Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!


In a nutshell. I wonder what ever happened to this young lady on this particular night!

Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

In this episode. I spoke about how many blessed days I've had. "AND IT ONLY GETS BETTER!" I also foreshadowed my day in court yesterday regarding my DUI case. "ONE FOOT IN THE DOOR! WHILE THE OTHER FOOT IS CLOSE BEHIND!" Then, I relived a situation that occurred a while ago at a motel. So please, relax, grab a snack or two, and listen. Much love and namaste!
[music] What is going on by people of the planet? I am deep in them and please allow me to raise those vibrations. I pray and hope that all of my people are doing well this evening. And I also pray and hope that all of my people of the planet have stayed on that straight and narrow and did not do anything to go and/or jeopardize one's vibrations. I myself have been a good, good, good boy, and I have not done any methamphetamine since August 24th, 2024. I'm on my way to some form of sobriety, you guys. Alright, let's get into tonight's episode because I have a little bit of time and then it's up to home and preparing for work in the morning. Alright, you guys, as I said, I hope all is well with everyone. I hope that my people have stayed off that bandwagon and did not do anything to lower and/or jeopardize one's vibrations. As I mentioned, I have been a very good boy/GIRL and I have not done any methamphetamine since August 24th of 2018. I am doing well in that category. I have craved methamphetamine a little bit, but aside from that, I haven't had any cravings. I walk past that pipe nearly every day because I have a stash and a particular place and a particular something. And when I open up that closet door, it's right there, and I don't even bother with it. I don't try to get residue from it. I don't try to look at it. I don't anything, you know, I mean, I'll look at what it's stashed in or whatever the case may be. And I'll just keep going about my business. I mean, it just doesn't phase me like that anymore. And the fact that it's not triggering me like it used to, I'm gaining my power back. And I absolutely love it. Satan hates it, but I love it. I'm gaining that power that I lost due to the methamphetamine battle that I was facing, that I since then given up to the spiritual realm to fight on my behalf. And they are kicking ass because I'm kicking ass within this realm. So it's all working out, you guys. It is all working out. And if I can do this, you guys, I'm going to keep on saying it because everyone out there needs some form of encouragement. So if I can do this, so can all of that. Well, not all of my people of addiction, because it's easier said than done for most. But a great majority of you whom are in the fight for your lives, because let's face it, when you have a drug addiction or alcohol addiction, or a really serious addiction that could be detrimental to one's life and/or health. I mean, it is your life that you're pretty much fighting for. So come on, people. I'm doing this. I'm doing it. Even if I relapse, I'm still going to continue to do it. So come on. We can make this happen, you guys. Now, have you guys ever had some of those days where, and I'm not going to turn this into a dish commercial, but have you ever had a day where everything just seems to fall in place for you? You're in alignment with the universe. You're in alignment with your own spirit and you're in alignment with your own self. And people, places and things are chasing you a particular way, and it's not bad at all. I've been feeling that for the past couple of days now. The day before yesterday, I had a very interesting day, and it was a very interesting day in a good way. Yesterday, I had a blessed day, even at court. And today, I'm having an even blessed day, and tomorrow is going to be a blessed day. And the day, you know, it's just, it's going to continue to happen this way. You guys, it's a domino effect. I can feel it. Yesterday in court, now, remember, I told you I was pulled over January 18th of this year for a DUI, driving under the influence of methamphetamine. And I was pulled over, arrested and all of that good shit. But anyway, I went to court about that yesterday and had been going to court. And the judge was in good spirits. There was someone ahead of me that, how can I say it, had their case heard before mine. And I guess they did everything that the judge asked of them because the judge was very pleased with them and was reading up everything that they had accomplished. And I was even pleased with them. I'm just like, damn, you know. And before you knew it, the judge was like, you know, pretty much you're free to go. You did everything that the court's asked. I'm very pleased with you. I couldn't ask for anything more. You know, they just got high praise. And I wanted that high praise. And I received that high praise. Excuse me. I received that high praise from the judge. The only thing is that last class, and that's this traffic survival class. People in Arizona know exactly what I'm talking about, whom have, you know, pretty much gotten their own DUIs either in the past or current. You, Arizona, don't play the game when you