Moving To Oneness

Ep. 123 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Harmony in Motion

Have you ever experienced that feeling when everything just clicks into place? When you feel in sync with the world around you, and the energy flows effortlessly? That's the magic of moving together in harmony. In this episode, we'll explore how connecting with nature, expressing inner energy, and creativity can not only enhance personal well-being but also impact others and the community around you. Enjoy.

Broadcast on:
29 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Moving together in harmony is about more than just physical movement. It's about aligning our energies, intentions, and actions with those around us to create a sense of unity and coherence. When we move together in harmony, we can achieve more than we ever could on our own. Whether it's working towards a common goal with a team, dancing in sync with a partner, or simply being present and connected in a group setting, moving together in harmony can foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

(00:03:49) Explosive Creativity Through Collective Movement
(00:13:42) Dynamic Energy Flow through Mindful Movement
(00:19:29) Harnessing Nature's Energy for Personal Harmony
(00:27:10) Igniting Inner Energy Through Creative Expression

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In Love and Light, 
Your host, 

[Music] Moving to Oneness. [Music] Nourishing curiosity. [Music] Embracing differences. [Music] Becoming One. [Music] Strong northwest wind. [Laughs] Moving over the landscape, through the landscape. Bringing along, the coolness of that field stamp on my skin. And the crispiness that tingles a little bit in the nose. Wow. That is in a way very refreshing. And yes, it's a sign of fall being here. But it is also bringing wisdom of our ancestors and of the crystalline structures that are coming now to our planet. So everyone, feel welcomed. I am your host, Miley Nelke, of the Moving to Oneness podcast. Yeah, the wind. You know me, it's always so fascinating to feel him or her. Depends on what language in German it's Devind, so it's masculine. Sometimes it's so enveloping and warm, it feels feminine. [Laughs] But it really doesn't matter. Moving the leaves, it's moving the grasses and the flowers of the grasses, right? They've dried now a little bit, and when the sun shines on to them, they're glowing. And then sometimes you have the mist early in the morning or late in the evening. And then this glittering, just beautiful, just beautiful at the moment. And it's reminding me, also you, to shine even more brightly, to be also one of those flowers of the grass, glowing in the landscape and bending with the wind. And the nice thing is, you know, there's a whole group, so there's a community moving similar at the similar time or at the same moment. Maybe offset a few seconds. It's so harmonic, and it looks so smooth, it looks elegant, and it oozes out beauty. So are we all moving together at the moment? I would say yes. Many of us are living who we are, or trying more to shed what is not. Mine, yours, ours, right? Step by step, so the true glow can be seen from afar, that is within us, in you and in me. What is our glow? What is your glow? What is my glow? It is when we're expanded enough that the light energy can just flow through us freely with no restriction without having to bump against particles that are not ours, where we're not pulling ourselves together, tightening ourselves. That's when always, also when we're beautifully limber, right? When that it's more like a dance, when we can bend over and straighten up so fluidly. Ah, that's the word, it's so fluid. So we're being asked to become more fluid. And it's not so easy after thousands of years of being told to be rigid, to be singular, not to move together. It's a little bit more difficult, right? But what is the togetherness here? It's moving together. It is first, a lot of fun. If you have a community, a group of friends, as family, you move together, and you dance together, you develop together. You make decisions together. There is a ease that comes with it. Because it is a playfulness, because the relation is smooth. My hand is moving a little bit like an infinite eight, right? This going back and forth. The one idea comes and it's been taken and played with, and to that idea something is added. Enriched, or maybe simplified, so that is less resistance again, or more explosiveness to it. Yeah, even explosiveness is maybe an awkward word. But the ignition, the boom, it can just fly out into the air, like this spark, right? It's just, you had turns to something if there's a sudden glow. People are attracted to you, then. They're attracted to me, and they feel comfortable. Yeah, and if we do that as a group, this pulls us also forward. So, if you glow, I get pulled to you, attracted, then your friend glows and we get attracted there together. Or then I glow and I can pull you along. So, there is this movement, this nice and easy movement. That is so fun. Why is this so important at the moment? Yeah, so, September is also the month of peace, right? This peacefulness is asked for us on this globe, that we feel at peace, that you feel at peace. I feel at peace, and that we can be peaceful together. And there's still a lot of rigidness in this world, on this planet, of fighting each other, or not relating to each other, having an open ear, yeah? And right, we had also, last week, World Children's Day, where we see and make it more beautiful for the young generation, and say less war, less aggressiveness, more seeing each other, and looking for what we all have similar within each other. What are the similarities of different cultures, of different age groups, of different genders? Where do you belong to? Maybe you don't, you have your own little group, it can be a small group community or a huge one. But don't we all have the same body, that's one thing, right? Same blood, same desires to be loved, to feel safe, to feel enveloped, to feel comfort, to feel free to explore, to feel free to do nothing, in a moment. So, if I'm peaceful