ReWild ReNew Podcast

Episode #18: Dr. Sherri Greene and Her Spiritual Journey

Broadcast on:
27 Sep 2024
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In this episode we talk with Dr. Sherri Greene. Her personal spiritual journey became tied to her professional journey as she tried to heal her own health issues and learn why some people were not able to heal using the standard medical practices. She took a full circle journey, then found Anthony William, the Medical Medium and found the truth she had been searching for.

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- Hi, my name is Eileen Crispell. I am a storyteller, writer, wife, older mom, architect, and a shaman. I help people heal and empower their souls. I saved my own life by applying medical medium information and I've been applying this information in mind in my family's life since 2012. - Hi, I am Aimee Jones. I'm an autism mom, a home educator, a noted gardener, a near-death experiencer, living a plant-based lifestyle, and I help people heal their souls as a shaman. I've been following medical medium information ever since 2015, and mine in my family's life has changed dramatically since. - Hi, all. Aimee and Eileen here with our next podcast, and we have another special guest with us. In fact, somebody who, all of you who have listened to us for a long time may know, because we used to have a program together called The Snug. And today we have with us Dr. Sherry Green, and she's gonna talk to us about soul stuff, not doctoring stuff. Well, actually she's gonna talk to us about how those two worlds fit together for her. And I'm just gonna start today by, because Dr. Green and I were having kind of an interesting conversation recently. She said that somebody had reached out to her to ask her about her spiritual journey given that she was a doctor. And I think the person was really quite surprised to hear all of Sherry's spiritual journeys given that she's a doctor and that her focus is kind of on people's physical health. So Dr. Green, welcome. - Thank you. Thank you guys for having me here. I'm really, really excited to be on this particular podcast, 'cause I love what you all have been doing the past. How many weeks has it been since you guys have been talking? - I think this is podcast number 17. - Yeah, I'm 17 already. - Yeah, it's crazy. - Great, really great. Now, so I'm really excited to be here and really talk about this topic a bit. - So why don't you give us a little background of all of the spiritual journey you've been on, 'cause it's been a pretty serious one. - Yeah, it was a very, very serious journey for myself. And I guess I could take it back to my primary medical practice when I was in it, it was, and I always talk about this, how I was very curious about why some people got better and other people didn't doing the protocols and the techniques that I learned in school, whether it was surgery, whether it was just medicine, whatever it was, and how that led me to just be curious and start seeking, and I feel like I've been a seeker of truth my whole life and when I look back on it, but so I kind of started to incorporate the idea of the main body medicine and bringing all that back into how I could bring that into my practice. And so I started studying a bunch of different things and I got involved with a teacher at the time that I met through, I don't know if you all know, I've never heard of Sounds True, Amy, you probably haven't, but it was this platform that hosted all kinds of programs, like that's where I found out about Carolyn Miss and like Pima Todren and there was a lot of Buddhist teachers, there was a lot of scientists that were on there and I started listening to so many different audio tapes at the time, and I would just order them. And so I got involved with a woman who was like an angel therapist, but her background was, she was a cell biologist. So I got really attracted because here's somebody with a medical training who was talking to angels. And so I started reading a little bit about that and I would say that's how it got me into a lot of the spiritual stuff, the energy medicine stuff, and then that led me to see, meet somebody in my life that introduced me into Mother Amma, which I think maybe some of you all know, is a spiritual guru/teacher that used to come to New York City, funny little anecdote about that. So it was at Columbia University and they take out the whole auditorium to have this incredible ceremony there that goes on for like, I think three or four days, it goes on from morning to evening and people get darshan, they get initiations, they all these types of things. And so I walk into this event, not knowing what I'm going into. And you get in there and they're like, you have to take off your shoes. You got to put your shoes and they're like, go put them over there in this room. So here I am as a podiatrist at this time. And I'm barefoot, like I had sandals on, take off your shoes and go into and put your shoes in this room, which way you walk into this room, there was a sea of shoes. I knew I was never going to find my shoes again when I walked out onto the streets of New York City. I was like, I have to be willing to walk on barefoot if I don't get my shoes back. But also the thought of like, I'm going into this like place with like, taking my shoes off the unsanitaryness of the whole thing. And I was just like, where am I? And there were families there and kids there. And it was a chanting and singing. And so it was an interesting experience walking into that for the first time. But it kind of led me on this deeper spiritual journey where I had a spiritual teacher that was in a lineage, I won't mention the lineage right now, but it was in