The Intersection

The Intersection 9/27/2024

With Amy Manuel

Broadcast on:
28 Sep 2024
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[Music] And welcome to the intersection with me. All right, it's Brian. Welcome to the show, Brian. Thank you so much. Happy Friday to you. Happy Friday. So what is happening out there in the Great State of California? Any exciting news? Ah, nothing too exciting. A nice warm day. Sort of one of those fall evenings where it's warm and that can happen all the way to the end of October. Really, sometimes. So nothing too much. I just did my usual reading and exercising and so forth, but it was a good day. How about you? I didn't do a thing today. I was a lazy bum. I was just my fibro myalgia was just messing with me. It's not severe, but it's like you feel like you're swimming in water or something. You know, just kind of floating around weirdly. From what I hear, you just don't feel good if you got that active. Yeah, I mean, there's different things that happen, but one of them is sometimes it feels like your arms are like balloons. They're sort of detached from you. You just sort of puffy and everything just feels sort of puffy and I get dizzy, real easy. It's just there. Sometimes it's pain. It's like being a drunk Michelin tire man. Is that what you're trying to tell me? Yeah, that's a good one. I'm not trying to make light of it. No, no, that's a perfect description. A drunk Michelin tire guy. You know, when I was a baby, my mom called me the Michelin baby because I was built like the Michelin tire guy from the commercial. A lot of babies are. Yeah, they start. But we've had some, a lot of things happening today. Especially Hurricane Helene. Oh, yeah, I've been watching. Apparently my mom's on a rampage. Up to 44 deceased so far, unfortunately. Four million without power. That's serious. That's really bad. Or poor Floridians in North Carolinians. Yeah, it's gone through Florida and. Georgia North Carolina and Tennessee is going to get some of it too. It's a chimney rock. North Carolinas having floods. Asheville, North Carolina won in a thousand year event, they said. Wow. Not much rain. Yeah, yeah, that's pretty. And from climate change, you know. There are two people that I have not heard from that I would love to hear from. One of them is my sister Rachel in Sarasota. And the other one is my friend and high school prom date. They're a good one in. Where is the Saint Petersburg? No Jacksonville Jacksonville, Florida. I don't know if Jacksonville got hit or not. I think it did not as hard as some of the other anything on the Gulf of Mexico. Got hit harder than, you know, like Daytona and Orlando and the Central or whatever, you know. Even Miami wasn't that hit that hard, but it's interesting to look. You ever go to It's a great resource just to see the graphic, you know, of it. But a friend of mine, well, I didn't call a messenger to a college buddy of mine who lives in North Carolina. I said, I hope you're all okay. He says, oh, yeah, we're no Wi-Fi, but it's about 90 miles away. It's the flooding's really bad. He's okay. I said, oh, that's good for you then. Yeah, so it looks like Atlanta got hit pretty hard. And let me just do a check here. If you look at some of the pictures and video, it's very, you know, I mean, just, you know, the swath of destruction. Houses floating in the water and. Yeah, now thousands are still without power as Sarasota manatee begins long recovery. So Sarasota was hit. Another thing is that if the water goes so deep, then the foundation house will slide down the hill and stuff like that. And there's that danger. So it's really, it's really bad. Yeah, I saw I'm not sure where it was somewhere in North Carolina where they were showing a house floating down the street. Oh, yeah. Ellen just joined us. We're talking about Hurricane Helene. Apparently my mom's been on a rampage. She, yeah, I'm still looking to see about Jackson bill. See if it. Hopefully it wiped out Florida. We don't need it. Hey, my sister's there. My, my, my high school prom day lives in. Oh, the, the few need to go for the, how did Spock say that? You know, the, the one, the one dies and it protects the others or something like that. Helene cleanup continues Jacksonville mayor urges patients. So yeah, it hit Jacksonville. But you know Florida and Texas are listed as toss up states. How about that? Yeah, I've seen that and I've seen it in the other direction too. So we'll see. Although a little getting rid of Cruz would be a nice thing. Well, you know, I'm a big fan of Texas Paul Schroeder. This morning he had Colin all red on. And Wayne just joined us. I have pulled up. A video of Colin all red. I thought I would share with y'all. Okay. I am who I am. Both my, both my parents and two of my grandparents were born in Texas, as was I and all but one of my sisters. One sister was born in Chattanooga. But the rest are born in Texas. All right, so here's this, the Colin all red. Little videos that he shared. I thought y'all might appreciate this. Hey everybody, I'm Congressman Colin all red. I'm running for Senate here in Texas against Ted Cruz. And today I'm going to be doing the