Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!



Broadcast on:
28 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

In this episode. I share a story with you guys in regard to when I used to work for Buger King as an adolescent! I also fill you guys in regarding my work day at the school! And just to clarify. I was telling you guys a story from back in my middle school days and mentioned, "LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL," when it should've been, "LINCOLN MIDDLE SCHOOL". Please feel free to download and follow! I and the universe would gladly appreciate it! Lots of L.L.S and namaste!
*Unintelligible* What is going on my people of the planet? I am Devinim Thank you Thank you guys very much I appreciate the applause Anyway, I am Devinim and allow me to raise those vibrations Again, thank you for the applause. I really appreciate it. Thank you Anyway, you guys I hope that all of my people within the universe are staying on the straight and narrow and not doing anything too lower and or jeopardize ones vibrations It is early morning here in Arizona. I've been up since around 4 o'clock this morning I've had plenty of coffee and I'm happy to be alive and Amongst a lot of reasons why I enjoy mornings Waking up and seeing another day. It's just amongst one of those things that I just absolutely enjoy about mornings I love the smell of People cooking breakfast in the morning the smell of bacon the smell of ham the smell of eggs the smell of toast coffee You know everything that pretty much represents breakfast time is What I enjoy the clanking and clappings and all of that stuff for the utensils that are being you know Hit against the plates and everything of hungry people, you know, it's just one of those enjoyable things Anyway, you guys I've been good. I have not done any methamphetamine since August 24th of this particular year and I feel very very great about that. I hope that all of my other people of addiction within the world who are practicing their sobriety and Are winning with it? I hope you guys are, you know, staying on that straight narrow and doing well We are I told you you guys we are going to accomplish this and we are going to overcome this and we are doing it Anyway, I have some statistics here Well, not really some statistics but there are some individuals whom are following me and I wanted to thank them for Following me. They're not necessarily my followers, but they are following my platform and like with my YouTube subscribers if I received a particular email in my Gmail account social section Stating that I have a new follower. I will go on that person's platform get their information And I will spread that amongst my tribe in the event that they want to follow that particular person Anyway, um, I Really do want to thank you guys. So let me find that particular page in my podcast notebook is right here And I will thank you guys here momentarily So anyway, I had a fantastic day at work yesterday and I was going to talk to you all about what I did talk to you all about it the episode that I recorded I really didn't too much care for and Thank God. I fell asleep last night or went to sleep last night because had I would had I uploaded it? I think I would have been upset anyway After work yesterday, which I will tell you guys about momentarily My mom called me and we were having a conversation My mom was getting ready to go out to you know have a couple of drinks or whatever and it just sparked an ideal in my head to go to Walmart and pick me up two bottles of barefoot mosquito and She was like why don't you try? Andre Andre mimosa instead the pineapple flavor. I think you would like it. I Never tried Andre mimosa pineapple before and I wasn't you know Opposed to trying it I had a difficult time finding it in Walmart Surprisingly, it's right next to Snoop Dogg's drink Whatever his shit is called, but anyway I Found a young lady whom works for Walmart to help me. They got on their cell phone and deal whatever search They did they found it and I was pretty much right there by the bottles I just you know child me and my ADHD. I mean I look for something and As soon as I feel like it's difficult. Excuse me. Excuse me, you know come and help a bitch anyway, I Found the bottles. I bought two made it home. Well before I went home. I went to circle K Those of us in Arizona. We all we we know what our circle Ks are about. Okay, you know the slurpies and all of that shit Circle K isn't one of my quick trip used to be my motherfucking story and quick trip still is for circle K Yeah, so I want to go get some ice and I went home Got situated this 9/11 you guys I got situated and I poured me a glass of this Andre mimosa and Baby when I tell you it is good. It doesn't have that Wine after taste and I like that. I've had wine such as Winking owl from Aldi. They have good muscato, but it has that lingering wine after taste to it that I don't like Barefoot is a good wine rose. I