Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 463

On today’s (Friday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    First Lady, Melania Trump enters the 2024 Presidential Race on the heels of her latest book release entitled, “Melania” and we check in on the end of a busy week up on Capitol Hill    Donald Trump holds a press conference at Trump Tower in New York City focusing on border security and slams Kamala Harris’ push for illegals getting amnesty and her open-borders disaster    Guests: In Order of Appearance    All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)    Congressman Tom Tiffany: (@RepTiffany) U.S. Representative, WI-7   Website:   Campaign:   Ambassador Carla Sands: (@CarlaHSands) Former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark; Vice Chair, Center for Energy and the Environment at the America First Policy Institute    Website:   Institute Site:   Matt Gaetz: (@RepMattGaetz) U.S. Representative, FL-1   Website:   Podcast:   Steak for Breakfast:    SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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On today’s (Friday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


  • First Lady, Melania Trump enters the 2024 Presidential Race on the heels of her latest book release entitled, “Melania” and we check in on the end of a busy week up on Capitol Hill 


  • Donald Trump holds a press conference at Trump Tower in New York City focusing on border security and slams Kamala Harris’ push for illegals getting amnesty and her open-borders disaster 


  • Guests: In Order of Appearance 


  • All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 


Congressman Tom Tiffany: (@RepTiffany) U.S. Representative, WI-7






Ambassador Carla Sands: (@CarlaHSands) Former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark; Vice Chair, Center for Energy and the Environment at the America First Policy Institute 




Institute Site:


Matt Gaetz: (@RepMattGaetz) U.S. Representative, FL-1






  • Steak for Breakfast: 


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Via the Phone: 800-658-8045 


My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%


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This is not nom, this is bowling, there are rules. 10-10-8, Jr. America! It's like, for the fastest so stand by. Alright everybody, welcome back to the stake for breakfast podcast. If you're a first time listener welcome to the show, if you're a long time listener, welcome back to America's fastest growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast. If you're here in this episode for the first time, don't worry, we'll see you in a bit. Just press pause, go back and check out episode 462. We caught up with the Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson. We also sat down with the founder of Papa John's Pizza, John Schnattner. We're jumping into this episode today. Well we're swinging back to the great state of Wisconsin, joining us right now to get things started as the Congressman who represents Wisconsin's 7th congressional district. Always excited to be able to catch up with Representative Tom Tiffany, welcome back to the show. It is great to be back. Certainly is. Always better when we can catch up with you and boy do we have a lot of stuff to talk about. Congressman, you just finished a week up on Capitol Hill. I know you're probably negative enthusiasm level on the CR that passed. Just how you kind of saw the week shake out and where we're going into back to a little bit of a congressional break. How you saw it, you usually give us the real deal, you don't kind of mince words or anything like that. Tell our listenership about how you saw this week, shake out. So it's really disappointing we were not able to pass the SAVE Act with the CR. I mean, there is nothing more important at this point than to secure our elections with November 5th coming up. The SAVE Act would have made it so states have to that they have to identify a person's citizenship when they're registering to vote to make sure that it's only people that are hung legally in our country that can vote and also they need to remove those who are here illegally off from their voter rolls. Very simple. Really more important at this point, I thought we should have passed that bill. Now, there was some purists in our caucus, including some of my conservative friends that said, "I'm just not going to vote for a CR. I'm not voting for a continuing resolution and continuing government on autopilot." They have government on autopilot for another six or 12 weeks or maybe like three or four months. In exchange for having secure elections where only legal citizens vote, I thought that was a fair trade. Now we shouldn't continue CRs forever or whatever. I get that, but so anyhow, that didn't happen and so we end up with a continuing resolution going to go into December and we kick the can down the road. There really is nothing more important at this point than the November 5th election. We have to get the chief executives chair. If we want to put it in context of the continuing resolution and getting spending under control, we need a chief executive that is going to say, "Hey, we're going to become more responsible." Now, President Trump, I would say, could have done a better job in his first term, but he was focused on other things. But I think in a second term, he understands fully that we do have to get to a modicum of fiscal responsibility as well as program policies and we need a leader like him who is going to set the agenda because we end up with infighting so often if we have the Senate and the House but you don't have that chief executive's position, that's why it's so important to win the presidency on November 5th. No, it certainly is and you've opened up the door to the where we're going through next. They had to head match up between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Listen, by the time the show airs, Kamala Harris would have made her and I know you're so dialed into the border, you've done so much work. During your off the hill congressional time, putting emphasis and bringing awareness to the border over the past several years, Congressman, you have literally been one of the best. We always like to highlight that on the show, but she will have done her photo op down on the US Southern border. She will have talked tough about really wanting to reign in the immigration system and blaming Congress and MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump for all the problems that her and Joe Biden have kind of unleashed on the American public for the last nearly four years now. You talk about that and then Vladimir Zelinsky, I saw this morning, was leaving Trump Tower after meeting with Donald Trump. I mean, he's got to see the writing on the wall. He's winding up, leaving Washington DC with about another $10-ish billion in funding his forever war up to this point, but he has to know the party is over and should be over after November 5th and obviously in January of next year. But just a little commentary on you see how this race is shaping up. We haven't even talked about the economy, which is issue number one, but when you talk about those three topics, it seems like you could pretty much do a good compare and contrast of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Well, Kamala Harris, is there any surprise she's going to go to the border for a photo op? No taxes on tips. Hey, I'm going to build the wall now. Does anybody think she's sincere? People know that she is a well, you have a whole group of people that will vote for anybody that is on the Democrat side. I get that. Sure. But I'll tell you those in the middle borders, they see it. They don't believe it. All you got to do is look at the Teamsters by two to one. You're saying we are voting for Donald Trump. It forced the hand of their leadership and so they would not endorse the Democrat for the first time in decades. They see through the facade of Kamala Harris and it's really an indicator of how much trouble she is in with working class voters. I would say though, in regards to the Zelensky thing, I think the other thing that will be the case is that Vladimir Putin is also going to know that the party is up. He was the only president of the last four where Vladimir Putin did invade another country. It was Donald Trump. Peace through strength. Let's have a strong America. That is Donald Trump. If you want peace around the world and if you're one of those people that is just like, "Man, we just have to have peace," you should be voting for Donald Trump. He's got the record of accomplishment. It's so weird. Over the course of the last several decades, you've seen the Democrats segue to open borders, forever wars, and rampant out of control spending when they've always been the people complaining about Republicans wanting to fund their wars and that because of that, the spending is up, the economy is never great because the tables really have flipped. Just some commentary on how the widening of the 10. I think we talked to you shortly after the RNC, but what Donald Trump's done since then, I mean, I thought it was a pretty unified and galvanized base coming out of the convention, and then you hit the campaign trail and added people to the roster of America first, like Elon Musk, R.F.K. Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, really trying to show that he's not running to be the president of the Republican Party, but he's running to be the president of all Americans. You think when you can have these hard conversations with people who openly didn't endorse him in the last election cycle, publicly spoke against him during some of his policies, but we're able to hash out the differences because they see the critical juncture that our country is at right now. A lot of volumes for, I guess, the business savvy that Donald Trump brings to the table and some of the things that people won't even give him credit for, he continues to do with his own campaign, this election cycle. I build a coalition and he is doing that. What this is indicative though is I always knew when I went to Washington, when I went there a little over four years ago, I said to people, I always knew that I had to argue with Democrats about taxes and regulations, they want more, we want less, but I never thought that we would be debating the First Amendment, that we would protect people's religious freedom, that we would not be censors as we've seen with the big tech companies who, by the way, in league with the FBI and the Department of Justice, never thought I would see our government go after people like Matt Taibi and others, I think Matt Taibi is no Republican, he's no conservative. They went after him because he dared to breach the party line and so it has become about the fundamentals and that's why you see Elon Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, as well as many others who have traditionally been Democrats are saying, you know what, I can't be there anymore and I want to be with a party that is not going to censor us, that's going to allow free speech, that is going to uphold the Constitution, that isn't going to let government just run roughshod over people like the Food and Drug Administration and Anthony Fauci, all these things that people have seen over the last few years, they are so alarmed that they're going, I have to strike an agreement with Donald Trump because I don't recognize the Democrat party anymore. Yeah, that's a great point and I certainly don't as well, I mean you can't get a policy point out of Kamala Harris who's seen Joe Biden as essentially, you know, at the end of his career, just being an empty suit pushed around to sign whatever the powers that be tell him to do and I don't think our country can handle for more years of this especially when you talk about the illegal immigration which we can tie into the other thing I want to talk with you about. There's been a lot of investigation, whistleblower testimony, even some whistleblowers come in and talk into you guys, congression behind closed doors as well in regards to the investigations or lack thereof from the federal government in regards to what happened to Donald Trump up in Butler and down in West Palm Beach recently. You know, there's been a lot of noise coming through lately that the Iranians have their hands, might have people inside the country operating freely looking to do harm to President Trump as well. Listen, we had Dr. Ben Carson on the show on Tuesday, he's a great guest, regular guest on the show, we've gotten to have very long form conversations and interviews with him. And we got into the subject of that and him and Donald Trump have a pretty established friendship and he talked about remembering back to the 2016 cycle and how much more of a security detail he had as a candidate than Donald Trump has as not only a former president but the current nominee, he said it just baffles his mind and it doesn't seem to make any kind of sense. Congressman Gates is going to be joining us later in the show today, he's broken some news this week on maybe some assassination teams from other countries operating in the United States or trying to do harm to President Trump and just kind of want to get your probably dissatisfaction level with the investigations up to this point and what we could hope to do in regards to, you know, keeping President Trump safe between now and election day. Does anyone surprise that this, the Secret Service is under the heading of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, we've impeached Mayorkas because of how he's handled the border allowing an invasion into our country. Is it any surprise that he botched how the Secret Service is handling things and botched maybe generous in saying that to him? He should be removed from office. Anyone, and set aside Donald Trump for a second, what about Robert F. Kennedy? He refused, Mayorkas refused to give him a security detail, a guy that's legitimately running for President and we know the Kennedy family's history. You get very concerned about what are their intentions at the Department of Homeland Security under Mayorkas and in the Secret Service. I got to tell you at this point, if I'm Donald Trump, I might do like Robert F. Kennedy did and hire my own security detail because whether it's malfeasance, I sure hope it isn't intentional and I'm not saying it's intentional, but man, at a minimum, there's malfeasance that's going on here and I sure hope it changes at some point. No, we agree with you and it's not official news yet because the whistleblowers haven't come forward. Talking to some of your congressional counterparts up on the Hill in the last couple of weeks, there's some whistleblowers who are trying to maybe gather up the strength to be able to put something together that says there might be a real case of Donald Trump is not receiving the detail that he's supposed to get as the candidate and former president because people like Alejandro Mayorkas, maybe even Joe Biden's office, don't want him to look presidential heading into an election and it's something, if that's the case, outside of the ignorance of the malfeasance, the lack of communication, obviously the egos that run around on the Democrat side of the aisle with this administration, I've never seen more people fail at the jobs that it has to do and not be held accountable for anything, whether it's Janet Yellen to Secretary Austin and obviously Alejandro Mayorkas and everybody in between. But if it's just so optically Donald Trump doesn't look like he's an important person, that would probably be the worst narrative, maybe in the history of modern politics. Yeah, so it's happening right here in Wisconsin on Saturday. They've had to move a rally, President Trump is going to have to a different venue in Prairie to Sheen, Wisconsin, and it's because they say they cannot provide the security for it. Now, I just saw a brief blurb on it, I don't have enough details on it. But if that's accurate, I mean, that says everything you need to know about the Secret Service and the state that it's in at this point. It's all, at the end of the day, what is it? It's all part of the swamp. It has consumed our federal government and our federal government no longer represents the people. They no longer serve the people of the United States of America. And at this point, it appears there's only one man that's going to be able to reverse course on that, and that's Donald Trump. Now, that's a great point. They'll task Secret Service agents with guarding people from the Iranian government to