come, when it comes down to DUIs, trust me. You don't want to drink. You don't want to, you don't even want to drink apple juice behind a motherfucking wheel in driving Arizona. Okay. Because it is that serious around this motherfucker. They will pull you over and it will be the end of everything. And you will have to go through a lot and pay a lot. Fine, start at 1600 and some damn dollars. You know, yes, yes, they don't play the game. Anyway, the judge called me up and, you know, spoke about my case and everything. And I know that they were reaching out to me via the phone and letters prior to this court date. I guess to let me know that they have the traffic survival class online for free. I did not know this, the last time that I checked into it, which really turned me off, the course was $130 if you paid with your debit card over the phone. Or it was $160 at the door. And I'm just like, you know, right there just turned me the fuck off. So when I found out that you can do the courses online for free, I was a little flabbergasted. And I'm just like, you know, well, you know, how, how, how can I do this? So come to find out you have to have a link sent to you specifically from the court. And that will get you this traffic survival school or whatever the case may be. And I feel a little dumbfounded because had I read my mail, I probably would have known this information because I've received several letters from ADOT, which is the part of the motor vehicle division out here stating a lot of information in regard to this traffic survival course. And they probably stated the fact that, let me rephrase, they probably stated in the letter the fact that there's another option to get this done. And that's the online option, but I just never, I didn't read the letter. I shredded them all up. So unfortunately, unfortunately, that's my bad. But I called the course today because I didn't get no link. And I do know that the young lady was stating, well, the young lady who is, look, this is a long story. My district attorney, district attorney, I don't know what happened to them. They fell off for some reason. Either they got fired or either they quit themselves, but they weren't nowhere to represent nobody. But there was another district attorney who was a female or who is a female that was handling a lot of different cases in there. So the judge acts that district attorney might be have. Would they please give me the link to that traffic survival school so that I can get this shit done? And they were nice enough to pretty much do this for the judge. So I should have this link come sometime tomorrow, the following day. I just hope that I get it, but I did hear that district attorney say they were reaching out to the traffic survival school for the past four days and they haven't heard back from them. And I, my heart just melted because I'm just like, damn, I hope they return this woman's phone call to let me know that they're still active and they're still doing this. So come to find out when I called the district, know when I called the bailup today. That's what I called, I called the bailup. He was telling me that basically that person got in contact with the survival school and they will give me a special link in order to complete that course. So I should get this link. I'm hoping soon so that I can go ahead and get this class done and get whatever certificate that I need and go about my motherfucking business. Oh, I've been fighting this for a while now and it's a little tiring, you know, to have to go back and forth downtown and be reminded of what I done, you know, back in January. I don't want to be reminded of that shit, but, you know, unfortunately, this is a damn good way of being reminded of it by going back and forth to court and getting all the shit in the mail and, you know, whatever else. But, you know, all in all, it's coming to an end. And once I complete what I need to complete, I will be done. I'm not completely done because I still have fines to pay, but I will be done with that course, but with that course. And with this shit in general, oh boy. So please, my people that have DUIs in Arizona, it is not the end of the world. I know self-surrendering and all of that shit is something that you may not want to do, but go ahead and just get it over and done with quite funny self-surrendering. It's a trip to see motherfuckers taking buns that are used for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and using them for pillows. That shit tripped me out. That was funny. That was real funny when I seen people just gathering up motherfucking buns to make damn pillows. Baby, how do you survive in jail? How do you survive in jail? But, anyway, just get it over and done with you guys. And call it, want to get on with your lives. Or lives. Now, I want to share a story with you guys real quick before I leave. And this is when I was caught up in the matrix and I was at a hotel and I was partying with someone, but they ended up leaving the hotel and I kept the room. Anyway, did I purchase the room? I may have purchased the room. I'm not quite sure. But anyway, I'm high as hell and I'm hearing this noise and I'm hearing this female gruntin' and moaning and whatever else. Now, y'all know