like and you know their muscatos are pretty good, but again that after The aftermath of it all, you know with that wine After taste just doesn't I don't like that This does not have that lingering wine Aftertaste is almost like drinking a nice champagne And and and and it's an Hold on it's an adult Beverage of course is alcohol, but what I mean by that is a grown-up drink Grown-ups to me are individuals that chill out in jazz clubs and shit like that and drink sophisticated drinks and champagne and all that type of stuff to me are sophisticated drinks and It's like drinking that without that whiny taste to it and it's really good so it was so motherfucking good that I drank one of the bottles last night and Yeah, I really enjoyed that wine So I'm going to get me some more of this Andre and mimosa Because it yeah, my mom was right is good and I will be having more of it today since I'm off for you know Since I'm off until October the 7th. We don't go back people that work in the school districts Don't go back because of fall break these little bastards get fall break, which is good I don't have to see their motherfucking asses. Anyway speaking of these little bubble head-ass bastards Work yesterday it went well, you know these students are getting used to me. I'm getting used to them You know They're they're really friendly children. I will give them that their parents race them. Well, they're very respectful When they order their field their their lunch and I appreciate that but I did catch the group of melanin boys and No, their last name is not melanin. They are some just Bobblehead big head-ass motherfucking black kids, you know, I mean, I don't I don't mean to say it black like that but you know, they are Brown or African-American, you know brown I say brown because I wasn't born in Africa I was born in America but anyway, they're brown and they have the tendency of always looking at me and whispering among each amongst each other and laughing and Don't get me wrong. I can tolerate it You know because these are some minors and they're stupid as fuck they haven't they don't have the mindset of an adult as of yet They have a long way to go plus these are boys and boys mature slower than girls from what I understand and They have a long way to maturity done into maturity. They probably think of motherfucking watermelon this koochie To be quite honest with you, but anyway Yes, yes, they probably do think of watermelon is the clue. That's how dumb motherfuckers are. Oh watermelon is the piece of pussy That's how stupid people are these days. Anyway, well motherfuckers fuck fruit Obviously thinking that it you know, it feels like something I mean watch porn hub and all them other them go to porn hub X and X X X to Read to all that boy shit put in motherfuckers in the search engine fucking fruit You see our type of motherfuckers fucking all type of fruit water melons Canada low Shit motherfuckers dicks probably smart enough to fuck a damn apple But seriously these boys are so Emmettor at this point. There's no need in me custom them out losing my job and all of that type of stuff now I will take it to the authorities and I will have them reprimanded for sure When I worked at this hotel, I won't give the name But I was predominantly around a bunch of Hispanics, which is not a problem when I grew up 663 score Street Rockford, Illinois There was a lovely Hispanic family that lived across the walkway from where we stayed and until this day I wish that I can find them because I missed them But anyway It was predominantly Hispanic at this work environment there was family sets There was a set of brothers that worked there. There was a set of sisters that worked in the laundry department There was a mother and son that worked in the laundry department there was some cousins that worked in the laundry department if I'm not mistaken and I was surrounded by family and friends pretty much and Anyway, I've caught on occasion a couple of people Talking about me behind my back and I did not address it, you know and This particular day I was tired of the modern day bullying and talking about me behind my back My back was turned and I was either loading or unloading a dryer It was the third motherfucking dryer. I'll never forget and I remember this Hispanic woman and this dude the same dude that I bought a bracelet for because he lost his Bracelet and either the washing machine or the dryer and could never find it again This bracelet was sentimental to him because his mom gave it to him before she passed away So I felt bad for him and when I was at Sprouse farmers market picking up some items for myself including some energy bracelets I bought him a energy bracelet that had the key Key charm on there and maybe another charm or two, but anyway I did this out of the kindness of my heart because I felt bad for this big fat head-ass motherfucker, but anyway When I caught them talking about me behind my back and when I say the female