Beyond the Body

EP138: Tips to Get Back on Track After Vacation

Vacations are meant to be a time to relax, recharge, and enjoy a break from the daily grind. But they can also become a slippery slope to healthy habits and make your fitness progress take a backseat. It doesn’t have to be that way. Vacation doesn’t have to mean fitness failure. Christina sits down with Ramzia to discuss their top tips for staying on track and getting back on track after vacation.

In this episode, they discuss:

  • Christina’s recent trip to Newfoundland and how she managed to stay on track while still enjoying her vacation
  • Maintaining fitness and momentum during vacations
  • Tips for staying and getting back on track after a trip
  • The importance of not expecting perfection during vacations and setting small, achievable goals
  • The importance of balance in fitness and life, especially during vacations
  • The need to adjust expectations and find a balance that works for your goals and schedules
  • Working out on the first day of a trip to set the precedent and maintain momentum
  • Bringing snacks and avoiding sauces at restaurants to keep calorie intake in check
  • Three important questions to ask before and during your trip to stay aligned with your fitness goals while enjoying your time away

Memorable Quotes:

“Focus on moving forward because getting back on track doesn’t matter. The train track goes forever. You might slow down, and things might happen, but the train never stops.”

“It is so much more fun and meaningful to travel and go on the trips when you feel good in yourself and confident in your body.”

“It’s never too late to start. I don’t care what season it is. I don’t care what month it is. You can still start your fitness journey. You can still find that balance. You can still enjoy life.”

Links Mentioned:

Listen to EP133: The Consequences of Under-Eating

Christina’s Instagram: @knifina

Ramzia’s Instagram: @fitwramzia

Cut & Conquer Coaching Application:

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Broadcast on:
01 Sep 2024
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Welcome to Beyond the Body, a podcast for women who aren't afraid to dive deep into who they are, embrace discomfort, and level up their mind, body, and life. I'm your host, Christina Slater. If you've ever struggled with body image, self-worth, or knowing how to take your fitness to the next level, you have come to the right place. We go deeper than just the latest bad diet or trending workout to provide you with the mindset tools to transform your body, upgrade your mind, and reclaim your life. Let's get into it. Hello, you guys. Welcome back to Beyond the Body. I'm your host, Christina Slater. Today, I'm joined by my lovely co-host, Ramseyah. Hello, everyone. How's it going? So today, we are going to be chatting about a much-needed topic at this time of year. We are going to be giving you guys some tips to get back on track after vacation or after camping trips, after traveling, even just after, you know, summertime or holiday season, whenever you're listening to this, and you've kind of been out of your environment or out of your normal kind of routine and rhythm. So what we're going to be talking about today is, you know, general tips for that. We're also going to go over a few concepts that is going to allow you to hopefully stay in momentum so that you don't have to get that momentum back because if you can maintain a little bit of traction during the holiday season and during your vacations, it's going to be so much easier to start to see that progress again. So we're going to break some of that down for you. And before we do that, I'm going to tell you guys, and Ramseyah, a little bit about my trip because this is, I guess, my first official podcast back since traveling. And I know Ramseyah has never been to Newfoundland before. No, I have not. So you got to tell us? Yeah. So this was my second time to Newfoundland. So that's where my spouse is from, I fiance. And if you guys are listening and you're here just for the value and you don't want to hear about my trip, you'll want to fast forward about five minutes because I'm just going to give you guys a little mini breakdown. I know I've had a few clients asking and we didn't do a live stream or anything on it. So I thought that this was a pretty, you know, good opportunity to share with you guys a little bit about my recent vacation. But yeah, so obviously we were visiting Brendan's family. His parents live literally right on the ocean. I sent you a video. It's like, literally across the road. Like such a crazy view, though. Imagine living by that. Yeah, they literally see whales outside of their window. What? Yeah, that's insane. Yeah. So it was a pretty chill vacation. Honestly, it wasn't too crazy. Like we're always busy on our trips, but the first time I went to Newfoundland, we did like a bit of a tour around. And then this time we did another little trip as well. So I've seen a lot of Newfoundland, to be honest, considering I'm not from there. A lot of people are like, Oh my God, you've seen more of the province that I have and I'm from here. Wow. So yeah, last time in 2022, we went to Grossmourn, which is like a park, I guess. And there's like beautiful mountains that we went hiking there. We didn't do the little boat trip, but we traveled that direction. This year, we actually went. So we always stay like outside Cornerbrook, which is where Brendan's from. And then we traveled to St. Pierre, which, which rounds it, did you know? Because I didn't know this. I never learned this in social studies. There's an island owned by France off the coast of Newfoundland. Did you know that? Yeah, I did not know that. I feel like they don't teach you that in school, unless you live in Newfoundland. Yeah, no, I had no idea. So yeah, we went there, which was totally random. And it was a really cool little trip. There's not a lot on the island, like not a lot of it's very, very small, but it was super beautiful. The weather was so nice. I got so sunburned. I'm still peeling this is the second time my skin has peeled. And I don't usually get a sunburned that badly. So I was really hot, but it was cool. We rented electric bikes. Have you used those before? No, I haven't, but I've been dying to like try one. That was my first time. And they only had like one size and I'm really short. So it was like way too big for me. Yeah, I feel that. But it was so fun because there's lots of hills there. So when you're going up a hill, you just put it in like electric mode and it just like takes you up the hill. Wow. And so were they like, were people speaking French? Yes, everyone, everyone spoke French there, except for like a few tourists, but I literally had to break out my like grade 12 French. That's so funny because like in grade 12 when I took French and I actually took a lot of French in high school, they teach you like about restaurants and how to order things. And I'm like, that's actually what we used. Wow. So you actually put it to use. Literally for the first time in my life, but the weird thing there, so it's very European, like obviously it's like France and they, the one thing that I noticed now, I don't know if all of Europe is like this because I've never actually been to Europe, but it's not very consumer oriented. Do you know what I mean? Like they don't ask for tips and on the machines, there's no option to tip them. Oh, that's weird, right? Yeah. And the restaurants are only open like a couple hours a day. So the coffee shops and the breakfast places, they're open from like, it's like a weird, it's like nine to like 11 in the morning or something. And then they open again at night from like seven to nine and that's it. And you have to make reservations. So if you're ever going there, you have to make reservations because the first night we didn't and we didn't get in anywhere. Wow. Because unlike in North American culture, where everyone just wants to