within myself, and that's when I sit in the sun, or I sit quiet, this is magically, I feel comfort, I feel at ease, I feel expanded. And how do you feel when you're peaceful? And how do you get to that state? How do you get that within your family? How do you get that to your siblings, to your parents, colleagues, right? How can we be more harmonious? By being creative, by being there for each other, by having fun, yeah, even in the workplace, I just heard something recently, someone working in one hotel, right? Very happy with her job, because the manager comes by and always asks, what do you need? How can I help you? How can we make things better? And that reflects over the fun of working, of being seen, heard, of help, and not being afraid, to share what's not working, and being respected, or being noticed. Oh, that is a nice feeling, right? We can expand. And this woman then shared she works somewhere else, and in that place, she doesn't get so much help, so she doesn't like the job in the other hotel so much. And then the customers can feel it, right? And it is this little spiral, by go back, what are we being asked by the cosmos? Bring out what is deeper within us, and to go into relation. And so if it's good for her, it's good for me, it's maybe also good for you. How can I be that for someone is comfortable in asking me if I'm more white? That the person feels comfortable in providing advice, and that being shunned for giving advice, right? This is very fine. Where are the boundaries? But let's look at nature. They're trees that are so different, and they grow together. One thrives may be better than the other. And if it doesn't thrive in a certain microclimate, it moves somewhere else, or thrives better somewhere else. And that's also important. So when you don't feel comfortable somewhere, that you are secure enough in what you desire, what you're dreaming about, what you want to experience, in what surrounding you want to be, that you move, or maybe for a new job, or maybe at home that reorganize your home, maybe get rid of a few furniture that don't suit you. Where can you become more comfortable, right? How can you sit more comfortable? What pillow can you maybe put under your buttocks that you sit more comfortable, or pillow behind your back? And if it's a chair, or a couch at home, but maybe a chair at work, right? Do you feel comfortable to bring a pillow along to your workplace, so that you can ooze out this comfort and that you become more fine-tuned in seeing when do you contract and where you can expand, even while you sit, or lie, or what? I mean, with shoes. I don't know how we're getting this area, but it seems like it's important, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't be speaking about it. That you give yourself the permission to feel good, and when you feel good in a lot of little things, again, that shines out to others. This gives the others the opportunity, the okay to also try that. So if someone sees you bringing a pillow and they think, "I don't really sit so comfortable on my chair either," you know, "I twitch, I shift my weight too often, then I can concentrate on creation of what I'm producing," important, important. Yeah, if you paint, you're cooking. If you cook as a mother in your kitchen, these are the things located where it's the easiest for you to get them, and are they organized, correct? Even there, can you fine-tune? So we've done the big work. What is really coming is this fine-tuning all of you are listening. You are so high-vibrating, right? You already know where you're going. You know what is good, but you're being encouraged to fine-tune even more. This finesse, again, less friction, so we can move like that grass. When the wind goes over it and then it looks so beautiful and we can do it together. When you're secure enough, strong enough to move about within your body, within your home, within your workplace, within your car or on your bicycle, but there also you move them through the landscape. Or maybe you walk through the landscape. That can be felt. And then it becomes like a dance because we can react to each other. If you're more smooth, more flexible, when you bend flex with the wind, you also bend flex around maybe some hardship. And that hardship you take away because when you're all this lightness, it draws away what is not light full for another being, person. Oh, and isn't this a beautiful way to see? It's like this flow of air, the flow of air that goes over cars or when they design things, right? They test form of a car or the airplane of certain products, tools, structures. Do we do that with ourselves? They do it to optimize, right? That the air can press a car down when it goes faster so the car is more secure on the road and doesn't get swept away when the wind comes from the left suddenly, right? When it's going over a bridge or it's driving rather fast, or there's a bump, or that is needs less fuel, also for a plane, for example, right? Or a drone nowadays that it needs less fuel. So the wind can pick it up or maybe that goes higher. Let's look at birds or butterflies, right? Animals also adapt. And have we been doing it? Have you been doing it? I've been doing it. So I'm asking myself, where can I do that? Yes, moving a little bit more my body, expanding where I feel tight, stretching, breathing into it. Right? Which area is feeling tight? Maybe there's a bone feel too tight held by ligaments and muscles. Can I concentrate on that area? I feel no. As I'm sitting on my left hip, a little tightness. So if I concentrate on that location, I can send warmth there. I can send love there. I can send a smile there. Attention, that's important, right? But also intention that it can widen. I invite light energy from the surrounding to flow through it. And both feels light. I feel it expand. I can feel it warm up. And something shifts in my body and the other side. I can feel something more. And again there, I send love. I smile at it. I give it a beautiful voice. Right? Loving voice. My thought goes to it. I invite the cosmos, the energy of the cosmos to bring. Warm light, bands of energy. And