Award Winning L.I.F.E. Talk Radio Show- Host Carissa B.

Life Talk TV Show- Guest National Recording Artist Kisha Grandy-Lee

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> Learning to ignite your faith and breathe in. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> Boom, join us this Monday. [MUSIC] >> Hey, hi, y'all. I'm Karissa B, author of the point of time and for such a time as this. You need to go out and get this book. This can help you on the journey, step by step. Go to Amazon and purchase one and also go to Amazon Kindle and get one as well. [MUSIC] >> Boom, now to say hey y'all. [LAUGH] Welcome to Life Talk TV show. Learning to ignite your faith every day. I am your host, Karissa B, and thank you so much for tuning in for another episode. Listen, this back-to-back man, you definitely have to have some coffee. Listen, I got to show you my cup. I got to show you my cup. [LAUGH] But those that know me, I like to have mugs that have scripture quotes on it. It says, let's go, let go and let God. And so I had to show y'all my cup, y'all. I had to show y'all. I'm excited about today's fellowship. This woman of God, that's the first clue. This woman of God. [LAUGH] This woman of God, I'm so, honestly, let me stop cutting up. I'm really honored for this woman of God being on this line with me. It's such an honor, such an honor to be, and I'm just going to leave it like that. Because I'm not going to cry right now. I'm going to just do it after I get up the line. But this fellowship means a lot to me. But let me get the things out the way. I'm going to do it short today. The only thing I'll be announcing is this right here. Kingdom Takeover Conference. In October, this is going to be domestic violence and breast cancer awareness. Definitely, definitely would love for you to be a part. You need to be a part, y'all. We need fellowship, encouragement, empowerment, and cultivation. This is the woman's platform. Normally, we have women and men, but this one particularly because we're going to be bringing awareness to breast cancer and domestic violence. Domestic violence happens to men as well. But more than anything for the breast cancer, that's why we're doing it. This is going to be, like I said, October the 25th and 26th, starting at 6 p.m. Central Standard Time. We'd love for you all to be a part of that. Now, I need to get into this fellowship. This woman of God, she is from Dallas, Texas. Isn't that ironic? The first person I interviewed today was from Dallas, Texas. Now we have another one from Dallas, Texas. Dallas, Texas is doing big, y'all. We have a lot of amazing, wonderful ministries coming out of Dallas, Texas. I didn't even realize how big Dallas Texas was until I went to Fort Hood. And I know they're not close to each other. At least I don't think they are. But when I went to Fort Hood, that's a military base. I mean, it was pretty big compared to other bases I've been to. But everything was so far away, like I mentioned in the last interview. But I didn't realize how big Dallas was until people start coming and say, "Yeah, I'm from Dallas, Texas." The other person I just talked to said, "They were from Dallas, Texas." Y'all know we don't know each other. I'm like, "How do you not know each other?" Well, maybe it is bigger than, you know, I'm thinking small and it's bigger than that. So I'm excited about what's about to take place. She is a legend in the industry. And she's made her mark in the industry. And I'm telling you, God is doing some amazing things with this money God and her husband. I'm going to let her talk about that. But let me start because I'm really excited about this one because I don't even think she realizes what she done for me. Her voice is phenomenal. She has this pure ouch alto. It's rich. It is vibrant. And when she sings, it's like a, I don't know how to explain it. But even, you know, the songs and I'm going to about to give it away. And I'm trying not to give it away. Well, it's coming out of here. But yeah, I'm about to give away. I'm sorry. One of my favorite songs, you know, when I was younger. Yeah, I try not to give it away. Do you think I should give it away? Are you ready for me to give it away? Do y'all want me to give it away? I think I'm going to give it away. Saviour more than life to me was one of my all time favorite when she hit, when she grabbed that mark and tilted her head to the side. My God. Now, for the ones that don't know me that, well, I am a fanatic for vocals that are rich and they have their low, but they have the ability to go up. Don't get me wrong, but their range is so, it's so, it's like right in a wave. You're just coasting and they don't even look like they're struggling. But more than anything, what was behind it, when she was singing it, you can tell whatever was going on in that season or whatever the song meant to her. It's like, I'm living this. I'm living what I'm singing. And those to me are very authentic moments of worship and praise. So without further ado, and I listen, I do apologize because I'm known for this. Karissa B is known for