a lineage that I was studying in. And I went to study this with this teacher, traveled to Ireland 15 times back and forth to see this teacher and to do the work with this teacher and be in workshops and get initiations. And there was a lot of money. And it was about the guru teacher idea. Now, for me, I started to, at that point, was leaving, I was kind of shunning medicine because I was so disappointed about the medications and side effects and how it really wasn't treating the root cause. And at that time, I was being introduced the idea that there's a spiritual reason, there's a mental emotional reason. That's really the root cause of all illnesses that illness starts in the mind. - Well, hold on a second, 'cause that's actually a really big point that we kind of want to talk about. Let's isolate that for a minute if you don't mind. Because I think the big message, which we keep hearing out there, is that change of brain, change of mind, that you've manifested your illness. And you used a really interesting term that if you do that, if you change your thought process or whatever it is they called, if you just said to me before we got on, if you have a cancer diagnosis and you get the message that cancer is trying to bring you, your cancer will de-manifest itself. And this idea can be incredibly dangerous. Amy, you- - Yeah, what I want to say also here, just to throw it into the mix, is because Eileen and I come at this, so we support people on the soulful and spiritual end of their healing. Yet we're saying, there's physical reasons why you're sick. - Right. - We're saying the soul, we're saying the soul is implicated in that, because it's implicated in everything in your life anyway. So you can't isolate that. And we're saying, yes, emotional stresses and all of those things don't create, yeah, they matter because they don't create healing conditions within a body when you've got cortisol just shooting all around you and you're just always running on adrenaline and you know, or you're constantly being triggered. So, you know, I just want to point that out in case it's not obvious that, because here's a doctor talking about the very spiritual stuff and here's two shamans going, we'll hang on a minute. Yeah, that's, it's so crazy to be thinking that all manifest is, sorry, that all illness is manifested in your brain or something like that and ignoring the... - Where's spiritual or your sp... You know, you did something in your spiritual life whether it's this life or something, but I find that... - It's your karma, yeah. - And you to like have to deal with it. So the physical was last, which is interesting. When I came to Anthony's information, the physical became first again. So it brought me back full circle. Like the entry way was that way as opposed to like, so here I am as a doctor thinking, the entry way is always physical and then understanding, yes, there's mental emotional components, but then spiritual, but they were like saying, you have to go through, if you want true healing, you have to go to this place first. - So where are you now and all of that? - Yeah. (laughs) That's a good question. I mean, so that journey was so many years of my life. I mean, a lot of years. And so I met Anthony and found out about him in 2015 and had a discussion with him personally in 2015 from my own healing journey. And I remember, and I think he's obviously said this a lot to a lot of people. And I remember completely breaking down when he said to me, "Shari, it's not your fault." And all I thought was it was my fault, from everything that I had heard and learned. Like I couldn't get my thoughts right or the karma that I've accrued from another lifetime had me in this horrendous pain that I couldn't escape from, no matter what I did and what I tried. And so when he said that-- - Well, I mean, quite literally you're spending thousands of dollars going to Ireland, right? And I mean, you are working in earnest to do this. - I was told that my Lyme disease is because I created it. That's why I got Lyme is because I had the idea of what would say what he said. There's always about something that's out of balance in your thinking, in your energetic system. There's a block and that's why you created or manifest this disease or that. This really drives me crazy because you know, I always, every thought in my head, I kind of pretty much simplify it down to light and dark. And I think like from the darkness point of view here, it's pure brilliance because you spend all your money or your resources or your energy only to be told, it's only to be pulled further away from the truth, only to be harmed emotionally spiritually because you're getting further away because you feel like it's all your fault. Like it's, if you were darkness, it's a brilliant plan and it drives me crazy. And this is where this is what caused me to come up with the little term spiritual tourism because I think it also shows something else that's actually quite interesting and actually very pure within us all. It's the lengths that we will go to seek and understand and to search. You know, like 15 trips to Ireland, I'm sure that wasn't cheap and I'm sure that was really hard to fit into your busy lifestyle as a doctor as well. So, you know, you probably make-- It's a desperation, right? 