there it expands. Already it moves freely. And it moves my attention to now the end of my vertebrae, Stylspina sacrum. And then there it goes on. And I do the same. And maybe you want to do the same. You send energy, warmth, expansion. Maybe you can see a light fall. You can breathe into that area and send the light down to it. But also you can pull in air, light, energy into the tip of the sacrum to expand. The skin that it can pull energy out of. The earth of where you sit on. You can ask it to harm on. Hard ones. With a cushion. That you say hello to the cushion. And ask the cushion tricks to exchange wisdom with you. Right? Because all materials react with each other. It's a conscious. It's all conscious. We can material created billions of years together. So see how you're changing your form? Are you getting smoother and easier, softer? Oh, the word plump is coming. More plumpness like a plum. Right? You're being filled out. So where you have been crunched together, there comes now humidity in it. Oh, I can't remember now the English word. But it's filled. Particles are expanding and taking in the space they desire. Oh, yeah, see this sound is changing. You're taking in your air. You're taking in also more air. And see, that was or I take in more air. It was just the bottom or little pieces on the buttocks of the vertebrae. And now suddenly also my chest is expanding. Taking in more air. My head goes up. My chin is rising. More connected, up to the cosmos, down to earth and to the surrounding. And I'm interested in what is happening to you. What are you feeling in your body? And again, the change I create within myself or myself is being created outside of myself and anything and anybody that is being touched by that energy of change. Also feels comfortable of change. Well, we went around today, didn't we? Started with the wind. It goes over the landscape and how you're able to bend and be flexible and flow with it. Like the air. So also that air that is coming over, you can maybe imagine how it is going over your body. Or when you're walking, how it's moving with you or pushing you a little bit, right? It's providing speed to your walk. When it pushes you from the back, it is giving you a lift. When you put one foot in front of there, it lifts you up. It puts more air under your soul. Then there's more like a buffer between your soul and the soil or the pavement you're walking on. When you're bad with it, you can feel it a little bit more difficult maybe to feel when you have a shoe on. But feel how you're being lifted up and that you don't have to pull your leg up that's being pushed up from underneath. So that is also the energy of the earth, these flowing moving circles. Now again, there is a little bit of that infinite aid or circular energy that is moving through and lifting you up. So you're being lifted and then you can drop gentle and you don't have to pull and push. And again, you need less energy, you're more flexible and bendable. Wow, that's a whole different of moving. And for example, if you're running, if you run like a jogging or you run a marathon or a certain distance, imagine how the energy of the ground, which is coming rising up and moving and doing this aid or this swoosh. It's always the swoosh, my hand goes, pulls energy from the ground and brings it up into the sky. So then it pushes your soul, your foot, your leg and your whole body. You can lift and there's more of a skip to in it than after having a pull and push and run and speed, which feels a little heavy and suddenly you can run faster. If you're this flexible, immovable, this is amazing. If you integrate that into so many things you do during the day when you walk. And then if you breathe in the air that comes from above and you're also being lifted up. And again, if you're running, you have your rhythms of running, right? But you're being pulled. So it's a little bit of that diagonal. Again, like the wind goes over and bends those grasses that are on those fields. But when you're running too or if you're walking, a little bit of that diagonal that you're being pulled up and you're dropped and you're pulled up and dropped by the air in your lungs. And it's being refreshed and you're being replenished. You can go in every little cell and then even every cell is being lit up. And there we are again at that glow that each of those flowers has that is sparkling of those grasses. This is amazing. And look, my whole body is tingling and being excited now just by speaking with you on this episode. I'm so thankful because together, right? We're influencing together each other and again commune this togetherness. And there are all those all things. And look at that. On also a game mind shaft, we have also this beautiful letters. Each of those letters has energy moving us forward together. So beautiful. So beautiful. Oh, that tingles open up yourself to this beautiful air, to this push from below this invitation to the above. Maybe the word pool is not even lifted. And this lift, this ease, this refreshness, this filing, this adventure because you're adventuring into an exchange with that air. You're adventuring into the energy that is coming out of the ground. Once upon a time, people were able to move much quicker than we are now. We're little, right? That's why when your body is this energized and so light, the wind can blow and push you and draw you and the stars can attract you. The mountain can attract you, the tree can attract you. It's going into the conversation, into this relation with each other, attracts you or attracts someone to you or you're being attracted and moving forward to someone. Wow. This is the fall. This is fall. This is so beautiful. (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) Again, for being here, for being you, for listening, for giving me the opportunity to bring this wisdom, this song, this energy into this world and beyond. Have a wonderful fall, perhaps, as we say in German. I wish you the best. I'm Maureen Elke, and you've been listening to this, moving to one of those patterns. I found you. Bye-bye. (laughing) (music playing) (music playing)