like make money and go crazy, they just like book a certain number of bookings for the night and then they're just like done. Yeah. And they'll just like turn you away. They'll be like, no, we want to go home. And how was the food? It was so good. Like real, like definitely hands down the best restaurant steak I've ever had in my life. Wow. And I get a steak at every restaurant I go to. And it was the best steak I've ever had at a restaurant. I've been to some good steak places. Wow. So then that says a lot. Yeah. We did have like a dessert too. And I had some of it, which I don't usually, but it was very good. It was like not super sweet. It was, I forget what it's called something about a, I literally can't remember, but it was like puff pastry with like espresso filling. Oh, yeah, it was pretty good. And yeah, we just like biked around basically for two days. And there's like horses there, the ocean. Pretty cool. And then you find, obviously, we did a lot of fishing. We caught a lot of different types of fish. The first year we went there, we basically only caught codfish. And this year we hardly caught any cod. There was like no codfish. And we caught all these random fish that we were not trying to catch. Wow. I saw, yeah, like the pictures that you posted. There were some massive like fish though. They're crazy big. Yeah. Yeah. So that was super fun. I love fishing. I love it. It's so fun, especially cod fishing. I don't know. It's not like fishing in BC where you just put a fishing rod in the water and like hope something bites on it. It's like, you're like actively fishing. Wow. I've actually never been so I can't say, but you would love it. You would love it. Anyone who's like cool at all loves it. It's so fun. Like when you go to fish, it's so exciting. And yeah, obviously Brennan's parents are amazing. And we all just had like a lot of fun. Yeah, I love that. Yeah. Still with that being said, obviously I'm back and we're trying to get back in momentum as they like to say. And we have quite a few tips because I do like to travel a lot, which is funny because I have an old podcast that's like, I don't like to travel. And now all I want to do is travel. But I realized I was reflecting and I was like, why did I used to not like to travel? And I was always traveling with the wrong people. And it was always people that just wanted to do stupid shit and like not take care of their health and just like eat out all the time and drink all the time and not work out and just like do that. Right. So Brendan is amazing travel with because we meal prep and we work out every day. And it's just, it's awesome. Yeah. And you can still enjoy it. Mm hmm. That's the best point. Absolutely. You can still enjoy your trips while staying on track with your fitness goals, even if your goal isn't to be like perfect. Yeah. Well, so yeah. And that's a huge thing too that like everyone's to touch on is perfectionism. And like, I totally understand too, because I have those perfectionist tendencies and like maybe you can relate to Christina, but not expecting perfection. I mean, you shouldn't anyway, even when you are in your like normal environment, but allowing for that flexibility, like despite traveling to makes it a lot more enjoyable and sustainable. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. And I mean, there's a time and place like if you're someone who's in prep, or you're like, okay, yeah, bodybuilding, like that sort of thing, then yes, of course, you're going to take a completely different approach to your vacations. But if you're someone who's just trying to stay on track with your weight loss journey or build a little bit of muscle, like I am the type of person that's always like set big goals, have high standards. But what I see so often when it comes to like the holidays or summer or Christmas is almost having unrealistic expectations of yourself and thinking like, Oh, I'm going to lose all this weight over Christmas and I'm going to be perfect. Like Ramsey said, or like, you know, and it's way more beneficial to have a realistic goal for your vacation and be like, you know, I'm going to work out three times. I'm going to eat protein with every meal. I'm going to make sure like, I only have one dessert per day and I, you know, keep my drinking in check into low calorie drinks, because then you're going to come back from your trip. You know, maybe you're like one pound up big deal. What? What does it matter? But if you go on that trip, expecting to lose five pounds and then you end up gaining five, you're going to feel like a massive failure and getting back into that momentum is going to feel so much more challenging. Exactly. And one thing that I have been talking about a lot recently and like a lot of the clients can probably, I guess, agree. But I've been talking a lot about, you know, viewing fitness as this like long continuum instead of a train track that we're, you know, we're riding on and then we get off of like, for example, on vacation or when holidays come on and we, you know, we tend to get off the wagon and then we try to come back on the wagon. And so that's why I tried, like, I try not to say like, oh, I fell off the wagon this weekend or like, you know, and try to set yourself up for success by how Christina was saying, like staying in momentum and even if it's like, super small little goals, like hitting your water intake, like still maintaining that on vacation or like taking five minutes to like set your intentions and like do your morning routine, doing a little travel workout or like a little, you know, like band and body weight workout, like that's still a way you can stay on track, quote unquote, stay on track on vacation or during holiday. And then yeah, like you were saying, coming back is you're just going to go right into it. And then you don't have to deal with a lot of the guilt that comes with it. Yeah. Yeah, that guilt feeling is so real. I'm so happy we've seen so many of our clients in the group