Gwynn & Chris On Demand

Gwynn & Chris Sept. 27th Hour 1: Mike Shildt + Joe Musgrove dazzles

Tony & Skraby chat with Padres manager Mike Shildt and discuss Joe Musgrove's strong outing against the Dodgers.

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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I think we're on yes we are sir this new music is messing me up man my intro music is not what I'm used to welcome the Gwyneth Chris Tony Gwen junior match Scravey Chris Elo out we're gonna get right to it I believe yes yes sorry Adams on the phone right now our fryer fray they guess is that music is white yes we do need to turn down the news I know Adam's got a million things going on I don't want to be that guy alright thank you Adam very much thank you very much we have Mike Schilt joining us here within seconds he's actually on the line right now all right well Mike Schilt is our guest here on this fryer Friday the managers report with Mike Schilt is brought to you by San Diego County Credit Union it's not big banking it's better Mike it's been a it was a long night last night obviously the Padres weren't able to to get the victory and then they had to hop on the plane fly here to Arizona where they have a three pretty important games remaining on a night like this where travel was is rough what goes into you know putting a lineup together today as you try to you know get guys prepared for the postseason but also these three games you have in front you have Tony I'm good talking to you guys we'll run up pretty much in the same lineup but we did get in later than typical but we have a night game and you know our guys are able to sleep in and they're ready they're ready to go boy they all want to be in the lineup and get after it we're talking to Padres manager Mike Schilt here on 97 through the fan thanks so much for your time today and you clinched on Tuesday guys have battled in the last two games but there are still three games remaining in the regular season so my question for you is how do you avoid looking ahead to the decisions you have to make next week versus the decisions you have to make this weekend yeah you know we take it day by day we're clearly aware and getting prepared for next week but you know we still work to be done these next three games to you know we'd really like to come in and be able to play in Petco to start to play off so you know that's still on the table and we're looking to take it off the table and make it happen like I want to take you back to the beginning of of this season as you guys begin this journey you were pretty adamant about you know locking in on some of the smaller things and I remember at a point during the season when a lot of us on the outside we're talking about it being a roller coaster and you kind of push back against that what gave you the confidence he said as his team was was teetering you know back and forth between 500 that you knew that these guys would eventually get to the point that they're at now a great question you know I'm glad you asked it you know we'd like to snap our fingers and accelerate a lot of processes that need to be put into place and create some clarity and allow some some learning curve with some players I mean if you look back at the fall season there was a lot of question marks some you know no particular order you know you slashed the payroll you know ninety million dollars you lose a lot of it was over 600 quality innings including the saw young guy in Blake and you know locked down closer in Josh and you know of course Walker and Lugo and you know Nick Martinez and and the recent CIA guys like that and you know he was a generational talent in one so though yeah we got a really confident we had a great core obviously with Manny and Toddy bogey and crony and you and you know that entire group but you know plus you got a new manager you got a you know you know you got a fair amount of new staff members including Victor Rodriguez our hitting coach and people that were on the staff last year that were in different spots couple so you know and then you bring in new guys that have been great clearly you know Michael King and a lot of the group and Yankee Peggy and Vasquez burrito have contributed of course we trade for seats and arise everybody knows kind of the story but what I'm ultimately getting at trying to paint the picture to a long answer to the question is you know there's a lot of variables you know there's a lot of a lot of noon is taking place and like I said I wish you could just we could just snap our fingers go yeah it's gonna be fine but the thing that I had confidence in during all that so expecting some kind of learning curve or and quite candidly you know being able to stay at a place where we remain competitive with Toddy being out for a long period of time bogey being out for over two months both of them over two months Joe and and and Darvish being out over two months a piece I feel and Manny coming back off a surgery you know other poor six group of guys really only crony was a guy that you know was able to you know be consistent and be healthy so us holding it together with you know Ricky in the outfield that never played outfield before has clearly rewarded it and did great in Jackson and you know so let's let's be able to keep it right there I thought was free darn good you know and some ups and downs were I just knew we're gonna take place I mean I think anybody's been around the game it's ways for me you know would be naive to think otherwise so but really it was just a day-to-day commitment from the from the group of guys which what a special group and we all know you know the staff we