Award Winning L.I.F.E. Talk Radio Show- Host Carissa B.


Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Learning to ignite your fate, and what are you doing? (upbeat music) - Hey, hey, hey, hey, this is your girl, Carissa B. That's right, your girl, Carissa B. And I am so excited, very, very excited. You know why? We're on to a new season of Lifetime TV Show. Learning to ignite your fate every day. Listen, we have some amazing, amazing fellowships that's coming up from people from across the world. We're gonna learn more about ministry, about the word and music, and how to make it applicable in our everyday lives. I want you to stay tuned, and how can you get connected is the question, right? I had to cut myself off there for now. How can you get connected? Well, you can join us in our Facebook group, Lifetime TV Group, or you can connect with us on my official webpage. I'm excited about that. That's right, I'm excited about that. You need to go and check out And you can find out the latest and the greatest of what's going on and what I'm doing, representing the kingdom, no doubt. But, further than that, guess what? Come here. Come here. I need you to come back for the next episode of Lifetime TV Show. Learning to ignite your fate every day. God bless. We are excited to be able to announce we have- Hey, hey, hey, hey. This is a girl, Carissa B. I am so honored to be giving out a special announcement. And a special announcement is that she has won an award. And the award is from the ABGMA, which is the Antega Barbuda Global Music and Media Awards. And she won it for Best TV Show Entertainment, Lifetime TV Show, Carissa B, Antega Barbuda Global, Music and Media Awards, 2023. All right, look at it, y'all. Look at it. I was sorry about the fingerprint. He handed it to me, but look at it. What an honor. I wanna thank Apostle for this one, her team, for this wonderful, wonderful award. I tell you what, God is doing some amazing things in 2024. I'm excited about what God is doing. And Lifetime TV Show is like a baby to me, for the ones that don't know. I've been doing it for about three or four years. And I am loving what I do, is a nighting her face every day. I love talking to God's people, fellowshiping and talking about everyday life and making it applicable with us being Christians and the encouragement, cultivation and empowerment. So thank you so much, Apostle, for this wonderful award. - Amen. - Amen. - And also, she won a second one. Two times, but different category from the ABA, GMA. And take a Barbuda global music and media awards for best TV show talk. Lifetime TV show, Carissa B. And take a Barbuda global music and media awards, 20, 23. - All right, all right, all right. Here it is right here. Yes. Can you camera see it? - The camera sees it. - Amen. - Amen. Listen, I once again want to say thank you so much to Apostle and the committee for this wonderful, wonderful award. You know what you guys, if you know me, you know me. I love to talk. I love to talk. I love to encourage God's people. I love what I do. And hey, I'm excited that I get to be blessed and honored to do this. But more than anything, we're both, I'm sorry, my back is towards the camera, but I want to show both of them at the same time. Well, more than anything, what I want to do, and I do this all the time and I've already done it, but I felt like I need to do this in front of the camera for somebody out there, that this is your season that God is about to rock your world with some awards and some favor, some of my God, impossible that he made it possible favor this year. And what you need to do, as soon as you grab it into your hand, as soon as I grab this into my hand, when I got it in the mail, Lord, I dedicate this back to you. Everything that I do belongs to you. Thank you for the opportunity to be a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful platform is in, whatever you're doing in the kingdom. Thank you, Lord, for being a wonderful God. Thank you for choosing me to be on "Life Talk TV Show." And with that, Lord, I'm forever grateful to be a great servant. Thank you so much and God bless. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Boom, join us this Monday. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) I literally said, "Take me out of the equation and use me, Lord." In the name of Jesus, we thank you for this opportunity of active worship. And that is what? Through what? Fellowship. My God. And then it will shut down. The word of God said, "For the sake, not the fellowship." So here's your opportunity to join us in what? Fellowship. [laughter] Come on, y'all. I'm telling you, the Lord is creative. He's awesome, and He's always given us revelations of how to engage with one another, and how to engage and empower and cultivate borrowed all type of the kingdom safe. In the mighty name of Jesus, I want to tell everybody, thank you so much for being here on today. I have some amazing announcements, and I'm going to do this one announcement. And I know y'all do this on this type of platform. I usually do this on my radio show because I like to gat. I got to get for gabbing. I like to talk, talk, talk. But I feel led to do this. So here it is on Friday, last Friday. I had the -- oh, I almost forgot. I got to give y'all a -- let me see. This man of God is from Texas. This is all I'm going to give you right now. You've got to stay, and you've got to be here and keep it locked so you can see who's going to come on today in the name of Jesus, okay? So I want to -- I want to talk about this just a little bit, and it's only because I'm a type of person. I feel led to do things. My spirit of discernment is very important, and even on this talk show. So I always tell people before they get on here, if they reach out and say, "I want to interview, you better make sure that you're okay with the way this short is to who we'll talk about." I'm not sure if I can orchestrate it, because I have to be about the God's business, the Father's business, and this is how he's allowed me to orchestrate this platform. So on this past Friday, I got an opportunity just to have some fellowship and fun in the body of Christ. I had the opportunity to go to the "I Got Away" tour. That's right. The other way tour with Pastor Mike Jr., Pastor Deidre Gaddin, Brother Anthony Brown, and I'm going to mess her name. I know her first name, but Sister Brie, but listen, I'm going to mess that last name up, this one of God. And I had the amazing pleasure of being at the "I Got Away." Natural was the first stop, y'all. So we were excited about that. A lot of people