Award Winning L.I.F.E. Talk Radio Show- Host Carissa B.

Life Talk TV Show- Guest Eynice Fry and Christa Cooper- Booth

Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music) ♪ Learning to ignite your fate ♪ ♪ Everything ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Learning to ignite your fate ♪ ♪ Learning to ignite your fate ♪ ♪ Learning to ignite your fate ♪ (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Boom, join us this Monday. Hey, hey, hey, this is a girl, prophetess Karissa B., author of The Pointing Time for Such A Time Is This. And I am sighted about what God is doing in this season, this time. I'm on a radio and TV tour. And I have the amazing, wonderful, honored, so honored pleasure of being on the Bobby Parker Radio Show. You can follow him on his new website, You can find out where he's going to be playing at on all the stations and podcasts and many other places that he is located at. If you could also follow him on Facebook and other digital platforms as Bobby Parker. Bobby Parker, thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to spread the good news. Why? Why am I so honored every time I get to spread it? Because we've been called for such a time is this. God bless. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hey, hey, hi y'all. I'm Carissa B. Author of the point of time and for such a time is this. You need to go out and get this book. This can help you on the journey, step by step. Go to Amazon and purchase one. And also go to Amazon, Ken, don't get one as well. (upbeat music) Hey, hey, hey, this your girl Carissa B. Prophet is Carissa B for those that know me. Listen, I'm a tumbling woman. The tumbling and tumbling over words. 'Cause I am excited. Kingdom builders will cross the world. Welcome to another episode of a life talk TV show. Learning to ignite your faith every day. Listen, welcome. Listen, I know, I know I've been away for a while, but I've been doing kingdom work, y'all. But I'm glad you're back. So come on in, please comment, share. If you'd love for you to fellowship with us tonight, listen, I'm excited about this new season. This is the second episode of the new season. Last time we had Melvin Crisp in the building, I was so honored and y'all know I like to mess up names y'all. Y'all know I like to mess up names, but I call him Mr. Melvin. That is his first name though. (laughs) And let me put my glasses on so I can see y'all. Oh, there you go. Oh my gosh, there you go. (laughs) Listen, I'm excited about what God is doing again, the lives of his people. I'm excited about being able to fellowship with kingdom builders from across the world. Like I said, we got a lot going on. I've been very, very busy for the kingdom. I'm pretty sure you have too. But thank you for stopping in. Listen, you're not gonna listen. You better not go nowhere, please. Stay here 'cause we have some amazing woman of God. That's the first hand. You know, I like to give hands in business. That's the second one. That's all you're getting. Until it's time for them to come in. Booyah, but anyways, let's before we even get started, you know, I like to do what I do. You know, we can't do nothing without inviting the king, the Messiah into the rooms and the buildings and the cars or wherever you are in the world. Lord, we thank you for this moment. We thank you for this time. Lord, come on in. Come on in, Lord. We thank you for allowing us to serve you. We thank you for fellowship on today, Lord. Cover the lines in the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen and amen. Listen, I wanna get some squit shot. I wanna get some scripture in y'all. We're talking about, I'm gonna throw that out there, you know, 'cause I ain't got no music today. Listen, it's been a while since I done a show. Okay, don't judge me, but I mean, you can't judge me. You can judge my fruits, but don't judge me. They don't have a song going on here today. Listen, we're gonna be talking about entrepreneurship today. And I am excited about that. There's a lot of people that we know. There's a lot of things that's going on in the atmosphere and in the world today. And I'm gonna keep it real with you. Entrepreneurship is one of those big, big, popular topics of discussion in the podcast and TV world. There's businesses everywhere. But the amazing thing about that is everywhere I go, there's Christians, that's Canton Jones song y'all. Y'all need to cop that song everywhere, even in entrepreneurship. So we're gonna talk about that faith-based, I'm entrepreneurship, business is y'all. And so before, like I said, before we bring them in, the women of God and the women, that's two or more. So that's the last hand I'm giving you, but we're gonna go into the scripture. The first scripture is Proverbs 16 and nine. The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his footsteps. Listen, in everything that we do, if it's ministry, any type of business. And we say we Christ like, we serve the most high God. We need to have a vision, we need to have a plan from the must, I was about to go in from the king of kings. You cannot operate, you cannot function, you can't flow successfully without him. I was, y'all, like I was about to go in, we were about to have a praise service up in here. You cannot operate without the Messiah, the king of kings, the Lord of lords. He gives us guidance. He establishes how we need to be established in this world because we live in this world, so we're not of this world. So as we're operating in ministries and businesses, we have to be very, very keen and have the spirit of discernment or how to operate and engage because our obligation, you know, y'all, God allows us to operate in the marketplace and bring revenue in, but the main objective to entrepreneurship and businesses for kingdom builders is to bring the people in to know who we serve. You see what I'm saying? I hope somebody caught that. I was like, let me not get happy 'cause I was gonna go in and eat again, y'all. Another scripture, song, study two and eight. This is one of my favorites. I will instruct you and teach you in the ways you should go. I will come to you with my eyes upon you. Thank you Lord. I don't know about anybody out here, but you should be thinking of him right now that he is giving you guidance. He's giving you the instructions on how to do it. He's watching every step, every move. He's not gonna guide you wrong in the name of Jesus, as long as you keep him first, up in the front. Not get the vision and say, okay Lord, okay, move aside 'cause there's some of us that have done that. There's some of us ouch, say ouch and it's okay. We're prepared to say, Lord, come back to the front 'cause I can't do this without you, okay? Okay, okay, (laughs) I'm gonna be good, y'all. Let me be good. Listen, before I got on this line today, I was like, let me get my thousand words out 'cause you know I haven't been on my my life talk ready on a TV show for a given, let me get it out because I really want to be obedient and keen to the spirit on today because entrepreneurship is so important and there's people out there that are doing online businesses, they're doing business overall and they got wisdom and we need to be sitting at the table with them and talking and fellowship. Now, here's what