do our part but just that dedication to continue improvement and continue to work together to to put together what what we know is how to play the game of baseball and how to compete every day give us your best chance of winning we're talking to Padre's manager Mike Schilt here on 97 3 the fan you just mentioned you Darvish being back in with you Darvish being back you have some pretty good options in terms of the possible three game wild card series rotation and I know you don't want to look ahead too much but do you anticipate whoever does not make that wild card rotation will be available from the bullpen I think we're going early on the know final as the roster I think it's possible for sure it's a fair question but I don't have anything definitive for you right now okay Mike Schilt joins us here on going and Chris and Mike let's talk a little bit about Jackson you get this young kid and I think you kind of knew you kind of were able to see him prior to this year and how he conducted himself and I remember a conversation with it with you last year talking about how advanced in terms of mentally he was with the game so you get this new this new piece and you run him out there and he's doing well how much did you have to resist moving him up too quickly and giving him too much too fast where it could have it could have maybe you know been a detriment to him another great question yeah I got a real blessing to get to know Jackson my last couple years through instructional leagues and and Bigly Camp and then going to watch and play a little bit in the minor leagues and and you're really just getting to know him and you know the talent the talent clearly it's it's pretty special but it's the makeup it's the mindset it's a mental acumen to play the game so we knew we were on having a really good kind of player and making that move to center field is easy made it is beyond impressive you know for me and bias a little bit but I think he's really a question he's Ricky of the year but then ultimately if your question Tony is is you know me and Victor talked about it a fair amount the good news is we can try to link the lineup we got guy for a period of time didn't really you know obviously at the beginning of season you know made sense to hit him down the lineup and just let him get his bat so let him get a speed on her and he started performing more you know we didn't move him up a little bit got him got him up just to hair and in that in that sixth range and again had conversations with Vic about it and we just felt like you know what we got other guys are carrying the mail that have been doing this and he's in a good spot and performing he's he's you know he's doing what he needs to be doing and and then you know he kept doing it and so looked up over in San Francisco you know a couple weeks ago and said you know what this kid he's been able to pretty much handle everything we we put in front of him so we I think we put it in front of him appropriately and then we split him up to the fifth spot and he's you know he's done what he does he's been able to take good at bat and perform we're talking to Padres manager Mike Schill here tonight and what is the status of Haas on Kim and when he could potentially rejoin the team yeah you know what I wish you had really like really super positive news you know he's just hadn't been able to to be able to get over that that hump with his throw and the hitting is not a problem that parts good but you know immediately consistently throw with any any you know aggressive you know and behind it and intensity is just that in half and so you know we're still weighing what's taking place but you know right now he's not in the spot where we can count on in a very near future Mike is there is there a point where it's too late and and you know that that window closes there is here is the you know we and we may be getting there we'll know something here you know sooner than later last one before we let you get out of here I got to ask you you mentioned Victor Rodriguez you guys is it the Padres taken coach this offense is is is is it has multi facets to it did was this the plan all along to have an offense that you know can can beat you in multiple ways or did this kind of come about as you know everybody kind of found their footing and it's kind of blossomed into this combination really I've known Victor a long time we're very like minded how we see the game how we want to play the game and compete offensively we both have always been a believers in a very holistic offense which to me makes common sense we've had conversations to you about it you know there's a lot of different ways to compete in this game and having as many many tools in your toolbox to be able to do it because it's so situational base and having the guys that can handle the bat but our games change you know as many guys handle the bat so the second part of that that's really been the biggest part because we can have all the philosophy one and we can you know think about how we want to compete and play the game but you don't players that can execute that it's just a you know it's it's a lofty ideal that doesn't come to fruition but we want to give AJ credit for this and all our players I mean you know look you get on the line but AJ bring it a rise in so on a win for all 10 even professional hitters that play the game have back control but also give credit to you know Manny profiles led the way for sure Manny's been tremendous we've all seen him move runner seeing hit the ball the other way Toddy you know walk off it the other day in the right center it's not really said hit the ball the other way as you know