clark the rookie of the year. Is ESPN going to need some grief counseling in that one? 
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25 Sep 2024
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We'll talk about this with the help of, it's, elevate your life by elevating your health, and of course with God Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disciplined by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times that regard has decided we should live. And Kamala Harris continues to be a well-power-seizing, empty suit with absolutely no moral foundation beyond whatever is required for her to say in order to achieve power. I'll be frank with you, honestly. I have to find ways to care about talking about Kamala Harris. There's nothing more to be said about her. That's the extent of what she is. She's moral vapor. She is willing to fit into any container. She's willing to take on any shape necessary for her to achieve more power. And this shows through on her nervous laugh, which we're told is joy. It's not. It's someone who's suffering and posture syndrome. She knows she is not qualified for any of this, which is why she's obviously constantly nervously laughing. But this has to do with the serious topic of a woman being killed because of abortion laws. That's why she was killed. That's what Kamala Harris says. As I was thinking about how to, well, make myself care about her, I realize I don't. I don't care a wit about Kamala Harris. I'm supposed to. I'm supposed to love my enemy and she is your enemy. Even if you're voting for her, she's your enemy. I'm not quite able to love her, but I can love a young woman I never met who was victimized. And I can love her in this way. For me, it's helpful to compare things in other people's lives to mine. Mine is way, way, way down the list of concerns. Amber Thurman died. Oh, incidentally, so did her unborn child. I compare this back to the journey I had at what Seal Fit to Kacoro program when Curtis the medic and I were talking about the fact that I hadn't produced urine in about nine hours. And the way he told me was so empathetic. And the way he said it was, look, this is not what you want to hear. You obviously want to be here. I've seen you putting out. I do not, I suggest you do not continue. And he saw me like, I wanted to cry, but I didn't have the liquid tears. Tear ducts were open. No liquid there. And he said, listen, this isn't worth you being on kidney dialysis for the rest of your life. And that could happen. He said, I'm not saying it is. I'm not saying you're that messed up, but I'm saying he's saying, this could be a result of this. This, like, this isn't good. And you could have at least be doing kidney damage. Now you could be developing a rap doe and that's the thing you don't want to get. So what's the comparison? He told me an uncomfortable truth. And then he said this. Hey, honestly, Herman at your age, I'm saying I'm sorry, but it's harder. It's harder for your body to go through things like this at your age. You're 57. Most of these guys are in their twenties. It was a hard truth to tell. You know what else it was? A man who'd never met me before that day, who hadn't spoken to me until about two hours prior when I revealed to him, I hadn't been able to pee. And he took that stance of telling a hard truth. He's the opposite of Kamala Harris, the opposite. He stood with me through that whole time and actually made me drink a gallon and a half of electrolytes, like pretty much force fed it, like drink, drink, drink. Kamala Harris is the complete opposite of this, particularly in the case of Amber Thurman. Now, Amber was suffering dehydration from something she decided to put herself through. She was trying to terminate a pregnancy. I'll tell you what Kamala Harris did about this in just a second. Having been surrounded for that period of time that I was in this program by Navy Seals, I never did ask which one of them were still active and which were retired. I came away with a greater form of respect for people who make it through that program. And I've got a very dear friend who didn't just make it through the program. He did three tours of duty, three deployments on our behalf. Tim Crookshank, the founder and CEO of Bone Frog Coffee, has become a dear and really valued friend and confidant. He knows things about me. I never thought I'd tell a Navy Seal, particularly about my weaknesses. He found that his coffee company to honor men like Coach Rob and Coach Clint, some of the guys I was at that program with, and I don't know them well. I was with them for 10, maybe 13 hours. I don't know them well. I just know them to be men of honor. So when you get your first bag of Bone Frog Coffee, you're going to see the Bone Frog on it. That's an insignia for a fallen Navy Seal. When you open the coffee, you're going to be opening coffee that was an all likelihood made and always mentored by the coffee making, always mentored by Dave Stewart, who started Seattle's Best Coffee. You'll smell it when you open the bag. When you drink it, you'll taste it. The years of research, three years that went into, for instance, the goat locker blend, a very dark French roast with none of the bitterness, you're going to taste that. So do this. Get the sample pack. You're going to try all sorts of