I'm gonna do, where's that cause? You know, when you say, what is that thing when you say a cause, okay, I'mma say it the way, I'm keeping it real with you, listen. There's nothing wrong with sitting at the table with people and fellowshiping and engaging in words of inspiration. But listen, don't come to somebody's table and think that whatever God has called them to do or call them to produce and set into the atmosphere is what you supposed to be doing as well. Everybody has their own portion and be okay with your own portion. Be okay with the inspiration of looking, wow, they're doing so many amazing things. Lord, thank you for bringing my way because I got an understanding 'cause when you're listening to them talk, guess what happens? God stopped pouring things into you, nuggets into you. He didn't tell you to come to the table and take everything they got in and go in and create it and say, hey, this is what the Lord told me to do because you just came to the table and robbed something that didn't belong to you. You don't know their story, you don't know the anointing that they have behind what they're doing. But it's okay to sit at the table and fellowship and engage and get understanding and encouragement and support from one another. And I'mma leave it like that. Like I said, I'mma keep it very calm today 'cause you know I likes to go in. So the woman of God's, not God's Lord, I'm sorry, y'all. Let me stop cutting up. The woman of God will be coming on today. I met these women at the Women's Expo last week. And that's why I said I've been very, very, very busy with kingdom building. And I met so many wonderful people but these women kind of, you know, walk by, wonderful my met in the back. The chronicles of makeup, y'all. I don't even wanna go into it. I don't even go to logistics of it. Okay, y'all, I know my area and makeup is not my area. I put a little splash on but I still don't know what I'm doing. But I'm okay with that. We met in the back from the later we met later on during before, I think before it kind of closed and they have an amazing business that I wanted to come on and talk about and everything more. So we're gonna let them come in. I want them to introduce themselves. Normally, you know, I would introduce them but I want them to introduce yourself. They're gonna bring them in. And one of the women of God, they have got my cue card y'all this time. I'm on it this time. Y'all know I be listening. I will make up something in it. Cards by E.M. creations and journals by me by C2B. These are two different businesses but they are in partnership. Let's welcome them and they're gonna tell their names and we're gonna go on from there, okay y'all? Welcome. - Hello. - Welcome. - How are you? - I'm glad, how are you? - Doing great. - Awesome, awesome. Listen, I want to get this started off. Please tell us your name, please. - All right, my name is Eunice Fry and I am the creator of Cards by E.M. And creation or Cards by E.M. If you follow me on Facebook. - Okay. - And I'm Krista Cooper Booth, journals by me C2B. I am the author, designer and creator. And I work with my sister and I am. - Amen, and listen, when I met them, they did let me know that they were in partnership. We're gonna talk about that in a minute, the partnership but I want to get straight into something that I ask everybody that come on here and we talk about life in Christ. And I want to know, you know, let the listeners and the viewers know, when did you know that you know that, hey, the Christ I lived and Christ I died? What was that moment? - Who you want to go first, doesn't matter? - Doesn't matter, I should say that before that, it doesn't matter, even one of y'all. - Well, for me, I grew up in church. We grew up in church. Been in church just about all my life. I used to tell people I had a drug problem. My mother would drag us to church. But it wasn't until I probably got into my twenties, roughly around 21, 22, when I understood that it's not so much about the building as it is about the individual temple that he wanted me to be. And so when that settled in that I knew that I had to change my mentality. I had to change the way I think about Christ. I had to fully surrender. And in fact, he showed me in the scripture in Matthew where he told me, he says, Emma, that's my nickname. He said, except you die, you will not live. And so I had, and what he was telling me, dying to myself, my own self will, my own self agendas, my own mindset, my own plans, how many times we make these plans and then we invite God into our plans. And he says, no, I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you and you need to line up with me. - Yeah. - For me, it was my early 20s as well. I grew up in church. I became, I became saved when I was a team in Columbus, Georgia, but it was in my early 20s when I got involved with the navigators and there, how they taught us and instructed us in studying the word from Genesis to Revelation. And so it was during that time that when, as I made that commitment and I began to search the scriptures, the scriptures searched me and show me who I really am. And I, I saw that, that young lady at the time wasn't what I thought she was, you know, I had a lot of information of very academic in scripture, but it wasn't personal. It wasn't transformed that transformation. And so, and as I continued, I saw that, as I studied the word and I saw that transformation, it's ongoing even to this day. I'm still being transformed and renewed through my mind. And so, and it was just that passion of knowing Christ and making him known. And it, that became my addiction is the word of God. And then, you know, he showed me during that ministry to invest in women, to invest in young women and to mentor young women and just found out that a lot of women were like myself that had identity crisis. We didn't know who we were. We, you know, I was told to go to church and I was, I had, you know, I was living off of grandma's faith or mom's faith or, you know, my, my older sisters' faith and stuff, but it became, once it became mine, it became authenticated. And then it was like, I'm doing this because not only is for my good and it gives, it gives me progress. I see a better lifestyle. And so, though I've, I've struggled and I've fallen and I've been restored as well. So, and it's just, it's a blessing. It's an intimate relationship. And it was what is, as I solidify that identity in Christ, and I need to see that flourishing and that progress ongoing. - Yeah, I agree with you on that. I, and I kind of grew up in the church myself as well. And, you know, church, that's everyday all day. You know, everyday all day, you know, you know, Saturday came, get up, do your little chores, let's go to church, choir rehearse. I mean, and then for me, I agree with you. I'm just now, and this is so weird. I'm just now coming up, even when I know the scripture, but it's so real now that where I'm at now, then it was when it was being taught to us to, to remember it and quoted. And so I got, I got what y'all are saying, you know, the reverence of having authentic, like, you know it, like no one can even tell me. You don't have to tell me, I don't care how many, listen, you ain't got to tell me, I know that I know. At my moment, I