but the game calls for it that's what you do and the little things to lead the big things we've had some good things happen for sure as well so you know it's been a combination between you know a belief system that we want to create bigger than a great job creating a clear identity with the group and then the guys buying into it and having the ability to execute it has been a lot of fun to watch this year three games remaining division still you know a chance to be able to capture it you need some help but you know you have the city of San Diego behind you Mike appreciate you coming on here with this morning after the long night and good luck tonight thanks guys appreciate you thank you Mike Shilt the manager's report with Mike Shilt is brought to you by San Diego County Credit Union it's not big banking it's better Mike Shilt once again on Gwen and Chris all right let's get to break scraping I will talk a little bit about what we just talked about with Mike Shilt on the other side we're going to Chris how about that back on air 219 it's very rare we get back on air like on time usually we have taken the first segment long but we actually got out on time and we also started to show out what a bang yeah manager Mike Shilt jumped on with us after the long travel let me tell you I got we landed it think 2 a.m. 2 2 10 you landed it landed at 2 Wow okay and then drove on over here I made maybe it was like no we probably landed at like 155 150 we were we were here at by like 220 oh that's not so bad I mean it is bad it is bad it is bad but to stir it that's not bad airport drive is not too bad yeah no no this that's you know we stay relatively close to the airport so we're got by the time I got bags in the bed like showered into because I can't travel oh you're one of those guys yeah the heck no I can't get in a bed and like no I can't do it so I had to shower out of shower in the bed by 330 oh gosh well let me I got to ask about these trips cuz I guess after the game the players have to eat right are they eating on the plane no no no so there's this so yeah every after every game they're spread now you can choose not to eat spread and gamble on what's gonna be on the plane but I don't suggest that's the the exact move to go with but yeah here's a tough part in September when you when it's west coast travel you get a lot of these you know late games regardless of whether it's a getaway dare not cuz they figure you're not going far right you get on LA Arizona San Diego to LA like you know it so you get these late these late travel days and so occasionally you get one like this they were the Dodgers are starting at 710 which is an old-school thing game wasn't that long I think it was 2 235 no but let me ask you this too because we didn't really get into this on the show but I thought about it on the drive home last night like why wasn't that game played earlier it seems like whenever the Padres have a third game that's not a day game it's usually like a 340 or 540 because the the Dodgers had to leave too it makes no sense to me it was worse for them yeah they had to go farther they had to go to Colorado do you know why that game was played at 710 I have no idea all right no idea I mean what so here's but yesterday was Thursday correct yes I mean they the obvious answer is it's a September game against the Padres a weekday you're gonna draw more people at 110 are you gonna draw more people at 710 well with the Dodgers stadium you never know Tony I mean just think about see you know you thinking about it well if I'm a single man's perspective it's true Maryman with kids it's 710 kids kids are going to school at you know you're not out of school at 110 most of the time are all the time so so you're telling me that they're making decisions based upon money crazy concept and not based upon player safety and health okay crazy concept crazy concept crazy concept but that's probably what they're doing that's my guess that's pretty good but we just we did have Mike Chilton and I think the probably the most newsworthy thing he said had to do with Haas on Kim and we have that sound for you right now what is the status of Haas on Kim and when he could potentially rejoin the team yeah you know what I wish he had really like really super positive news you know he's just hadn't been able to to be able to get over that that hump with his throw and the hitting is not a problem that ports good but you know immediately consistently throw with any any you know aggressive you know anything behind it and intensity is just that and half and so you know we're we're still weighing what's taking place but you know right now he's not in a spot where we can count on him in a very near future Mike is there is there a point where it's too late and and you know that that window closes there is there is the you know we may be getting there we'll know something here you know sooner than later yeah I mean that's that's pretty that's as clear cut as an answer as we got from him yeah yeah it was he hasn't been able to get over the hump of throwing and on top of that there is a timeframe where it's getting to lay and then we might be on top of that now and you know you can almost hear it in his voice as he was answering that question like yeah it doesn't sound too good so you know and at this point I don't I don't I can't be honest when I ask you this yeah as it is as the of the Padres really like slipped since he's been gone no I think I think that it was possibly causing more headaches to figure out where to put them and maybe that's just because I was debating it all day yesterday but I think that it makes a lot of the decisions easier to know