Google auto fill. I'll interview. Let's get started. Okay. Who is Colin all red? I'm a dad, a husband, a congressman, former NFL linebacker. And they also help in God's greatest. The next senator from the state of Texas is Colin all red from Texas. I'm a fourth generation Texan born and raised in Dallas. I'm by a single mom. I went to Baylor, so I spent a lot of my life in Texas. My family's from Brownsville. We'll train through the bathroom in Houston. Don't get much more Texan than me. Is Colin all red? A lawyer. Yes, I played in the NFL for five years. I went to law school. I became a civil rights lawyer with a focus on voting rights. Worked to help folks vote here in Texas and across the country. Also served in the Obama administration. Then I ran for Congress and been representing my hotel ever since. It's Colin all red. Married. Yes. White Valley. I'm married. We have two beautiful boys. It's Colin all red, a parent. Well, I guess I just answered that one. Yep. Allie and I have two boys who are three and five, Jordan and Cameron, out of the light of our lives. It's Colin all red related to Jane's all red. Distant relations. Governor Jane's V. All red. Governor of Texas is during the Depression. He is a distant relative. My grandfather was a customs officer in Brownsville. I actually got together with him. They had lunch and figured out who their common ancestor was. So I can't say we're really closely related, but we are relatively small. It's Colin all red in the NFL. Well, not anymore. I say for the Tennessee Titans from 2006. I guess 2011, I guess the way the seasons worked out there was there for five years were played in four seasons. Until the neck injury in my fifth year ended my career and sent me to law school. Okay. Where is Colin all red? What is it here? Where did Colin all red go to college? I went to Baylor University here in Texas, played football there, had a physical team, got a degree in history. I was already in middle law school, but had a chance to play in the NFL and interrupted with my law school plans. Does Colin all red speak Spanish? I speak some. Listen, you grew up in Dallas, going to public schools like I did. You're going to speak so Spanish, but also my family's from Brownsville. My mom grew up. I spent a lot of my childhood in the valley, so I understand a whole lot of Spanish. And I speak some. And that's a good intro. It's Colin all red have siblings. No, I'm no way child. No siblings. What district does Colin all red represent? I represent the 32nd District of Texas in Congress. I've been representing it since 2019, and I've looked at November of 2018. Didn't just run anywhere. Literally the district where I was born and raised. The previous district before a registered thing, it had the hospital where I was born, high school, and elementary and middle school that I went to. Family where they lived still here in Dallas. Of course, where my wife and I lived, it's really personal to me. It's really my hometown and my honor to represent my hometown in Congress. What does Colin all red support? That's a good question. I support freedom, and I support making sure that folks have opportunity. To me, I want to make sure that stories like mine are unique and be raised by a civil mom and pursue whatever your version of your American Dream is. You have access to good education, good public schools, good early childhood education, affordable college. You can have access to good healthcare along the way that you can afford, and that you can have access to what you needed to make your own healthcare decisions, including access to abortion. You can do that without being discriminated against, because of who you are, what you look like, where you come from, what your first language is, or how you identify. To me, it's all critical to making sure you can chase your version of the American Dream. We have to make sure that we put those letters of opportunity in place and folks to have a shot. Then it's on you, just like it's on all of us as Americans to fill our potential. Let's call it all red and have a chance against crews. In fact, we got a really good chance. I wouldn't say just a chance. We're going to beat them. When we do, I think it's going to be a win for all 30 million of us as texts. Right now, we have a senator who only cares about himself. That's how you can go to Cancun, when 30 million of us are freezing in the dark. When you come back, you say, "Well, what was I going to do? I couldn't hang up electrical wires." A senator who cares would have done like I did and gone to the local food bank to help families out do something. We have to have a senator who cares about all of us. We've had one who cares about himself long enough. I'm calling all red. Go to to get involved. So that's calling all red. No, for growing up in Texas, he didn't say, "You all." Even once. So there you go. Nobody says, "You all." They say, "You all." No, that's New York. Well, whatever you say all the time. We actually graduated from the same high school. Now I graduated about 20 years before him, but he's a lot younger than me. His district comes a little bit into my county. No, I don't live in his