was eyeballing me side-eye The her eyes could have went around her head, you know, it could have spun You know, I'm trying like in a circle because she was eyeballing me so hard that if her eyes would have went any further They would have went to the back of her motherfucking head and spent back the you know I mean, that's how hardcore she was looking at me So I stopped doing what I was doing and I walked over to both of them and I confronted them at this point They don't know no English now look my Hispanics y'all gonna my nerves with that motherfucking bull shit Y'all be talking to me in pure English or chopped up English and then when it comes time for front stations Y'all don't know no English anyway They knew exactly what I was talking about and exactly why I walked my ass over there to confront them and I went off and then I remember one of them the dude who I bought the bracelet for Storming out of the room because he thought he was head of the motherfucking laundry department Anyway, and he went to go get management and he was telling the management about it thinking I was going to get in trouble So when I spoke to management about the situation and told them exactly what happened The situation turned in my favor and then I not only took it to the boss of The laundry department I took it to HR as well and one day when I wasn't at work They had this little ceremony, you know to get to congratulate the employers and stuff like that They had one of those in the one of the ballrooms of the hotel. I Didn't give a fuck about neither of that shit. I wasn't even at work that day because I was off, but anyway, I Guess it was addressed in regard to treating people accordingly and whatever else the case may be and you know, it was all pretty much addressed because of me and My situation with this modern-day bullying bullshit anyway shortly thereafter I ended up quitting and The owner not the owner, but the boss of The laundry department wanted to know why I'm leaving and I was explaining to him that it wasn't because I felt uncomfortable. I mean What was there to not feel comfortable, you know what I'm saying? Shit, I mean they didn't make I mean it was a good work environment, you know, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all but I also wanted to remind the boss of a situation that he did that Involved me and I'm like I'm not only quitting because of the employees that I'm working around and this modern-day bullying bullshit but I'm also quitting because of you and They gave me a look and I'm like, yes Remember the day when you came into the laundry room and I was working on the third washing machine and I was Either putting some stuff in there or taking some stuff out and you came over to me And you were talking to me about something and I had on a short sleeve blue shirt because the attire was a blue shirt and Blue blue khaki shirt not khaki is a khaki a blue formal shirt that's short short sleeve and blue Black dress pants anyway, when the this particular balls or head of the laundry department is so touchy-feely I'm surprised he didn't you know start touching his own damn stuff around there's some I mean, it's just I don't know if it's a straight man thing or what but what is it with all of this fist pumping and all of this Bro bullshit is that is that an excuse for y'all to just fuck each other because that's what I'm thinking I mean, it's just bro this and in fist pumping and I'm not into all that bullshit. I'm a queen I'm not into all that anyway he went to Tap me on the shoulder. I guess One in his hand to hit Word my clothes Was covering my skin But that didn't happen When he tapped me on my shoulder But not my shoulder, but you know like my arm close in my shoulder or whatever You know how straight men do you get that little tap? There's probably a hint that you they wanted you want you to suck. They did but anyway He did this and His hand hit the flesh of my skin anyway, I Remember when he turned to walk out of the laundry department he addressed a couple of things to some other workers and he was wearing a sweater and underneath the sweater he had on a shirt so his sweater was free-flowing he grabbed his free-flowing sweater and Took the hand that came into contact with my flesh and wiped his hand off all in between the fingers and everything as If I was diseased or something And till this very day, I cannot think of why this man done that to me and It was I didn't confront him right then and there but it was Heavy on my heart and I was Heated I wanted to know why this motherfucker did this to me. It's almost like me coming into contact with him and You know doing the same thing because he's Hispanic, you know what I'm saying? I Didn't know why he done this and I brought it up to him when I was explaining to him why I'm quitting and This motherfucker act like he just got hit by a big-ass semi truck and and and survived it and now it's suffering from an amnesia damn amnesia, oh I don't