Gwynn & Chris On Demand

9.27.24 Gwynn & Chris Full Show

Tony and Skraby talked about what lies ahead for the Padres and Padres manager Mike Shildt joined us!

Broadcast on:
28 Sep 2024
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I think we're on yes we are sir this new music is messing me up man my intro music is not what I'm used to welcome the Gwyneth Chris Tony Gwen junior match Scravey Chris Elo out we're gonna get right to it I believe yes yes sorry Adams on the phone right now our fryer fray they guess is that music is white yes we do need to turn down the news I know Adam's got a million things going on I don't want to be that guy all right thank you Adam very much thank you very much we have Mike Chilt joining us here within seconds he's actually on the line right now all right well Mike Chilt is our guest here on this fryer Friday the managers report with Mike Chilt is brought to you by San Diego County Credit Union it's not big banking it's better Mike it's been a it was a long night last night obviously the Padres weren't able to get the victory and then they had to hop on the plane fly here to Arizona where they have a three pretty important games remaining on a night like this where travel was is rough what goes into you know putting a lineup together today as you try to you know get guys prepared for the postseason but also these three games you have in front yeah Tony I'm good talking to you guys well we're up pretty much in the same lineup I mean we did get in later than typical but we have a night game and you know our guys are able to sleep in and they're ready they're ready to go play they all want to be in the lineup and get after it we're talking to Padres manager Mike Chilt here on 97 through the fan thanks so much for your time today and you clinched on Tuesday guys have battled in the last two games but there are still three games remaining in the regular season so my question for you is how do you avoid looking ahead to the decisions you have to make next week versus the decisions you have to make this weekend yeah you know we take it day by day we're clearly aware and getting prepared for next week but you know we still work to be done these next three games to you know we'd really like to come in and be able to play in Petco to start to play off so you know that's still in the table and we're looking to take it off the table and make it happen Mike I want to take you back to the beginning of this season as you guys begin this journey you are pretty adamant about you know locking in on some of the smaller things and I remember at a point during the season when a lot of us on the outside we're talking about it being a roller coaster and you kind of pushed back against that what gave you the confidence he said as his team was was teetering you know back and forth between 500 that you knew that these guys would eventually get to the point that they're at now a great question you know I'm glad you asked it you know we'd like to snap our fingers and and accelerate a lot of processes that need to be put into place and create some clarity and allow some some learning curve with some players I mean if you look back at the fall season there was a lot of question marks you know no particular order you know you slash the payroll you know ninety million dollars you lose a lot of lose over 600 quality innings including the saw young guy in Blake and you know lock down closer in Josh and you know of course Walker and Lugo and you know Nick Martinez and and Luis Garcia guys like that and you know he was a generational talent in Juan Soto yeah we got a we have really confident we had a great core obviously with Manny and toddy bogey and crony and you and you know that entire group but you know plus you got a new manager you got a new you know you know you got a fair amount of new staff members including Victor Rodriguez our hitting coach and people that were on the staff last year that were in different spots couple so you know and then you bring in new guys that have been great really you know Michael King and a lot of the group in Yankee figure and Vasquez burrito contributed of course we trade for seats and arise everybody knows kind of the story but what I'm ultimately getting that trying to think the picture to a long answer to the question is you know there's a lot of variables you know there's a lot of a lot of noon is taking place and like I said I wish you could just we could just snap our fingers go yeah it's going to be fine but the thing that I had confidence in during all that so expecting some kind of learning curve or and quite candidly you know being able to stay at a at a place where we remain competitive with toddy being out for a long period of time bogey being out for over two months both of them over two months Joe and and and Darvish being out over two months a piece I feel I may be coming back off a surgery you know other poor six group of guys really only crony was a guy that you know was able to you know be consistent and be healthy so us holding it together with you know Ricky in the outfield that never played outfield before has clearly rewarded it and did great in Jackson and you know so let's let's be able to keep it right there I thought was free to our good you know and and some ups and downs were I just knew we're gonna take place I mean I think anybody's been around the game it's least for me you know would be naive to think otherwise so but really it was just a day-to-day commitment from the from the group of guys which what a special group and we all know you know the staff we do our part but just a dedication to continue improvement and continue to work together to to put together what what we know is how to play the game of baseball and how to compete every day gives her best chance of winning we're talking to Padres manager Mike Schilt here on 97 3 the fan you just mentioned you Darvish being back and with you Darvish being back you have some pretty good options in terms of the possible three game wildcard series rotation and I know you don't want to look ahead too much but do you anticipate whoever does not make that wildcard rotation will be available from the bullpen I think we're going early on the know finalize the roster I think it's possible for sure it's a fair question but I don't have anything definitive for you right now okay Mike Schilt joins us here on Gwen and Chris and Mike let's talk a little bit about Jackson you get this young kid and I think you kind of knew you kind of were able to see him prior to this year and how he conducted himself and I remember a conversation with with you last year talking about how advanced in terms of mentally he was with the game so you get this new this new piece and you run him out there and he's doing well how much did you have to resist moving him up too quickly and giving him too much too fast where it could have it could have maybe you know been a detriment to him another great question yeah I got a real blessing to get to know Jackson my last couple years through instructional leagues and and Bigly Camp and then going to watch him play a little bit in the minor leagues and you really just get to know him and you know the talent the talent clearly it's it's pretty special but it's the makeup it's the mindset it's a mental acumen to play the game so we knew we were on having a really good kind of player and making that move to center field as easy made it is as beyond impressive you know for me and biased a little bit but I think he's really a question he's Ricky of the year but then ultimately if your question Tony is is you know me and Victor talked about it a fair amount the good news is we can try to link the lineup we got for a period of time didn't really you know obviously at the beginning of season you know made sense to hit him down the line up and just let him get in the bath and let him get a speed on her and he started performing more you know we did move him up a little bit got him got him up just to hair and in that six range and again had conversations with Vic about it and we just felt like you know what we got other guys that are carrying the mail that have been doing this and he's in a good spot and performing he's he's you know he's doing what he needs to be doing and and then you know he kept doing it and so looked up over in San Francisco you know a couple weeks ago and said you know what this kid he's been able to do my channel everything we we put in front of him so we I think we put it in front of him appropriately and then we slid him up to the fifth spot and he's you know he's done what he's done he's been able to take good at bath and for four we're talking to Padres manager Mike Schill here tonight and what is the status of Haas on Kim and when he could potentially rejoin the team yeah you know what I wish you had really like really super positive news you know he's just hadn't been able to to be able to get over that that hump with his throw and the hitting is not a problem that parts good but you know him again consistently throw with any any you know aggressive you know and behind it and intensity is just that map and so you know we're we're still weighing what's taking place but you know right now he's not in the spot where we can count on in a very near future Mike is there is there a point where it's too late and and you know that that window closes there is here is the you know we may be getting there we'll know something here you know sooner than later last one before we let you get out of here I got to ask you you mentioned Victor Rodriguez you guys is it the Padres Hayden coach this offense is is is is is it has multi facets to it how did was this the plan all along to have an offense that you know can can beat you in multiple ways or did this kind of come about as you know everybody kind of found their footing and it's kind of blossomed into this combination really I've known Victor a long time we're very like-minded and how we see the game how we want to play the game and compete offensively we both have always been a believers in a very holistic offense which to me makes common sense we've had conversations to you about it you know there's a lot of different ways to compete in this game and having as many many tools here toolbox be able to do it because it's so situational base and having the guys that can handle the bat but our games changed you know as many guys handle the bat so the second part of that that's really been the biggest part because we can have all the philosophy one and we can you know think about how we want to compete and play the game but you don't players that can execute that it's just a it's just you know it's it's a lofty ideal that doesn't come to fruition but we want to give AJ credit for this and all our players I mean you know look you get on the line but AJ bringing a rise in so on a win for all ten even professional hitters that play the game have back control but also give credit to you know Manny pro far has led the way for sure Manny's been tremendous we've all seen move runner seeing hit the ball the other way Toddy you know walk off it the other day in the right center it's not the only set to ball the other way as you know but the game calls for it that's what you do and the little things to lead to big things we've had some good things happen for sure as well so you know it's been a combination between you know a belief system that we want to create bigger than a great job creating a clear identity with the group and then the guys buying into it and having the ability to execute it has been a lot of fun to watch this year three games remaining division still you know a chance to be able to capture it you need some help but you know you have the city of San Diego behind you Mike appreciate you coming on here this morning after the long night and good luck tonight thanks guys appreciate you thank you Mike Schilt the managers report with Mike Schilt has brought you by San Diego County Credit Union it's not big banking it's better Mike Schilt once again on Gwen and Chris all right let's get to break scraping I will talk a little bit about what we just talked about with Mike Schilt on the other side and we're going to Chris on air 219 it's very rare we get back on air like on time usually we have taken the first segment long but we actually got out on time and we also started to show out what a bang yeah manager Mike Schilt jumped on with us after the long travel let me tell you I got we landed it think 2 a.m. 210 you landed it landed at 210 wow okay and then drove on over here I mean maybe it was like no we probably landed at like 155 150 we were we were here at by like 220 oh that's not so bad I mean it is bad it is bad but sir that's not bad airport drive is not too bad yeah no no this that's you know we stay relatively closely reports so we're got by the time I got bags in the bed like showered into because I can't travel oh you're one of those guys yeah the heck no I can't get in the bed and like not I can't do it so had a shower out of shower in the bed by 330 oh gosh well let me I got to ask about these trips because I guess after the game the players have to eat right are they eating on the plane no no no so there's this so yeah every after every game they're spread now you can choose not to eat the spread and gamble on what's going to be on the plane but I don't suggest that's the the exact move to go with but yeah here's a tough part in September when you when it's West Coast travel you get a lot of these you know late games regardless of whether it's a getaway dare not because they figure you're not going far right you down LA Arizona San Diego to LA like you know and so you get these late these late travel days and so occasionally you get one like yesterday where the Dodgers are starting at 710 which isn't an old-school thing game wasn't that long I think it was 2 2 35 no but let me ask you this too because we didn't really get into this on the show but I thought about it on the drive home last night like why wasn't that game played earlier it seems like whenever the Padres have a third game that's not a day game it's usually like a 340 or 540 because the Dodgers had to leave two it makes no sense to me it was worse for them yeah to go they had to go further they had to go to Colorado do you know why that game was played at 710 I have no idea all right no idea I mean what so here's but yesterday was Thursday correct yes I mean they the obvious answer is it's a September game against the Padres a weekday you're gonna draw more people at 110 are you gonna draw more people at 710 well with the Dodgers Stadium you never know Tony I mean just think about see you know you're thinking about it well if I'm a single man's perspective it's true Mary man with kids it's 710 kids kids are going to school you know you're not out of school at 110 most of the time are all the time so so you're telling me that they're making decisions based upon money crazy concept and not based upon player safety and health okay crazy concept crazy concept crazy concept but that's