Fox & Father

Fox & Father | Episode #025

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27 Sep 2024
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If it was the other way round, I'd sit your time saying this, but if it was the other way round, and if it was someone on the so-called right who was saying this about people on the left, if it was me saying this cut their throats about an amateur, I would be in jail straight away, sit the same for you. It's the context that might be intended. The two-tier system is what riling people are. I've been speaking a bit to someone who wishes to remain anonymous, who is in tears almost every day, about the things that have been done to them. By this government for nothing, for nothing. And all I'd say every day is the same thing, which is the way you're feeling now is exactly how they want you to feel. That's how they want you to feel. These people want you to feel terrified. And they say to me, "Well, what should I do?" And I say, "Well, the thing is then you speak up more." And I don't know. I don't see another way of dealing with communists, except going, "I'm going to destroy your ideas with questions." Welcome to another episode. Well, not the final episode, but the final episode where Calvin Robinson is on British soil of Fox and Father. It's a show where Calvin tutors me in the way of righteousness and tries to show me a brighter and better way forward. But he's decided he's going to stop tutoring me in the way of righteousness because he's leaving the bastard. You can't say that. Well, I can. And I am. Because if you're not righteous by now, you've got no help. Well, we're still going to carry on. And we're going to do our joyful conversations from overseas as we get increasingly more jealous. Anyway, welcome to Fox and Father with me, the Fox and him. The Father. There we are. Let's start. How are you doing? I'm okay. I'm all right. This is my last weekend here. I'm off to the States on Sunday. I can't wait to actually get out of here. Right now I'm back in London for the first time in a while. I'm staying over here because there's the March for Life tomorrow as we record. I don't intend to go to the March for Life before I zip off. It's one last thing I want to do. I'm sure support for such a great movement is about once Bruce is pretty much heading it up and she's a good woman and lots of good people involved. But the message is the sanctity of life is paramount and that all human life is sacred. Something that you tweet about every day. It all starts there, doesn't it? Until you can agree with the fact that all human life is sacred, I think you're a danger to yourself and others. Do you know what I mean? I do. And still the biggest killer of people in this country or in the West. We look at any death rates and abortion, far out numbers, all of them. And it's very sad that people seem to not realize and or care. So it'd be good actually if we could educate people on what happens where a child is aborted. And at different stages it's done in different ways whether it's like pulling their limbs apart or starving them or vacuuming them out. It's quite abhorrent each step of the way. But I don't think people realize they think it's just a medical procedure and it's all, you know, a standard procedure. It's not there's nothing standard about killing unborn babies. No, there really isn't. And once you, you know, it's that massive irony of my body, my choice, but it's not your body. Therefore, it's not your choice. It's a completely unique set of DNA. I mean, most people fit somewhere in the middle, you know, and they say a, you know, a bunch of cells is not human being and other people where, you know, live where you do an eye-increasingly D, which is that life begins at Conception. You're a lump of cells, really? Yeah, you're a lump of cells. You're massive lump of cells. Yeah, I'm really good. I am back from Greece, as you can tell. And I am sorting out the house still and it's really nice to build a home. And I'm just, I'm actually going to convert one of the little outbuildings into a studio, proper studio. So I'm not sat in front of my piano. And I can have a, I can have a proper studio so I can start doing some more content. And I can have a nice, I can sort of combine it with a man cave. So I'm good. I am your rabbit hutch. Yeah. Let me know. Not rabbit chicken hutch. Yeah, I got four chickens. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I've got a road on and red. And then I forget the names of the other ones. I just let them out in their top bit garden and they're rummaging around. And then once the dogs have decided that they don't want to kill them, which is going to be interesting, I will then let them down into the bit where the dogs are, because I want them to scratch around and make that nicer again, because chickens have an amazing habit of, I mean, they destroy certain things like flower beds and stuff, but grass, kicking crap for grass is like, it's sort of, it's their favorite thing in the world. Yeah. So it's really good. So I'm, I'm happy. I'm sad you're going. I don't, I'm not going to lie. I'm slightly, I'm in that, you know, in the stages of grief, anger, denial. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm still in anger. Well, we had a nice weekend. After Emma and Alex's wedding, I came to state he wasn't in your country retreat. So that was lovely. It was so good. We met the dogs, spent time with the kids and it was, it was really nice. It was really lovely. But yeah, I'm still, I'm, I'm angry that you're going. I want to, I want to know how you, two things. First of all, I know you, you did it with Dan and it was very good what he did to Dan, but I suppose on an, I would like to speak on a more emotional level, as to why you're going on an emotional level and how you feel about going on an emotional level, because you've explained the reason to me. No, we all know the reason. That's such a Laura's Fox Christian. First of all, if people don't know what Laura's is alluding to, I did an interview on Dan, what an outspoken where I outlined why I'm going, but it is bittersweet. Of course, it's bittersweet. So I'm going to become called by God to a parish. This parish ministry has been lined up for me for the past year, which is why Laura's has been hinting and alluding to this on the, on the Fox and Father show since the beginning, really. But it's just been accelerated because of the currency to the first in the UK. And it doesn't feel safer. It doesn't feel good here. But I mean, not enough. As I say for the first time in a while, it's dark, it's heavy. It's just not nice. It's not a good place to be. But I'm going to, I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss my friends, my family. You know, this week I've spent time with my mother, spent time with my father and just been visiting friends tonight. I'm having supper with the people I got confirmed with. And, you know, just spending time with people, I spent time at your house. And that was lovely. Because I'm going to miss everyone. And that's the hard bit. But the exciting bit is I get to be a full-time parish minister and really learn my craft, essentially. My vocation is serving people in a community. And I've tried my best to do that in London, but I'll be called to it at the place where I'm going to have a better chance of doing that. And that's a wonderful thing. There's all kinds of things that can come out of that. I kind of think that England is America. Obviously, I've spent a bit of time in America. You spent much more time in America than I have recently, and in more wholesome and better parts. But I still think in America they take their, they take God seriously. And I, I don't, I mean, the orange-ish England doesn't take God seriously in England. So, you know, we feel like a very peculiar nation. And, you know, at the very best, and at the very worst, we've replaced God with the God of Woke and God of 16 inclusion. And it's, so it feels like a godless, soulless, joyless place, which is what socialism does. So, I mean, I don't blame you at all for what he's got out. I think you're going to thrive in a place where people take things as seriously as you do. I think, yeah, I think it's a natural fit. Thank you. I think it is. I'm so fed up with so much of stuff at home. I love, I love home. I love England. I love Britain, of course, I do. But I'm fed up to the fact that people just still won't wake up. And so many people don't see what's going on. Like, this country's getting darker and darker. People won't wake up. And even the conservatives and the Christians just sit back and just watch the country plowed around them, expecting everything to be OK. Everything won't be OK unless we act. I don't see how we can turn things around. Like, we have a socialist government who are pretty much neo-communist with a lot of their policies. But we've got the current demographics, so that the current trajectory at least of the demographic show that this country will become an Islamic country, predominantly Islamic country, in no time at all, unless we do something about it. But no one seems to care. I mean, not no one. Some people do care. The hardest thing has been certain people on our side have taken it quite hard. And I can understand that. But I really do think it bothers me when these people with anonymous names and anonymous arbiters say, how dare you run from the fight. I'm like, well, where are you in the fight? You're not there. You haven't been there for the past few years. When you and I fight it, where are these no-name, no-faced people? It's like they literally want us to be martyred for them. They want us to be sacrificial lambs for them. So many people don't want to fight themselves, but they want us to fight on their behalf. Well, no, get out of their fights. If you love your country, if you want to save it, do something about it. You can't expect the rest of us to do it all for you. And yes, we have been fighting good fight for a long time, but we can't do it on our own. Yeah, that was the other question I wanted to ask you was how you've thought about the response, like Nick Loles, that horrible little penfold from Danger Mouse, sitting there going, not praise the Lord, however happy and thrilled he was about it. And I'm like, I don't want Nick Loles to leave this country with his home to feel like he's forced out of the country with his home. I don't want Nick Loles to feel that. I want him to be exposed for what he is. And I want his ideas to be challenged, but I don't want him as a person to feel that he's actually not even safe in his own country. His family is very compassionate. They don't care. For the record, it has been a lot of good support. I love their encouragement from both Englishmen and Americans who have been saying, welcome to the fight, because people appreciate that the fight isn't here, at least not yet, the fight is in America, which is where I'm going. But the hateful, hostile, liberal lefties have been rejoicing. Of course they're rejoicing, because they hate us. They hate the truth. They hate Christ. And fundamentally, they want us and him out of their country so that they can be degenerate, indecent, horrible people with no one to challenge them with all their ideas. But what can you do about it? People like Nick Loles and Hope Not Hate, they're in bed with the government. The government love their commie nonsense at the moment. So there's very little retort. It's really, it's one of the things I really, really struggle with in just thinking about what forgiveness is. And thinking about people who rejoice when, you know, just on a personal level, when I lost my acting career, they were thrilled. And they talk about, they talk a good gaming compassion. So I can understand that they really hate me, that they would want me to suffer. I mean, I don't, I'm not like that, but I can understand why they would want me to suffer. But I don't understand if they are what they claim to be, which they