roasts and blends. Go to and you get 10% off your first purchase. That's the sample pack. If you're already buying Bone Frog Upgrade, go God Country Team the whole way and subscribe to the coffee. For all, you get 15% off subscription coffee. This is Kamala Harris lying about Amber Thurman. She was so proud and she was headed to nursing school. And her name, and we will speak her name, Amber Nicole Thurman. Amber Nicole Thurman. And she had her future all planned out and it was her plan. What was her plan? Her plan at that moment was to ingest a day after pill or a plan B. If it's strewn, miss a post-it-all. No, I can't say it, can you? She decided to do this by ending to end the life of a human being whose life had begun within her. Incidentally, do you know when the sperm and egg joint, do you know what happens? No, if you watch it up close, there's a burst of light. Let there be light. That happens. And then the darkness came. This from the Federalist, it's worth noting that the FDA's 2,000 approval of these drugs acknowledged its risk and enacted safety requirements, including a seven-week gestational limit requiring women to see a physician in person and a mandatory one-time abortion appointment to confirm that the uterus was empty and the bleeding had subsided. The FDA also required manufacturers of the abortion pill to report all adverse health events that were reported to them, such as infection or excessive bleeding, not just patient deaths. But thanks to Democrat efforts to relax safety requirements for abortion pills, important safeguards no longer imply. When Thurman experienced "complications" from the abortion, which pro-publicly-monically asserts were rare, she went to the hospital for a DNC. Pro-Publica claims, Thurman had told doctors her miscarriage was not spontaneous, it was a result of taking pills to terminate her pregnancy. Thurman was not experiencing a miscarriage, she had undergone an abortion. Her unborn twins had already died and she'd retain parts of their bodies or the placenta, a known complication of the abortion pill use, and one of the very reasons the FDA's requirement for a post-abortion follow-up visit with a doctor. What Harris did is what Harris does. She lied. She lied about how this young woman died. Now what if Curtis had decided to do the same thing with me? What if he'd looked at how badly I wanted to remain in Cacoro? What if, in fact, I'd done what I was thinking of doing, was going to the coaches and saying, "Hey, you said to be a constretched, does that include warming up some kipping pull-ups just in case we're going to do Murph next?" And let's say, let's say that those kipping pull-ups were the thing my body needed to unlock the cramps, let's just say that happened. Let's just say that I started going through Murph, let's just say that happened. And I do my one-while run, and let's say I succeed in that one-while run, and the cramps aren't yet back, and let's say that I jump up on that bar and I'm doing kipping pull-ups when the cramp hits, and I fall back on my head and now I've got a broken neck, or my kidneys are totally shot when I get done. And I do have Rob Do, and I am bleeding in my urine, then what? Because Curtis could have said, "Hey, dude, shake it off. Rubson dirt on it. You're good." And you know what? I would have believed him because I wanted to believe, and there are people who want to believe Kamala Harris, they want to believe because they need to believe, because for many, abortion is a sacrament. I said, "Sachriment, so much this goes back to the Word of God," which is why it's so convenient that Kamala Harris, a woman defined by her faith, doesn't have a single moral stance that withstands the slightest pressure to change in the face of pursuit of power. Story number two. Back in the day I got to talk with Steve Ballmer a couple of times, dude was a blast, an absolute blast, and by the way, a bit of maniac. Smart guy, energetic guy. The first time I met him, it blew my mind. First time I met Steve Ballmer, I spilled salad on him. This was back in the start-up days when we'd first gotten our big round of funding and people started to write about our company, the Internet Radio Company, and I was at an event you want to talk about in posture syndrome, I'm at this event and I'm looking around at major players in tech. Oh my gosh, that's Mitch Kapoor. Oh my gosh, that's Timothy Draper. Oh my gosh, that's Eric Schmidt. Oh my gosh, that's Steve Ballmer. Oh my gosh, that's, and I can't remember the guys who found the Yahoo, but that's who they were. Oh gosh, that's Mark Coobin. And oh gosh, this is that famous venture capitalist, and oh gosh, that's Bill Gross from Idea Lab, and it was one of those days. And I was there with my friend, John Atchison, and John had become my, the director of my board of directors, dear friend, dear mentor of mine. Anything good ever did in tech was John, it wasn't me. And I'm sitting there and watching this, and then it's time to eat. And I get up and I go and I'm getting food. And at that point, I didn't weigh, well, no, that's not true. I probably did weigh about 400 pounds, and I'm in line. And because I'm around people who are healthy, I just thought I'm going to eat salad because that's what healthy people do, I thought. And I'm ditching up the salad. I forgot