'Cause you're so busy. And I think you probably made a lot of sacrifices and I bet a lot of people didn't understand you and your choices at that time. And these are the lengths that we will go to, that, you know, that's something really pure but it gets so exploited in the hands of darkness, in the hands of misinformation. I always say darkness is chaos and confusion. You know, that's like that misinformation, that chaos and you don't know what's going on. And contrast that with where you've landed now, this real kind of sense of clarity of here's the real reason, so you're sick. And here are the steps that you can take. And yes, it's not always easy and yes, it's on you but there's a path forwards. It's night and day, isn't it? - It's really not, it's absolutely night and day and it's kind of like when I came to that realization and I'm like, oh my gosh, like I was on this path and where it took me and I would also love to hear you both talk because when I was on that spiritual journey and I'd love to hear your thoughts that, you know, I ended up studying with this teacher, Guru and there's a lot of gurus out there and that the speaking about surrendering to the teacher or the Guru and becoming desireless. Now, there's still the idea of your relationship with God should be first, but this teacher, it like the talk about surrendering, you're not really surrendering to the teacher because the teacher's representing God or, you know, that this is the middle person somehow in the way, in there and that you're supposed to, like I think that the whole question about becoming desireless was an interesting process to go through on that journey, but the idea that, you know, you, money and everything. Now I'm not saying that I don't know what's part is dark and what part isn't dark, but that you're spending all this time and money for these specific initiations and there's a lot of teachers out there because it's all about frequency, right? And that frequency conversation comes into it, higher frequency, lower frequency and raising your frequency and that's how you go beyond disease and you can change the vibration of your food so that you could take something that might be toxic but you can change it to, you guys all heard that stuff too. - Oh yeah, I, there was a, I don't know. Actually somebody in the Zen world who, a number of people I know follow and they said, oh, he could eat a Dorito and turned it into something his body can use and I'm like, well, let's just say that's true. Most people can't do that. So we need a different answer. (laughs) And yeah, it's kind of worms because I remember this is one of the first questions you asked me, what do you think about gurus? And I don't think I had much nice to say about them. No, well, you said, what have you got to say about it? So I've got too much to say about it so I'm gonna distill it down. Firstly, surrendering to the teacher. I mean, if you step into my brain for a little while, I think what I do is I always look for patterns. It's a weird place to be in my brain. Always look for patterns but I see this pattern played out by darkness all over the place. - Yeah. - You know, surrender to the teacher. That could be, if you live in the UK like me, your national anthem is God Save the King. You know, like it's like there's something between you and God. If you go to, you know, I'm not condemning religion, I have very strong faith views of my own which are not gonna impose on anyone here but, you know, like there's always someone between you and God generally speaking. (laughs) And I don't like that. It feels icky to me. It just feels really disempowering. A huge thing about what me and Eileen do is really putting the power back into whoever's hands we're talking to, we want to demystify the soul so you can get on with the task in hand and you've got the hotline into God. So you just get on with doing that. You just, you've got to sort of unschool yourself, unteach yourself, all the things we've kind of had that we have to go through someone. And then as for desires, I really hate that thing about not having desires because your soul comes to this earth wanting to do something and it shows up in your desires. Like the last couple of podcasts who you've been speaking to mind. - Well, it's like they warp words, hope. - Hope is, yeah. - You know, so desires is kind of a different word for hope. - But how are desires and lower desires if we're gonna decide? - Yeah, I know, but it's like wrapping a shroud around truth. So you have like a little piece of truth in there but then it's mixed up and all this other stuff and it gets really muddy and then it kind of takes the true stuff away from me. Like hope is really important. - And that's interesting what you say about like higher desires and lower desires. Like there's all this judgment on it as well because I often have people quite talk to me in quite an apologetic sense about the things that they want. - Yeah. - Or like they want to get better and they want to do some things or they just want to look like themselves and their bodies because their bodies really don't look and feel like themselves and they say, "I know that's vain." And that's not vanity, there is vanity is a thing but that's not vanity. That's I want to have a healthy body again. Like people are so apologetic about their desires and yes, there are differences in between. Like I want a fast car in a fancy house and versus like I want to go out there and live my dreams, of course, but that's everybody's journey as well. - I've never really met a person who diligently follows a guru who I didn't see them giving their power away. To another human. - And that was my question a lot along the way where I struggled and I asked a lot of people who were in that community of really understanding like it always felt like you're giving your power away to the teacher and then saying, "No, you're not." - Yeah. Can I just address that also in regards to medical media and stuff? Because a lot of people might think - Yeah, might think, "Well, you know, you're giving your power away to Anthony William." - Yeah. - So you know when I said like, Eileen and I