go out and shop for cars and jewelry for their wives at Tiffany's, no pun intended, instead of making sure that Donald Trump is safe and secure in battleground Wisconsin this weekend, which leads me to my last point. And we got 39 days, Congressman. You've seen a lot of races even before you got into politics, probably never won like this before. There is such a finite amount of time left for people to get involved. It's so much more of an important election to where just your vote might not be enough. Talk about the importance of people getting involved in their community or jumping on the Trump Force 47 or the protective vote or anything that you think would be prudent to get more people out to the polls and voting to get this country back on the right track in just a few short weeks here. So, you look at where the candidates are going. You know where the two biggest states are, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Those are ground zero in this campaign. And so, there's a couple things that we're doing here in Wisconsin. One, we're doing a hunt the vote effort. Over 100,000 hunters in Wisconsin do not vote on a regular basis. We are out there mobilizing them. If you know a hunter, ask them if they vote, ask them if they register to vote. And if they say they're not registered to vote, don't say to them, "Oh, come on, what the heck's wrong with you?" Say to them, "Hey, can I help you get registered?" "I can walk you through the process and it's not hard and you can do it the same day if you want to." So, that's number one. Number two, we have this grand opportunity with young people. Young people are free agents at this point, especially 18 to 22 years of age. They have seen the failures of the Biden-Harris administration. They were not with us in 2018, 20 or 2022, but they are now free agents because they've seen the failures of Biden and Harris. We have the opportunity to win them over. The next couple elections are going to be crucial to get them on our side because they could become the Reagan revolution of the 21st century, where Ronald Reagan in 1980 showed these young people through his personality and through his actions. America is a great country. Donald Trump wants to do the same thing, Republicans want to do the same thing, go talk to those young people about our policies, secure the border, strong America so your generation doesn't have to go to war, energy independence so that we bring inflation down. All those things can be done and make America great again. A second round of Donald Trump promises, made promises kept starting in next January with the coalition he's built and a strong Republican base. You guys have done such a good job of holding it down the last three and a half years up there. Congressman, I think we could see American greatness a lot sooner than people who maybe look at their bank account or step out into their city streets right now are very hopeful for it. Listen, as always, great catch it up with you today. Friday, busy week, election season, can't ask for more than have you start off our second edition of the podcast. We've got your congressional website, live linked in the show description today. Actually, you're out in district so we could do your campaign website as well, but if anybody wants to check in on social media, where can they find you at rep Tiffany. Check us out. Hey, we also put out an email update every week over 45,000 subscribers that Tiffany telegram go to my website official website. You can sign up for it is chock full of information every week. What's going on in Washington, D.C. Can't miss it. Can't miss the segment. Hopefully we'll be able to catch up with them again soon. This is the congressman who's representing Wisconsin, seven fighting for all of America first out there. You just so elegantly heard, representative Tom Tiffany, thanks for joining us on the show today. Sir, have a great weekend. About the good work. The raid on Mar-a-Lago, the house manager texts you and says the FBI is outside the house. They had access to my bedroom, closets, office, and runnage through my personal items. Even searched barons room, you say. So how invasive was that? Did it make you angry? How did you feel? Yeah, it made me angry. Yes. The reason of privacy and the way it was done was I was really surprised. You wanted to see it with your own eyes. What did it look like when you walked back in your house that had been raided? I saw unpleasant stuff that nobody wants to see it and you get angry because nobody should be putting up with that kind of stuff. Some person, I don't even know who or how many people, they went through my stuff. All right. Jumping back into the news portion of the show here. First news segment on the front end of our second edition, Friday style, steak for breakfast. It was great opening up the show with Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany, listen, no one's going to tell you better than him how it really is. He's a realist. He doesn't mince words. And he sure delivered today as he always does when he comes on the show. So just following up on what we talked about in our first edition of the podcast in regards to the security or lack thereof around Donald Trump, you heard Congressman Tiffany say that Donald Trump had to move his venue that he wanted to speak at this weekend in Wisconsin because he was denied due to the United Nations Summit going on in Washington, D.C. The security that could adequately and safely secure the area. I do have a follow up as I talked about. Here is a post on Twitter from Missouri Senator Josh Hawley. I'm going to read the caption first, new. A whistleblower tells me Secret Service denied the Trump campaign, the resources and manpower they needed for a rally in Wisconsin this weekend. That contradicts Director Rowe, Acting Director Rowe, the Secret Service, who said Trump, Harris, and Biden were all getting the same protection. Harris held a fully protected Wisconsin rally last week. This comes with a follow up letter. I'm assuming it's to Acting Director Rowe, temporary head of the Secret Service, and this comes from the office of Josh Hawley. I write a concerning new whistleblower allegation that the U.S. Secret Service detail effectively forced the Trump campaign to cancel an upcoming event in Wisconsin. It's been moved, not canceled. The new information calls into question your recent public statements regarding the level of security your agency is supposed to be providing the former president. It also suggests the secret service and ability to fully protect former President Trump, and this may be affecting the conduct of his presidential campaign. At your recent press conference on September 20th, you stated that former President Trump is receiving the highest level of secret service protection and he is getting everything that the current president has with respect to secret service assets. The same night, Secret Service secured a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris in Wisconsin. Yet according to a whistleblower with direct knowledge of the exchange, Secret Service recently told the Trump campaign that they did not have sufficient assets to secure a presidential campaign rally in Wisconsin for the former president. Other whistleblowers with knowledge of Secret Service planning and protocols alleged that failure to provide protection for a major political event is highly unusual and that the sitting president would never be denied resources in that way. If true, the apparent double standard contradicts your public statements and raises troubling questions, please provide the following information no later than seven days from today, which was yesterday. Did the Secret Service ever tell former President Trump his campaign or any related business entities that the agency could not secure a rally event in Wisconsin? Has the Secret Service ever told President Biden or Vice President Harris that the agency could not secure a campaign event of their choosing? Sincerely, Senator Josh Hawley. So that's the follow up to the information we got from Congressman Tom Tiffany to start our show. Jumping into the news here, it seems that Melania Trump is finally ready and it's been a taxing couple of years for her. First group we heard just there was, you know, going through her emotional state following the raid on Mar-a-Lago. She's also lost her mother this year. Her husband has nearly been assassinated twice that we know of or information that's been made public. You know, her son has come under a lot of scrutiny as it looks like he's getting ready to enter the field of politics while growing up in as a normal fashion as you could and beginning his, you know, college era of being a student and, you know, the first lady's got a book coming out, sort of a tell-all book from her, first person's standpoint on how she's seen the last little while shake out. I've pre-ordered it. I hope to get a copy soon so I can kind of get some better insight to give you guys here on the show. It's from her in a couple of news clips that she's had down for some interviews with Fox News this week as part of the rollout to her book which is already a bestseller on Amazon in the New York Times but, you know, it's just, it's been tough and to see Donald Trump have to stand in the face, stand in the breach, sometimes literally, on his own. You know, his sons have been doing such great work around the country. His daughter-in-law, Laura, working her ass off, obviously, at the RNC and the team he's put around him and, again, all the naysayers and haters are out on social media today saying the Trump campaign's not doing this, they're not doing that. There is information that it's going on in the Trump campaign regarding his safety and security, not even including the continued fuck-ups of the Secret Service that we probably may never know until maybe Donald Trump's out of office or maybe never because they might be critical to sustaining national security, but here's the deal. They're running the race that he needs to run right now and if you don't like it, you never will. Um, sticking to the thread here, obviously, we talked about and listened to Melania Trump discuss the Mar-a-Lago raid, we are also going to see exactly how she felt going through the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life, both of them, actually, and, you know, how hard this hits home. Let's check it out. The assassination attempts, the first one, is in Butler, Pennsylvania and you write about watching the assassination attempt on TV and you started working and you were distracted so you pushed pause so you didn't see that first assassination attempt and someone called you. I think your chief of staff maybe called you and said he's okay, but there's been a shooting. What happened next? I ran to the TV and I rewind it and I watched it. I was only a few minutes behind and something, I guess, looked over me so I didn't really see live live, but maybe, you know, three minutes, a few minutes later. But when I saw it, I, you know, it was only nobody really knew yet, because when you see him on the floor and you don't know, you don't know what really happened. And then a few weeks later, there's another attempt on your husband's life at your golf course. Where were you and what was your reaction to this attempt? I was in York City, actually, and I saw it on the television and I saw it on television. I called again and he was okay because Secret Service were great. The guys that they were with him, they were fantastic. And I think both of the events, they were really miracles. If you really think about it, the July 13 was a miracle, like that much and he could, you know, he could not be with us. It's got to be rough to have to relive those moments, see your husband talk about it, express his feelings, kind of let America into their emotional bubble out on the campaign trail and how, I'll be honest with you, the news cycle is so rigorous, this close to the election, there's just no time to process. And you know, for all of us out here in America first, who have taken these instances to heart, just imagine being Donald Trump or his kids, you know, Baron's still such a young man and what he's had to go through and how hard it is to continue to watch your father or in Melania's case, your husband walk down this path in an attempt to save this country and literally have to worry about, is his neck stuck out on the line now, you know, and Donald Trump's not slowing down, it's full court press right now, we're nearing the noon hour on Friday, I've got Newsmax, NewsNation, Fox News CNN on the big screens here in the studio and just on Fox News alone, Donald Trump's getting ready to speak at a campaign event in Walker, Michigan, RFK juniors opening up for him. Then you got Larry Kudlow, giving some insight on Donald Trump's economic package and all of the negative points of what Kamala Harris is promoting, and then Vivek Ramaswami is getting ready to come in right after Kudlow, and it's like the full court press, all hands on deck, you know, you're going to be hearing a lot of the same from former ambassador who served during the Trump administration, Carla Sands, in just a few minutes, when we jump in with her, as she's not only doing some amazing work, running along the side Donald Trump, and at the America First Policy Institute, but you know, all of the Trump force 47 online seminars that she's given, the virtual ones telling people how to get involved, and the work that she's doing on the ground in Pennsylvania, which I heard is extensive. So no wiggle room here, and it looks like the Trump team is going to lay it all out online for America as we're sprinting towards the ballot box now, 39 days before election day. I had mentioned Baron Trump, Melania briefly touched on the moments after the first assassination attempt, and her interaction with Baron Trump, who was outside of the house, playing some sports, caught news of it, and rushed inside his mother was here. Your son is in college, I understand, but he's still your child. This is his father. How difficult was that to have that conversation very difficult, very difficult. He was outside playing sport, and he rushed in, and was very, very difficult. You know, it goes without saying, like, members of the Trump family are talking about it, but they're also processing it in real time. As they're going through and reliving this event, these events, and just the difficulty level of it in general, and the star power that they all bring to the table, and have to deal with something like this, it's something our country hasn't seen in a long time. You know, assassinations of celebrities or political figures is something that has almost been completely out of, you know, the spear of America's political escape for 40, 50 years, with Reagan being the last one. And here we are, talking about probably the largest political icon in the history of modern politics, if not ever, and what he has to go through in this a digital age. You know, it's the contributing factors to this, and the toxic atmosphere, which we've kind of had to navigate through, Donald Trump has had to navigate through again. The ultra MAGA Republicans, the threats to democracy, the shredding of the Constitution, the very fine people on both sides, the suckers and losers, and all of that stuff. The leader of the insurrection on the Capitol, a day that Democrats will go on TV and say it's worse than the Civil War and 9/11 combined, don't even, Pearl Harbor doesn't even measure to what went down on January 6, according to Nancy Pelosi, and all of her scumbag counterparts. But again, how did we get here? It's rhetoric like that, and Melania has completely aware of and describes this atmosphere that the Trump family has kind of had to live amongst since he's decided to come down the Golden Escalator and enter the political arena. Sometimes I think her physical presence on the campaign trail, the Reluctancy maybe sometimes to do it has to do with that, as she is the mother to her young son, and she needs to protect him, and maybe have some kind of a physical or even metaphysical barrier between all of the stuff that's going on with Donald Trump and how they try to keep some Sandy in the home. Let's check it out. The mainstream media, there were a few days reporting about July 13th event, and everything then became quiet. So I had a lot of questions, what's going on, this is not normal, and is it really shocking that all these gorgeous violence goes against my husband, especially that we hear the leaders from the opposition party and mainstream media, branding him as a threat to