district. I live in, you know, pill-pushing Ronnie Jackson's district. Yeah, well, that's your care. But, uh... Wayne just said he's going to move you to his district. But his district, a few wins, will be the United States. Yep. That's right. He will go as a representative from Texas, but... Hey, everybody in Congress, you know, their votes matter to all of us. Absolutely. You know, when we talk about these down-balance races, they all affect you, no matter where they are. Whether it's a congressional seat or a senate seat. But even, you know, in legislators, you can have stuff passing in another state that ends up affecting what happens in your state. You know, with things like if Nebraska were to have gone back to given all its electoral votes, well, that could affect the national election, you know, same with Maine. And, you know, the way districts are drawn, congressional districts are drawn, well, that's affected by who is in control of the legislature in your state. You know, there's all kinds of things that doesn't matter that you don't live in the same place as, you know, where they represent. That's just not. But, you know, he beat Pete Sessions to take that seat. And Pete Sessions had been in Congress for what? 22 years? So that, you know, that's a pretty safe incumbent, 22 years. And yet, he beat him. So, you know, it's neck and neck. It goes back and first dependent on what polls you're looking at. Either all red or cruises ahead. So it could go either way. And same with Texas, if we could just get people to turn out and vote. And not stop at the top of the ticket. You have a ballot. You need to be prepared to vote for every single race on that ballot. Everyone. Don't stop at the top. I can't say this enough. You know, I was watching, I guess it was either Wednesday or Monday. I was watching another Texas Paul show. Today he had on Colin Allred, which was identical. But he was talking about, I think this was last week, about how Democrats, in particular, don't vote down ballot. They walk in. They vote for president every four years and walk back out. And we have to stop that. You're a ticket. I know it seems like, well, how am I supposed to know who to vote for for judge? Well, do a little research. Do a little research. How am I supposed to know who to vote for and all these different things? And if you're voting in person, you know, I know in the state of Texas, I'm not sure if this is nationwide, but you can't have your phone out during, when you're voting. You know what you can do? Before you leave home, print out a sample ballot. Fill it out. What to do all your receipts? Now, y'all in California, y'all got it easy because you get the ballot mailed to you. And Charlie is old enough that he gets his ballot mailed to him. Wayne, do you get your ballot mailed to you? No. Not even in person. You know, print out that ballot ahead of time. Do a little research. Mark it up. And then when you walk in, all you got to do is go through and mark the ballot. Now, for me, it's pretty darn easy. I'm voting for all the Ds. I'm just going down the ballot everywhere I see a D. Now, you used to be able to, in Texas, click the straight party ticket, but they did away with that because they felt like it was like you. Because the people like me, they would just go, you know, or my late mother, Helene, who is now terrorizing the East Coast. I can remember taking her for her first time voting here in Denton. And, you know, she was starting to get dementia. But it was a, it was a primary. And she said, I just want to vote straight Democratic ticket. I'm like, it's the primary mom that everybody on the ballot is Democrat. It's Democrat. So she was in luck. It's a sure thing. Yeah. Mom, all you got to do is vote for the people that are on the ballot and you will vote Democrat. Okay, that's right. But, but y'all do that differently in California. Y'all have gorilla primaries. Yeah, but even the gorillas don't say y'all. What is a gorilla primary? That means everybody's all on one ballot. So we have separate primaries. And the way that it works is that you go in and you choose which primary you want to vote in. The Democratic or the Republican. And then your ballot has all of that party's candidates. And you, you're choosing your nominee. And, and then if you do that, if you vote, for example, in the Democratic primary, when the runoff set, you can't go, then go vote in the Republican runoff. You can only vote in the Democratic Revon. But then, you know, it's whoever the nominees are from those two parties that you see on your ballot. Plus any independent third party. Now, in California, as I understand it, everybody's all on one ballot. And the top two getters in the primary become the candidates in the general. That sound right, Brian. Sounds good to me. I just got my voting guide in the mail yesterday. Did you get yours? Yeah, but it's in the Mandarin. I got to ask for one in English. Well, you have to go through Spanish and Tagalog. At the very back, it's a little bit of English. This is how good he is with the Filipino language Tagalog. It's called Tagalog. I know. I did it. Is it your wife? Is it your wife