are very much about pushing the power back onto people. Like I really got that from Anthony because he especially in the early days when he's like coming out with this stuff and the first books came out, he would always say be your own expert. It was something he would repeat all the time like become your own experts written into the books. And I really, really took that to heart because I really think that that's a vital thing we all need to be doing on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual levels that we have going on. And I think that's the whole thing with him is he says you have to become the expert. You have to develop your own faith. He doesn't prescribe anybody a sense of belief or like a form of belief. He gives you some spiritual tools for like soul meditation. He gives you a bunch of foods and protocols and supplements and goes do the ones that work for you. You know, it's a different way round and he repeats that he's a messenger. And I love it. I kind of love it when he's talking live to us through Instagram or something. And he's getting fired up about something and Spirit corrects him and he goes, okay, that was me that said that. I put the curse words in there as a spirit is just saying this or something like that because he is a person and he does have a filter. As do I, as do each of us here on this, this call, you know, and I think you always have to keep it. You always have to be in mind that he is, he's delivering a message that comes from a source we're trying to reach. So it's nuanced, doesn't it? What would you add to that, both of you? - Well, I'm gonna open up another huge can of worms here because I think that there are people in the community who turn, they treat him like he's a guru when that's not what he's asking for. And I think there are people in the community who take advantage of that and who put information out there as though he's a guru and as though, and they actually themselves can twist the information and say things came from him when they didn't and they can really take a lot of people down the wrong track and then their anger and their frustration gets put at him when it actually doesn't belong to him. It's not something he asked for or created. And so I think this idea of guru is actually a big one because so many people have been down the roads that you've been down, Dr. Reena. And this idea is so pushed out there that you shouldn't actually be looking at Anthony like he's a guru. He's not, he's not asking for that. He's saying, I've got you truth. Truth is what frees us. But this is why I know it's very difficult for some people if they've got brain frog and things like that. But I think that when this information works is when you read it, when you learn it, when you take the time to read it and learn it and process it for yourself, not when you ask somebody else to do that for you. Now, like you as a doctor, lots of people are dealing with the medical world and with very serious conditions. And so they do need somebody to help interpret and understand all of that. But that's a little bit different than turning Anthony into a guru or you into a guru. - Right, absolutely. And I think it's the individual. I mean, I'm always encouraging people to read, to read the books, go back and go back to understand it 'cause the more they understand it for themselves, the more they can make better decisions. They can have their own aha moments for themselves rather than me telling them everything and trying to explain everything, which there isn't enough time to do that with the amount of information. But I think what's to me, what stands out so, I mean, there's so much you can talk about on that spiritual journey and why we seek it because we are seeking truth. We are trying to find ourselves. We're trying to heal ourselves. We're trying, so there's so many things that we get and we can get like taken advantage of along the way. So easily, if you don't know, like you guys say, you need to know yourself. So when you don't know yourself, you're gonna go say, well, can you help me know myself? Or can you show me who I am? And somebody else to show you who you are. But I think, so for me, just from the medical perspective of really why I went there was a personal journey as well as I was seeking answers to all of the patients that were coming to see me that I didn't understand and I wanted to understand what true healing was really about. So I was seeking that, like what that meant and that mind, body, spirit type thing at the time. And I had said to you recently, I mean that there was like a protocol in brain saver. - Oh yeah, right. Syndrome. - And I was so like, I didn't see that. And I was like, wow. - Oh, in case you missed that, if you look in which book is it? - It's brain saver, the protocols book. - In the protocols, there's one of the symptoms that says mind, body, right? - It says mind, body syndrome. - Mind, body syndrome. - Mind, body syndrome, no, it's mind, no, it's mind, body and you looked up mind, body syndrome. - Right, which it is mind, body syndrome is out there. If you look it up, it's basically what we've been talking about. It's this idea that some people have given that they manifested their sickness. And he, what was his suggestion? Look up the protocol for-- - Great, cranial nerve protocol. - Cranial nerve protocol. (laughs) There you go. I think that says so much. - Yeah. (laughs) - That was like, oh my God. And I was like, oh, that's incredible. So-- - I've known quite a number of people who came, who kind of got to know medical medium information through another person. And something happened and it kind of got dirtyed for them. And they had to back away from it and read the books for