democracy, calling him vile names, they only fueling a toxic atmosphere and giving power all of these people that they want to do harm to him. This needs to stop, this needs to stop, the country needs to unite, and I encourage everybody to read my letter that I wrote on July 14th again, because that cannot continue. And it's all of these negative things thrown in the Trump family's way, again, Donald Trump is the president who, for the first time in decades, made Vladimir Putin flinch, for the first time ever, walked into North Korea, birthed the Abrahams accords, and worked with China in a way that reciprocal trade was actually happening, you know, that's in a world view how much Donald Trump brought more peace and prosperity to the world. He brought the Iranian regime, which we're half a century now, has been dead set on getting their hands on nuclear weapons to their knees, and made them look weak for the first time since the Iran Iraq war in the 80s, and yet they will say he is a dictator who will shred the Constitution and end democracy, you know, it's just a shame to have to hear the former First Lady and wife of the president have to live and relive these moments and describe the contributing factors, knowing that they're all manufactured by the largest speakers in the opposition party, you know, and she kind of gives a little insight and segues there to the person that Donald Trump is. It's one of the things out of all the things that Donald Trump has done since his building mobile days and his days as an author, Hollywood personality, et cetera, you know, it's I always want to know what it's like in the house when nobody's there, like, what's it like? What's family time? Are they just like everybody else? Do they share in these precious moments that you see other people put out on Facebook and Instagram? It's like the one, not absent because we see glimpses of it, but again, this is a family that in some contexts, although it be their very public figures, want a little bit of privacy and intimacy just for themselves, and that's normal. But to hear Melania kind of let us into her heart and how she views Donald Trump as a husband and father and a grandfather, not just President Trump, not just the boss. I think it's something we don't hear enough, and I think when you're talking about working class, middle class, soccer moms, this is part of the Donald Trump, outside all of the make America great stuff again that you need to hear a little bit more of. Let's check it out. People say they don't like him. What do you wish they knew about him? That he is really a family man. He loves his family. He loves this country. And all he wants to build better and prosperous. Yeah, he's just strong. He's not afraid to. No, he's not. He's not talking about the way he was when he was shot that in the year that the way he stood up and he said fight, fight, fight, because we cannot allow that to happen. You know, it's not talked about enough. In that moment, one that inspired Elon Musk to join America first and endorsed Donald Trump, many others, one that led to the phone calls which brought RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard into the campaign and widen the 10 even more. In those moments, the fractions of a second around Donald Trump being tackled by the secret service, following him getting shot up in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th. There was no legitimate way for anyone to really know in those immediate instances on whether or not the threat had been completely neutralized and Donald Trump was in any context, way, shape or form safe and to see his natural reaction to fight his way through the dog pile of secret service men and women who tackled him to the ground because, I mean, that's their objective. The bullets start flying. You become a human shield. I mean, that's at the end of the day, the, if you want to know what the shortest version of an answer of a secret service person is, that's it. When the president's life is in danger, your life is in danger first. That's the best way I could sum it up, but, and to see him rise before the crowd who stood in place. I mean, there was a guy literally 10 feet behind Donald Trump who got his back of his head blown off. There were two other people who were critically wounded in the immediate vicinity and there were shots being fired both ways. And to see him stand up, blood dripping down his face, put his fist up and say, fight, fight, fight before they physically had to push him off that stage, and he still didn't want to go. I mean, he's, they're trying to put their hand on the back of Donald Trump's head and put it underneath the threshold of the door of the limo, the SUV that was going to take him to the hospital to get treatment because they probably didn't know the extent of the injury outside of the fact that he was hit period. And he's still putting his fist up and you can't fake it. You can't. You just can't. I know there's people that have hypothesized and opined on it, but the all you're doing by listening to that stuff is wasting precious minutes that you'll never get back. And here's the deal. At the end of the day, strip him down to his bare bones, figuratively, of course. What do you want your leaders to look like, Joe Biden, who can't walk up and down the stairs or someone who's literally going to take one off the side of the head and get up and say, fight, fight, fight, it's a good question. And you know, one that, uh, I don't think it's talked about enough. Well, any Trump would talk about, as we're getting ready to wrap this segment here, halfway through the news, one of two here on the second of two Friday editions of the state of records podcast is the critical importance of this upcoming election. You know, and it's like we try to lay out for you. We articulate in probably more extensive ways because, well, number one, we're a podcast and number two, we want to beat it into your system and beat it into your brain so hard that you go out into the world prepared to make honest, accurate and truthful statements to other people when talking about the things that are important over the course of the next 39 days or less. But when you look at just lining up the stats, I mean, the records essentially speak for themselves. Melania will allude to just that in our last couple of thoughts here. How I see it is the records speaks for itself. The country is suffering. People are not able to buy usual necessities for the families. We have wars going on around the world. Others are dying, they were dying under this administration because of a weak leadership. The border is open and dangerous. A lot of fraternal is coming over, killing our youth. It's very hard to see and an economy. It's really not great. The inflation is high and if we compare these four years under this administration compared to four years under my husband as commander-in-chief, he was leading the country through peace, through strength and the border was safer than ever before. We didn't have any wars, people were prospering, they had jobs, they could support their families. I think American people need to decide what they really want. Maybe some strong tweets, but everything else is great for this country. It's all in Americans' people's hands on November 5th. What else can you say? What's more important, the safety, security and sanctity of your family or being offended by a mean tweet? Donald Trump put out a couple of heaters on Truth Social and Twitter today in regards to Kamala Harris and her border czar-edness, we'll touch on that in our next segment as it's just breaking across the wire. And again, I hope it's not the last time we hear from the former First Lady, I hope she is very much present, whether it's doing interviews, radio, podcasts or actually physically getting out with her husband on the campaign trail because listen, some might call it optics, I call it part of the deal sealer and that is her completing the package of what the Trump family brings and offers America moving forward. So we'll see what happens, but I'll be honest with you, I like to hear them from her and again, I'm really interested in seeing what she's got to say in her book when I get it here. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, first of all, thanks for being here. We're in the first new segment of our second of two Friday editions of Stake for Breakfast. Do us a huge favor, we've had some algorithm issue with Apple Podcast, recently they did an update to their iOS, so on your tablet, your cell phone or your laptop. If you don't have in your podcast settings, Stake for Breakfast downloading, it's because we have explicit content and you don't have that set as something you're willing to receive. So you need to either go into your settings and click yes, I would like to receive explicit content, damn it, or just go back and re-follow the show. If you're on Apple Podcast and look at the top right corner when you click on our page, it's a plus symbol followed by the word follow. That means our show will be downloading to your electronic device, you help us out big time, Apple Top 100, massages the podcast algorithms, makes us more present in the suggestions for political podcasts, et cetera. In addition, we're on Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, Amazon Podcast, or wherever you listen to your shows. Doesn't matter where it's at, the show's always going to be free, just make sure you're subscribed and following us and that we're downloading to your electronic device. Again, social medias, we're on Twitter, get our true social Instagram and TikTok, find the accounts, follow them, hit the notification bell, you'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at Stake for Breakfast. So there were some, I don't know if you want to call them revelations, maybe massilations in regards to some news during congressional committee as, you know, for the most part they were voting on the CR and getting out of town. But I did see that during a committee that was having some whistleblowers before Congress and talking about January 6th, it came up that a report that was started directly after the incident is still not completed and according to the FBI now won't be finished until after the election. However, when you hear Congressman Tom Massey do what he does, he essentially gets the FBI agent describing this, the spokesperson for the agency on just who was around the Capitol on January 6th and maybe why the American public is not going to be privy to this information before the November elections, I'll give you a hint, Trump was right again, let's listen. We've got a failed FBI's failed investigation of the January 6th pipe bomb. Are you looking into that at all? We've had discussion, I know Congressman about it and we have followed up and I can speak to you about that. I mean they keep saying it's an ongoing investigation but they've got no leads, no suspects, they've lost information, they've lost evidence, they can't find evidence, secret service, deleted all of its texts on January 6th, Steve D'Antuano, the guy in charge of Washington DC field office says that the cell phone data that could have been used to find the bomb or was corrupted and now we just found out, I found out from another inspector general and I want to submit this for the record. No objection. Yeah. I asked him, do you have the footage, the video footage, does the FBI have the video footage of the DNC on January 6th and he tells me when he asks the FBI for the video footage, they don't even have video footage of the DNC that we know was created on January 6th, it's almost, so it's almost as if they don't want to know, can you rule out that there were any confidential human sources involved in the whole pipe bomb thing on January 6th? I'd have to go back, Congressman and refresh myself on what we've, information we've gathered to date on that, I don't know as I said here. Okay, that would be a huge revelation and I think we should get that and get it public before the election, I yield back. Nice work for as much as I can't really stand them. Tom Massey, you know, you do a little mental gymnastics with these guys and you got people at the FBI sitting around saying, I think that we're fucked, right? And they certainly will be and I'll tell you what's going on here. It's that the FBI knows whether it be through FOIA, whether it be through whistleblower, we've painted enough picture behind the scenes and unofficially that there were many confidential human sources on the ground in and around the Capitol on January 6th, probably stoking violence, maybe even participating in it and baiting citizens who went to peacefully and patriotically have their voices heard to make crimes. Now again, if anybody did anything egregious on January 6th, they're more than likely going to serve whatever penalty it is that is given to them. There have been so many people, thousands probably who have been ensnared and had their lives absolutely ruined from top to bottom by this weaponized justice department and federal law enforcement and it's a larger scale thing of exactly what we saw up in Michigan in the fake kidnap Gretchen Whitmer fed honeypot plot where essentially you had it to where FBI agents were sleeping with people in an attempt to try and get them to do something that they didn't really want to do. And I guess it, you know, sometimes a little vagina will make a man do crazy things, but at the end of the day, I think by the time we get to the bottom of this, we are going to find out that Donald Trump was right again. And this was all part of a co-host plan by the FBI, the DOJ, the former Speaker of the House's office, Nancy Pelosi and other people complicit, Chuck Schumer, of course, maybe even some people from the Republican side of the aisle wouldn't shock me, nothing would these days, but yeah, I thought that was pretty interesting. They did a little recap and explained a little more in a Fox News segment. I saw they had, I don't know, one of the experts come in and sit down with Trace Gallagher. Let's check it out. Let me come back to January the sixth, four years, four and a half years ago. Three and a half years ago, sir. There were a lot of people who thought that there were federal operatives within the crowd that day. Michael Horowitz, the DOJ's Inspector General, was on the Hill today and seemed to indicate that people who believe there were covert or confidential human sources in the crowd might actually be right. Listen to what he said. But now that you've restarted it, do you have evidence of the number of confidential human sources that were operating on the Capitol grounds on January 6th? Our report will include the information in that regard. Can you tell us today how many there were, were there more than a hundred? I'm not in a position to say that both because it's in draft form and we have not gone through the classification reviews, and so I'd need to be careful. Do you know how many were reimbursed for travel? As I sit here, I don't recall the number. But there's something in the report. This is very intriguing. He didn't say yes. He didn't say no. He said this is being looked at in the report. That could be that the report says, no, there weren't any, but he seems to be leaning toward yes, there were. Oh, I think he was definitely implying yes, there were because when he was asked, well, how many of them these confidential human sources were, which are effectively spies for the FBI, it's a tool of law enforcement, when asked how many were reimbursed for travel, he said he didn't recall the number off the top of his head, which indicates there's a number. And so I personally think this is the sleeper story of the day. So many lawmakers and pundits were decried, it's crazy for suggesting that there could be confidential human sources involved in January 6th, and it looks like there might just have been. Now, of course, the questions are, what was their level of involvement? What was the conversations there, were they in fact enticing or inducing anyone to commit crimes because that would be a whole separate legal issue of course, but lots of questions and out of this very interesting testimony off Capitol Hill today. Well, during that time of the year before, a lot of us were told, well, if you think this you're crazy and you're a tin foil hack conspiracy theorist, but a lot of that turned out to be true. So we'll see where this goes. It's intriguing. It's intriguing. We'll see what that report says when that report comes out. And it won't be until anytime after the November elections, I tell you what, you know, they ask about what their