lately. I just saw it. Was it Jessica? And I can't even remember who else, but I think like Samantha was in there client saying like for the first time in my life, I've gone on a trip and I've come back feeling really confident in my body, really excited about the fact that I didn't completely sabotage myself. And like, I know Kate said that as well. Like, when you have that breakthrough where it's like, wow, I went through summer and I don't hate myself after I went through summer, I didn't, I didn't gain 20 pounds. I don't feel like, Oh my gosh, I have to pick up the pieces of my life and my body and go into this drastic space. It is so empowering. It's one of the coolest experiences because so many of us, especially women, I think men do it too for men, it seems to be more like the beer over summer. Yeah, but like, I know for me when I was younger too, every summer, September would then hit and be like, Oh my gosh, why did I do this to myself? It's like, I felt so good back in like May and June, and now I feel so terrible. And it doesn't have to be that way, you guys. I promise you, it does not. No, no, yeah. And actually, Walterine just, just messaged me right now. And I'm not even joking. Like literally right before we hopped on this podcast, she sent me a picture, this amazing view of her, like on her hiking trail, like literally incredible. And she was like, I couldn't have been able to like enjoy this view, you know, without this program. And I was just like, that, like that's such a huge, huge win, like obviously for you, but like for us too, right? Like, as a coach, like I feel so good and that we were able to, you know, find even just some sustainable habits that you were able to keep up on your vacation. And even if it's just modifying things and just staying active anyways, it's, it's mindset. It truly is just changing your mindset and celebrating those little things as wins. Yeah, totally agree. And it's so much more fun and meaningful to travel and go on those trips. When you feel good in yourself and confident in your body, because it sucks. And I know a lot of people are in this situation and like, I feel you, I feel for you. When you're trying so hard to like enjoy your life, you're trying to be supportive of your spouse, you're trying to be there for your kids, you're trying to be there for your family, for your friends, but like you don't feel good in yourself. And you're putting on an outfit, you're like, Oh, I want to rock this. But like all I can think about is how tight it is, how uncomfortable I am, you end up changing or you're wearing like long sleeve shirts, long pants on your vacations, wetner balls off, like it is not a fun place to be. It is not. It's not, but also it's, it's never too late. And like, maybe I'm kind of dissecting a little bit, but or like digress, digressy, I don't know, my English is like so terrible, sorry, but it's never too late to start. I don't care what season it is. I don't care what month it is. I don't care if it's January 1st. I don't care if it's July 1st. You can still start your finish journey. You could still find that balance. You can still enjoy life and, you know, where the shorts end, where the short sleeves that you want to, it is never too late. So even if you are listening to this and like you do feel bad, end it right now, like literally take action right now, right? Today is like the only thing that matters, right? Because we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. We can't control what happened yesterday. And like, that brings me back to like the very first and most important point is like, and this goes with language. I was actually just going to ask you, Ramsey, to share about like, I know your parents speak like a different language, right? So we were talking about French and everything, but the language that you use is so important because that's why we all tell our clients. And if you're a client, you're probably sick of hearing us say this, but like, don't try to get back on track, right? I hate that phrasing. It's like focus on moving forward because getting back on track doesn't matter. Like Ramsey was saying about the continuum, don't get off the train track to begin with. The train track goes forever. Like you might slow down. Things might happen. Then my train might be going uphill, but the train never stops. So, you know, focus on building the best version of you, the best body, the healthiest body, the best lifestyle for you, for your family, for those you love and care about, because the past version of you really doesn't matter. Yes, you can learn from it, but trying to get back to where you used to be before you had kids back to this back to that. It's so discouraging. It doesn't help you much. No, like maybe, okay, maybe it can give a little motivation, like, you know, can kind of spark that motivation to kickstart a new fitness journey. And what was I going to say? Yeah, like you said, it's a long continuum. And oh, yes, at some points and like, that's just how it is at some points in life, we can commit to more than others. And I feel like that sentence could apply to anything. It could apply to summer rolling around or summer vacation. Yeah, you can only commit to maybe two workouts or okay, I can meal prep maybe a little bit this much or I can just, you know, make healthy food options, whereas like September where, you know, back to work or where kids are back to school and you can commit to it a lot more. But that doesn't mean that you can just like throw in the towel for the summer and just be like, okay, well, I guess I can't really commit to anything. So, might as well just wait till September. Yeah, such a good point, such a good point. And like, in my opinion, that is what balance is, because the reality is if you want a freaking killer physique, something is going to be out of balance. Like you as humans, we can't do everything all the time perfectly in every area, like it's not humanly possible. Yes, high performers and elite