Filipino? No, no, no. Nepalese. Oh, what's the difference? Yeah, same, you know, well, you know, Genghis Khan background. Right, right. I get it. Well, we lost a great actress. Yes. One of the most... Clint Eastwood? No. One of the most talented actresses in my lifetime. And that is Dame Maggie Smith. So, what are some of your... I'm going to start with you, Charlie, and go around that way. Alan, you didn't know who she was. And I didn't study up because I knew that I'd find out on the show. Wayne studied, though. Ask him all the questions. Charlie, do you have any favorite Maggie Smith rules? Yeah, I told you online that, or in the text message, that my favorite Maggie Smith movie was called "The Prime of Miss Jean Brody." Oh, yeah. That was a good movie. Yeah. And she was fantastic in that and just broke my heart movie. But anyway, but, of course, she was in all the Harry Potter movies, too, so, hey. Well, my favorite is "Murder by Death." Yeah, that was good, too. Wayne, how about you? I never saw any of them. I was an IMDB and got up the list of her films and whatever, and never... I've heard of some of them, but never watched any of them. None of them? No. I've heard of Harry Potter, but I've heard of him. Not one of them. Not Sister Act. Never watched "Shelton Abbey." Nope. Nope. None of the "Prowo" movies. I saw a bunch of Harry Potter stuff in there. Yep. And she spent five years on that downtown movie. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, like I said, Sister Act II, I think she was in. She was in both Sister Acts. Both of them, okay. That was the other one. And Harry Potter stuff and the one that Charlie just mentioned earlier. I'm a Miss Dean, Brody. Yeah. Those are the only accomplishments she had that I ever heard of. And I never watched any of them. I didn't even need to go online to tell you the same thing. Because Wayne was online and we were talking on the phone. It was reading off some of them. And I'm like, I've heard of some of these, but I have no idea. I didn't want them. So I didn't need to look them up because I figured I'd get my knowledge here. Well, I saw the Prime and Miss Jean Brody in the theater when it came out in '69. Wow. It was 13. It was a great movie. And she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for that film, by the way. But there's a pretty sure it's that movie where there's a woman who's topless. And there was this little old lady sitting near me who went, oh, he doesn't like she. Yeah. It was so funny. She wasn't paying attention to the movie. She was paying attention to what you were doing with yourself. No, no, no. It was vicious. She was a model somebody was paying us. She was just sitting there. It wasn't good to it, it was or anything. It was just tasteful. But you didn't see that too much in the movies in '69. I'm '69. Oh, no. But I do, I liked it really good in Downton Abbey. And the favorite, my favorite line of hers, she's talking about, she's talking to some person who's kind of hoity-toity and real high and mighty and everything. And she says, oh, it must get pretty chilly up on that high moral ground. Yeah. Isn't that a great line? It's funny, depending on your age, it depends on what you immediately associate her with. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like my kids, especially, they're going to immediately associate her with the Harry Potter movies. Yeah. You know. She was good. She was good in those too. Yeah. She was in hook. Really? Oh. Okay. Yeah. She, um, she was, she was she in hook. She was in sister act, uh, what else? She did. Oh, she was in the secret garden. That was another good maybe. First wives club, she was in first wives club. And she got the triple crown of acting Academy Award and Emmy and a Tony. Yep. And all in acting, you know, positions. Mm hmm. Wow. That's really, I mean, she's in a large Olivier of actresses, basically. Yeah. Yeah. She really is fantastic. I thought she was in calendar girls, but I was wrong. She was in the, uh, what's the, the movie? Um, the, uh, Mary goal. Uh, what, what was it called? Yeah. I was trying to remember the best exotic Mary goal of hotel. Yeah. She was in that. She was really good in that too. Yeah. She would pick interesting roles to do. Yeah. Yeah. Different. I was kind of mirroring that was in the calendar. Calendar girls. Oh, there you go. It was Julie. Oh, I can't think of her name. But I thought it was Helen. And Maggie Smith, but it wasn't. It was. Yeah. What's the name? Yeah. Yeah. No. Oh, I can't even think of it anymore. I looked it up today. Yeah. But yeah, that was another actress that was with her in that. But she was in so many different. Great movies that were just. You know, nothing like they, they're, they're. Walter's Julie Walters. Yeah. I knew it. Julie. I just can't remember the name. Yeah. Julie Walters was in calendar. I was thinking was. Maggie Smith was in, but she was in a great movie. With, I think was with David Niven. Called Honeypot. Where. I don't think I saw that. It was really early on in her career. But she was in just, it was such a broad spectrum of roles. Yes. Right. Very good. Both versions of the quartet. There was a 80s, 