don't know it. Natural was like music city, but a lot of people don't come here for concerts or anything like that. A lot of times, I know when I was with my sisters in a group, a lot of times, the only time that we have concerts or anything will either be quartet or choir concerts, which is nothing wrong with that. But I was like, "What about the ones that like other stuff besides the choir genre and quartet?" And so for me, when this happened, I was like, "Yes, I'm going." And for the ones that do know, I love Pastor Mike's music. I think it's very transparent. I think, and that's just me. It brought me through a dark place in my life two years ago. I went to the Spin Awards, and I was literally on a thread, and I literally, I promise y'all, I literally, we were just sitting there waiting for the Spin Awards to start. And a minister appointed, that's who's the Spin Awards director, she was playing music in the background. And this man of God came on and said, "And it's going to be big." And I was like, "Who's this?" So I turned behind me, and fresh leftovers were behind me. That's a podcast and a show. And I was like, "Who is this?" And one of the guys was like, "This is Pastor Mike Jr." and said, "Who is that?" And so as I was sitting there listening to, I picked it up very quick. And literally, before the Spin Awards even started, I was already caught up. I was in the, where I was standing at, shouting and praising God, because he had to remind me that where I was at, he's going to take me to a bigger place. It's going to make sense after a while. And so within, I would have to say, I'm going to have to say, actually, after Spin Awards, I think that year is the year that I won. And my kids won, if I'm not mistaken, if it's not that year, it's the year following. But every since I heard that song, I've been kind of thriving off of that in that season. And then he came out, God is amazing, the impossible. He's had some amazing songs to me, they're prophetic, and they're encouraging. And I'm all about the prophetic, y'all. So, to me, like I said, this is my personal spill on it. Everybody's got to think what tickles their ears and encourages them, but I felt led to do that. And I have a few pictures, this is me and Pastor T. Well, this is me and my hair, you know, I like to do my hair. But anyways, that was me at the place where it hadn't even started yet. And here is another one, me and Pastor T, we got to stand in front of it. They have this amazing thing. What is called, but I've never had the opportunity to take pictures in front of something where you stand in front of it, and it says stand in a circle and they take the picture for you. I don't even know what that is. I don't even know what that machine was, but it's so cool. But we got free pictures, y'all. So I was like, praise the Lord, sometimes got paid for that stuff. And then I had the opportunity to after the show got to take a picture with the one and only Pastor Mike Jr. and Sister Brie, this woman, God, she's so beautiful. Her voice is so vibrant. You know, the things that I heard about her. They say she does a lot of cover songs, but at this tour, she did her own music. Oh my gosh, it was so rich. Her voice is so rich and out to it. And I know that's not a word, but that's my word. Okay. It's just, it's raspy a little bit. And then she does riffs. And I don't know. It has a lot to do with the noise tonight. I know it does. And then, like I said, Pastor Mike Jr. He's representing us, you know, the ones that's been in the in the faith for a very long time. He's let us know that we still can move and groove. And so, so I was able to, to be a part of that. And I'm excited. I got to, you know, take off the radio announcer. I got to take off the TV host. Hat. And I just got to enjoy and allow somebody to pour into me. So I'll be able to pour back into somebody else. And it's okay. And I'm telling you, King to build us from across the world. Listen, never be in a place where you feel like you can't, I mean, I don't want to start preaching. But listen, you have to get poured back into you. You cannot, in the name of Jesus, you cannot think that you're going to, you can't run off of fumes, y'all. You have to always fill yourself back up. You have to always fill yourself back up. And it's okay to go to places where you get refilled back up. So when you go and do the calling, the Simon Scott asked for you, you can pour back out. And so that night was a refreshing, empowering night for me. We didn't get out of there until 10 and that's not late for a lot of people, but that's late for me being out. Usually, I'm at home prepared for the next early morning. I get up at three o'clock in the morning. So 10 o'clock is late. But anyways, I am excited. I am excited. It's good to be back on TV with all my family, radio personalities. I want to give a shout out to everybody that's on the line. Thank y'all so much for being a part of it. And I will tell you, if there's any tours in your area, and you feel led that God is leading you to those things go to it. Go to it and be a part of it. Because guess what, when I went a part of it, I was, I was refreshed. I was wheeled back up. And then I got to experience a night of worship and praise. And I was able to help in the atmosphere. Do you not know if you are not obedient and God tell you to go to a certain assignment y'all and you don't go to it because you never know where you're needed. And I was able to, we were not just me, but I, we were able to help uplift the atmosphere that many, I mean, we had young people in there, we had old people in there, we had middle people in there. And everybody was able to get a moment, moment of worship. Some people came in there and they came dragging. But after the experience, they were uplifted. And that's what it says when two or three, he won a court, he's in the miss. So I challenge you, wherever you are at, sure. If God says, go, go, because guess what is part of your assignment. I didn't think it was. I was like, I mean, what I'm going to do there, you know, then I realized it wasn't about me anymore. And it's okay to have a moment of relaxation and exhale, right. And inhale, you know, and allow impartation to pour into me so I can be here on today to pour back out. You see what I'm saying? So that's just my encouragement for you on today. I'm excited about the man of God. Thank you so much. Listen, life comes and goes and things happen. And I know, normally I have my show on Monday, but, you know, he's like, no, okay, we could do it Tuesday. And I thank him for his patience and being flexible, you