complicency level is. If it's anything even remotely close to what happened with the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping honeypot sleep with citizens debacle that they had go on up there in Michigan. And you're talking about people whose lives has been ruined, finances have been ruined, cases, marriages have been ruined, people who have committed suicide over being implicated in things related to January 6th. I'm telling you, and I've been saying it for years, the civil payouts from what happens after Donald Trump wins the election and starts getting all of these people out of jail. The people that the Department of Justice is still continuing the soul lock even after the Supreme Court ruled that the tack on terrorism charges which extended or in some cases immediately put people in prison is going to be mind blowing. And trust me, from people I've talked to close to the campaign, not directly on it regarding this issue, but people who have worked extensively with Donald Trump on this for several years now have said they are getting ahead of this as something they'll be addressing on day one. And I'm going to start to look into whether or not these people need to start coming out of prison, especially the ones who essentially, you know, did non-violent crimes or weren't even in the Capitol or Washington DC as is the case in some instances here. And they will be ready for this legally and with manpower. So I can assure everybody that's always looking for updates on that this. And we'll kind of leave that at that. You know, there was one other news item I saw this week coming from Congress outside of the CR, you know, we've already touched on it because we've got a couple who have already come through the show. So why continue to beat a dead horse when we know it's just a placeholder between now and the end of December? But the only other thing that caught my eye regarding this that came into Congress this week was an interesting angle that I saw the news kind of pick up on. And you know, the left, of course, virtue single off of and it came during, I guess, some testimony in regards to back and forth that happened between two Congress people. One of them being Congressman Clay Higgins, who we all know is no nonsense, no bullshit. He's literally the congressional version of the undertaker. The only thing that's absent is the undertaker's theme song playing when he goes to and from the house chambers, literally. We've comedically played some of his clips on the show over the years, but he does have a very serious tone. Nobody would like to see Alejandro Mayorkas literally wedged and thrown out on his ass of the DHS federal building, then Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins, but a tweet went out, a post on X, if you will, two days ago, right before, like, the evening news cycle kicked off, right? And I'm going to read it to you. And this is, you know, again, Congress people arguing during committee over the validity of whether or not they're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats. Here's the post. This is from his official congressional account. LOL, period. These Haitians are wild, eating pets, voodoo, nastiest country in the Western Hemisphere, cults, slapstick gangsters, dot, dot, dot, but damned if they don't feel all sophisticated now, filing charges against our president and vice president, all of these thugs better get their mind right and get their ass out of our country before January 20, 2025. Noah. Nice. Welcome back. Yeah, we had a little change of plans happens to the best of us. Yeah, not on my end, though. I was ready. So no, Noah, here's my no lies detected, but again, should a congressman from his official congressional account be using such colorful language when describing people who partake in Santa Maria and might be eating the dogs and eating the cats? I don't know. That's not for me. But again, just broke on the news, Clay Higgins is racist. Mike Johnson comes out and he's like, oh, I don't want to deal with this as bullshit. It's just a post on Twitter. Well, let me go talk to him. Okay. I come back. Speaker Johnson. All right. I talked to him. You know, we talked about, you know, this hurt people's feelings. I want you to think about is that something that you really want to put out on social media. So then he said he had reported congressman Higgins prayed about it and said, all right, if it's hurting too many people's feelings, then I'll take it down. But again, the internet is forever. My screen shot at it because once I heard him say that, I knew we're never going to be able to talk about it on the show unless I could read it verbatim. But hey, again, the frustration level within the Republican house, you know, you heard it from Tom Tiffany today. He's like, okay, it may sound defeatist to just pass another CR. He's like, but who wants to go through the grandstanding bullshit when like literally in 40 days, we can change everything. That's where they're at. You know, they passed the same act, Chuck Schumer says, fuck off. They pass HR one and HR two, the energy bill, the board security act. Chuck Schumer says, absolutely not. They impeach all 100 may orchas. Chuck Schumer says, yeah, you know, hearing and he's not impeached because whatever he's just not. And then to see people like him help facilitate the flying in of all these people from places like Haiti and Venezuela and all these other countries. You know, a next segment Donald Trump put out a heater today. There are some new convicted felons. So these are people who have already been convicted of felonies in the United States that were removed and have come back in under Biden Harris. The number is astronomical. It was released today and people like Clay Higgins have had it. You know, people like maybe Byron Donald's or Matt Gates who were going to touch on some things with regarding house business and the campaign on the back end of our next new segment, they may be able to articulate a little bit more, but Clay Higgins shoots the shit straight and he's tired of it and Donald Trump's going to show up in this town in Ohio. He's going to go out to Colorado over the course of the next couple of weeks and he's going to talk to the people there and he's going to get the answers that they refuse to tell you on the news when the physical residents are telling you what's going on there. How are you going to be able to deny it? You know, we just covered it before you jumped in Noah. I don't know if you saw the back and forth exchange between Tom Massey and the surrogate that came down from the FBI this week. So they've drafted, which essentially means completed their report on January 6th. Tom Massey caught the FBI surrogate in a lie or maybe half truth about confidential human sources to where he immediately started back stepping, but made him admit that they were on the ground in and around the Capitol on January 6th. Now we don't know to the extent of what they did or how they did it. But this was something that just two years ago, listen, if you were saying the FBI was involved with January 6th in any context, you're going to throw in prison. And now you have the FBI saying like, oh yeah, we have the draft, but because of the draft, it's not finished. So we probably won't get it until after the November elections. I already said Trump was right. That's all you have to say because he was. And it's just embarrassing to watch the way these people move around speaking of which. I know we already touched on it a couple of times. Cookie Monster was in town this week. He's wind up $10 billion richer for Ukraine. Somebody actually posted what I did a shit post about it online. How many more border walls is that we're up to 85 border walls that we could have done at the cheapest rate imaginable. The one that down from said, listen, I wanted 10, then I wanted seven and a half. I would have did $3.7 billion. I can get a border wall done, not the best border wall, but a border wall done. We shut down the government twice over it. I thought it was weird that Zelensky met with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris separately. But he did. I've got brief clips of both. Let's hear the pandering in the end degree. See two key pieces. First, right now we have to strengthen Ukraine's position on the battlefield. And that's why today I'm proud to announce a new $2.4 billion package of security systems. I've also directed Pentagon to allocate to allocate all the remaining security systems funding that has been appropriated to Ukraine period by the end of this, my term, which is January 20. So there you have it, 2.2 plus the little over eight. It's right under $10.3 billion that he was able to pick up this week for Ukraine. Without any congressional oversight, without one vote being cast on, you know, this isn't the usual $200 million supplemental. Joe Biden's got like the petty cash plus I'll throw a couple of F-16s and a Patriot missile launcher in there. This is over $10 billion just getting wasted because I'm telling you what, there's only one way this war ends and it's if Donald Trump wins the election on November 5th. So Joe Biden and Zelensky did the standard fireside with the chairs. And then when Joe Biden was done talking Zelensky said like two sentences and then it was so awkward. No, it took like 40 seconds of the press physically screaming like right in their face questions before the handlers came in and like swept them out of the room, stayed left. Nice. Our later he shows up in a different wing. This looks like maybe the office of the vice president. Two podiums standing. I mean, we don't want to ask Joe Biden for too much him being in DC on a Thursday only because he was speaking at the UN General Council is a feat in of itself because he spent over a third of his presidency on vacation. Spoiler alert, he's already back in Delaware. But here's Kamala Harris leading into Zelensky and you'll hear from Cookie Monster himself in the clip directly after let's check him out. Continue to provide the security assistance Ukraine needs to succeed on the battlefield as demonstrated by President Biden's significant announcement earlier today. I've been proud to work alongside President Biden and the 50 nation coalition we have built up to allow you to do a press conference beside him today. Thanks to this coalition and the skill and the bravery of the Ukrainian people along with your courageous leadership Oh, oh, oh Ukraine has stood up to Russia's aggression. And today, Keith stands free and strong team, President Zelensky, I am clear Putin started this war and he could end it tomorrow. If he simply withdrew his troops from Ukraine's sovereign territory, of course, he has demonstrated no intention of doing that instead he continues to assault civilian infrastructure and terrorize the people of Ukraine. Or maybe we won't hear from Zelensky, which is almost better because I mean, Noah, you do a pretty good Zelensky. Why don't you tell me how you think he would have responded to coming into America with his hands out and pockets empty and leaving $10 billion richer. You can give us the money, give us the credit. I don't even have to play the kind of Italian that time, I don't know. I'm a Mia. We're not talking about Elon Musk and George and Maloney here. But yeah, so disaster and listen, don't listen to either one of these retards because again, I could tell after the meeting today at Trump Tower, just the affect of Zelensky the party's over. He knows it. Trump and I'm sure surrogates channels in between Putin and the Trump campaign. I mean, listen, he doesn't talk to Putin directly obviously because it's out of context of the position he's in right now. But you know there are entities around the world, third parties, if you will, which you're definitely saying like, what do you want and how much do you want of it to make this shit go away because promise is made is prompt. Donald Trump is not going to let Vladimir Putin continue to do what he's doing. Now, I mean that in advancing West, I don't mean in seeding East. NATO did this to themselves. The European Union did this to themselves. And now they're going to have to suffer the consequences in addition to losing this war, which they will essentially ending in a stalemate. They're also going to pay their fair share for the entirety of the next Trump administration as well sucks, but it's just the way it needs to be. You know, part of our ridiculous national deficit over $2 billion a year now has to do with all of that bullshit that we're wasting money on in Eastern Europe. So we'll leave it at that. We just got a little bit of Trump presser to cover in our last new segment. We're jumping in with Ambassador Carlosands now, but before we do, another check in with one of our partners. Friends, I want to take a minute and talk to you about cigars, whether you're on the golf course, fishing on the lake or doing some yard work around the house. Our friend Alan has got you covered. He's launched the Patriot Cigar Company. The tobacco is handpicked in the fields in Nicaragua right next to where Mike Lindell picks his coffee beans. Cigars are hand rolled each three years. You got a promo code stake here. You're going to get 15% off your total order. Every order over $100, free shipping, and a $10 gift card is included with every purchase., that's, a premium smoke for freedom-loving patriots. Joining us next on the show today, she is the former US ambassador to Denmark. She last served during the Trump administration currently. She's the vice chair at the Center for Energy in the Environment at the America First Policy Institute, welcoming back Ambassador Carlosands. Thanks for coming on with us today. Hey, it's so good to talk to you today, Ron. Always a pleasure when we can catch up, and we are going to jump right into it. Listen, there's been a lot of stuff going on this week, geopolitically, which are also tied into the borders. I think we could start off with Donald Trump yesterday. You know, it circulated throughout the mainstream media that all day he was going to hold a press conference at Trump Tower and come on TV and complain about the appellate court, which is weighing whether or not the civil decision against his businesses was too much. They were kind of setting it up for it to be like a Donald Trump attention-seeking measure. However, he came out, sleeves rolled up, fists a fly in figuratively, of course, and hammered Kamala Harris for at least 30 minutes straight on the US-Southern border. He said that she is going to go down there today for the first time ever. She's going to go down there for nothing but a photo op. The border is a disaster. It's at the behest of her and Joe Biden. We were talking a little bit offline before we jumped into the interview just about how bad it is. Ambassador, can you kind of key our listenership in on some of the things that you're hearing? What does it mean for Kamala Harris to go down there right now? And how good is it to see Donald Trump come out stronger than ever on the border like he did yesterday at Trump Tower? We have a fearless leader on. We can be very, very proud of President Trump coming through the gauntlet of just trying to take him out, trying to put him in prison for over 700 years, take his businesses, bankrupt him, keep him off the ballot in dozens of states, raid his personal home, his residence. All of these things are despicable and really look like a place like Venezuela or a third world dictatorship behavior. And we've got a wide open border where they're bringing in. They're trying this dictatorship, right? This undemocratic leadership in Washington with Kamala Harris, clearly at the front since Joe Biden can't even lead a cabinet meeting. He's got his wife pinch hitting for him. She's down there just it's all show. She's an empty suit. This is because of her policy. She is an open border radical. She has stated it repeatedly. She certainly has. And you know, when you see her going down there today, a lot of people in the media who have had portions of what she's going to say leaked to the press, obviously to get ahead of it, she's going to say that it's time for us to really get tough on the border. Now, with anywhere between 10 and 20 million people coming in, when you include the Biden Harris flights, the walkaways, the getaways, et cetera, the CBP one app, which Donald Trump has been hammering home on as late. In addition to all the people that have legally crossed in the more traditional fashion over the last nearly four years now, what does it say almost like a punch line for her to go down there and try to say this today, when