probably what they're doing that's my guess that's pretty good but we just we did have Mike Schildon and I think the probably the most newsworthy thing he said had to do with Haas on Kim and we have that sound for you right now what is the status of Haas on Kim and with it when he could potentially rejoin the team yeah you know what I wish you had really like really super positive news you know he's just hadn't been able to to be able to get over that that hump with his throwing the hitting is not a problem that ports good but you know immediately consistently throw with any any you know aggressive you know anything behind it and intensity is just that in half and so you know we're we're still weighing what's taking place but you know right now he's not in the spot where we can count on him in the very near future Mike is there is there a point where it's too late and and you know that that window closes there is there is the you know we may be getting there we'll know something here you know sooner than later yeah I mean that's that's pretty that's as clear cut as an answer as we got from him yeah yeah it was he hasn't been able to get over the hump of throwing and on top of that there is a time frame where it's getting too late and then we might be on top of that now and you know you can almost hear it in his voice as he was answering that question like yeah it doesn't sound too good so you know and at this point I don't I don't I can't be honest when I ask you this yeah as as as the Padres really like slipped since he's being gone now now they have either I think I think that it was possibly causing more headaches to figure out where to put them and maybe that's just because I was debating it all day yesterday but I think that it makes a lot of the decisions easier to know whether or not he's going to return at all in the postseason which again to me it sounds like he's probably not but that's just me yeah I mean we'll see again I said from the very beginning that once they move Bogart's over there they weren't doing that to for a little bit of time that they felt like they're gonna move them they're gonna move them move them yeah for the rest of season that's what I said when it happened yeah and I think that's gonna remain true we'll see though I mean we were talking about this yesterday and and they were talking about on the roundtable like I know you're not gonna put a guy on a roster if he's injured obviously but number two if I mean he's a good he's a really good clubhouse guy you saw Manny face timing him after they're during the celebration to share that with him like is there anything to his kind of presence and attitude that could help the team he can still he can still be around and I'd be on the roster okay so that he can be okay yeah yeah for sure because that is important I do sit in that dugout all the time it ain't on the roster post-season roster they're watching games it happens every year so yeah no he can be around you know I don't think you know you give it if he can't play I don't know he's a great clubhouse guy but they got a lot of great clubhouse guys who know that it's making a difference in terms of that but yeah that was certainly newsworthy here in that from Mike today Padres diamond back 640 match it back to some regular starting times crazy 17 used to be like I remember when I didn't want it to go to 640 now I'm like loving it 64 yeah I know Padres here's a playoff situation you Darvers Meryl Kelly the Padres the only one of those teams that have clinched a playoff spot and the those I'm thinking the we're talking Diamondbacks Braves and Mets would eliminate the Diamondbacks from contention from the top spot top wild card spot meaning with a win today they could the Diamondbacks can no longer catch the Padres at the tippity top yeah within a company Mets loss in Milwaukee the Padres would clinch the top spot period so basically for them to come home the the the Padres need to beat the Diamondbacks tonight and have the Mets lose tonight and they would have a long series locked in that's the only way it can happen tonight yes when today a Mets loss now they can just win tonight and tomorrow and not really care what the Mets do and they can clinch it as well but a win tonight Mets loss tonight Padres clinched the top spot and if that happens I bet you some guys get some rest unless they're searching there they're having they're hunting some numbers Manny's hunting 30 so I think I don't think Manny's coming out to that at the very least gets done into this top spots get done that's my guess you know what we when we talked to Manny last week and this is kind of random but he talked about how he he's never hit 40 home runs in his career and I just never really I guess realize that and it proved to me really how hard it is to to hit that many home runs if Manny Machado's never reached a 40 home run point in his career then that shows me how difficult it is and why Shohei Otani hitting 50 or more is that much more impressive the cream in homers the creme de la creme is 50 like you get to that number you you are in a class of small small class right yeah and so 40's a lot to though but maybe as Manny said in that interview he didn't think he was gonna get the 30 but here we here we are one homer way I thought he clicked it last night but he cut it off the end a little bit in that Dodger game but anyway Padres win the night Milwaukee loses or excuse me Mets lose tonight Padres take the top spot they will have home filled advantage for the wildcard round now that in terms of who that would match up who that matchup would be against that's still to be determined yeah because Diamondbacks the Diamondbacks are third now huh yes they they have not played well down the stretch here no they have they have they have not played well I almost you know they have there's another term that you wanted to say I really wanted to use but obviously we're on radio so can't do that good all right let's let's step away let's get to break Joe Musk Grove phenomenal until the two run shot and I would still say he had it through the ball extremely well but we saw some some things that the Padres are in characteristic or some uncharacteristic mistakes from the Padres last night that led to that big inning for the Dodgers well maybe a little conceding and at the from the Padres in that you know the vision may be out of out of touch we'll talk a little bit that on this about that on the other side we're going to Chris two thirty five on the clock Tony good junior Matthew Scravey still getting used to some of these do new songs coming in like I didn't recognize that one either trying to change it up a little bit Tony yeah no I'm not mad at it I just you know still getting used to it that's why it took me a little bit to figure out we were actually back you're not Pavlov's dog anymore were you here a certain song and you're like oh it's time to go yeah no I'm not I'm not it you're reprogramming me as we speak real quick I might have that have brought to my attention I might have said that the Padres division I was talking really about the top wild card spot I miss spoken when I was talking to Mike and I'm I'm sure he knew that that's why he didn't correct me on it nonetheless the Padres division chat's obviously done their their top wild card spot though very much alive and in their own hands in terms of the division I mean Jackson talked a little bit about it after the game yesterday and clearly you know there was a day it was something they had mine I think we heard that after they clinched the playoff spot on Tuesday it was pretty clear in listening to them that they you know wanted to then set their sights on winning that division that obviously is now off the table and now you set your sights on getting home field advantage for the folks in San Diego and I think I think it's I think it's pretty important for him I mean first of all it would it would be be bad practice to not end up having that happen because that would mean they're not playing well going into the playoffs right I mean you would have you've had a lost I mean I would assume in order for them to get caught they would they most likely have to get swept here in Arizona yeah what the mathematics are on this but I mean how many games are up two and a half let me just confirm I'm confirming because I don't want to give out the wrong information when we're so close to the end of the season but they are the Padres are three games up three games up yeah so yeah they basically would have to get swept and either the Mets or Arizona who are the only teams that can catch up I believe at this in the Braves possible in the Braves well they can't well I'm so confused with this Monday double header and so it depends I mean I think the Braves if they lose one if any of them lose one they can't they can't catch them so I mean I mean Padres need two victories so ultimately that's will seal it but either way what I'm trying to say is it would be bad practice them losing two other three or three out of three going into the playoffs and not securing that spot and then having to travel to whatever said play so it's is Padres should lock this up I have full confidence that they will is there is there any sort and I think your answer is gonna be no but and there's no doubt I don't think in their mind because they know that they're a good team but is there any sort of something in the back of their head thinking we can't mess this up no no this haven't been around this group all year they're confident they are yeah they don't they don't think in the same way that we think I think of the more interesting story is if the Phillies can catch the Dodgers mmm their their Phillies are playing the Nationals the Dodgers are playing the Rockies now we know having gone up to Colorado how things can go there yeah I think Philly is they didn't play yesterday so they're probably a game back from the top spot because that you know changes it just looking you know doing what I don't normally do I'm gonna look ahead here like you say the Padres win that series that wildcard series that determines whether the Padres are getting on a bus mmm just go up to LA are they getting on a plane to go to Philly I don't want to go to Philly I don't really I don't want to go to fill I there's I don't really think I don't really matter doesn't to me it doesn't really I don't really care who the Padres play in that first round but I do think it would be a great storylines if the Mets are then coming to San Diego to oh yeah that would be amazing storyline you know I'm saying like Padres went into their building smacked them went on to the next round they'll certainly be looking to do the same thing but the Padres I think have a better team you know I'm I think there's a bunch of of cool storylines and one thing that's usually not pertaining is the Padres but the Padres have all of the cool storylines I think on the national side of a postseason play can we just put into perspective how many games the Padres have actually won this year like they have a chance to win if they sweep this week and they have a chance to win 94 games which is top four in franchise history and we're I I don't think I guess I don't think we're really like admiring the team like we should in regards to the franchise history this is one of the best teams in Padres history and this goes this goes to my thought on on people who always want to like try to say the division doesn't matter you know why we're not paying attention to it to the 90 plus one night you didn't win the division because we didn't win the division at this been a division winner we'd be talking about this differently than we are right now you know I'm saying but I didn't and so now we're just you know we were on to the next thing all right we got 92 3 4 wins all right who we play in the playoffs because we just nothing really the chat about after that it's a great season yeah but but it looked back you like man I didn't even win a division with 94 wins and that's you know that's a tribute to the division in itself but still like we'd be talking about it different if this was a if this was the division right yes Ben Higgins just texted me and said Padres clinched the home field with two wins versus Arizona or one win versus Arizona plus one Mets loss he must have tuned in at some other point I'm just repeating it because I get it all confused by these clenching scenarios and he put it right there in a nice little text message for me we literally just said that's okay Ben I appreciate the text message thank you so much for listening thank you Ben you know Jackson Merrill you mentioned him he said just getting the opportunity to play in the playoffs was our main goal we want it to be the division we were pushing for but sometimes stuff doesn't go your way and all the quotes that I read yesterday from Padres players and whoever was interviewed was basically the same thing like the division wasn't an actual thing until maybe like two or three weeks ago so winning the division would have been nice as Jackson said but all these guys are more focused on what's gonna happen in the postseason they would have liked again to win the division but they're not angry or sad or frustrated that they didn't win the division which I think is a really good sign great Ben what we were really trying to figure out is if the Braves can actually catch the the Padres top spot that's what we were actually trying to figure out so if you could help us out with that that'd be great we would go out good we're saying now no I was just saying like them pretty much saying that like they wanted to win the division that would have been icing on the cake for all these guys and their focus is definitely on the playoffs their focus is on the postseason and so I think you know because the division would have been hard to reach I think it's a good thing for them to be able to focus on their seating now and focus on that first round of the playoffs because now they kind of know what's ahead for them I'll buy that oh wow I'll buy that they you know you shooting for the division at that point yes he got he answered what I really wanted the Braves cannot catch the Padres it's only the Mets and the Diamondbacks who can catch the Padres so that's why I win today in a Mets loss ends that both thank you Ben he said he said you still seem confused which is why he texted you about it he's right he didn't mean for you to read it out on the air oh oh I didn't know that it was for you buddy I thought this was a okay thank you Ben I appreciate the personal service because it would have been easier for me to understand if these games on Monday like cuz cuz instead of everybody basically having three games last yeah there's five games left for two teams math has never been our strong suit oh gosh and I'm okay with that Joe Musgrove can we talk about him a little bit I mean I thought he was phenomenal I mean at one point I think he had like 61 strikes to like 19 balls yeah which is crazy right and you know it just shows you it speaks to a couple things