know, because I bring into some. I read into some people that are not, but God be the gorgeous man and God is from Houston, Texas, right. And I don't want to tell everything because I want him to talk about him, you know, the hardest thing for us as the body of Christ. And I'm, once again, I'm just picking this up. And as I'm talking is, it's really hard sometimes for us to talk about ourselves. You know, when people are asking questions, we don't want to be the center of retention. Sometimes we don't even realize how much God is doing through us until somebody starts talking and asking questions and say, and they're like, oh, I didn't even realize it was doing that. Oh, and sometimes we got to get used to that, because it's our testimony is what we say that comes out of our mouth that can courage and empower and change people's that gives them hope. And so I don't want to give all the things away, but he is a worship leader. He is assistant pastor, youth minister. He's been a chaplain leadership advisor. And also he's a, well, it's definitely a teacher, a follower, a servant. Okay. And he is a national recording artist and he's on a tour. We're going to talk about that as well. This is, I'm going to say pastor, pastor Thomas, and he's going to come on here and tell me how to say. I'm going to say pastor Lee Roy Thomas, he's going to come on here and tell me it from right because you know I see a person like no that is Jimmy, that is pastor Jimmy. I will make up in that no that's that's past the L, you know, we're going to welcome him in. Let's welcome pastor Lee Roy Thomas again. Welcome. What's going on? How are you feeling? I'm fine. How are you? All this will. I can't complain. I can't complain. Now, before we even get started, I want to know that I see it right. You said Lee Roy Thomas. That's, that's, that's perfect. You nailed it. I'm excited about it. Cause I, like I said, I will, I will make, if I see you, I will, no, you look like an I. Yeah, no. Not like Lee Roy. Let's see. That's me. So listen, I want to tell you so much for your patience and thank you for coming on today. It means the world to me that you re sacrifice another day to be on here with the rest of the I want to thank you so much for that. Thank you for having me. I'm, I'm just glad to see that, that you are, first of all, I'm glad to be here, but, but most importantly, I'm glad that you're feeling better. Well, definitely. Yeah, I'm glad that you're getting back to normal and that your health as well. So I'm just, I'm excited to be here excited to be on this platform with you. Listen, I want to dive right into this. I call it fellowship. People call it. As long as there's something positive, we can, we can keep it rolling. I want to, I want to start the question up and I always like to start this question off because sometimes as believers or kingdom builders or the audio listeners or the visual, they, they want to know, you know, how people get started. Sometimes they're, they're actually, they're curious. So my question is, when did you know that you knew that you knew that you knew that, you know, Lord, I'm doing this. I'm not turning back. This is it. Well, I mean, I would say it was at a very early age. I would say, you know, credit to both of my parents. They had, you know, myself and my siblings in the church. Since I can remember. And, you know, we were, we were raised up in the church. And so we've always been around the work. My parents were servants and the lower church still are. And, you know, we've always been around the work, but I felt, you know, I felt they call, I felt the tug on my life at a very early age. And it wasn't until I was, I was into my young adulthood, the age of 22, when I accepted the call of preach. And from there, you know, it's just, it's been, it's been up. It's been a, it's been a whirlwind. It's been some highs and some lows. Most importantly, but, but, but I've been around the work. I've been serving in the church for as long as I could remember. And I wouldn't, I wouldn't have in any other way. I think that's my purpose. I think that's where I'm supposed to be. I think that's what God has created me to do. And, and, and obviously, whatever capacity that I've been called to be in, I'm just, I'm just willing to serve. I'm just going to be obedient and serve. You know, I've tried it my way. I've tried it my way and, and, and, and, you know, it was, it was very evident when things didn't work out how I thought them up that I needed to be where God had called me to be. So, you know, it's a, it's a no brainer for me. It's easy for me. It's, it is a work. It is a labor love, but, but, but that's where I'm supposed to be. And that's why I'm called to be. So that's what I do. And a lot of, a lot of times people, you know, especially in the magnitude that you're working in, they, they, they, the people don't want to do the work. They just see what it looks like. They see what the flyers look like. They see what you, when you come in the scene with you got on and like, okay, I want that. But they don't, they don't see the behind the scenes. I don't see what you have to deal with. They don't. What you have to go through to get where you're at. And I like how you said that it bothers me sometimes that they think that everything's so microwavable. It's not. It's not. It's not. I mean, you know, I was just having this conversation the other day with a couple of friends of mine, you know. When I'm on the goal, when I'm on the road, you know, a lot of folks see it, man. Oh, man, you, you're doing it big. But man, it's, this is work. It's, it's not a vacation. It's not. I'm not just kicked back chilling and sightseeing. It's, it's worth, you know, it's ministry. It's worth. It's tiresome. And, and if I be honest with you, Carissa, I would tell you straight up, you know, a lot of places that I've been, I ain't, I ain't really feel like going. But that's what I was, that's what I was called to do. And so, and that's, and that's what we do. That's, that's, you know, we serve, you know, and I will efforts. You know, don't ever go unnoticed to God. You know, he said, if I be lifted up, he said, I'll draw all men unto me. And I think that's the, that's the ultimate goal that we strive, especially to do in this season. It's to live God in whatever, whatever room, whatever arena, whatever situation we need. And so, right. And I, I, I truly believe that and I concur with you. Um, listeners, viewers, I have to understand it's a process. And it's good, the bad, the ugly. God is always, you are literally on the part as well. And he's molding him and