obviously, we know they're not. Why they would want my kids to suffer. Because they are horrible people, essentially. I'll be a translator. As a good example, he has attacked me so many times. He lost his job at GB News like we did. And I said, I would fight for his right freedom of speech. I didn't agree with what he said. But I think he should have the opportunity to say it. Now, as I've announced, I'm leaving, I understand that he said something not to see about it. So I haven't seen what he said. But the whole point is that they will continue to rejoice at all, literally, whereas we will stand up for them. That's the difference between us and them, really. And they can virtue signal all they like about how nice they are, but they're not good people. They're really not. No, they're not. And what are we meant to do? We had to forgive them and move on. And or do we just, I mean, we also need to show them a better way. And that that way is just horrible. And they're making the country a worse place. Speaking of making the country a worse place, Ricky Jones, who is now going on, who's appeared in court this morning, where he's not guilty to encouraging the commission of a violent offense. I'm like, what should a fence, mate? Is it like I was dubbed your honor, or I was I was lip syncs? I mean, what at what point do you go? I'm really sorry. You pop up courts, the pedophile apology, apologies, judges to sentence people to extortionate sentences for saying words, much, much less appalling than what he said and what others on the left have said. And somehow the man's granted a five day trial in January. What do you need a five day trial for? We just watched the video. It's like, if ever, ever, ever anything was open and shy, it would be that would be for people that aren't aware. This is the former Labour counselor who was out there in the rights saying that the so-called far-right thugs need to have their throats cut. Was he by Hamilton? He looked for type. I'm not sure, but I mean, it's not really sorry if I'm saying like far-right extremists, but it's not a very English way of wanting to punish someone, is it? That's what I'll say, to encourage the commitment of that act. It is a very it's associated with all the things that have blotted into my head. And I'm sure a lot of people younger than me's head of those dreadful pictures of Jihadi John with Daniel Pearl and others doing exactly what Ricky James was calling for on the streets of London. So, in my view, that's in Simon to Murder. I don't know why he's got encouraging a criminal to be a commissioner of violent offenses. That's in Simon to Murder. So, he's going to have a five-day trial in January. But I don't understand why he's been granted a trial. He's been not guilty. I suppose everyone is entitled to a trial. I was an entitled to a trial by Jerry in front of my peers when people call me racist. I wasn't entitled to that. So, I don't understand why he's entitled to it. I think it's just another symptom of how unbelievably dreadful this country is. I hate to be all pessimistic and only and down. But the thought of you getting out, and I know it'll be bittersweet and all that sort of stuff, but the thought of you getting out, I just go, I get it 100%. So much of your life is your environment that you live in. And I mean, we're very blessed here. I'm very blessed with Lizzie, and I'm very blessed with the fact that I'm not near any of this crap anymore. But it's just so depressing, Britain. And I know what you've put this thing about. Where's the fighting people? Where's the fighting people? But we don't have one. We have a lost generation of feminists and man haters who won't have children. And if they get pregnant, they're bought them immediately. It's like, where are the families being built that are the only resistance to tyranny? Where are these families? They are there because we've seen them on our rallies, more of that information later, by the way. And I think your environment is so crucial to how you feel, how you connect with the world, how you engage with the world. And so much of our environment has been taken away from us. It makes an impact on your wellbeing. Well, a few minds from followers commented saying, "We knew this. We knew you were going to America." I was like, what do you mean? Look, you're first-grossed. You're always traveling. You're first-grossed when you're in America. You're doing the same thing. You're speaking out publicly, but you're smiling. When you're in England, you look like as miserable as the rest of us. I thought that's very, very telling, because it feels like what it really does. We can continue doing what we're doing from wherever we are. But there's dark cloud over this nation, and there's not yet people ready to fight for it. But this former Labour Council is abhorrent. It should be open to shock case. He is there on film saying, "We need to cut their throats." You're right. That is incitement to murder, not just the excitement to violence. And the fact that he's creating not guilty, I mean, on what basis? Can you say you're not guilty? We've all seen it for our own eyes. It's shocking this two-tier justice system. I bet he's going to get away with it. He'll probably just spend the sentence, if anything. If he gets away with it, there'll be a riot. If he gets away with it, there will be a proper riot, I would guess. I mean, I'm not condoning or encouraging people to do so. In fact, in fact, quite the opposite, because they want you to get out there and be violent, so they can clamp down on you even more. But look at people who are targeting. This is the problem with the context. He was targeting the so-called for right thugs. The ordinary British people would be labeled for right by the hard left, by our government, and the rights of the left immediate. But if it was the other way around, I'm sitting tired of saying this, but if it was the other way around, and if it was someone on the so-called right who was saying this about people on the left, if it