The Todd Herman Show

Too Many Public “Health” Officials Love Orgies and Hate You Ep-1855

Wow, it must be Wednesday! Big Pharma Cover-Ups? Teen on SSRIs takes the life of her own Mother, NYC Covid Czar’s Shocking Confession, and the Failure of Lockdown Science Exposed. We’re going to dive into the tragic case of a 14-year-old girl who switched SSRIs before committing a horrific crime, and the alarming revelations of NYC’s Covid Czar caught admitting to forced vaccinations and scandalous behavior. Plus, we reveal how the Imperial College’s lockdown model was worse than anyone knew, as Prof. Neil Ferguson defends the UK's disruptive strategy

What does God’s Word say? 
2 Timothy 4:3 NIV 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
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25 Sep 2024
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After investing billions to light up our network, T-Mobile is America's largest 5G network. Plus, right now, you can switch, keep your phone, and we'll pay it off up to $800. See how you can save on every plan versus Verizon and AT&T at Up to four lines via virtual prepaid card, a left 15 days qualifying unlocked device credit service poured in 90-plus days with device ineligible carrier and timely redemption required. There's access and expires in six months. Twenty-two states attorneys general are suing. It's not big pharma necessarily, it's the servants big pharma, it's their beard, one of their beards. And they're suing them for lying about what they've been doing to children. It's fascinating because just yesterday I got an email from a viewer dash listener who said they're trying to convince, he's trying to convince his sister that kids are being surgically and chemically mutilated. And she said, no, that's not happening to anyone below the age of 18. It's never happened to a non-adult. There are people who still believe this. There's also an issue with public health. Clearly, there's an issue with public health. I think we spoke about this in the three-story segment yesterday, that there's far too many so-called public health officials who love orgies and they hate us. Shouldn't that be in the reverse? I don't think you can conjure a belief that orgies are actually good for the public's health, right? We'll talk about all of this with the help of bulwark capital management and, a free live webinar going on tomorrow, 330 pacific, and we can't do anything that matters apart from the vines. So thank you, God almighty. The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the emerald city exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. Thank you for watching live and they're watching listening later. We appreciate you all equally. It's really cool that billboard Chris got to be one of the first people to state this on Twitter dash X, and that is that 22 states attorneys general have filed a lawsuit or threatening to sue the American Academy of Pediatrics with fraud enforcement. Fraud is can be commercial fraud. It can also be criminal fraud. I would go for the criminal fraud because of the lies. Everybody involved in this knew they were lying. Everybody. It is abusive to treat a child with biologically altering drugs that have unknown physiological trajectory and end point. It's also inhumane to endorse such experimentation without a confident safety profile, especially if more times than not, it proves to be medically unnecessary to let it rates. They actually point out that the majority of children initially diagnosed with gender dysphoria desist and grow out of the condition by the time their adolescents are adults. And Chris and I agree on this, that these people should be criminally charged. If you are to take a young person and the young person came to you and said, "I am rolly pulley. You have too much body fat and I want to lose weight or I will kill myself." What are the things you could do is put them on methamphetamine. And guess what? They lose weight. But that's completely different, of course, right? It's completely different. Young sex hormones aren't addictive, except they are. Testerosarones, a heck of a drug, especially for girls who haven't experienced it before. There's a rush of euphoria. And girls who are not supposed to have that in their body, and this is put in their bodies at 2,000 times, whatever exists in a female body, man, suddenly they feel strong and confident. And boys who get estrogen at high amounts, they get a lot of aggression. They become very aggressive people, which can feel good, it can feel powerful. It's in some ways as addictive as methamphetamine, perhaps not physiologically, biologically, mentally it is, because you're building an illusion. It's an illusion of, well, the new you. If that's taken away, then where are you left? Even when people stick with it, as Chris points out, eventually, most people come to realize this is all a lie. Here's what doctors have to believe in order to not have been lying about this. A girl's body at the age of 12 or 13 is meant to have 2,000 times the amount of testosterone