whether or not he's going to return at all in the postseason which again to me it sounds like he's probably not but that's just me yeah I mean we'll see again I said from the very beginning that once they move Bogart's over there they weren't doing that to for a little bit of time that they felt like they're gonna move them they're gonna move them move them yeah for the rest of season that's what I said when it happened yeah and I think that's gonna remain true we'll see though I mean we were talking about this yesterday and and they were talking about on the round table like I know you're not gonna put a guy on a roster if he's injured obviously but number two if I mean he's a good he's a really good clubhouse guy you saw Manny FaceTiming him after they're during the celebration to to share that with him like is there anything to his kind of presence and attitude that could help he can still he can still be around and that be on the roster okay so that he can be okay yeah yeah for sure because that is important you sit in that dugout all the time it ain't on the roster postseason roster they're watching games it happens every year sorry yeah no he can be around you know I don't think you don't give it if he can't play I don't know he's a great clubhouse guy but they got a lot of great clubhouse guys I don't know that it's making a difference in terms of that but yeah that was certainly newsworthy here in that from Mike today Padres Diamondbacks 640 match it back to some regular starting times crazy 17 used to be like I remember when I didn't want it to go to 640 now I'm like loving it 64 yeah Padres here's the playoff situations you Darvers Meryl Kelly the Padres the only one of those teams that have clinched a playoff spot and the those I'm thinking the we're talking Diamondbacks Braves and Mets would eliminate the Diamondbacks from contention from the top spot top wild card spot meaning with a win today they could the Diamondbacks can no longer catch the Padres at the tippity top yeah within a company Mets loss in Milwaukee the Padres would clench the top spot period so basically for them to come home the the the Padres need to beat the Diamondbacks tonight and have the Mets lose tonight and they would have a long series locked in that's the only way it can happen tonight yes when tonight a Mets loss now they can just win tonight and tomorrow and not really care what the Mets do and they can clinch it as well but a win tonight Mets loss tonight Padres clinched the top spot and if that happens I bet you some guys get some rest unless they're searching their their they're hunting some numbers Manny's hunting 30 so I think I don't think Manny's coming out to that at the very least gets done into this top spots get done that's my guess you know what we when we talked to Manny last week and this is kind of random but he talked about how he he's never hit 40 home runs in his career and I just never really I guess realize that and it proved to me really how hard it is to to hit that many home runs if Manny Machado's never reached a 40 home run point in his career then that shows me how difficult it is and why show Hayo Tani hitting 50 or more is that much more impressive in homers the crème de la crème is 50 like you get to that number you you were in a class of small small class right yeah and so 40's a lot too though but maybe as Manny said in that interview he didn't think he was gonna get the 30 but here we here we are one homer away I thought he clicked it last night but he caught it off the end a little bit in that Dodger game but anyway Padres win the night Milwaukee loses or excuse me Mets lose tonight Padres take the top spot they will have home field advantage for the wildcard round now that in terms of who that would match up who that matchup would be against that's still to be determined yeah because Diamondbacks the Diamondbacks are third now huh yes they have not played well down the stretch here no they have they have they have not played well I almost you know they have there's another term that you wanted to say I really wanted to use but obviously we're on radio so can't do that good all right let's uh let's step away let's get to break Joe Musgrove phenomenal until the two run shot and I would still say he had it through the ball extremely well but we saw some some things that the Padres are uncharacteristic or some uncharacteristic mistakes from the Padres last night that led to that beginning for the Dodgers so maybe a little conceding and at the from the Padres in that you know the vision may be out of out of touch we'll talk a little bit that on this about that on the other side we're going to Chris 235 on the clock Tony Gwen junior Matthew Scravey still getting used to some of these do new songs coming in like I didn't recognize that one either trying to change it up a little bit Tony yeah no I'm not mad at it I just you know still getting used to it that's why it took me a little bit to figure out we were actually back you're not Pavlov's dog anymore were you here a certain song and you're like oh it's time to go yeah no I'm not I'm not you're reprogramming me as we speak real quick I might have that have brought to my attention I might have said that the Padres division I was talking really about the top wild card spot I miss spoken when I was talking to Mike and I'm sure he knew that that's why he didn't correct me on it nonetheless the the Padres division sheds obviously done their top wild card spot though very much alive and in their own hands in terms of the division I mean Jackson talked a little bit about it after the game yesterday and clearly you know there was a it was