individuals can do a lot. We can. But, you know, it's unrealistic to expect yourself to go 100 miles per hour, 365 days of the year in every aspect. So, in our opinion, like, and at Cut and Conquer, what we try to really teach to our clients is like, yes, balance is possible, but balance is kind of like, you know, going hard when you need to go hard, and then taking steps back when you need to take steps back and continuing on like Ramsey talked about kind of like those grounding, like behaviors and habits and rituals that keep you in momentum. But, you know, not at the cost of burning out or sacrificing the things that you care about, like your family, your kids events, your birthdays and those types of things, right? It's all about knowing kind of like the minimum commitment that you need to make to keep progressing and not regress. Yeah, exactly. Like, making modifications when you need to, like, if you're really like, you know, your workout is like an hour, let's just say, but you don't have that much time. It's okay. You know what, let me just do half of it. Let me try to have like, that's an example of like, modifying things to just making it work with your schedule for that time or for whatever the case is, you know, finding that balance. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah, totally. And I want to go through real quick a few basic tips to, you know, get yourself into that momentum post vacation or post event. And then we'll talk about if you think you can actually do like before your trip and on your trip to hopefully keep the momentum rolling so that you don't end up in that situation where you're kind of digging yourself out of a ditch. So first thing, if we're focusing on, you know, you're back from your trip, you want to get going again, but you're kind of in a slump because you're just out of momentum for who knows how long. Just, you know, take one rest day, take one day and set yourself up for success. If you just like torture yourself with a shitty workout, you know, or you beat yourself up because you didn't work out for a week, just take one day and organize your life, organize your shit, do your meal prep, don't work out, plan your week, get your workouts in order, like know what you're going to do. And then you have a plan. The most unfortunate thing is when people just make decisions based on how they're feeling and not on what is best for them and their goals and their life. Emotions. That's a huge, that's like a whole other podcast we could talk about. But yeah, yeah, taking like going to sleep early that night, like literally resting your body. Yeah, vacation is tiring. It is. No, for sure. Like, yeah, you're taking like it is a getaway and, you know, time away from home and relaxing, obviously, depending on what it is you're doing, like maybe you're traveling and hiking, obviously that is actually like you're actually getting like a lot of movement in, but it is mentally draining too. So yeah, taking that day and just easing into it, easing your way back into the environment into the routine that you were in prior and just not setting like high expectations for yourself, I guess. But still keep yourself accountable because if you, if your expectations are too low, then it's going to be one day, two days, three days, four days off and then you're going to ask yourself what's the point? No, no. Yeah. Like listen to your body and take that rest day. But if the motivation is like feeling super low like that, and I know we talk about this a lot too is like on those days when you're feeling the super low motivation is when you really have to dig deep and like remind yourself how important it is for you and how important it is for your goals and reminding yourself of how much better you're going to feel afterwards, you know, after you get the workout done or after you get your meal prep done. Yeah. Exactly. And like with any behavior, whatever behavior you're trying to do, like if it's, you know, got back into your gym routine, if it's meal prep, if it's eat your food, if it's eat less food, whatever behavior you are trying to create in your life, you have to make it as easy as possible for yourself to do. Because if there is a large barrier to that behavior as humans, we are not going to do it. You have to adjust your environment, meaning like your house, your, you know, your clothes, your schedule, so that it makes the target behavior as easy as possible. Yeah, of course, it's not going to be easy. But you know, if you have to meal prep all of your food every single day, find your clothes, like everything, like just set it up for success, so that it's as easy as possible. Yeah, that's a game changers. And like that can one is one, like 100% applicable for when you are, when you come back from vacation, and you know, you're like, you know, you're, you're feeling tired, you're feeling low motivation, you know, get your workout clothes ready the night before, like have them ready on your bed, like hung up, know exactly what workout you're going to do. So then that decreases your chances of like negotiating with your mind. Because I find that I still do that too, right? We're like, Oh, like, do I even go? I don't know. I don't like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And another thing that just popped into my head to is I do this and this helps a lot before you go on your trip, meal prep some food and put it in the freezer. Yes. And another thing we do, I don't know if anyone else does this, but we always order our, we order our groceries online. It saves us so much frickin time. So if you're like coming back home, put your order in for groceries the night before or whenever like a few days before for your grocery delivery, because then you're not going to be like wanting to order takeout or something when you got back because you're tired, you're at the airport or driving or whatever. So meal prep your food, have some meals frozen, ready to go, and then do your grocery order to be delivered