in it than would ever occur. They have to believe that pausing puberty does not pause mental development. It doesn't pause emotional development. It doesn't pause brain development. It just pauses the development of the genitalia. That's what they have to believe, because as you know, puberty is just about growing hair on your privates or having your privates change shape, right? That's all it is. It's not a maturation of the mind. It's not a maturation of the body in whole. That's what they have to believe, that they're simply stopping the genitalia from growing. They can't believe that. It can't be believed. No one can believe it. They also have to believe this, that you and I can change our blood type. Whatever your blood type is, you can change it. Want to know how? Announce that it's changed. Go get a blood drop. Come back and say, "Okay, so you are a negative." No, I'm not. No, I'm type O. Well, no, the test says, "Who are you to tell me? I know what I am. It's my lived experience. I get to be who I am." Take it into the court of law. The suspect's fingerprints were found on the murder weapon. I object your honor on what grounds? Those aren't my fingerprints. Well, we've done a side-by-side comparison, you're honored. These are the suspect's fingerprints. I don't identify those as mine. They're not mine. They have to believe at this American Academy of Pediatrics that a kid who walks into a clinic and says, "I have a brain tumor. Let me open it and remove it." Well, wait. Can't we do a CAT scan or an MRI or both? No. I don't need that. I know it's there, so cut it open. Well, that could be dangerous. So is this, 22 states. There's a link in the show notes so you can check out the states that are doing this. If you're a state's not yet on that list, and as of this morning where I live, Idaho is not there, but I think Raoul Labador is intending to do this. I've heard a rumor. He's the state's attorney general here. Now, he'd be running a foul of his church because the church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints gladly pretends that men and women and boys are girls. And if you're a member of that church, I would ask you to get to the 12th or the quorum of the, what is it, 60 and ask them, "Why? How can you abide by this?" There is the good news, then there's the tragic news, and it relates to the same body of people, the funders of the party. There's going to be a come-up-ins, there's going to be recompense, there's going to be, there's going to be a reversal. In fact, in heaven, there's already been judgment. I'll talk about this in this terrible news. This morning is once again powered by bone-frogged coffee. This is a relief. Now, I heard someone say the other day. I get a note saying, "You went back on coffee before you went in to seal fit. That's what screwed you up your kidneys. That's why you got dropped medically. You shouldn't have had the coffee before." Okay, fair enough. That's a theory. I think it's the wrong theory and that I've been on coffee most of my life. I've never had a dehydration problem like that before. I don't know what caused it. I only know I'm very grateful for the event. I'm ever more grateful for this that understanding my friend Tim a little bit more, not because I went through Hell Week. I didn't. I was at this event for maybe 12 hours. It's not Hell Week. The guys who completed did. I was on the call with those guys last night. The guys who got to the 50 hours, that's closer to Hell Week. Here's what I understand now. March more about my friend Tim, a retired Navy SEAL and a Buds instructor. When he says, "God Country Team" on the bags of bone-frogged coffee, "Team" means, "You will give your brother your legs." I mean this sincerely, when this call last night, the guys who completed, it's called being secure. They did the full 50 hours. There were periods of time where they carried each other's rucksacks because a brother couldn't do it because the arms were gone or the legs were gone. That's what God Country Team means to Tim. Now, you're not buying this because it's a fancy phrase. You would buy the coffee because it's great coffee, so let me just suggest this. Go take a sample pack. This is eight six-ounce samples of bone frogs who can try all of the roast, all of the many delivery methods, k-cup, et cetera. Make a decision based on that. Go to, get 10% off your first purchase. Now, if you're already buying bone frog and you love it, why not get unsubscription? Because you save 15% off your coffee when you get a subscription plan. Again, that's There is a terrifying case that some of us who've been around what pharma can do to kids recognize. Gladly not to this degree, but by type or category. SSRIs, the serotonin reuptake inhibitors and their derivatives are based upon a lie from pharma. There was no serotonin imbalance. That's not a thing. A massive study of studies revealed that about a year and a half ago. That was never a thing. All of these black box drugs, meaning they don't really know why they work or in fact, if they work, a large majority of