themselves and come to it themselves. And then they came to it in a really empowered way and it started working for them. And I know a number of those people then sought out help from somebody because when they then seek out help, it's very specific and very focused and very empowering rather than treating somebody out there like a guru who's gonna teach it all to you. It's subtle, but it's very different. - It is, it is. And so the juxtaposition about coming to, for being in the medical world, going into the my body's spiritual world, going through that, coming out the other side of it, finding Anthony and coming back to medicine but also in the physical body, but in a very different way. So I feel like I don't regret anything I did really. I feel like I needed all of those pieces and parts to be able to discern for my, because I think now my discernment and like that bullshit meter maybe is a little bit-- (laughing) - Whoa, what's interesting is you were going through it for yourself, but not just that, you were going through it as somebody with medical training and because you were also so dedicated to helping your patients truly heal. And so you do have a slightly different perspective and probably a slightly different bullshit detector in the end. (laughing) - Yeah, and that bullshit detector thing is really interesting, isn't it? Because you know, like I did a, I did a few spiritual kind of, not many I have to admit. I'm a bit of a strange fish because I kind of, I don't, I don't put a lot of trust that I never have, like put a lot of trust in just anybody, you know? People have, I've really got to qualify people (laughing) and I really advise that everyone does that. Kind of what we're saying here, you know? Like if someone's going to teach me something, I need to know that they've got some intensity and they've got some things right about themselves. So I kind of always had that. I don't know where I found because I wasn't very clear on who I was and what it was about in this world in the earlier years of my life. I'm very happy to admit that. But in my twenties, I did go to some of these like little conferences. I remember Hay House did one and they did some tours and one came to London and I went to go and see it as a young person because I was searching and I've got to listen to a few speakers that I kind of heard bits about. And I remember going to things like this and feeling completely freaked out in response to the people around me. And I always thought that that was a problem and that these people were freaking me out and I didn't know why and I said it's me, I'm judgmental, I'm too this, I can't imagine, you know? But actually, it was screaming at me. These people are just very easily leds, you know? Like not all of them. I'm not like generalizing, throwing everyone away 'cause we were all on our journeys. But something about those events often felt very icky and we would end up having conversations about putting gold light around yourself. Someone said, I don't remember one conversation. Someone's like, put white light around yourself. And someone's like, I put gold light around myself. It's even better. It's an upgrade. And people bursting and going, I am an empath. And like, you know, it's just like, is it these are big declarations that are gonna-- - It's true if you've ever been to any of these events that you, I remember the same thing, like, like how do I fit in here? No, I don't know. (laughing) Yeah, you really have to kind of go through with some discernment and which I actually even brought to medical medium stuff, I'm sure you did too. Dr. Green, you, at first when you're looking at it, you're like, just another one of those things. - Absolutely, questioned it even a lot along the beginning of the path of like, 'cause this was like, how is this really real? Or how is this true? Or how does this man actually know this information? And I've been to a lot of channelers and psychics and I've gone down a lot of that. And so, but there was, I understood that there was something so different about what I was hearing and seeing and also felt from having the experience, you know, directly with him. And I think that, you know, we have to use our discernment along the way the whole time and we have to find our way when it comes to these health, really difficult health challenges, right? And, you know, there's no doubt that we all know stress, how big, how that plays and where your stressors come from and how that plays into your healing journey. And the others, all the other work you do in the medit-- I mean, Anthony has meditations. He has energy type things that are in there. It's not like it's shunned, but it's just comes, I guess, it can still, I can see where it can still get very confusing because you want to heal as quickly as you can. There is a desperation at times to be out of pain, be out of suffering. And when something is taking too long, we keep seeking. We keep searching 'cause maybe we got it wrong. - Well, I think that's also part of what's happened is because there's so many lies out there and all of us have chased those lies. And we feel, we're a little PTSD around it, we feel duped and taken advantage of. And so when something doesn't work quickly, we think, uh-oh, we're just being duped and taken advantage of again. When we really have to understand, it's just really a different paradigm. It's certificate. That's why, again, I harp on this all the time. You really have to read the information. You have to really get to processes and understand it 'cause it is like a different paradigm. You have to think about things a little bit differently, put a different filter on, to understand it. And then you can come to the fact that, oh, you're