remember that blah blah blah and then his excuse after a ton of other excuses was Well, I joke around a lot blah blah blah and I could have been joking people in my life don't joke with me like that And I said something to that recollect people in my life do not joke with me on that level at all and I Said a couple of other things but Let that be the reason, you know in regard to my departure from this motherfucker Anyway, I know how to take shit to the authorities in regard to these big bobble head-ass bastard-ass kids and I'm not going to tolerate a bunch of key kin amongst boys Y'all are boys and y'all are key kin like bitches the girls at the school Are a lot more mature well, obviously, well, yeah I guess girls do mature to a quicker than boys because the boys are hurdle hurdle up like little bitches Key kin a laugh and then looking at me and the girls aren't even doing that the girls are getting their lunch and doing whatever they're doing and and and and and they're being extra respectful. It's just these stupid-ass boys and the other races Have pretty much stopped with all of the joking around thus far It's my people that's continuing it and I've noticed this in regard to me being teased throughout my life I'll be teased by multiple races and then it will slow down in regard to the multiple races Teasing me all except my own people Why is it that? Why is it that? Why is it? That that occurs, you know, but I'm saying other races and nationalities They will stop with all of the dumb shit Going on about their business and their life But it will always be my people that will continue to go on with the shenanigans and it's just like if For one we shouldn't be talking about anybody considering how we were treated back in the motherfucking days especially our own damn kind and Then on top of that these little dumb stupid-ass ignorant-ass bastard-ass kids I'm talking about the melanin ones was in there something happened. They were throwing food in the cafeteria amongst each other Something happened and the melanin boys was laughing in key-kins like little bitches and Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, and I'm just looking into myself and another I Was gonna say laundry worker another cat a cafeteria lady looked at each other and we just kind of gave each other a look and That annoys me so motherfucking much with my people that is a word I don't care if it's in I GGA or an I GGR. It is a word that was used to be It's a direct The regulatory term period and it means that ignorant stupid-ass dumb-ass person pretty much and To be doing that in school Oh my it just shows the immaturity of some of these bastard-ass dumb-ass stupid-ass Must grant rat face looking-ass kids anyway But aside from that my vibrations remain high I remain high on life and I Didn't let it bother me if this is what these kids want to do with their time and energy so be it I am an adult and I've been through this on several occasions, and I know how to deal with it if it continues Then maybe their parents won't be allowed them to drive their assets to school for about a good week because by the time I'm done getting them Representatives is going to be on and popping because I don't tolerate this bullshit, especially with other folks motherfucking kids I don't care if you an adult or an adolescent more or less a damn child I don't have any of that in my life and nor I'm not gonna tolerate it shit anyway Right here I have my pod being followers following and subscribers So I'm trying to gain more followers and whatever the case may be just like a lot of us social media and pod cast individuals do and I know that getting your followers Email not email addresses and stuff like that and hitting them up hitting them up personally and stuff It's a good way to gain followers and stuff like that and a good way of just being a little more formal with your listeners and instead of an informal approach Anyway, I have 11 no, I have weight I Hold on Well, I follow my own self You know, I mean this is my own creation in regard to my podcast and I feel good about my podcast and You know, I feel like it's going to go big places Anyway, I follow myself so I make that makes you 11, but as far as followings Well, I only have one follower that follower is Pee the letter P the letter P is white and it has a purple background around it I'm not sure who this person is because they have some writing underneath that Excuse me. They have some writing underneath the letter P. That's in like Korean or Japanese or something like that Anyway, they have two subscribers and that's pretty much it. I subscribe back to them I'm not sure like I said who they are, but they subscribe and they were my very first subscriber So whoever you are letter P. I really do appreciate you for following me I really do as people such as yourself that keep me going and Creating these episodes. So thank you my second follower is He or the second person that's following me is 80 HD