them come with a warning that states can cause suicidal ideation or homicidal thoughts, homicidal intent. It can cause these things. Let's go right back to the lie. And finally, the American Academy of Pediatrics is going to perhaps get sued, perhaps even criminally based upon the fraud, think of the lies that they bought and then told and then sold. Based upon absolutely zero evidence, no evidence whatsoever that slicing and dicing and shooting kids up with wrong sex hormones provides any long term benefits at all, in fact, just the opposite. In the case of the depression anxiety wave that's put one third of Americans on some form of psychotropics and in the case of kids below the age of 18, in some instances, it's half of them and it's being pushed through schools. It's not just the abortion clinics they're putting in schools, it's not just the so-called gender clinics they're putting in schools. They're putting in drug pushers into schools. How many boys have been defined as riddled with ADHD when in fact they're boys? That's the condition. Remember that in Congress, they're actually looking at subsidizing ozempic and other poisons for weight loss for kids, they're looking at doing this and approving it for kids and then subsidizing it for kids and then prescribing it in schools for kids. The SSRIs, the antidepressants, so many of which come with this warning that could cause suicidal ideation or homicidal thoughts based upon the same lies. There was never, never the serotonin issue. NBC 15 news by way of revolver news talked about a case in Mississippi, a 14-year-old girlfriend, Mississippi, who was accused of killing her mother and invited a friend or to her house to see the mother's dead body and investigate her testify. In court, Captain Madison Gregg appeared in court for preliminary hearing which was recorded and released on YouTube by the blog Jackson Jambalaya on April 16th. Cardi was arrested in March after she allegedly murdered her mother Ashley Smiley as well as seriously hurt her stepfather, Heath Smiley, during two separate shootings at their brand in Mississippi home. Rankin County investigator Zachary Cotton testified at the hearing saying, "Dispatchers received a call from a man later identified as Heath Smiley, who said his child had shot him and his wife on March 19th. The footage shows Carly hiding something behind her back, which Cotton's believes is a gun." He said Carly then texted her stepfather, who was not at home asking him when he would be to the house. Cotton said it was about 45 minutes to 50 minutes before Heath arrived at the scene. In the meantime, Carly texted a friend asking her to come over and saying it was an emergency. Carly asked if she'd ever seen a dead body before, Cotton said. She said no. She proceeded to show her her deceased mother, who was in the bedroom, and showed the gun that she'd used to shoot her mom. And she told her friend she had three shots for her mom that she's got three more for her stepdad, two to the head, one to the chest. Heath told investigators he was shot as soon as he walked into the house. Cotton noting that Heath and said Carly's eyes were really big and it looked like she'd seen a demon. Heath told investigators Carter was screaming and then ran off. The connection to pharma is this. A 14-year-old girl on SSRIs changed medication, a week before this happened. Some of us who've been in the adolescent and teen mental health care world, such as it is. There's a book called Madness About That World. Some of us know cases where kids who have never been violent, not a single time in their life, have chased a parent through the house. I know of one case where a girl chased her mother through the house with a knife. And the mother hid herself in the bathroom as her beloved daughter stabbed the door, wanting to kill her. This was a girl who was stepping off some of these meds, some of these voices. If your kids or you are being told that your kids have to have this stuff, can I just make the following suggestion and this should be mandated across the board? This should be a government mandate. No child will be given anything like this until high doses of natural vitamin D are reduced, high doses of social contact, good, solid, moderate doses of real exercise on a consistent basis for six months or more. And when I add something to it, it's not just because I just talked about bone-frogged coffee. Caffeine. Caffeine is an incredible antidepressant. It's an antioxidant. It's many, many things. You know what else it is? It's not something you can patent. I drink a ton of coffee because of the lifestyle I lead physically and because of the job I do. But can I level with you on something? It's also a massive antidepressant for me. I'm given to down thoughts. Now that hasn't been for a decade, really, that I've been given to that. I think having the Holy Spirit dwelling within me makes it easier for me to not be there because the Holy Spirit is love. It is peace. He is peace. And it's the kingdom of heaven dwelling within you. But I also think that God