this y'all. Y'all know I'll be messing up people's last names. I mess up a name in a minute. And I'm just, I apologize, but we're going to get out here. If I mess up, I would love for her to correct me because names matter. They matter and names have value to them. And this is none other than the legendary Keisha. Oh Lord, I almost had it. I know her, I know her married name Lee. Okay, let's welcome her. Oh my God, that is so funny. Oh my God. Please tell me how to say it. Oh my God. Thank you. And I can't repeat it. I'm like, no, it's got to be this way. It's got to be totally fine. Miss Keisha, listen, I'm so sorry for messing up your name. You are a legend. A legend in the industry, a legend in what you do. Your pureness, your richness, you know, your authentic miss is so. You know what, I'm going to keep it real with you for me. And I'm not a person to you. I'm just going to keep it real. Your voice was life-changing for me. Wow. When you, while I'm watching the DVDs and stuff, like, I still, you know what? We still have the DVDs. Wow. Even the CDs and stuff. Amazing. Just growing up, you know, and I was a teenager, but growing up, growing up, hearing that and seeing the richness that you had as a group and how y'all encourage one another and you push each other, when it was time for you to speak or sing or whatever, you had each other's back. Yeah. I really did. And you can see it on the stage and the thirst that you had to just to please the father. You didn't even, all you wanted to do is like, my mom just wanted to sing. You know, I just want to, you know, and I love that. What you presented, what you delivered in your songs, the ranges. And it's just, there was many times and I'm going to let you talk. But I had to tell you this because it was many times and a lot of times I was going to school. I was being bullied. So the only thing that kind of kept me was music. You know, I was very, I don't talk like I'm gabby now. I wasn't like that when I was younger. I was silent because I was being bullied. And so being on watching videos such as the ones that you were on and then later on seeing you on plays and stuff, it moved, honestly. And I was like, wow, she still sounds the same. Oh my gosh. Oh, wow, she can act. You know, seeing that stuff meant the world to me because sometimes people don't even realize that their journey can inspire other people. When you say you came from a place of realness and we would sit there and I would literally cry as a teenager and the songs and I'll go upstairs to my room. Put the CD on and you know, we had the little CD play with the headphones. Yes, ma'am. And I would sit there and I would cry and I would start writing all the feelings that I was dealing with. And like I said, and it is not, that wasn't just the only song. Everything y'all did, that was my go to music at the time. Everything y'all did, everything y'all did. I have every CD, every DVD that y'all did and everything else. And although I couldn't go to the actual live concerts because I was younger, but just to be able to hear the richness and everything you did, it just was amazing. So my question to you, I want to get right into this, when did you know that you knew that God, I'm going to just do this, no matter what. No matter what, I'm going to do this. I kind of knew that it's probably entering high school is when I knew that this is what I was going to do. I had a pretty kind of rough childhood. I was adopted with a survivor of sexual molestation. Wow. Yeah, I went through a lot as a kid, just, you know, those insecurities due to that. You know, I just, you know, I went through a lot and my mommy, my adopted mom bought me this little book that was called School Days and a section in it says, what are you going to be when you grow up? Right. And I always put singer, actress, and cheerleader, whether cheerleader is like, wow, don't know what I was thinking, but when I got older, I realized, you know, people say when you write stuff down, you can make it come to pass. Right. So I believe that God allowed that to come to pass by me writing down every school year that I was going to be a singer and an actress. And I pulled from that pain. My, you know, my husband tells me that all the time, he says, you know, I really believe that what you went through gives you the power that you sing with when you do sing. And I never thought about it. Right. Until I got older and I was like, well, maybe that's where it comes from because when I sing, you know, I feel like I have to sing like it's my last time. Right. So that's, that's, that's, that's how that came about. Yeah. I tell you what, like I said, when we seen, when we heard the audio back then, of course, you know, it hit, but when we seen the visual for me, when I seen the visual, it just hit different. And we would listen to it like nearly on Saturdays and Sundays because we were cleaning up and stuff. We were play to play the play button. And it would listen to it all day. Most, most teenagers, especially the ones in the church, like, ooh, I'm going to watch, I'm going to watch