1980s quartet movie. And then there was one in like 2013 or something like that. Called the quartet. But yeah, like I said, it depends on how old you are. What movies you associate. Great actors. This is great. I was looking at a picture from something and I thought, you know, I don't think anyone in this picture, I think she was the last surviving member in that picture from that movie. And, you know, now she's gone. A lot of them like death on the Nile. I think we lost several people from that movie this year. Death on the Nile was the Agatha Christie novel turned movie. Her cool, we need Jack here for that. Jack knows all that stuff. And he watched all of it. He was a fan of them. Don't nab me. He was a fan of all the movies she was in. And he's, you know, he's big into all the mystery stuff. Especially the British ones. So, yeah, those were some good ones. Well, any thoughts on, you know, we watched that video of Colin Oliver. Any thoughts about that or questions? I'm glad my money is going to a good person. Yeah. You put your way or your mouth is. That's for sure. Why don't you guys donate to them also? I do. I have. Okay. I guess they're hardcore. Well, I would say this though, that he's much more likable than Ted Cruz. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'm a fucking dog. Her mother would like to open up. You know, you're a fake dog shirt. This is what Ted Cruz reminds me of. Every time he opens his mouth. You know what Ted Cruz reminds me of? The first one to see the arc opened. The first Nazi that sees the arc opened. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's a melting face. It's face melt. Yeah. Well, that's why he hides that face with that beard. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, when you see it without the beard, you can see why he grew the beard. Yeah. And his personality matches that beardless face. I love what I had to say to him about leaving the country to go to Cancun. Yeah. I forgot about that. You had to ask what his daughters down there or something. Yeah. Yeah. And they left the dog. They left their dog with Republicans and dogs. Yeah. They're edible to them. They're an edible step. I mean, Cruz leaves his puppy in his cold electricity free house. Yeah. In Houston during the storm, you know, with nothing to eat or drink or anything. Poor little guy. And, uh, and then, and you know, poor little guy is these, his puppy period. Yeah. Well, that's what that's going to think. You know, that poor thing would say, what am I doing with these people? I've got to get out of here. Who was it? I just saw recently some big Republican who beat up a brand at work about beating to death his neighbor's dog. Yeah. That was somebody. I heard that recently too. Yeah. Well, yeah. So did I. I don't. I can't remember who it was. But yeah. And then we had the, what's her name? Shooting the dog. Shooting the dog. Yep. And South Dakota. Yeah. Uh. Kristi. No. You know, the man's is probably going to come out with a line of, uh, condiments for dogs and cats. Yeah. They just, and it really says something about a person's character. That's a sign of being a psychopath. You're cruelty to animals. Right. That's a psychopath. I love people that say, you know, I'm allergic to cats. And they say, I'll bet you'd want to kill every cat you see. And I'm like, don't want to kill them all. I don't want to kill any of them. Why would I want to kill them? Because I'm allergic to them. It's not their fault. Yeah. I mean. I'm allergic to pine trees too. What am I supposed to do? Send all the pine trees on fire. I need to get my car washed. Saying that my car is covered in pollen. Uh, what do you charge for bigger cars? Uh, we've got a drive through car wash that you can get, you can like subscribe to. And so I pay, I mean like 30 bucks a month. And I can go as often as I want. So some months I may go every day. Some months I might not go at all. But I mean, you cannot keep the pine pollen off your car. I remember when we lived in Lefkin, which Lefkin is deep in the piney woods. Um, my, my husband had a co-worker who was from South Africa. And they walked out and he sees this yellow dust all over his car and everything. He's like, oh my God. He thought there'd been a chemical attack. I was like, no relax. It's just fallen. He's never seen anything like it. But it's just this yellow dust. It just coats everything outside. Yeah. And you walk out and then, you know, you take your car and you get it washed. And then the next day you walk out and it looks like your car hasn't been washed in a month. Uh, it could be that way here in California. More from the smoke, uh, dashes or whatever, but some pollen too. So, yeah, it's out here too. Well, I, I have a anti-psychopath, uh, commercial anti-psychopack. Yeah, I was gonna say it's a pack. Yeah. Yeah. Psych, the psychopath is the, um, is the, uh, name of it. I don't think I did that quite right. I'm gonna share this with you real quick. I thought this was interesting. You commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable specific piece of legislation will you advance. Well, I would do that. And we're sitting down, you know, I was