essentials with Brendan Mahan he has 3.9 case subscribers or followers So, thank you 80 HD essentials. I am ADHD myself. I checked out your platform You have some very informative information for info for individuals whom are ADHD and Thank you. It helps me Or it will be helping me considering I need to go back to your platform It's about to be 933 here in Arizona Considering I need to go back to your platform and check out some more of your content But thank you for being a follower or not follower, but thank you for following my platform I really do appreciate that The next one is spiritual works and works is W. O. R. X and 933 spiritual works finding divine enlightenment and angel numbers when I seen this I was so happy because obviously you guys I'm into angel numbers. I have not told you guys my well shit I just told y'all it's 933 bitch. Hell is that's engine and that's angelic time anyway Spiritual works has 14 followers and two people that are following their platform the other this is number four that are following me is LGBT bar New York podcast LGBT bar New York podcast your stores for keeping up with legal developments Affecting and that's all I got in regard to their Description of what's going on with their podcast, but anyway, they have one point one cave Followers and one person that's following their platform the number fifth the fifth Individuals that are following my podcast. I'm gonna try to pronounce this, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to fuck up So don't stop following don't don't unsubscribe to the platform Because I'm fucking up y'all name Ma Yuma or Ma Yuma and Monjit Basically light workers unite to intuitive women empowering others to shine their light. This is Yeah my my Yuma and Margie I think Anyway, they have 137 followers and one No, they have 137 137 following and one follower Thank you guys very much I remember subscribing to your platform when I was getting started on Podbean and I remember your guy because you have that big bright-ass Yellow-ass motherfucking light honey that everybody could see from motherfucking Mars dammit saying that you guys are Light workers and you are united. Thank you guys number six is Dopey, I definitely remember subscribing to your particular podcast dopey Your podcast is about drugs addiction and idiocy if I'm not mistaken That's how you a diocese. Oh, baby. Don't don't baby ID I O C I I said idiocy I'm pretty sure that's not how you pronounce it I meant to look up the pronunciation of this particular word before I started my platform But I mean before I started this episode, but I didn't do that. Anyway, dopey I am so thrilled in regard to what you share on your platform because I am doing the same thing on my particular five being platform in regard to helping raising the vibrations of our universe and You have some really good content. I need to go back to your plot I mean platform and listen to more of your content in regard to drugs and addiction Because you have really good stuff put out there. Anyway, you have 9.0 K followers and one following Next is the gayish podcast and thank you anything that has to do with my queers out there and my gay gays my Geeze my faggots. I can say that word Because I you know, I am gay, but anyway, you know my gay lords. Yeah, I remember that word gay lord Baby the names that some of y'all straight people come up with in regard to gays fruity y'all fruity You ain't taboo. Are you you you you wanted them you wanted them? Well one of what? Anyway, thank you gayish podcast for Following me on pod bean. I really do appreciate that you have 2,630 followers and 85 following next is the 8th person. This is DJ puffy Puffy, what are you puffing on if you have good marijuana, then we need to hook up But anyway DJ puffy the official DJ puffy podcast He has 87 followers and zero following look DJ puffy. There is a song back in my days I remember my brother was going out with this Hispanic girl now Just let you know that I'm not I'm not prejudiced at all because I like me some good Mexican dig Lungs and motherfuckers is uncut if you want cut damn But these wife some of that shit off before you start sticking it in the bitch mouth anyway They we all just grew up around good music and house music was one of them That was the era pretty much we were going to Lincoln high school back on Charles, but on Charles Street, and rye fruit illa motherfucking noise and Anyway, I remember it was a red motherfucking Mixtape that my brother's girlfriend brought over because she wanted to learn some dance steps And I was the bitch that knew the damn dance steps the cabbage patch to wipe, you know all that shit I was that bitch anyway, I was teaching them how to dance and do certain steps and It was a house song that came on and I know that I'm pronouncing this wrong, but the beat I need DJ puffy I need this song Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo that's the beat I Bop be bein a guy bein a guy I get