shaping you into whatever assignments with an S that he's wanting you to do. And sometimes we as people, once we've been on the potter's wheel for a while, be like, Okay, God, I got it from here. I got, especially as he elevates us, like, I got it, Lord, I got it. Thank you very much. Like we'll really take him out of the equation and still try to operate in the anointing. And so we have to be very cautious and how we engage and always be in a place of humbleness as God elevates us. And even in the good, the bad, the ugly, always be thankful. I think we miss out on that part. We're like, Lord, if you love me, why is this happening? You don't even know what's come out of it. Yeah, it's the season of preparation. I mean, you know, that's, and that's how, you know, every, every, you know, the work of ministry is a blessing and a burden, if we be honest. And, and that's really how I've approached every season of ministry. Lord, what is it that you want me to get out of this? Because every level that God elevates you to, you've got a new devil to deal with. What you said. And a new level of opposition that you're going to face. And so you got to be ready. And you got to be spiritually equipped to be able to handle that. You got to have that spiritual, that metaphysical muscle that you can be able to withstand whatever test is going to come with the new level that God is elevating you to because the word is true. And the word said trial is sure to come. But you got to be a good kid because God's overcome the world. So you got to be ready to handle whatever life, whatever life throws your way. And that's, and you write humility is the key, humble is the way, you know, and I'll be the first to tell you that, that where I am, I hadn't got here on my own. You know, it's several people that I could name too many to name right now, but several people that I could just name off the top of my head that I have to thank for even me being on this platform and that, you know, I didn't get here by myself. And I think that when we can all get to the place where we can understand that, then, you know, then God can really begin to, to show us what, you know, what what he has for us. So yeah, you, I mean, that's, that's, that's one of my biggest things just, just remaining on board and keeping my feet on the ground, no doubt. No other way, honestly, I like to be anchored in him completely because I tell you what, when I, like you said, we tried our own way, quick second, it is. And we're like, what the what, what just happened. It didn't take long. What's the amazing thing about the father that we serve, he sees it and we say, Lord help, and is immediately a change. And sometimes it's just, bam, okay, here you go. You know, and that's what we should be truly relying on is him. And so I'm going to get into your music. When did I guess, when you started your journey, did you know that you'll be where you're at now, or did you develop as you went. Yeah, I mean, well, I mean, I'm still new in the music, you know, shout out to my label nails music planet. You know, we joined up, we joined forces back in 2022. Right. I was signed to the label and ever since then, man, I, you know, I have to give my label and my CEO is needing them as a whole lot of credit, a ton of credit because, you know, if it wasn't for her, you know, seeing something in me and shout out to my label as well, Miss Tina Nelms, who was the vehicle that kind of brought me to now's music planet. If they didn't see something in me, you know, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be where I am. So, I mean, again, I have so many people to thank so many people who have created along this journey. But man, ever since we signed to the label, man, this has been, it's been great. It's been a whirlwind, but it's been great. It's been a, it's been an eye opening, eye opening experience so many things that I've learned along the way and still learned, still got a lot to learn. I'm still a novice. Like I said, I've been singing for a long time, but, but, but I ain't been in the business for a long time. So, so I'm, I'm learning a whole lot along the way. But it's been great. It's been, it's been rewarding already in just this short period of time. You know, we dropped a single right here right now, June 30 of last year. And so we're coming up on a year here in June, in this, this June where it'll be out for a year. And I mean, I honestly feel feel like it's still gaining momentum. So, you know, to God be the glory for all of the things that he's done, even up, even up to this point, even now. So, and we just looking forward to, to what is to come. Right. I want to show you all the this right here. My goodness. When I got it in my email. Okay. Okay. You know, I see a lot of, you know, because I'm already on TV, you know, people are constantly sending stuff and we tried to put it on, you know, because I'm a network owner and stuff. And I put it on the right platform. But when I see this, I was like, bet, I love the fire. I love this cover. And then when I heard the sound, I said, okay. Now, when I got the package deal because I'm all about the package deal, you know, I'm a type of person. I do my interviews. I'm, I'm, we all want it together. The listeners, we learning all together. But it's something that caught my eye about the, the cover and stuff was the spirit of excellence. And I'm going to be honest with you and in the independent world. And I was an independent artist myself. You gotta come correct. If you want people to be serious, because they already understand that you aren't independent, but you got to show them. Okay, I'm independent, but I still have something to offer. Absolutely. I will, honestly, with the song, the CD cover and everything. What was the pros and the cons about that season of creating until right now. I just, you know, it's funny we, me and Big Ben was just talking about this. You know, when we, when we did the interview for the one way newsletter. And, you know, one of the questions that he asked me was, was to talk about the creative process for right here right now. And, and, and basically I can just, I can repeat what I said there. And in saying that that was probably one of the most seamless creative processes that I've been a part of, you know, as an artist. You know, if I can, if I can just kind of go back step by step, you know, when we first started hearing submission. You know, the nails music playing the team, we set out and we kind of, we mapped out a plan of what we wanted, you know, what we were looking for, what, what the angle was, what the