BET. No, right. Watching DVDs. And people didn't believe that. It was like, surely your kids, your kids can't be watching these DVDs, these Christian DVDs and stuff. Don't they want to listen to worldly music? We didn't do that. Yeah. And so listening and watching y'all and knowing that honestly, we're kind of growing up together. And I didn't, at the time, I didn't know it, you know, because I was like, well, they're, they're on stages and stuff. You know, here I am at home. So they, they got to be a little bit older than me. They got to be, you know, and that's just a, you know, because, you know, I was just, that was the naive side of me, you know, young people could be on stage too. But at the time, I didn't see that. And, you know, like you said, when you were singing and stuff, and that is your testimony. You do carry your testimony in your vocals. You know, when you said what you said about the things that you dealt with, honestly, I would have never known that. Yeah. I knew there was something that connected us because that was some of the stuff I dealt with. And I might have my real parents and everything else, but I was essentially assaulted a couple of times and everything else. And that's why I said music for me was different. That was the only thing I could run to that made me feel like I was something. Yes. Because my value was kind of stripped away from me, from the food, from the sexual assaults, and not fitting in the right way, not being able to look a certain way because, you know, that, and proms were in style back then, you know, they care stuff. I didn't have a prom. You know, there's a lot of stuff that now that my parents didn't want me to have a prom, we just, I just didn't have one. So, you know, compared to where we're at now when we're grown. And we know the difference back in, you know, our parents did the best of our ability to get us to understand the value. But what if they didn't get taught the right way either? Yes. So, I just want to thank you so much for being obedient to the call and that, and sharing with the listeners and the viewers about your past and why you do what you do. Because it's very important because some people, they think that being in this area is more for the marketplace, but they don't see them behind the scenes. They don't see what you have to go through. They don't see what you have to pull it up with. They don't see the stuff that you have to invest in to even get to certain places. And so, I want to go into the next thing. Being on the road, doing everything that you're doing to the point of now. Can you tell us, this is just for the listeners and stuff, encourage them. Let them know that, hey, my journey was my journey, right? But here's what you should know. Can you put a tip on that? My journey, you know, I started out professionally, of course, with Kurt Franklin and the family. Right. And it was, it was definitely a journey. Right. It's one that I would never take back. I enjoyed every moment of it. Right. You know, the family, we had our things that we went through, you know, I heard you mention about the weight thing, you know, being us being a gospel group, we didn't think that we would have to even never face that. But that was a big thing back then, because, you know, Kurt Franklin was so big. His name was so big at that point. Right. And we were on stages that most gospel artists don't get to be on. Yeah. So, you know, the family was made fun of because of the weight thing. And, and you know, that, that could, that can, you know, that, that can do something to yourself as thing. You can't. So we definitely had to pull together and remember who and what we were doing this for. Yeah. So our faith in God definitely carried us through everything that we've ever been through. Um, being on the road, um, man, when I started singing with Kirk, I was 18 years old. Wow. Wow. Yeah. When you saw me sing Silver and Gold on that video, I was probably 19 at that point. Wow. Yeah. So I grew up on the road. I was Lord Jesus. They will tell you, Lord Jesus, this girl. I gave them H.E. double hockey sticks sometimes. Right. Because I was growing up, you know, I was a kid. And I was excited, you know, a lot of money. You can pretty much do what you want to, because your parents are not out there with you. So for me, it was a growing experience. Um, I had an awesome experience though. Kirk really put me in the forefront for the world to know who I was. Right. So, you know, I thank God for every platform that he allowed me to be on. And it opened so many doors. Uh, for those that are wanting to get on those stages, you know, I mean, there's no magical formula. I can tell you that work is just that for me, it was being in the right place at the right time and praying. I remember I was in college right before I met Kirk. Right. And I was with music major. And I remember walking out of my, uh, my musical, uh, my musical theory class. I felt very emotional and I asked to go to, I went to the restroom and I just, I just cried and I cried because I felt like at that point, I wasn't supposed