the stats will clearly show the stats that even saved Donald Trump's life up in Butler, Pennsylvania, that prove that not only was the border safe and secure, his immigration policies were working and everything, whether it be gang members coming in here, cartel members coming in here, international terrorists coming in here were at all time lows during the Trump administration. Yeah, Ron, she's been in power for the last three and a half plus years. These are her policies. She was the borders are and she's feckless. She doesn't do anything. I think it's all she is an empty suit. But as a matter of fact, we did have that secure border and on day one, she and her boss with a stroke of a pen ended President Trump's very solid border policies that were making American safer and had the illegal immigrant numbers down to I think the lowest in my lifetime. How we can get back to that is if everybody who's listening to this podcast will go to Trump will go to swamp the vote USA dot com swamp the vote USA dot com and get registered to vote. There's still time and then I hope they'll vote early because I don't know what the radical left is going to do on election day. So I hope they'll bank the vote and let President Trump's campaign know that they're going to vote how they're going to vote so they don't have to spend money to chase their vote. They've banked it got to be active. One person singular vote in this critical election cycle for our country is not going to cut it. You have to swamp the vote Trump force 47 get your community involved any way shape or form that you can get more people out to the polls and voting whether it's early, whether you're chasing ballots, whether you're doing all the things you need to do to make sure that every vote is legally cast and counted for President Trump and that's all we're asking you to do. Listen, I'm going to jump into the threat of geopolitics kind of weird that we bring here to home. But you know, we do have the United Nations summit this week. Here's the deal. Vladimir Zelensky goes up to Pennsylvania early this week. He goes to a munitions factory with Democrat Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro and it for you know, in a photo op is signing munitions completely out of touch out of context. And for the only person I'm going to say it again, Donald Trump who's been calling for an end to hostilities on both sides and end to the killing in general and the ceasefire of all military operations, you see this kind of political stunt. Then he goes down in between Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. doesn't interview with the New Yorker, heavily criticizes Donald Trump and JD Vance as they're out of touch. They don't understand. They want Ukraine to surrender, et cetera. Meets with Biden. It's weird. Meets with Harris. It's very cringy. And now we find out today, Friday he's going to be going over to Trump Tower and in some way, shape or form, having a sit down meeting with Donald Trump. Now when you see the way it's rolled out, again, he's going to be leaving Washington, D.C. this week, whether we like it or not, with almost $10 billion in aid and munitions. The things that keep the lights on in Ukraine during what seems is going to be an endless war, unless someone like Donald Trump could come in and mediate this thing to a cease. How do you see this shaping up? I mean, you've been around the table where these parties are involved. You've been in these high level discussions where you're talking about ending hostilities and being peeped to regions. How do you weigh in on this currently? And where do you see the end of the fighting between Russia and Ukraine? Well, you know, there's so much to unpack there. We could talk about this for an hour. Let's do it. Well, that $10 billion that you're talking about, that's your money and my money and our kids' money. And that's going to pay for things like pensions in Ukraine. It's going to pay for things that you and I don't get. And it's going to line the pockets. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. So Zelensky is coming off very, very rich from his shilling for money for Ukraine. Now, what happened would never have happened if Donald Trump was president. Putin would never have invaded Ukraine. This was because of weak and feckless leadership from Kamala Harris and her boss. She was the last person in the room in these important discussions. But Donald Trump will end this war. And why do I say that? Just like when President Reagan, when he was sworn in, our hostages were released in Iran that were being held by the revolutionaries, the hostages from our embassy, the same kind of response will be from these despots around the world. They know the only thing they really answer to is power. Donald Trump understands how to use peace through strength, wielding power. He'll build our military back up, he'll end this war, which didn't have to start. I don't know, probably your listeners know. But if they don't, there was a peace deal on the table with Putin and Zelensky, both in favor of it, before there were any open hostilities. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sent Boris Johnson over to scuttle that peace deal. This war was chosen by this very bad leadership in Washington. We do not want four more years of this. Like Tim wall said, we don't want four more years. It's the absolute truth. Listen, at the end of the day, and by the time Joe Biden leaves office, we'll be close to 85 border walls that have been sent to Ukraine in the form of American taxpayer dollars, munitions, supplies, et cetera. It's an absolute embarrassment. And then sticking in this thread, even including the Afghan withdrawal, which is one of the biggest military disasters in the history of our country, ambassador seven embassies, U.S. embassies, will have closed, they have their doors shuttered around the world by the time Joe Biden and Kamala Harris leave office, as someone who has been in the halls of some of these embassies that is called, how big of a deal is that to see the American footprint, the global leadership and our piece through strength methodology of dealing with some of our geopolitical foes? How big of an important thing? I mean, I've heard Byron Donald and Congressman Wesley Hunt weigh in on it recently in a town hall. And I thought it's something that's not heavily talked about in the news cycle, which I think is very important. It is important. Now, under any administration, you're going to have a few embassies closed because of hostilities to protect American diplomats. You're going to get the American citizens moving out of that country, especially when the war is happening. But seven is unprecedented. And the reason is because the weakness of Harris and Biden against Russia and China, especially in Africa, where they're beginning to wield power and remove basically American influence from some of these countries and have militias pushing in. Yes, that's a very dangerous thing. What is happening is the weakness of this administration is diminishing American diplomatic power around the world. You know, and then moving forward, we do have some pretty big events coming up next week. We are going to have our one and only vice presidential debate on Tuesday evening. You know, I know you're a huge fan of JD Vance. You were absolutely elated when he became Donald Trump's pick to be the vice president. I think, you know, when we go back here on the State of Breakfast podcast, we graded all of the candidates who ran in major races, house races, governorships, and obviously senators in the 2022 presidential election cycle. He was the only one that graded a plus in his debate with his candidate up there in Ohio when he was running for the Senate seat. What do you expect to see when, you know, you have the radical progressive CCP backed Tim Walts of Minnesota who watched his own state burn during the summer of love who called Donald Trump when Patriots were trying to get him to actually do his job and ask Donald Trump to save him and how he's been absolutely so cringy on the campaign trail since he's been announced as Kamala Harris's vice presidential pick. How do you see JD Vance matching up toe to toe with Governor Walts and how much of a, well, woodshed moment do you think it's going to be for America first in your opinion? Well, Ron, you know, this is Kamala Harris and Tim Walts are getting tongue baths from the media. And so the American people that are low information voters that aren't like deep dived into it like you and me are maybe seeing this sort of halo effect around the two of them and think that they are benign and that they're literally going to do the things they say they're going to do. It's kind of hopey changey kind of Obama s kind of talk. But as a matter of fact, if you peel away that and you look at the policies, it is going to devastate our middle class, our great middle class that's really been losing ground under Biden, Harris, they'll lose more ground under a Harris waltz administration. So I hope that people will tell their friends at least five or 10 friends. How important it is to vote and to do more than vote. Like you said, Ron, to get out there and volunteer and there's that Trump force They can become a captain. There's weekly trainings in person and online. You can be older. You can be really young. You can still do this. You're welcome at Trump force 47. You could be a poll watcher or poll worker. There's like five more Democrats to every single Republican volunteer. And the other thing is fighting and suing when these states try to keep more Democrats than Republicans. It's not legal. We're supposed to have the slots that we're supposed to have, but we're doing we're having good progress to like in Pennsylvania where we won that thing where you have to sign your ballot and put the correct date. All of that goes to election integrity, which a lot of groups like America first works is fighting for RNC is fighting for Charlie Kirk's group. Turning point action is fighting for just to kind of go back to the election because Ron, I don't think there's anything more important in the world right now than Donald Trump being elected president and JD Vance being vice president. That's such a good point. I want to stick in our final topic, Ambassador, in the Keystone state, you know, Donald Trump and JD Vance have been doing an extensive amount of work there. Donald Trump's going to be returning to the Butler site, I believe on October 5th. And that's going to be far from the last time the Pennsylvania voters will have a chance to see the 45th president and JD Vance as they plan on doing many, many more events in the state. You know, it looks like we're making ground. The polls are seeming to be shifting in Donald Trump's favor. I think it's the way he's looking to reinvigorate the energy industry, the manufacturing industry, and bring the forgotten men and women of the hardworking blue collar middle class back to the center who have been absolutely wrecked. Everything from their bank accounts to being able to afford a home, take care of their kids and do anything in between over the course of the last four years. Talk about the importance of Pennsylvania. I mean, there are a lot of electoral maps that say with the way states like North Carolina and Georgia are trending right now, at least one of the two states out West, Arizona or Nevada to go down on Trump's way. If he lands Pennsylvania early in the evening on Tuesday, November 5th, it could be over early for Kamala Harris as well. It's true. And you know, Kamala Harris declined to go to the Al Smith Center. And that is historically where all the presidential candidates go and they get roasted and they they have to, you know, have a good face in the midst of that. And she is the first person Cardinal Dolan just said, since Walter Mondale, who lost 49 out of 50 states, she is afraid to even be in a room with anyone who will speak negatively or even in just about her. But Pennsylvania is a must win. Nobody has become president in the last 40 years without winning Pennsylvania. It is absolutely a blue-collar state, a lot like Ohio and other states across the middle that were thriving manufacturing powerhouses. And now people in the middle class, even the upper middle class, are fighting just to stay abreast with their old lifestyle, they're falling behind. And it's because of the economy that's been created by Kamala Harris and her boss. That's the thing that she, they voted for all these big multi-trillion dollar bills that are really, they're really hurting people where they're having to make hard choices. So I hope that if you're, even if you're not in Pennsylvania, you can volunteer for Pennsylvania to do stuff here in person or virtually. We're doing things like postcard efforts. We're doing calls. There's, you don't have to just go out and doorknock and ask people to, you know, register to vote for a mail-in ballot, register for a mail-in ballot, and then you can walk it in. And in Pennsylvania, and many other states, you can go online and check that your vote is counted, but we have a huge ground game in this state. And across the country, we are more organized than we've been. I don't know, even when we were disorganized, maybe under Ronald Reagan. Sure. So important. And people really understand the importance of this. This isn't like old school, Republican versus Democrat. This is like, we'll lose our First Amendment and they'll come for the guns. There's no question. No, you're 100% accurate there and it's 100% why we keep bringing you back on the show. So much work for President Trump running alongside him out on the campaign trail, spreading the word, getting people educated, getting people involved. We have to bring it to our listenership. We have to continue to try and motivate these people to do more than just cast their vote. And I think there's no better way to do it when we get the chance to sit down with you, Ambassador Sands, and break it down for our listenership a little bit. Listen, anything you want live link in the show description today as well as you could tell our listenership where they can find you on social media? Sure. Well, I'm on Twitter the most, hottest there. You know, I'm barely on Instagram and Facebook. I kind of just repost because who has the time wrong? But I love what you guys are doing. It's so important. Stay for breakfast podcast. And the people can check out America First Institute, America First Policy Institute, at America First Policy, and also AFW America First Work. So we have Lee Zeldin and Ashley Hayek working every single day in the trenches to win this race for President Trump and JD Vance and every single listener. Lee Zeldin's become a great guest of the show and it's a connection that you made for us. We really appreciate that as well. This is the former ambassador to Denmark. She's also currently the vice chair at the Center for Energy Environment at the America First Policy Institute. Ambassador Carl Sands, thanks for joining us today. Please have a great weekend. Thanks, Ron. Hala created a brand new program to fly in migrants from Venezuela, Haiti, and Nicaragua and resettle them in American communities, including small towns all across our nation, but in particular in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and North Carolina, nobody can believe it. These towns have been destroyed and the mayors of the towns and the governors of the states can't talk about it because they're embarrassed that they allowed it to happen. In addition through her phone app, something totally new now, it's a phone app for migrants, where migrants call in, highly sophisticated migrants. She's allowed virtually unlimited numbers of illegals to press a button, schedule their illegal immigration appointment at our ports of entry, and show up to be released into the interior of our country. All right, jumping back into the news portion of the show here. Last news segment on the back end of two huge Friday editions of the Staker Records podcast. No, as always, an owner and pleasure to catch up with the former ambassador to Denmark, Carl Sands. Yeah, she's right. Now vice chair doing a lot of stuff for energy and the environment at the America First Policy Institute, but also working with the Trump campaign to make sure we secure Pennsylvania on November 5th for America First. And that was Donald Trump yesterday, making the entirety of the mainstream media look retarded. After all day, they thought he was going to come out at Trump Tower and complain about the speed of the appellate court regarding the civil lawsuit into his