somebody. We had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so, uh, impactful on that issue. It's a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about, that, because the childcare is childcare, it couldn't, you know, there's something you have to have it. In this country, you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I'm talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they're not used to, but they'll get used to it very quickly. And it's not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Uh, those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about, including childcare, that it's gonna take care. We're gonna have, I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country. Because I have to stay with childcare. I want to stay with childcare. But those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just, uh, that I just told you about. We're gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as childcare is talked about as being expensive, it's relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taking in. We're gonna make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we'll worry about the rest of the world. Let's help other people, but we're gonna take care of our country first. This is about America first, it's about make America great. Again, we have to do it because right now we're a failing nation, so we'll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I heard you. I heard you know points, and may God have mercy on your soul. I love it. I heard that those comments before, yes. Yes, you know, it's been one of those words fellas, so I counted. Yeah, he says the word numbers eight times. The numbers are numbers is childcare. When you talk about the numbers, the kind of numbers I'm talking about numbers are numbers is childcare is childcare. What the fuck does that mean? And plus he made this stupid statement about taxing foreign nations. That's right. Because he doesn't know what a tariff is, and he doesn't know who pays a tariff. It's like, you know, when he said we're going to build a wall in Mexico is going to pay for it. Okay, explain to me how you get Mexico to pay for it, and who's going to build your wall if you deport all the people with brown skin. You're doing most of the construction. Yeah. Well, we're going to bring in trillions of dollars. Did you hear? Yes. It's great. Fantastic. It's really it's insane. It's insane. But yeah, that's from the anti psychopath. That's from, yeah, from the anti psychopath, which is from George Conway, who is Kelly and Conway. That's the, that's the, that's who used to work for Trump. So that's her ex husband. And he is putting out some great, great commercial. We, we off the air listened to a couple of them last night. Oh, here's a good one. Let me get this. Is carville still married to Matlin? Yeah, I believe so. Okay. I want anybody running for president to take an aptitude test to take a cognitive test. I think it's a great idea. You agree? Because you're insane. She was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went, she became a black person. What does it mean to turn black? She failed her log, ma'am. She didn't pass her log, ma'am. Mr. President, I think she would have had just a week later. She's giving you the fact. She did crap the bed today. The only question is whether he's going to roll around in it or get up and change his sheets. Chuck Schumer has become a Palestinian. He's become a proud member of Hamas. He did crap the bed today. They couldn't get their equipment working or something. They have bed equipment. And the mics are really in lousy shape that happened to be taking black jobs. You had the best? What exactly is a black job, sir? A black job is anybody that has a job. He did crap the bed today. I don't think I've ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. Do when you ask a continue in a very hostile, nasty town. Why did you choose JD Vance? I chose him because he's a very strong believer in work. He did crap the bed today. And then you were half an hour late, just so we understand. Especially when you're 35 minutes late. You're the one that held me up at 35 minutes. He did crap the bed today. One time magazine asked if you would consider pardoning all the rioters. You said yes, absolutely. Oh, absolutely it would. I would pardon them. And by the way, the Supreme Court just under... Well... He did crap the bed today. Thank you. Learn more at That's good. Yeah. All right. Yes, James Carbale, Mary Madeleine, still married. Wow. That was a... Mary, I couldn't believe even happened, you know? What ever is there about that? Up is his attract. Yeah. They must not talk about politics at home. Did anybody want to play some bet that if Trump loses the election, Melania is gone. Oh, that's already a done deal. Yeah, she's already gone. According to... Yeah, well, she's been gone as old presidency. Yeah. Michael Cohen, when he refers to hating Trump, people that hating Trump, he uses the Melania scale. No one hates Trump more than Melania, according to Michael Cohen. And he was in a position to know. He said, "Not even me." And... I love the man. I like what Trump