was me saying, "Cut their throats about a laminate, I would be in jail straight away." It's the same for you. It's the context that the might be intended. The two-tier system is what's riling people up. I've been speaking a bit to someone who wishes to remain anonymous, who is in tears almost every day, about the things that have been done to them by this government for nothing. All I'd say every day is the same thing, which is the way you're feeling now is exactly how they want you to feel. That's how they want you to feel. These people want you to feel terrified. They say to me, "Well, what should I do?" And I say, "Well, the thing is then you speak up more." I don't see another way of dealing with communists, except going, "I'm going to destroy your ideas with questions." All you have to do is ask these people questions. It happens, and then all of their ideologies, the minute it comes and hits them on their own doors, like the Venezuelans in Colorado taking over various places, and all of that stuff, all of this deep on the piece, the minute you just see them, their positions switch, the minute the chickens come home to roost in their backyard, they get fully upset because they're ideology. That stupid, pathetic, ridiculous, death-wisher ideology doesn't work in any rational and reasonable world. So what they do is they only cry and whimper when it's someone else's problem. It's the same with the climbing hypocrites and all of this sort of stuff. And you've got Ed Miliband saying, "Oh, you've got 75 million pounds new clean energy program." Just don't. Honestly, Ed, until it works, can we stick with a bit of petrol? You lose your ideology just because you wish you could power Britain with breath from the wind. It doesn't mean you can because you can't, and that's not to say that one shouldn't invest. But we're looking, you know, we're told that the economy, the British economy is going to crash unless they spend, unless they save 1.2 billion pounds on the elderly, on heating the elderly, unless we save that 1.2 billion pounds of British economy is going to crash. What did we spend on track and trace? 35 billion. What are we spending on foreign climate aid? 11 billion. It's like, make it make sense. I think one of the things that we've got to start asking people, but as you say, just no one's got to fight in them. But that is the question. Not even the people that others think have fight in them. So, there's so many of the people that we know are just looking up their careers. They're just looking up. But basically, a lot of people want to be on television, which is what we've done too. For no particular reason, it's stupid. I was looking at the GB News ratings this week, right? Take, for example, Patrick Christie's, right? 43,000 people tuning in for what used to be the flagship show on the demo. I'm not here to just Patrick Christie's. The point I'm making is that it's absolutely zero impact there. Nobody's watching, but they will censor themselves in order to keep that job, because it seems prestigious, and they want to be on TV. But they're not really fighting. They're not really making an impact. When they invite Theo, what's his name? What's your word on? And they say they're nodding ahead. A let him, Spoutis, his hard left, racist nonsense. They're not helping the fights, these people. Yeah. Someone very close to me, who I love dearly, and you know who it is. But let's not say, describe Patrick Christie's when they saw Patrick Christie's for the first time as the poor man's David Walliam. I mean, I'm not here to disrespect Patrick. He's just been a pram as awful. He could be talking about Emily Clark. I am. I'm sorry. He slagged me off. That's true. He slagged me off. He slagged you off. He slagged anyone off. And what you're pointing out, I'm really sorry. I know you're all good at this and all that sort of stuff. But those people that threw one under the bus and who've been thrown on the bus themselves, and they will be that those that feed the crocodile in the hope that it will eat them last. I find them worse than leftists. Because at least with a leftist, you know what they want? It's like they want you dead. And at least you know that, whereas with these lot, they're all since sheep's collecting. So I'm very happy to take a pop at those people. I also don't understand just bringing David Walliams back into it. These people did blackface relentlessly. And what did they do? They just released a little statement saying, "Yeah, we wouldn't do that. We're sorry." And it's like, "Oh, don't worry left this. We forgive you because you're, it's like, why don't we do that on our side of the argument? I don't understand. I don't understand why we don't stick up for ourselves." Like you say, "Where's our fight? Where's our, you know, why are there a form party building it? Do not associate with list." You know, it's like crying out loud guys. Because they all want to be seen as nice and reasonable and moderate. So they get invited to the right social clubs, the right party establishment. They want to be part of the elite. They don't actually want to make a difference. They don't want to fix the country. All these people involved in reform, all the ones that, everyone's like, "Oh, is that that guy's great up and coming now as me? That guy's great." No, they're not. They are all complicit. Crocodile feeders, absolute wets under the cover because they all fear some. None of them want to truly stand up. They all want to be a part of the in-group. That is all it comes down to. All of them. The grown-ups table. Like I said, well, let's be, let's be positive and hopeful for a minute because even I, you have a huge capacity for misery if I want. Even I am thinking, I reckon when you land on those shores and you find yourself and, you know, again, and you're around people encouraging, you know, enable you in the right way towards the right sort of thing, I think you're going to feel like a completely different human being. I think it's going to be, I think