to your house the day you go back. I love that. I actually never thought about that. The online grocery order. Dude, super store, $99 a year for delivery. Wow. Unlimited. Yeah. Wow. Didn't know that. Well, there you go. I was in Fort Mac. Next tip is get back on your supplement routine and your vitamin routine. Honestly, when you're traveling, I stay on my supplement routine and vitamin routine anyways, I just bring it with me in little containers. But if you can't bring them for some reason, I know if you're like internationally traveling, sometimes people are hesitant to bring all of their supplements. I've never had an issue with supplements. I've only had issues with like food, actually bringing food across countries sometimes. But even then I usually, it's usually fine. Even if they say you're not supposed to, I still do it and I've rarely had an issue. But get back on your vitamins or supplements, whatever you're taking right away. It's just, even if it's just the placebo effect of knowing you're taking it again, it's going to make you want to work on your fitness and wellness and hydrate during your trip, after your trip, drink your water, electrolytes, sodium, make sure you're getting that in because it's going to help you stay full and functional on your trip as well as after your trip. Exactly. Like I was saying earlier, maintaining that water goal is even like that's one small way of maintaining momentum in general, like on your trip. So yeah. Another tip that so far, if we're kind of segueing into our trips for while you are on your, our tips for while you're on your trips, I always like to make sure I work out on day one. So like day one of whenever I get to where I'm going, you have to set the precedent for yourself and for your trip. If you're like, Oh, y'all work out this week, you're not going to freaking work out that week. Even if you're camping, because I know a lot of our clients and listeners do like camping in the summer, bring your yoga mat, bring no mat, it doesn't matter, lay out a towel and do a fun bodyweight workout, but do it on day one because you know you're not going to do it on day three. And if you don't do it on day three, you're not doing it. Yeah. So day one, make sure you do it because in on day one, you still have your momentum going, right? Bring that momentum with you, please. And you will have so much fun, even if it's a 15 minute workout, like that is why we give our clients travel workouts. Our travel workouts are no joke. They're actually pretty challenging for like 15 to 20 minutes. And it keeps you in momentum. Yes. And you can do them anywhere, literally anywhere. No excuses. Yeah. So a few other things, if you are traveling and you're going to be eating out, so restaurants, you can, at most restaurants, order some decent food. I always recommend bringing some meal prep. If you can, ordering some meal prep to bring with you, bringing some snacks that are easy, like, you know, vegetables, hummus, rice cakes, berries, sometimes like the jerky can be an option, boiled eggs, tuna, protein bars, those are kind of like my go-to's for, you know, travel if it for talking about like snacking on things. You basically want to snack on low calorie foods or like higher protein foods. When you're traveling, I'm not a big fan of snacks or snacking when you're not traveling personally and for our clients, but you have to do what works sometimes. And when it comes to restaurants, the few things to keep in mind is like, try to avoid sauces at all costs because they are so packed with empty calories and added fats and added sugars. Yeah, oh my gosh, some of the stuff that I've seen, like, oh, okay, I guess this is another tip too. Like if you know what restaurant you're going to, you know, search up the menu, take a look at their nutrition facts, but yeah, like some of the nutrition facts that I've seen on like some of the meals, I'm like, oh my god, this is literally like a day's worth of calories for me. Yes, so terrible. Yeah. And it's usually because of the sauces or like what the food is cooked in. So I mean, this is a little bit more for advanced people, but whether you're at like a social event or a restaurant, like always try to order food that has individual components so that you can see like, this is the meat, this is the vegetables, these are the carbs, and not ideally something that's like lasagna that's like cooked into it, because you can't separate it, you don't know how much is there, you don't know what they cooked it in, how much butter, how much cheese, how much oil, you know, that's always going to be a little out of your control in a restaurant, but at least if you order individual components like steak with vegetables and potato, you can see it. Yeah. Yeah. And another huge thing too, while traveling on vacation, don't starve yourself. Like, please eat your meals. They're so many reasons as to why, like, of course, like metabolically, like hormones, but also kind of the like psychological aspect of it too. You know, if you know, or if you do have experience with like the binge restrict cycle, like that something for me was a huge and I don't Christina can relate to this as well. But like, if I was, if I knew I was restricting or even if I like wasn't purposely like trying to restrict, I would feel that hunger later and I would just indulge and eat anything. So even on vacation, just try to eat your meals still throughout the day, to kind of keep your hunger, hunger levels, you know, leveled out. But yeah, exactly. And we just did a podcast, a really in-depth one on like under eating and the consequences of that normally and physically and mentally. So if that is something you struggle, definitely check out that episode. It's one of the one of the more recent ones. A few things too, to note like four sauces, another thing that I do, I do this on an airplane when I'm traveling, I do this, we're on road trips, I order, I might be a crazy person, but I think this is great. I order on