right speaks to how good he was in that game and how I mean just one pitch in the wrong spot to a team like that can it can change on you in a on a on a whim yeah and you know I can't remember what the pitch was that he ended up leaving out over the middle of play to Smith but he hit it and I do it you know from our angle when you watch when you a lot of times when you watch is like off the bat you can just you can tell but he hit his high so and it was the center field so you know those ones are tougher to kind of to kind of read but then I was watching him in a way he discarded the bat I was like oh no he got it yeah I think he got it and then he's gonna start watching Jackson he's seeing him slow up it's like oh no it was a fastball basically down down the middle talk about going from one end of like okay this pod was in control here to like boom to the other end it was it was quick I yeah I think the Dodgers just wanted to wrap up the division they smelled blood in the water but I would you think that Mike Shilt would manage that differently if they were in the playoffs I know Joe was going well you just said it he threw 61 pit strikes the nine balls there's there was nothing I've had the first guy again I was a walk yeah Max Muncie walked Max Muncie walked okay so the pit counts stupid low do does the the first bad thing that he has happened to him all game are you reacting to that in that moment guys really know that would it is what it would have had to admit first he would have had to see Mike Shilt would have had the scene even though there was no signs of it you had to seen this walk coming and already had somebody going because at that point even after the walk if you start to think he's all right well maybe we should get somebody up at that point my man is already up will Smith is up so you know I think no I don't think he would have managed that any different I think he actually managed that like he would have right I mean he didn't what Joe got another batter he got let's see he will Smith Tommy Edmond and then Tanner Scott came in yeah so he didn't even get another batter he they gave up to Homer Tommy Edmond struck out and any bounce back and struck Edmond out so I think he managed it exactly how he probably would have went got Scott and then you know things kind of went from there he threw let's see he threw 85 pitches last night 50 of those for strikes so ratio is pretty good I'm not gonna even panic about Tanner Scott you know I figured that you may have thought I was going nobody is allowed to panic about anybody after the panic that they had for Robert Suarez and then they were ready to put Tanner Scott in there and now what he had a bad night now we're not ready to put him in there come on y'all no one can give up runs for the rest of the year that is what we're looking at okay as long as we're being honest that's fine I could I could deal with that you know I heard Craig and Annie talking about this on the drive-in but they were talking about how it's so weird that during the playoffs it doesn't matter who you are you go over three in one game and you're a bum and you're your your trash and and you you're the worst player on the team but Craig was saying basically when you get to the postseason you throw all that out you cheer for your team and well who you have out there and you just hope for the best I and I agree with them because I don't want to I don't want to nitpick every single little thing that happens throughout the postseason I have a crazy concept okay I want you to hear out okay why not do that the whole time I mean it makes sense to do that the whole time because I did feel a little silly yesterday thinking about how panicked I was earlier in the year when things weren't going well because again I reminded myself and I've said this so many times this year it's very hard for me to stay in the moment the the reality is it could have gone it could have stayed that way all year long right but it didn't like it actually turned and it like turned for a long period of time and it still turned quite frankly so you know I'm just saying if you you should certainly be upset when things don't go your way but just think that you know it's it's better to cheer for your team and hope that they do well yes someone on the chat sit here Scott has been great for us every game until last night but that's not in last night wasn't even that big of a deal I went back to look at his game log and he's fine since September 1st he has only given up and earned run in three games and he's had 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 appearances and when he does give up a run the first time you give up a run was September 10th against the Mariners he didn't give up a run in the next two then he gave up one against the Astros on September 16th and then he went five four games without giving up a run you have to look at the context of those runs to I mean as he coming in with you know a two-run lead is he coming in behind real they mean that all that matters so I mean it's hard to just look at the number I could just tell you from the eye test he looks fine it looks fine wait what he would see Tanner was uh he had two thirds of an inning three hits you know one of those was unearned you had a catcher's interference in there you know there's a lot of lot of you know catty wamp is stuff happening and uh in that game yesterday for that the Padres don't normally do when they just think about the first two games were really tight and there was really no issues in terms of defense or any like decision-making right they just they they won one they lost one and then yesterday that game gets a much bigger score and you know you can look at the two errors and and realize how much they ate it in the score getting away from the Padres like that yeah I uh you were saying the uncharacteristic things that they did do you want to talk about that real quick I mean the throw from the catcher's interference you know I get it you know you can't control it but in some guards like that that could end up mattering right you get a catcher's interference in the eighth inning of a playoff game that's gonna matter that could that could that could cost you a game when it so those things and again you know you the game is so much different now because we're talking about stealing strikes and the catchers are closer now trying to make sure you steal the bottom of the zone and things of that nature that's the risk you take when you're doing it and it becomes a calculation of can you take those kind of risks all the time right there are spots in the game where maybe you know I can't try to get that extra entry to try to steal these strikes right I think that's that's part of it understanding when when it is and then obviously totties throw like it didn't lead to a run per se but it put two runners in scoring position that ended up scoring on a on a hit the next pitch right as opposed to just a once guy in scoring position you know yeah I do know that um go ahead no uh the chat said great regular season take that energy to the postseason and play a game-by-game go potters uh I like it that's that is the you know and the funny thing is that's been the team blinds at all year that's true they that's all they talk about they go and game-by-game I mean mike shield said it in our interview game-by-game that's how that's how it's gonna go and that is how that is how you are able to flush bad stuff when you're bad that's how you're able to not allow yourself to think you're too good is just by moving on you're not celebrating your four hit night the night before you on to the day I gotta try to get four more you baseball players have some of the best compartmentalization I think in all of sports you have to dog this uh if you don't have that skill you get you get eaten up in a in the season because now you especially you know because as humans we typically hang on to the negative stuff a lot so those over for us which you will have a ton of if you can't like learn how to like forget it and move on you you never you that's all that's a rabbit hole that you can't I get it I mean I get myself in those is a surprise here at all that I get into my rabbit holes but you know sometimes I'll I'll say something on the show and I'll drive home and I'll think about it and then I start spiraling about it and then I tell myself stop spiraling it's gonna be okay just move on but it's really I mean I'm being genuine it's gotta be very hard for some of these guys to move on from from bad days yeah I'm sure it is I'm sure those are the those are the years that they struggle is when it's it's harder to move on it's not a perfect science I don't know anybody that has perfected it from that standpoint yeah so uh yeah Padres back in uh action tonight you Darvish toes the rubber uh Mero Kelly Mero Mero Kelly on the mound for uh the diamond back he stoned the ball extremely well in his outings uh so we'll see how the Padres have handled him pretty well though uh he's the Padres have had a lot of pictures well but he even in particular I think the Padres have done a good job in who do you think he looks like uh uh my man from uh something about mary woogie he looks like woogie he does yeah it's really funny but that's what you look like I think woogie is the the name for sure uh all right let's uh let's get the break Kirk Kenny on the other side send a union tribune he's got some thoughts on mountain west pack 12 the showdown plus uh who's gonna be the quarterback this week on the other side we're going to Chris yes indeed welcome back winning Chris minus the Chris Matt Scravey and Tony Gwen jr here getting you set uh before Sam Levitt takes over the free game uh but right now is is our guest ready yes yes oh well all right uh joining us it's kind of funny right when when Adams on the board guests come on on time when I'm on the board it's like seven minutes late yeah take it you know I'm not gonna say anyway Kirk Kenny joins us here San Diego Union Tribune Kirk how are you my friend I'm doing well he's scraping you might want to keep that note to yourself just just shooting himself down it's a there we're not don't bring it up in your annual evaluation oh that's that's where I'm good at bringing up here I didn't say it he's just shooting on himself right now i don't even understand what's going on uh Kirk a lot going on right now man uh we'll start with just the conference stuff okay there is a a there seems to be a race right now for who can fill their conference with the level of the level that they needed to as well as the amount of teams they needed to be at um Mount West I don't know what's what's going on here between the pack 12 and the mountain west well it's been going back and forth for uh what a couple weeks now on who well let's start so the pack 12 any conference has to have eight teams in order to be eligible uh for the playoffs and such um and the pack 12 reloaded with four Mountain West schools a couple weeks ago then they added another one this week Utah State but that only gives them seven they thought they maybe get some AAC teams they that fell through and so they were going to go tap in the Mountain West again and Mountain West now secured the rest of its team so they're at seven Mount West because it's seven and you got to be at eight um so obviously so they're going to fill backfill somehow and they um aren't going to do it now the pack 12 not going to be able to fill at this point with as good a team as they thought and Mountain West I think filled backfill with some um schools from some of the other group of five conferences so we'll just see how it plays out well Kirk what do you think is there it does does one have an advantage of the over the other at this point I mean it certainly seems like the Mountain West was basically able to keep the teams in the fold by the exit money that they're going to have to film the teams that are leaving how is that sustainable on the Mountain West side well that keep those teams there um and it does one side have an advantage right now do you like the Mountain West as it's funny it seems like the leverage shifts from hour to hour or day to day and the Mountain West had all that uh money now from the pack 12 for the poaching fees and the exit fees so they seem to be in the driver's seat now because they could throw around money to keep their schools intact you know a month and a half ago it seemed like the pack 12 was in more of the driver's seat because they had uh a pretty good war chest for them to kind of navigate how they want it to but you know from one moment to the next it just seems like something that they're counting on falls through either conference and then something else happens so I think there's still a lot to be determined and one thing is the uh pack 12 this week another thing is they said they're they're gonna sue to not have to pay the poaching fee so I'll be interested to see how that plays out um as far as I know that they had some good lawyers read over their contract before they signed it so I don't know on what basis they're gonna try and get out of that we're talking to Kirk Kenny here of the San Diego Union Tribune and this is probably a question you can't answer but when are these conferences and these people at the top of the NCAA football athletics all that stuff what are they gonna realize that none of us care about any of this and we just want to see them play football well that's a good question you know you know it's too bad I'd really kind of I've been doing this a while and I'm just kind of exhausted from all the movement and the different things going on it's like it takes so much away from the game yeah but I've told several people years and years ago I worked for a guy and he said kind of the American way is to take something good and make it great and then take it a step further and ruin it and that's like I feel like we're I feel like we're on that road for college football and all college sports for that matter and it's just it saddens me in a lot of ways yeah no it is the in the effort to be perfect you know it seems like it has kind of eaten itself in in some ways which that isn't as fortunate all right let's shift gears Kirk Kenny joins us San Diego Union Tribune Daniel Neil was out against Cal but because of injury who's gonna quarterback this week Daniel Neil he's back I found out he's going to be back this week and it you know this really sets up as an interesting game and we'll start with Daniel Neil and that news uh injured his knee three weeks ago against Oregon State he finished that game but then they determined he wasn't their best option for the Cal game so they started the backup Jamaican Johnson and he did fairly well but they lost that game but now they feel like Danny's well enough that he can be their best option for this game I'm most intrigued it's a left knee injury and he's been wearing a brace on it and watching him in practice he's moving around pretty well but I still when I see that bracelet just you know you're not the guy you are when you are completely