angle. So, so we had a clear path and we had a clear vision of what we were setting out to do and shout out to the team because, you know, if it wasn't for them again, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be where I am today. So, it's, this has been a collaborative effort. This has been a group effort all the way through from beginning to, to right now. And, and so shout out to my brother, Minister Leon Witherspoon, who pinged this song right here right now. He's also an artist here in the Houston area. And then shout out to, to super producer, A. Ron Lewis, who, who, who put his touch and bless this, this, this song with the production, Artistry. And, and, and all of these people, all these guys collectively made this process really, really seamless. A. Ron came to Houston, we recorded in two days, we were done with the song. Two days, you know, it wasn't, it wasn't as long drawn out process. I mean, we got in, we took care of the business. And two days, the song was complete and sent off to, to the mixing and mastering. And I mean, if, if every process could go that way, I mean, I mean, it would be, it would be great. But, and I know, you know, I know it's not going to work like that. But, but this is, this is how we knew that, that God had already breathed on it and blessed it, because it was just so seamless. It was almost too good to be true. And, and, and so, you know, in every situation and every time, you know, we come together for the creative process, we want to, we want to go in with the same mentality and that same mindset. We want to have a plan, we want to map it out and we want to, we want to stick to our guns on that. So, I mean, it, it was, it was, it was really seamless, really low stress, low vibration. I mean, it was just, it was a great process, really enjoyable process. I enjoyed it the whole way through it every step. So shout out to all of those who were involved, you know, NMP team, A. Ron, Leon, I mean, everybody. And shout out what I really liked that you were speaking and everything was so great. But I want to emphasize on the fact that you came together and you set, you set some guidelines and some of that. If this is what we want to do some strategy. And, and in the industry, sometimes some of the artists that are coming up, like I said, they see it and like, oh, I want it, but there's no strategy behind it or there's no, there's not a team or. Honestly, some of them really believe that they can do it completely on their own. Not realizing that's not, honestly, half of the time, guys not wanting you to do it on your own. Yeah, that's right. Well, divine helpers to help you go where you need to go, because you want to be obedient to the process, not only are you going to help yourself, but you're going to help people around you as well, if you are obedient. And so I think, like you said, coming and sitting down and say, okay, this is what we want. Let's, let's put some, some guidelines and, you know, if you've got to work out some things, let's work it out. But the strategy part is very important to any process when it comes to music, the marketing part, the whole package deal as a whole. So artists is please understand, you have to have a strategy. They do not like when artists come out, and they put a song out, and their CD cover does not even match what they're, they're. Me, I'm like, okay, Lord, you did me great mercy. So when I look at their music, I'm like, okay, let me not worry about the CD cover right now. Let me listen to what, what, what they're, they're trying to say. The song is right with the Holy Spirit is trying to speak to his people. And sometimes, even on that part, it's like, what was the, was the Holy Spirit even there when you did it. Because, obviously, yeah, the lyrics might be good, but the editing and mastering might not be good at all, or the sound you might have a. So we have to, but when you sit down and strategize, and you sit with a team that's going to be real with you through the whole process. You are, and everybody's praying, and everybody's on one accord. It honestly, you get the greatest stuff. And I really believe in the song and the packaging and everything, just your brand alone. I even got some new pictures, but I was like, I told the product, somebody get these pictures now, I made the fire, but I got to show this one, though. This one was sent, sent to me and I was like, okay, I like this. Just your whole brand as a whole was very administrative excellence. And I always like to get props to people when they do it the right way, because if you notice when you do it the right way, things go exceedingly. Absolutely. Absolutely. I'm learning that I'm seeing that. And you know, and that's, and I'm, I'm so glad to hear that. You know, from someone in your capacity, because, you know, going into this year, we really made a, a concerted effort to, to boost the brain. I mean, that was, that was our goal. Going into this new year in 2024. We know we had laid a solid foundation previously, but we wanted to continue to build on that. And, and I think we've done a good job. Obviously, we got work to do, you know, we still have, have work to do and still have a long way to go. But I think we're on the right path. And, you know, you know, we, we feel as a label, and I think I can speak for the label when I say this, but, but, but packaging and branding, that's important. I'm so glad you said that because we see it all the time. You know, where, you know, things don't look the part, you know, the sound may be good. And even though, and the sound may even can stand to be better as well. But I mean, we wanted to operate in the spirit of excellence in every facet of our presentation. And I'm a planner by profession, you know, this is what I do on a daily basis. This is what pays my bills every day. You know, and so it was important. It was necessary. I thought it necessary and we all did it. And, and, and, and outside of the music, you know, we're all professional people. And so we were able to take some of those principles that we use in our secular work and bring it over. And it translated here into our ministry work. And I think I think it's translated great. And like I said, we got a long way to go, but we, we most definitely like to operate it, you know, in the spirit of excellence and I'm glad that the product is reflected in that. And so we, we definitely want to stay in that vein because it's important. It's necessary. Totally necessary, especially if you want to be obedient to what God has assigned you to do. Certainly, absolutely. And you wanted to be that favor is