it'll be tough because I think, you know, you're leaving a lot behind. But also, you're not leaving it forever. You're just, I think this is going to enrich you in a way that you possibly don't even, you can't even begin to understand yet. I think it's going to be, it'll be the making of you. And also, it's going to make me laugh so much because this will happen. Prediction, show this show in a year's time. Calvin will be a bigger star than any of these people who want to be on TV for the one reason and the one reason alone, which he's only interested in the truth. It's all he's interested in. And you get so beaten up, not you, but one does. You know, beaten up and shut on and berated just for telling the sodding truth. And I'm with you, it's just, you get to the point where you just go, email. But I'm not going to leave because I've got a nice view out there and there's a farmer doing a field. It takes both on both fronts. So, we need someone to stay and some of us need to go and regroup. And we're doing both between us, so let's help. We are. And so, the other thing I wanted to ask you, in terms of the global attack on Christianity itself, I think. I think actually, I think you've said this to me before, but this attack, this idea of white privilege and, you know, colonialism and white guilt and all of the dreadful things the West did, I don't really think it's an attack on white people I've decided because, otherwise, they wouldn't attack you and others, I think it's an attack on Christianity itself. Because I don't think there's another religion that, you know, I know anything at all about, which it can resist this level of tyranny more than Christianity can. So, I actually have come to conclusion this whole idea about white privilege and, you know, all of whom are the King Andrew's? Oh, by the way, I thought he got a visit. Does it come to place? No, yeah, yeah, it is good. We have to start using their own weapons against them, right? So, King Andrew's called me, among others, coconut, coon, house negro, what's the other ones? I can't remember, just these horrible smurfs, racial smurfs. Borio, Borio, coconut. I don't think he said it over and over again, but it doesn't really matter. They're just horrible terms that people shouldn't be using generally, but he thinks he can get away with it because he's on the far left, and he's a so-called race professional, whatever it is, basically indoctrinating another generation to this neo-Marxist claptrap. Anyway, he called me these names, I thought, no, no, where can you get away with that? If I did it the other way around, I would be in prison. I guess, so let's try this system. Let's try this two-tier system. So, I reported him to the police. He's had a visit from the police, so let's see what happens. But I had an email from the Independent this week saying, "I understand you have complained about this video. Would you care to comment?" Which I hope I know. I want to clear to comment to the Independent. Thank you very much. The same outlet that was attacking me just a few days ago saying something about anti-immigrant becoming an immigrant or something, just the obtuse nature of not understanding the difference between mass immigration and controlled immigration, and illegal immigration and legal immigration. Because, of course, they know the difference, but they want to lie over time. Anyway, no, I'm not going to help you left you right. I'm not going to give you some bait to spin my words against me, whatever you want. But I know, if it was me saying racial words, being racially attacking someone, they would clamp down hard and condemn it. So, I hope they condemn the person on their own side too. Yeah, I think it's a good idea. I've got a appointment next week at 3 o'clock at a police station in North London to complain about, to make sure that the police do their work in pursuing the render court for calling me a sex offender. So, yeah, I'm going to make sure that the police are doing the hardest work there, because it's important. I had this debate with Steve Laws this week. Ah, yes, yes. How did it go? How do you feel it went? I think I was really saddened, everyone was honest, because it reminded me just how huge the goal is on our side of the equation, which is that someone like, I think I was saying to Steve, my position, which is you've just iterated yourself. I mean, you know, explained yourself, which is like, there's a difference between mass and uncontrolled immigration, and positive immigration, which I think is actually an okay thing. I've got no beef with it. He has, you know, he's really, really, really, really far over to the side of immigration and all of that sort of stuff. And there are conversations to be had about it, but I think it was okay, because I just asked questions. I wanted to know how deep he'd thought about it, and he has thought about it quite deeply, but I don't think he's thought about it deeply enough. And he kept calling me a retard whenever I said anything that he didn't like. And I thought that was kind of rude. So he sort of had a hominimmed. I bet he's got a huge, huge support. So that's, I found very depressing, because, you know, we think that the woke problem and the extremist problem will not, we don't think that, but, you know, people are, can, can be sort of suck it into believing that the, the woke problem only exists on the left, but it doesn't exist on the right as well. So, and it's especially on the far right, which is where I would put Steve Laws, you know, and it was, it was an interesting debate because you put some logical questions to him about the fact that England is a white country, for example, you know, that was, that was where he said it's a white country. So, you know, therefore, you would not be allowed in, you'd have to go to Jamaica, a country you have, you know, the only affiliation you have is by your father. And, you know, it's not like you've spent a million, you know it backwards. And, but my point was about Lizzie. So I said, so