to be there. And I cried out to God and I said, cause I was raised in church. My father was my, my dad, my adopted dad was a pastor. So I was a church hero. And I cried and I said, God, I know I'm not supposed to be here right now. Just open up the doors for me. Right. Allow me to do what I'm actually called to do. So, you know, I wasn't thinking about anything after that point, you know, I prayed. I got that out of my spirit. When I walked back into my music theory class, it was my time to do my aria, um, to, to sing, uh, an Italian piece. Right. And, uh, a girl that was in my class, she said, after I finished, she said, um, what's your name? And I said, Keisha grandi. She said, okay. She said, I would like to introduce you to somebody. Yeah. You know, at this point I'm 18. I'm like, okay. Right. So I went home. I asked my mom, could I go meet this young lady at her church? Well, when I get to the church, um, she introduces me to this lady by the name of Gay R. Buckle. Uh, gay R. Buckle is a local artist in Dallas. That's, that's pretty well known. And she introduced me to gay. Gay said, well. I need to introduce you to somebody as well. So she introduced me to Cardinal Morrell, uh, which has gone on, going on, uh, to be with God and then Kirk Franklin. So at this point, he wasn't Kirk Franklin. Right. Um, I went there. I went to the church. I sang for both of them. Cardinal Morrell was like, well, thank you. We'll be in touch with you. Kirk just kind of looked at me. He was like, okay. So that night it was like MLK program and I went to the concert with gay R. Buckle and pulled me up. I mean, Kirk pulled me up. You know how they do the toss. Right. Kirk tossed the mic to me and I sang. And after that event, he pulled me to the side. He said, well, I have a group that I just started called Kirk Franklin and the family. And I wanted to know if you would be interested in being a part. So I said, well, you're going to have to talk to my mom. So he said, okay. Well, I'll talk to your mom. The next day he came over to my mom's house and talked to her and my mom was like, well, you know, she's in college. So I don't know about that. And pretty much he talked her into allowing me to be a part of Kirk Franklin and the family. And the rest was history. So for me, it was just, it was just fate. It was what the plan for my life. That was the plan for my life to go in that past. Yeah. I tell you what, to even recur to even go to your mom and you know, acts and he's like, well, she's in, she's in college. The question I have for you, how did you balance the college life with, you know, singing and everything else? Well, I went to college up until we started touring a lot. So I took a, I took a break. I took a break. And yeah, so because I couldn't, I couldn't do both because we were going so much. I had to stop, but my mommy told me, oh, you're going to get that degree. You're going to get that degree, man. Right. Right. So eventually, yes, I went back to school and got my degree. Well, praise God, you got a bachelor's degree in communication. So congratulations on that. It takes a lot. And a lot of people don't know, you know, higher education takes a sacrifice. It just depends on what your lifestyle is. Some of us have a work in the midst of going in. Some of us have families and kids and sometimes obstacles do come. And we have to stop for a while, but then we go back. So I congratulate you because you did go back because some people don't go back. Oh, it was a must with my mom. I didn't have a choice. You go to school. You're going to get that. You're going to get that degree. That's right. I want to move forward and I know the timelines are probably kind of in the same time, time and then it might not be. I'm going to go into your feature on recording and said, just don't be a menace to society. Don't be a menace to menace soundtrack. Coca-Cola, Chrysler, churches, chicken commercials. How did you wind up going that direction? Was it? Was it just, okay, I'm just going to walk in or God just say, okay, here, go. It was all under the umbrella of Kirk Franklin. Wow. Yeah. That man has had major opportunity since he started. Wow. Once God opened that door for him, he kicked it open for Kirk. Wow. And at that point, you know, he brought us along with him right. Yeah. Wow. That's amazing. I wouldn't never, honestly, I would have never thought and I didn't even know this. So I'm reading and I'm like, oh, wow. And I'm reading it. I didn't even know back then to that stint. I know today's society, you know, when you do music and stuff like that, those, those benefits are offered, you know, but I know, you know, with us growing up that they offer that stuff back then. Back then separate. So, um, congratulations on all that. That is, and now I want to go into the play arena because I tell you what, I still have the DVD of that. And this is what I knew. I was like, wait a minute. No, this woman, I said, this one of God, I think I know her. I think I know when I looked and I was like, Oh my gosh. So we're sitting there, me, my sisters, I was like, that