Behold Israel


Broadcast on:
28 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

The truth behind the elimination of Hezbollah’s top leadership, including the notorious Hassan Nasrallah. Israel’s strategic precision of its military operations dealt a devastating blow to the terrorist organization.

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Welcome to the Middle East Update with Amir Surfati. Amir discusses the latest news from Israel and the region through the lens of biblical prophecy. The original video versions can be found on Behold Israel's YouTube and Facebook channels. To make a convenient, if converted them to audio format, to keep up with your busy schedule, be sure to also subscribe to Amir Surfati on Telegram for daily updates from the Middle East. Amir's Middle East updates are based on the latest and most reliable sources, so you know you're getting the most accurate news. Now on to the update. Shalom everyone, this is Amir Surfati, Shabbat Shalom, I say it's the Sabbath right now. I'm in the basement of my house and right next to me is the bomb shelter. And we have been subjected to some barrages, but the real reason for these breaking news is that finally, the IDF confirms that the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has indeed been eliminated in yesterday's massive airstrike on his headquarters in the Dahiye of Beirut, the southern suburbs of Beirut. Long with him, many others were killed of high caliber, such as number three Ali Karaki. If you remember, a few days ago we tried to kill him, but he was actually only wounded. Hezbollah said that he survived and he was transferred to a safe place. Well, he was transferred to the place that turned to be his graveyard. So ladies and gentlemen, number one, number two, number three, all of Hezbollah's top command have been eliminated on telegram and as you can see, scan the telegram QR you'll see I updated the list. All of Hezbollah's leaders are gone, dead. And Hezbollah is now left with thousands of operatives, with thousands of rockets, with hundreds of tunnels. And these are things that from this point on Israel will have to take care of. We've warned them ever since last week that unless they stop the fire, stop this stupid linkage between what's going on in Gaza and what they do, and withdraw from beyond the Litani River and allow our people to go back home, unless they do that, we will have to make them do that. It started with last week's Tuesday, about 11 days ago, with the pagers attack followed by the radio was attacked followed by the elimination of the top 16 officer commanders of the Radwan force under the ground. And now two more eliminations last week, the head of the rockets array and the heads of the UAV array all were killed as well. And of course, Ali Karaki is the one that we tried to kill last week. We failed to kill him last week. But yesterday's attack left nobody any chance to survive Israel within three minutes had F 35s flying back and forth, dropping more bombs and more, but these are anything between one to two tons of explosive bunker busting bombs. And we dropped altogether about 85 tons of explosive on top of this underground bunker. And we left no chance for anyone that was there to survive. Now let me make it clear, folks, by the way, if there's an air rates iron, I'll keep this one running while the family and I will run to the bomb shelter and I'll come back to continue the live broadcast will continue. So bear with you, don't see me on the screen. It's because there's 10 minutes we have to spend in the bomb shelter until the danger of projectiles and as well as the parts of the interceptors can fall and hit you. So basically, folks, I don't even know where to start because yesterday when I reported that it just happened and I knew in Australia was there and I knew that Israel would have never ever ever destroyed an entire compound of six residential buildings unless we knew a thousand percent that he was there. In fact, the indication that he was there already was received in the morning. During hours, Prime Minister Netanyahu approved the elimination minutes before he went to speak at the UN as he was giving his speech when as he was wrapping up his speech. The F 35s took off and 20 something minutes after his speech during a press conference at the UN headquarters in New York, he received the news that mission was accomplished. But I will take you probably four days earlier, like Monday, the cabinet met on Monday and decided to approve this operation. But we knew that we need to wait for the right moment and therefore the approval was given by the cabinet, but Prime Minister of Defense were actually authorized to give the thumbs up when the operational opportunity arises. Okay, people woke up Thursday morning. Watch this. People in Israel woke up Thursday morning to the news that there might be ceasefire. Everybody here were raged. How do you mean ceasefire? It's not going to happen. Finally, we are winning and nobody here understood what Netanyahu and the chief of the military understood. This is all diversion operation. Netanyahu is flying to the UN to signal that ceasefire is on the table and business is as usual, Nasrallah took the bait, came to the bunker because he's addicted to Israeli media and to Israeli politics. He sat inside his bunker surrounded by his top leaders, including, listen to me now, Iranian generals. And while they were all watching