healthy fun most interested to see how he gets around with that brace on yeah that is interesting because he does kind of move a little bit right he has a little bit of running in his game or is that something that he's gonna have to go away from yeah I mean he's not Lamar Jackson but uh it's definitely it's definitely a weapon they can use to you know especially to go go get a first down or um you know just give the defense something else to consider so if that is taken away uh you know we'll see how how well the central Michigan defense does it pin in its ears back and coming after him um I don't know uh you know we'll see also is there a quicker trigger maybe to to bring the other guy in if it if they start to feel like Danny isn't quite game ready yeah Kirk can he joins us Andy you and Tribune uh Kirk the the Aztecs are one and two on the season um what where where are you at where do you swear have you what have you seen from the team in three I know three games is an early check-in point but you know given the fact that they've kind of they haven't had their quarterback especially last week I mean where's this team at right now is there some progression being seen at least from the staff's standpoint you know I thought progress in the second half of the first game when they scored 42 points and that's about the most extended period we've seen where this offense they're showing what it can do because between injuries and officially penalties Aztecs were they lead the nation in penalties per game with 13 and that's taken away a lot of their big plays that the offense could have made some plays that even took away a defensive touchdown when they had a block in the back yeah um but a lot of those penalties a majority of the penalties were on the offensive line either with false darts or holds and things and so they've had two weeks to kind of sort through that and maybe see if they can clean that up a little bit and I think that's going to be the key for the Aztecs offense is just not shooting themselves in the foot talking to Kirk Kenny of the San Diego Union Tribune about Aztecs football they are playing central Michigan this weekend and you know I like to be dramatic Kirk you know that I like to frame things as if it's like the last thing that this person is ever going to do on this earth but are we too early in the Sean Lewis head coach career to say this game is a must win yeah I mean I know the answers to these questions I just want to see if I'm going to get something different yes well that's the short answer the longer one is and again we're not society now where they want to make a call after one play uh one quarter one game and you know these things take a little while to play out I mean look at the potteries are a great example I had great example on there pulling their hair out in May like you know the world's coming to an end and then we get past the altar break and things are clicking and you know the same thing applies here and and I think in football they there's still a lot of football to be played and let's just see you know once the Aztecs kind of get a few more games under their belt which way this is going to go patience Kirk Kenny says everywhere I mean they haven't even started conference yet right? Scrabies, Scrabies ready for must wins right right ready for must wins Eric thank you thank you for your time man we appreciate you no problem glad to do it Kirk kitty said to go union tribune and Scrabie come on dog this one one and two dog how can it possibly be a must win for like do you really want me to answer that question? yes please okay it possibly could be a must win for them do I really want me to answer this question because please people ask me are you really serious about your questions and the answer is somewhat somewhat and the reason is because you know we do live in that society where the last thing that you do is the thing that we judge and Sean Lewis came in here and personally he's gonna have to go through this whole year for me he's gonna have to go through this whole year and it's gonna be a transition year for the program but I think a lot of people are thinking hey you cannot start one and three in your debut with the Aztecs yes you can start one and three in your debut with your with the Aztecs stop it yes you can there's no rule saying you're not allowed to start one and two or you have to be fired I didn't say he was going to be fired but one and three is not the place of Aztecs he's not even there yet though I know he has to play Central Michigan tomorrow so can we can can he at least have the game first before we start saying one and three that's all I'm saying though sorry I don't know if you're talking to me but I had to run back to my seat so we're playing musical chairs in studio is that on camera you running back to your seat there it was just nothing there for a little bit and then Adam came back in there so that's why I wasn't there but I I definitely was talking to you but I don't remember what I said now so is it so you're probably just saying that I was ridiculous for something because I thought that the Aztecs should have won oh yeah yeah yeah it was counting losses exactly you're counting losses before they actually happened but let me go see if the chat's crushing me right now why why do you need to see that I have I'm a sucker for punishment yes you are you just want to you want to see it well someone said the other day don't you want to go on the discord the Gwyn and Chris discord and and look at everything real time and I'm like no I definitely don't want to go on the discord wait what is that it's like it's a new chat system it's like a new chat thing it's not new actually it's been around for a long time but you can connect with people you can basically have a long conversation like the youtube chat is on a different app but you could do it all day every day was that on video games at some point it's it was kind of four video games four video game okay I do remember that yeah we used it before but no you have you have because that Adam had us download it when that's where okay that's where I remember it from okay yeah yeah you're right oh did you just get a shiver up your stuff yeah like that was like that made me sick all right uh let's get a break I have to uh get myself ready to head to the field I will rejoin a little bit later but yes I will uh I need to step away so let's get you to break when we come back scrape what you got day the gamut not the daily gambit I am going to be talking about some of the things that the Padres we were talking about earlier and I'm scrolling down which is like I guess I want to look ahead a little bit to the playoff rotation because Enos Eris said something on Ben & Woods yesterday that I thought was pretty pretty good so I'm going to bring that up and talk about it yeah probably a better time to bring it up I think you would agree with him on this one but yes all right uh work with Chris on the other side more scrapey on the other side that's going back with you here in the Odyssey Palace this is winning Chris nine seven three the fan tonic wood junior will be back in about 20 minutes for the countdown which I'll give you the topic now it's our top five we love the baseball postseason so that will be at 340 and then we will have him back again for the big five at 440 and also Chris will be back next Wednesday from his vacation so he will be right in the thick of things when he gets back because the Padres are likely I say likely because I do not want to jinx it and be accused of jinxing it but I say likely we'll have a home playoff series in the wild card so that would be a huge change from two years ago and that would be a huge advantage for the Padres we already know that the Padres have great home field advantage so I want to see this this crowd get going during a wild card series where all of the games are in one stadium you don't have to travel back and forth I think that's going to be something that the Padres can lean on a little bit and so we'll talk about that as the show goes along uh you know Sammy love yesterday and he he is here in the building and I just am not really a fan of his right now and if you watched the show yesterday you know why and it was because he threw me under the bus and he threw me under the bus to the point where I wanted to cry I didn't want to cry at all but Sam Levitt is in the building and he is going to be on Sammy versus the fans here coming up at four o'clock if he can make it he has an interview but Sammy versus the fans also who's going to join us at five o'clock I'm willing to I'm willing to let everything go Sam willing to let everything go all right I said before the break that we are we're going to talk about what you know Sarah said on Ben and Woods and he was talking about the yeah I guess they they asked him about the playoff rotation for the Padres and you know Sarah if you don't know he writes for the athletic he's really good on the pitching stuff he has a lot of different analytics and stats but uh the morning show Ben and Woods asked him for who he thought should be the first or the game one starter for the Padres he's my game one starter you know and I think that informs something because if he comes out and wins it then I can do a much more traditional sort of we're just going to do the rotation after that you know um if he loses it then a lot of this discussion goes out the window because then it's Joe Musgrove for two and he puts a batter on you know there's no tomorrow yeah so it could be just everybody uh in the second game so um you know I do think that uh king is probably sluts and fourth just the may be the seniority sake but in terms of quality um I think I might have it uh these king Musgrove darvish uh but they're all uh I think like top 25 top 30 type pitchers for me so uh the difference is fine and um it is a little bit more about who's going to come out of the pen and what happens I think in game one but easily for me don't see starts game one this is kind of surprising to me because I guess I just always assumed that in my mind you darvish would start game one and I don't really know why I put the emphasis on you darvish because he just came back a couple weeks ago from his extended stay uh you know away from the team but Dylan sees to me is probably the right choice and the reason he's the right choice is because we've seen him at times this year be one of the better pitchers in all baseball he has over 200 strikeouts this year he has a no hitter this year there is a stretch of baseball where he gave up like three hits over three games he's been doing crazy stuff all season long and since game one of the wild card is so important to win because you get out to that lead you don't really have that pressure of losing the second game and going home I think Dylan sees gives you the best opportunity to put up zeros on the board in game one now if they do need Dylan sees to pitch somewhere else I also think he works in the second spot say that say they have uh you know Joe Musker over you darvish go game one Dylan sees could be a stopper for them in game two if they lose that game one I think Dylan sees is a guy that you put in the the spot in the rotation for the playoffs where you know you need to get a win which is game one or game two but game one sets the tone for the rest of the series in game one of the wild card series is so important because it's only a three game series we saw this in 2022 Padre has won the first game with you darvish on the mound and they lost the second game and then they came back with Joe Musker on the mound and they won the third game they come home and they played the Dodgers and we know that the pressure when the pressure is at its highest I want the guys who have done it all year with all the pressure on them and that would be Dylan sees and I you know Paul said something on the round table yesterday because he he mentioned that Michael King was his let me go back to I wrote this down he mentioned that his order would be cease Michael King Joe Musker over new darvish and I I don't know that Michael King is going to make the rotation and we're going to hear from Mike shill at 520 I did ask him about possible bullpen things going on with the playoffs but you know we didn't get much of an answer because obviously we don't we're not there yet so we don't really know but I I like to what Paul said yesterday on the round table if Michael King is not a starter for the Padres which he in my mind is likely not to be he should be the first guy out of the bullpen if a pitcher struggles because Michael King has that experience out of the bullpen and Michael King has that attitude that he's going to go out there and do whatever the team asked him to do and Michael King also is a guy who has pitched so well this year he he might even be the Padres best pitcher this year outside of Dylan Sees he probably is the Padres best pitcher this year outside of Dylan Sees Michael King has been a revelation and he has done a lot this year to prove that he can handle these big time spots and I guess there's no real substitute for pitching in the playoffs the actual playoffs I guess there's no real substitute to like kind of figure out what you're going to be like but I can only assume that Michael King is going to rise to the occasion he's done it all season long and we had questions coming into the year about Michael King he's he's he's answered all those questions which some of the questions were how many innings can he go is he going to be able to start the entire season how is he going to be as a starter in his first season and he's answered all those questions with he's going to be just fine and he's going to go the entire season and he's going to strike out a lot of guys and so if Michael King comes out of the bullpen say they get in trouble with the starter in the third inning you have a guy that can go three four innings if you need him to and sometimes you need those guys in the playoff series to to eat a chunk of innings and who else would you want out there that Michael King I don't know that I want anyone else out there out of the bullpen for like a long relief type of roll then Michael King you have Brian Hoeing who he was he was in the game last night Brian Hoeing is a is a great pitcher for the Padres I mean he's been a good pitcher for the Padres but I don't necessarily it's the word trust is a weird word for me to use but I don't necessarily think that he's the right guy when say the Padres are down three runs after three innings or something like that and I know that I'm putting out things out there and I'm knocking on all the wood but these are the things that they have to prepare for and they are preparing for but it was interesting to hear you know Sarah's be so emphatic that Dylan sees is his guy hands down and I I'm gonna I'm gonna listen to you know Sarah's every time that he's predicted something he's pretty spot-on on what he says so if he's saying it then there is some truth behind it and the rotation in the wildcard series is the probably