it go donate my stony mass I Be be that guy be that guy I Gary go don't name my stomach my doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo- Gary go donate my stummy my doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo that motherfucking song I have I got I have the song I Found the courtesy of YouTube but it's a different beat. It's not that same beat that was on that mixtape. I Need that do do do do do do do do do do I need that beat I need that beat DJ Y Nito is the DJ that it was his mixtape the DJ Y Nito mixtape back in the this the early 80s it was his mixtape It was a red mixtape that had white words on it DJ Y Nito and Anyway, I need that song. I I be in my car I get it go don't make my stomach my yes anyway 87 followers he has in zero following next is Julie Jensiah's she's our number nine following and Julie Jensiah's Is a angel medium No, no, no, she didn't say a she said the Now those are two different words honey a in the she didn't say I am just a part of The angel mediums. I am the Angel medium y'all see what I'm saying y'all see how that came out differently I'm not a part of that. I am the motherfucking medium bitch with a job talking about so if you are such a medium How is my pod being podcast going to play out in the long run? Well, I have a nice substantial following will I earn income from my podcast How about my other social media platforms, how would they do in the long run? Well, I have a nice substantial following Well, my word get out there even more than what it is matter of fact How many dicks I'm gonna be sucking in the future child so I can get prepared for that It's always good to be prepared for suckers some good dick Look look look look Julie. I miss miss miss Jensiah's I don't mean to go there, but you a medium. You should know all this shit it to begin with Hit me up and let me know bitch your platform gonna blow up child. Yes, it is going to yeah You're gonna be sucking this dick around the dumpster on February the 8th 2025 let me know these things psychic Alright last but not least oh Julie has 2.1 followers and she has one person that is following Don't forget Julie hit me up and let me know these things you you're the medium Have sack is our 10th person that is following the platform and I went on your platform have sack and it looks like you have a lot to share with the world Don't be so I'm not saying you're coy because you have 307 followers, so you're doing something right and you have four following and I need to check out your platform a little more because it looks like you have a lot going on and in a good way that you're sharing and putting out there within the world and Yes, so thank you guys. It is people such as yourself That keep me going in regard to doing this shit that I'm doing in regard to my pot being podcast I really do appreciate you guys. I don't know what else to say aside from I'm Grateful that you guys are following me and and perhaps listening to me. So thank you now before I leave I want to share a story with you guys and This is why you don't cross Scorpios. Let me get a hit of this weed I'm sorry you guys. I need that song DJ puffy find it please and Hit me up some type of way Venom D 878 at you guys hit me up too, and let me know that you are a follower of mine on pot being or you listen to me on pot being and You just are emailing me to say hey, and I will hit you back and say hey and return Anyway, hold on 944 944 you guys Oh Okay now I want y'all to picture yourselves being extremely hungry and Let's say you just left a set a set is ghetto term for a party So let's say you just left a set you don't smoke the whole type of weed probably gonna pop some shrooms Probably done got your ass fucked and your koochie fuck um, you know, you just had a good time now you're hungry you're on your way home and You pull up at Burger King, but you pull up at Burger King would add a two for some reason because you want certain stuff on your burger that at this particular time We weren't offering now. I am about I'm an adolescent. I'm about 16 or 17. I highly doubt if I was 15. I was about 15 or 16 I was working at the Burger King on Charles Street in Rockford, Illinois my then manager her name was Sharon and It was myself Sharon and whoever else was there that night and We were doing what we were what we normally do we shit cook fries make burgers and make shakes and you know all of that shit Anyway, there was a customer that came through the drive-thru. I believe he was melanin and Life-skinned melanin thought he was cute. I think he had a drop top on top of that and this is Rockford. So When you have a drop top drop top meaning the convertible You think that you are the shit if you are wearing a pair of Should you be wearing a pair of motherfucking old school? Nikes or Levi's people in Rockford just think that they are the shit and they did and They aren't doing half of the bullshit that motherfuckers in big cities are doing anyway Hold on