something. I turned around, bumped into a guy wearing a very expensive shirt and kind of light sweater, and I spilled on him and said, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, and it looked up. It's Ballmer. That's okay, I think I can get a Ford, another shirt. Punching me on the shoulder. It's good. We're fine, man. We're fine. That was Ballmer. I walked back to the table and there's John looking at me mouth agape. I'm like, yeah, I just spilled salad on Steve Ballmer. Second time I met Ballmer was at Microsoft and another mentor of mine, a woman named Joanne. You and I were talking. It was, I think, my second year at the soft and man, I was getting the itch to be entrepreneurial and things move so slow and there's such process and talking to Joanne. I think I should leave. I should go do it. And apparently she got this into the ear of Ballmer who'd never heard of me. She simply pulled this in as a favor. And so we were at this event. It's called a skip level event where there's bosses of bosses and we get to go talk about what we're doing and so we got to talk about the video platform and Steve was there. And afterwards, he was asking me some questions and Joanne came up. She said, Todd's thinking of leaving. I said, look, what did you want to leave now? You're not leaving. Put this hands up. What's that? What do you want to leave in? Shaking me. He's that boisterous. He's that enthusiastic. I count him as a decent dude, in other words. So when I saw that he was doing facts, you would say it made sense. Steve Ballmer is going to use his business wit and he is a business mind, his enthusiasm and his desire to help. He does want to help people to create an organization to bring facts to play economically. He talked to the guys at The Daily Show about this, John Stewart specifically interviewed him. I want you to see part of this and then I want you to understand what Ballmer can't see because of who Steve is. I'm not claiming to be a buddy, but to spend enough time around him in meetings and in encounters like that to count him as a decent dude. It's fraud that he can't see. If you're watching this on Wednesday the 25th, tomorrow there's an event that could save you from being defrauded. It's a free live webinar for my friend Zach Abraham, the chief and investment officer at Bullwork Capital Management. He's going to talk about all the ways that current events are destroying retirement accounts or might. See, you're retirement was built up over time. It started when there were still rules in society where the performance and loss statements of companies mattered. That doesn't matter anymore. It started before it became true that 90% of wealth right now is generated by simply waiting around for the Federal Reserve to do something. That's not good. It started before there was a drive to create not neo-feudalism but actual feudalism where 90% of us never own a thing. That's not good either. Those changes will affect your retirement but you can get ahead of this. In my mind that requires active management of portfolio which one can reduce risk and volatility and Zach's obsession is risk management using active management of every portfolio again because that can reduce risk and volatility. So this is a free live webinar. Zach's going to explain how world events can affect your retirement. It's free but you have to register. Go to that's K-N-O-W. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. Any references to performance of security so thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results Trek 24-3-0-8. Bummer talking with John Stewart on The Daily Show. Let me start with 86% of all federal. I can talk separate about state and local spend. But 86% of all federal spending is in a few simple areas. Okay. Let's go. Number one, paying our debts. Gotta pay the interest on our debt. How much goes to the debt? I've seen breakdown of taxes. I've heard that the third largest or second largest portion of our tax money goes to pay down the interest on the debt. It's creeping up there. It's like number five right now. Okay. Social security is number one. Okay. Medicare. Number two. Okay. So two things that we pay into but don't get till we're older. Correct. Okay. Correct. What's number three? Number three is the military. Okay. Medicaid. Part of the... Is four. Medicaid is four. Okay. Exactly. Sorry. The debt is four. Oh. Medicaid is five. Okay. Let me see if I forgot anything. You know what? So let's... So he's going through a list that Steve has certainly studied in the meetings I had with Palmer. He knew a lot. He was a detailed guy. I remember a meeting in Santa Monica, California and Steve had been brought into this after there was a very weird event that happened. We were in at the Microsoft campus and Gates and I know Bill was there and I heard Steve was there. There was a big, I don't remember, company, someone was coming in. I never learned who the people were but I was on campus coming out of a building called Red West which was a cafeteria and Bill walked by and he had a group of people with him and I just... He made eye contact. He said, "Good morning, Bill." He said, "Good morning." This is before he became a psychopath and I think, I think he's a psychopath now. I don't think it was then. He walked into that building and I had