created coffee for people like us or caffeine. Those high doses, since I began dosing that way, I haven't had a bout of depression. But it's not invasive. It's not patentable. When you have a world of public health that are peopled with some of the folks we're going to talk about here with some of their proclivities and habits, you have a polluted world. Utterly, utterly corrupt and polluted and spiritually captured to the grossest possible degree. You know, I use the phrase government schools and I call Biden the figureheads and refer to the fact that we don't have a southern border, nor do we have a debt ceiling. Here's a tip I think that we should push around to Republicans in terms of public health. There isn't any. These are government medicine workers. That's what they are. They're government medicine workers. When you say public health, it's just like saying public schools as if such a thing exists. Schools for the public. Hey, when parents are shut down at school board meetings, tackled to the ground, held down by cops because they want to protest pornography being in the schools. That's not a public school. That's a government school. Public health officials aren't their government medicine officials. Civil health starts with a real series of questions. For instance, when I was looking to avoid shoulder surgery on my right shoulder and I was talking to the people that renew health care. This is before I'd gotten down, before I'd met Steve and Jim and the team and person before I grew a friendship with them with which I'm blessed. I simply went through a series of interviews. It started with them getting me saying, hey, here's how we can get a copy of your MRI. I filled out a form. First thing I know, those guys are looking at my MRI in Mexico, easy. Then was a phone call and I talked with Dr. Chavez who is a Harvard certified surgeon. We spent an hour together and on that phone call, actually it was a video meeting, was also the managing partner of renew Steve Anderson was on that call because he does that. Now because it was me because I am a patient or prospective patient, Dr. Chavez asked me a series of questions about how mobile I was, what shoulder mobility to have, what strength did I have, what could I do or not do at that point? And when he came out of this, he said, you know what, you might be a great candidate. I was thinking I was going to find someone who was more disabled than you are. You might be a great candidate for this. You might be able to avoid surgery. Then he showed it around to the team and the team came back and said, no. A year ago, yeah, this guy could have been easy, easy to avoid surgery. Where is that now? This is a whole different condition. His shoulders hanging by a thread, there's not enough tissue. And so I got that disappointing phone call. You're going to have to have surgery, which is the same thing my surgeon had said, hey, a year ago, you could have gotten by, not anymore, this is a different condition. So I went down to Mexico based upon two hours of review. Do you get anything like that in America? If you are suffering from lower lumbar pain or neuropathy, the buzzing, the numbness in arms, that's a sweet spot for them. They've had tremendous results. If you're headed into surgery, they can commonly help you avoid the surgery. If you're having surgery, they can help you recover more quickly with ethically gathered stem cells. They come only from placentas and umbilical cords and they perform miracles as designed by God. They rebuild tissue and they fight inflammation. They destroy inflammation. Just do this, get into that conversation, let them interview you. Go to, that's Tell them you're part of the Todd Herman Show podcast, into radio families, either one. And they will have that conversation with you and review things with you. If you are in public health and that actually exists, what does that mean? It doesn't mean so-called gun violence. Here's why. Gun violence isn't something that can be passed on through a cough or casual contact. I mean, when you get shot at, some people will shoot back. But that's not because the symptoms have passed on. That's because someone wants to live and not be the one dying. You know what it's not? It's not encouraging the spreading of disease. Diseases that can spread through the public, you would think that would be the job of public health officials to stop. But in multiple cases, so-called public health officials, in other words, government-medicine workers, are not just encouraging the spread of STDs. They're doing the very thing that would spread them. This speaks to something desperately wrong in the government-medicine sector in colleges. Do you think it's happened, Stanchel, that we can point to so many cases like this guy in New York City who had been the COVID response czar? So, this is one of the key advisors to the COVID response. His name is Dr. J.K. Varma. Doesn't that sound a bit like a circus? Barnum and Bailey, J.K. Varma. J.K. Varma brags on video-a video achieved or gotten by Steven Crowder. Congratulations to