Amazon the bulk individual sauce packets. So I do Frank's Red Hot, Mustard, and soy sauce. And I order the little individual like restaurant packages of them and I just take them with me on all my trips. Oh, I love that. No, that's such a good idea. Yeah, it's like your massive boxes of it, but you can take them on the airplane because it's under like the milliliter liquids and then you don't have to bring like bottles of sauces or worry about like what sauces are you going to put on your food. Yeah, that's so easy. I'm really helpful. I love that actually. I'm gonna do that. And finally, I guess to, you know, end things off, there's typically three questions that we ask our clients. So if you're not a client, here's some sneak peek info for you. But whenever our clients are going on a trip, we typically got them to answer these three questions before they go. And I know who was it, who did we just ask these to? I know Erin, I just posted a reel of Erin. Actually, she lost 24 pounds during that time. She did go to Mexico, had a very successful trip. Erin's also someone like Ramsey and I who struggled with binge eating in the past. And like, I know she was a little nervous for that trip because she was coming out of like a pretty aggressive cut. She killed it on that vacation. I'm still so freaking proud of her. And she like enjoyed herself. I wrote one of our past clients. Do you remember her? Were you? Yes, yes. You traveled all the time, traveled during her program, super successful. And I know that they both use these tips. So we always want to ask our clients and ourselves, what would a successful, fun, and mindful trip look like for you, right? Because like Ramsey and I mentioned, if you're making decisions based on how you feel in the moment, those are always going to be like emotionally charged decisions that are not necessarily the best for us. So if we could think about this ahead of time, like, what would a successful trip look like? Like, how do I actually want to behave? How do I want to feel? How do I want to feel, you know, when I'm back, like, what would that look like? And kind of just just quickly briefly map it out for yourself before you go. Yeah, even like visualize it, but also like write it down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The next question is a kind of our touch on this, but it's how do you want to feel during your trip? And how do you want to feel upon your return home? So important. Yeah. Because a lot of the time we just don't think about it. We're like, Oh, yeah, vacation, but we don't think about how our actions are going to affect us after that trip. Exactly. Yeah. So if you're like setting your intentions prior, then your mindset is already going to be like leaning towards it, you know what I mean? So like you're already going to be like doing the actions or like doing the habits that you want to do, that you know will make you feel good. If you're already thinking about it, exactly. And then the third one is what would make this trip a success and allow you to return home feeling accomplished. So what would, what would have to look like, right? Do you want to, you know, maintain your weight? Do you want to maintain a healthy eating schedule? Do you want to avoid alcohol, avoid desserts, include them? Like, it's going to be individual from person to person based on your goals and journey and who you are and where you're going and what you're doing. But it's so important to think about that before you go and not while you're gone and not when you're back. Yeah. Yeah. Like, what are those, you know, what are the things, the actions, the habits, the behaviors that you can realistically commit to while, you know, on your trip? Yeah. And what do you want to commit to? Yeah. Because like, when I went to California last year, I was in prep. So like, I wanted to be perfect. And I was. And I know we just said, like, don't try to be perfect, but I was in prep. I kind of had to be perfect. Yeah. That's like, I needed to do my cardio twice a day. I needed to nail all my food. Like, I knew that I was going to do that before I left. Whereas like, my nuclear on trip, for example, I'm not on prep right now. I'm basically still in a building phase. So I just wanted to make sure I'm still like hitting my calories and getting my workouts in. Yeah. I'm not so particular about food choices or cardio or anything. It was just like, you know, work out four times per week and, you know, get my calories in. Yeah. Yeah. So that'll look different for everyone, depending on, you know, where they're at and their finished journey, what their goals are. But the biggest takeaway is just that it is possible to stay in momentum, whatever that looks like to you, even if it's like the smallest actions habits that you can realistically commit to and being proud of yourself and still enjoying your trip. Because that's what life is all about at the end of the day, you know, having that balance like we've touched upon. And really making fitness, sustainable for your lifetime. Yeah. So lately, I think that covers, you know, everything we wanted to talk about today. Yeah. I hope you guys got some value. Definitely. If you guys did find this one valuable, you're going to use any of those tips, or maybe you have a trip coming up, we would love to hear from you, send us your feed box, send us your questions for future episodes. And you can find us on social media @Nafina and @fitwramsier, right? Yeah, you got it. Awesome. And we will see you guys in the next episode. Bye. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Beyond the Body. If you're getting value from the podcast, please don't forget to follow, rate, and review. It really goes a long way. And if you're ready to take your mind and body to the next level and you want to work closely with me and my team, head over to my Instagram page @Nafina and tap the link in my bio to fill in a coaching application to see if Cut and Conquer can help you transform your life. [Music]