Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!



Broadcast on:
26 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

thank you thank you so much I am deep in them thank you so much I appreciate it thank you I appreciate your claps and applause anyway I am deep in them and welcome to Raising Vibrations podcast please allow me to raise those vibrations I hope all of my people are staying on the street in narrow in regard to not doing anything to lower and or jeopardize ones vibrations I myself have been a good boy slash girl and I haven't done any methamphetamine since August 25th of 2024 I'm doing quite well for myself in that department and I'm very very grateful some are people of addiction if I can win my battle thus far you guys can too and don't get me wrong I am being tested by the universe and so far I'm passing those tests but I'm being very very how can I sit I'm skating on a really thin line so to speak in regard to these tests I'm gonna tell you how I could have failed today's test had I not left and but it just sat around anyway I figured it out you guys I told y'all I was going to figure it out I'm a motherfucking Scorpio for one I live a life of mystery people think that they know me but you really don't with this particular situation I was going to find out who that motherfucker was and when I mentioned something about them being drug induced I was right I know exactly who that person is I'm not gonna say we slept with each other or anything of that particular nature I don't even think I slept now I just think that we smoked together and we got high together in the parking lot of the laundromat this laundromat is ratchet I'm telling you things go down okay and I wouldn't believe that the owner of the laundromat is high themselves and are possibly seven not that motherfucker why do I continue to go because they treat me well and what they go through and what they do has nothing to do with me and I can't stop going to specific places on the account that search and activity goes on I'm going to be tested everywhere that I go even some of these motherfucking high-class places you know that I attend are probably going to have she did probably have more drugs and shit than what some of these lower-class places that I attend so I'm going to be tested to no matter what it's just a matter how I deal with it and I dealt with it well until the end but instead of me asking who the young man instead of me asking the young man whom I said excuse me to in order to get to the machine that I wanted to utilize who that person was because we remember I told y'all in the prior episode that the person that knew me also knew this person come to find out this young man who I said excuse me to works at the laundromat anyway I'm not gonna tell y'all too much because some of y'all may know what laundromat I'm talking about here in Arizona and um you know I don't want to put their business out there you know like that but I do believe that if I goes on at this laundromat there's been times that I that maybe there's been times when I've gone to this laundromat and seen workers nearly falling over on fucking fentanyl and um I mean just straight not not when they're supposed to be handling machines and shit um and there's been times when I've been high and I smoked on the outside of the laundromat and I wouldn't be surprised if people smoke in the inside of the bathrooms or whatever the case may be or they smoke in the back or do whatever in the back um and uh anyway this person they're melanin and I met them it was one evening when I went to the laundromat to go do laundry that's what the fuck we know therefore and pass and possibly other things anyway I remember what they were wearing I remember all of that and we sparked up a conversation with each other and um I was trying to work them considering I was high they knew that they were being worked um I honestly don't think that it went anywhere in regard to the whole sexual aspect but um we did have a drug-induced session that was platonic um anyway they left the laundromat on uh intimate debate where they were back and forth in the laundromat you know the person that said that they know me and I mean just their behavior the things that they were doing is like they were running drug runs and whatever and when they came back to the laundromat and they started talking to the guy that I said excuse me to to get to the washing machine that I wanted to utilize that person and the person that said they knew me went to the back of the laundromat to stay back there for a little bit and then the person that said they knew me came back out and um they was as if they was watching cover for the dude that I said excuse me to in order to get to the washing machine that I wanted to utilize because that motherfucker was back there in the back for a minute and the phone was ringing the shit and you know they didn't answer it and the phone run again and finally you know somebody answered the motherfucker but anyway when that guy finally came back from the back you know I mean I seen him you know I was not I seen and heard a couple of sniffles and shit like that you know you know whatever the case may be and I was watching them you know because I would want to see their demeanor but um they seem that they held themselves up pretty well so obviously they function quite well under the influence kind of like me in a way when I was when I was under the influence anyway there's a young lady that works at this particular laundromat and I I kind of suspected that they were either on drugs or still are kind of find out they are because the person that said that they knew me I seen them in the laundromat um once again you know um during their moments of going in and out of the laundromat you know doing whatever um anyway they were back in the laundromat and but it wasn't