a guest in from New York and he had served in the army and there was a massive explosion, massive and it shook the ground and my friend actually pushed me up against a wall and like, I mean, he pushed me up and he turned around. I said, "Was that a bomb?" He says like a car bomb and suddenly appear in the air and I'm not kidding. It seemed like 30 seconds there were helicopters all over the place and all of a sudden, there was security I'd never seen. Just surrounding the building, "Wow, those guys have always been there." After this, bomber had this event in Santa Monica and I got to sit in on this and we have to ask questions and someone asked Steve, "Hey, how are you protected? This thing in Redmond really freaked us out." It turned out it was a Greece cooking thing that exploded in the kitchen. Thank God no one was hurt. They brought this up and bomber says, "Well, I'm driven around by an armored car and when they bring me in here, this comes out of the back of a, you know, bring it on an airplane." And then he goes on through and this thing weighs 53,000 pounds, it's got three layers of a, you know, and he went through all the tech specs. It's a 12th, so I think they couldn't run. I think it's so fast and I just really well protected. Bomber's that way. He knew all the details. Like here, he has at least some talking points on this. He talked about what he thinks should be done, but he can't see it. Steve can't see it because of who I think he is. It's a little bit of whack-a-mole though. Yes. We can increase taxes. We can borrow more money or we can live with the kind of spending profile we have today. I mean, something gives in that equation. And me personally, I will confess non-partisan view for USA facts. We just give you the data. You make up your own mind. I'm a businessman balancing the budget seems good to me. And so I look at it and said simple. We probably need some more taxes, probably, and we probably need less spending, probably. Wow. Steve, people are process. Simple process perception. It's the three legs on the table. People process perception. Your P and L is a result of people who are working a process. The perception, well, that's just marketing, internal and external. You can't see this. Those aren't the only levers you have. You have people and you have fraud. A former border patrol chief was testifying in Congress. His name is Aaron Heitke, U.S. customer boarder's protection former chief patrol or border patrol agent testifying in Congress. Watch and listen. In San Diego, we had an exponential increase in significant interest aliens. These are aliens with significant ties to terrorism. Prior to this administration, the San Diego sector averaged 10 to 15 SIA arrests per year. Transport without the border was far easier to cross. San Diego went to over 100 SIAs in 2022. Well over that in 2023 and even more than that registered this year. These are only the ones we caught. At the time, I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border. Fentanyl is another issue. The San Diego area sees between 80 and 90% of the methamphetamine and fentanyl seizures annually for our entire country. With little enforcement at the border, these drugs were coming through in mass. During my last year in San Diego, the price for a single pill of fentanyl, for example, went from $10 to 25 cents. To make matters worse, during 2022 and 23, I had to shut down San Diego traffic checkpoints, which are critical for drug interdiction. These are resources that have been diverted to the process and release mission. The larger numbers also had and still have a negative impact on the San Diego community. I had to release illegal aliens by the hundreds each day in the communities who could not support them. To quiet the problem, two flights a week were provided from San Diego to Texas. These flights simply brought aliens that would have been released in San Diego over to Texas. Each flight cost approximately $150,000. This was the administration's way to try and quiet the border-wide crisis. People are process and they're policy. In a layo, Angelo Mayorkas, the top of the top of the DHS, is corrupt. He's either getting paid to ruin the country or he's playing the long game or he's on the side that sees his power as they continue to destroy the Electoral College count. Forcing Border Patrol agents to bury terrorism data, spending $150,000 per flight to transport illegal aliens not out of the country, but to a state the Democrats are trying to flip electorally, warm bodies equal census count. And refusing to apply any resources to track fentanyl, these are people-made decisions. Mayorkas, the corrupt head of the Department of Homeland Security, is committing treason. If Steve Baumer had issued an order as CEO of Microsoft that we were going to have an across-the-board headcount or RIF reduction in force, he was going to have 10% of people sent packing. And instead, one division took 10% of their people and sent them to another division and that game was played across the company. He would probably fire any executive who refused to do this. Steve is a guy who acts. There's no firing in the federal government. Here's why. And this is ultimately the problem. And Steve has got to understand this. Base pay at Microsoft when I was there was very good, very competitive. It