me when I'm under the influence like that. I am usually sexual and everything else. So, I'm thinking that somebody was fucking and it kept getting louder and the hits and whatever else was going on kept getting a little bit more forceful and yeah. Anyway, I've seen other people walking past this person's door and trying to get a closer listen because I guess everybody that walked past that heard these individuals in the room probably thought they was in there, you know, doing it like I thought. But long story short, come to find out the person was in the room getting beat. I was a dude beating a woman and it went on for so long to the point because I was in and out the room listening to this shit. So, I got tired of it and because something just didn't seem right and I called front desk and told them that something is going on in this room, you know, because I heard the woman crying and I heard them. How can I say it? I heard them trying to speak but I didn't know. Long story short, I didn't know the woman was death. Anyway, security, not security, but front desk comes up to the room, acts if everything is okay and the woman comes out. The dude was basically threatening her telling her that, you know, you better not get us kicked out. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And, you know, she's crying and stuff and they're asking her like, are you okay? And she couldn't say anything, you know, because she was deaf and, you know, it was just a fucked up. How are you going to take, how are you going to beat on a deaf, more or less a woman, but anybody, I mean, this person can't speak, more or less probably defend themselves and it was just a fucked up situation. And I just felt really, really bad for that woman. And I hope that because they had to leave, you know, front desk told them that they had to leave. So, holfully, that young, I mean, I don't know why I'm telling God this, but I just thought about it earlier. And I just wanted to know, like, damn, that this young woman continued to get beat. Was she a part of sex trafficking? What went on with that situation? Because they had to leave the hotel. And I'm pretty sure she, I'm pretty sure she got beat because he threatened and told her, you better not get us kicked out. And that's exactly what happened. They got kicked out. But she didn't get you all kicked out. You got your own motherfucker still kicked out for sitting there, beating on this deaf woman like that. And she was screaming, but who knows what she was trying to get out of her mouth because she's deaf. But it was just, I felt so bad. And the thing that I was proud about, even through all of the hardcore partying that I did that night, I still took the initiative and picked up that damn phone, caught front desk, and told them somebody is being hurt or whatever I said at that particular time, which made front desk come up to that particular room to see what the fuck was going on. And I'm pretty sure other people may have chimed in and called, you know, shortly thereafter, after they figured out, wasn't nobody in that room fucking, it was somebody in that room actually getting beat up. You know, they probably got a couple of phone calls in regards to that, which made them chime in even more to see what was going on. But yeah, they had to leave the room and hopefully that young woman is still alive. I don't know what made me think of her, but I don't know. I don't know why I'm thinking about that young lady. But if y'all could have just seen her in tears and trying to speak to front desk and I'm pretty sure she was lying, telling them that she was okay and everything, which she knows she wasn't. But I guess just be vigilant, you guys, because you never know who is being caught in sex trafficking and who's getting beat next door to you. And you just never know. And with that situation, you know, I didn't know until I heard, heard otherwise and that let me know right there that, you know, this isn't a lovey-dovey situation. Anyway, you guys, I'm going to end this content. I just wanted y'all to know how blessed of a few, oh my god, I can't even get my words all right, because I'm just so happy, tired, hungry, some of everything right now. But I just wanted y'all to know that I've been having some very blessed days these past couple of days. And a lot of it has to do with you guys as well, you know, downloading my episodes and having my back and being there for me when I'm having cravings or, you know, when I relapse and all of that type of stuff. So thank you guys as well for, you know, having a bitch back and being there for me. Thank you. My, my stingers. I got to, I had to figure out a nickname for you guys. I say my stingers because I'm a Scorpio and speaking of, speaking of Scorpios. The birthday is coming up, you guys, we got to figure it out. We got to figure out something to do. The birthday is coming up. And if I'm not mistaken, it is on a Thursday, which means we have the whole weekend to get it in. Yes. All right, you guys, let me end this episode and get ready to go home. But with that being said, you guys have a good one. Rest well, eat well, you all that. And until my next episode, namaste, you guys. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.