business dealings and building appraisals where he owes essentially half a billion dollars on. Looks like the appellate court is going to reduce or maybe even wipe his fines and penalties, but that's yet to be seen. Instead, Donald Trump came out ahead of Kamala Harris flying down to the US Southern border today and absolutely destroyed her for a good 35 minutes straight, doing every single stat under the sun, including one of the most horrific ones that I've heard of. No, we've touched on this so many times. I mean, we have Tom Holman as a regular on the show, so many people over the years who work directly down on the border who have seen it and that has to do with the children. Where are the 325,000 children who have gotten lost under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the interior of the United States after they've come in under fake family units or as singles, given to sponsored families and then are off into the winds? Donald Trump asked the question yesterday. He's packing plants and garment factories in LA. I like it. Let's hear him. Worst statistic of them all, 325,000 children. Think of that three and a half years, she lost 325,000 children and they're either dead being sold into sex slavery or just plain missing. Think of the number 325,000 that that were a Republican instead of her. And she was the boarder czar. She says, well, I wasn't the boarder czar. She was. And tomorrow she'll make a case that, oh, she did a fairly good job. Can't say much. You can't justify it. She should save her airfare. She should go back to the White House and tell the president to close the board. He can do it with the signing of a just a signature and a piece of paper to the voter patrol. Instead, she's going there to try and convince people that she wasn't as bad as everybody knows. You know, no, this is a great point that Donald Trump makes. It ties into our last new segment on the back end when we heard both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris talking about the war in Ukraine. Kamala Harris often says, so is Joe Biden. Vladimir Putin can end this war and with a stroke of a pen sign of peace treaty ending hostilities return and take his forces back to Russia. Why is it okay for Vladimir Putin to do that to end the war in Ukraine when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could do the same exact thing in the US Southern border, something Donald Trump had to do unilaterally when Congress wouldn't work with them and secure our border. It's so weird, isn't it? Yeah. It's the same shit. We could solve all of our problems peacefully and without harmed to anybody else. And yeah, we want to consider can continue to do this and consider that a lot of these children are being abused, being abused sexually or whether it's making them work. They're just being sold into indentured servitude, a lot of them. I mean, a great deal of them are lost in so far as they've been given to whoever these people are, these sponsors or whatever, and they're just in the wind because probably the sponsors are illegal too. Obviously, they're not going to give a foreign address. Yeah. Yeah, then you have the NGOs and all the Catholic, Jewish, all the other charities are involved with all this stuff, I listen, James O'Keefe has some groundbreaking documentary coming out. It's like years worth of work, whistleblowers from like all components of DHS, HHS, even the CIA that have people moving, listen, it looks like the preview trailer looks amazing. But James O'Keefe rarely doesn't get his receipts. And I've actually met somebody in real life once, and we got to talking, talking about politics. And she actually was working for James O'Keefe as an active duty service member and trying to figure out some things that are going on with the force nature of the COVID vaccines. So you never know, you never know. And I think it's going to be really good when that comes out. But again, these numbers that are coming out today, Noah, 425,431 convicted criminals who have been removed from the United States, half a million convicted criminals have been let back in under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And a lot of these people that have been previously removed or deported or have a criminal record for some violent rape or what have you, they're doing it again. Yeah. And here's some of the other ones, non-detained, non-citizens let back into the country under Biden Harris, over 13,000 convicted murderers, 15,000 convicted sex offenders. And like I just said, over 400,000 close to half a million convicted criminals released under Biden Harris into the United States. And these are convicted, this isn't accused, these aren't like these people went through the process without Noah fans or butts about it, you're guilty. It's just 15,000 people who have been convicted of murder in the United States and served their jail time and then were removed have been let back in under these idiots and are wandering the streets. Donald Trump from his true social account, just an hour ago, Kamala Harris should immediately cancel her news conference because it was just revealed that over 13,000 convicted murderers entered our country during her three and a half year period as the borders are. Also currently in the country are over 15,000 migrants convicted of rape and sexual assault. We handed this administration the most secure border of our lifetimes as Tom Homan, my former acting ICE director. And then another one after that, Kamala should immediately cancel her news conference because it was just revealed that and then he went into the numbers again with the graph. So and then her projection, deflection and rejection of Congress and what Donald Trump did or did not do in regards to that Senate agreed on border amnesty act. That's what it was. 5,000 people allowed to come in a day which is over close to 2 million people a year doesn't include Biden, Harris flights doesn't include getaways or walkaways and has literature in it that once signed by the president offers a pathway to citizenship. Donald Trump had every right. It's amnesty. It's all it was. That's all it was. And that's all it ever will be. So that would be amnesty for the 20 million that she's let in already and amnesty for two million more a year. This is something that would have to be either removed by Congress or EOed out by the incoming presidents to pay the ass. Yeah, it's ridiculous. And then you see people online and they're and they're talking about the border security bill and well, you know, he Trump vetoed the solution to the border blah blah blah blah. And they're like, well, what are you talking about? He vetoed something that would be not beneficial to the country. And then they start talking about like, how come all Harris is responsible for so much of this nonsense that's happening? They're like, well, obviously you don't know what a vice president does. Yeah, nothing. I do know what a vice president does. She's the president of the Senate. And she did 30 plus tie breaking votes that made this country go into the shitter. 100%. No, it fans about. No, it is homework this week. My nipples are hard. Oh, Donald Trump was talking about Kamal Harris's constant deflection onto Congress and how much of a narrative containing bullshit that is, let's hear it. You will hear Kamala claim that the reason the border is not secure is that Congress has refused to pass her atrocious border bill. It's the worst bill you've ever seen. It would allow people to come in here at levels that would be incredible and would allow them to get citizenship. But it was not a border bill. It was an amnesty bill. And they duped a couple of people that shouldn't have been duped. It would give her the power to put all newly entering illegal aliens on a fast track to citizenship. It would enshrine and expand catch and release. And it would give a permanent feature of federal laws that are absolutely unacceptable. She keeps talking about this law that they tried to put through Congress. But fortunately, Congress was too smart for it. Would have been a disaster. They would have established a minimum number of illegal aliens who must be important. Because 2 million people per year at a minimum would have been under this ridiculous bill, would have been allowed into our country, 2 million people. Now of course, that's peanuts compared to what's coming in now and what's coming in when the damage was really done. Look, the damage was done. They're trying to make it look better now. But the damage was done over the first three years. They're trying to do anything to make it look better because it doesn't poll very well for them. But it polls very well for me. I think I won the election in 2016 because of the border. I fixed the border. I couldn't even talk about the border. My people would say, sir, nobody's listening. You fixed it. Nobody cares in 2020. Then I got millions of more votes in 2020 than I got in 2016. The most votes of any sitting president in history by far. But I couldn't talk about the border because I fixed it. I fixed it. It was great. But now we can't talk about the border because this border, they unfixed it. This border is the worst border. And by the way, 25 times worse and more deadly than the border in 2016, that was considered a good border by compared to this. But it would provide illegal, the bill, alien taxpayer funded lawyers. Every illegal alien would have a taxpayer funded lawyer. This is the bill that she said she wants. And for millions of dollars of left wing organizations, people, to come into our country, it would enable human trafficking. It's a disaster. No, it's a disaster. And so she, he would segue to other items, but before that, he did offer one solution. It's not too big to rig. It's one of more of his iconic lines. I'm pretty sure you know what it is, no, let's hear it. Do that. The only way to secure our border is to fire radical borders are Kamala Harris. This November, look, we talk about the border. She's been just as bad on everything else. We have the worst inflation, I think, in the history of our country. They say 48 years, but that's pretty bad, too. But I think the actual number of years is, I think it brings it out to the worst ever. Kamala Harris endorsed abolishing ICE. She is seen as a down with deportations, opportunists, but people don't realize that the people of this country want deportations of those criminals. They want the murderers out, they want the drug dealers out. They want everybody out who's going to hurt them. They want to have a safe country. As I said, before being interrupted by lightweight anchor David Muir, prime is massively up in our country. I'm very lucky. The Department of Justice released numbers right after that debate. Somebody in there might like me, but they released numbers, giving the real numbers, and the numbers were unbelievably, shockingly high, the highest ever. And I haven't gotten an apology. I want an apology from ABC. She supports free taxpayer funded healthcare for illegal aliens and even, as I said, some of the horrible things that she's willing to do, including the sex change operations for people in detention. That's one of the ones he always has to hit around. I think that's just an absolute disgusting thing that somebody asked her once, and she kind of agreed on, and now he's been able to tie it to her. And everybody just tries to deny that that ever happened, too, which is ridiculous. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, last call, make sure you're subscribed to Safe for Breakfast. We've outlined it a couple of times already throughout the podcast. You go to any platform, Apple Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, Amazon, or wherever you listen to your shows, find our podcast, hit the follow, hit the subscribe button. Just make sure it's downloaded into your electronic device and then share it with everybody you know. In addition, check us out on social media, Twitter get her true social on Instagram. We're on TikTok too. Find us, follow us, hit the notification bell, you'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at the show, like wrapping up today's episode in just a few moments with Florida Congressman Matt Gates making his illustrious return to State for Breakfast. Donald Trump has a plan to secure the border. I think we've beaten it into your heads a lot of times. It's just, I like the vibe, the aesthetic of Donald Trump when he does these pressures. It's like monotone pissed off-edness. He knows that until he's done talking, he won't get interrupted because he answers questions so they won't interrupt him. Just the way he goes out there and lays it, he'll do his little segues, oh she was the worst on this and that, oh the border so many bad people coming in, she even had the transgender stuff going on. He's like, that's just weird and creepy. Oh, she's so bad on the economy, this is that and the other thing, and he'll just throw one another one on there and that's just the way he does it. I like the pissed off nature that he comes in here. I think it's better than a rally because you don't need the people cheering when he's saying the correct things. And what he laid out for in his day one border policies, pretty much he's going to make the border safe and secure and then we can worry about playing the biggest game of hide and seek in the history of the United States, let's hear it. One of my new administration, I will stop all migrant flights immediately. They should stop them tonight. You can do that, just sign one little page saying stop the migrant flights, but you won't do that. They're infecting our country, they're destroying our country. I will shut down all entries through the migrant phone app, something that most of you haven't even heard of, but it's very active and taken in thousands and thousands of people a week. I will end catch and release and I will restore, remain in Mexico. I'm going to tell Mexico, thank you very much, you're putting it back right away. You're putting it back and they will do it too when I tell them. I will bring back Title 42. I will send a federal law enforcement, large group of people, but a tough group of people to liberate Aurora, Colorado, the governor of Colorado is petrified of these gangs. These are Venezuelan gangs with equipment better than our military has. Going in with guns, the governor of Colorado is a coward. He's afraid to do what you have to do. Every other town that has been taken over by the migrant gangs and criminal alien thugs, and I think I'll go to a couple of these towns over the next two weeks. You'll see for yourself what's happened to them. They've been literally destroyed. I will send Congress a bill to ban sanctuary cities in the first day that I become president. And I will tell you whether it's California or anyplace else, you might have guys like the governor in Nuscom or others that are governors wanting it. Nobody knows why, but the people don't want them. You can go and ask the people of California, do you want sanctuary cities? The people, including Democrats, will say we don't want them. We will seal the border, we will stop the invasion, and we will begin the largest deportation of criminals, the criminal element, which is a large portion. We will start that immediately. Dwight Eisenhower had the largest deportation effort ever in our country, President Eisenhower, because he hated the fact that people were able to pour across our border. This will be much larger than that, but we will get rid of the drug dealers. We will get rid of the human traffickers. We will get rid of the murderers, the people that came out of jails, and the people that came out of mental institutions they will all be. I think you hit about just every dog whistle that melts the media down in those two minutes in 30 seconds. All of them. Poisoning our country, you name it, he nailed it, but it's true, it's true, and you want to know what, here's the thing, it's like this sanctuary city thing. I've talked to a couple of people who maybe have seen a couple whiteboards or talked to a couple of groups who are thinking it up, and you know how Donald Trump always references those stories, Noah, where he's like, oh yeah, we try to send people back to Venezuela and they park planes on the tarmac and they won't let us land, so I call him the next day and say federal funding zero. He's going to do the same thing to Gavin Newsom, to Gretchen Whitmer, to J.B. Pritzker, sanctuary cities and today, or 100% of your federal funding for everything, schools, businesses, roads, infrastructure, you name it, it's gone. I think you'll probably see people coming to at