wasn't rockstar, but it was very competitive. The stock bands, they were magic. You go through enough vesting cycles and you can be looking straight into the eye of a million dollar payday in stock and then 10. I never got to that level. People I know did and then some, but that comes by meeting commitments, not goals. Oh, there's goals, but then there's commitments, things you will do to achieve the goals. You meet your commitments, you usually reach your goals. That's how you get the stock bands. That's how you get real money. How you get fired is you have three performance reviews below, I think, a 2.5 and it's not even a question. You're gone. All of our incentive was to either save our department's money or to make our department's money. That was all of our incentive because that's what everything came back to. What was the profit and loss? It wasn't a department that got fired. It was in a department that got sued. It was us. Well, us that got fired. There are no incentives in the federal government to do anything the right way because no one ever really pays a price. People, Steve bomber, are process and people are policy. Story number three, the Caitlin Clark affair and the WNBA. That has been an enormous boom for the same women who complained that the NBA got more money than they did, that they are flying commercial. They didn't get to fly private. At the same time, Caitlin Clark has been targeted like no other athletes ever been since the days of the so-called Negro League, when he had the first black players make it into the mainstream of professional baseball. The stories go that they were hit with bad pitches and tried to be knocked out and knocked down and abused, and sometimes this is the way of things in the human sin problem because it's a human sin problem to cover what other people have to hate people because the difference is, it's a sin problem and there's a massive sin problem within the WNBA, obviously, since it's a league founded to promote things that are ungodly and it's become a grievance league. So Caitlin Clark becoming Rookie of the Year is going to bother a lot of people, it already is. I was thinking specifically about ESPN who tried desperately to pretend that there was some sort of competition between Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese. There wasn't, it wasn't even close. There's something else still that's being hidden in this and it's the data. This is how important players like Caitlin Clark are to this league, which makes it even more interesting that they're trying to eliminate her from the league. It seems at least her fellow players are specifically on one team. That's cultural. Oh, and by the way, it's also racism and please don't say reverse racism, there's no such thing. There's processes in your body you can reverse, you can reverse into some degree, the rate at which you lose muscle as you age. I mean, there's obviously things you can do, you know, I've, I told you, I used testosterone and supplements. I've used a little HGH and I've been using that for about six months and I like it. It's a great result. Not everybody can afford that. I don't know that I can and it's not something that a lot of people want to do, but there's something you can do over the counter. I do this. I use mass times. Mass times was created by my friends, Wade and Matt, Wade and Matt at buy optimizers. Buy optimizers doesn't put their breakthrough label on anything that doesn't go through rigorous testing. They always have a capstone test. What does this do for people, 243 experiments that took them to be okay, putting the label breakthrough on the mass times product and it had to go through a rigorous test. The guys turn to birch international university in Bosnia. They did a side-by-side test. People ate food and did not use mass times. People ate food and did use mass times. The people who use mass times produced in their body 1,200% more amino acids than the group that did not use mass times. What that means is more sustaining of muscle and more muscle growth because that's what can be powered by amino acids can cause that in the body, particularly blockchain aminos. That's chain, pardon me, aminos. You can take action on this now by going to You'll get 10% off mass times and all their products at bioptimizers, Stop letting poor digestion stop you from reaching your goals and commitments. Caitlyn Clark, becoming rookie of the year, was something that she had to fight through. Not that kind of fight through, I mean, actually fight through. She was the recipient of 20% or almost 20% of all fouls in the league. 