Storytime with Tula Jane and her Mother in the Wild

Samson in the Snow

Tula Jane and her Mother in the Wild read "Samson in the Snow" by Philip C. Stead.

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Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Hi, welcome back to Storytime with Tula Jane and Mother in the Wild. Today we will be reading Samson in the Snow by Phillip C. Stead. - Thank you, Tula Jane. And this is a very special birthday dedication for our new friend Hugo on your third birthday. Happy birthday, Hugo. - Happy birthday. - Are you ready? - Get cozy. - On sunny days, Samson tended his dandelion patch. Stepping carefully, he used his long trunk to pull up bothersome weeds. When he was finished, he stood in the sunshine, hoping for a friend to come along. Samson waited quietly with his flowers to keep him company. - Hello, said a little red bird one day. Oh, hello, said Samson, making cheerful conversation. Would you mind, asked the bird, if I took some flowers for a friend? He is having a bad day and his favorite color is yellow. - Yellow is my favorite color too, answered Samson. He chose three of his best flowers and gathered them into a bouquet for the bird. - Samson watched the little red bird fly away. He wondered what it would be like to have a friend. As he wondered, he grew tired and before realizing it, before meaning to, Samson fell into a deep and lumbering sleep. He dreamed of the color yellow. While Samson slept, angry clouds came and covered up the sun, the wind began to blow and very soon all the warmth of the day was gone. Snow began to fall. It whirled around and around. Heavy wet clumps collected in Samson's great massive fertile. He was almost completely covered up. In Samson's dream, yellow turned to white. That was when Samson woke. All around, the world was different from before. Samson could hardly tell what was where and where was what? Every direction was white snow. Samson worried about the little red bird. I wonder if she is out there, he thought. I wonder if she is cold. Samson stared hard into the blinding snow. It is better to walk than to worry, he decided. And so he did. Samson trudged through valleys and over rolling hills. The wind blew the snow into fantastic shapes, but Samson did not stop to look. The little red bird is not made for this kind of weather, he thought. Samson swung his tail and stomped his feet to free the ice that clung to his coat. Excuse me, please. Called a mouse, mostly hidden in a snow drift. I would not like to be crushed. Oh, said Samson, I did not see you. You should not be out here all alone. I know. Side the mouse. I did not expect a storm. I am having a bad day. Would you like to come with me? Asked Samson, grateful and relieved. The mouse made the long journey up Samson's trunk, passed his vast ears and under his thick blankets a fur. There, he kept warm. Are you comfortable? Asked Samson. Oh, yes. Said the mouse. Very much so. I am looking for someone, said Samson. She is small like you. Is she a small? Said the mouse. Then we should watch where we step. I am looking for someone too. Said the mouse. I'm worried she is having a bad day like me. I'm worried she is covered up in snow. Hmm, the wind howled and the snow piled higher and higher. Samson breathed deeply in and out, in and out. He stopped to rest near an unlikely patch of dandelions. Do you have a favorite color? He asked the mouse. Oh, yes. Said the mouse. My favorite color is yellow. Yellow is my favorite color too. Said Samson. He reached down and gently plucked the dandelions from the snow. "I found you!" cried Samson. "And I found you too!" cried the mouse. The little red bird was too cold to reply. "It's okay," said Samson. "I know a place not far from here." He tucked the little red bird safely away and continued on. Samson's passengers hopped down onto the dry cave floor. "Thank you," said the little red bird. She shook the snow from her feathers. "And look!" she said to the mouse. "I brought you flowers." "Oh!" said the mouse. "That is exactly what I needed today." The three friends huddled together and told stories of their adventures in the snow. Not long from then, the storm passed. The end. Thank you so much for requesting this book and thank you so much for being patient while we took the time to record it. We hope you loved it Hugo and we hope that you have had a really beautiful birthday. If you have a special story that you would like to request or potentially dedicate to somebody, please log on to our website at where you can make your request or dedication there. And please help us say a special thank you and hello to our premium monthly subscribers, Heidi, and Mika, and Jonah, and Gwendolyn, and Zia, and Sam, and Tawn, and Koji, and Zamora Rose, and Al, Emi, and Hazel, Eliza, and Blake, George, and Jennings, Willow, and Ellis, Bo, and Hugo, Vivian, and Elliot, and Clara, and Theo, and Arlo, and Priscilla, and Blake. Thank you so much for being here with us. Until next time... Stay cozy! [Music]