not being duped or taken advantage of. You have to just think about things differently. - So we'll go ahead, Cherry. - I was just gonna say, would you mind talking a little bit? I've been wanting to get you all to talk a little bit more about, maybe you're gonna do a whole show on this, energy medicine and like energy work and energy healing. How do you feel that plays into any of the healing that you're doing now or anyone's doing? - We definitely do have to do a show on that, Eileen, by the way, because that's not a five-minute conversation. And it's a conversation we love to have. It does have a role. - Well, he does light blast. - He does, yeah. - But I know a lot of people who will call somebody up, say, I'm ready, hang up the phone and that person sending them energy. They're not gonna heal from cancer from that, that way. Right, and who is that person? And what energy are they sending? And you know, we can, this is a whole show. - Speak to the whole George Spencer idea. - Well, one thing I'm gonna say that, you know, I'm just saying it hypothetically, like maybe there was a time and a place for that. It's not this time and place because everybody has viruses now. Everybody has metals. Everybody's got toxins in them. So it's not a question of whether there's something to clean up in the body. You know, it's a given. It's a definite, we live on a dirty little planet now. And everybody is a little bit broken because we live on also a broken planet. We're seeing all kinds of emotional fallout. We're seeing people have lost faith. There's a lot, there's so much misinformation out there. As we've just been discussing that, you know, that plays into people's faith in a great way. So it's, I, to simplify it, and to maybe try and answer it quickly, I would say that the healing journey leads to the soul. I think you-- - The physical healing journey leads to the soul. - Well, I would say the entire healing journey is as Anthony would say, he says, I just want to get you better so you can go out there and live your life. He says that, doesn't he? So like, the reason why you're wanting to get rid of your fibro, your cancer, you know, something small like your post nasal drip, anything like that. Like the reason why you want to get rid of these annoying symptoms, annoying is that, you know, or excruciating symptoms, torturous symptoms, your mental health issues, is so that you can go and live your life. And that's your soul doing the thing it came here to do. So I think it all leads back to the soul. So, and the healing journey itself is incredibly emotional. It's not easy to kick out all the foods. It's not easy to sort of-- - To stay-- - That's what we'll make you figure out who you really are is by trying to take out these foods and eat differently and live differently. - And to stay the path, as we were just saying, you know, people go, I've got sick again, maybe it doesn't work. And maybe I'll go and try that doctor because he's promising everything for $1,000. You know, like, this involves gut. This takes guts, doesn't it? It's like a heart, spirit, soul journey just to keep you feeling physically. So I think it's-- - I've actually just been writing about this too because I think, you know, the guru journey is it's just all spiritual and the medical journey is it's just all physical. It's just you can't take them apart from each other. They're integral to each other. It's a-- so if you want full healing, you need to take into account the whole thing, your body, heart, spirit, and soul. It's-- - And that's what they-- - All of that. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. I was gonna say, and that's what this information, medical, medium information, has always offered. There used to be a time back in what, the books came out 2015, didn't they? I think I have that right, 2016, yeah. And there was a time for, it was like a period of years everyone would say, "I wish you talk about the soul for stuff." He just talks about the physical stuff. And me and Eileen would go, "Really?" Really, because there's a lot of soul for stuff. - Yeah. - That he talks about. People don't say that now because I think they get, because more information has come out, more and more books have come out. And in every book from the very first one to the most recent brain saver ones, there's a ton of spiritual stuff. - The most important and basic foundational information was in the first book. You have a body, a heart, a spirit, and a soul. And these are all integral parts of you. That's in the first book. And it's what we base, Eileen and I base almost everything we do on. - Everything. - Yeah. - It is the discrepancy then is about what is your entry, which is the entry way. - Wherever you're at, I'd take any, I'd take any. Some people are gonna come at it because of the soul. And some people are gonna come, a lot, most people are coming at it because their bodies are done. They're just, they're desperate. So they're just gonna start, you know, juicing, they're just gonna start cutting out dairy. They're just gonna start there. It'll like. - Start somewhere. - But it all, to use the cliche, all votes lead to Rome in the end. Like it all becomes about the soul in the end, I find. - Do you remember Anthony saying, I see, I don't know if I read this, or I heard him say this, where he said, you can't really get to the spiritual part of it or the teachings if your physical body is in such a bad. Like if you're in so much anxiety depression, but you can't always get, go enter into it through the spiritual way. You've gotta go through the body 'cause you gotta heal the body first to be able to even sit for a moment in meditation or to be able to like get in touch. Like I know I heard that