you guys my chest I'm scratching my chest Anyway, this motherfucker was in the drive-thru. He ordered what he drove what he ordered, which was a I forgot what it was. I just know that it it entitled meat and cheese and a couple of other things and he wanted grilled onions and he wanted this burger to look as good as he did how about that and We weren't grilling any onions that I think it was I think we were getting ready to close I do believe it was around closing time, but no hell no He wasn't grilling on motherfucking onions and doing all that bullshit anyway, he was getting extra lippy with my manager at that particular time and I think he caught her a couple of names because After she got done dealing with him, which was about at least it was over five minutes that she was in that drive-thru window with this man Pretty much debating not debating, but just going over What we can do and what we can't do type scenario Anyway, I bet you he stayed in that drive-thru for that damn food I bet you that I wonder how his stomach felt after I addressed that damn sandwich Anyway, my manager came over to me in frustration I'm working the grill anybody that worked at Burger King or works at Burger King knows that you have to start to meet on one part of the grill It slowly goes down gets char broiled and all of that shit and then it kind of flips off the end Of the thing and it's supposed to land on the um, it's supposed to land on this on this thing Anyway The meat was slowly coming down getting char broiled I'm speaking with my manager about this asshole I think my manager was in tears because of the names that he called her and I was pissed and at this age I was standing up for you know my adult manager and We were so in conversation with each other that I didn't realize the meat Had fallen off had fallen off of that one part that was supposed to catch it onto the floor and My manager and I I remembered the look. I remember the eye contact. I remember everything Obviously because I'm telling y'all this story, but anyway, I remember how she looked at me and Why is this car? What is y'all doing y'all trying to be nosy? Anyway, I remember how she looked at me and how I looked at her and it was a light bulb moment I Took them tongs that we used for the meat and I picked it up off the floor You want a burger bitch? I'm gonna give you a burger. I Dressed that burger up with that dirty ass motherfucking meat That came off the Burger King floor that had all of the bacteria from my shoes from my manager shoe She it from everybody from the from the day crew cuz hell I highly doubt it They sweat them sweat them floors and kept them clean. I'm like the shot Please this was back in the motherfucking 90 some damn time if I'm not mistaken when this happened then floors was dirty Didn't the motherfucker and I dressed that sandwich up and we served it to that motherfucker here. Here's your meal bitch Enjoy it, you know come for my manager and that type of way and make her feel on, you know No, and I was even though I was being teased tormented bullied and all that type of all of that type of shit I still protected my manager and her feelings at that particular time because she was undeserving What that ass so done to her because you couldn't get no grilled onions or whatever the fuck he wanted on his sandwich You want to disrespect? Bitch, I hope your stomach was disrespected after eating that motherfucking dirty ass sandwich that came I mean that yet I meet anyway, you guys I Did it I finished this episode and I am going to get ready and Go home. I'm gonna make me some but why I'm why I'm talking about people that say finner If I am in a what the fuck is finner? I'm finna go home I am going to go home and make me finner Finner what the fuck? Anyway, I'm going to go home and make myself some breakfast. I have some turkey bacon. I have some eggs. I have Ooh, I do have some poppy seed bread. I also have some Some other Elements but I'm going to make myself French toast French toast sandwiches and go from there. Let that be the reason anyway, you guys I Hope that you all had a good time Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you Appreciate it. I hope you all had a good time with me Yeah, I know I had a good time with you guys too Yes, okay Yeah, like I said, I hope you guys had a good time with me and all of that stuff and I hope that I was able to raise your vibrations So okay, I must do the good job Thank you once again. Thank you guys. It's just so gracious Just some gracious motherfuckers. But anyway I'm about to be out. So you guys have a good one until my next episode you all be good. Stay on that straight and narrow It is almost Over the weekend as only Saturday. I'm I need to go live Maybe I'll work on that for tomorrow and go from there. All right you guys I am Dean denim and this has been another episode of raising vibrations podcast until then Lots of LLS remember that remember what that means you guys and namaste