Biblical Advice for the Suffering Heart


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28 Sep 2024
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>> Hello, brothers and sisters, and welcome back to another episode of biblical advice for the suffering heart. I am your brother in Christ, Anthony. Today, we're going to talk about what every Christian needs to know. In this world of uncertainty, Christians need to know something. Today, we're going to discuss those who backslide. We're going to discuss not forsaking the assembly. We're going to discuss conforming to the sinful world and how it makes a difference in your diagnosis. And we're also going to discuss the relationship that we have with God, the types of relationships we have with God. And as always, I welcome you to email me, if you would like, at That's Or if you want to see a little bit more about me and my biography, go to http.slash/ I know I ain't got my own personal web yet, but we'll get there. And to say the truth, I'm really not about that. I'm really about just trying to help you. And as you can tell, I'm not a professional when it comes to making podcasts. I'm not a professional when it comes to editing and things like that. I'm more so on pen and paper. But I tell you what, if you were to talk to me a person in person, you would see a different side. And let's get started. To those who have backslidden, and I tell you, we're just going to describe maybe 80% of Christians in this world. Now, what do I mean by backslidden? Those who have accepted Christ but do not have fellowship and have fallen away from the faith and are currently living in sin. So let me ask you, how is your relationship with God? As your surgery approaches, or as we continue on in our diagnosis, this is a very serious question. Have you backslidden? Have you fallen away from the faith? First, let me ask you a question. When was the last time you went to church? Are you the type of person that only attends church on Christmas and Easter? When was the last time you prayed? These questions are important. Why? Because the backslidden position is a very dangerous place to be. So many Christians think that when they accepted Christ, this was entirely all that got one of them. People that fall into this trap think this way. I accept the Christ as my Savior so that when I die, I will go to heaven. And that's all I need to do. Now we're going to talk about not forsaking the assembling. And I hope you have your Bibles because we're going to be reading out of it as always. Hebrews 10, 23 to 25, Paul writes, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised us faithful, and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as in the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the day approaching, the day of wrath, the day of the Lord's return is approaching. As brothers and sisters in Christ got once us to assemble together, to love one another, to stand by one another, and to encourage one another in the difficulties and trials of life. Remember, we are children of God, not children of this world. Here are some reasons that people give for not going to church enough. I think I've heard them all. It's too far away. I don't like to get dressed up. Well, in today's church, they don't dress up at all. I own too tired to go to church. I work on the weekends. Well, I watch church on television. It's not the same because you're not fellowshipping with one another. All the people at church are hypocrites. Truthfully they are, but then again, so are you. We're all hypocrites. But just being a hypocrite, in any way or form, justify not obeying God when he says, assemble together. Think about that. Now, there are multiple reasons why people do not attend church once they have been saved. Some are mainly excuses. Well, others are more serious. Perhaps you're disillusioned with the church because the pastor promised you that God would give you the desires of your heart, make you financially prosperous and restore your health. If you would just give the church some money or a ministry some money, this happens more than you think. Maybe you're in a disagreement with the church. Perhaps you have seen one of the leadership pastors, deacons, or elders in simple places or in situations that do not glorify God. And then they are act more holy than thou on Sunday morning. This too happens. Maybe someone doesn't like you and is spreading vicious rumors about you. Believe it or not, this happens more than you think. It is heartbreaking when things like this happen. People fall away from their faith and they hardly ever spend time in God's word again, much less step foot inside of a church. These individuals lead the church and once again conform to this sinful world. In fact, there is no evidence to make an outsider even think that he or she is a Christian that they claim to be. These individuals decide to live their lives on their own terms on their own terms, calling only on God in times of emergency. That is, only at your everything that he or she has personally tried to do by their own efforts have failed. Is God the 911? Is God the break glass in only in case of emergency? My friends, conform into the sinful world. Many who are back said and have accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and