Steven Crowder for getting this. This guy bragging about running the COVID response in New York City, but also, also admitting that during this period of time, he's having what they called- he's calling sex parties. The accurate phrase for that, I think, is orgy. For the mayor of New York City, you've heard that. I ran the police calling this. I actually was the one who convinced mayor to make it a major. So, the way we do it in public health is to make it very uncomfortable to to be unvaccinated. They didn't get vaccinated because they heard it was safe. They gave in because it was really hard. Do you think they'd have gone a hard time if New York City found out that you're having sex parties during COVID? Yeah, I would have been real embarrassed. Yeah. Do you think you would have been controversial if during the time in which you were making life difficult for people? People who chose not to be locked down. Do you think it would have caused some controversy if at the same time as New York City cops, we're standing on milk cartons to peer into the windows of Jewish synagogues to make sure that the Jews aren't in there doing Jew stuff? Do you think it might have caused a problem for people to know that you, at the same time, were hosting sex parties and engaging in things that pass on communicable disease like multiple sex partners? Do you think? Gosh, if only we could go to the Word of God. Hey, let's go to the Word of God. 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 3 "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they'll gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." Oh, Jesus never talked about practicing homosexuality. He never said that. No, but Jesus said you should not commit adultery or fornication or sex parties because that is fornication and adultery. He said that very clearly. He also said that he didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. He took the Ten Commandments, for instance, the prohibition against adultery and made it harder. I tell you, even if a man has looked at a woman with lust in his eyes, he has committed adultery. And if you're single and you're looking at people with lust, male or female, you have committed fornication. So they're picking the doctrines their itching ears want to hear. Like it's okay to cheat in your taxes because the government's corrupt, the government's under jail during the time of Jesus on earth was deeply corrupt. It was an occupying force. That's what the Romans were. And the Lord, when they tried to trick them, should we pay taxes, render the seizures that which is his and under God, that's what it's his. This guy came out of a so-called public health program. But he's only one guy. You can't say that this describes the field of government medicine, with some people still call public health, except you can. Do you remember the Imperial College modeling that got the lockdowns off to the start? This was created by a so-called scientist named Neil Ferguson. Neil Ferguson working with the Imperial College, in case House of Lords have investigated this and investigated the role of this guy, Neil Ferguson. The American Institute for Economic Research has called out how bad his research was. In fact, at the time, when he was doing this programming, when people finally got to look at his data and I'm talking about dissident scientists like those at the Great Barrington Declaration, when they actually got to look at his data. Number one, they saw that he was using about a 10-year-old database system that's known to be air ridden. Secondly, they went through it and immediately found the massive, massive errors. He's one of the people who said if Sweden did not lock down by mid-April, he projected the country would soon experience 96,000 coronavirus deaths, which of course never happened anywhere near that. Sweden had a little over 13,000 fatalities with COVID-19, not from. Very few deaths were from, most were with. That's a world off from the 96,000 that Neil Ferguson had said. He talked about cases where you could see 10-15% of a population dying. These numbers were used to lock down society. Incidentally, he'd also been wrong about mad cow disease to the same degree, catastrophically wrong about mad cow disease to the same degree. What did that lead to? Economic ruin for a whole series of ranchers who were forced to call their herds because a guy who was modeling off of a 10-year-old or so database with bad numbers to begin with said this was going to happen and they let him do it again during the COVID era. But there's something that people don't remember about Neil Ferguson. He went on to defend the lockdown strategy. I want you to see that and then I'll tell you about Neil Ferguson and maybe it'll be a reminder for some people. For a lot, it will be new information. But keep in mind Dr. J. K. Varma and what he did. And then remember Debbie Birx. Remember her with the scarfs? Remember during the lockdown at Thanksgiving where we were told if you even walk into grandma's house, you will murder her. Do you remember when Debbie