know I feel it. Every scripture I read, I know about it. Everything, every moment that I've dealt with, I know you. And you can, you can tell the difference. It's authentic, like you said. So I want to thank you, woman, for sharing your testimony on that kingdom builders. You need to know that he'll meet you where you're at. The meet you where you're at, when you're ready. When you are ready, because I tell you, when you come to the place when you know that you're ready, guess what? It goes full speed. You ain't got to have a question or not, don't get me wrong. We have no moments of questioning about it. You do. Till this day, sometimes I'm like, okay, Lord, you want me to do what? You know? That comes with the process, because we're not perfect. Who knows our beginning and end? We don't. So sometimes we eat places as we grow, and maturity places is an uncomfortable situation. So we realize that we have grown, and we trust some need more. Developing the relationship. So let's get into the businesses. Let's say it wouldn't matter whoever wants to start first. I would love to hear how you got started in your business. Well, for me, I started probably several years ago. I started making cards because my main business is cards, but it has trends, spied into other things now with paper. So all things paper I like to play with and create and see what I can create. But it started several years ago when I just wasn't finding cards that spoke to me. Or I didn't find cards for people of color that was beautiful and that really was elegant. You know, it always pictured a certain type or it looked a certain way. And so I was like, you know what? I used to make my own paper dolls when I was young. So I was like, you know, and I can draw as well. I don't like to draw, but I can. And so it just sort of transferring out of what I wanted. A need, a personal thing. I wanted to create some cards that says what I wanted to say. And so I started making those cards. And later on, people was like, oh, wow, this is beautiful. You know, are you selling that? You know, you need to do it. And my sister sort of just started pushing me out there more and more than because it was like a hobby. It's still somewhat is I do it because I enjoy it. But I do it now because it has transpired more into a, what I say, a ministry for me is because every card I make, I want it to speak to somebody, especially women because women ministry is my heart. That's where I'm at. But every card I wanted to speak to a person and I want the card to tell the story, whether it's through papers or I don't buy cheap paper. I'm just putting it out there. I mean, people do what they do, but I like to get pretty paper because I believe if they could see the details and if they could see the time and they could see the quality in that, then they know that somebody is thinking of them when they received that card. And I wanted it to be special. Like I say, I wanted the card to speak to a person. And so, like you say, I pray over my cards. I asked the Lord, you know, give me wisdom. Give me downloads when I create cards. And I have several testimonies, whether it's card or product when people come back and say, how did you know? - Right. - How did you know this and that and that? Or how did you know I had this? Or how did you know my mom or how did you know? And so, it's like, because I didn't know he did. And so he helped me design that, you know? So he speak to me and I just operated through those hands to create those cards and so now it is like a business. It's something I enjoy doing. You know, mostly Ben, but I do have it online and people are able to order through me. But you know what, if it doesn't do anything, but just encourage somebody that it says it all for me right here, it really does. - I wanted to get, I wanted to show the viewers, I know the listeners can't see it, but you can go to her website. We're gonna give the website. I wanted to show some of the ones that I got off of your Facebook. Some of the things that I've seen, it was beautiful. Here is some of the, I was astonished. I was like, oh my gosh, this is like really like, you ever get a green card and the words say something, but the picture don't match, it's not personal. And when I seen this, I was like, oh my gosh, like this right here is very personal. And I love it, I love the colors and the richness. And I don't know, just it was just something about the cards and how you presented them and how you made a different folders. And I don't know, just the whole package itself, creativity over all of it. And I thought it was amazing, like you said, you pray over them. And that is one of the key things in entrepreneurship and business. Yeah, you got your vision, you have to hear from God, but you also got to consider, pray without ceasing about your business, about everything, every part of it. And I like how you said that, you know, you went, you found and you just didn't find anything that kind of represented or felt like you wanted, what you wanted to say or what you wanted to see. And I'm glad you took the time out and say, you know what, Lord, I'm gonna do this, but I'm going to need your help. That's where the prayer comes in or let it reach the person it needs to get to. That's where the prayer comes in to. So that's the second thing for entrepreneurship. Of course, you've got to have the vision, direction from God, and you have to be a praying person. When you present products, you know, to the world, especially if you're kingdom driven. And so I love the, I just loved it. I was like, oh, wow. I said, I didn't get the time to see at the Expo, the different things 'cause there's so much stuff there. I was like, oh, you know, I was like, what's going on? I can't focus. And it's not that any wanna focus, it was just a lot going on. And so I'm beautifully executed. You said that you draw, but you don't like to draw. And when I see this, I was like, I don't like to draw, but these look good. I wanna get into the next business. And you could tell us more about your business and how you got started. - Well, I got started because of my sister. And it was, she was like, this is your idea. You wanna start here doing these cards, and then you do the journals, right? And so that's how I got involved. I started journaling when I, again, when I got involved with the Ministry of the Mass. And it was used as a counseling tool. And I didn't know how significant journaling was. - Right. - Until it was implemented. And I called journaling uninterrupted communication. - Right. - How you be talking and you're like, oh, I wish I didn't say that, or I wish I didn't say that. Well, a journaling affords you that luxury. And then you're not interrupted. You're just writing it all out. - Right. - And you're getting to express yourself. And you actually can go back and cross it out, or erase it if you need to, and put down the original ball that you had in mind, or go buy it. - So it gives you an ability to flow and to share your thoughts and to share how you feel. And because I used it as it was used for me as a counseling tool, I had a lot of things locked up. And then until I saw it on the paper, written down, I was like, I didn't even know that was there. I didn't know I was thinking that way. And so now, again, journaling gave me that opportunity. Now you go back and proofread what you just wrote. It'll correct, or add what you need to, to what you've written to maybe, you know, clarify that or explain yourself. And as, just as a Christian entrepreneur, you know, 'cause we can Google what entrepreneurship means and what entrepreneurship means. However, as a Christian entrepreneur, it's a different module altogether. - Yes. - And it's a, and in business, it's a separate species. My reason why I'm saying, because in a Christian business flow plan, in emergence, we come from that sense of, we have to be secure in who we are. - Right. - Right. - In using Christ. That, you know, my sister has this talent, she has this ability, it's beautiful. But she's like, it's just what I do and I enjoy doing it. You know, like me with journaling, I like to write. You know, that was just something that my eighth grade teacher tapped into. So Ms. Subra, don't forget her. 