know that we are no longer under law, but under grace. So therefore, they feel that they are justified in intentionally living a life of sin. Some would argue I am a sinner saved by grace. Now, let's listen to what the scripture says. I hope you have your Bibles turned to Romans 5-20. Moreover, the law entered that sin might abound, but were sin abounded, grace did much more abound. Now, I want you to turn to Romans 6, and I want you to read the entire passage. Make sure you pause the podcast and turn to Romans 6. I want you to read the entire passage on this subject. Everybody alive today is born under the curse of sin, and we will continue to sin. That's a struggle we all face, but we are not to intentionally continue in sin. When we do sin, we are to confess our sins and listen how God will respond. 1 John 1-9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just who forgive us our sins, and eclipses from all unrighteousness." Remember, we are not under law, but under grace. Sin no longer has dominion over us. We are dead to sin but alive unto God and Jesus Christ. And my friends, there is so much more to the Christian life. Yes, it's true. God says in this holy word that those who put their faith in Christ have eternal life. My question is to you. Do you think this is all he wants you to do? Do you think that's all there is to the Christian life? If this describes you, allow me to inform you that there is definitely more. May the following encourage you in God's truth. I would now like to introduce you to two terms. These terms are sonship and fellowship. Let's take a look at the first word sonship. The dictionary defines the word as the state, fact, or relationship of being a son. Pretty easy to understand, isn't it? When I was born, I became my mother and father's son. Likewise, when you were born, you became the son or daughter of your mother and father. Now let me ask you a question. Did God or did you abandon your parents when you were born? Did you abandon your parents because your brothers and sisters disobeyed them? Of course not. Now consider this. John, 1 John 3 1, consider this. Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God. Likewise, when we confessed our sins and accepted Christ as our savior, we became children of God. Most importantly, we obtained salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Have you abandoned your Heavenly Father since you have been saved or born again? Have you abandoned your Heavenly Father and Creator as a result of your Christian brothers, sisters, or churches disobedience to them? Now let's look at another subject that's very important and this is fellowship because you can't have one without the other. What does fellowship mean? Friendly relationship, companionship, communion. As sent in for fellowship is togetherness. This is where so many Christians are confused and missed the point. God. Yes, God. The Holy Creator of the universe, who sent his beloved son to down across for our sins, wants to personally have fellowship with you. Fellowship is not based on Sunday morning alone, but on an everyday interaction with the Savior. Those who believe in Jesus Christ as personal savior have access to the Father, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. You see, God not only wants your sonship, he wants your fellowships. He wants companionship with you, especially during these times of tremendous hurt and pain. We have a father-child relationship. We do not have a business agreement. We are not business partners with the Lord. We are a daughter or a son. When you were a child, did you ever get into trouble? Did you ever disobey your parents? I'm sure without a doubt the answer is yes. And as a result of your disobedience, your parents disciplined you. Now, why did it discipline you? Of course, the answer is because they loved you enough to correct you. They wanted the best for you. Likewise to those of you who are parents, have your children ever disobeyed you? And when they did, did you discipline them to correct their behavior? As a result of their disobedience, did you stop loving them? Of course not. What many people don't realize is that our Heavenly Father does the same to his children. Why? Because he loves us. You see, when a child of God lives and sin, he chases or disciplines those children who choose to sin and deliberately disobey him. It's not because he wants to discipline us, but rather he loves us and wants to correct us. Now listen to what Hebrews 12 says on the subject. "My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by him. For whom the Lord loves, he chastens, and squarches every son whom receives." Hebrews 12, 5, 6. The psalmist says, "Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord. The man you teach from your law. You grant him relief in the days of trouble till a pit is dug for the wicked. Psalm 94, 12, and 13. My friend, like I said, the backslidden position is a very dangerous place to be. So the question one must ask his or herself, "Have I backslidden from God? Do I truly have fellowship with God? Do you feel you are under his discipline?" The writer of Hebrews tells us, "If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons. For what son is there whom a father does not chasten?" But if