Lizzie would have to go. Yeah. And he was like, yeah, and I'm like, where, where does she go? Does she go? That's a good question, because, yeah. Does she go, does she go to California? Does she go to Puerto Rico? Does she, does she go back to Africa? Well, where does she go? And then, and then the second thing I said to him, which he didn't like was if Lizzie's dad had been white and she was here as an immigrant, you'd be fine with that, wouldn't you Steve? And he would. And that, so to me, that makes me think, it took me about 45 minutes to an hour to get to the point, but I just said, I just can't, that has to be racism. I don't really, I can't hear a way out of it, which isn't racism. When I was somewhere in between, I'd say, I think we need a moratorium on immigration. I think we need a cap. So no more immigration. But I can't get to the point of repatriation. I think we should export or sorry, we should deport anyone who came here recently that is a sponger. So it's taking more than they're putting in, or anyone that is a criminal. Absolutely. But I don't think there's a possible way to repatriate people, especially if they've been here for generations, because being here, if you are part of the culture and you've been in this culture for generations, then that inherently makes you what makes you British, right? And so it's about more than just many accounts. I think it's just a very surface deep conclusion. But at the same time, I understand it. England should remain predominantly white, because it's predominantly white country. That's not the good or bad thing. It's just a fact. It just is. But where Steve pushes the line is like, yeah, Lizzie is a good example myself too. So my father's father was born in Jamaica. I visited there once. It's not my home. I don't speak the lingo. I don't have the citizenship, I don't have the passport. But what if Jamaica had the same policy as Steve was in England? What if Jamaica said, no, Jamaica's a black people only. You're not black. You're not welcome here. And England says, no, England's for white people only. You're not white, you're not welcome here. We're literally aware of where do people like me go? Like second generation on one side. But then, and how many generations does it matter? How do you factor this here? My mom's side of family have been English all the way back. As far as we can find. And so 52% of my genetics is English. 48% is North West Africa. But again, I've never been to North West Africa. It's just where that lay edge came from. So in beloved makes logical or practical sense, but it's all emotive, isn't it? This is the problem. But of course, people want to protect what is their own. And England has been a predominantly white country since, or forever. And so it should remain so. But that doesn't mean you have to stop being racist to people because of the color of their skin and say, you're not what may have because of the color of your skin. You're saying this, there has to be a cap on immigration or cut immigration entirely or, yes, deport criminals and people that do not integrate. But you cannot just deport people based on the color of their skin. That's where you get to racism. Yeah, I think that's exactly right. I think that they will, in the end of the day, what will happen is we've got a lost generation here. So the generation who, and we've lost generations before, you know, in wars and things like that. But this generation who refused to breed and the perfect storm of that and a combination of uncontrolled immigration with a lot of people who do want to breed. And you don't see the home nation as a nation. They just see it as a place to continue to spread the ideology that they follow. I think it is a terrible, a perfect storm of major problems for Britain in the next generation. And those of us who have children need to really, really think about it. But I also don't think the answer to that is racism. Any British politician, and we now know that British politicians don't do anything. They're just patzies for what good people behind the scene. You can see that with the fact that America currently doesn't have a leader. That any British politician who turned around and said we're going to stop any form of illegal immigration to this country today. Anyone who said that would be voted in this prime minister within at the beginning of the next parliament, I would suggest, wouldn't you? I'm not as convinced. I really don't see our political system working anymore. I don't know who would say that or who would get those votes. I can't see them practice, unfortunately. I'll see anything changing. The uni party will continue. I think in the next general election label we'll get in again, unfortunately. And it's going to take 10 years for any real change to two election cycles. But reform are already losing them a momentum that they've built up because it's just centered around one man's ego. Nothing else is really making a dent at the moment. The Conservatives include it. They're dead in the water. They're still not learning from their own weight. I can't see who exchanged these yet, but it's going to take time. We're going to kind of dig in and try to change the message. A lot of that is actually being hopeful, which brings me on to the fact that breaking news as far as we understand and God willing and promising, there will be another rally on the 26th of October. And this is three days before Tommy is due to be seen, due to go to court. And we all know that's going to end up. So we've been talking about it, putting it together. But what we want to do is we want to move the whole thing forward. So we want to start involving everybody in it. And in a simple set of principles and pledges that people are going to make for themselves. And we're going to give out a, you know, today's that are going to want to be part of this. We're going to give them, they'll have a little badge that will go. I do not be well. I'll show you what it looks like at some point later when I've got one