the hardest to figure out because you got to get five guys down to three and then you got to put guys in the bullpen and then you got to you have to figure out who you want to take off the roster and side note if you missed it earlier we asked Mike Shill about Haas on Kim and he he didn't have positive things to say about the recovery timetable for Haas on Kim so to me I'm planning on not having Haas on Kim this entire postseason so there's a you know they don't have to worry about that roster spot right there you know he's already on the IL and all that but still he and Adam has oh Mike Shill talking about Haas on Kim what is the status of Haas on Kim and when he could potentially rejoin the team yeah you know what I wish you had really like really super positive news you know he's just hadn't been able to to be able to get over that that hump with his throw and the hitting is not a problem that parts good but you know immediately consistently throw with any any you know aggressive you know and behind it and intensity is just that and half and so you know we're still way in what's taking place but you know right now he sees not in a spot where we can count on in the very near future Mike is there is there a point where it's too late and you know that that window closes there is there is the you know we and we may be getting there we'll know something here you know sooner than later so there you go straight from the Padres manager mouth it doesn't really it doesn't bode well for the future in my mind and you also have to think about whether or not Haas on Kim has actually played his last game in a Padres uniform because of the injury and he has a contract situation coming up after this year where he gets to choose and and there are people saying that he is not going to return to the Padres and that's still yet to be seen we don't know and who knows what this injury does for the you know the future prospects of a contract but Haas on Kim's gonna make money he's gonna make a lot of money and he probably deserves it for the defensive side and I don't know that the Padres are going to be willing to pay that money so we may have seen the last of Haas on Kim now as Tony said earlier he's going to be in the the dugout throughout the the playoff series so his vibes can be there but he's not going to be on the field and I this is going to sound harsh but I do think it helps the Padres make a decision they didn't want to make which would be moving Xander Bogart at a shortstop or even have I mean that the team hasn't really skipped a beat since Haas on Kim has gone on the IO and that's not a knock on him as a player it's just kind of a fact and so would you want to put Haas on Kim back in there mess up the flow of everything right now and really if he's injured and he's not going to be a playoffs it just makes things way easier for the Padres to make a decision last thing before we had to break someone on the chat said that uh Dylan sees hell no he's two you never know what you're going to get so his past five starts Dylan sees his last one last night five inning or two nights ago five innings gave up three runs he struck out for it we know that it wasn't his best start and he said so as he said as much after the game but if you look at the two previous starts you can see why he's he could be the guy to lead the rotation in the wildcard series we ate in the third against the Astros he went six against the Giants no runs given up we know how well he pitched against the Astros I mean he was uh Xander Bogart's throw away from a complete game there uh he went six innings against the the oh I guess he pitched back to back against the Giants so he went six innings each against the Giants he had 10 strikeouts in San Francisco Dylan Cease is a strikeout artist Dylan Cease is a great pitcher and I feel very comfortable Dylan Cease if he is the game one pitcher for the Padres I am Matt Scrabby this is Gwen and Chris and when we get back Tony's going to rejoin me and we're going to do the countdown which is our top five of something and this time our top five things we like about the postseason and let me tell you my list is very different from Tony's list so countdown we get back 97 through the fan that's exactly here in the Odyssey Palace 97 3 the fan getting ready for a final regular season series for the Padres against the Diamondbacks out there in Arizona game starts at 640 Sam Levitt has your eco water Padres SoCal Padres pregame show at 540 and we're going to be doing the countdown here in just a second top five things that we love about postseason baseball and my list is a lot different from Tony's list because Tony actually got to play in the postseason so I never really spent much time on a postseason baseball field so mine is more feelings and Tony is more like actually being there so you'll get both sides look at the fan side you'll get Tony's side we talked to Mike Schill a little bit earlier so if you would like to go listen to that you can go on YouTube and go back to the very beginning of the show he joined us right out the gate at 2 p.m. and you can go on the YouTube all the way back to the beginning you can hear that and we'll also be playing that for you at 520 and there was a lot talked about a lot of questions about focusing on this weekend versus focusing on the playoffs and Hassan Kim and and some of the other you know kind of minor details that are happening right now for the Padres going into that final regular season series and you know I saw on the chat that because I said last segment I said that Hassan Kim might mess with the flow of the team and if they were to bring him back and someone brought up Godzilla actually on the chat brought up that that's what they said about Fernando when he was coming back now personally I did not say that about Fernando and padzilla he he recognized that but it is ridiculous to me for anyone you were to have Fernando Tati's junior in your lineup that you would get worse or because he was in the lineup the team is met the the flow is messed up that doesn't happen with Fernando Tati's junior and we've seen him ever since he came back from the IL he's been great he's been more than great Fernando has been the Fernando that we have wanted him to be all year long and pretty much for the most part when he's healthy has been you know there's been struggles there but right before he got injured he was on fire and now he's hitting home runs at Dodger Stadium Fernando's doing you know he's doing what he needs to do as Fernando now Hassan Kim on the other side I Hassan Kim is not Fernando Tati's junior Hassan Kim is someone who can't change the game in ways that Fernando can't so when I say that Hassan Kim is going to mess up the flow I actually mean that he'll mess up the flow of maybe the guys that are already playing he's been cold now as they said yesterday on the round table for a month and a half at this point he has not played in a professional baseball game in a month and a half so what are you going to do you're going to bring back Hassan Kim you're going to put him in the lineup you're going to have him get get back to normal back to major league ready hitting no it's not going to work that way you're not going to just put him back in the in the lineup for the playoffs either you got to make sure that you're you're doing it you got to take advantage of every single match up during the playoffs and the Padres sort of did that you know they kind of showed their playoff baseball offense last night when they were scratching out runs you runs come very the runs are very expensive in the playoffs and if you are able to get two three runs with the bullpen and the rotation that the Padres have you should win that game I think and they're built for it I mean Luis Arise he has struggled in the last couple maybe the last week or so but Luis Arise is a hitting machine he's built for the playoffs he is built to get on base and and the guys behind him are built to drive him in so we saw a little bit before the the wheels came off last night we saw a little bit of the Padres offense and what it could resemble in the playoffs I mean these last three games against the Dodgers have actually felt like playoff games and last night was no different I'll ask Sam Levy at 5 p.m. about that whether or not those games are feeling like they were playoff games or not all right we have the countdown and we also need to get your traffic report so traffic first and then tony rejoices me for the countdown from the 97 3 the fan traffic center here's Kelly Dannock traffic is brought to you by Ailesmith 394 pale ale looks like a bunch of people get to spend part of their weekend getting their vehicles in for some servicing numerous stall vehicles one in middle lanes on step on five right before the 52 also east eight before texel street stall car in lane next to the slow lane south five at the north 15 connector stall over to the right shoulder also stall eastbound 78 before sycamore this is got the right lane block I've got a crash being moved out of middle lanes on north 10 15 before the original parkway Ailesmith 394 pale ale the official rally pint of the playoff push catch all the sad needle baseball action this week at the Ailesmith tasting room in Miramar enjoy specials on 394 and more while you cheer on your team with fellow fans don't miss the excitement on this weekend go to the Miramar air show and stop in afterwards I'm Kelly Dannock with Gwen and Chris San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the town it's now time for Gwen and Chris to rank their top five of the day gonna grip and rip as usual but this isn't just a regular top five list I love it it sounds significant but I love it this is a countdown and it starts right now a 97 3 the fan you know sometimes Tony it's really really difficult to find a topic for the countdown we could sit here for 20 minutes and name billion different things and we never find it until it finally pops into our head like today's countdown which is going to be the top five things you like about postseason baseball which I think is obviously fitting and before we get into it if you love Mediterranean food try spiro's for authentic Mediterranean cuisine in Coronado or La Jolla for dining or take out options visit spiro's cuisine dot com I guess I'll start Tony if that's all right with you um my number five is going to be the fact that when playoff baseball gets here the air is crisp the sun is going down earlier and earlier and you feel fall is here you know that winter's just around the corner and I love that feeling of fall being here so that's my number five I knew you were going to laugh at that one the rest of them are baseball related but I just know you clearly couldn't only come up before there you just winged five there and I like that that's that's that's a creative human being very very free style of you right there uh number five on my list I don't know what you call these things but I just call them the Fourth of July banners that they have that reminds me of postseason every time I see them and so therefore I don't like when I use them at the beginning of the year I only like when I see them this time here because that means it's postseason if you don't know I'm talking about it I don't even know how you describe them like the um I know what you're saying they're like they're like little um they look like fourth and yeah fourth of July banners I don't know how else to describe them either but that reminds me of playoff baseball number five that is uh that's a better one than falls on the way four I do love fall though soup and there's just a way better way you could have said it but that's fine grilled cheeses at night it's just good stuff postseason baseball because when postseason baseball reaches us that means that I'm eating grilled cheese and soup for dinner okay you can't eat grilled cheese and soup during the summer it's too hot who locked it a juvenile detention set it would grilled cheese and what is going on I might be I also eat fruity petals for breakfast and all of that good stuff all right my number four has something to do with baseball and it's just like the anticipation and the big time feel of each game because you know each game's important you know that the season is on the line for these games and it's just like the importance of everything is much more elevated than it is during the regular season so little things become big things and I love that about the the drama of postseason baseball uh number four on my list is kind of along the lines of fall weather right you see the air coming out of guys mouth especially your back east and then one of those filly of new york settings pitchers on the mound he's locked in steams rolling off of his hat because it's cold out it's colder outside you see a lot more turtlenecks long sleeves one of my favorite parts I mean you can catch it's not solely specific to playoff baseball uh because you can catch that earlier in the season too but um it's just a different feel come october when you see some of that gear I often think of the now the guardians but at the time the indians Kenny Lofton with his red uh turtleneck see it now Steve join I you know that's that's playoff baseball to me are you eating grilled cheese and soup i know grilled cheese and soup okay when you guys go to a cold city for the playoffs i need you during the game to be eating grilled cheese and soup i'm gonna have Dave Marcus do this for you number three that sounds like a Dave Marcus thing yeah yeah now i'm gonna have to go home and eat grilled cheese and soup because now i'm starving for it uh my number three is like i guess i'm i'm basing this off of the games that i went to in 2022 when the Padres were in the playoffs and it's the energy of the home crowd because you can feel it together like it like that game against the Dodgers game five of the NLDS you often say a lot of people often say it but it's felt like the whole stadium was kind of like meshing into one it felt like a big old um you know brotherhood sisterhood type thing so i like the roar of the crowd the feeling that we're all together in this and just the euphoria that happens when your team wins number three on my list is the strategy um the games are with runs at a premium you just see strategy a lot different it's probably more extreme because you know you're in a situation where a loss can send you home and that's so much different than the 162 that we play during the regular season where you know you got a game tomorrow and there's another one after and another one after and so you and you're trying to you know keep people healthy during that time and so there's so many more things that that factor into it those factors go out the window what come playoffs i mean you have kept everybody healthy by doing what you did during season so you can unleash them come playoff time and so i just love that the strategy gets tighter uh you know you know the the downside is you get a lot of new millions of new managers and hitting coaches and filling coaches and umpires that's the