least the middle to try and meet Donald Trump on that, especially if it passes Congress. This is going to be like, oh yeah, well, illegals can't vote anyways, it's in the constitution, they already have laws for that, yeah, but we all know how that shouldn't be, and then it shouldn't be a problem for us to enforce it then. Yep, exactly. And that's the thing though, and I'm going to open myself up for somebody stealing something from me again, but if we're going to play games in this country, let's do less Red Rover and more hide and seek. Ooh, I like it. No capture the flag? No. They're doing that already on college campuses. Have you heard how much money Nancy Pelosi and her husband have made over the last week? Is it after or before they sold all their stocks before that visa lawsuit? You know any chance that, because Nancy Pelosi's been going on there and being like, why don't we even talk about Donald Trump? The guy's freaking crazy, he's not going to win Nancy Pelosi. You know he waits for something, let me tell you something. He knows, he rarely makes the same mistake twice. He did a couple of times with trusting people up on Capitol Hill, but I don't think that's going to happen again. He knows he missed a big one by throwing Hillary Clinton in jail because he 100% could have and as bad as it would have looked, he would have been justified because she broke the law a lot. Nancy Pelosi and her husband have made hundreds of millions of dollars off the American taxpayer while she sits in her congressional seat and has ruined this country and been part of the ruination of it for decades. Donald Trump's keeping an eye on her. I even think before the Biden family, Donald Trump's going to make sure Nancy Pelosi gets indicted as soon as he becomes president to listen to this. But they went in there and everyone knows they threatened the 25th Amendment. They threatened him with the 25th Amendment. They said, Joe, you're going to get out and Nancy Pelosi led the charge. And Nancy Pelosi has a little problem because her husband sold their Visa stock, they had a lot of Visa stock one day before Visa was announced that Visa is being sued by the Department of Justice. Think of that. Nancy Pelosi sold vast amounts of Visa stock one day before the big lawsuit that we all read about a few days ago was brought against Visa. You think it was luck? I don't think she should be prosecuted. Nancy Pelosi should be prosecuted for that. And she should also be prosecuted for J-6 because she turned down 10,000 or any numbers she wanted, soldiers or national guard. And I hope you all read John Solomon and what John Solomon wrote two days ago because if you read it, you'd see that Donald Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. That's a scam. Some documents via FOIA requests have come out that essentially prove that Donald Trump offered her the full gambit of any kind of protection that she thought was fit for the Capitol. And she thought because it would look bad if she locked it down with the military, her and Mayor Bowser, the DC, radical Marxist scumbag mayor there, both like kind of left and Donald Trump's face is like, what are you even offering this for? We get it, you're pissed, but you're not going to do anything. And he fell right into their trap, essentially. He should have, instead of offering demanded or made public cries, like, they're saying that bad stuff's going to happen. This is what I'm offering them. They're refusing it. I think he should have probably did that ahead of time, but this is what it is. That would have been a way to cushion himself. But how is he supposed to know that they would have let everything fall into such disarray so quickly? True story. But we are going to find out shortly after the election when that report from the FBI and DOJ miraculously comes out. If somebody likes Donald Trump and the DOJ, that's going to be the October surprise, but that's yet to be seen. So we'll have to wait on it. He also briefly touched on Mayor Eric Adams. Listen, we're no fans of him here on "Stake for Breakfast." He has helped contribute to the ruination of New York City and the Big Apple. However... He's on a redemption arc. He certainly is. Not by choice. Yeah. Exactly. Many blue city mayors who've been getting dumped hundreds of thousands of migrants and running the city billions of dollars into the red to try and afford it while their own citizens suffered and have had their taxes go through the roofs and their property insurances go through the roofs and just make essentially parts of New York, which were once pleasant to travel to unlivable. Yeah. Wasn't. That's a stretch. Fish? All right. Maybe from a high-rise looking down? Yeah. There you go. Well, at least when somebody tells you to go fuck yourself before it was in English. Right. It's true. And not in Haitian to where they try to stab you and when you act like you don't know what they're saying. You know, because I don't speak Creole and I don't think a lot of people in New York City do either. Definitely not French unless you are dropping F-bombs. Not N-bombs. There's two of them. We don't say them here on "Stake for Breakfast" neither of them. But here's the deal. He spoke out, they waited towards the end of the Biden administration and now they're hitting them with a retroactive, you know, over a decade old, like, funny money. Listen, you find me a politician in a blue city or state who doesn't have funny money coming in or getting their whatever's upgraded to the emperor's package. Then you'll run out of blue cities before you can find one that's not. I'm not saying that Eric Adams is an angel. I'm not saying that he's, of course, he's going to be innocent until proven guilty. Listen, after we saw what happened with Donald Trump in a couple of his court cases, good luck and happy trails. But here's the deal. Donald Trump called this a long time ago saying he was the only one speaking out on it, probably pissed off someone at the Department of Homeland Security or in and around the offices of Joe Biden and Kamal Harris and now he's paying for it. Donald Trump waited on it yesterday and I'll check it out. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if he's going to get a fair trial. He's been fairly generous to me in his statements for a while. I thought you had the worst mayor ever that we had prior to him. I will say this. I watched about a year ago when he talked about how the illegal migrants are hurting our city and the federal government should pay us and we shouldn't have to take him and they said, you know what? He died within a year and I was exactly right because that's what we have. We have people that use the Justice Department and the FBI at levels that have never been seen before. So I wish him luck. I don't know anything about what he did, but I told a lot of group, a lot of people right over there that group was saying, you know, sir, you were right about that. When they mentioned that, I said, they came in and he was pretty strong about it. And he said, this is really unfair to make us carry this burden. We shouldn't be doing this. This is New York City. I mean, your parks are loaded up. I just passed recently Madison Avenue, the Roosevelt Hotel. It's like nobody would recognize it. That's midtown. But he came out very strongly against it. He was right, by the way, because it's ruining our country. He was honest and I said, he will be indicted within a year. And that's what happened. And I noticed the indictment is very old. This goes back a long time. Trump knows all about that is he's seen these indictments come back from in the case of Eugene Carroll, what 40, 50 years ago, and then the building stuff you're talking about. Yeah. The late 90s, early 2000s. It's ridiculous. When they asked, when they asked if Adams is going to get a fair trial. He should have just said, well, has anybody that's going against the establishment machine lately gotten a fair trial? You're not going to answer it. You're just going to say, well, compare and contrast. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And I did have some commentary because they've asked about what's going on with Vladimir of Vladimir, you know, and Donald Trump, again, after he had his meeting with Biden and Harris yesterday, and Trump had said the day before, you want to know what? He's up in Pennsylvania signing bombs and talking shit. I don't want to meet with him anymore. Apparently during that time, and yesterday afternoon, Vladimir, Mr. Cookie Monster, Mr. Credit, said the message to Donald Trump, and this came via the US ambassador to Ukraine to the Trump team. I'm going to read to you. Would you please be kind enough to pass this message from President Zelensky to President Trump? And here's the message. Dear Donald, I hope you're doing well. I recall our recent phone call. It was really good. All of us in Ukraine want this war to end with just peace. And now we know without America, this is impossible to achieve. Again, this is after he got his $10 billion. That is why we have to strive to understand each other and remain in very close contact. Days ago, we requested a meeting with you, and I really want to hear your thoughts directly and firsthand. I know I'll always speak with great respect about everything connected to you, and that's how it should be. I can be in New York on Friday, which would be a good time to meet. I believe it is important for us to have a personal contact and to understand each other 100%. Let me know if you were in the city at that time. I would really like for our meeting to take place as part of our efforts to help end this war in a just way. Sincerely, Vlodimir. Have a great summer. Now I did have a clip of Donald Trump dunking on him during his press conference yesterday. However, the meeting happened this morning. So in our last audio clip of the day, wait, so he talks shit about it. And then actually met him afterwards. Oh, yeah. It's amazing. He did an interview with the New Yorker. I mean, were you here on Tuesday? I don't remember, probably. I don't know. I've read the excerpt from the interview where he said, like, you know, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, they are not living in reality. They are very disconnected to what it really looks like in Ukraine. I would like to educate them both on it, but I think Donald Trump saying that he can end the war is he called it like a pipe dream, essentially. And it got back to Donald Trump. It might be with all the freaking roadblocks that they've thrown in the works now. It's true. I don't doubt Donald Trump, though. You know, it's one of those things. And it'll be the thing that gets him impeached if he gets back in. Yeah, there you go. Ending the war. We'll get him impeached. That's my prediction. I'm watching. They're showing like an excerpt from, I guess they did like a side interview with Fox news after they came out and like talked to the press briefly and won't doubt Trump is sitting there talking. He pats the lid to get out the back and he's like a foot shorter than him. I see his whole body jerk forward. Anyway, here's our last audio clip of the week. It's Donald Trump and Zelensky coming out post meeting pretty close to sunrise in NYC. Let's check it out. Strongness of our soldiers, our people, of course it will bring us closer to the peace. We need just peace. We need just peace. It's so important to have just peace for the people, especially for the families who lost their children, it's a big tragedy. President Trump, have you changed your thoughts on how this war should end? What you think should be done or do you still stand by some of the previous? Well, I learned a lot, but I think I haven't changed from the standpoint that we both want to see this end and we both want to see a fair deal made and it's got to be fair. And I think that'll happen at the right time. I think it's going to happen. And the President wants it to end and he wants it to end as quickly as possible. He wants a fair transaction to take place. And I think, I mean, right now I'm campaigning. So right now I don't have much to do with it other than we're doing very well in terms of the campaign. And I've been saying that, I believe, if I win, we're going to have a very fair and I think actually rather rapid deal, it should stop and the President wants it to stop. And I'm sure President Putin wants it to stop and that's a good combination. So we want to have a fair deal for everybody. What do you envision as fair? Well, it's too early to say that. I mean, I have my own ideas and I'm sure the President definitely has his own ideas, but it has to be fair. This war shouldn't be started and I think that the problem that Putin kills so many people and of course we need to do everything to pressure him to stop this war and he is on our territory. That is the most important to us, that he is on our territory and how to stop the war to pressure him as we can, as we can, we have to do it. And do you think the U.S. is the best of all? U.S. is the leader of support, U.S. is the leader in the world. And of course, we are really well aware of the support of the United States. We are thankful to the United States and people of America. And of course, we understand that the United States can be the leader through any negotiation. You know that we have this summit and we want to organize the second one and we count on this. I think the President's last question, will there be another meeting and the near future between you? Could very well happen, but I think the President said it the best. This is a war that should have never happened. It should have never happened and it wouldn't have happened. It's a shame. But this is a war that should have never happened and will get it solved. It's a complicated puzzle, a very complicated puzzle, but will get it solved and people get on with their lives. Too many people dead, too many beautiful cities. I've seen those cities so beautiful and I don't know how you can ever rebuild them the way they were. It's not possible. You have to call them. By the way, it's a C.O.S. I will. It's a beautiful country, beautiful weather, beautiful, beautiful everything, but we have to get this over with. But it's a war and the President, of course, this is a war that should have never happened. Okay. Thank you very much. So much. Oh, man, did you hear how fast he was talking? You should have seen how fast he was blinking when he was trying to talk. Donald Trump's probably like, "Listen, motherfucker, you're going to go out there, this is exactly what you're going to say. If I hear you deviate, I'm going to cut you off and then I'm going to cut you off." And he was like, "Oh, yes, we have the best negotiations in the United States and the best negotiations with the President in Europe. Remember, we wanted a second piece of it. It just didn't happen. It didn't happen. We needed to happen." Donald Trump's like, "Yeah, that's right. That's right, bitch. This war is coming to an end. A sheriff will be back in town soon, folks. Don't worry, because for as much as a pain in the ass as I ran is, Donald Trump already knows how to deal with them. As long as they don't get to the capacity to where they actually physically have a nuclear weapon, we can pretty much break them financially. But the thing is, with Russia, it's a little bit more of a complex situation. I think that's why Donald Trump alludes to it. My favorite part of his campaign speech is now is it's replaced him trying to grunt when he's being the transvestite is now the only climate change we should be talking about is the nuclear kind, because that's what we're going to be living under if we don't get this war ended, and for as funny as it is, it's the truth. How much longer are you going to send our best weaponry over there to get voluted into their country? What happens when you hit a high-value target? What happens when you hit something that really pisses off Vladimir Putin? Instead of this little grandstanding that he's doing to take in a couple hundred miles of no-man's land in Ukraine figuratively, which has been fought over for thousands of years, are you going to escalate this to nuclear war? And once that happens, it's a game over for everybody. So we're going to leave it at that, albeit a grim topic. We got Trump delivering remarks today, Trump rally over the weekend, and then the whole Sunday morning news circuit, which will be coming on our Tuesday edition of the podcast today. But don't bail out yet. Now we're going to jump in with Florida Congressman Matt Gabe before we do. One last check in with one of our partners. It's an unpleasant truth that 42 percent of Americans are obese and 79 percent of Americans are overweight. That's practically one in every two Americans living day to day with every minute counting down to the end of an unhealthy existence. It's time to change that and make Americans healthy again. You've probably heard about weight loss injections that can help you get back into that right mindset and help curb those cravings so you can focus on what's really important. New Hope Wellness has changed thousands of lives and maybe it can change yours too. They are American family owned and operated with the goal of saving lives. 