'Cause she had me writing in the high school at a collegiate level. And so, I mean writing and then I was able to use those to write it out. And as we, you know, progress forward and it got more prevalent that people are struggling with an inter-termal or inter-emotional stuff. And they need a weight and outlet to get that out and communicating, journaling can be that tool. And she generally is just not restricted to you being at your house, you can use it in a Catholic session. You can go, professionals can use it in their counseling and implement. In fact, I encourage, encourage them to do because it wasn't until that counselor said, you need to journal and you need to write and you need to get this out that I found that liberation. I found some change broke off. I found that I was released from, no, that's just not my idea that is really what's going on and have her read it and say, and, you know, in a sense like, I can see that. I can see why you would interpret or see it that way because of your testimony or because of your life experience. And so, and just approaching it as a book Christian. Now, when I'm, now we're at vending events, it's not about just me, you know, we were there. I saw this young, you know, I call a young lady and I wrote, I say, "Hey girl, how you doing? Get real hug." And I said, you know, I said, no, you know, but to be seen, people want to be seen and we want to be hurt. And as believers, we're commissioned to do that because that's the message of the gospel. You know, that God loved the world that he gave his son. - Yes. - And as we, as Christians, have taken on his name, we're loving and we're saying, "I know this is what you have need." They're there at the table and they're like, "Well, I need this and I need that." You know, they're like, "Well, how is this?" The focus is, what do you, do you know what you need? Well, I thought that's what the idea. And now they have that product in their face. Well, that looks good or that looks different. And just to help them identify what the need actually is. - Right. - To address it and to, you know, to, you know, meet that need and to read the byproduct of it is the sale. But the priority is the person to service and sing. I understand you have a need. Do you can't identify that need and how can I help you in that all the way? And so just, you know, and that's different from our culture. That's different from our society. It's all about, you know, how am I enriched? It's always that, you know, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the lies and the pride of life is involved. But in ministry as Christians, we are here to serve. We are here to put the custom or the consumer forward and minister to you in a way that your needs are met. And so when I'm doing a Christ-like and everything else that provides that promise to you in this word, when I made, you know, made the kingdom of heaven the priority, when I make the ministry to people, the priority. That is so true. I like how you're saying. And both in both businesses, you're in the gift to the health. You're bringing awareness or bringing encouragement or cultivation or empowerment in a way. And you're both mentioned with women. You know, I know you mentioned with young women. You're the one that I mentioned with women. And I like that. I think, and like you said in our culture, you know, back when we were growing up, everybody was in the same group. But Sunday school, they had sisterhood and brotherhood or, you know, women's events. But the younger, you know, we just had to go with our moms, you know, they were, you know, going to the youth department. There was no, I don't know, it just wasn't defined as it is in today's society. Like there's so many tools and resources out there to help you engage and navigate in your value and your purpose, especially in the faith as a Christian. There's so many resources out there. And honestly, and God has allowed us to create businesses and platforms and all these wonderful things so people can have a place to become and aware of their value. Become encouraged and inspired and stuff. So I want to thank you both for doing that because it takes a tremendous sense of the person to understand the awareness and the importance of knowing how to empower, cultivate, and encourage somebody. Like you said, a hug goes, I mean, it goes big a mile away. It goes away, you know, a smile, you know, like you said, we were at the Expo and there was a lot of people there coming and going in. You don't, I mean, you didn't know who you were accounting. Living was okay, I'm here, Lord. I'm in the faith, you know, I got it. You know, I don't have a big, huge cross to me say, Christ is the way, you know, I am the light. So Lord, whoever you draw to this table, let me have the right words to say to them. Let what I'm producing or what our businesses are, bring them so we can tell them who you are. So we can bring some hope and stuff. And that's what I really loved about your table and stuff. Very casual, you weren't aggressive. Like I said, I remember back in our evangelistic days, you know, we're outside or go to door to door and knock in. It's rising stuff, you know, we like, you know, and everything else. But now God has gave us creative ways to bring evangelism to the forefront. And these are evangelism twos and the gifts of help to the way I see it. You know, this is just my opinion. And y'all got to elaborate if you want on that perspective of what I was saying or whatever you feel you need to be led to say, when it comes to that, do you think I would say gifts and talents, your businesses and stuff? Do you think that God has literally set you apart for that? Or is it you kind of fell into that? Or is it like you talked earlier that she kind of led me? How do you, I guess, how do you operate and engage in that every time you do go to Expo? How do you tell people if they, you know, actual, how do you get started? You know, they might not be faith based, they might not know Christ at all. How do you engage with those moments like that? Yeah, you know, I actually had some people ask me that was not Christian on that basis. How did you get started? What motivated you to start making these cards? And I tell them is to inspire women. I think we as women need to cheer each other on. Right. And