downfall but i do enjoy the strategy of it all right number two this is just a hater one but when you're when the team that you don't like is eliminated and especially if the team that you don't like is eliminated in heartbreaking fashion like back to 2022 when the Dodgers were eliminated that was incredible because no one thought they could do it and everybody picked the Dodgers and i don't like the Dodgers so when they went home it made me feel pretty good hater comment yes yes indeed it was uh number two on my list is a little bit like your three but it's not necessarily the home crowd you know being into it it's the dynamic of how the home crowd can be shut up or it can be energized right i mean we watched we watched it we go back to 22 games uh game three right uh or yeah it was a game three game no game two game two right pageries lose game one they come back they win game two in LA and you know it went from it being a raucous crowd after winning game one to i mean the goose landing on the field oh yeah and then pageries putting up some runs and it just being silent and the energy was really determined by what the pageries were doing offensively i guess it depends on how you look at it right i mean i guess the Dodgers didn't do their job they allowed the pageries but there however you want to look at it the crowd is controlled by what is happening to the team right their team was getting beat yeah and so in that case the home crowd wasn't any good you know within the following night as you mentioned the crowd was amazing as they returned to San Diego and put it on and so i just love that dynamic how you could just take a crowd out of it with a crooked number early and you can keep them out of it as long as you can keep their team off the board that's a good one that is a good one the the silencing of the crowd is a very good one number one my number one is going to be when players do superhuman things in the playoffs most like like mostly the world series and i'm just going to reference Madison Baumgar because that was the first guy that came to mind but when he was the 2014 world series mvp he went 2 and 0 he gave up 0.43 he had a 0.43 ERA he gave up only one run in 21 world series innings he came back on short rest just superhuman stuff like that i love because you already have the best baseball players in the world playing in this game and then when you could go one step further than the best baseball players in the world that's what impresses me and that's what's fun to remember interesting number one on my list is just the high level of play from pitchers to hitters to infielders i mean everybody there is just something about the playoffs that heightens your focus and it heightens your awareness and in baseball those things when those things are heightened on the field by everyone you get a really really high level game being played velocity goes up we see we see guys laying off of pitches they didn't they don't normally lay off or they don't lay off of often and i just appreciate that i i got a chance to experience it myself in 2000 in 2008 and you can feel it and it applied it applied to me like i was i felt like i was although i was nervous as hell i felt like i could i was as fast as i'd ever been i just i felt great um and that's all being in that like you could like feel it like in philadelphia remember sending the in the dugout like looking up and all these white towels are like waving and like you can feel like the energy like you can literally feel it and walking onto the on deck circle and into the box you're trying to harness that because it can get it can it can overwhelm you easily like you can just be taken over by it and that is like the fun part is like trying to i mean it's not fun in the time and you're like worried you're trying to do a job and you're like trying to keep yourself in this right space but looking back on it like that's the that's the charge right there yeah that's what you play for right right that little feeling right there yep all right well pager still have three regular season games left against the diamond backs but they are headed to the playoffs we could say that for sure so we'll be feeling all of these things very soon and especially my grilled cheese and soup next week all right when we get back we have adam versus the fans braiden is not here today so we're going to go adam versus the fans eight three three two eight eight oh nine seven three for your chance to win some air clapped in tickets also qualification for las vegas four o'clock hour here of gwen and chris i'm matt scravey we got adam clue here on the ones and twos we have sammy lev in studio who's gonna be playing sammy versus the fans here in just a second let me put you on the screen sam there we go he's here with all of us and he just returned today sam how's your drive back from los angeles uh it was good uh you know relatively easy had a nice lunch on the way back i was inspired by steven woods talking about taking his uh his family to see side market for dinner yesterday so i was then inspired to go to see side market today where for the first time and it's the second time i've ever been there and i know you didn't ask for this whole that's okay down i ask you what's going on okay um so i stopped at seaside market i'd been there once before but this time i went with the the real purpose of like getting getting something to eat some lunch so i had the uh the uh original barbeque cardif try tip sandwich that's not the actual name but it's pretty close it was really good yes it was really really good from the actual place it's so good so i had a i had a good sandwich um and you guys are getting a long way too well right now well all right kind of a scream you're supposed to be caught on quote mad at me i was mad until about until i saw you it's very hard to to dislike sam levin yesterday you cooked scrappy today you're talking about cooking your food let's be let's let's be honest about something i didn't cook scrappy that was like that was your words you literally said that you said i'm going to cook you i slightly critique two things you said on the radio you said the word cook which means not slightly critique means i'm going to hammer you for how dumb you are that's what cook means sam you want to give me go to get see adam is the potster we were getting along until adam said something but um yeah sam and i are going to be fine by the way i had i we had some rave reviews of that 15-minute segment we did um uh at petco park the other day every time you and i get together scrappy there there are some rave reviews that come in so don't get that as well don't get too bent out of shape about yesterday you know how many times people come up to me and say you and sammy should be doing something together and then sammy looks at him and says i don't do stuff with scrappy now sam always looks up like i already have enough to do i can't fit anything more into my schedule but the off-season scrappy show fridays i think we should do it we're going to do nfl pics yes we're going to have sam on and he's going to help me with the nfl anyway the sandwich at uh c-side was was really good had a nice drive back everything's good now getting ready for pajres pre-game at five forty a big game for the pajres yes big series they're in a good spot they got a little bit more work to do though uh in that same before we get to sammy versus the fancy yes in that same parking lot where c-side market is yes uh was the place where i went on my first ever date and where was that it was the restaurants not there anymore moved so that was when i was 18 yes i didn't have a date till i was 18 don't read into it i didn't i didn't i don't think i ever had a date in height like a date no yeah i mean high school trying to think what was my own college you know yeah i started really doing what i was 18 so we went to never went particularly well here's or i always you know had feelings but they were never reciprocated man we are like cut from the same cloth i'm always the one being like hey i like hey uh oh yeah um about that uh yeah i had a really great time like uh hope we can do it again sometime then they text you back and they're like yeah um i had a really nice time but uh just really busy with classes right now and think i need to focus on all the busy excuse the busy excuse i've heard that one doesn't make me angry or anything to this day uh no but i was it when i went on the first day i was so nervous sam that they brought the waters over to the table and i went to go grab the menu and i i punched the water and it went all over my date like all over like all the water from the cups went on her and that's how my first-ever date started does it surprise you probably not i'm always caught i'm always caught in situations like that all right well maybe we need to write a book one day uh sammy versus the fads you're gonna be qualified for a chance to win our grand prize a two-night stay at win or on core las vegas and two tickets to see awakening awakening the thrilling spectacle at win las vegas dazzles audiences with soaring aerialist bounding acrobats high energy choreography and comedic moments at the heart of this compelling story a hero must confront the forces of light and darkness in a quest to save the world a mythic adventure or unfold sediment the most technologically immersive theater ever designed tickets are on sale now at and if you win today you will win a pair of tickets to eric clapton at pachaga arena on october 8th limited tickets remain at a we got our callers we got sammy let's get to the game if you had one shot one opportunity to take down the human almanac himself how do you do now is your time this is me this guy stages now is your opportunity to win a prize well i hope you know what you're in for chris versus the fans starts now on 97 three the fan now the chat's asking is it the one is it the date that you went on where you left her at the table at dinner and since an adi moved home no it was not her and i do somebody commented this on youtube that there was there was a segment back in the day and i think i've heard about this where it was about you trying to trying to get phone numbers or something yes do you see what show was that uh it's uh on a competing radio station here in town sorry but everybody knows me knows where where it was but it was called phone screener scravey awkwardly asked out girls at the grocery store that was one of my first ever bits on the radio you should renew that bit no no why it's because i almost that i almost legitimately got it's almost the winter you need content on this program i i do not ever want to put myself in that position again because everyone said no and it i would just record myself anyway it's just uh yeah anyway all right let's get to our first contestant in our first oh i got to read the rules never mind hold on and all flustered with my date stories you have to make it through three questions each question will get more difficult if you get the question right move on if you get it wrong and sam gets it right you're eliminated but if sam gets it wrong then you move on to the next question or you win and christmas the fans is presented by sd fat loss lose 20 to 30 pounds in just 60 days visit to schedule your free consultation all right we'll get started with hilberto because last friday i believe it was last friday we accidentally hung up on you hilberto how are you? hola muchasas como stan muy bien hey seriously too? oh i'm very happy especially because last night oh yes hilberto is a dodger's fate who has padres he's the first contestant we promised it to him last friday i mean this is not news to anyone no sammy yes sammy i'm uh see some ticket holder for the padre oh okay all right and i'm looking forward for them to clean shit so i can go to a game next week all right you convinced me yeah hilberto good padre good baseball fan good baseball fan okay all right hilberto here we go question number one in football what is it called when a defensive player catches a pass intended for an offensive player that's uh pick in perception correct question number two there are two players in baseball right now with an ops over one for the season name both over a thousand over one one thousand one thousand it's one point zero zero zero another one right over one thousand uh i gotta go with uh oh tanny train judge correct only two guys left not even bobby wits up there so i're putting together some great seasons all right we're already on the third question sam might not even answer one of these things so let's get to it i'm glad to see i got to the third one you did you did this one's tough though this padre's playoff history question who is the only padre with a multi-homer game one in a post-season series multi-homer game one in a post-season series and i game one ah let me see it's gotta be i have to go with ken kennedy ken kennedy stay there hilberto sam who is the only padre with a multi-homer game one in a post-season series this is testing me um it's came about newsletters two days a day and one time i don't read aj's newsletter um game one game one game one game one uh i i don't know i i don't i don't think it was from 22 i don't remember a game one where somebody had a multi-homer game i'll help out i'll help out okay it was not going to give me a clue it's not since you've worked for this yeah see this is what makes it difficult in all honesty uh i don't know the answer i'm taking just just guess a famous padre hmm i'll give you another guess if you want from me he's giving you what let him let him guess oh hilberto do you have a guess now i have i have another guess but he's he's the one that i one of the players that i really like that play for the padre hmm that's steve carvie steve carvie hilberto has two strikes sam just i don't know i'm gonna guess wrong i don't know i i guess wrong i guess i guess wrong my zero guess i don't i'd like to cook sam for a gringy play the game what the heck i'm not playing the game um throw out the name i have somebody who played for the san diego quadrant yes you see hilberto says you have to say um he already said kam and nitty i don't know this is the last sam versus the fans are ever doing i don't know i don't know okay i will okay hilberto you have won the game but i'm gonna make sam give me a name and i will narrow it down i'm sorry to everybody on hold but hilberto has won so hilberto stay right there uh let's say this person played in the 90s mmm okay it's not tony quinn right it's not tony quinn uh uh i don't know adam can we just sit here until he comes up with a name greg vaughan is the great one okay greg vaughan is the answer all right well that's it for the game today i'm blanking it's okay it's hard i mean it's not an easy game especially for the callers you get put on the spot you don't want to look dumb and so you just don't say a name which ends up making you look like yeah man one caller i know should we just go have let's let's do one more for fun adam i mean we already gave the prize away so we'll get we'll go to david in lohoya