you are without chastening, which all have become protectors, then you are illegitimate and are not sons. Furthermore, we have human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the father of spirits and live? For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seem best to them. But he, for our profit, that we may be attackers of his holiness. Now, no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful. Nevertheless, afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Does Hebrews 12, 7 through 11? My friend, we can have victory in a Christian life. My friend, we can have victory in your diagnosis. My friend, we can have victory in your surgery. If you are backslidden and out of fellowship with God, there is no victory in the Christian life. You are just living life by your own power and on your own terms. You have decided to ignore God's will, and as a result, there are consequences. He will not hear or honor our prayers. That is why it is so important, my friends, during this time, is that we need the Lord. You say, "Oh, Anthony, you're a glass half full, glass half empty. Yeah, I'm a glass half full." Let me tell you why, because if my glass is half full, it's not empty. I have a God who can fill it to overflowing, and he'll fill your life to overflowing. Listen to what the Bible says. "If I regard an equity to my heart, the Lord will not hear." That's Psalm 66, 18. In other words, he ain't going to hear your prayers if you're out of fellowship. Now, we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, he hears them. That's John 9, 31. "Every day all over the world, doctors, offices, or prescribing medicine to patients who either do not believe or are out of fellowship with God. Pharmaceutical companies are getting rich, manufacturing pills for depression, guilt, anxiety, anger, stress, stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure, the list goes on. The Bible says, "The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly." That's John 10, 10. Peace, happiness, joy, forgiveness, friendship, guidance, answer prayer, and a reason to live is what God in Christ gives to those who are in fellowship with him. And my friends, we have a reason to be thankful. All God's children face God's loving hand of discipline at some point in their lives. And unfortunately, it's not going to be a one-time event. In a world full of hate, lies, and deception that would rather see you fail rather than see you have happiness and success, I am so thankful that we have a God that loves us and picks us up every time we fall. Please note, this is very important. I am not saying that the reason you're having surgery or have received an unfavorable diagnosis is a result of God's discipline. That's between you and him. I'm not saying that at all. I am saying this, my friend. There is no greater joy, I promise you, than the joy that God gives to those who fellowship with him. We have something that is so great, so powerful, and so magnificent that the words of this mere human writing, this podcast, cannot explain. We have access to the Father, through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ on the cross. And as a result, we can communicate with him through prayer and he will personally answer. If you have backslidden or have fallen away from the faith and you are afraid that God is angry with you and will not be with you during your surgery, there's one thing I want you to know. God loves you. If this describes you, come to the Lord with a sincere heart and confess your sins and ask him to forgive you of your sins, and guess what? He will. How do I know? Because he says he will. The Bible says, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That's 1 John 1 9. Brothers and sisters, if you are having trouble expressing your thoughts to God in this time of self-examination and the worst, don't come to mind, then pray with me. Now let's pray together. O dearest Lord, the earth and the heavens declare your glory. You Lord are the God of all things. Nothing exists without you. You alone, God, know my heart and what I have done. Lord, I know you love me so much that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me. I know you only want the best for me. I know you want to guide my steps. I know you want me to cast all my cares upon you because you care for me. Lord, I now confess that I have fallen away from you. I have not been living a life that's pleasing to you. Father, please forgive me of my sins and walk with me once again and dwell in my heart forever. Lord, cast my sins as far as to east is from the west and return me the fellowship I once had with you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Now friends, I hope that you have examined your heart. This time for deep reflection. Like I said during this time, we need God in our situation. And I tell you what, I'm not putting my faith in doctors. You say, Anthony, have you ever seen anyone pull out the impossible? Yes, I have. Absolutely. That's why I'm doing this podcast to tell you that all things are possible, but we must be right with the Lord. Until then my friends, this is your brother Anthony. I love you and the Lord. Once again, if you need to get ahold of me, it's biblical advice at Until the next time, may God richly bless you.