says about Michael Cohen. You can't believe anything he said. He's a convicted felon. Well, wait a minute, Donald. So are you. Yeah. And now what was he convicted for? Lying on your behalf. Right. Lying to Congress on your behalf. Telling the lies. You told him to tell. And he just wasn't... You know, he didn't do enough to suck up to you. And so when he decided he was... He went to jail for you. He was gonna write a book. He was gonna publish a book. And he was out on release because of COVID. Trump got him sent back to jail. Yep. Because he didn't want him to publish a book. Yep. Oh, let's see here. I got a couple of other... These are coming from Lincoln Project. I mean between Lincoln Project and Psychopack and Midas Touch. There are so many great commercials out there that aren't even the ones coming from the Harris campaign. Let's see here. Jamie Vance says women should stay in violence. A lot of moms and dads saw marriage as a basic contract, right? Like an other business deal. Once it becomes no longer lived for one of the parties or both of the parties, you just dissolve it and go on to a new business relationship. And this is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pooled on the American populace, which is this idea that like, well, okay, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. So getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they changed their underwear, that's going to make people happier in the long term. And what we have is a lot of very, very real family dysfunction that's making our kids unhappy. Okay, so that was J.D. Vance saying how he believes women should stay in marriages where they're getting this shit beat out of them. You know, and we had Trump talking about what was he saying? He will protect us in the most creepy way. That was the creepiest thing. Let's see. Oh, here's one. Imagine a major Wall Street firm, one of the biggest private equity companies in the world, trillions in assets, fast power, a world-class CEO who talks about ethics, honesty, integrity, trust. Imagine that company advertised a senior executive position, and the person who wanted the job didn't just have one felony, but 34. Imagine the man who wanted that job had a history of sexual assault, would Blackstone hire him? No. So why is Blackstone's founder Stephen Schwartzman supporting Donald Trump for president? That's right, Blackstone's employees proudly live by a strict code of ethics, while Schwartzman's money goes to Donald Trump. Over three million dollars in the pockets of a felon. Blackstone would never hire a felon with a history of financial fraud, falsifying business records, and sexual assault, but Schwartzman would fund his presidential campaign. That's Stephen Schwartzman's legacy. So, yeah, here's a felon, and none of these companies that are supporting him would hire a felon, but they'll hire him. I don't understand it, do you? No. Well, we got about ten minutes left, and our last show of the week. So, what shall we do? Geek out, trivia. If you were, would you rather? What do you think? Any preferences? All right, let's go with trivia. I'm going to go back to the easy questions. I want to know. Yeah, I think all of us liked those. Yeah, we've gone through the whole, the whole set, but we can start over. The first question should be Brian. Did Donald Trump win in 2020? No. Okay, thank you. But he was cheated out of the wind. Yeah, we got about that. All right, all right, so I'm just going to, I'm just going to pick one at random here and start here. Let's see here. Okay, who was first on Brian? I'm going to start with Brian and work my way around. Brian, what is the largest city in South America by population? So Apollo, I believe. That is correct. Yeah, I live there from the child. Really? Tell us more. Yeah, 63, 64. Well, that explains a lot. What were you doing in San Paulo? Well, my father was setting up a physics laboratory for the, their universe. Well, that's cool. Oh, that's something we were going to talk about with Starlink and Elon Musk and, you know, I've watched a lot about it and Paul Schroeder talked about it today on his show. And I still feel like I don't know enough to, to speak with any knowledge on the subject. So I'm going to have to go watch it three or four more times before we can talk about that. Unless, unless Charlie's ready to. And, Alan, what is the first name of Bill Gates' wife, ex-wife now? Melania? No. No. Bill Gates. But you're close. It's something like that. Melinda? There you go. Melinda Gates. I was close. I knew her name. I just got it confused. Melinda went a few letters moved around. Melinda went to Ursula Academy with me. She was a year heavy. What's that? Wow. Yep. Okay. Charlie, what do you call the Japanese ritual suicide performed in part by stabbing oneself in the stomach? Ari Kari. That is correct. All right. And Wayne, what is the difference between a pedicure and a manicure? One's toenails, one's fingernails. Which is which? A pedicure is feet. There you go. All right. Okay. Brian, who married Prince William on April 29, 2011? Yes. Kate. I've got her last name. All right. Alan, who played Tom Iceman? Kukon