somewhere. Did you gonna hear that or? - I don't. Look, go ahead, Amy. - Well, I would say we were testament to that because I think anyone that's been on this journey for a number of years has noticed their intuition go up, their connection grow, their faith grow. So I, but what I'm saying is I take, if anybody's interested in healing their body with truth, I'll take whatever level they're out, you know, and I see people come in because they feel more comfortable with the spiritual and they might resonate with some of the things that he says about sunset meditations and things like that. And then that lets them slowly start to think, okay, I could just do a lemon water. Like it's, you know, it's wherever a person's at. But yeah, I think we'll, we'll demonstrate that in our healing past plus in book one. First they have a book, Anthony says that much of our intuition is in, is in our gut. - Yeah. - So a lot of people have, have just drunk celery juice heal their guts and their intuition's gone up as well. So I think that's an interesting thing to mention. - Yeah. And I think one other point I just wanted to make earlier about like on that guru spiritual journey, sometimes they remind you that you're not the body. So the focus is not supposed to be on the body. Which again, I feel is so dangerous because our body, our soul and our spirit and our heart are always talking through our body. And when we become disconnected from our body, we become disconnected from those messages. I think that's really dangerous. - I agree. And it's, it's dangerous because there's like something familiar in there that's not crystal clear. Like you are greater than the symptoms in your body. Like, so you can kind of, you kind of see what they're saying. So you can quite easily get tricked. It's like, we speak to a lot of people who have suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety. And I'm saying, that's not who you are. - Right. - You know, it's like, and I mean that. And, and that person, they know that it's not, that it's in the illness. - Right, that's really nice. - And it's, and it's a nuance though. It's so, so subtle that if you're not paying attention, you can be tricked and you can go down that path. - Absolutely. - Well, if you have suicidal ideation, since somebody is saying, what's the, you know, what's the message in that for you? And it'll just go away. Again, like it's twisting the truth. - Yeah. - Very much. - Very much. - And there is just to talk about the energies part of it still a little bit more. Like there is a world of entities out there. There is a world of psychic attacks, which he mentions recently, right? So the stuff is real, it does exist, and it scares most people and confounds most people. It really shouldn't, and this really is for another show, because the way I talk about it is think about the unseen world, just like the world you see, right? Like there are people of all different personalities and all different levels of compassion and all different levels of darkness working through them. It's the same whether it's, you can touch it and feel it or whether you can't. So it doesn't have, it's not any more or less dangerous than your friends, but when we, because there's just so much this unknown quality about it and this fear around it, and it's all brought into the world through discussion and like horror flicks and things like that, people get scared of it. - I was scared of it on this virtual journey when I first got involved too, because there was that one teacher I told you about early, my earliest one was about my entry into understanding about darkness and that how it was, you were so vulnerable to it. Like it would get, like I was worried at one's point to be in the New York City stuff ways, 'cause I was told that there was a lot of that low vibrational dark energy that kind of attaches onto you down there. - Wow, wow, these people should be held accountable. It's really, it really drives me crazy. - 'Cause that you don't always have the power to say no, thank you and how powerful your free will is. That's the thing is they're going after your free will, and that's why people need to understand how powerful free will is. So I actually heard a priest recently talking about this, like he said this funny way of talking about like there's the angel and the devil. They're both wanting you to make a choice, right? It's the classic scenario. They cannot make that choice for you when they know they can't make that choice for you. Neither of them hold a power over you. That's how powerful your free will is. So it's actually an ignorance of your free will that you get taken advantage of. - As I was saying at the beginning, you know how like to simplify everything down to is it light or is it dark? Like in that situation that you give there, is that person trying to empower you or disempower you? They're trying to disempower you so that you're terrified to even, you know, travel through New York City. But this is the brilliance of medical medium information. And this is where I find, you know, like it just proves itself time and time again because if you are prone to psychic attacks, if you are very sensitive to energies, to entities, you want to be working on your nervous system. Like I love how it hooks back into the physical every time. You better be getting those metals out your brain. - And strengthening up your nervous system. And oh, that's going to get a lot better that situation that might have plagued you for the last 10 years or something. You know, it's just magical like that. - There's lots of people who come to us who are very psychically sensitive and troubled. And then I literally won't work with them unless they're doing the heavy