too it wasn't too many people around and I motion excuse me it wasn't too many people around and I motioned them to come over to where I was so I was like see this is where I kind of fucked up that because had I just ignored them and just not even say anything about you know you know we're the method because I already knew my intuition oh I mean my intuition I have I'm a scorpion I have a strong motherfucking intuition it's not going to lie so therefore it was already telling me that you know what time it is so there's no need for you to be asking for no method for any meaning blah blah blah but I said um where's you know the you know where the G at blah blah blah and so they were like oh well hold on real quick then you um you know check and see blah blah blah so that's when they went to go ask the other person that I said excuse me to to get to the washing machine that I wanted to you know use they asked them some questions and so that's what let me know that this person is also in the matrix um so then um do came back over to me and was just like um this one lady that works at the laundromat um basically has a whole ounce of the bullshit you know and we got to met but they had already left I had a conversation with this lady um because I talked to her all the time but this is prior to me knowing that they had a ounce of motherfucking methamphetamine um anyway um was I going to ask for some no I mean but I was testing the waters and this is something that I need I need to stop doing because what did the universe and source don't intercept and they leave me to deal with that situation on my own um I probably would give in because I'm still weak you know I'm only a couple of weeks you know maybe close to a month being sober I've a methamphetamine so I said have a long way to go in order to get this shit out of my system completely but um that person that claimed they knew me told all that woman's business that I had a conversation with and you know usually I have a conversation with when I go to the laundromat and said that yes such and such and such got a whole motherfucking house blah blah blah blah yada yada yada and they were saying something else but I really couldn't hear them because of the washing machines and stuff like that um but anyway long story short um they asked me was I done doing my laundry which I was I was in the process of folding and um getting ready to leave and they were saying something about a ride or I don't know what the fuck they were saying but anyway I got in my car and you know they helped me with my laundry basket and stuff like that you know um and we had a conversation and they were like well hold on real quick let me put something away and I'll be back and I sat in the car and this is when I was addressing my episode to upload for you guys dating um that I had this experience in the laundromat when the first the very first experience that I had with this person when they said that they knew me that's when I did the episode and I went back in checked my clothes and then came back out and I addressed it to upload and anyway I was sitting in the park a lot addressing it for upload and um well I had already uploaded if I'm not mistaken but I wanted to do some additional stuff either way those I was uh getting ready to upload it again and there's another female that works at the laundromat I think they still work there this is the same particular one that I said was nodding off one day when they were supposed to then doing their job but they were so fucked up on that damn fact and all they couldn't do shit uh but anyway that person came to the laundromat and before I knew it I seen the dude that said he knew me and that young lady that was nodding up that day walking from the back area so obviously they came from the back area of the laundromat where you know the boss you know the where the boss comes in and all that so they came from that door set of coming to the customer's door and um you know dude looked my way and kept walking now my thing is you could have came over and said something like you know hey nothing to go to the store with her real quick love love a body back you know just anything just to plain ignore me um because this bitch done came along you know that pissed me off and I remember times when I was in the matrix I would sit and wait and wait and wait on motherfucker's uh for nearly hours you know um to you know for some shit and I'm sitting here thinking like you know my time is of value and to ignore me you know no no one is going to ignore divinum like that any motherfucker more you know what I'm saying so it's just like let me I'll put my shit in reverse and goin about my motherfucking business and then at this particular time I received a beautiful blessing I was checking my youtube videos and maybe that's what I was uploading a youtube video I don't know anyway I was checking my youtube platform and I seen that someone gave me a lovely comment 14 55 is the time of the episodes that um of this recording I just checked this anyway I did a ASMR video eating elotase if you're not familiar with elotase it is the mexican street corn it's so good it's so good it will make you stick a kernel up your mama's ass and then turn around and beat her motherfucking ass because it's that good anyway um sorry mothers uh anyway um sorry you guys I'm swallowing this person left me a comment and I can't think of exactly what they said paraphrasing they said this is really really good I really enjoyed watching this video um um I love the sounds of the you know crunch they love the crunches of the sound of the corn or what y'all know what I'm saying when I chew the corn or whatever they like that sound and they want me to do another video eating corn and I'm down for that as soon as I get my first paycheck to get my food stamps whichever one comes first bitch I