Birx flew up north to be with her family during Thanksgiving? At the same time as she was telling us to remember the phrase, stay home and what is it? Right, stay safe. It wasn't a sex party or one would assume since she was going to her parents' house. One would assume but then again she is a government medicine worker. I kind of feel like I need to wash after that sentence. I'm sorry, I paid me you due too. You could reach right now for a soap made by a company that works with people like this. That sponsors events and pays people like Debbie Birx and Tony Fauci to come and speak at events. You could reach for that soap. You could reach for a soap that's probably made in China. Maybe with a little bit of slave labor thrown in. Probably with a bunch of chemicals in it. Certainly not unnatural. You could do that or right now you could be reaching for Alan's soaps throughout your entire home or business. In your business, use the liquid soap. It's called Ian's Blend. Hand soap isn't something that people are going to use in businesses. People want to put that under their hands through the liquid stuff and rub it. That's Ian's Blend. In your house where that doesn't matter, Alan's soaps of bars are all made in America. They're 100% natural. They're gentle. They come with unique fragrances that come out of the mind of young Alan, who's 13 and is effectively nonverbal due to autism. Has a ton of super challenging health concerns. He's had, I think, 18 operations. Now, that's not a sympathy pull. I'm just going to give you the reason the company exists. Yes, it's to make world-class soap. It's also to employ people like Alan because governments, medicine workers, tried to murder Alan in the womb. They said to his parents, "Let us kill the baby for you." And they said, "No." So now Alan works there. So does Ian. And so does another young woman or a young woman, their boys. She is a young woman. Go to, get 10% off everything there. Switch your soap, switch your life. Neil Ferguson defended his lockdown commentary and talked about how it was necessary. Lockdown itself has had probably significant certainly mental health, social and other impacts and probably impacts on mortality, just from the nature of isolating people. But the thing which has probably had the biggest impact is the enormous surge of demand on the healthcare system, the cancellation of elective surgery, SES cancer treatments being delayed, everything else. All of those effects would have been much worse had we not adopted lockdown. We would have seen enormous spikes in mortality and a sustained period of several months of not having healthcare capacity for other types of patients. I think the best way in terms of going forward is to drive case numbers as low as we can. And at that point, we will have for the health capacity we need to resume normal service in the health systems. And then it will allow us to relax some of the more socially, economically and frankly, emotionally disruptive aspects of lockdown. That was day 33. He was speaking to Day 33. He was lying. If you watched the videos made in the UK with citizen journalists walking into hospitals that were empty, I'm not saying they were lightly populated. I'm saying they were empty. And you saw people escorted out by cops for walking through a hospital. Then you understand the level of fraud at play here. People took similar videos in the United States. The hospitals were never overrun ever. His statement that lockdowns save lives is a lie. It caused deaths of despair. It caused people to go back on alcohol. Not all elective surgeries are non-lifesaving. It killed people that way. It caused the under-diagnosis of cancers which took off. It caused the under-diagnosis of stroke symptoms that took off. It caused the under-diagnosis of heart failure. It caused people to die. And it continues to do this furthermore. Locking people inside away from vitamin D and sunshine for vitamin D and fresh air and social contact destroyed many, many, many people. That was day 33. Now, I don't know what day it was of the lockdowns. Where Neil Ferguson decided that he would go traipsing about London so he could be sexually serviced. And I guess return the favor as it were. With his married girlfriend. The UK Daily Mail. Here's the headline. "Shameful Neil Ferguson's lover said lockdown strained her open marriage to look-alike husband a day after the couple enjoyed secret trust as Matt Hancock says he's speechless. Matt Hancock, a politician in Britain." Professor Neil Ferguson, 51, warned the UK could see half a million deaths if it didn't implement mass self-isolation. His advice to report he helped produce it in peer calls led to the PM bringing in the lockdown. But since it started, he allowed his married lover to travel across London to visit him at his home at least twice. Scotland Yard said its officers do not intend to take any further action for repeated lockdown breaches. Antonio Statz, 38, lives with her husband in his 30s and two children in a 1.9 million pound home in South London. On March 31, she admitted