Benjamin Netanyahu threatening Iran, that if Iran will send any thing towards Israeli, Iran will be immediately attacked. None of them understood that Netanyahu is basically speaking about the aftermath of this elimination that is about to come. And what I want you to understand is that while Nasrallah was watching this speech, thinking that there might be ceasefire on the table, the F-35s took off, eliminated him and all of his top brass, including high officials in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, big blow. Now, that's not the only thing we did last night. Following that, as there was so much chaos in that area, Israel announced that certain people that live in three specific buildings must immediately evacuate because we know that there is a coastal, very sophisticated, guided missiles coast to sea, which means they are posing threats on our naval vessels. We knew that they were stored underneath residential complexes. Now, there was no time for Hezbollah to remove those, and Israel, 20 minutes later, struck and destroyed those buildings and those rockets, which allowed us immediately to send our ships and start attacking strategic weapons of Hezbollah in Beirut from the air and now also from the sea. Unbelievable that not a single boot is on the ground in Lebanon, and we were able to completely cripple Hezbollah. Now, how do you know that they're crippled? Because even in the barrages that they kept sending, even this morning, we're talking about five rockets, 10 rockets, 15 rockets, whereas every assessment, if you ask people two weeks ago, what was a Hezbollah do if something like that happened, everyone would say they would fire thousands of rockets. You know, when Hamas started October 7th, they fired 2,500 rockets within the first few hours, 2,500, Hezbollah cannot even send more than 15. So we crippled them, and now phase number, I guess, phase number four is after they're complete, all of their leaders are gone, now we need to pinpoint all of their major strategic weapons storages, and there is no other way, I'm telling you that upfront, no other way, but a need for a ground operation to clean that which can cause the October 7th to northern Israel. Southern Lebanon is packed with tunnels. There are rockets right now, but not here. But Southern Lebanon has tons of tunnels, we know that. And believe it or not, but the idea of what October 7th was, was not of Hamas. Hamas learned that from Hezbollah, stole it from Hezbollah, and did it before Hezbollah was able to do it. I don't know if you know that, that there is a whole special forces called Radwan forces. All their operation, all their existence is about entering into Galilee and taking it over, killing, beheading, raping, but the most important thing, kidnapping, but taking over Galilee, and Israel never hid his plans. His soldiers never hid their plans. We have videos of what they were planning to do. This is exactly why last Friday we dropped the bomb on top of all of their leaders of the Radwan force. They were just meeting to execute an October 7th from the north. So now, after we killed all of them, and after we are eliminating capabilities as much as we can, now it's time to take from them the ability to even be able to surprise us by foot. So we must go in first with heavy artillery, then tanks, then infantry. We must locate all the tunnels and destroy them, and we must eliminate the thousands of thousands of Hezbollah armed terrorists that are everywhere in Lebanon. It's not going to be easy, but they're now confused, they're on the run, they're just like Hamas right now in Gaza. Folks, I cannot even begin to tell you what happened in the last 12 hours or 16 hours. Because biggest headache of the last 30 years is now being removed within 10, 12 days. Unbelievable from the moment the cabinet received the decision to add the north to the goals of the war, that was the game changer. And there was a reason why we waited for nearly a year. We needed to focus on the south and to give a chance for the abductees to be released or to find them. We needed to make sure that we're done with, because you can imagine if Hamas were still in power, what we did now in Lebanon would have caused hundreds of rockets from the south to fly. Not a single rocket flew from Gaza since, I don't know, two weeks, nothing. I mean, we've killed all of Hezbollah's top brass. That's not the only thing Iran is afraid, because Iran knows that they were just put unnoticed by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the UN. We told them, you don't want to do anything because the minute you strike, we will strike forcefully. And you know what, there's two things that hurt the Iranians the most. They're oil refineries and oil industry and their nuclear sites. And these are exactly the two things that Israel wants to eliminate should Iran do something. Iran is afraid to give us the excuse. Hezbollah gave us the excuse. Hezbollah started the war. Iran understand the rules have changed. Israel is now going all the way. We don't care about the international community. We don't care about all these anti-Semites, stupid imbeciles that only rise up when we retaliate 11 months, we've been getting thousands of rockets, nearly 80,000 people were refugees in Israel. The world didn't care. Suddenly when we shoot back, oh, ceasefire, oh, ceasefire, these are, they're so transparent, those stupid imbeciles like Macron and all the