i know adam's giving me this look like why are we doing this but it was only one call i want to do another one david are you there i'm here all right let's go to question number one oh i'm my first time player so i can't go to two save that for your next time because you're not actually playing for anything ah okay rich golfer is known as lefty so necker's devil sense right yes michleston is correct second question it's going to be another golf question who won the last us open at torrey pines um tiger wood tiger woods is incorrect sam you know one more us us open at torrey pines now golf i mean this is i've been played around the golf in my life uh us open at torrey pines it wasn't tiger woods it was not uh bill michleston i don't actually never won a us open that's the only thing he only major he hasn't won who knew john rom all right i'm sorry david we're just playing for fun but uh just next time tell us your first time play uh next week we have two days of this before chris comes back and resumes his role as chris first the fan thank you stanford all right that was a failure of uh of uh sammy first attitude coming in maybe very nonchalant like you were gonna just wreck everyone and you didn't you didn't all right let's go to break when we get back a very quick daily gambit tony will rejoin me for the big five around 440 so stick around for that but what uh like i said when we get back we have the daily gambit what did my prop pet do last night but first your traffic report welcome back into gwyneth chris 973 the fan matt scravey here adam clue care sammy left somewhere in the building here and he's going to come back and join me at five p.m. before his his pregame show eco water so cal padre's pregame show starting at 540 we have a padre's lineup and it looks very similar to what we've seen the last couple days but it's uh luisa rise he's playing first base uh for nato tati's jr right field jerks pro four left field man machado third base jacks and maryl centerfield zander boghart short stop jake croneworth second base peralta d hing and hagashyoka catching for you darvish so pretty standard lineup now if you missed mike shill a little bit earlier we uh we asked him about hossan kim we're going to be playing that again at 520 because he had some information about hossan kim i will just say it's not great information about hossan kim so more discussion about that on the way but in this segment we do need to get out some of our bets for the weekend do you like money i think about money do you like money without doing anything uh that winning do you want to make money while watching sports i think washington is immortal lock washington if you answer yes this is your segment just don't blame us when you lose nothing is ever your fault it's your game take it go through the top bets of the day in the daily gambit on 97-3 the fan daily gambit is our daily sports betting segment here on glenn and chris please everybody gamble responsibly i just have a few things to talk about in the daily gambit uh but jeffery says on the chat scravey quote this is the last sammy versus the fans ever immediately plays a bonus round that's pretty funny jeffery because it's true all right uh let's see the fur or let's review the bet i made last night which would be a four leg parlay on the game between the cowboys and the giants and and real quick before we get into that the um 80 of the bets last night on the spread for the game we're on the cowboys minus five and a half uh brandon obry was kicking like a 52 yard field goal with less than a minute to go in the game he pushes it right which is his first missed 50 yard field goal of his entire career it would have put the cowboys up by eight but it kept him at five so all of the people that took the cowboys lost because of that missed field goal so those are kind of the some of the things that i love about the gambling aspect is watching something like that because even though the game wasn't great that part was awesome because i knew what the spread was uh this hour is brought to you by ailsmith 394 pale ale ailsmith 394 pale ale the official rally pint of the playoff push catch all the san ago baseball action this week at the ailsmith tasting room in mirror mark enjoy specials on 394 and more while you cheer on your team with fellow fans don't miss the excitement now last night's bet was a four-leg parlay first leg cd lamb anytime touchdown score he did score a touchdown 70 plus yards receiving for malike neighbors of the giants he had way more than that he had over a hundred yards and 12 catches he did leave the game late with a concussion though uh 80 plus cd lamb receiving yards last night that happened as well cd lamb was all over the place now the only thing that didn't work out for me was probably the hardest leg of the bet going into it anyway which would be Devin Singletary of the Giants running back being an anytime touchdown score giant scored no touchdowns last night i even think the Giants looked like the better team last night cowboys ended up with the win though so everything happened in that except for Devin Singletary and that's what betting is all about all right two quick bets for today and that would be San Diego State at central michigan and central michigan a one-point favorite in this game so not they're not really no one really knows who's going to win this one the over under is what got me though because it's over under 50 and a half points and if you go look five zero and a half points if you go and look at what the the Aztecs have done this year the first game they scored 45 points but that was against texas a and m commerce and that's uh d1 AA the two games that they played against d1 a teams organ state and cow they've only scored 10 points combined in that one organ state 21 nothing loss cow 31 to 10 loss so in both of those games they went under even though they had a hard time scoring so i am recommending if you are of the the a person who likes to bet i am recommending to go oh not over under because i just got i have to see the Aztecs score against a college football defense that's not d1 double a so i i don't know that they can do that um can this tee can these two teams combine for over 50 points just unlikely to me so i'm going to go under on that one i'm not even going to do it on the spread the other one because adam's in here georgia and alabama now the first time since like 2007 that alabama is at home and they are an underdog in the game georgia minus one so another very uh up in the air game adam what are your thoughts about this game realistically because i know you're going to say georgia is going to win but what are your thoughts i don't know that georgia is going to win i'm very nervous about this game and for everybody tuning in for the first time adam is a georgia alum your very nervous is struggled in their last game against kentucky they won by one point and their starting quarterback injured his shoulder i believe is on his non-throwing arm so less of a intern in the throwing arm says a play but georgia and alabama has a history of going against georgia uh they did beat them for their first georgia did win um over alabama for the first national title couple years ago but in plenty of other nat in the other national title game in 2016 plenty of SEC champs of games and other big regular season games alabama's kind of owned this series so no i'm not feeling very confident okay at all what i guess if i'm going to go with someone it's going to be the underdog at home in alabama just because they have the plus part not to take a home alabama as a home underdog yeah it just never happens um i'm gonna go with alabama you've convinced me i think georgia actually does win the game because i think georgia is the better team and i think calon debore is still trying to figure out his footing there with the alabama football team georgia is a powerhouse and they've been just what did you say you're going to take georgia to win the game but you're going to bet on bama it's a one-point spread so i don't think both of those things can really happen you're right just see math is not my best thing um all right i'm taking georgia adam just fool just math me i'm going to take georgia in that one and uh that's really the biggest game of the weekend for college football so that's all we we got on that one um all right that was the daily gambit we'll get back into more regular daily gambiting when chris gets back because he's usually in charge of all those bets so uh he will be the one doing that he gets back on wednesday tony will rejoin me here in just a little bit i saw in the chat though from jh619 uh that's the blue angels flying over the freeway during rush hour traffic equals smh and the reason because everybody's videoing it while driving now i think the air show has a a nerdy aviation geek i love the air show i went to every air show as a kid i've been to a lot of these mirror mar air shows love the blue angels and i love being on the freeway and seeing all this adam are you uh air show guy i i don't know i have never been but i distinctly remember driving on the highway last this time last year and seeing them flying over while i was driving down the highway it's cool i mean when we were i guess during any and else and they were flying around doing their show and something shook the building because that's how close they were flying to our building i definitely think it's something my kids would enjoy if i if i were oh your son your son would love it he would love it like when i was little the b1 bomber would come over and just at full afterburner is great i don't know the details is it just one show or is it like each day this weekend or something no they have each day this weekend i think they may even have two shows they i've never been to the night show and this is i haven't even checked this but when the night show was out it was like they would do this whole sort of demonstration of like invading and so they would bring in the ospreys and they would have the guys fall down the lines and then they would have the harriers come by and they'd have pyrotechnics on the uh on the runway go off like they were doing a bombing run or something like that um i think your son would definitely like it and uh if you want to go like walk around and see the planes too they have a ton of planes out there you can walk through like a c-130 you could walk through some of those other bigger planes and then you can even sit in some of them too which um whenever you see the the f-18s flying around they look kind of small and then you get next to them and they're massive i want to be honest with you this is a pretty major sports weekend for me i will be watching a ton of sports so not there's no time for me to go out and see uh the air show yeah the air show is usually in this time of the year so it is kind of different what's that i said even i couldn't even get out at night with the young kids but we got padre's dot diamondbacks huge series i got georgia alabama i got falcon saints and a whole day of NFL it's just there's it's just not happening for me hey i don't i don't blame you that's a lot of good stuff there so air show but if you're on the freeway please don't be videoing things while people are while uh the the planes are flying over you it's just not good it's just not good it just hurts everyone and then you're going to end up on kelly dannick's traffic report and no one wants to end up on kelly dannick's traffic report because she will roast you she will cook you as we've been saying as of late all right tony will rejoin me when we get back and we're going to be doing the big five the big five has a question about the rookie initiation the padre's players had to do last night and tony has an interesting perspective because he's actually done the rookie initiation so that is what we are going to do the big five rookie initiation when we get back on 97 three the fan right along here on a friday afternoon matt scrapie with you 97 three the fan gwin and chris tony is going to be joining me here for the big five chris hello on vacation you just heard uh jim roe i'm talking about the white socks playing against the uh tigers as they're trying to make a playoff spot and so they moved garret crochet start to today because grady sizemore is a grady sizemore i just uh the feels like that's a an actor um but i'm not i got to go look at his name anyway we're going to move forward on that because i got to keep focus but uh they moved the start of garret crochet to today so that they could compete against their rival and right now it's working out for the white socks i guess because you garret crochet held the the tigers to no runs ended the fourth inning zero zero the the white socks are trying to win out they got swept by the padre's here in san diego and they had one week left they're trying to win out so that they do not have 121 losses which would make them the the the team in history that has the most losses right now they are tied for the most losses in history with the Mets from the 1960s but if they lose one game they are going to be the number one losing team in all of baseball history which is kind of insane it really is that's a lot of losing i can't even imagine can't even imagine all right we have the big five uh and after or before the big five we have your traffic reports of chon tony rejoins me now it's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports only the most important topics and questions are brought to light stop what you're doing and listen these new stories will astound and amaze you the one the only oh my god who the hell case law big for smell on 97th grade of fan to close out the week our big five topic for the padre is the number five spot is going to number five talk about the rookie initiation last night if he didn't know the padre's rookies had to do that initiation which meant having them wear friar costumes all the way from la to arizona now these traditions have changed over the years and they used to be more hardcore but now are pretty tame uh tony first did you have to do anything in second do you think these rookies are getting off easy hell yeah we're getting off week sauce uh no uh uh listen it it it used to be bad for it used to be much more crazy if you were you know if you weren't uh if you weren't a good Ricky and i don't mean buy your play i just mean by how you conduct yourself gotcha uh the worse you were the worse your outfit was and you know i i was fortunate i i kind of had a head start because i kind of knew how i was supposed to act and conduct myself and so i i got off pretty relatively i think i had like bad man one time oh that's not bad yeah i had it i had it pretty easy um but i there i said i had some some teammates who didn't have it as easy that's for sure um but yeah no they're definitely getting off light i mean these these these this major leaguer today's major league is much a nicer guy than the major leaders i came in i honestly can't imagine what it was like in the 70s 80s well you know no it wasn't that badness heavy