lockdown was a challenge for her open marriage and husband Chris may have had COVID. The scientists has quit his role on the secretive Sage Committee but in peer colleges standing by him. Elon Musk leads US Engret, hypocritical British professor locked down over his rule-breaking interests. Here's a picture. Those of you on the video service that keep saying look-alike husband, he does look like Neil Ferguson. Sex His excuse for allowing this was so he could be sexually serviced or service her. What was Dr. J. Kay Varmid doing again? Oh, that's right, sex parties. What is one of the main tools Satan uses to capture people? Sex. The thrill of the flesh, right? Is it odd that two of the most powerful people in government medicine walked you down while they engage in either orgies or adulterous sex, violating their own rules? Is that odd? Not particularly, not if you look at what's been done to government health. There's a guy who runs the Monkey Pox response, Demetri Das Galakis. He's at the White House. He's the guy who said that we shouldn't call it Monkey Pox. This is Demetri speaking about Monkey Pox and making perfectly clear. That this isn't about anyone's identity. Does anyone actually think it is about people's identity? Yeah, so I think this virus transmits through very close skin-to-skin physical contact, often in the setting of sexual exposure. But there are other mechanisms for its transmission, including if you touch objects at individuals who've had Monkey Pox touch, or if you have prolonged exposure to respiratory droplets. With that said, signaling to people who are in the gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men communities, and also transgender people who have sex with men, that it's really important to have awareness that it's circulating in the community, is really a critical part of the messaging while not generating an ordinate concern and really focusing on the infection as linked to an identity. So it's just an infection that's not linked to an identity. It just happens to be in the social network. Thank you, sir. I do want to dig deeper into the racial disparity because it's not linked to an identity. Yeah, no one thinks so. No one thinks that when a man pretends to be a woman, he gets Monkey Pox. And incidentally, Dimitri, no one believes you that touching a door, obviously, can get you Monkey Pox, and no one believes that. It's the behaviors. There are physical realities. When you put diesel in a car that runs on unleaded fuel, it doesn't work well. If you put unleaded fuel in a car that runs on diesel, it doesn't work at all. The guy who built us, the entity God who built us, gave us a Bible that teaches us how to relate to one another, how to relate to him, and how to run our lives, including how to treat our bodies. There are results. There's accountability when people look at the owner's manual and say, "But I prefer diesel in my car that's designed to run unleaded. I like diesel. I like the way it smells." Plus, it's got that cool plastic thing on the tip when you try to put it in. I like that. And when you get the metaphor right, there are physical things that go on between men who have sex with one another that make it easier for the diseases to spread. Do I have to spell it out? Incidentally, this guy is pretty much an open Satanist. Those on the video service, remember the picture of him on Plus magazine? This is him with the Baffinette on his chest. That's the good doctor. The CDC's unconventional new HIV czar, Dimitri Desocolis. That was before he was the monkey poxar. This is a guy who sponsors activities. It can spread that. You might remember this. This is him from his spin studio, Dimitri. There's a light even in the darkest places. What is the light? Oh, it looks like it's the satanic star that they're going to go celebrate in a satanic ride. Then of course, there are the pictures with the shirt off. And hey, look, there is the Baffinette again. Saturday is my powerhouse day. Teach to lift twice, then rest. Public health. That's what he's pushing. He's pushing public health. Oh, incidentally, you probably heard about this. The young woman who went to get injected. Vaccine horrors. Woman 22 claims she was left temporarily blind with the agonizing bruises all over her body after she got vaccinated. Following the smashingly successful livestream in space with Alexis Lorenzo and her family, the Daily Mail is not only covering this story, but is asking for anyone who's been injured by a vaccine to submit their story so they can publish follow-ups. If you haven't seen the pictures of these young women, she looked perfectly normal. And then she had massive bruising all of her faces like she looks like a Klingon. This came directly after getting injected. When you have government medicine practitioners who are happy to have orgies and sleep around, wall, they lock you down. If the American Academy of Pediatrics happy to shoot girls up and boys for that matter, with wrong sex hormones and surgeries, even though everybody knows they're lying, there's something deeply