dripping off of you. And how do you let it continue to drop off in your obedience. That's right. And he says, operate, turn to the left, turn to the left, operate to the right. And sometimes we do miss it, but because the grace and mercy covers it. It's still beneficiary to everyone. And sometimes I think sometimes we kind of miss it sometimes when we fall short, we be like, okay, well, I might as well not do no. Get up. Sit. Get up. Ask God for forgiveness. Lord, I missed it somehow. But I'm asking for your divine to speak to me God and operate how he tells you to operate. Listen, everybody's going to be the same. And by sign is not going to be the sign. So this is what I see in the name of Jesus. He's about to take you to another whole level. And this time you're going to be able to see minister, my God, at the same time. And I might say you're not doing it now, but it's going to be ministering to people that are already in the industry that is supposedly up here. But think this out somewhere when they were down here. You see what I'm saying? And so, there's elevation that's coming. That's what I'm saying. And it's going to come and you're going to be able to operate in everything. You're not going to do this. And this is the amazing thing about what's about to take place. I was about to ask this question. I was like, okay, how do you balance both both. And I see this and I see that and I see that your mentors is massive. So, yeah. Well, I mean, you know, it's a lot. It's a task. Let me be honest. I mean, you know, outside of the music. Obviously, I'm a, you know, I've been in my career field. Coming up on 20 years. And so, you know, I have a little skin in the game there. And I'm at the top of my rank there. And, you know, and so it's a balance. It's definitely a balance. You know, I have a family. I have three children, three teenage children, one in college, one graduate this year, and one born to the 10th grade. I'm an entrepreneur. I'm trying to run a business, manage a business. And then the ministry work at the church, you know, being a part of the praise team there and being a part of the ministerial staff shout out to my church to the fellowship church of Texas. You know, I have so many people to credit to, you know, who, who allows me and helps me to fulfill all of my obligations, right? You know, you know, if, if, if, if it wasn't for me having an understanding secular leadership who understands my position and understands my commitments outside of work, you know, if it wasn't for an understanding wife who, who is also my helpmate who also picks up a lot of slack when I'm out of pocket. You get what I'm saying? You know, children being understanding and knowing that sometimes I ain't going to always be able to make certain things because I have other obligations. So I mean, it's so many people that have made so many other sacrifices that have allowed me to do it. And thank God that I have people like that in my corner, right, who can understand that and be flexible in their own right. So, I mean, it's really a God move that has allowed me to balance, you know, all of these things that make up that, you know, that my life is comprised of, you know. So, I mean, it's really, it's really, you know, you know, I have a lot of people to think. I have a lot of people to credit for that. But most importantly, you know, God, God is the one who has orchestrated this thing for it to happen the way it's happening. I mean, it's so many areas of my life right now. I just want to brag on it right quick. You know, there's so many areas of my life that are flourishing, you know, right now because of, and I think it all really stems back to my obedience. You know, when I gave God my yes, because it ain't always been roses and crystal stair along this walk of life and this walk of ministry like it ain't always been been good. You know, I've had some, you know, I've had to kiss some frogs along the way, you know. And so, you know, I had to come to a place and, you know, in my own life and in my own mental and ministry to where I said, okay, God, you know, I'm, you know, I'm done with that. I'm done with that. I'm done being mad, whatever you want me to do, I'm going to do it. And when I gave the Lord my yes, it was suddenly it wasn't, you know, it's, you know, it's a, it's been a process, but it ain't felt like a process, right? It was suddenly when I started to see the hand of God, his favor, you know, being made manifest in my life. So, I mean, man, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's been a, it's been a, it's been a whirlwind, but, but our glory goes to God for sure. Most definitely. And there's more to come in the name of Jesus. He's, he's bought it. And there's going to even the sound that you have. God is going to orchestrate some more things in that in the name of Jesus. I see some lyrics. I don't know if you write lyrics. And I'm not saying you write lyrics, but what I will say is that some of the lyrics that you got to present to his people are going to be pathetic show you some stuff and I'm pretty sure he's been talking to you for a while, and you haven't said anything. And only people that know is your wife, your wife is a big part of what's going on. She's a wonderful help me. She's actually done. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We've got a loan right there. I was like, where would you be? I tell you what, there's times when, you know, I could experience, I spent this myself, even as what I was singing, my husband was doing all the things that most, most, most remember like, you're the wife, you're supposed to be doing this stuff. Yeah. Traveling and doing stuff and sometimes you have to do the stuff with the kids and I had a, at that time, my daughter was way younger. And you watch her and then when I go to events he'll come and you have to watch the children drive me to it. I mean, it was just a lot going on. And I think I'm for his servant. If it wasn't for him, if he didn't believe in who he loved, you know, that God was using, honestly, I don't know where I would have been. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's been, it's been a, you're right. You know, you know, I can't, I can't thank my wife enough, you know, and sometimes I don't say it enough. But, but man, you know, it's no way that, that I could do this and that and all of that. You know, without her being understand, and I mean, she's a professional in our own right, she's an entrepreneur in our own right, she got our own stuff to handle, you know, but, but she's always sacrificing to make certain that I'm able to do what I. Amen. Amen. Listen, this was put in the comments, so we want to say congratulations to you. You are number 17 on the urban influence charts. Congratulations. Let's see if you can, you got to probably unmute yourself. Freeze God in the name of Jesus that sometimes happens when we use the phone. When we come back in, you have to, you have to do that. Yes, Thomas. Okay, I'm sorry. Let's show some comments while we're waiting for him to get his volume back because this man of God, I tell you, he is a amazing, wonderful, humble guy. Guys got some amazing stuff stored up for him. Pastor T said, real talk, Big Ben. He's a Mrs. Thomas. I don't, I guess that's somebody on the line. We had Bobby Park on here earlier and we had a lot of amazing people that were on here. I wanted to, I wanted to see if, let me see y'all, give me a second. I wanted to show y'all his booking, oh, I was just about to get into his touring, his tour, but I tell you what, this man of God, he is doing some amazing stuff. His sound is nice. I'm trying to, let me, I'm going to upload, now listen, I reason why I don't do a lot of music on here because Facebook be tripping, Facebook be tripping. So I'm going to have the music on here. We're going to listen to a little bit of it. And then I got to cut it off because they Facebook be like, you ain't about to play this music and they'll cut off the whole thing. They will cut off the whole thing. Let me see if I can do this because on our radio edition, on our radio edition, we'd like to play any music, but Facebook be tripping, not YouTube or Facebook. I'm sorry, Facebook. I had to, I had to let the people know why we can't listen to his music because Facebook just truly be tripping in the name of Jesus. So he is back and I'm excited about what God is doing for him in his life. Oh, there. Okay. I seen it. I thought, I seen I'm Raven Thomas. I thought I was like, wait, is that nearby? Y'all, y'all. I'll be tripping. It is actually a Miss Raven Thomas on here, and I was like, Thomas, Miss Thomas is what? I'll be telling y'all y'all. Yeah, let me show some more comments and stuff, but I just want to say congratulations on that. Yeah, no, I appreciate that. That's, that's amazing. Um, you know, that that's amazing. Again, I never would have, you know, I never would have thought pass to be a pastor team. Look at him. I never would have thought that that we'd see this, this type of response, but to God be the glory, man. I mean, I can't take any credit for it. I'm just a vessel. And so, you know, my, my prayers that the Lord will just continue to use me and elevate me to elevate his mission and his word. So, yeah, we excited about about it all though. I want to get to something that I thought was so cool. I know that was the 80s term, but I wanted to get your on tour. And I want to know this. Oh my gosh, this thing is so difficult. I want you to round tour. Tell us about it. Yeah, so, so we're part of the wave it to wave it three tour featuring Molly music as the headliner, man. We just, we just wrapped up in Fort Worth, Texas this past weekend and this coming weekend will be in in Morrow, Georgia for the tour. So we're excited myself, my sister Tina Nims, as you saw on that flyer, we're getting ready to release this song, turning around with Molly music on May 10. So I want you to mark your calendars. May 10. It's going to be dropping on all digital platforms. So we're excited about that. We dropped it specifically for this tour. Tina wrote this song. She did an amazing job. Shout out to the producer, Roger Bubba dialing, who is in Houston right now. He's a Georgia native. So shout out to bubble man for for touching this track with the with the production expertise and art artistry. So we excited about this tool. We partnered with with Daniel Musgrove and Musgrove music distribution. So we had a good time in Fort Worth. So we looking to go higher in in Morrow and got a got a got a few other dates we're looking forward to will be in in the Chicago area at the end of May. So, so we excited, man. It was a good kickoff. Shout out to Pastor Chris Wesley and undignified praise who opened the show in Fort Worth. So yeah, man, it's, it's, you know, this is just an amazing opportunity. Another another God thing that he's allowed us to be a part of. So we're just grateful, grateful to be in this position. And, you know, we're going up, we're going up for the kingdom for sure. Most definitely. That is an amazing, amazing opportunity kingdom. Like I said, I'm excited to hear the sound that is about to come out and more to come in the name of Jesus. You're doing an amazing job. You're doing it very hard, but you're studying yourself this time. And I don't know what happened in the past. But what I'm hearing is you're studying yourself. And so, because you're studying yourself, you're able to hear more clearly and you're operating in a piece. Sometimes when we're doing stuff, we're so like eager to scream inside. And we operate in and hurryness and anxiety comes and all this stuff comes. But this time you're operating and it's, it's like a, a temple. It's like a, you know, when you go to the studio, the click check is going. That's how you're operating this time. And there's a piece that had his piece as it comes with it. So when obstacles do come your way, you're like, okay, well, let's do this. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. I can honestly say that that in this season, it is a season of peace. You know, we've certainly we've most certainly been through some things in our life and our ministry. But this is a season for me of stability. Right. And calm and peace. And you're right. I'm hearing God as clear as I ever heard him in this season. And I think that has enabled me to move in the fashion that that I'm moving right now. I knew at some point I was going to do this, right? I knew I was going to do this. I just didn't know when I was really trying to get to a place to where I could kind of clear my plate of some things. And the Lord allowed me that grace to do that. And the time is now. And I think that's why this song right here right now is so appropriate for me in this season because so many lyrics in that song really spoke directly to my life. You know, personally, it spoke to me personally. And, you know, it was just it was it was a God saying that that that it was brought to us in the fashion that it was. And, you know, here we are. And again, I think it's just a testament to to when God has ordained it. You know, it's it doesn't matter what happened doesn't matter what's in the way. If God before you