something they had in mind I think we heard that after they clinched the playoff spot on Tuesday it was pretty clear in listening to him that they you know wanted to then set their sights on winning that division that obviously is now off the table and now you set your sights on getting home field advantage for for the folks in San Diego and I think I think it's I think it's pretty important for him I mean first of all it would it would be be bad practice to not end up having that happen because that would mean they're not playing well going into the playoffs right I mean you would have you better lost I mean I would assume in order for them to get caught they would they most likely have to get swept here in Arizona yeah with the mathematics are on this but I mean how many games are up 2 1/2 let me just confirm 3 1/2 I'm confirming because I don't want to give out the wrong information when we're so close to the end of the season but they are the Padres are three games up three games up yeah so yeah they basically would have to get swept and either the Mets or Arizona who are the only teams that can catch up I believe at this in the Braves possible and the Braves well they can't well I'm so confused with this Monday double header and so it depends I mean I think the Braves if they lose one if any of them lose one they can't they can't catch them so I mean I mean the Padres need two victories so ultimately that's will seal it but either way what I'm trying to say is it would be bad practice them losing two of three or three out of three going into the playoffs and not securing that spot and then having to travel to whatever said play so it's Padres should lock this up I have full confidence that they will is there is there any sort and I think your answer is going to be no but and there's no doubt I don't think in their mind because they know that they're a good team but is there any sort of something in the back of their head thinking we can't mess this up no no this haven't been around this group all year they're confident they are yeah they don't they don't think in the same way that we think I think of the more interesting story is if the Phillies can catch the Dodgers their their Phillies are playing the Nationals the Dodgers are playing the Rockies now we know having gone up to Colorado how things can go there yeah I think Philly is they didn't play yesterday so they're probably a game back from the top spot because that you know changes and just looking you know doing what I don't normally do I'm gonna look ahead here like you say the Padres win that series at wildcard series that determines whether the Padres are getting on a bus to just go up to LA or they're getting on a plane to go to Philly I don't want to go to Philly I don't really I don't want to go to Phil I I there's I don't really think I don't really matter doesn't to me it doesn't really I don't really care who the Padres play in that first round but I do think it would be a great story lines if the Mets are then coming to San Diego to oh yeah that would be amazing story line you know I'm saying like Padres went into their building smack them went onto the next round they'll certainly be looking to do the same thing but the Padres I think have a better team yeah I'm I think there's a bunch of of cool storylines and one thing that's usually not pertaining is the Padres but the Padres have all of the cool storylines I think on the National League side of a postseason play can we just put into perspective how many games the Padres have actually won this year like they have a chance to win if they sweep this week and they have a chance to win 94 games which is top four in franchise history and we're I don't think I guess I don't think we're really like admiring the team like we should in regards to the franchise history this is one of the best teams in Padres history and this goes this goes to my thought on people who always want to like try to say the division doesn't matter you know why we're not paying attention to it to the 90 plus one night we didn't win the division because we didn't win the division at this been a division winner we'd be talking about this differently than we are right now you know I'm saying but I didn't and so now we're just you know we were onto the next thing all right we got 92 3 4 wins all right who we playing in the playoffs because we just nothing really the chat about after that it's a great season yeah but but it looked back you like man I didn't even win a division with 94 wins and that's you know that's a tribute to the division in itself but still like we'd be talking about it different if this was a if this was the division right yes Ben Higgins just texted me and said Padres clinched the home field with two wins versus Arizona or one win versus Arizona plus one Mets loss he must have tuned in at some other point I'm just repeating it because I get it all confused by these clenching scenarios and he put it right there in a nice little text message for me we literally just said it's okay Ben I appreciate the text message thank you so much for listening thank you Ben you know Jackson Merrill you mentioned him he said just getting the opportunity to play in the playoffs was our main goal we want it to be the division we were pushing for but sometimes stuff doesn't go your way and all the quotes that I read yesterday from Padres players and whoever was interviewed was basically the same thing like the division wasn't an actual thing until maybe like two or three weeks ago so winning the division would have been nice as Jackson said but all these guys are more focused on what's gonna happen in the