wrong about the selection process and the graduation process and the teaching and indoctrination processes in government health. Government medicine, pardon me. But these are just persons. It's not programs. I will tell you about a program that went on in the Seattle area, King County, that goes on in San Francisco and around the West Coast. I'll tell you about a program that was a public health program launched and repeated in multiple cities that absolutely puts down anyone who would claim that this is just happenstance. I'll tell you about that in a second. You can protect your health in a number of ways. Obviously, activity, vitamin D, mental health, making sure that you have a good per life with the Lord Jesus, all these things can protect you. There's also some tools in a toolkit that I want to offer you. I've been using mass times for two years. It's only recently that Matt Wade and I were talking and having a conversation about some of the products I use and haven't shared with you. Mass times was one of them. This is an incredible set of digestive enzymes. And here's what it delivers to you. First of all, money. I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah, you buy it, but here's what it does. It gives you more food out of the food you're buying now. By producing in your body, 1,200% more amino acids than a test group got at Berkshire National University compared to people who did not use mass times. What that means is the protein you eat, according to this test delivered to that control group, 1,200% more amino acids. What are amino acids? Amino acids are the building blocker proteins and are muscle and they sustain muscle. This is particularly important as you age because aging destroys muscle, particularly if you're not active, not doing resistance training and things like that. And if you've been through any form of restrictive weight loss, well, you want to maintain the muscle and maintain your metabolism. Mass times also provides enormous digestive comfort, as it were. That's a better way to say it than regularity, isn't it? Go right now to and get 10% off a bottle or more of mass times. Start your journey to better health today and stop letting poor digestion rob you of your finances, rob you of muscle and rob you of your potential. for 10% off. The people at King County Public Health back in the day were concerned that men weren't having sex with enough anonymous men. You know, with the lockdowns and all and the masking. They made a video that they pushed through Instagram. Oh, it's so cute. It's two guys texting. Last night was so hot, but my mask kept falling off. Maybe we could do it without the mask. And then the guy replies, "Yeah, but what about COVID?" Right, because anonymous men or men who casually know one or other, having sex, your concern should be a flu. Not HIV age, the degree that you believe that exists or monkeypox or STDs or ocular syphilis or just ordinary syphilis, that shouldn't be your concern, a flu. So they came up with a great idea. The people at King County Public Health wanted to replicate something and I'm going to use a terrible phrase. It's a real thing in the, well, I would say in the orgy world of same-sex attraction because not all same-sex-attracted people in response to these activities, they're same-sex-attracted people who find this gross, they want to be monogamous, they want that, they want that life. I just want to recognize that. They said, "Let's cut a glory hole out of a shower curtain." Now think about this in terms of God's perspective on human sexuality. One man and one woman joined together in marriage become one flesh and have the opportunity to allow God to work through them to create another human life, but there be light. What King County Health was proposing was that men who casually know each other or just met put a shower curtain between them and take turns inserting their genitalia, servicing and being serviced. That was health from public health practitioners. What follows in the wake of activity like that? We're right back where we began. STDs and medicine. It's a success. Hey, look, even if it's just guys having to take antibiotics because of what just happened and the diseases they've got, at least we sold some drugs. And if it's worse, if it's a lifetime disorder like syphilis, wow, that's even better. We're right back up to associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics. Thank you to the 21 state attorneys general for suing or threatening to sue based upon fraud. Please do make it criminal fraud and thank you to God Almighty for reminding us that people would seek not sound doctrine, but the doctrine that satisfies what their itching ears want to hear. This is the Todd Herman show. Please go be well, be kind, be strong. Wait, did you do that wrong? Go be well, be strong, be kind, right? Huh? Well, kind, strong. See the way it goes? I've only been doing this for about a decade. This is the Todd Herman show. Go be well, be kind, be strong, right? Make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music]