because you know i think mud was telling the story yesterday that you know what they did was there was a there's a famous shoe store in atlanta called fragrance uh that everybody used to go to and they had all kinds of shoes so basically he said their initiation was uh they basically came back from the game and their shoes were gone and they had bought them platforms and they wrote provocative words like sex on their games of that day too so you know it was a lot i think 70s was probably 80s it probably started 90s it definitely got wild yeah and then like 2000s it was probably still at that level and then you know then we kind of had a change in societal norms and then that kind of that's a good that's a good description change in societal norms i can't even imagine having hosey conseiko looking at me telling me i needed to do something and i didn't want to do it yeah it was it was uh they were different they were different do i think they're getting off easy yeah because i want to see some crazy stuff i mean i i don't necessarily think that they need to be paying bills or they need to be you know doing bad things but i want to see them you know carry that backpack all year round from the from the dugout to the bullpen where it's just like a unicorn backpack or something like that i think those things are funny and acceptable that's crazy because you know you bring up a good point right i mean this is just dressing and so i guess yeah it could humiliate you from a mental standpoint but man those football players they get left with like stick five figure yeah bills like like sixty thousand dollar intervals i think my mental could be upset for a little bit and i get over it after a while and that's five racks all right that's fifteen or five figure meal i don't know that thing that takes a while it hurts yeah yes it does i can't remember who it was but one um veteran like filled a rookie's car with like those packing peanuts the pop popcorn or the popcorn yeah yeah that stuff is full that's a that's a that's i think that's an NBA thing like if you're not a good i think who did that uh oh i think it was uh jeff t was telling the story that you know he was he was popping off and they kept telling them like hey man and sure enough walked out there and one of his nice new cars popcorn all in that bad boy that stuff is hard to get out yeah yeah and the worst part is like you can't drive home like you've got a bunch of popcorn in your car i guess it would be nice to have snacks on the way home but like you literally can't drive it's brutal well it's not before the record it's not actual popcorn it's the packing peanuts right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah still well i guess what you're talking about well yeah then i started thinking popcorn and i was like it would be nice to just turn to my passenger seat and grab some popcorn and eat some on the way but you're right those are not edible yeah not edible man i would have died unless tony guin jr told me not to eat the popcorn four now katelyn clark addressed the abuse that her fellow wmba players have experienced from fans and games against the indiana fira this year and speaking to reporters today she described the people making any racist and derogatory comments as quote unquote trolls and no one in the league should be subject to any type of verbal abuse she also added quote those aren't fans in reference to the troll so i'm at first are trolls fans this question was made for me no trolls are not fans because trolls are only there for one thing and it's to make other people miserable because they are miserable so if someone says something nice online about the padre they have to go say something mean to make themselves feel better trolls are not fans trolls are trolls and the reason they're trolls is because they live under a bridge and they do not care about anybody else's feelings i just cannot stand trolls and i'll stop there tony what's the question are trolls fans uh some trolls are fans unfortunately i think some trolls are just trolls i would probably say a lot of those people are trolls though not actual fans of the wmba uh yeah in this regard i think you're probably right here these are actually people that are hateful i think i think you know i think you know we're such this such a crazy place we live in now that i've met you people tune in just so that they can have a fodder or material to to troll yeah that's where we're at like that's what people do you know so uh i agree this that i think a lot of these people are trolls nobody i mean here's the thing they they garnered a bunch of new fans the new bunch of new eyes yeah this year this year uh a lot of new fans but some of those eyes that came in were are trolls right they want to they just want cause chaos so you know it's it's as you as that weeds itself out and that gets old after a while right as it will eventually do they still will have that segment of fans they brought in so at the end it's worth it for the game right i mean you're gonna they're gonna get more fans uh as they go along but the tough part is you're gonna bring in some folks that ain't fans that are just going to do this type of crap yeah it's throughout my radio career and people with much bigger names in radio have told me if you're getting trolled more that means you're getting more successful which is so backwards to me but i totally understand it because you're getting more people looking at you and that's what you just said about the WNBA more fans than ever and some of those people are trolls yeah number three there were a lot of penalties in the first half of uh Thursday night football last night and you know how many penalties in the total game well there were 11 or 15 penalties in the game and 11 of those were on the cowboys far too many penalties for prime video play-by-play announcer al michaels as the flags flew in the first half michaels became clearly irritated then he said and then he channeled some of that irritation into one-liners he said quote it looks like june 14th year otherwise known as flag day as you know end quote he uh he noted that in the first half but you know some people say that al michaels is too negative during the broadcast he's too uh get off my lawn tony do you think he is unprofessional to be fair haven't really listened to al so i don't know but i will say that i could see how someone if you're i mean this isn't the first type of deal we've had to read about al no he talked last year about how bad the games were during the game and and so if if you get somebody that doesn't seem like they're happy to to do it that's the that's the thing about broadcasting and he you know i feel crazy saying this in general because it's al michaels and allegedly yes but like you know when you do when you listen to a game you want to feel like the other the guys who are talking about it like are enjoying it and like want to be there and i would i would guess if i were listening and i were listening every week that that might get old after a while if i didn't feel like these guys actually want to be there or that they're enjoying or this person is enjoying what it is they're doing yeah i could see how that would get old but i can't honestly give you an opinion on whether i think he's too negative not i just know this is like the third or fourth time you've you know had one of these subjects pop up and he's been in the middle of it um and i could see how if i was a listener listening every thursday i i would get a little annoyed by it yeah when you put it like that listening every single thursday and he's just crushing the the teams and all that all the time then that would be annoying but in in reference to last night like i was even being like man another penalty are you kidding me it was like it was like play penalty play penalty and that's not and that's not to say that every time he's concerned something that he wasn't completely right i mean he was right about the games these flags so it's not like he's wrong but i do want the broadcasters to feel like they're like feel like man he's enjoying this because then i'll enjoy it yeah that's true that's true i like al michael's i think that i do too i just why i said i haven't listened to himself he speaks for the people at some times and i like that and then you got kirk herb street who's like mr positive so you got two guys that are perfect for each other in that booth number two the president's cup is happening right now and if you don't know what i saw some of this oh well if you don't know about the president's cup which i think many of you don't this is the golf tournament which features the USA versus the rest of the world and the writer cup is actually more popular but there have been ideas as as to how to spice up the president's cup and one of those suggestions is to make this a mixed event the best men in the world and the best women in the world except for europeans because that is the writer cup so i'm a first would that help get eyes on the event i do think it would help get eyes on the event because women's golf and women's sports in general is up across the board and more and more golf fans are learning about the lpj tour and the stars on the lpj tours so if you had say uh bryson or skyshelfler let's use skyshelfler and mele corda teamed up in an event against you know the best men and women from around the world i do think that would help spice it up and i actually want this to happen i think it's a good idea the president's cup is whatever because the writer cup is really what people watch so i think this would be a good idea tony why is the writer cup what people watch it's the oldest and it's like it goes that's the only reason is it's the oldest one it's the most competitive i mean it's just the president's cup is much newer so it's not it's so what is the what's the difference the press the writer cup is the americans versus the europeans and the president's cup is the americans versus the world minus europeans so basically they made it so other golfers around the world you know yeah no i'm sure any new ideas can help so certainly you know going with the adding the women to it i think certainly can help but what also can help is a little bit of what happened yesterday my man uh my man uh sheffler was talking crazy yes he was to kem and that kind of stuff will bring eyeballs like kem was popping off he must have said something and then my man sheffler hit a hit a putt from a little bit of distance and basically was giving him the business back that kind of interaction can get people to start buying to start watching a little bit you know i'm saying yeah uh it is opposing you know put the you know hitting you taking your shot taking your next shot put it in a hole waving quiet clapping yeah no we gotta get some energy yeah he said that um tom can poke the bear which why poke scottie sheffler of all people yeah you don't want to poke that guy he's the best in the world right now i remember a few years ago when rory and patrick uh reed were playing against each other in the writer cup and they kept sinking these incredibly long putts to like one up each other and it got to the point where both of them were just like screaming at each other and it was great so you're right any sort of news helps and any sort of competition like that helps all right last one number one a downtown staple and destination for many pajamas fans did something that may anger some people a tweet went up yesterday and it showed bugs at the ballpark putting it with a banner around the outside of it showing the los angeles chargers schedule and logo as you can imagine this is kind of controversial so tony do you have an issue with them putting up this banner bugs at the ballpark yes putting a charger's banner outside yes no why would i have a problem with that i don't know no i'm probably at all i mean i know the other people i like the charges we talked about this yeah yep so uh why would i have a problem i know the people who don't like the chargers probably will have a problem with it and guess what they are out of luck too because i believe that is their business and they get to kind of put up whatever signs they want now if you decide man i'm not going to go get none of their wings because they got this charger signed up you know that's that's on you too you know you have the right to make the whatever decision you choose but it doesn't bother me and uh i bet they're going to do all right still you're probably right they're going to do all right i it doesn't it it does slightly bother me because the fact that it's on here means it kind of bothers you you know me way too well uh you know that this is my outlet right here and i'm usually in the form of a topic have had it baby i just think when you when you have put yourself as the place where padre's fans go i think you've got to wait till the season's over before you put up the charger banner oh okay wait wait is the issue that the padre fans i know what is the issue is that bubs is uh a san diego padre's bar to me that's what padre's fans go has it always been that way have you been that familiar you got do you guys i i can't tell you i've been drinking a long time but i'm sure that when the chargers were here bubs was playing chargers games but then they took it they took years off of promoting this because it was they were salty too maybe maybe they got maybe their feelings aren't as hurt anymore and they or maybe they say you know what i'm moving on or they say you know what it's probably a segment of folks that they'd like to charge us if we can get them into our restaurant all of those are correct and i think i think at some point yes everyone just needs to move on i'm not saying fans you're not there yet businesses need to move on no i'm fine with them putting this up after the baseball season it just it's just your only drug free visit goes to above the ballpark during wild card weekend or wild card week and sits next to a chargers banner that seems so bad to me i think the wait wait the banners are inside the restaurant everywhere yeah so you get like you got to sit next to the banner too when you're outside you could sit next to the banner nuts too it's not nuts i don't think i don't think maybe they should wait until after potter but the other thing is even though there's football games going right now they should probably wait till after the other thing is if i mean it's their business so who knows maybe they need this up because their business isn't doing as well right now i mean businesses are down across the country i don't know this to be true or anything like that but that could be a reason for it and if it's in in regards to survival then what do i care i mean i'm not running the business but in regards to how it looks i'm a little unsettled by it tony little unsettled sorry man all right that's it for the big five when we get back we're going to have mike shilt in five twenty and then i'm going to set up what's going to happen this weekend with the pardres and the diamondbacks on ninety seven three the fair