postseason they would have liked again to win the division but they're not angry or sad or frustrated that they didn't win the division which I think is a really good sign great Ben what we were really trying to figure out is if the Braves can actually catch the the Padres on top spot that's what we were actually trying to figure out so if you could help us out with that that'd be great we were going to be saying like them pretty much saying that like they wanted to win the division that would have been icing on the cake for all these guys and their focus is definitely on the playoffs their focus is on the postseason and so I think you know because the division would have been hard to reach I think it's a good thing for them to be able to focus on their seating now and focus on that first round of the playoffs because now they kind of know what's ahead for them I'll buy that I buy that they you know you shooting for the division at that point yes he got he answered what I really wanted the Braves cannot catch the Padres it's only the Mets and the Diamondbacks who can catch the Padres so that's why I win today in the Mets loss ends up both thank you Ben he said he said you still seem confused which is why he texted you about it he's right read it he didn't mean for you to read it out on the air oh oh I didn't know that it was for you buddy I thought this was okay thank you Ben I appreciate the personal service because it would have been easier for me to understand if these games on Monday like because because instead of everybody basically having three games left yeah there's five games left for two teams math has never been our strong suit oh gosh and I'm okay with that Joe Musgrove can we talk about him a little bit I mean I thought he was phenomenal I mean at one point I think he had like 61 strikes to like 19 balls yeah which is crazy right and you know it just shows you it speaks to a couple things right speaks to how good he was in that game and how I mean just one pitch in the wrong spot to a team like that can it can change on you in a on a on a whim yeah and you know I can't remember what the pitch was that he ended up leaving out over in the middle plate to Smith but he hit it and I do it you know from our angle when you watch when you with a lot of times when you're watching is like off the bat you can just you can tell but he hit his high so and it was the center field so you know those ones are tougher to kind of to kind of read but then I was watching him in the way he discarded the bat I was like oh no he got it yeah I think he got it and then you know start watching Jackson he's seeing him slow up and it's like oh no it was a fastball basically down down the middle talk about going from one end of like okay this project is in control here to like boom to the other end it was it was quick I yeah I think the Dodgers just wanted to wrap up the division they smelt blood in the water but I would you think that Mike Shilt would manage that differently if they were in the playoffs I know Joe was going well you just said it he threw 61 strikes the nine balls there's there was nothing we had the first guy again I was a walk yeah Max Muncie walked Max Muncie walked okay so the pitch counts stupid low do does the first bad thing that he has happened to him all game are you reacting to that in that moment because really that would it is what it would have had to be at first he would have had to see Mike Shilt would have had the scene even though there was no signs of it you had to seen this walk coming and already had somebody going because at that point even after the walk if you start to think it's alright well maybe we should get somebody up at that point my man is already up will Smith is up so you know I think no I don't think he would have managed that any different I think he actually managed that like he would have right I mean he didn't what Joe got another batter he got let's see he will Smith Tommy Edmond and then Tanner Scott came in yeah so he didn't get another batter he they gave up to Homer Tommy Edmond struck out and then he bounced back and struck Edmond out so I think he managed it exactly how he probably would have went got Scott and then you know things kind of went from there he threw let's see he threw 85 pitches last night 50 of those for strikes so ratios pretty good I'm not going to even panic about Tanner Scott you know I figured that you may have thought I was going nobody is allowed to panic about anybody after the panic that they had for Robert Suarez and then they were ready to put Tanner Scott in there and now what he had a bad night now we're not ready to put him in there come on y'all and no one can give up runs for the rest of the year that is what we're looking at okay as long as we're being honest that's fine I could I could deal with that you know I heard Craig and Annie talking about this on the drive-in but they were talking about how it's so weird that during the playoffs it doesn't matter who you are you go over three in one game and you're a bum and you're your trash and and you you're the worst player on the team but Craig was saying basically when you get to the postseason you throw all that out you cheer for your team and will who you have out there and you just hope for the best I and I agree with them because I don't want to I don't want to nitpick every single little thing that happens throughout the postseason I have a crazy concept okay I want you to hear out okay why not do that the whole time I mean it makes sense to do that the whole time because I did feel a little silly yesterday thinking about how panicked I was earlier in the year when things