to encourage each other. And so, you know, I just, you know, cap it out. A lot of times I don't per se bring God in a lot of my cards. It's not God, God, God all over my cards. It's inspirational messages. Sorry, I don't know if that light is bothering anybody, it's sort of bothering me. But it's inspirational messages that I have, just uplifting words. Like one, you know, everybody promised to be there. It's one of the phrases I use in my card. But I promised to sit with you in the dark. In other words, just letting them know when everybody like, yeah, I'll be there, but I'll be there in your darkest moments. I'll be there when you, so it's just anything that can lead to speak, words of inspiration, words of encouragement to give the women that, you know, that attitude that, you know, hey, I am beautiful. I am worthy, you know, and so I do that. And like you say, so it's not, you're not going to see a whole bunch of God, God. But you're going to see a lot of inspirational quotes, a lot of faith-based quotes in my cards, because I believe in lifting up a woman no matter where. And like I said, I've had several testimonies come back with people, has this, you know, that card that I gave to that young lady spoke volume. That single mom, she's framing that, you know. And so it's just, you know, I just pray. But I think that's part of the leading when God shows you what to make, because he knows the audience, God knows the audience. He knows who needs that card and when they need that card. And I just trust him. I just created and I trust him. Now there are times when people specifically ask me to make a Pacific card. And the process is the same for us praying over it. But the message might be a little bit different. The details might be a little bit different. And they'll come back and they say, oh, the details that you took, the time. I, you know, as if you just did it just for me. Right. So yes, I don't believe we have to, you know, I'm not ashamed. And anybody know me. I am not ashamed of the gospel cry. I'm not ashamed to lift them up. But I believe we can preach to gospel and when necessary use words. Right. Our life should always preach to gospel. Come on. Who we are and how we live and how friendly. Because if they, like you said, beaten people with the word, but then there's no love and there's no grace and there's no mercy. If they don't see that then, hey, what are we doing? What are we doing? And I, and I like, I like to share an analogy recently that the Holy Spirit built to me. He's like, in order for the right hand to get to follow the assignment that the head gives it, it requires the shoulder, the bicep, the crochet, the elbow, the forearm and the wrist for the right hand to do it. Right. That's a body. Right. We all, this, this won't, the hand won't fulfill this assignment. If the other members of the body is not involved with what the assignment that the head sent. Right. And who is our head? Christ is our head. So as we partner and as me and my sister partner together, we know our roles, we know our strengths and we lean into each other. We have no need to compete. When you're in a body, what part of your body's competing with another member of your body? Speak. The right hand has to be the right hand as well. The left hand has to be the left and they both get assignments from the head. And there's only one head on anybody. And so God gave us a literal physical type of how the body is to function. And he said in his work, we will be, we'll come into the unity of faith. We'll become that one. Christ will have his bride and he will have his body. That's not negotiable. So it's really on us to figure it out and learn to get along and come together and learn how to function and complement each other and act like the body that we've called to be. And that's what literally what this world is groaning for to say. They want the sons of God to step up and take our place. Right. Right here, that God commissioned us and deployed us to do as children of God. And so what an honor to be here with my sister to have a light-minded person that frees me up to be myself and be that risk and that things just go out and function because we both got the sign from the head. Right. And we can complement each other and we can come in with so much. And that's one thing that our culture, it handicaps, especially women, compete, vie for attention, can all this come for what? Yeah. What are we competing for? Right. But when we, it was when we began to function as a body, as a unit, as one, her success is really my success. You know, it was just that one unit because we're getting our assignment from the head. The one is the head, crisis the head, but we need to say you need to make that. You need to send her that. And we've been, we've had the opportunity here recently to combine our products, our journals with our cards and baskets and stuff like that. And they're like, oh, you know, just to see that look like, wow, and why get any, the way God orchestrated, it looked like it went together. But she makes our cards and I design my journals and they accompany and they complement each other. And that's what a body does. That's right. And so, and that's what an entrepreneur does, especially a Christian entrepreneur does, that we're saying, hey, you know, I may not know or I may not have that. Let me refer you to someone that I know that does and that, you know, I can speak up for them and they can give you the quality and that product that you're looking for. But, and I think that's what, you know, I was reading a day in Amos 811, it says, "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord. That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread and not a famine, not a thirst for water, when I'm hearing the words of the Lord. And it is, you know, they hear the words like my sister said, the words can, that are not spoken, the words that we eliminate, how our attitudes and in our actions, people are starving for that. Because they've heard about Christianity, especially in America. And now they're like, I'm waiting for someone to actually be that Christian and to act like they're Christian. And again, and to be authentic in that. And so, it's like, I just love how God has done that and continues to orchestrate that. In our eyes and through the business as a ministry. That is true and everything I said is so true and so real in so many ways. I tell you what, like I told you, I was going to get on here and I'm not going to say a lot. I'm not going to say a lot because I really want the people to hear entrepreneurship and, you know, partnership. When you tell me you're in partnership, it astonished me because I'm going to be real, like you said in our culture for some reason. It's like a battle going on trying to figure out. And then don't get me wrong, they'll start off good. And then, you know, they'd be like, well, you don't have to go on my own and do this and that. And it's like they don't want to compliment each other. They don't want to, and all these things that are, you know, that are of the world start, they start bringing it in and jealousy and all these things. Instead of just embracing each other's uniqueness, embracing each other's strengths and weaknesses and kind of embracing each