around. And it'll be people's way of in their gentle English way of putting the middle finger up to those that want to conquer us. So we're going to put together a rally. I think it's going to be the 26th of October. And I hope that we can get everyone who's upset out. And you know, it's exponentially growing in size every time. And I think that this will be the same again. And you won't be there, which is a shame, because we need you there. But we'll have you broadcast a big message from the screen, I hope. Yeah, I had bookwobs for 12th of October. I'm hoping there was going to be that date, but unfortunately it's a bit later. So I won't be able to be there. But I will send a message. These rallies are important. These, I mean, not rallies, they're like festivals on it. It's like all this. Well, it is a celebration of Britain and our culture. And so keep these things going, keep the momentum going and give some give people an outlet that is positive, better able to take in and feel involved in something good. I mean, you need to start an movement that can affect voting as well. You know, in the same way that the most involved, we've got to start our own movement, which is, you know, which ties in, and we've got to get people to work hard on the ground and build it up from the bottom. And I think, I think that's what it will do. And also, we've got to really look at the way that they're going to go after Tommy Robinson, because, you know, that's, again, it's just really playing with fire on behalf of the of the regime, their little bastards, I think. What else do I want to ask you? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wanted to ask you about the pope. He's not a good pope, is he? So, shall we put some context into that? So he has been speaking to, in Indonesia, to an audience of predominantly Mohammedans, I think, like 7% Mohammedans. And he says something, he says, let me give you a benediction. Let me give you a blessing. And if this is for everyone, because we're on many different religions, but we believe in one God. Now, that's a grave, grave heresy. That is universalism, something I talk about a lot at the moment, it seems, because it's part of this one world government, one world religion, hashtag coexist, evil, evil Muslims. And it's a great change to see the pope falling into that trap, because we're not all believers in the same God. My God is the Holy Trinity, got the father, the son of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is my God. He died on the cross for me. He offers me salvation. And that's not what Mohammedans believe or anyone else believes. And the Bible is very clear on this, but the only way to the father is through the son, the gateway to heaven is a narrow gate. The first monument, there is, thou shall only obey the one true God, there is only one God, do not follow false gods. Like all of these parts of the scripture come together, the whole message of the scriptures is basically, there is one true living God, and we ought to worship him. And anyone not worship him should be offered the chance to worship him, because we were given free will, we're not a oppressive faith, but we should be showing people the way to Jesus Christ, because that's your own way to the father, which is the only way to heaven. And so to lie to people, say, we all believe in the same thing anyway, is leading them towards damnation. And the pope did this on purpose. You know, he left out, when you bless someone with the benediction, you do a sign of the cross, right? He left out the sign of the cross on purpose, the sign of the father, son, and Holy Spirit, the sign of Jesus' resurrection on the cross, like to leave that out is leaving out Christian faith. Well, I was thinking of, you know, I've been thinking for a long time about Catholicism, because I think it's one of the last refuges of actual Christianity. And he just popped that bubble for me in a minute. I just thought, no one is, you're meant to be the closest thing to God we've got on earth, and he had not even you. Yeah, but just because he is a fallen individual, he is flawed, and he's a similar like the rest of us. But that doesn't mean that Catholicism is the same. He is not, he is just a Catholic by the rest. There's nothing preventing the faith from being in truth, just because he is a bad pope. And maybe that's what we're learning. Maybe we're learning that, you know, what's Tate always called the matrix, isn't it? You know, but maybe we are learning that, you know, just because someone puts on a white gown, and a cat, and walks around, and the pope might all drive around in the pope might be, it's still just a man under there. And in the same way, you know, if a person wakes up in the morning has a shower and then puts on a police uniform, that doesn't make them a policeman. It just makes them a person in a uniform. I'm starting to think that my cognitive dissonance is so large at the moment. I just look at him and I just go, you have no authority over me at all. I haven't done anything wrong. So I don't have the fear thing that other people have. I'm just like, you can intimidate and bully and frighten me. The only thing I am frightened of is being publicly executed on TV, though that my kids would have to see it. That's the only thing I, and it would only be for their sake, because I was frightened. So, you know, I'm just starting to think that more and more people are opting out of what is loosely called the system and becoming disenchanted and disenfranchised. But, you know, come the budget time and come the fact that this labor stuff really begins to bite. I think people are going to, they're going to get more and more and more and more angry. And little things like if Ricky doesn't get the same application of justice as other people, I think people will be beyond furious. And it's not nice saying that or I certainly don't want it to happen, but I just can't see how there is any way out of this, except by mass uprising people. I just, I don't... There