is the, that's the lady from Kirk Franklin. Yeah. And so how did you get into the theatrical field? Well, go back a little bit. When I was in high school, I went to a performing art school. Yeah. So I took music and acting and all of the other things. So that's where the foundation of it started. And then, again, with Kirk, our first national play was entitled, he say she say, but what does God say? Right. So that's where the, the Nipford came. I was like, okay, all right, I like, I like doing this. I like the singing and the acting. Right. So once the relationship ended with Kirk Franklin and the family. The guy that did the promotions for most of Kirk's tours that we had done, he was involved with plays as well. So I needed to work. Right. Because, you know, music was pretty much the only thing that I knew. Right. So I was like, look, Mr. Arthur Primus, I need a job. Right. Right. And he was like, okay, okay. Well, I have a new playwright that's coming out. If you drive to Houston, Texas, his show, I know I've been changed is going to be there. And I want you to go and talk to him and see about, you know, getting a job. Okay. And I got in my car. And I drove to Houston, Texas. Right. And I met with Tyler Perry. I met with him. And I said, hi, Tyler. My name is Keisha grandi. He said, Oh, I know who you are. I swear, okay. He said, I want you to read the script and let you know what you think of it. And we will be in touch. And from that point, that's when I became, bang, get the phone. I love it. I love it. I love how God is like really looping how he's orchestrating your life. It's like a loop. There you go. Okay, here you go. And everything else. And all the things that you're doing, you've been so successful in it. And it seemed like it was an experience that you learned the good, the bad, the ugly, but also we're grateful through it all. He said, there's many people that don't get to be on platforms such as this. And then when they do, they don't look at the fact that, well, Lord, I'm just grateful. I know sometimes seasons ends and I know sometimes it's that little longer, but I'm grateful. And I love the fact that even in the plays, you were still you. Yeah, you did not take away from you because sometimes we're in a theatrical, we have to play parts that we don't, you know, we have to act. We have to. We're not you. It was always. This is me. This is me. And I just want to present. And the richness and, like I said, your vocal ability and everything else. You just, you just brought him the, you just brought him to church. I'm sorry. You just did. You did bring him to church. Once again, I want to thank you so much for doing that because, like I said, I told my son, Big Ben, I said, you know, I don't think she, it she might, but I don't think, you know, I'm not in the gospel industry. You know, with the Kurtz, but, you know, I'm in the media, and I sometimes I think sometimes as when artists or people that are well known that are legends, they don't realize how much of a legend they are until people start talking to them. And I'm like, oh, I didn't even think you noticed. Oh, wow, I didn't think you know, and so I believe in this journey that you have been on, you know, and everything else. You just, you just want to do what you do, you know, but we don't realize how we impact people. And it doesn't take much. It doesn't take just be you. And then what happens when God says you be you, I can, I can add another loop. I can give you another assignment because you're just being you. So I want to thank you for that now we're going to, we're going to leap all the way until recently, and I say recently in the five, six, seven years recently. And now it's going to place where you're doing music on your own. How did you get involved in that? Well, it was something that I had always wanted to do, you know, I've always anything musically, I've always wanted to do or acting wise so it was just another thought that, you know, I want to do, I want to do other music. I want to do my music, you know, and the opportunity presented itself and, you know, the guy that I'm married to now he, he made that happen. You know, he's a well known music producer and our connection. You know, it was just amazing because we started off as friends, right. We were friends for seven years. Yeah. And we were both in different relationships at that time. And God just made it to where those relationships didn't work and God put us together. And that, that was the best thing, because he's, I've never been the type of singer that have had someone to actually like produce me vocally until my husband, everything that you've ever heard me saying was me coming up with whatever I say. Right. So, to have somebody to kind of, you know, put it together the way that it should be kind of help you with it. Um, was something that I appreciated from him so much and still to still do to this day. You know, our house is a musical house, you know, is always some sort of music going on is always which is something that I've always wanted. Right. You know, honey, come here and