other and say, hey, let's try to do this together, you know, let's see how this is going to, you know, and always keeping God in the forefront, you know, praying for one another, you know, that's not the fellowship. Hey, I need a fellowship. We're going to go out to the Expo today. We're going to be fellowshiping and everything else. And when y'all were sitting there, that's what I seen. It was, I seen like it was just fellowship. So that's what, that's how I was drawn to the table. Fellowship, I was like, oh, what are you doing over there? You know, like I said, it's an Expo. So you got it. It's business, it's business. I got it. But y'all were just sitting casually and I was like, okay, and that's just how I engage. And everybody has the own thing that they like to see when they're at an Expo and everything else. And so I want to thank y'all so much for being inviting when I came to the table, because I'm going to keep it real at Expo sometimes. And thank God, not the one that we went to wasn't like that. But I've been to other expos before in women and it's quite interesting. Like you said, the pulling on one another and okay, I got to make sure to get to my table before they get to your table. You know, I mean, the competitiveness is real with us as women and the culture and faith. Like, I'm like, if we're all in this together, why are we trying to outdo each other when we should be celebrating one another? And so my question to you as partnership, what are some things that you do for one another? Are you suggest people that are coming into partnership to do for each other, to have a healthy partnership when it comes to business? Well, one thing I do, we constantly communicate. Communicate is key to everything. And then we bounce off of each other. We keep our ideas out there as to what's going on. We help each other, we support each other. I buy her journals just like she buy my cards, you know, because it is a business. You know, and so we do, we constantly stay in that fellowship. And yes, we are sisters, but it's not only that, we are both believers. That's the first thing, we're both Christians and we're both believers and we believe. You know, I believe in my sister. I believe in the creativity God has placed in her and her gift is not mine. So why would I want to be jealous? But I want to spur that on as God says, to spur that on and provoke her to be the best that she can be, you know, and so when we have that goal set that we're here, like I say, to lift each other up, not to tear each other down, it's easy to be in a partnership like that. Her money goes to her and my money goes to me. And it ain't nothing for us to say, girl, go get lunch. It's on me or go get a cup of coffee. I got this or whatever. It's all in the family, we're family. And so for me, it's easy, you know, but yeah, I have been at Expo's where women thought I was, you know, trying to do something different, you know, and they was getting funny, you know, but I just, you know, continue to encourage them. Stop by the table, let them know, hey, and lift them up. And so they turned around, you know, you know, because they were like, okay, she is cool. Because you know, until you get to know a person, you don't know a person. Definitely. But yeah, so partnership with me, with my sister, it's pretty easy for me. It really is. But the first thing, like I say, we pray over each other and we communicate. And we constantly throwing out ideas and what do you think about this and how does this look? And I agree with that communication thing. Um, I have a network and what I sometimes I over-communicate because I just like to talk. But I don't really care. And I just, and I over-communicate because I want to make sure that whenever, whatever I'm presenting, I'm the listening, this listening style that they have that I'm, I'm reaching in. That's the only reason why I'm over-communicating. And I know that's the moral of a sociology kind of perspective. You know, you want to make sure that they're understanding, engaging. And I'm like, oh my gosh, well, maybe I should say it this way. And the communication is so important in anything that we do for any type of business. Communication is like one of those things. Like I said, the vision from God, prayer, communication, when it comes to partnership. And even if you have a business of your own, you got to communicate. I mean, effective communication. And I want to, I want to tell you all so much. Like I said, I'm going to keep emphasizing when I went to your table. That's what I felt. I felt like welcome. I felt communication. I felt that you're going to embrace each other's creativity. The business is, I didn't know who did what. And you know what I'm saying? And that's good, especially when you're in partnership. You know, you're complementing each other. If that person's engaging in one practical weather, and they ask questions, of course, you know, the person they created, they probably would know more than the partner. But the point is, you know, you can embrace each other. And even wearing a bathroom. I had never seen a green bathroom like ever in my life. That green was so dark. It was cute though. It didn't get no lighting for makeup or anything. But she was so approachable in the bathroom and everything else. And I was like, I don't know. I don't know. She don't know me from the catapant. I don't know her from the candy bank. But she might be here about this makeup. And I mean, he's sweating in front of me. I got to change my wig and everything. We had issues with the makeup. My hair, my hair thing piece was taller. I was trying to be cute. I'm going straight today again. We'll just make it work, you know. Yeah, improvise, improvise. Yes. And that was, you know, that's the key, you know, the key. Again, as my sister says, communication. And don't be for even in partners as you embrace each other's creativity. Embrace the critiquing because it's necessary. Yeah. My sister critiques me. My sister confronts me. I know my sister. [LAUGHTER] And I know she will, you know. Right, right. So however-- It's all in love. It's all in love. You know, it is. And you know, I know her. And you know, it's similar. And I know that because she does believe in me. Sometimes I see my sister believe in me in ways that I wasn't believing yet in both. But because that spur and that exhortation was there. And likewise, you know, I have to be able to give it as well. Because she's like, you better put that on the table. You don't know if you don't see me in it. I've actually sold one of her displays. And she was like, Christopher, that's a display. It's supposed to be like, you know, I'm like, you put it on the table. It's gone. [LAUGHTER] That's a lot of meanness. So it was just, you know, just again that, you know, to know someone's heart is with you and to have your heart with them. That's why I believe it is, you know, approachable. We like, like you, we've had several people say, y'all are funny. And y'all are welcoming. Well, a lot of times sometimes we'd be harassing each other that day. [LAUGHTER] Right. [INTERPOSING VOICES] You know, kind of like, because I do though I'm not the creator. And I can't, I'll do good to draw a stick figure. I do want to know her product because I know I'm representing her. And in her representation, I want her to be representing well. Well, as a Christian, who are we representing? Christ. Christ. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Why aren't we interested in representing Him well? Speaking to our own businesses. Right. Because that's we, as a Christian, are to renew her. We're in the business of Christ. Right. And representing Him well, as well as representing ourselves. And so are we being that representation? Are we being that love? Are we being that tangible, audible? Hey, God is amongst us, crisis with us. And we are loved here. We are welcomed here. We're wanted here. And there's life to be had, you know. And that's what, that's our responsibility. Especially the moment we say we're Christian entrepreneurs. That's true. That's true. I can't emphasize that. I went to, like I said, I've been to, and we talked about this when I was there. I've been to expos before. And they're faith-based. But I just didn't, they didn't base faith-based. They just didn't speak that. And I'm not saying where we were at. Everybody was in the faith, but everybody was courteous of one another. It was a piece that was in that building that I have not, you know, because when you're in the radio and TV world, it's totally different, y'all. I'm gonna keep it real, y'all. So, but when I went there, I was like, oh, oh, hey. Oh, okay. Well, I can, oh, all right. You know, like I said, oh, it could be me, you know, but I was like, oh, it's gonna be like this. Okay, I can do this. I can do this. And so the atmosphere was a beautiful atmosphere. Everybody collaborated and encouraged one another. And all the wonderful things that was at the expo. So what is next for y'all? Where do you see yourself in three? What is going on? What's the tea? Where are you going next? Where our next event will be at the Candy King Christmas tree farm. October the 5th is the next place where we'll be vending. We look for certain spots. She's more online. Like I said, we still sell. Even though we might not be out there vending, you can always still purchase our products online. And then, you know, when you send a message and our private message and talk to everybody when they want something particular, but yeah, that's what's up next for us is to continue to then. I would like to have been, then did more this year, but we, you know, life happens, had a few depth in the family and so forth. But yeah, I like getting out there. I like getting out there every now and then in the public. Cause I like, I'm not a phone person. We'll talk very much on phone and stuff like that. But sit me in your face. We'll talk one on one. And so I like seeing people, hearing people, watching their expression and everything. So I do like getting out there. And so that's what's next for us. As far as the business, we'll see where he takes us, you know, in the future as it continues to grow and develop. We'll just see what he has for me. All right. Well, I'll tell you what, when you said that candy cane thing, I was like, ooh, Christmas. Ooh, you know, but I know it caught me off guard. So that's why I didn't want you to think I was thinking of it. No, it caught me off guard. I look forward to seeing how that goes. There's a lot. There's a lot of, there's so much we can do in the body of Christ. And it don't have to be just in an actual building of church. You know, there's so many places, you know, that we can be and we can bring Christ there and He's as just as effective. And so as we keep ready to conclude this fellowship, the listeners and the viewers out there, you know, like I said, your business is tangible, but it's online. The last question I have is, do you think there's a difference between online and tangible, like a building per se, business? And if so, or if not, why, why, why not? Well, for me, because I think my sister's mostly her business is online. So I want her to, you know, speak for that. For me, I get more when they actually handle my products. Because say, for instance, when I make my albums, you know, they can see the pictures, but once they really see it in their hands and see the card in the hands, it becomes more alive than online. So for me, yeah, I could see, you know, maybe I hadn't quite settled on going into a building yet. I know she's trying to spur me in that direction, but like I said, that's not my main ministry that the Lord has for me right now. And so I sort of hold back on the rings on that. But so that's why I still go out and vent every now and then, because once they actually have it in their hand, it's more vivid for them. But she can talk about, I do get sales online. I'm not saying I don't, people who I do get quite a few sales still online. But once they actually handle the product, they're really pleased. And why I predominantly stay online, because the journals are customizable. And as well as being, since I utilize print on demand platform, that is it's only print, it's only created once it's ordered. And once it's ordered, it goes straight to them. By having it come to me, I've added an additional time frame in addition to charges. So by being online, you go on, you go to the website, you order which one you go through there and look at it. However, when you want it to be customized, like I have been commissioned to do a wedding registry. That is when I start adding, I go back in and I start adding details in my artistic graphic design to it, be for your specific event, your wedding, or whatever you need that registry for. And so online, it's just more affordable. And it's more time, time is considered there. Because again, if I have it, I ordered it, it gets to me, I have to turn around and then send it to you. You're paying all that additional cost just to get it. Versus you order it, customize it, it all goes into the pot. And then they send it straight to you, you get it within, typically it's five to seven days. Some I've had as early as three, three to four. Nice. Depends. Nice. So welcome. All right. Because real quick, before you, I do want to say with that business, for me, is because I'm the only one that creates these cards is that each card is handmade and very seldom duplicated. I have yet to duplicate a card. So by me hand making it and I'm the only producer, as far as trying to get it online, is you know what I'm saying? It'll take a lot of work for me to have a timeline because I'm the only one creating those cards. But each card, like I said, a person know that is unique and it's different, is very seldom duplicated a card. And that's why a lot of times I tell people, I'm like, you're not going to get cards by him in Hallmark because Hallmark and cookie cut it one right after the other, hundreds of them. And I've had her. I've done that. I've tested her and it's like, I want this card and I want to end this color, this color, this color. I named all off these colors. She's like, okay, got you. I get the cards and I'm like, okay, they're all the colors I want. And I'm looking, I said, look at that. Eddie beauty right there. She didn't do, she didn't do something open. She's like, you're not going to mess with my hand craftsmanship. You're not going to do that. That's why you're not going to find cards by him in the store. You're not going to