weren't going well because again I reminded myself and I've said this so many times this year it's very hard for me to stay in the moment the reality is it could have gone it could have stayed that way all year long right but it didn't like it actually turned and it like turned for a long period of time and it's still turned quite frankly so you know I'm just saying if you you should you should certainly be upset when things don't go your way but just think that you know it's better to cheer for your team and hope that they do well yes someone on the chat said Tanner Scott has been great for us every game until last night but that's not in last night wasn't even that big of a deal I went back to look at his game log and he's fine since September 1st he has only given up and earned run in three games and he said two four six eight ten twelve fourteen appearances and when he does give up a run the first time he gave up a run was September 10th against the Mariners he didn't give up a run in the next two then he gave up one against the Astros on September 16th and then he went five four games without giving up a run you have to look at the context of those runs to I mean as he coming in with the you know to run lead is he coming in behind true they mean that all that matters so I mean it's hard to just look at the number I can just tell you from the eye test he looks fine it it's fine what he would see Tanner was he had two thirds of an inning three hits you know one of those was unearned you had a catcher's interference in there you know there's a lot of you know catty wamp is stuff happening and in that game yesterday for that the Padres don't normally do when they just think about the first two games were really tight and there was really no issues in terms of defense or any like decision-making right it just they they won one they lost one and then yesterday that game gets a much bigger score and you know you can look at the two errors and and and realize how much they ate it in the score getting away from the Padres like that yeah I you were saying the uncharacteristic things that they did do you want to talk about that real quick I mean the throw from the catchers interference and you know I get it you know you can't control it but in some guards like that that could end up mattering right you get a catcher's interference in the eighth inning of a playoff game that's gonna matter that could that could that could cost you a game when it so those things and again you know you the game is so much different now because we're talking about stealing strikes and you catchers are closer now trying to make sure you steal the bottom of the zone and things of that nature that's the risk you take when you're doing it and it becomes a calculation of can you take those kind of risks all the time right there are spots in the game where maybe you know I can't try to get that extra entry to to try to steal these strikes right I think that's that's part of it understanding when when it is and then obviously totties throw like it didn't lead to a run per se but it put two runners in scoring position that ended up scoring on a on a hit the next pitch right as opposed to just a once guy in scoring position you know yeah I do know that go ahead no the chat said great regular season take that energy to the postseason and play a game-by-game go part I like it that's that is the you know in the funny thing is that's been the team blind said all year that's true they that's all they talk about they go and gave by game he might show said it in our interview game by game that's how that's how it's going to go and that is how that is how you are able to flush bad stuff when you're bad that's how you're able to not allow yourself to think you're too good is just by moving on you're not celebrating your four hit night the night before you on to the day I gotta try to get four more you baseball players have some of the best compartmentalization I think in all of sports you have to do this if you don't have that skill you get you get eaten up in a in the season because now you especially you know it gets as humans we typically hang on to the negative stuff a lot so those over for us which you will have a ton of if you can't like learn how to like forget it and move on you you never you that's all that's a rabbit hole that you can't I get it I mean I get myself and those is a surprise here at all that I get into my rabbit holes but you know sometimes I'll all say something on the show and I'll drive home and I'll think about it and then I start spiraling about it and then I tell myself stop spiraling it's gonna be okay just move on but it's really I mean I'm being genuine it's got to be very hard for some of these guys to move on from from bad days yeah I'm sure it is I'm sure those are the those are the years that they struggle as when it's it's harder to move on it's not a perfect science I don't know anybody that's perfected it from that standpoint yeah so yeah Padres back in action tonight you Darvish toes the rubber Mero Kelly Meryl Mero Kelly on the mound for the diamond back he's thrown the ball extremely well in his outings so we'll see how the Padres have handled him pretty well though he's Padres have had a lot of pitchers well but he even particular I think the Padres have done a good job in who do you think he looks like my man from something about Mary I think we'll be this is the the name for sure all right let's let's get the break Kirk Kenny on the other side send a union Tribune he's got some thoughts on Mount West pack 12 the showdown plus who's gonna be the quarterback this week on the other side we're going to Chris