come sing this part for me come do this for this. I mean, that's stuff that I love. I love doing it. Right. So we just, we're just like, bunny and Clyde as we say all the right musical bunny and Clyde. I tell you what, first, like I said before, congratulations on your marriage. That's a good thing. And God knows exactly who we need. Yes, it's time to go through the phases of warning. Yes, it's with the divine, divine need. Yes, ma'am. What it does is with the divine need, this unification. And guess what? Now we're in a place where we understand our value. The divine need understands it as well. So you don't have to change nothing about you. All you have to do is be you and let God grow y'all together. So, on that, it hits different when you married somebody divinely. You're not working hard. You just pick up. Okay, what's today? You know, it just hit different. Having a husband that's spiritually connected and pours into your life spiritually. That was something that I totally needed. I needed that. Because there was a point in my life where I totally went the other way. I was going another way. I was about to start doing some, a whole album and a house music and everything else. And God knew the timing of when I needed my husband. And he reared me right back to where I needed to be and pours into me daily. He pours into me spiritually daily. He speaks word over my life, right, pray together. And that's something that I needed. I needed that. And I totally thank God for for everything that he's done even the things that I went through in my childhood. I understand the journey now. I understand why I had to go through all of that to get to the point here. And I can honestly say that I am in a place to where I am so content and happy with my life. And I haven't been that way ever. Well spoken, well spoken, I like, and listeners and viewers out there she, they pray together. My goodness. I'm telling y'all, I'm telling y'all, because I'm in a marriage, a vine marriage. It just is different. I don't know. I don't know how to explain it but like she said the word she said, she's correct. It just, you ain't got to, they pray for you. You ain't got to worry about. Are we going to pray today? You don't have to ask the question. I'm going to pray. Are we going to go to church? Are we going to do this? Yes. They just take that, that the leadership role, the house and it's like, oh, I got to do it. Wait, I got to do much. Okay. And then what I put you in place where you can completely heal. You know you heal, but then when you get somebody that, it just, Lord, brings you to the awareness. See, you're healed. See, you can trust. Somebody who will be back. Yes, ma'am. See, you ain't got to work hard. You ain't got to be something that you're not. That's right. Come on. You're talking. It just hit different. I got you on it. That feeling just is different. Like I'm literally about to cry and cry for you and in my situation too because it just, nobody knows our journey. They don't know the journey. They don't know. No, you know, all they see is what they see in front, but they don't know what they didn't know what you dealt with. They don't know our story. Right. Yeah. You know, and then the simple guy says, I'm a senior. I call my husband, my candy bar of hope. Yeah. I'm a senior somebody. I'm going to show you that I love you on condition is somebody's going to love you like this. Yes, yes, Lord. And it just hits different. Yes, it does. And so congratulations. Once again, I want to get on to your new music. You got an EP project called reborn. Yeah. Tell us about it. Three born is a project that my husband produced due to complications of who we were signed with. We will be re releasing the project again, which will be on a bigger platform. So it'll be heard a whole lot more. So I will be probably coming back to you and my baby big band introduced the project to the world. I did. He kind of let me pick a couple of songs that I wanted to do. And I definitely wanted to do for the good of them by Milton Brunson saying by Kimberly McFarland. And she was one that I had always looked up to every Kim. I mean, every song that she came out with. I was singing a Kimberly McFarland song. So I wanted to pay homage to her. To let her know that, you know, I was one of those young girls back then that was trying to sing all of her songs and that song that song still my husband from time to time he'll play songs from my project to to encourage me. You know, it's easy for me to get discouraged sometimes. And he'll play it and that song totally makes me do to the words. You know, I'm such a lyricist. I love lyrics. I love when a story is told in music. And that's so lacking these days, you know, I like meat in my, in my, come on now. Gospel me. I like that meat. I need to be able to connect with it and to be able to praise and worship God on a certain level. And for the good of them is definitely one of those songs. The other songs were written by my husband, which all over my love. One of them was supposed to go on his personal project. And he was so gracious