will be going to buy some some more corn and I'm going to make this a special ASMR video for that particular person who commented and I also shot them out in a short on youtube and thanked them and told them exactly what I'm going to do once I you know get my first paycheck from work or like I said get my motherfucking stamps you know I mean I'm going to buy a bunch of corn and I'm going to have a nice little corn fest for this particular um person who who just you know make that you made that comment it's people like them just people like you even though none of you motherfuckers never commented on any of my damn episodes y'all keep downloading my shit but y'all don't want to leave no comments just I was about to say something but anyway um there's people like you guys that keep me going I'm not just doing my platforms for the sake of doing my platforms I'm doing these particular platforms because I have been chosen to raise the vibrations of our universe in any particular way possible so I'm using my life to do that I'm putting very sometimes shameful sometimes hurtful sometimes um I'm just putting a lot of information out there you know I mean a lot of things y'all will know about me and a lot of things you won't know about me but um you know I'm just giving I'm just putting a lot of stuff out there for you guys being as open as I possibly can being as transparent as I possibly can letting you guys know that I am one of you one of them things called what is it called a human being is that what it's called um I I'm one of them things to a degree you know I'm my own motherfucking human being how about that um my own special creation um yeah I've got every scene Paris is burning oh my god that is a good documentary I remember when I was growing up back in my days and I don't even think RuPaul was out at this particular time but we were we me and my then best friend and a couple of other gay gays we were trying to figure ourselves out and we didn't have any icons or you know not that we're supposed to look up the icons anyway but um we did we supposed to look up to source um but we didn't have anyone to look up to in regard to being gay and um we didn't have no identity you know we didn't have yeah we just didn't have the identifyers none of that type of shit I mean there was I mean Michael Jackson you know I mean maybe George and Michael you know we had them individuals that had a little makeup on their faces and stuff and you know there was artists that and Kevin Campbell you know and we heard a little faggot ass um there's a lot of you know I mean there's some gay gays you know out there in the music industry and stuff like that but I'm just talking about but I don't even think they was even out during Paris is burning but um because Paris is burning came out in the 80s like that was like New York um underground type oh my god Paris is burning if you I never seen it look at a Paris is burning documentary um there's pepper la beja pepper la beja pepper la beja pepper la beja pepper la beja yes honey I love pepper la beja but what does she say I am the mother I am the fiest's mother of them all and we go to balls and blah blah blah blah blah and then there's this one part where Roy Rogers I never been to Roy Rogers but I guess this is a restaurant in New York somewhere and they sell burgers and shit anyway this queen and her friend must have went to Roy Rogers and had a cheeseburger the queen the way that she said she's on the meat baby I was done all a person has to do is just say something and like my ex friend you know they say gay and I'm just like what is what the fuck is that you know I'm just like do you mean gay but you get a couple of blunts going and a nice drink and you hear this bitch saying gay I mean you would just literally die out laughing I'm just like oh my but anyway this bitch said see they put tea on me and the way that this bitch said me I was through I was done okay I was cooked burnt on the edges nice and and and and and you know juicy in the middle um I was just done I was done I was glazed I was sliced I was done um they put cheese on the meat yeah anyway I just had to you know well I can just go on and on with you guys all night in regard to telling stories and shit like that obviously you guys must enjoy it because I check on my my user retention I think that's what it's called and I've been holding you guys 100% so you guys been listening to me from the beginning oh I will not apologize that is the part of me you know that's the part we belch we belch for a reason you know what I'm saying so just say why apologize for them as you in some type of fancy atmosphere or something like that where you know I mean child I'm at home by my motherfucking self live by myself I do what the fuck I want to do when I want to do it how I want to do it where I want to do it and you know let that be the reason no children I can you know do what the fuck I want to do um and and and and and I do me all right you guys I'm going to end this particular episode but um yeah I figured it out and I was going to and while I continue going to that laundromat I am you know what I'm saying but I'm just not going to allow those tests to get me like it did today I almost passed it if I would have just ignored and just left it alone I would have passed the test because I already knew that I already suspected that the laundromat is ratchet and now that they pretty much told all the information I know for sure that it is ratchet and um that's okay you know I get a lot of entertainment when I go to this laundromat baby so I'm going to continue to go into otherwise but any way you guys I am divanum thank you thank you so much thank you and um I really hate to leave you guys I really do I know I know but I will be back I'll be back trust me all right you guys I'm divanum and once again I'm out [BLANK_AUDIO]