others, but we don't care anymore. That's the good thing, it's, it's, you know, somebody smelled the coffee and understood that it's time to take things in our own hands. We gave a chance for diplomacy. It just failed diplomacy. The Shiites could care less about diplomacy. They want to advance their plan. Their plan is to annihilate Israel. Their plan is to have nuclear weapons. Their plan is to spread Shiites on. I will also tell you this, folks, you have no idea how many Sunni Arab Muslims are now happy, celebrating, go to my telegram channel, you'll see videos. They're, they're happy, celebrating, eating baklava, but you also, you have no idea how many people are now admiring Netanyahu among the Arabs. Forget about Israel. Arabs, Sunni Arabs, videos of admiration, for who? The one that they used to call, you know, war criminal and a murderer, a Nazi, suddenly he's their hero. Because he went all the way and killed the head of the snake in Lebanon and he's threatening to kill the head of the octopus, which is in Tehran. We did a big favor to the state of Lebanon and we will do a great favor to Iran if we eliminate. But you know, now comes the prophetic. I just uploaded a few hours ago a meeting yesterday in New York, yesterday, New York, a meeting with three foreign ministers. The foreign minister of Russia, the foreign minister of Turkey and the foreign minister of Iran. Everyone's familiar. You see this alliance? Do you understand what, wearing the Bible, it's all about? You got that one right. You see, unfortunately, I don't think we're going to destroy Iran now. I think that Iran's destruction will, I'm talking about the Islamic Republic of Iran. I'm not talking about the Iranian innocent people, but the Islamic Republic of Iran will come to an end in Ezekiel's war. They will not destroy us. In fact, Israel is coming on the upper hand right now, stronger. This is a bigger victory than the Six Days War for us. I don't know if you understand because of the way we did things in such a short time. But I need you to also understand, folks, I need you to understand that Iran will understand that it cannot lean on its proxies and it has to now join forces with bigger forces, such as Russia and Turkey, which is exactly what Ezekiel was talking about. So yes, Hezbollah had to be gone and we will take care of all the proxies. Don't worry, it's time for Yemen to receive a few tons of explosives soon. When I say soon, I know what I'm talking about, trust me, but the next war, the big war, the biblical one, will come when Iran will join Russia and Turkey. And again, on my telegram channel, you'll see the photo taken yesterday in New York, after the elimination of Hassan Israel of the three foreign ministers of Iran, Turkey and Russia. Very spooky, very biblical, very interesting, unbelievable. I want you to, hey, we need to pray for Israel because we're now exposed to the anger of the Shiite monster. They want to avenge this somehow in hurting Israelis, hurting Israeli missions and embassies around the world, trying to execute some terror actions around us on us. Don't worry, we're used to it, but I want you also to pray for Lebanon, that they may be able to recover and kick Hezbollah and pray for the people of Iran as well. Most of the Iranians, trust me, most of the Iranians do not like the Islamic regime there. Big blow, small Israel, tiny Israel, beaten after October 7, woke up, rose from the ashes of October 7 to dismantle the Shiite axis all by itself. What about America? I mean, it's unbelievable. Immediately after the assassination, the Pentagon said we knew nothing about it. The US is so afraid that their bases in Syria and Iraq will be attacked that immediately they said we didn't do it. You can imagine that Israel would not do this without at least informing the Americans that this is coming. I believe that we didn't tell them days in advance, but I believe we told them minutes before it's about to come, we're going to do it. It's us, don't worry. And we didn't give them time to even try to stop us. And that's what happened, folks. We drew the line and said, enough is enough. If there is a name to this operation last night or yesterday, it's enough is enough. No more. So again, in an amazing diversion stunt or operation, Prime Minister Netanyahu flew to the UN to give an historic speech, by the way. During this speech, he put Iran a notice telling Iran don't ever even think about attacking us because we will attack back and it will be terrible for you. And nobody understood what this whole thing is all about until 27 minutes later when 85 tons of explosive were dropped by F 35s that's had several sorties within three minutes around the compound of Nasserallah's headquarters and destroyed it completely. Alongside with Nasserallah Ali Karaki, number three, the head of the Southern command of Hezbollah was also eliminated, Iranian generals were killed and some religious figures probably possibly the successors that Iranian thought that they should have for Nasserallah. They were also eliminated chaos, confusion, anger, depression among the Shiites. And Israel again did not only destroy that bunker, but we destroyed also several other places where they store, you know, game changing weapons of Chinese made coastal guided missiles to hit our ships, our naval ships are. And so we destroy that and we've been destroying again, game changing weapons throughout the whole night. I guess 8 