enough to let me have it. So, I will be letting you guys know you and Big Ben know when that project will be re-released and I will come back and do an interview with you guys when that happened. Listen, I want to, I want to tell you, such a sweet spirit, such a sweet spirit. I'm just an arm sitting here. Like I said, everything I'm saying, I've really been from Arkansas. Wow. I, I, this interview for me, and I told Big Ben I want to do this because of what I'm about to say. When, when my son was going through his, we all have an awkward stage. I don't know if it makes sense. Yes, it does. My son is a old, he's got a old soul. And so watching those DVDs and hearing their voice and even him being able to interview you was everything to him. How you communicated with him, how you, the fellowship you had, he, he was forever grateful for that. That's my baby. And he was, I'm sorry y'all, my Wi-Fi, I'm leaving this house and they don't want to be on a Wi-Fi at the same time. But anyways, he, you, you have no idea the process of his healing with you fellowshiping with him. You know, he is, he is young in the industry. Yes. One of the youngest ones in the industry, but you embrace them and love on him. Yes, still do. Yeah. I want to say thank you so much because it meant the world to me. It takes a community to raise people. You know, people believe that, but for me, it does. I could not, there's some areas I could not reach them in. Yeah, because y'all communicate with them and y'all build up his self esteem by talking to him and say, you can do this. And you can do like somebody else to come and say it. Yeah, it's different when somebody on the outside that don't know the person comes versus the harm statement. Mom, you're supposed to say that, but y'all, every time y'all talk to him and y'all always say, you can do this. Oh, you get whatever you need and everything else that takes. Thank you. I just want to say thank you. You are welcome. And I mean every word of it. He has the potential to surpass what you have done. I see God opening those doors for him. He is an awesome gift to the industry. And I believe that God is truly going to use him in his gift. He's, he's going to go far. Yes, man. We decree and declare that in the name of Jesus. I want to. What is next for you. What is coming up next for you. So a few things is going on. I'm working on a project with the family. We have a project coming out. I'm working on that. That's going to be coming out sometimes next year. Not sure the timeframe of it, but it will be next year when that comes out. My husband and I is working on a love project. We're going to do a love album. So we're working on that as well. We're doing a collaboration album as well with different artists that's on the label that we are associated with. Right. A cartoon may be in the workforce for some of us. It's a lot of things that's coming up that I'm just so excited about. Right. Man, I'm telling you, God is this spending y'all and it's such a tremendous way. And listen, how can we go about connecting with you, getting your music and booking you and all the wonderful things and just being in your presence? How can we do that? How can we get content? You can, as far as cooking, Keeley Entertainment at, just email that email address address Keeley Entertainment at and let us know that you are wanting to book us. All of my social media platforms is Keisha grandi, except for my Instagram, Instagram is the official Keisha grandi. But if you put, if you Google my name, all of the social media platforms will pop up so you'll see all of that. And you can reach me there. Well, listen, listeners, thank y'all so much for joining us. Thank you so much for joining me. I honestly just wanted to come on here with you and just tell you thank you for what you do for the kingdom. You and your husband, everything I've done. You're important to the lives of many, many people and more to come. Everything from the family, from the individual projects, from just you along your personal life alone. It has done some amazing things for me and many others. Like I said, this, this fellowship meant the world to me because I just wanted to say thank you. Oh, wow. Thank you for having me on your platform. And thank you for sharing your baby with me because I love me some big being. He knows my baby. Yes, yes, and I look forward to more fellowships and your husband, thank you so much for being patient with me. It's like he understood life comes in, you know, flexibility and everything else. And like I said, the, since the day that I asked for the interview until now, y'all have been very, very patient with me. So I want to thank you. Y'all need to go out and purchase our music. Connect with her. God is about to open. Well, the door is already open. You just got to walk in them. But this is just a mass of doors that's going to be. And guess what? This time nobody can shut it. There's nothing. Anything that you do from this point is authentic. Oh, I was sleeping in the name of everything that you do. You know how some people come into your life. And