find that Hallmark thing going on with cards by him. And that's the uniqueness of cards by him. However, you know, you can, you know, you can get that a little bit with journalist by me because again, it's online, you know, and it's going to be that template. But with the cards, you're not going to get, and that's what I, that's why I personally enjoy because I love the interaction with her cards. I love the little secret pockets and stuff like that. You know, and again, it was like, okay, my, you know, my journals was, I'm like, I had to keep that in mind that, okay, this is craftsmanship. And when she wants journals, I have to make my journals at a level that actually complemented with it. You can't draw. She can't. I'm going to go with a strict trigger. However, it just, it, it, she makes me, you know, she set the bar high. And I, in this one thing, she's taught me not to, not to be afraid of a, of us, a standard that is set high, not be to not, to aim high, to actually to make it your goal. And, you know, and that has translated all across my life, including my faith, set the bar high. The bar has been, pursue it, and accomplish it. You know, so I enjoy it. That's beautiful. Well-spoken ladies. Well, well-spirited. And you write the details, the craftsmanship. Oh my gosh, when I see that, I was like, oh, wow, oh no, like that. Look at her hair. Oh, look at the line. You know, I'm, I'm a detailed person when it comes to cards and stuff, especially when you've given it to somebody else. You want to be as, as, as intimate as possible when you're passionate to that person. So that was something that was drawn to my and looked at the pictures and stuff. And I was like, oh, wow. Oh, look at the autumn. Oh, look at them. Look at that night in that pumpkin. And all that matters. All that matters. And I want to thank you, ladies, for coming out of here and talking about entrepreneurship and faith-based ministries and businesses. Listen, how can they get connected to you, to purchase, to engage, to order? How can they get connected? Well, with me, if, like I said, if they go to Facebook, the cards by EM is what is going to be on the website there. And they can, you know, find me, like say, on, on Facebook and just message me, especially if it's like a card. A lot of times people are, see a card and they'll send a comment, is that still available? And then I private message them and let them know, yes, or a lot of time you'll see if so. I try to make sure those that are not available out. Put that in. And, but yeah, if they can do that, they can also reach out to me at 931-538-5078. Okay. Likewise, I would encourage you to go to, you can Google journals by me, C2B. If you Google it, it'll come up on Google. You can go to Barnes and Noble. You can go to Amazon, Kindle Amazon, as well as And so those are all the different print on demands that I utilize. And as, likewise, you can also contact me at 931-553-1227. And any customization that you may need, it is a free consultation. Again, I will just do that design. I would definitely need detailed information on what journal and when you would need that needed, and what customization you're looking for. And here is her. You can scan that. Scan it. I had a problem with mine that day, but she had hers. So you can just scan it and it'll take you directly where you need to go for her products. And I want to thank you, lovely ladies. Thank you. Thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love the details. I love the grace that y'all carry, the authenticness that you carry, and the wisdom that you carry with what you do. We don't take it the grant of what you do for the kingdom. And thank you for being obedient to the cause, to what we're doing. Kind of, you know, when we say, "Yes Lord, I serve you," okay, focus some more. That's what you are doing through the gifts of health. So we want to thank y'all so much for that. Is there anything should we like to say to the audience before we get off of here? I want to thank you. Actually, let you know, I appreciate this. I appreciate this opportunity that you've given us me and my sister here on your platform. And, you know, I say for me, I just thank everybody that has supported me in my business, because that makes a difference. You know, those who support you, I have a lot of customer. I think that just supported me because they like me, to be honest with you. But, you know, I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful for everyone who, you know, is not afraid to step out and do what they feel that they has been called to do. Do we make mistakes? Of course, we have. I probably threw away more paper than I created. But, you know, it's like, you step out and you do what God has told you to do. And his timing is always perfect. Yes, it is. His timing is always perfect. And so, just trust the process. Trust the process. That's true. Amen. Sis, do you have anything to say? Again, thank you for the invitation. We appreciate it for being here, feet for us. And again, you know, remember that you're a Christian. Let that be the most prominent thing. It doesn't have to, like my sister said, it doesn't have to have Jesus plastered everywhere. Be Jesus. I like Jesus. Be that representation. Take the time, share the hug, smile. And even though when you're in the scenarios of how they're acting at certain expos, be different. They're all different. Yeah. Be unique. It's okay. It's okay. We need to be different. Do it deliberately. You know, like, you know, my sister is literally a billboard. Oh, she'd always have ministerial t-shirts on, you know, she's just a billboard of the gospel, but she actually act like it. You know, I'm working to say it, but acting like it. Right. And like she said, when it's your time, you know, in Deuteronomy, you know, just remember Deuteronomy 2010, he will open God will open the windows of heaven and bless you. Yes. Because that's what we're here for. We're blessed to be a blessing. Yes. Amen. Perfectly said to end this second of Wipetalk TV and radio show. Thank you, ladies, for coming in and fellowshiping with me and giving them wisdom that is needed for entrepreneurship through faith businesses, faith-based businesses. So I'm going to pull y'all out. Please stay. I want to speak in the clear blessings over y'all. A quick second. I'm going to end this out. Let me pull y'all out, right? Quick y'all. Look, I'm telling y'all what I'm doing in the back, in the front. But listen, I want to thank y'all so much for tuning in to Wipetalk TV and radio show. I am forever grateful for you being on here. Listen, come back next time. There will be more. I'm purposely intentionally doing shifting. Didn't I normally do? I know normally I'll be on here with an artist. An artist talking about music, but there's so many other gifts that helps in ministries and businesses out there that we need to be amplifying and bring into the forefront to let people know that there is resources out there to bring them effective life-changing when it comes to living a right life and striving for holiness and forsaken up the fellowship and all the wonderful things we do in the body of Christ. I am your girl, Prophetess Carissa B. Until next time, God bless. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]