a.m., Barajas began here. We ran to the bomb shelter a couple times, but I was shocked to find out that each barrage had five rockets. Some other were 10 or 15. You would expect Hezbollah by now to throw thousands of rockets. They can't. They're confused. They don't have even radios. They don't trust their radio systems. All their command chain is gone. And everywhere we see that there is a launcher, we're destroying it. And the waves of attacks will continue. We're not done, by the way, we're not done. This is just phase four. We ratchered things up. Next, destroying their precision guided missiles. Next is ground entry to destroy their underground tunnels that goes across the border into Israel and all of their underground bunkers and underground rocket depots as well. Unlike Hamas that has tunnels, but it's all dug in the sand mostly. Hezbollah's underground bunkers are gigantic, such as in North Korea or in Iran itself. So it's going to be massive, again, that we're still having weeks, if not months, to work there. But at least we cut the head of the snake. At least we cut all their command chain. At least we distable them completely where the pagers attack and the radio attacks. And that was the game-changing point. When we stop this ping-pong, they shoot, we shoot, they shoot, we shoot. The pagers attack, change everything. And from that point on, within less than 12 days, Hezbollah is almost gone. Unbelievable. Need a pray for Israel more than ever before. I believe that there's a great struggle in heaven also. I do believe that Michael, the archangel that is appointed to take care of Israel as Daniel chapter 12 says, there's a great battle now in heaven. I think that there are the forces that wants to annihilate Israel, wants to fight that which God appointed to protect Israel. The fight is there. It's just unbelievable. And I'm telling you, folks, it's a spiritual warfare, but it's a physical one as well. And we need to pray on both levels. We need to pray on the spiritual level, but we need to pray in the physical one as well. So major, major news, it's official. The IDF confirmed Hassan asrallah, together with many other top, top officers of Hezbollah. And some, I may add some Iranian generals were eliminated in a, in an amazing attack on the Daha'il Beirut, where 85 tons of bombs were dropped and left no chance for anyone to survive. Again, in three minutes of F 35s coming back and forth and back and forth, dropping more and more and more. And by the end of those three minutes, there was no chance for anyone to survive. And then the funny thing is, he must have died while watching Netanyahu on TV, giving a speech in which he's threatening Iran not to respond. Nasrallah had no clue that Netanyahu already knows why he's giving the speech that few minutes later, Nasrallah will be gone. And Netanyahu didn't even talk about, you know, Nasrallah that much, knowing that he's going to be gone soon. He was talking to Iran saying, don't even dare attacking us. So there's a big headache, deliberation, confusion in Iran. What should we do? If we don't attack, it appears to be that we abandoned Hezbollah. And that sends the wrong signal to the rest of our proxies. But if we do attack, we're jeopardizing our oil industry as well as our nuclear facilities. I love those deliberations and I love those confusions and desperation. The enemy is indeed beaten. And I will conclude this and I hope you are going to share this with as many as you can, folks. Look, it's not just giving the news. It's connecting it to the Bible. This is super important for everyone, even the nonbelievers, by the way. But I want you to, I want to conclude with the verse that has been read in Israel's synagogues today, all over the weekly portion from the Torah is from Deuteronomy chapter 30. And again, Deuteronomy chapter 30. I will read to you that verse so you can see, you know, you can see what it's all about. Okay. I will read to you in both Hebrew and English. Okay. Here it is. So the Bible says the following thing, the Lord your God will put all these curses upon your enemies and on those who hate you who persecuted you. That's the Word of God. I'm holding on to the Word of God. I don't care about, you know, politicians and even military leaders, God is, you know, appointing them, of course, but, but the Word of God, the promises of God, Israel is alive. I'm Israel high. We will not be destroyed as long as the sun, the moon and the stars are still there. You can be an anti-Semite as much as you want. You will not be saved. You will not go to heaven. You will not be, you know, you cannot come against the Word of God, the promises of God, the Son of God. Everything that God is all about, you cannot say, Oh, I love the Messiah, but I hate all of his brethren. When the Messiah himself said, if you did it to the least of my brethren, as you did it to me, and he will prohibit anyone who did not help Israel in the tribulation from entering into the millennial kingdom. So if you can't even enter the millennial kingdom for being an anti-Semite, how much more you want to enter the kingdom of God and heaven. Be on the right side. If you are a true Christian, true believer, you stand with Israel, with Israel right to exist, and remember, all we want is to live in peace with our neighbors. They want to destroy us, eliminate us, annihilate us. It's not going to happen. I'm Israel high. Thank you. God bless you, share this love you.