who can be against you, you know, all of those things are going to work together so. So I'm, you know, again, I'm just excited and I'm happy about where we are and where we're going. And I know I know the Lord has some great in store for all of us. Most definitely, most definitely aren't doing an amazing job and you're transitioning that you're doing and all your businesses and stuff you're doing an amazing job. Like I said, I see your consistency. And it's like I said, it's like, I don't know. I don't know. I just wouldn't know what I'm talking about. But you're doing an amazing job and I want to tell you, congratulations on all the things that God has done and what he's about to do. And there's personal stuff that he wants to do for you. You already know that. You know, the music part of your, your mantle. You're doing a job and showing and representing the kingdom. So congratulations on that. And go out and get this man of God's music. Me, let me put it back up. Me, the 10th is going to be coming out. It's turning around with Miss Tina, Miss Leroy and Molly music. I'm excited to hear that sound. I hope we get it so put it on our radio and I'm going to show if I do get him to do the radio show just specifically for your music. I haven't got Miss Tina's music yet, but the companies music. Hopefully I'll get it and I could just do a show just specifically on that and do the new booking information. Can you please tell us how your social media handled. Yeah, so on Facebook, you'll find me at Leroy Thomas Instagram. You can find me at L T underscore music. Music is spelled M U Z I Q. And, and then you can email me L Thomas Jr. 85 at And, you know, let's connect. Let's connect and do ministry. Let's connect and make music. Let's do it. I'm ready to go. And here it is right here, y'all. I want to put it up once again. I had to go back to the comments and put it up there. Y'all need to connect with this man of God porn says ministry. However, God shows you a scene fit to porn says music. I can't tell you how to do it. You got to be obedient to how God tell you to do it. But I tell you what it was an amazing, wonderful time talking to you in your ministry. God's got something big for you and your personal life. There's been seeking for a while, and he's going to do that. He's going to see big, I see big, like I see the fireworks, you know, for the job, but like the last one, the last three or four minutes they do that. Yeah, but for now, yeah, it's happening for you and your family, because it has been a lot of sacrifice and even if you've never told anybody, and God is going to work on your behalf in the name of Jesus even now there's a situation going on. He's going to work that out as well. I see operation happening. So with that listeners, listen, this man of God has to leave retirement. And I don't know if that's what you're walking in now. It's the same pass away with. And you know, because you have a lot on your mantel and I'm with that. And so we want to thank you so much for coming on my talk TV show. We're forever grateful for being able to fellowship with you for the wisdom that you gave and always, always giving credit to other your team. I don't, you know, that in the industry no more you don't find people literally being honest. Hey, I didn't do this by myself. Like there was a lot of people that help or, you know, even the fact of God, God literally helped me and brought divine helpers. You are in testimony of divine helpers coming and helping you orchestrate the way that God wants your assignment to look like in this season now there will be a change. And it's going to benefit y'all, but now season, it's beautiful. You said I'm saying, because there's going to be more people that's going to be added. So you've got to adjust the behaviors and right now I see that there was something that was a deal or somebody was talking about something. And, and y'all sitting at a table of some sort, I'm not saying a table table, but you're a conversation about now. So just seek the father he's going to give you the answer. You don't have to rush into it. It's yours already if you want it. He's going to choose it if you want. Yeah, no, listen, I receive all of that. And let me tell you, I know flesh and blood ain't revealed that to you because you ain't the first person that has told me this and has spoke this to me my own pastor told me this to my face and said, you ain't going to be here long. So serve well now, because you ain't going to be here long. So I'm just, you know, I'm just walking in this season and whatever God would have me to do, I'm available. And that's just been my mantra in this season as we move through this and move through the work is that God will just continue to bless our efforts. So, thank you for having me. Thank you for for taking time out to allow me on your platform. It's been great. I've enjoyed this tremendously. And shout out to Big Ben for setting this up, man. Big Ben is the go. Let me tell you, let me tell you something about Big Ben. Big Ben is one of those God helpers that you just mentioned. I'm telling you, he's one of those guys and I told him this privately, but I said publicly, you know, he, his, the spirit that he possesses, you don't, you don't find that a whole lot in the business. And so, and I'm learning that and I'm seeing that along the way. So shout out to Big Ben for all that he's doing and that he's done, and I pray as the Lord will continue to elevate him and this platform as well. Amen. Shout out to Big Ben and all the people that know this journey that you are on right now in the name of Jesus. We pray that God will continue to give you favor in the name of Jesus, the finances and the resources. A lot of times we want just the money part we forgot about everything else that come with it. Let's see. Like I said, I'm a type of person I like to drip off of me as I'm walking that is consuming environments. My God, like there's a flame as soon as I ha ha ha. Yes. So with that being said, thank you so much listeners out there and viewers out there, thank you for joining us until next time. Listen, come back to Life Talk TV show, learning to ignite your faith every day. God bless everyone. Peace. And I do this all the time. Listen, I'm trying to take moments out. I do this all the time. Listeners. I don't know why I do this. Viewers for the listeners. They can't see it, but the viewer is seeing it. I don't know why I do this. I'll take out one person. They can take me out. I'm thinking, OK, it's over. It ain't over. Look, OK. Outro time. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]