80% of those came from one team, the Chicago Sky, and it was allowed to continue. The racial overtones of this are profound. We had a video on YouTube that really, really took off. And for people who watched it on YouTube and commented, "Thank you," there were a number of people who wrote in and said, "The only reason you're watching Caitlyn Clark is because she's white. That's the only reason you've tuned in." And I had to reply to those and go, "A, I don't watch the games. I'm observing what's going on with Caitlyn Clark. I read the coverage about this. I watch Caitlyn Clark clips. I watch what Angel Reese does to her. I read the statistics, but no. This is not true of any sport. There are no sports that people tune into to watch the black players or the white players. That's not happening. It's not happening in the WNBA. No one's going to take their time to do that, because there's so many available viewing options. Incidentally, and I checked this out, Caitlyn Clark is not the first white woman in the WNBA. Did you know that? Not by a long shot. Jason Whitlock knows what he's talking about with sports, and he has a view on race. Obviously, he's a black guy. Maybe that's why he liked Caitlyn Clark. He tweeted this. It's a video to me of a savage, savage attack against Caitlyn Clark. In this case it is Angel Reese, I think, going at Caitlyn Clark with her long fingernails. She doesn't even reach for the ball, the basketball. She stabs Caitlyn Clark in the eye. She scratches her straight in Caitlyn Clark's right eye, and it doesn't look like a play for the ball. The ball was already over her head. Things like this should be prosecuted, I mean, prosecuted. There have been instances where there's been these enhanced fouls, and Caitlyn Clark has been the recipient of this, and she is the recipient of most of the enhanced fouls, where it's particularly egregious. But a case like that, I mean, you're not the whole thing. The fun stops when the eye gets poked out. That's an attempt to poke an eye out. Caitlyn Clark destroyed one of her main rivals, and she did this, Angel Reese, in front of that rival's mentor, Shaquille O'Neal. It's underneath the basket, the shields and Clark. Caitlyn Clark, and this is where Caitlyn Clark has just tackled. Some of the best basketball that doesn't have a post on the pick ring, Ames has really taken upon her shoulders to be more aggressive, offensive as Caitlyn Clark's training to a feed, a three, a three, a great job of picking Caitlyn Clark on her. Step back three, but she just went under that tonight, an electric crowd here. There's Shaquille O'Neal, listen to this, listen to this. What does it mean to witness a post, the reason in her journey, it started at LSU. What does it mean? That's where Shaquille went, LSU. I love her. I love her. I love the word Caitlyn Clark. For the fever, Caitlyn Clark. I love the way Caitlyn Clark's playing. I love the way Caitlyn Clark's playing. Three from Caitlyn, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, she's just sick enough. Oh, and she feeds the ball in, she's a dominant player, and the WNBA stood by, she was assaulted. These things should be criminal. You're trying to take someone's eye out that should be criminal, and God bless Shaquille. He's aware of the controversy. God bless him for praising how Caitlyn Clark is playing, even as Angel Reese was apparently her, his mentee, and Angel Reese has actually described Shaquille as a father figure. God bless you Shaquille O'Neal. For admiring what Clark was doing, oh, and then there's this. Do you remember all of the hand-wringing that female athletes and the WNBA weren't being paid as much as men? That's true. They weren't. They also weren't developing anywhere near the revenue that the WNBA does. Oh, speaking of that, can I give you an aside, did you know that OnlyFans, the porn site, makes more money than all NBA players combined? Yeah, that should be a topic about respect for women, shouldn't it? Here's some numbers for Michael Mulville. Final WNBA regular season viewership, all-rated networks, Caitlyn Clark games, 1.178 million. Almost 2 million viewers per game. Oh, that's 1.2, pardon me, million per game. All other games, 394,000. That's 199% difference. And then from Finally, someone who's well respected said something we're all thinking. I've researched this. After a 600% increase in the new 11-year guarantee media rights revenue deal, I believe that after paying the current debt and the chartered flights and paying the W investors who own 60% of the league and the new upcoming salaries in San Francisco and Toronto, the players' pay will increase in 2026 by at least 300%. Thank you, Caitlyn. Wings announcer and basketball Hall of Famer, Nancy Lieberman. What Caitlyn Clark has done for the game is generational. As a baller to a baller, I just want to say thank you to you, Caitlyn Clark, for lifting our game up. You and so many great players for what you're doing. You're going to make all these women multi-millionaires one day, like Tiger did, like Michael Jordan did, and we shouldn't hate on her. We should celebrate her, not tolerate her. We've prayed to have the media, to have the media know what's going on, my generation, and it's happening right now. It is happening in a league that was designed to promote grievance causes and left-wing causes, and left-ism is grievance. Caitlyn Clark has stepped into a racial organization and that she'd be recognized but something else. Isn't this the way that you can heal? Isn't this the way if these women could step back and look at what Caitlyn's athleticism, not her so-called whiteness, but what her athleticism has brought to them in terms of attention? This is a huge test for them. Are they willing to love a woman, they've decided is their enemy? Well, honestly, as Christians, you know what we're told? We cannot expect Christian behavior from non-Christians, but we can pray. That would be the case, and we should. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [BLANK_AUDIO]