has to be mass uprising. There has to be some kind of civil unrest, civil disobedience. I don't want to see a civil war, but something has to happen, whether that's a general strike or just a million people outside down the street. I don't know. There has to be a response. Yeah, they have to know that we exist, I think is the most important thing. And they have to know that not only do we exist, but we will be heard, because we pay our taxes. And at the moment, we pay our taxes for your insane energy schemes and to give migrants free hotels, mobile phones and cash cards. What would happen if everyone stopped paying the taxes? Well, the whole thing would crumble pretty quickly. But yeah, a mass non-payment of taxes. But then you think about who the people that would really affect, because you know how the regime would use that. They'd go straight back to the poor old people that they convinced us we were killing during COVID. And so, look, you killed Granny, despite the fact that they're going to kill several grannies in this winter anyway, because Ed Miliband needs to build some more solar panels. So it's the thing that we need people to wake up from is the propaganda. And the great thing about that and the most encouraging and hopeful thing is once you wake up from the propaganda, you never ever go back to sleep. And that is the greatest part of it. And the other gift that the left keep giving is the fact that they have reached all the time. So we will be in a position to go, this is just unsustainable. It's just how quickly it happens. I'm not as pessimistic as you to think that it will be a two-term labor government. I think labor are in real trouble, but unless reform and the conservatives and actually all of us on this side of their argument confines and common ground and work together, you might be right, labor may be achieved for another term, despite only 20% of the population voted for us. It should be a crime, what these people have done, what the successive governments have done to our country. This is our patch of land. You don't just leave the back door open if someone's left to look after the house. You don't look after it, and then you come home and find several new people living in your house. No, that's not how you do it. It's a crime to do that. It's called burglary and breaking and entering. For some reason, for the sake of diversity, it's all fine. It's like bollocks to that, sorry, and along with the Notting Hill Carnival, your home office is again tweeting out today about violent disorder. You better watch your bag, whitey, but not a fucking word, sorry, about the Notting Hill Carnival. Something can be done. I know you spoke to him. I had him on my show yesterday. Caleb Smiles was out in France. On the border, he managed to stop some illegal immigrants crossing over with a dinghy. Just by being there and calling the police the same, there they are, get them the rest of them, and that's what happened. If people get out there with their julie Jean, just put your yellow vest on police, the border's yourselves, because there's no political world to do anything about it. It doesn't mean that people can't have a world to do something about it. Before we continue, I'd just like to talk to you about gold. Apparently, this company, Gold Bullion Partners, a few of our listeners have decided that while being faced with the tyranny of potential digital IDs and CBDCs and where they can keep their money safely without it being removed from the government, they have come up with the idea of gold. Well, this is actually silver. Well, I've got some gold. I've got some gold too. But my gold's a little one. The problem is, your money isn't yours if it's in the bank, and you can't rely on it. You can't trust the bank. So we've got to invest in assets. No capital gains tax. That's interesting. No capital gains tax. I've got a lot of friends who are buying gold and silver, actually. Non-traceable. I'm buying silver because gold's a bit up there for me. I could probably get one of these. But this is legal tender. Is it? Yeah. I wouldn't want to spend it, though. No, I'm just saying. Well, a lot of places aren't accepting legal tender anymore. That's part of the problem, that the more we go to a cashless society, the more the government can control everything that we do. They can see every penny we spend, they can control where we spend it. That's not a good thing. But gold and silver are holding their values. Beautifully in the world. And in times of trouble, people tend to lean and go towards gold and silver. So, you know, gold bullion partners, guys. Their link will be in the show notes. And if you so feel that you want to absolutely do your own research, look into it. Yeah. And we will carry on buying it. Well, here we are, Calve. Your last few days on British soil for a while. And I'm in a miss you loads, but we'll be having our weekly catch-ups and are not, you know, public and private, which will be good. And we'll plan a visit out to see you. And I think it's England's, as I've said frequently, I think it's England's great, great loss that you are going. But I'm also thinking it's America's great, great game. So I love you and I wish you all the best in this adventure. You've got to thank you. You've got to come up to Michigan as soon as possible. Let's do a fox of father in Michigan. We'll do one when we go around and do the presidential stuff as well, because I'm going to come out during our time. #VoteTrump. #VoteTrump to save the west. Literally, literally. Well, brother, I love you. And it's great to talk to you. And I will speak to you on before you leave. All right, God bless you. So you should. God bless. Are you coming into the world for life? I don't know at the moment. I'm trying to work it out. All right. I've got, I've got a couple of things which I've planned before, but I'll see. I'll be there in spirit if I'm not there and in the present. But we'll have to see. All righty. All right. Thanks, everyone. God bless. God bless. [Music]