Kuzanski, Kuzanski in top then. Who played Tom? Iceman. Who played the Iceman in top then? Oh. You also played Batman? I know who he is. He's got long blonde hair and nobody likes something. He was the world-time. He played opposite of Tom Cruise. God damn, I can't think of his name. I can't hear him. Charlie? Val Kilmer. That is correct. Yeah. Val Kilmer, that's what I was thinking. An unusual name. Yeah. All right, Charlie, what is the U.S. President's official country residence just north of Washington, D.C. in Maryland called? Camp David. Correct. Wade, what is the name of the band that Bruce Springsteen has played with since the 1970s? I don't know. Something street band or something like that. You're so close. Yeah. It's a letter. It's a letter. That's all you got to remember. What letter comes before street band? Bruce Springsteen and the... You can't think of it now. I haven't. I'm Ryan. E street band. Yeah. Good. We're so close. It was right on the tip of your tongue, Wade. There'd be a tongue. Even I knew that after Brian said it. Ryan, how many legs does an ant have? Ooh. I think six? Correct. Okay. Alan, what currency is used in Russian? Ruble. Correct. Charlie, what do you call the nose of a horse? What do you call the nose of a horse? Today. Would it be the same thing as a pig? When you put something on the nose of your dog, what is it called? A muzzle? There you go. That's what you call the nose of a horse. A muzzle. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. A muzzle tove. That's for a Jewish horse, sorry. That was a little tougher than the other ones. That's good. They're not all easy softballons. Yeah. I just got a good nose. That muzzle tove. Tove means good. Tove means good. It was a camel. It would be muzzle tove, anyhow. All right. Oh, Wayne. In what classic arcade game do you steer a figure gobbling dots and prizes while being chased by monsters named Blinky, inky, pinky and Clyde? I think that's back, man. That is correct. That was a fun song. You remember that song? Pack me in. I remember the game. I remember the game too. There was a song pack man. There was a song pack man. Wow. About the game. Who sang that song? That's a good song. Oh, now she's got to look it up. All right. Maybe it was the E Street gang. Oh. All right. So pack man fever was a hit single by Buckner and Garcia. Yep. Those are famous guys. Yeah, really. Just burn it up to charts every week, man. Follow up release in 1982 called to the Donkey Kong. I remember to do the Donkey Kong too. I remember both of those songs. That's okay. So just rehashing the same. All right. I think we're on Wayne. Who was nicknamed Old Blue Eyes? He got Sumatra. Yeah, but that question was for Brian. Where did you go? Ding ding ding. Oh, you said Wayne. Oh, didn't say Wayne. Oh, he did say Wayne. Sorry, Wayne. Okay. All right. Brian. Wayne was correct. Oh. Brian. How many seconds are there in an hour? Oh. Okay. Hold on a second. 16. Oh. What's six times six? Pretty six hundred. There you go. All right. How many strings does a violin have? Eight. No. I don't know. Four. Four. Yeah, four eight. What do I know? Charlie, who was the American financier who, after being convicted of fraud and money laundering, was finished to 150 years in prison in 2009? Bernie made off. Yeah. Bernie made off with all the money. Yeah. Another good Jew. Yeah. All right. Wayne, what do you call the area that is normally used for the first stroke of each hole on a golf course? T. That is correct. We are. Just about out of time, I'm going to finish off this card real quick. Brian, what is the first name of the wife of Aussie Osborn? Sharon. Correct. Alan. What country is famous for the beer corona? Mexico. Correct. And Charlie, in what TV series is one of the main characters named Mr. Spock? It's a doctor. The original series. Well, that's all we have time for. It's been a fun day and a fun week. And I hope all my listeners living in the southeast turn part of the United States being ravaged by Hurricane Helene. Sorry about that. I guess my mom went on a rampage. I hope y'all are all doing okay and everybody makes it through. I know we've lost some folks in that. But as we head into the last few weeks of this election, remember to check your voter registration. If you live in a state like Texas, you have one week to get registered because you must be registered 30 days before an election. I think it's 10 in California, isn't it, Brian? I don't know. Well, you can find all that at Look up your state. Look up where you live and see what the rules are. I'm the way registered. It doesn't really matter to me. Check your voter registration. Make sure everything's good to go because you're running out of time. But as I tell you every week, get registered, get informed, get politically active, and go vote. And hey, who knock on a few doors? Make a few phone calls, register a few voters while you can. Vote Kamala. Vote, vote, vote, vote Blue. I know I'm not supposed to say that, but I don't care. Vote Blue from the top of the ticket to the bottom. Yeah, absolutely. Alright, if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me. [MUSIC] (upbeat music) (electronic music)