they, you think they're authentic. Yeah. And you're like, Oh, yeah, we about to go. And then you realize, wait, did you just take what? Wait, did you just take what? Yeah. And then you say that like, OK, but Lord, exactly. This time. This time, it's going to hit different. Wow. You ain't got to work hard for it. It's just going to visit it to you. I'm just going to. It's like a red carpet. You're just walking over the red carpet. And it establishes touching some grounds in your feet, going to establish some stuff that you've never been a part of. And it's only because of where God wants to take you. Yes. Y'all. Yeah. Because now there's two of y'all. It is. And it, like I said, it just hit different when you with somebody, you can go through this journey. Yes, ma'am. So, definitely different. God has some amazing thing. I know for us as humans, money is, you know, we understand we have to live with, you know, we've got to live for money. The favor that's on your life. And it's always been, it's going to supersede what you've already done. And all you have to do is walk there for it and listen and be obedient. Mmm, God is singing. You're going to be able to minister to other females and other couples. And, you know, because it takes a strong relationship to work in the industry together, especially music. Yes. Well, boy, you might like that, but to be able to demonstrate that you're going to be on platforms where you're telling your story. And you're going to keep it real. But you also, I mean, you're going to also acknowledge, hey, it's because of this. This is why I'm here. Thank God for this. But God has done this now. This merchandise that's being pushed out. There's going to be things you're going to be able to. Jesus. I'm telling you, you're missing. Sometimes we have to stop for a second. So God bless us. Yes. Yes. Because he knows our desires. He knows your desire. Yes, somebody. Now he's like, okay, I gave you what you wanted. Now, let's go because you're not done yet. You're not doing yet. There's more more and more and more. And you're going to be able to do that. And the traveling is going to be different. Everything's just going to be so different. And you're not going to lack any more. We're not going to lack no more. So whatever you are doing, you're doing them to the Lord. He shall be in the midst of Jesus. Because you know, so many people and you've been overlooked so many times in the past. And even when you thought you had it, people just took it and just ran. Not no more. Now you have somebody who's going to, it's going to be like, no, this, no, she's worth more than this. No, you don't have to do anything because God has sent you somebody in life to advocate for you. Because sometimes you understand how important we just don't know. Yeah, we're advocating, but we just don't. You don't know how to operate in it without feeling like, oh, am I mean, you know, you know what I'm saying, but you have somebody that can advocate for you now. Yes, right for it. And whatever is yours is yours. Whatever is yours is going to, like, I hear chain like chain like money just sat at top robot. It's just, that's yours. God is like here, here, here, it's just wrong. It's coming. There's a greater that's coming. You have to just receive it and walk in obedience. It's gone. I didn't say it was going to be easy. Walk in obedience. Yes. Now you have somebody you can walk with. Yes. Yes, ma'am. I just want to thank you. I just, that's it. You know, I got to my husband all the time when I'm talking to some people, I interview him just want to say thank you. I just want to say, you know, God is going to do. That's just how I do my interviews. And I have the only reason to do it. But I just want to say thank you so much for all the many lives that you have inspired important to you. I'll speak on behalf of them. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I needed to hear every word that you said to me tonight. I needed that. I needed it. Praise God. Listen, listeners, I need to go out and support her. I mean, it could be a prayer. It could be monetary and be favored. It could be putting her on your platform. However, God is leading you to do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it unto the Lord. It's time for us to start encouraging and it's supporting one another. You might not be able to do everything, but whatever you can find your hands to do it. Yes. Do it. You are part of the movement. If you are part of the movement of kingdom, do it. Do it. Do it because you never know. You never know. Be a blessing to others. So with that being said, I want to tell all the mrs. Thank you for coming in. Thank you so much for coming in. Shout out to your husband. Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you have done for the kingdom as well. And until next time, y'all, till next time, I need to come back for another episode of a life talk. I'm about to say radio TV show, because I already showed you learning to ignite your faith every day. God bless. God bless. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]