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Well, I'm frustrated that we continue to fund the government with these continuing resolutions, because what that does is it limits the programmatic, itemized review that could actually put downward pressure on spending. For the eight years I've been in Congress, we've done a continuing resolution or an omnibus spending bill, and that means we're funding our own invasion. That means we're funding the Green New Deal. That means we're funding a lot of the weaponization of our government that is so off-putting to our fellow Americans, and we got to have Republicans that will fight tougher if we want to ultimately win those battles. Now, speaking of which, you know, this new continuing resolution that you guys are voting on this week, it's going to fund the government up to around Christmas time. I'm sure that makes a lot of people who at least work for the federal government a little bit nervous about funding coming in and around the holiday times. I'm curious as to what you think the methodology was, is to put one up right before Christmas break instead of bandating it through the new year into the next session of Congress, so you guys could work on those appropriation bills heading into next session that we only got five done at the moment, and Chuck Schumer wasn't picking up any of them to review or to pass anyway, so it kind of catch our listenership up on what the methodology is here, the equation that got us to a CR only until December 13th or 20th. Yeah, I think that's not a bug of the system. I think that's a feature. I actually think the reason they put it up against Christmas is to convince members of Congress to hold their nose and vote for an omnibus spending bill, one of those 3,000 page bills that nobody reads but ultimately includes a lot of the wasteful spending and frankly not just wasteful, a lot of the harmful spending that's been hurting the country. And when you talk about an omnibus bill, these would last longer, maybe an entire year, maybe hamstringing a potentially president Trump returning to the White House next year and wanting Congress to get to work on getting money cut out of the current budget? Yeah, and I think that in this election we're very likely to win the United States Senate, and I think that the presidency and the House of Representatives are tied to each other's fate in a lot of ways. And so would you rather negotiate with a John Cornyn or a John Thune or Chuck Schumer? None of those options are terrific, and on the border as well, we see these continuing resolutions really work against our interests because built into the base budget is a lot of funding for the NGOs who are conducting the border invasion on both sides of the border in a lot of cases, and to continue to flush them with cash results in more of the push and the pull of the illegal immigration crisis that the country's facing. Now, you know, Matt, I heard you talk about the marriage of the presidency and the House of Representatives, how it kind of works legislatively, how the Constitution outlined it as well. We always touch on it with our listenership talking about the importance of retaining and extending the House majority, obviously flipping the Senate back to the Republican controlling it down on Trump back in the White House, but when you talk about how important this race is coming up, not individual congressional seats, but just the Republican conference as a body. Talk to our listenership about what it means for Republicans to retain the House of Representatives in a potential Donald Trump presidency moving forward. Well, if we don't retain the House of Representatives, then you'll see more of the BS that you saw under Nancy Pelosi, investigations and teachments, which tons and no real effort to do productive legislating. I think with a unified Republican government, House Senate, and the presidency, the first thing you're going to see is better energy policy. Sure. You're going to see lower gas prices. And I think you'll see the type of signal on spending that will result in lower interest rates. You want to talk about the real theft of opportunity from Gen Z. It's that they're never going to be able to buy a house. They're even buying a car right now results and spending about twice as much in interest. And that is a direct result of the borrowing and the Fed policy that we have in Washington. So you'll see those things change. And you wouldn't see that under a Democrat controlled house. You would just, you know, be investigating the 87th layer of the Trump work or something. Yeah, no, it's a really stark comparison that you make there. And then when you touch on some of the news that you've broke or at least become delivering more transparency to the American people, something that we're not seeing either out of this committee work as a total body, obviously from the DOJ Secret Service and FBI, either on the recent Trump assassination attempts, you know, you've brought a lot of light to this situation and kind of shown America just how scary the situation is. Outside of the two attempts confirmed that the American public knows about so far, you say there might be a lot more entities operating possibly even in the United States right now that could be looking to do harm to the president as well. At the time of the Butler incident, there were five known assassination teams in the country. Probably the most sophisticated of which being the Iranian threat. And when I said that everyone's heads exploded and thought it was crazy. And then lo and behold, you see the news breaking quite recently that indeed President Trump received a defensive briefing about the Iranian threat that is very real and in country. Look, these teams have varying degrees of sophistication and some are I think at least one is just one guy from a country, but here with the intent to harm President Trump. And we want to monitor this. We want to stay close on these people. But the real lesson here, the real lesson here is that you got to have a sufficient force protection for the threat level. And I want to give credit to CBP because Customs and Border Patrol with this Ryan Routh guy, they knew something was fishy. When they found human at the border and he was saying he was going everywhere recruiting, you know, freedom fighters for Ukraine and that his wife was paying for the whole thing. That sounded quite suspicious. They referred that to Homeland Security Investigations and Homeland Security Investigations did nothing with it. They did nothing with it. What a foolish decision that turned out to be. Yeah, certainly did as we all know what happened just over a week ago. And then when you talk about the new Iranian threat, you know, we've seen President Trump addressing on the campaign trail down in North Carolina earlier this week. This is something very real. Obviously, they've put out very publicly across the world that they want retribution and revenge for what happened to General Soleimani several years ago in Iraq. And when you look at the way optically, it's been set up around him. I mean, Matt, I'll give you a perfect example. On our Tuesday edition of the show, we had Dr. Ben Carson, you know, he was a former presidential candidate on the Republican side in addition to all the other great stuff he did, including serving within the Trump administration. But he said even eight years ago, when he was a presidential candidate, he wasn't a nominee or anything like that, he had a better and a more advanced working team of Secret Service detail around him than he sees someone who spends quite a lot of time with the president now around Donald Trump. How alarming is that that Donald Trump is the nominee? By the time the show airs, there's going to be less than 40 days before Election Day. And there is still not as much Secret Service protection and detail around President Trump as there was for candidates back in 2016. And if that bears out to be the case, you have to reasonably ask, why? Like, what do you think the motive is for that? Me personally is that, you know, they are completely complicit in doing as a little of a job as possible, thinking maybe part of it is ego, maybe part of it. I mean, obviously, until the Butler thing materialized was like, people do all of this talking, but for decades and decades, it hasn't happened. I mean, Reagan was obviously the last big public one. But, you know, I think it's also a changing of the culture there to where doing their actual job has been replaced with DEI policies and worrying about what kind of offices we're going to develop that have nothing to do with the mission statement and more to do with making the government look like it's a safer place for people who shouldn't even be doing the job in the first place to get along with all their friends and have a good time. Yeah, I think there's possibly another explanation. I've heard from some of the rank and file Secret Service management. They don't want Trump to look too authoritative, too strong, too ascendant. And if he had a detail that was the full complement of what he needed, and it's threaded strong, he would look more interested to impact the security detail that we're providing with this very robust threat environment. Yeah, you know, to be able to look at the way it would look optically, Trump with the massive detail around him, the dogs in advance, you know, you have the bomb trucks, drones, et cetera. But look, this is potentially the next president of the United States. I think it's time to stop playing games. It doesn't matter to the Democrats, Ronald Harris obviously said in her campaign speech this week, Donald Trump's economic plan is going to wreck this country. Joe Biden went on the view earlier this week and said Donald Trump doesn't care. There's segueing from he's a threat to democracy to he just doesn't care about democracy. And then they always go back to like January 6 something that, you know, I don't know if you heard this week, but we're not even going to be getting any kind of a transparent report on that four years after the investigation began before this end session of Congress or the presidential election. Does that surprise you? No, no, I think actually the work is done by the inspector general on some of the federal involvement in January 6 confidential informants and confidential human sources who were even increasingly all acuity on that day. I think that report is done and they're literally not wanting to release it before the election. All right. So Matt, in closing up here, you know, and it's great catching up with you as always. We know you're so busy running around. You obviously guys got to have a pre-state of emergency in Florida with the weather that's coming your guys way. You done a ton of work up on Capitol Hill this week. But here's the deal. America was able to prosper under Donald Trump, at least up into the pandemic. But even coming out of it as the economy was rebounding and inflation was still down. You know, Donald Trump's campaign, his policy platform for America has really changed and evolved the widening of the tent, the inclusion of people like Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, RFK, junior Tulsi Gabbard, the way policies have shifted, not just for America first, but also ones that go and kind of reset everything globally and make sure that essentially the planet is safe again, something that it is currently not. And then you see whatever Kamala Harris tries to spin between now and election day will be a continuation probably on steroids, the policies that they were kind of able to implement under Joe Biden. Obviously, the spending is done enough to set the world on its ear plus the world's and how it's broken, you know, world wars that have broken out in places like Ukraine and what's going on in Israel as well. When you're talking to people who are potential voters on the fence coming in from maybe the RFK delegation or ones who supported people like Tulsi Gabbard, what is the biggest pitch to them to understand that it's not just the candidates that are lining up with Donald Trump, but it's the ideology that is shaping what his administration would look like in the next four years. I think the number one thing to stress is that Donald Trump is the change candidate. Kamala Harris is in office now. She'll continue the people and the policies and frankly the demise that we've seen under Joe Biden because she's been central to it. But Donald Trump is bringing in people like Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and he's always been the kind of guy in business and in politics who has sourced information from a lot of different places. And that's why he's not a typical politician. And it's why I think he's appealing increasingly because people are disaffected by both sides, right? No, it's an excellent point you make there. I mean, I think the widening of the ten or something we haven't seen in conservative politics in several decades. If not in this fashion ever, and you kind of tied it all together for us today, Congressman. Listen, we've got your congressional website, live linked in the show description today. Anywhere else we can find out social media will live link it as well. Hey, yeah, my campaign page is to remember. We'd love to have folks be involved. And we are involved when we have conversations with the congressman who's representing Florida One, Matt Gaetz. Thanks for joining us on the show. So have a great weekend. Thank you. Man, what a busy end to the work week. But as always, we nailed it. If you enjoyed this episode of the podcast and want to hear the now over 460 other editions of the show, it's pretty simple. Follow us across any and every downloadable podcasting platform. Find us on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, Amazon, or wherever you listen to your shows, make sure we're downloading to your electronic device and that you're sharing the podcast with your friends, family, co-workers, and loved ones. And then check us out on social media, Twitter, get our true social Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts, find them, follow them, hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great things we've got going on down here at stake for breakfast. We want to thank all of our guests for coming in and sharing with us today. Republican Senator Adam Wisconsin, Ron Johnson, the founder and former CEO of Papa John's Pizza, John Schnatter, Wisconsin Congressman, Tom Tiffany, former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, Carla Sands, and Florida Congressman Matt Gates. You guys all helped make state great again. Guys, we're heading into the weekend. We know it's going to be busy. We're down to around 35 days, the next time the show airs, don't you worry. Guest lineup is materializing in real time. Looks like it's going to be another banger. On Tuesday, we've got two more brand new additions to the show coming out. We'll be catching up with the infamous political icon Roger Stone, Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett, Indiana Congresswoman Aaron Houchin on a rescheduled, and knows who else we'll be here. But on behalf of the POD team, I'm Ron. Thanks for listening. Have a great weekend and take care. I know the importance of safety and security, especially at our border. Speaking for itself, Trump people, contact my people. Come on the show. Let's get it done, man. Carla, don't come. I don't want to talk to your line ads. And ABC is in trouble, also. The only fact check, Donald Trump, they in fact check that bitch at all. But now you try to set down him to make him look bad. Think it ain't illegal yet, but they working on it. They ain't posting things. The fact check is thinking for you like you can't check and in fact check for your goddamn self. Who needs a fact check? What the fuck is that shit about? Like everybody's a little child. You need those facts checked for you. This ain't school. Can't test check my homework. This ain't homework. That shit, that shit ain't no. [ Silence ]