metal detox movie because you have to get rid of the metals. You have to be kind and get your neurological system. So it's not inflamed. You know, that's when that part is really important versus understanding the spiritual world. - And there's so much of that in the brain saver book, right? So there's explanation like detailed explanation about it which is fascinating, which means to me, like if you don't put these, if you don't cleanse and if you don't detox some of these things, it's going to be very hard to, that I believe, that's just my belief here is it's going to be very hard to get all these other places that you so desire to be because I don't think you can just de-manifest metals out of your brain. - Right. - No, I'm pretty sure. - Yeah, go ahead Amy. - Go ahead, go ahead, Amy. - You know, it depends on where people are 'cause Amy and I don't like to say that everybody has to do medical medium or they can't come to spiritual journey or they can't come to some kind of healing. You know, it's got to be your own choice which is why we tell you to read the books and figure it out for yourself. But so it kind of depends on where people are. What I was just describing is more extreme, right? But yeah, you know, so, and every person's situation is so individual which is why these books are so brilliant because it doesn't matter how individual your situation is, the answer's in them. - Agreed, agreed. I think there's a lot of, you know, I still think, you know, yes, you can come to many different paths and find your way to wherever you're trying to find. I just think it's just really the heavy metal component to what we all struggle with on this planet seems to be very, very large. - It's huge, particularly when you're talking about mental issues, mental illness and the entity world. - Yes. - Right? - Yeah. - You've got to address the metals. - Yeah. - Heavy metals will make your life miserable is a bottom line. - Yeah. - Like, they will, when they're out of control, they will torture a person. And so, yeah, it's a really important part of, and they will get in the way of your spiritual connection. They will, you know, Anthony talks about this, that if you have heavy metals, they will make you say things you wouldn't normally say. - They'll make choices for you, he says. - They'll make choices for you, they will act for you. You know, and so this is getting in between your soul. You know, when your soul says, it's got something important to say that they could muddy that message. So, yeah, that's a huge part. - And think about how the medical community so ignores this. And in every way, in every single neurological condition, it is ignored. So, doesn't that say something? Like, what does that say? - It screams something loud and clear, you know, 'cause it's completely gaslighting the whole thing. And then it's prescribing you something with heavy metals in it. I mean, this is, this is what I mean, like, dark, this is chaos and confusion. It's like, it just leads you further and further away. And that's not to say that there's not a place for medications if you have neurological things going on, because yeah, sometimes they're a bridge. But you wanna be knowing what's really up as well. - So that must be incredibly frustrating, Dr. Green too. So to be somebody in the medical community, have this information, see its truth, and not be able to talk about it with your peers. (laughs) - Not be heard, not be listened to. Yeah, it's really a conundrum in a lot of ways. And there's a level of frustration, you know, being like, how many more years do we have to wait for quote, unquote, "science," that kind of do the thing and you know. - And how long do we have to wait for the spiritual community to catch up with things, right? For them to find the common ground, which is what's in these books? - Absolutely. And it really pushes people away, whether they're religious or they're coming from another spiritual perspective. There's, it's just another barrier sometimes for people, right? - Yeah. Listen, as you can tell, the three of us can get a lot, very fired up, as usual. And we can talk about this stuff for hours. But Dr. Green, I just wanna thank you for coming on and inspiring another great conversation with us. - Thank you. - And being so willing to share your journey, which is both both personal and professional, which I think makes it unique. - Yeah, I appreciate that. I appreciate having a space to be able to share. I mean, I just gave you kind of a little synopsis, like a little snippet here of a lot of it. But it's been an interesting journey and it's really amazing to come to find this particular journey and be able to have this conversation with the two of you right now. 'Cause I think you guys are doing such important work to be able to like push through the weeds and kind of give everybody a place to land without judgment and be able to like just openly discuss it all. I think it's brilliant. - Well, thank you for being a part of that. Perhaps there's gonna be a part two of this in the future. Who knows? - I hope this seems like it. - Yeah. - And Dr. Green, if somebody wants an appointment with you, they can find you on Is that what it is? - Dr. Sherry? - Yeah, it's Dr. You can find me on Instagram @Dr.SherryGreen and yeah, absolutely any of those places. - Awesome. Thank you guys and we'll see you again. - And in the meantime, please remember just how powerful your soul is today. We started Rewild Renew as a way to coach and empower others to heal and connect with their souls. The views and opinions you will hear on the Rewild Renew podcast are ours and are not meant to be medical advice. Please seek professional assistance if you feel you need it. [BLANK_AUDIO]